Morning Tribune, 15 June 1940

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Morning Tribune
  • 10 1 The Morning Tribune 5_ x 115. Sat. June 15, 1940.
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  • 550 1 SIMULTANEOUSLY with the fall of Paris, German advances are reported on other parts of the front, and it is also claimed by the Germans themselves that they have opened a frontal attack on the MaginotLine. British reinforcements continue to arrive in
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  • 195 1 SADDEST DAY OF PARIS Paris, June 14. »i> the oddest day in the laster* of Paris. rer her undefended streets boulevards German troops ched this morning. Tliey had ;ht their way to the oatIs but for the last few miles t been unopposed, because Freiuh Government and the i Command
    Reuter  -  195 words
  • 33 1 Cairo. June 14. Fund for British war El 0.000, to the Air J thi construction of a n air- >. u known as "'East India hind for contributions 000 Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 132 1 ITALIAN CONSULATE IN NEW YORK INDICTED New York, June 14. A MEMORANDUM accusing the Italian Consulate General of engaging in propaganda activities has been distributed to the New York Police with instructions to make arrests whenever necessary. The memorandum says: "A survey demonstrates that officials of the Italian Consulate General,
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  • 155 1 German Battleship Bombed London, June 14. JT is announced that the German battleship Scharnhorst was hit by aircraft of the Fleet Air Arm during an attack on Trondheim Fiord yesterday. It is possible that a second hit was scored on the battleship. "According to news received (states the Admiralty) one
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  • 112 1 New York, June 14. DKISinKM ROOSEVELT, at a press cunfer<*nce, repeated that ail possible help was being given to ihe Allies. Mr. Roosevelt said he had not yet received If. Reynaud's second appeal. He announced the formation of a Rational Defence Committee and the
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  • 478 2 S.A. SIRCRAFT RAID ITALIAN SOMALILAND THE communique states that -yesterday our au-craft contorted bom T bing operations in Kismayo area, and scored direct Mta on nuU tarv camps Anti-aircraft opposition was encountered. AH oui air tip of Itaiian Soma.iiand and across the r^uthMrSrmobUe field force is serving with the British
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  • 98 2 Cairo, June 14. Details released to-day show that the first action on the Egyptian-Libyan border was carried out by a reconnaissance partv of British light tanks The tanks charged the kalian wire wall marking the frontier, and took the surprised Italian outpost Apart from the
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  • 62 2 Simla. June 14. A communique gives details of the scheme to expand the Indian Air Forctv It says that training, both flying and technical, will be given in various schools being formed in India. Civilian flying clubs will also be utilised to give preliminary training. The
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 213 2 MORE DUNKIRK HONOURS London jmu •the KING io-daj orstall I heroes cl the Dui •rk 3 iuring a 60-milrs I g3 troops in the Southern C rnnaal Three officers received the DSOi ly Lieut. Colonel Desm rid ft (Royal Engineei 1 1 Lu u1 Cokss] (East Yorks> and Lieut cn'onei
    B.O.W.  -  213 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 56 2 Wm 'sal sssj ah l ■HIRIIA I ■■lIM si FORtOmFOBT6SfIriTV THE result of Intensive research into modern road conditions, the new India Signal Tyre embodies every known feature to give greater performance. Fit a set of India Heavy Du'.y Tyres to your car and enjoy a new standard of safety
      56 words
    • 64 2 RESTORES HAIR When your hair begins to fall —or thin out at the temples you need SILVIKRIN, for it restores the hair forming tissues to their normal function. A famous scientist wrote "SUvikrin does grow hair/' SUvikrin MADE IN ENGLAND 3e*cid for a copy of "Your Hair" to the Agents
      64 words
    • 34 2 Special i/«'i A Ocular Muscle At*m» ,lfS 1 Crossed Eye* 5 1 Intricate Visual L problems rI C THOMPSON Oil Qualified tol T Boi 4, ARCADE BL R. A. Thompson, P' 15 years' European
      34 words

  • 283 3 Paris, June 14. j.; French High Command does not intend to allow fighting in Paris, said a Freneh War Office spokesman to-day. If ed to retire further, the French will fight up to the outskirts e capital in the north and subsequently re-form a continuous immediately
    Reuter  -  283 words
  • 148 3 London, June 14. SMALL inofficial committee, ormed b\ Major Brathuaitc H'euaeuood. and Mr. J. R. Robin. ill M.Pv. is considering a scheme he removal of a hundred thoufhiidron from Britain to the ed States for the duration of ay, W Wui "St the
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  • 40 3 Belgrade, June 14. r a uniforms, like those of Pollc i, together with a <: utiona were discovered De tne Belgrade suburb of V -mber of the German '^s been arrested. nave banned the sysin Yugoslavia Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 210 3 MUSSOLINI COPYING HITLER London, June 14. liV an editoi|al article on Mussoiinis 1 plans, the Times says:— "Mussolini has seen how brilliantly successful has •been Hitler's technique of attacking his enemies one by one. for which purpose professions of friendship, personal assurances and signature of peace treaties have been prostituded
    B.O.W.  -  210 words
  • 51 3 Malta, June 14. POUR Italian ships which had been intercepted by the contraband control prior to the declaration of war have been seized. One ship is being released to take Italian nationals to Italy as the Government do not wish to keep any Italians m Malta.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 49 3 Tokyo, June 14. THE Japanese Foreign Ofnce spokes--1 man says that Japan will protest to the Netherlands Government over the incident in which a Dutch plane is alleged to have fired on a Japanese fishing oo»t off the Netherlands J&ast indies recently. Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 141 3 y trmt^ fMi Many and many a mother in the tropics looks back with thankfulness to the day wben s o m «one «aid. "Have you tried giving LfcfeUll him Lactogen Bab took »t and liked it S^J s^l ond thinas began to come right. The weigh--7^f^Xo^ ing machine to^
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  • 1140 5 If you have a problem, send it to Helen, our home expert, who answers readers' queries on this page every Saturday. Address your letter to her, c o Morning Tribune, Anson Koad, Singapore, enclosing correspondence coupon. M Post Free Facilities* j IX order to facilitate the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 16 5 *ith a e;i« COUpo 1 mn9t enclosed gy cry ssaaaa^Basaaai coupon. Tribune; Saturday, June 15, 1940
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    • 59 5 a ll II party mm can't make \^"V s^~~~^^ j up my tf~ /I order v^ **^^^m* s^ bW^Ssv M Our European Assistants are always at your service. Call upon them for advice on any question dealing with tablefare. We solve your catering problems. mm mm&m PHONE 5376 FIVE LINES
      59 words

  • 500 6 I T-COM B. M. DOUGLAS. R.N.. broaacasung pro L radio station last night, explained the naval situation in the Mediterranean now that Italy has entered the war. The talk was an interesting attempt to give an idea of the disposi tion of Italian
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  • 70 6 PROCESSIONS ASSEMBLIES PROHIBITED JUL largely to the increasing activities of members and leaders of unlawful societies— who during past months have been responsible in the agitation of trcuble among workers a Governj ment (iazette notification of yesi terdav announces the prohibition of any assembly or procession in I any public
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  • 119 6 ALTHOUGH he had formerly been ri emploved bv a Chinese named Wong Pent* Yoni\ Fong Kai, 36 decided to steal articles from Wong'J house. Op June 13, at 11.45 p.m., he made his way into Wong's house, got into a large and empty packing case and waited
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  • 76 6 M VIEW of the urauty of the situation I and in accordance with the wishes! of the Archbishop ol Canterbury, special, prayers are a^ked on behalf of the Prertch nation in church :s on Sunday, June ltf. In addition a special naif-hour mterce sion will
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  • 136 6 4 CONSTABLES NEEDED TO CARRY HIM INTO COURT CHOITING, struggling, kuk.n? •f and crying, a priesth-iookint Arab had to be literally carried up the stairs into the Police Court yesterday to be charged with di&orderly conduit. 3d-year-old Mohd. Abdul Kah. man started his protests the moment he arrived outside the
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  • 124 6 A CROWN application for a >um of $1,039.23, found in the possession of a prisoner who is now serving a sentence, to be delivered to the Police was granted by Mr. Justice Manning in the High Court vesterday. The prisoner is Loo Hoe Che:/: WM Is at
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  • 43 6 •Civilians and soldiers should betaj themselves in public.- remarked m fifth magistrate. Mr. L C he cautioned and dischat- berts of the Royal Army Servici "»g and Robert Tan. who srere ch disorderly conduct by fighting in m lie.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • Article, Illustration
    1004 7  -  H. L. HOPKIN Supply Minister Coins A New Slogan-"Co To It" -Symbolical Of The Spirit Of The Nation: Flanders Men Cheer The R.A.F.Letters That Are Spoken With Reverence: The Organisation Of .Industry-Investigation Into New Design For Tanks: Sultan 01. Johore In Better Health. London, May 31. ep TO
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  • Morning Tribune
    • 286 7 America Can Save Democracy \yHILE we welcome the fact that the situation in South Asia is stabilised by the non-aggression pacts which Thailand has signed with Britain, France and Japan, our hearts are too full of anxiety for France, in her mortal struggle against the invading hordes of men and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • 96 8 -f(]T is recorded that Drake re- fused to let the proximity of i 1 the Spanish Armada interrupt i t his game of bowls. When Henry Cotton was J I playing a challenge match for S J the Red Cross on a golf course j near Edinburgh,
    96 words
  • 203 8 CEARCH is being made I* 0 young Army |unn«, *g about 25, who gave a party at a famous West E no hotel and then vanishcd-an the bill had not been paid When the young soldier len hotel he gave the name ol station. Inquiry
    203 words

  • 73 9 California Here I Come.... f^SD who wouldn't come with me with attractions about like this on the right. The two girls are Virginia Engels and Connie O'Connor. Yes, "Engels" not "Angels." America is the land of beauty contests and none of them can be said to be failures for want
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  • 147 9 New York. BEAUTIFUL eighteen-year-old Detroit socialite has died mysteriously aboard the United States naval training ship Dubuque, where she had gone for a wild party after deciding that a fashionable military ball ashore was too dull. The girl, Charlotte Mary Cranson, who had an address
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  • 320 9 PRMANS CAPTURE CHURCHILL'S NEPHEW THE brothers Giles and Esmond Romilly have many things in common. They are both small and brilliant leftists, capable of getting into trouble. Furthermore, they are the nephews of Britain's Prime Minister, Winston Churchill. Trouble started for them when they went to public school at Wellington.
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  • 166 10 Syed Ali b S Hassan rk. School, Taiplng Krc H JSSTvS?*" b Ah^- Anton b. Jenain. Kin» r« School. Seremban e Geor FEDERAL (OTHER K\( F S> d an J**- CTlg Methodist,. School Kuala Lumpur sohSi. gSSS.. 0 «"-<< tion! I^oh Men n St H Hew Kiang
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  • 27 10 Mr. Yu-Huan Tain, barrister.*! wan admitted to practice in the S Bar as an advocate and solicitor bt] Justice Manning in the High C teida.,.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 442 10 TOADE BARGAINS mmmmum i OPTICAL WlMtfVtr oP tical requirements NAN-SIN has exactly what you want n'us efflciencv and economy. Ring up JS63 for a convenient appointment complete satisfaction guaranteed or vour money back with a smile. See us before you go to elsewhere for Your Glasses. NAN SIN OPTICAL HOIJSE
      442 words
    • 250 10 I■ 1 i I -iJrit i| 1 fj ''Bl ~-=Jt^^BBBHBKrS^^BBaBB^BBBaI 1 j(rj -^T^ri-H ifiS^a^^ IT m mmmLlll'' Sslm sSf*6 BBBB^fc^ W!^ i BYfcOwdMITISHINDIA.UNE! (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND). The best possible services are being maintained by the P. 0. S. Coy. from the Straits to their usual ports of call in China.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 385 11 dfgdsg 1 or Assured Hesults Send your small Advert to the TliimXE j O Insertions for J \L the P»<* <* ituation Vacant Lady Clerk previous expeiienoe J Lnnlv 742. North Br.dge Road. (No. 7»1D) aghout Malaya for Cocoa < t,2. lisiaya IVWsvJg; rv Hresser for Rubber Estate bv Hang.
      385 words
    • 603 11 I To Let TO RENT °r exchange— Apply 27. Capitol Building. No. 798D) !NGALOW 23. Parkstone. Katong. Two bed»ms. bathrooms attached garage. Entry first guat. $45.-, apply 28. opposite. (No. 813D) OM TO LET. furnished or unfur. Newton itrict. Apply Box 74. Malaya Tribune. Singa- (No. 8012DJ TO LET from
      603 words
    • 547 11 Property For Sale FOR SALg. Well paying Concern. Cafe-Restaur-ant, situated in central locality. Apply 228, Tan Jong Pagar Road. Singapore. (No. 775D) FOR SALE. Brick Bungalow, 3 Bedrooms over 10 000 sq. ft Freehold Land. Rural Board off 5' 2 m.s. Changi Road. $6,ooo— Principals only need apply Box 78,
      547 words
    • 445 11 Personal SENSATIONAL DISCOVERY. Never known Y> disappoint or fall. Do you want to earn more? Are you disappointed in love, financial or domsstic affairs? Write fully. DIRECTOR. PSYCHOLOGICAL BUREAU. 79. Bukit Ttmah Road. Singapore. Appointments Dial 2144. I No. 771D» Ma trimonial SOUTH INDIAN DOCTOR— 2B— wishes to meet girl
      445 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 239 12 SPECIAL MORNING SHOW: TO-DAY at n. And TO-MORROW (Sunday) I For the convenience of ptU*W desiring to have a light Tiffin, a 30 MINUTES Interval will he given from 1-1.30 3rd <..«;■< Week! Mi^fMtSffm 19th DAY Unprecedented 1 CAPITOLJ to d^y m^3T» 11 ,a m Mm Sensational Record Success -4.OXE
      239 words
    • 230 12 Ihe ureawNi .iu-«nui* ~~-,r „w», Ule Screen i r^tK^r- ALIIAMBIU I M^mf*" *^*m\ At No* s fl m jmjk *9* V d«n§cr fl fly icrccn fl "€J^" before your fl flT^^ M %urt\td Am m\*l m A^mm\\Wlirl 1 IJHBf^ *^s v Bfe^L j eUj JF v^j^**L 'A 'THF FIAY S
      230 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 326 13 FREE ADMISSION I GUNNER ON CHARCE IO cabaret- I OF CHEATING ITKICTLY PATRONS ONLY I Q E SCOTT, 40-year-old New Zea- -^^i-ii»l lander, who was described as a 0m v- *~~TLSnf. fihk A vC^HBj j b° m bardier attached to the Royal flf\ r f fr lLw wm ,*.ln Arti
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    • 250 13 SUDANESE LOYAL TO ALLIED CAUSE Khartoum. June 14 Rahman, to-night. JHE loyalty of the Anslo-Egypti;**' Khartoum and Omdurman are nov Sudan -se to the British r-ause \*a> blacked out after sundown. A roux*.d expressed by the Mahdi. Sir Abd.el up of Italians is proceeding.— Rer.ter. NEXTCHANGE ALHVMBK A Full English
      250 words

  • 320 14 AIRMEN LOSE AFTER TAKING EARLY LEAD CAST and interesting play was seen at Farrer Park yesterday, wnen the RA F (Headquarters) met the Royal Navy Wireless Telegraphists in a Div. 28. match. The Airmen lost by the odd goal in five. Tlie game
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  • 35 14 Tuesday. Wee Eng Lock meets SA Da wood in the other semi-final. To-day's tie in the Y.M.C.A. tennis tournament is between I. A. AlsagofT and A. I. Periera in "A" class singles semi-final.
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  • 21 14 Rome. June 14. DIPLOMATIC and consular representatives of Poland. Holland and Norway left Rome on Thursday night jy special trains. Reuter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 104 14 "ARAB -MUSLIM ARMY WILL FIGHT ITALIANS" THE Syrian Press is tatnsordinarlli unanimous in condemning treachery and cowardice in joinir. i what Li, described as "Hitlerian barbarism an in stabbing her neighbour and h tor in the back. The Muslim newspapers are most violent in their condemnation newspaper Al-Asharq says that
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  • 557 14 Singapore, Friday. JOHNSTONE HOUSE swept the board to annex the "Framroz Inter-House Challenge Shield" for 1939, at the 16th annual athletic sports of Rangoon Road school, on Mie school ground, to-day. Atan won the "A" Division championship; and Satindar Singh won the "B" Division championship.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 59 14 4> m^^mw^^A^* P^ I A 3^%* mWmi S<*^| jjj Awtmmm\ I mmr^mT\ _l^bj^\ Atnox WORRIES AND NERVES VANISH WITH THIS FAMOUS TONIC WINE After your very first sip of this famous tonic wine, you feel the strength flowing into you; then comes the stamina-building lasting benefit of the fine wines
      59 words
    • 31 14 W. A. Oldfield h Crown Cricket Balls $2.00 There is no shortage, and if your dealer cannot supply, please apply direct to: A. C. GROWDER MASTERS LTD. 19.a. Cecil Street, Singapore.
      31 words
    • 223 14 Public Notice GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION Tenders will be received at the I cf the Settlement Engineer. Sin:^P°-* up to noon of the 17th June. 1940 the following work:— Constmction of concrete road> ana back lanes at Subordinate Quarur Haig Road. Singapore. Every person applying for a »°f m Tender will be
      223 words

    • 22 15 London, Friday. m k u u Price* £29u> 4 Buyers £290 2 Sellers Official Price) £291 V 2 Buyers £292 Sellers
      22 words
    • 30 15 London. Friday. M^" T U0 13 13 F 16 m HX ,2nd forward) Aug. 13 J 4 13 7 8 g^ST 12 7.6 12 916 X Subject to confirmation
      30 words
    • 84 15 London. Friday. 97 7: Rubber 2< 7 2 G Electric 6 3 ■hemical Industries 25 9 87 6 tch 18 Pacific i> pi In Trust 23 6 1 3 mS ?n ft Kintai J 11 3 Asiatic* 2 "V2 au rsrand Areai 41 3 ft Tt
      84 words
    • 37 15 London, Friday n Paris 176.50 I m i n Batatfa 7.58* shanghai 4' 8 »n Hongkong is. 3d. n Japan is. 5 3 I6d. on w v York 4 02'2 to 4 93'* X Nominal
      37 words
    • 18 15 London. Friday. Silver Spot 23 7 16 ard 21 13 16 OLD, Fine per oz. £8.8.0
      18 words
    • 53 15 London. Friday. Malay) in nt Unquoted aits FMS) r s'ment vJnquo'ed Flour (Sarawak' S'ment. 17 5 Nominal Seed Pearl, •i> i Singapore) JuneJulv S'ment 27 6 fxominal FAQ i White Muntok S'ment 4' 4 Sellers IPP FAQ' Black Lampong ilj S'ment. 2? 8 Sellers Good Mark) Block June July
      53 words
    • 30 15 New Yo*k. June 13. M BBER M Buyers Sellers Market Tone Quiet 21's 22» a rd, Oct. Dec 19 4 19*2 JUrki I Tone Very Firm s 58
      30 words
  • 566 15 Paris, June 14. BROADCASTING last night M. Paul Re>naud said: *in the misfortune which has befrtllen the country it is necessary lo say one thing. At a time when f;»te is crushing us I want to tell the world about the heroism of
    Reuter  -  566 words
  • 286 15 SPANISH TROOPS OCCUPY TANGIERS langiers, June n. TANGIERS was occupied at 8 a.m. to-day by 1.200 Spanish Moroccan troops by agreement with France. It was also announced in Madrid that Spain has sent troops to occupy Tangiers in order to guarantee the neutrality cf Tangier international zone. It was stated
    B.O.W.  -  286 words
  • 123 15 Washington, June 14. THE present legislation is definitely obstructing Americans who are anxiously seeking to assist Britain. Applications are being received daily by the British authorities in the United States. They include doctors, nurse:;, reserve officers and men who wish to fight, o: wish to work
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 52 15 Italian Envoy And Staff Leave Egypt Cairo, June 14. Count Mazzolini. the Italian Minister lv Egypt, and hjs staff are leaving immediately for Italy, travelling via Palestine. Syria and Rumania. Falian Interests In Egypt have been enirusten to the Swiss Legation, and Egyptian int* rests in Itaiy to the American
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 15 15 BRANCHES AGENCIES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD South British Insurance Co., Ltd. Tsl SMG 2. Finlayson tlreeti.
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    • 92 15 NEDERLANDSCHE HANDELMAATSCHAPPIJ, N. V Established by Royal Charter A.fc. 1834 Incorporated in the Netherlands East Indies. (Netherlands Trading Society) BANKERS Paid Up Capital f .40.030,000,Reserve Fund 10.500,000.London Correspondents NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK LIMITED Head Office: BATAVIA. Branches Netherlands East Indies:— Sourabaj* Samarang, Medan, Weltevred** Bandoeng, Cheribon, Tegal, Pec* longan, Djokjakarta, Solo,
      92 words
    • 50 15 Tffl VjinhMsS TVv Jm\\\\ Tn mWI »vl^ Advances against goods and produce at low rates of interest may be arranged with us. We also offer Godown spaces to let at lowrentals. mJI t\mi a h FiE »i in h Iffif r ft v i irL.3JLV£_j_i. Further particulars will be Masters.
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  • 116 16 BRITISH CRUISER GOES DOWN FIGHTING Loudon. June 14. AN ADMIRALTY communique an——CM that the armed merchant cruder 11 M S Scotstoun was sunk jrcftetiay bj a r-boat. The Scotstoun v. as on patrol fhn .truck, and went down with her guns alazing to the la* and her gunners up to
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  • 94 16 London. June 14 VARIOUS German and Italian news .services make the preposterous assertion that the British and the French Governments are offering Aleppo and Iraq to Turkey as the price of Turkish participation in the war. There is not a vestige of truth in this story Everyone outside
    B.O.W.  -  94 words
  • 96 16 Roosevelt Politician Or Humanitarian? Ottawa, June 14 MUeynaud's announcement that he WM makinfl a final appeal to President Roosevelt has been received here with araye i**is<*ivmp,s. but at the same time r t is felt In all quarters that the United States will not abandon the democracies. I- is stated
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  • 211 16 New York. Juno H GENEROUS publicity has b, en given to M. Raynaud's appeal both in the American Press and the radio. Radio commentators have devoted a considerable time to repetition of the French Premier's appeal, which must by now be generally Known throughout America. The
    Reuter  -  211 words
  • 64 16 ITALY LOSES 80,000 TONS OF SHIPPING London. June 14. IT IS learned In London to-day that ove: 210 000 tons of Italian shipping have been so far captured by the Allies oi scuttled bv the Italian crews. Some 80.000 tons of this shipping are Ip home waters. Durum the time
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  • 52 16 Madrid. June 11. i JUGOSLAV steamer has arrived at A Vigo with 11 survivors of the Greek I steamer Mount Hymettua which was I torpedoed bv a submarine 200 miles north-west of Oporto on June 11. The captain and other survivors are already reported to have reached
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • The Morning Tribune
    • 76 16 STRICTER CONTROL OF EXPORTS TO MEDITERRANEAN London, June 14. rt Board of Trade has made an order controlling: exports to the Mediterranean In future. Board of Trade licences must be obtained for any export Bulgaria. Greece. Hungary. Rv.. Switzerland. Yugoslavia, and the Black Sea port.' of Russia. ThL means stricter
      Reuter  -  76 words
  • 36 16 London. June 14. The War Office casualty list states that 18 officers and 29 men previously reported missing are known to nave been traced and to be alive The list contains 258 names Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 32 16 London. June 14. The Stock Exchange drifted lower owing to lack of support though no .selling pressure was noted on any group. 'Declines were mostly small. Wall Street was barely steady. Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 186 16 London. June l* THE Air Ministry announces that throughout yesterday, I*** 1 tions of medium bombers ol the Royal Air Force continued operations in support of Allied troops, by attacking bridgeneac on the Seine. Troop concentrations and columns 01 snemy armoured fighting vehicles in
    Reuter  -  186 words
  • 116 16 ITALIAN ENVOY LEAVES BRITAIN London Jui IHE Italian Ambassador Bignor H. ninl and his family were an 700 Italians who embarked on a Bri liner at Glasgow en route to Ital En route to Lisbon, the vessel wil lit to inform the enemy of h I I Om aged official,
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 56 16 RHODESIA MOBILISES WOMAN-POWER London. JsUie I*. DEtTER learns that the for.™ K tf regiments for native »*W for sepfhe in Africa is number of new measures *««™J er J the Government of Rhodesia. »«*rii>tion<l Another measure is the conscril all male Europeans between the a. 18 and 55. Other measures
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 39 16 London. June At Sundridfle Park. Richard 1 (open chaonpion) von the vuui Red Cross golf tournament fflMcn ally replaces the open champ Burton a\KSZ Henry Cotton I second) E. E Whitcombe (third) "71 79 Reuter
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 93 16 /T^ITUAU b TO-DAY I ILU U H Y ivervb dy \|SHL NfMtOiIUXI GoeS 11 a.m.. i.15, 6.15. 9.15 BOX OFFICE PHONE 3400. MORNING SHOW TO MORROW 11 a. m. 6JP9 i Wjl F] EDWARD SMALL" IT presents f hltoitd UNITED ARTISTS II U J I A Great NOVEL That THRILLED
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