Morning Tribune, 20 April 1940

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Morning Tribune
  • 4 1 The Morning Tribune r
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  • 48 1 Paris, Apr D| ss lommentators TXZ possibility of I war an tlu fl* War Ma li3 u has been nuion f ai Italian Be* cm i the Mediteruune tow m i nan B. I tato opportunit) has P** al this maj of amr-
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  • 312 1 DUTCH PREMIER BROADCASTS TO D. E. I. tgue, Apr. I^. i spi El i» _5 thi I' Minister, addressed to listeuers rlolland and Dutch territooverseas exhorts the people 1 ilin nrnf _H anvietv lest already seen how the exaggerated anx.ety k Id be violated has inspired a tendency to abandon
    Reuter  -  312 words
    Reuter  -  770 words
  • 89 1 I London, Apr J*j THE Home Secretary. Si r J«> hn t i Anderson, to Reuters I lobby correspondent of the econo- 1 mies he Ls effecting m the cost ol J \.R.P. services, said the reorgani- sation would reduce the paid nuc- S leus and appealed
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 51 1 London, Apr. 19. It li revealed that the Polish submarine Orzel, which has been operating with the Brit..-.i Navy since she escaped from the Baltic after the invasion of Poland, sank the German .ship Rio d^Gernnn ship August Leonhardt was sunk by the British .submarine Sea
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 36 1 I London. Apr 19 Ar __r Ministry casualty list comon.- allied (tadudtog six previously g^ 67 missing, 28 woundled or tajured, eight died Three pre. i vie. B are now I nor Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 15 1 Berlin, Apr. 19 I to leave Reich territory to-day.
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  • 73 1 OT HE R P A G E S Dutch Premier's Broadcast Puppet Norwegian Govt Jjatts Dancing Girls Sue Po<t Offimi I H.ipp\ World Jasja^ Brc\itas t On India J Leader P l g People And PlaceWomen*! Page lm Virgin Birth Mir.uie **J King Peter of Jugoslav.- jj Next Move In
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  • 216 2 WOUNDED HARDY MAN WRAPPED IN WOMAN'S COR SE TS London. Apr MO6l I i aVarburton I \fUi he had I fatally wounded on the bridge of tie destroyer Hardy. can swim for it n He died latei on the beach. Thi ,i i fjord battle irvivora ol the Hardy I
    Reuter  -  216 words
  • 97 2 Manila, Apr. v.s. cix old-type submarines and tin i S.S, Canopus left tin- Philippine for Shanghai recently on a summer trip They will remain m Shau..h;ti, or two week**, then proceed to 'i ingtao, returning m Novembei 'l hi 1 1 übfnarines will remaiii ".e i Biack
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  • 253 2 ROUSING WELCOME FOR CREW London. Apr. If. I GREAT welcome awaits ||f _f 1 1 1 ollieers ami ship > lompanv ol II M S Hardy when they pas*, through London this evening on their way to their home port. Since reports ol the landing on the lan coast ol
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  • 336 2 aairvr.l London, Apr. 19. _\br_LU by Captain Alan Graham m the House of Conn whether the Asia Development Board was rwponsible for the discrimination against British shipping m Tsim and elsewhere, Mr. R. A. Butler m a written reply said. "I do
    Reuter  -  336 words
  • 137 2 3 Attempts To Capture King Haakon 1 NORWEGIANS London, who h 0 invasion c til cvi nts In Trondheim ed by invading Germ.,. as he i_unseli sweeping of a great nun red Norwegian pass* ing boats m front of th- that the fortress Germans without the 01 massaereing theii own
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  • 52 2 Londoi 19 On the Stock Exchange sha wits Netherlands interest declined rnc<s ol tension In that country but no selling pressure is visible Elsewhere movements are small and Irregular In commodities the tin price closed at 30. lower, subseqi further easing 50s. on selling by British smelters Wall
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 17 2 \^l____Fffl Made from hair Yarns which are '00 per cent pure genuine camel hair. -,W PS 2X
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    • 43 2 FYE EXAMINATIONS! EYEGLASSES, EXCLUSIVELY. Specializing. ____2^"***SaOealai Muscle Anomalies *(^z Crossed 1 >es, (I^^_F'*_P^ Intricate Visual U v^-x Problems FHOMPSON OPTICAL CO Qualified Bjreaighi gp iM t 4. UtCADE BLDG., PHONE 3 (H)-. I I rh-ffipson, Dr af Ocalar Seienc rears' European Clinical ix.ierience
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  • 231 3 London, Apr. 19. Ki\( Haakon of Norway and his Cabinet issued stirring appeal early to-day from their secret rters saying: Quisling's so-called grovernr^S to resign and efforts to establish a govern--1 opposed to the legal Norwegian Government i hpen abandoned. W\v- v has only one
    Reuter  -  231 words
  • 109 3 AMERICAN EYES ARE OPENED London. Apr. 19. OMM; m Mr Cordell-HuU'a jterday about possible utch East Indies arising an situation The Times brutal swoop on Norwaj md dp. M to have undone at ne Nov ect of months of assidu;anda In the United had been lulled that the war did
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 161 3 BARRERSEA RETURNS TO GRACE A Si. v-i London, Apr. 19. A fHCANI feature of the d suffered by the _didate m North Batter- the fact thai it thefewconstituen- erbeen represented "t by a communist, and 11 who. as the ks, share with the to Rghl for tin. tney en jo
    B.W.O.  -  161 words
  • 108 3 SINO-BRITISH FRIENDSHIP DEMONSTRATED Chungking. Apr. 19. THE Sino- British friendship finds concrete I xpression m the large contributions made by the Chinese Government loaders to the Bntish War Organisation F Tcircular appeal to the leaders. Issued by General Wu Toh Chen, Minister cf Ov-rsea Affairs of the Central Kuomintanu. resulted
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  • 16 3 Paris. Apr. 19. -A communique from the western front says there is nothing to report.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  16 words
  • 90 3 Tokyo, Apr. 19. JOINT. -onferenee of the Foreign Office and the Army ami Navy seniors agreed to Ignore entirely Mr. Oordell Hull > statement At api nference a Foreign Office spokesman said, M We deem it superiiuous to comment." The Asahi Bhimbun
    Reuter Reuter  -  90 words
  • 106 3 AUSTRALIA HAS GRAVER RESPONSIBILITY Canberra. April 15). ion of th tier.l inevil i lared Minister External prei itives. This was ol vital ana unjnedlate concern to Australia. The Cabinet was closely studying the matter Mr McKwen welcomed Mr. Cordell Hull' tement on the Netherlands Indies and said the Allies were
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 118 3 Luxuries To Stop At Chungking Chungking. Apr MARSHAL Chiang Kai Shek is nv.kins energetic efforts to check ;a% snrndine* on luxuries rnre. In a sternly worded personal order ne draws attention to the rationing of daily necessities enforced m foreign countries at war whese peopfea were d voting «J then*
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 52 3 FRENCH DEBATE ON THE WAR Paris, Apr. 10 The Chamber is holding a seen I 1 1 sion to discuss the conduct of the wai M. Reynaud asked that the debate should terminate this evening. He added. "I have international obligations this evening." Each speaker will be limited to 20
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 28 3 Remember: EASTERN CO., For Perfect -"^A_fek Men's wear, j/ Dry-cleaning t Dyeing Invisible JS__ Mending. Work Guaranteed No. ::j-» Coleman st. J E Sit. _aj)ore. Jfl _a_— _i~™
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    • 223 3 TRADE BARGAINS aa— FOR SALE -j i BARGAINS Read this page of Spe- j cial Trade Bargains appearing m the I Morning Tribune every Saturday. You will hnd what jn are looking for and BAVIB MONEY. _j OPTICAL Whatever your optical requirement* NAN-SIN has exactly whit yog want plus efficiency
      223 words

  • 294 4 lIFUI. v, HOI MCsllll^ lo I UTLES COLLEGI I A reel d to ti.. ol J deral I hed m the Calendar ol I Colnrill be oi the 'I Will be for ed travelli I i bel v. een pon home will also be paid. A P may
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  • 186 4 Scholarships, not exceeding ten In number, will t> irded by the Raffla college In June 1940. These scholarships will be of the value J» 97)0 a year and will be tenable for tare, years bul may be withdrawn or (i the Counci: v the conduct cholai is
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  • 200 4 si i A FTER two hours of watchful waiting outsit .11 Road a couple of Revenue Office"? 2 q Sh P at A 1 vigil when their quarry came a lon o V reWa ded for iney had received information th_i transaction, m
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  • 46 4 We pay For Your News ■ttirliiM k happen! town tt village, it <»t national interest. will pay tor contrition, Im rite or telephon,. Uhm ot th, tfMh%y u MIJ Oi our oiiices m gj, Kuala Lumpur. Ipoh an, Give the fullest facts nut he published unles,
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  • 57 4 TOE exhibition m th c Color. cinematograph Alms during the flnt quarter year. These pictures are: Warner i '•Roarin R Twenties" wh£ Me., and gun play; Columbi ••a chiw r i c and A Cnild is Born" considered n for Malayan audience; Cenl and' rn,„n h Chinese and
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  • 47 4 IrOR stealing a typewriter d two sarongs from the car of Mr J L. Revel, a Frenchman Lee Yong 35-year-old Cantonese, who i guilty to the charge was fined $30 or three weeks' rigorous imprison:. I bf Mr. H. Watson the Third M yesterday
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 52 4 ---a— aa____ I_____1 r f OLD things maim: NEW •WGAFOni KLBCTRO-ri.ATiNG WOKKJ «l, Orchard Knad (Op* Cavt-affk Road) Wr gptt lallaa m SILVER-PLATING PHONE 4351. mmmr I II I nil REPUTATION!! ill DISTINCTIVE SERVICE H aad I CAREFULLY PREPARED FOOD WHICH UPHOLDS THE REPUTATION OF THE CAPITOL RESTAURANT If I
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    • 34 4 v Hi I'csu___ WiiP lrl^_______l fllfP A a__l»^ p|Sv^^ Bal Mtl ImmW/Am i ma".*" VW//J— L l_____t_m^^_____T A ____fp__| __fl __i lE f Ilh_— R________^^ f __________-_annnnH r HrF N rAj^Juili MP?! _'_!i —a
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  • 104 5 m ,-ih iasras who are on trial before Mr. J Happv Uoildjagas Wor]d °S C n aI F g e e b 2 appeared yesterday in the Cri-■nent-?rv.iirt when the case was resumed. inal District ooui I .presented by tiv,r there was nc 'housed..
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  • 348 5 £1.000,000 GIFT VOTE ON MONDAY Cl PPM Mr NT ARY orders of the day for the meeting ol the Legislative ouncil on Monday include a motion by the Hon. Mr F D Bisseker for the payment to the Imperial Government of £1.000.000 as a gift towards the cost of Imperial
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  • 60 5 An application to increase the n*mt°f the G H Cafe m Battery Road *as Ki-anted by the Rent Assessment Boav 1 consisting Mr OL. Howe <j ?*£s**% Messrs. JM. Jansen, M.N. Warden ana C F. Snell yesterday. Mr Howe granted an increase from $500
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  • 41 5 An aied Chinese woman was said to have been knocked by a motor lorry at the 12' 4 milestone. Changi. at about 3.30 yesterday afternoon. She sustained slight injuries and has, been removed to the general ho-pitah j
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  • 74 5 Forty-six British women have left London for France as r__T section of the Anglo-French Ambulance Corps. They Wll he first 22T____«^i the Marshal Foch Hospital, near Pans, and then m i°in ,T to the French Army Zone with 22 ambulances provided by they will go UT tne
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 87 5 j FOR LONG LIFF 1 AND LOW COST When you install a "CHAMPION" Battery, you get the finest value m Malaya, foi its low first cost is as attractive as its long service life. Built to withstand hard wear. Made m the Empire. Supplied m all sizes and voltages. THE
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  • 373 6 -\KING tm Wmmikm OO •India's Mallal explained that India was ofTenng all thai it n mc-n anrl moiv I m I th< nbol ol all nd both the 11. Mohammed: tho •hemselv m complete nd thai li that no effort to bring ilcftroctton
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  • 207 6 COURT LAUGHS BUT FINES ACCUSED f fllE Third M :ates Court yesterday roared with latightei I a witness burst out laughing m the witness box. I He laughed m reply to Mr. D. R. Cowie. Court atepectoi I iion, "Something to stave off the pangs of hunger, eh?** reft i
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  • 110 6 Chungking*. \fR. Shao Li-tee, Director of the 1 Central Publicity Board oi' the Kuomintang, kyaa been appointed Chine** iinbaaaador to the t'.s.S.R. succeeding General Yang Chieh. Mr. Shao Is a 58-year-old journalist and revolution ivlng held numerous posts m the Government Interviewed by the Central
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  • 36 6 PENANG MERCHANT'S PATRIOTIC OFFER T O CENTRAL GOVT. Ch... MR. Cl 111 I m I PMM and 19 sold meda von to the State. Mr Chen was accom: a ral Wa Te-chen. Direct > I I I
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  • 208 6 MAGISTRATE SAW FOR HIMSELF I JHE dart-throwing gambling case m which Leong Ah Kow was I ged with having assisted m the management of a common gi I house at his stall m the New World Amusement Pari-, came to abrupt end yesterday morning when Mr. H. Watson, the Third
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  • 65 6 For In Clans Street on I •when two factions. 20 strong, I m&r. H. Watson yesterday fined Chan Ken Kam and Ghan Kun three of the four Chine I or In default three we I pria inment. I The fourth man Ong Trek. been an Inmate of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 168 6 Serve these Drinks made with |b^_________________________r :^__j OLD FASHIONED SOLTt A&r%L&'\> cog"-" nu\> N, )r ,,r 1 M'a.ptK.U Juka of 1 leiuon 1 /ti*^ *^3i_B_=--'i* water 1 dai*. lliit. Oiupuon S««ar /"V-V *7?fir"* Muddlr well m Old Pinioned J"S*;er Schenley's Gold- L/Ofr^f^-'*/ '^fi |U— C. Add— U-fa piece of ice
      168 words
    • 74 6 jjpg-ARSOL iJASTHMA POWDER f The harmless, but reliable cure for Asthma, Angina Pectoris, Oppression, etc. It removes quickly the difficulty of breathing, has an I expectorating effect and prevents the attack. Effective even m »ite and chronic cases. $ij>q box. ASTHMA MIXTURE 52.40 bottle. For COUGH use Pulmobiose Syrup Lai
      74 words

  • Article, Illustration
    651 7  -  H. L. HOPKIN j- On i rT npra S.r Edmund Ironside Hits Out: "We Are Ready For I Thi The Germans May Start": Excellent British Propaganda 1^ i- The Romantic Story Of John William Fagge-Farm Übolr Who Has Inherited A Baronetcy: Opt, nudk London Garage Proprietors: "War Will
    651 words
  • 313 7 Morning Tribune SATURDAY APRIL 20. 1940 Hitler Took The Bait IT is now abundantly cieai thnt Hitler, throwing the counsel of Admiral Raeder and his stair— who are no fool-— to the winds, walked into a carefully prepared trap m Norway. The Admiralty knew ail about the Fuehrer'- designs on
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 26 7 pffx__pT*^E_B~***"* *sawtf~~~^tjw»m if*** caj^^r*a^iayjß^^_¥y*/*_pa/rffi?' rr ~~^y_— a*— i— s^~ en__ M*r^fi2fffJ__ j___ 's_Sj_''ta— --•''t'~^ ny- THfSj' ffi-i"**'*— 'a 1 f. fr*-^_ Ha_W_ mw9f'&*Jmwm ajg^^SWr #^r r»7BaT^jj^^Tr.*7^»Ji
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  • 1093 9 [f you have a problem, send it to Helen, our home expert, who answers i readers'" queries on this page every Saturday. Address your letter to her, c|o Morning Tribune, Anson Road, Singapore, enclosing correspondence coupon. Ull-BCHETIQI-ETTE 1 mm ,o kneel m wor. h J-..- or
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 9 9 t L_ss a tv- > C P B must «-«lt*aed
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    • 131 9 ____BH— < >4 r >«&&&£— 8 B* "x ff_P _____kA__j___^oa. *> v *< ;-.'->'*" _fi_j§F _£v_| HßP^^ .*&™> J j'' *_f t* _?rawr*"""WK6jQlltfK.s .^v_*Py JUW&£xKCT_MwS*ral^E_l&?y^**"""PMK_^^y -**P^ o4d9fiHM*^_V*v >n> ij^zww^^|]™Baa^^ !-?">*^f<- S8? flnfla^i ffaSy B£J __r^ j^H^^a»^jraajaß!J|lgj^ £*ffi'___ff__iifr f 7 I '__T_fl^''H*' :i S__S___ ____J_7 A ***RjM*^^E^siiaeiwpy^HSiapPr i» £__K.__9iHaaaHKv%v^^^^'' "'^OT™^i '^ffijjjfiffl_fi_i_BlMP^
      131 words

  • 569 10 \KW YORK VIKCiIN BIKTH, HOUWI I MVMM I r_-O_UT0«1 MIKAHJ is wum ran ro study m mv or hkrkimty m CANCER. This new step against cancer, second largefl MUM oi death Hum disease m the United States, was disclosed by the American Society for the Control of
    569 words
  • 108 10 WHERE DID YOU GET THAT HAT! Till: lass with tli saucy look m hn eye, who peeps tc engagingly fron under the brim of Daddy's hat. i ,'icki Zimmermai* iged 9 mouths. Her parents, Mr md Mrs. A. Zimncrman, are station d at Dovercourt m £ssex and she sa\ hat
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  • 54 10 SHAPELY YOUNG MERMAU This is beautiful Patricia RJ binson, one of America I I**" w ing cracks. Patty has been glad'l^ the eyes of diving entrniM round San Francisco of W*J If her silhouette enter* water as neatly as it a j bt on the board then she hard competitor
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  • 93 11 Goose That Might Have Laid A Golden Egg top hat attending the annual fete of the Royal Guard m Belgrade. Troublous times The young king does well to think of the future and to be prepared as far as he can A GOOSE which might have laid a golden egg
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  • 562 12 more m France, urge us to bolder meav° ,ces n s:s:«a; Sl'-.TS somebody's SS t begin German oil supplies and industry. Win regard to neutrals, we cannot give away our moral position fW t d^Z^rZX l^ a number ol WelHn.on We might have ne
    562 words
  • 163 12 Fought Pilot In Air New York. EMANUEL KISENBERG. 35-year-old Broadway publicity man (he fc was Press agent for Gertrude Lawrence's hit "Sky lark and the Group Theatre productions), always said he »«a-i as he lived— spectacularly. His name has just been spiasneu 088 the front page of
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  • Article, Illustration
    12 12 When Kin, ONI*, he.d an investiture s, w X „f Ms w-agi*^^
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  • 72 12 ARMY N.C.O. INTERNED I EIGHTEEN-YEAR-OLD Ernst Selig-I man, a German, released from 8 British prison was met by Special .nch O&cers and taken to an internment camp. Hl red a lentenec oi toutteen to notify cna Of The ehanffl wtf from his address m Hi dford road, Oold< Green, N.W..
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  • Article, Illustration
    0 12
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  • 100 12 The Maginot Line forms M. I I barricade against which the Germans can hurl them selves till the cows come .lome j |p it is the armour P»» Si France and indeed thi Wonai against Hitlerism. 5 M 1 But m front of the Maginot- I£ Line
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 342 13 Situations Vacant u nore No- 233 D, ie Singapore. t ARTIST WANTED fOT occa HBB for PRIMARY Ab:-•■eoommenda-ion. App y j one. Singapore. (No. 174- D. G:l Canvasser acootnpawlea B I 818 co (Mo. i9im typing. itlne wor'<. M < No mr II W.» rubber coagulant oetitne prise. y Apply
      342 words
    • 698 13 I Miscellaneous FOR PRIZE- WINNING Orchid flow«-~ writ? ca'l lor phone 2011 The Gem Nursery. 172 Moulmem Singapore. (No. 238 D) NOVELS AT PRE-WAR RATES Tile City Emporium. 58. Bras Basah Road, Singapore. (No. 220 D) 1 •LOTUS" Face Powder Certified Pure Agents Wanted. B— doae nps for sample. Lucys
      698 words
    • 674 13 Wanted YOUTH 18 In want of friends of opposite sex. Box 821. M. Tribune, Singapore. INo. 21 ID; vv d band oil burning refrigerator and Radio (Vibrator or Battery j Cheap. Apply Office Box 7(i pore. (No Small neatly lurnished or unfurnished fi>t or bouse required by bachelor. Apply Box
      674 words
    • 635 13 Educational LADY will give Private Tuition to a few pupil* at 65, Dorset Road. Singapore. Be;- .o Second Standard. 8.30 am. to 12. *<. $3- ncr mensem. (No. 20- I Premier Institution. 44 Orchard Road. Singapore Senior Cambridge Morning and Alt Classes. Individual tuition In all subjects Principal. (No 202
      635 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 247 14 I a -r__^r»_rv*f I ro-DAi to-worrou [capit^_!j__ii____: /fT tfjlmlJm Jm aa r%Lr- J i 111 d A w w e __V t^*C^ Lsy I I I JWi I 'A if ___-_P^V3_trTr cl fI _a J WjJK *_nii-r] i _^i___________aT_rrPiT-i amrnTT^ vv aTri i 1 I SPECIAL ADDED AUK HON The
      247 words
    • 130 14 ot "UE ARE NOT ALOXI In m another dramatic Hit iioiMii.xs fi| 1 A I LOUIS l^~^' II I ft— 1 "—at a*, I HAYWARD V I GALA MIDNIGHT PREMIERE E IQ-MlallT 12-10 OTMHK H 100 NAME ROLES BIH BIG BEYOND WORDS! featured players' 3,621 IN THE CAST! 15
      130 words

  • 62 15 "HINA CONTRIBUTES TO BRITISH WAR FUND Hongkong. Apr. 19. al Wu Te-chen, Director of the Overseas Affairs the Central Kuomintang. a large number of Chinenl officials have given generously to the British; Funds at Hongkong. i are Ckneral. I en, Hi.. Shih Chekl Fukien respfcthe President ol Tai Chi- -i.
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  • 102 15 JAPAN'S ECONOMIC PINCH Washington. CCORDIN report issued by 1 Foreign and Do-nrroccur-ation ith Iccident dominated man's conoi iy m 1939. IXI \P,E THAT JAPAN'S *X)V .7CTURE WAS WEAKIEE THE PERIOD. SAYS REPORT THE MOST OBVIOUS GNS Bl [N I*HE SHARPLY INIEASI CIRCULATION, THE' <NF /.TIONARY TREND, MODITY SHORTAG- >. D:
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  • 122 15 Chungking, Apr. 19. TIJK Meteorological Bureau at Yunnan, £w_ng»j Province, reported an unusual phenomenon of two halos m the morning of Apr. 13 at |0 o'clock. The first halo had a blue I outside ring and a red inside ring, i while the second one was
    Chinese Central News  -  122 words
  • 49 15 Chungking. Dr. chu Director of the Central Kuomintar.. Organisation Board. nas circularised an order to the local Kuomintang headquarters to pay more attention to mobilising promising women leaders. Dr. Chu pointed out that the Kuomintang makes no distinction of sex for membership— < Chinese Central News
    Chinese Central News  -  49 words
  • 34 15 N R.A.P. WARNING syst em installed Pr. Chungking. -r-raid season 1 ;^Pf^nt a new warn i-talled. The dis- -dgnal ball indine the people s preparation. ayec signals will be disougTQouS the city. -xew s
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  • 27 15 JAPANESE PUN AMASHED Shasi. I :ecapture of! of Hankow, th- r oops attempt Taopo, midway and Chungkuanvi, to the Chinese forces inflictl Bering the *fai •faj Nc
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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  • 82 16 I\sU— tig— 1 t\R W W. YEN. a veteran Chinese c.,--[V Vomat. was elected Chairman oi the Board of Directors of the China Foundation at its fifteenth annual mccl recently. Dr. Yen is to succeed tl* late Dr. Tsai Yuan-pei. The Vice-Chairman and Trea-*_ t the China Foundation
    Chinese Central News  -  82 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 333 16 j |Vt& W LiJL-a -i#Jß_^-_a----M-^*^^^** M^ t-rf-^. > _^^mj m PM f I J '^J 111 C n >sg J **a-*-_L->L— 1 ./Tl^K^w^r^!^^" I o m jjf JL iy«H^^KK^l^^S m r ■•■■*>■'• BYI&O^ndBRIfJSH IMDIAXI NES V I ■WW CUHI OKATED D, ENGLAND) p n S. N. The best possible services
      333 words
    • 183 16 BURNS PIIILP LINE. (Incorporated m Australia) Monthly sailings to Brisbane, Sydnej .and Melbourne Owing to the uncertainty regarding the actual q date o. i a departure of the company's steamers owing t .the publication of sailing dates is susgmded For information regarding freight ana passen^i apply to BOUSTEAD CO LTD.
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 149 16 {POSTAL INTELLIGENCE! I v i i- i— j M.iil Drparliira m TO.DAY p latest Mail, tor.- 0 j Posting l-i_ni 400 p m r) 4.00 P m. m^TRALIA 'Air) 4.00 p HRUNFI 'Steamer. 2.00 B 5 B elait <' r) 2.00 p.m. 'rirnMA «Air. 4.00 p.m. H* ***J& 5:8
      149 words
    • 49 16 sum at: I Medan «Steai Air) N fc Probable I Mail Arrivals I Maib From. I To-day Australia Java 1 Air> 3.30 p.m. Am-terdaii etc. I Am 7.00 p.m 8.25 I To Box- I holders. I London I etc. I .Air- I Java Bui I (Air) 3 3CI I
      49 words

  • 435 17 (By TURFITE p.av Dragon and Pure Gold m the Governor's Cup f I did not come as a complete surprise- Neither of them had a „n their present form. 'am the part Is concerned, H ndicapper, Mr R done the best of :!i, lllt -a
    435 words
  • 23 17 mrx-tltlon t,(l ,n ■> Stewart with vf--\zz.- ***is* J 7 rS 40-6.34. J. J O'Dwyer 49—1415 J F. Billot 4S-12-36
    23 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 72 17 (NO SCRATCHING This is not "horse lan-tia»#- but a foufidt -ntial talk. There is no Mf Wntchhlg your head lo fpotm R Whal this is. j.ct us straight to the post. If you want to stop thai awful itch on your head, u-. J reJyn Aattwva Dandruff Cwjw. ASK THE
      72 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 89 17 Sjmrls Dinrv lII.IMV I i;R B H L., Traction v.s. UrnD> i>ot ECKBT S.C.C. A. PC, S CO.; S.C.C. vs. ACS., ACS.; S.R.C. vs. Indians. SR C SRC II vs. S.C.R.C. 11. S.C.R.C; 5.A.0.8.A. v.s Victoria School, vs.; st. Andrew's v.s St Joseph 'j s J I St. Andrew's II
      89 words

  • 567 18 SOLDIERS BEA T S. R. C. IN FIRST DIVISION MATCH ODD GOAL IN KEENLY CONTESTED CAME Singapore. Friday. IN a keenly emt-ted FtoH W%t-» league football maUh on the Anson Road Stadium tins alternoon, the Loyal Regiment beat the Sin capon Recreation Club by four goals to three. •mere wt
    567 words
  • 243 18 Oversea Bank 5; Straits Times fOMPLETELY outclassed both m attack and m defence, the Straits Times went down to the Overseas Chinese Bank by the margin of five gals to nil m a Business Houses League soccer encounter at 1 Park yesterday. '-1 Thrre goals were
    243 words
  • 197 18 Player Ordered Off The Field WIA-T-tf-S fl; NBBTANGLO 1. HAVING repeatedly disregarded the warnings of the referee, A. johari, ide right of Wearnes. was ddi tl the held for dirty play m a Business match on the Harbour L round, yesterday evenW< imby th >dd goal m three. the :f
    197 words
  • 122 18 Y.M.C.A. Lawn Te nnis Ties THE following are the r» ft, t further ties of the T.M.C Spring lawn tennis tournament: Men's open doubles: C.V K-*h ,nd Lim Hee Chin beat G Mox Edgar 6— 1. 6—o. A" Class singles: I. A. A. Tan Peng Kirn 6-3. 6— o. B"
    122 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 45 18 SjAr-Vm''^ India S'grtßl TIIF-: result of Intensive research into modern rood conditions, the new 1 India Signal Tyre embodies every known fea'ure to give greater pei formal India Heav; Da Tyres to your car and enjoy a new and miles I__ WaW w.p.s lis-
      45 words

  • If Reuter's Commercial Service
    • 14 19 tidon. Friday. £254 Buyer. tfg Seller, Price) £248 Buyers -48 'o Sellers
      14 words
    • 26 19 Fnd.. 1 Buyers Sellers ady f 11 ir, .1 nil? msi_ June ii IIG il 316 JUl> 111 11 71fi 11 8 H 316
      26 words
    • 64 19 London, Friday. S 6 trie 79 10% I [r.du ries 31 4'_> 114 7-2 :in J/_V_ Kubbei Pi In 1 9 L 1/10*4 3 I*_ si Watersranc I 73 9 I a: Tr. <be?: 71 10*2 99- 2 3T:ai B I 94 Bank of I a <_
      64 words
    • 41 19 London. Friday. «/T London on Paris 176.50 t r London on Amsterdam 7 53 T<T London on Shanghai 4*4 'f T London on Hongkong Is. 2 29,32 d Japan Is. 4 3 32d. 4/TLcndononNew ?;ork 4.02 V. tj 4.03Va
      41 words
    • 45 19 London, Frida v l^aim Oil Malay) ia julk S'ment Unquoted Copra (Straits *_1 gmfer smen' Unquoted B S'ment. 17 4 Sellers Pearl, Ist Quality (Singapore 30 SplWs *-Q> Wh -ok" 43^ sellers Black Umpoo? 2 15 16 _#lte#_ S ment. 30 April May Nominal
      45 words
    • 13 19 Kork, Apr. n S irk, Apr. 18 S sg Dull I7l_
      13 words
    • 19 19 •*tt Spot I»ndon. Friday. Forward 207 b GOLD fL 20 ***** ___C__; Fuie P^r oz. £8.8 6
      19 words
  • 195 19 SENTENCED by the magistrate m the lower court to total of eight months rigorous imprisonment on three charges under the Defence Regulations. Kaan Chuan. a young Chinese, unsuccessfully appealed against the conviction and sentence before the Hon. Mr. Justice a'Beckett Terrell m the
    195 words
  • 167 19 •7URTHER ties m the SRC. Spring lawn 1 tennis tournament were played at he S.R.C. courts yesterday Tlie following were the results: Mixtd doubles handicap: H M. de Jouza and Miss E. de Souza < 3» bea. Hyder and Miss D Clarke I 15 1. Championship doub'es:
    167 words
  • 93 19 Trojan Horse Situation In America New York, Apr 18. MR. Martin Dies, Chairman of the Congressional Committee, investigating un- American activities, stated that Nazi and communist agents for purposes of sabotage and espionage have penetrated i.he key American industries "vital to the countij m case of war and also to
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 27 19 London, April 19. The Berlin Wireless claims capture of i Norwegian Air Force detachment during a "successful engagement" along the iron ore railway m Narvik region. Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 105 19 Singapore, Friday. Markets were practically unchanged to-day and only a few isolated dealings took place. Local tin was unchanged from yesterday at $125.00 and the once of rubber at four o'clock was buyers spot 36 cents, May June 35-~n cents. July .September 34 2 cents and October
    105 words
  • 61 19 The following have been ./elected to play soccer for th e V.M.C.A. m al league match against the R.A.F. CH.Q.» I at 5.10 p.m. on Monday Apr. 22 on Farrer Park ground: Wee Ak Chan, V. N. Pillay. M Swyny, V R. Sabapathy. G. L. Day. G J
    61 words
  • 274 19 IN three hard-fought sets. a. D. Ander--1 son beat W.J.M. Warden to become open singles champion of the S C.C. The score was 6—4. 4-6. 6—3 Both players were m good form and the games were packed with thrills Long rallies characterised the first set when
    274 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 22 19 M-MNS, WORKMEN S COMPENSATION, MOTOR C *a INSCRANCE AT REASONABLE RATES. S <>«th British hsurance Co., Ltd. SUM 2. Fiiilayson Greetu mm9Munmmmmm
      22 words
    • 111 19 NEDERLANDSCHEj HANDELMAATSCHAPPIJ, N. vJ Established by Royal Charier A.fJ. 18_*J Incorporated m the Netherlands. (Netherlands Trading Society; BANKERS AMSTERDAM Paid Up Capital f. 40.030.000,Reserve Fund 10,500,000-. Londan Carresvondente NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK LIMITED. Head Ofßect AMSTERDAM Branohes* Holland:— Rotterdam, The Hague, ano 64 braii-he- and su h -br-£.ciieg at smaller places.
      111 words
    • 76 19 YOUR VALUABLES Oir S'Lron'j Rooms are your Projection It is impossible for an Individual to provide for hb valued possessions tlie safety that ..s afforded by cur vaults where wa have salt boxes oi various Sizes for hire at m^'erate rutej. HIRERS themselves hold the KKVS and ONLY THEY can
      76 words

  • The Morning Tribune
    • 6 20 The Morning Tribune Saturday April 20.
      6 words
    • 317 20 "Designed To Help Hitler" MINISTER'S WARNING TO ITALY APPLAUDED London. Apr. 19. SOWING attention fa given m the press to the anti-British tone ol the Italian press, and m particular to the complete mismmenlation of news of tin* recenl naval engagements The Daily Telegraph' R ie question, Where whioil was
      B.O.W  -  317 words
    • 62 20 NAZIS WANT U.S. TO DETAIN NORWEGIAN SHIPS Hon \< \j.i If G I.K.MAN V J* m.ik i big effOl t l<» pn rent the Allies v .an utilising Norwegian ships ai present In United Stales p. it*-. Ilr CX nisul, written to perts until 'h'* conclus Lng These repi no
      62 words
    • Article, Illustration
      60 20 Mr Albert Perry. Art Master at Norwood Technical Institute, is exhi. biting 16 of his pictures, ranging m price from £200 to £350 each, m a sandwich-board parade through London streets. All the p.ctur been shown m galleries m Britain or m Paris. Here a girl is seen leadin" the
      60 words
    • 62 20 AUSTRALIA TO DEAL WITH REDS Canberra. Apr M Sir Henry Gullett has ™T that all Communist newspaper^B cease publication within a f %:^M All Communi-t pamphlets ana r^m are to be subjected to rigid ceu* and forbidden to deal with subjects. Sir Henry added: ;y£ 0 r 8 .8 solved
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 180 20 London. A The award of the I 1 Flying Cross to Squadron^ I George Ernest Peacock <***£* I m leading a raid on enem* w at Bergen is announced m aw g don Gazette. I Similar awards are made *> J Flight Lieutenant "^^l Rvder for bringing down
      Reuter  -  180 words
    • Page 20 Advertisements
      • 90 20 /jfftTHflU whre TO-1IAY feBUB Everybody 3 5 6 5 9 J5 ifi^^^L HAUYA'S (!N6M\ &t LUX! G«mn 2^mmmm| Morning Show rafTyT^^^^^n TO-DAY TO-MORROW [W'/fffl/*'- 11 o'clock fm mmfmrnnhi Hit HAPPIEST SHOW W UBtnUn OF THE YEAR V ,!r Full of Fun, Comedy and J f [*''J 3 i ail tbat
        90 words