Morning Tribune, 1 July 1939

Total Pages: 28
1 8 Morning Tribune
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  • 131 1 Washington. June 30. \P the eve of hid retirement J irom the post nf the Chief sun. General ?ialin Craig has Hiommended a three-point defence programme including the iiLitinn of five smailginnfd hard-hitting divisions to strike with lightirng rapidity iph— any enemy attacks m
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 133 1 London, June 30. [RITAIN had a tremendous reserve, declared Dr. E. L. torgin, Minister of Supply, peaking at Glasgow. Dr. Burin added "This country will Jl listen to claims by force rom any quarter. fc are determined to seek peace, but fe aro limits beyond which
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 82 1 MORE BRITISH FOREIGN COUNTRIES? LLOWi\r London, June 30. Jone\? h V pc< h by Sir Roderick re2 h?™ f ReUter S the M sou io n was passed by the d on,; ,s bein done by the «th n,-r bhcity abroad urges Mnment the necessity of nun": means m its
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 1665 1 Will Not Speak At Warship Launch Berlin, June 30. JEUTER learns that Hitler m a n probaoility is not going to Bremen to-morrow for the Wirship launching, at which he vas expected to speak. It is believed that Hitler is anxious to ;et as
    Reuter  -  1,665 words
  • 49 1 Sofia, June 30. I lII NDRED and sixty people are dead as a result of floods sweeping the district of Sevievo, northern Bulgaria four hundred houses are demolished, bridges are smashed and several villages are completely under water, while live sta# ~t»#i --nm_ destroyed.- Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 72 1 PUBLICITY FOR DUTCH CABINET The Hague, June 30. DR. COLIJN (Premier) went to Soestd'jk Palace this morning to see Oueen W'lhelmina. It is learned m well-informed political circles that the resignation of the cabinet is imminent. Later. Dr. hnr tendered the resignation of the Cabinet, as Ministerial differences of
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  • 173 1 Washington, June 30. THE House of Representatives by 159 votes to 157 upset the administrations Neutrality Bill plan* by including a "compromise" arms embargo m it. The bill aa introduced would remove the present embargo on the export of all arms to nations at war
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 161 1 London, June 30. FOUR I.R.A. men were sentenced to 20 1 years' penal servitude each at the Old Bailey on being found guilty of conSpiring to cause explosions m Euston Road, High Holborn and Charing Cro« Road. Sentence on the fifth accused was postponed until
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 1352 2 Commissioners Refuse To Accept Japanese Tender For Cement Singapore, Friday. ||R(.l\(. the Municipal Commissioners to adopt a "Buy British" attitude at the meetmg of the Commissioners this afternoon. >lr Yap Pheng (Seek proposed that a Japanese-brand cement be reiuscd and that the
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  • 238 2 Traffic Regulations Criticised Singapore, Fry CONGESTION of traffic alond tery Road was commented by Mr. E. A. Brown at the U pal Commissioner's meeting afternoon when 'he moved ref back recommendations made Traffic Conditions Committ< dealing with the traffic pn around the Raffles Place are* The report of this Committee
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 97 3 WYER WHO FAILED TO REPORT BIRTH Singapore. Friday. „«w>D CH.IJM. the mm R,C,^e, appeared m perV l> Mte Court, this morning th ,ed by the Municipality fenVthe birth of a son l L}eVd a mt yea p r |eading guilty, /S un explanation Tver<W to the Regis ry. Mr Lim
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  • 61 3 Singanore. Friday. Hear. lal, a 63-year-old Chinese trial thus morning before Mr. k the District Judge and Fourth [agi-strate. on a charge of being ssion of a certificate of admisj the Colony, the dates of issue iry of which had been altered. Hpector Chua asked that the
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  • 332 3 Pepys. the General Adviser, Johore, has been haa received the permission of the Secretary of State monies to accept, the post of General Adviser to the of Sarawak. understand that Mr. Pepys, shortly due to jro on leave retirement from the Malayan ■vice, wfll go to
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  • 501 3 Mr. T. H. Stone On "Deadful" Conditions Singapore, Friday. KENNELS and animal depots union have sprung up m Singapore and which have no qualified veterinary service was one of the points brought up by Mr. T. H. Stone speaking at the meeting of the Municipal Commissioners
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  • 221 3 Pedestrian Who Ran Into Motor Car Singapore. Friday. J WHILE crossing New Bridge R'nid near the Boat Quay on June 18. a 52 -year-old Chinese, Ong Aik Kirn ran into a Johore taxi and was knocked down. Fatally injured, he was removed to the general hospital where he died from
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  • 22 3 London, June 30.— The House of Lords has passed the second reading of the Ministry of Supply Bill.- -Reuter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 93 3 ALLEGED HAWKING WITHOUT LICENCE Singapore, Friday. Tang Ah Tang claimed trial this morning m the fourth police court before Mr. C H. Koh. District Judge and Fourth Police Magistrate, to a charge of hawking without a licence at Tiverton Lane at 9.35 p.m. on June 3. Court Inspector Chua prosecuted
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 49 3 Are Your Eyes Weak aaaaaaamamammmaam Have a modern ScienSific eye examination! If glasses are not ft^Rjy^ needed none will be \Jr^ recommended. X Thompson Optical Ca Qualified Eyesight Specialists 4, Arcade Bldg., Ground Floor. Tel. 3002 R. A. Thompson, Dr. pi oenlar Scienen, THE WRITING FLUID THAT'S I SINGAPORE.
      49 words
    • 52 3 Silvikrin treatment restores the hair- forming tissues to normal functions. Write for free booklet -"The Natural Way of Hair Culture." SILVIKRIN BRILLIANTIXi: For Hair- dressing and Wavesetting. Also protects the Scalp fiee from Dandruff and Loss of Hair. From all Chemists, High-class Stores and Hair-dressers. Sole Distributors RAHAMIN PENHAS 117-125
      52 words

    • 34 4 London. Friday Previous To-day Change i-i'M'' l f7 8 f)U £7 8 6 -'2U H;ir (ioid. Fine, p«*r oz. BU-VKB *****(i 18 -ii;;. Spr>t 17% 17 11 16 1 10 Forward _j
      34 words
    • 43 4 London. Fi Previous To-day Steady, Idle Idle Spot Selers 8 5 16 8» 4 T "i Buyers 83 16 83 16 Ist Forward July 85 16 8 4 2nd Forward August Buyers 8U B^^ 3rd Forward Oct. Dec. Buyers 8 5J16
      43 words
    • 62 4 London. F Previous To-day < PALM OIL (Malay) In bulk June July smpment £14.10.0 Nominal £14.12.6 N O SK2S* WMM i TAPIOCA Seed Pearl Ist quality (Singapore. June Shipment 14t > Sellen> PEPPER (FAQ.) White Muntok Aug. Oct. Shipment 3 5 16 Srt ers 4 Black Limpong Aug. Oct.
      62 words
    • 94 4 London. General Electric 29 4^ 29i«2 Imperi&i Chemist! Indi 126 3~ 126 3 Canadian Pacific 3 p^ 3 1 1 2 London Tin 9fi q" 7^ Rubber Plantation Investment Trail -<>y Linggii 19 9 19 9 Ayer Hitam.s IQ6 106 Southern Kintas n n 3 Pahangs
      94 words
    • 56 4 New York, Jui.e RI'BBER Previous To-day C Market Tone Steady Steady Snftt Buyers 16 3 8 16 5 16 1 P Sellers 16» 2 16 716 -1 Forward Oct., Dec. Buyers 16 7 16 163 8 1 Sellers 16 916 W/ 2 -1 TIN Quiet Quiet Market
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    • 63 4 London. Frii Previous To-day Cl T.T. on Paris (closing middle rate' 176.72 176.75 T.T. on Amsterdam (closing middle rate) 8.81 11 16 8.81% T.T. on Shanghai (closing selling rate > 6 7 8 Nominal Unchanged T.T. on Hongkong (closing selling rate) Is. 2?ad. Unchanged T.T. on Japan (closing
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    • 19 4 London. Fri( Tin STANDARD Previous To-day Cl Cash (afternoon price) £230 £229 7/ Forward m^ k £224y
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  • 141 4 Singapore. Friday. Tin at midday was $114. down 3 8 and the price of Rubber at 4 o'clock was buyer.s Spot 28 cents, buyers October December 28 l 4 cents, market easier. Both the London and New York markets yesterday were weak on account of political reasons
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  • 256 4 London, June 30. BRITAIN. S Jock of monetary gold on Mar 91, was X tal :im"imt of 79 949.000 ounce., which at tl-A* aii ounce gives a total value of £394,000.000 On th'- occasion of the last Treasury »tem< l (iving thf position on Sept. 30 i93a
    Reuter  -  256 words
  • 107 4 A GAZETTE announcement published last night states that Wearne's Air Services, Ltd., are exempted from payment of petrol duty on all spirit used In aircraft engaged m direct flights from the Colony to places outside the Malay Peninsula. Ever since the service was started it has
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  • 47 4 London. June i>J Mr W J Wilcoxson, formerly auViser to the Malayan delegation to Ihe International Tin Committee has Deea appointed a member of the Malayan delegation ano Mr J. N. Rich has been appointed adviser m succession io Mr. Wilcoxson. Xi liter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 692 5 TOCKS SHARES ;sU ed By rraser cr Company MINING I 36 4iIpat Tin "4,6 5;3 Itral Amal. 38) 40; liiai Ma l^ 201- Mill Hitam 072 076 |r Wcng i9i_ 20!--|grm Tin j n }22i > I Bel uv.'or fl 10 Ijimtai 20- 2116 |ma Malay Jj. u *nderuiny 060
    692 words
  • 73 5 FRASER COMPANY List Of Current Dividends -inpapore. June 30, 5 y m Company Dividend Books Clone Total r .tM TIN Date Ex Dlv. >#»ar Payiole Date Sthn. Kin i 2V 2 final July 22 Aug. 3 July 13 IC% less ton do 2»/2% hit. July 12 Au«j. 3 July 13
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  • 200 5 Singapore, Friday. MINING Buyers Sellers Ampats 3i7»/2 4jAyer Wengs 0.73 0.75 Batu Selangors M 5 1-20 Hong Fatts 0.60 0.63 Hongkong Tin 19 i- 20 6 Jelebus 0.54 0.56 Kamunting Tin 86 Katu Tin 206 216 Kents 2 4 Killinghalls 13- 14|Kramats 9.6 106 Kuchais 1.17 1.22
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  • 51 5 Hongkong, June 30.— Dr. T. T. Li, Chinese Minister to Cuba, left here for Glasgow yesterday morning en route to Havana via the United States to assume his office. Dr. Li was until recently Director of the Publicity Department of the Chinese Foreign Office.- Central News
    Chinese Central News Agency  -  51 words
  • 49 5 Hongkonj, June 13 Dr. Stirling Fessenden, for ten years American Secre-tary-General of the Shanghai Municipal Council, is retiring at the end of the month, after which he will resume law practice with Mr. C. S. Franklin, concurrently American Chairman of the Council.- Chinese Central News Agency.
    Chinese Central News Agency  -  49 words
  • 214 5 M ou 31 8C ioo norn mkoa^ki mvncmum iy 01 red 1940 $400,000 tot Mur. 31 Sept. 30 101 102 norn IT lfll 11 600> 00 106 "on, l lnl Mar. 31 aspt 3U Ma k 31 Sepi io 113 V 2 UA y 2 nOTL *ja
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 132 5 NEDERLANDSCH HANDELMAATSCHAPPIJ, N. V. Established by Royal Charter A.D. 1824 Incorporated m the Netherlands. (Netherlands Trading Society BANKERS AMSTERDAM Paid Up Capital f .40,030,000,- Reserve Fwd 10,500,000,I London Correspondents NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK LIMITED Head Office: AMSTERDAM Branches: Holland— Rotterdam, The Hague, and 64 branches and sub- branches aA smaller places
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 173 6 Hi??ll_^^_ „Xi sn(M so,n m1 BB _^_M_l_fl M i PAVILION NkM i SULLIVAN'S MUSIC MA^J GILBERT LYRICS! Ik] MP i SPLKNOriIIK >f SPKCIV.CLL l|_Wr THAT IMI SCRKKN ALOM] 1 FIRS! M J GILWRT SULLIVAN MM > I' Kf IX I fe^ I V.., .».Hup*rtdori»l*Me NAM I"*.'* < I Adapted. Conducted
      173 words
    • 182 6 The THRILLER of ALL THRBIERs TO-DAY 3 SHOWS AT THE HIHIOI DAILY t All ,—-i-i thi-- KBBBNta GREATEST THRU.I.E Rj IR- TO K_3?l "k.M^ TImVWP MOST SENSATION A L OF THIS YEARS SCREEN I.ITS l-ta-^H-H*^ <v __H_^l_^_m I with Beta 1 upo*i and Boris KaHoff ia "Son of Frankenstein.'
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  • 143 7 ESCORTS FOR BRITISH SHIPS ENTERING SWATOW Hongkong. June 39. r.msH naval authorities are renortfdto have decided to provide JTeatort for tuo British steamS" MBl <****- to enter the harbour after 5r inival yesterday morning. -British decision followed the stub- j ese refusal to allow the ships Lier the harbour,
    Chinese Central News Agency  -  143 words
  • 53 7 Singapore, Friday. i continued improvement m the th ot the town was reported by the Ident, Mr. w. Bart ley. at the meet)f the Municipal Commissioners this ■noon. Bartley m referring to the Health Ru ior the month remarked. Yo.i notice that the health returns are rery,
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    • 241 7 hmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmm^ (ALHAMBRA! [NEXT CHANGE I I ">^lmmmW \maF l r^^^_______9__B^_r^P' tx "1 i_r ~^*_k2 i -^^B^^v i w IP* _^^H_^fl Sb "_T» 1 ___k VIGOR McLAGLEN BRIAN DONLEVY LOUISE HOVICK 2 Mfl— flBH— BB Baa* 2 jani oatwtu toatar kiuabd |r»aa* ■BBSfIBBBBBBBBBBBi BB •••■^f The most Eagerly Awaited Chan Picture
      241 words
    • 300 7 1— ■^■■M— Jt For The Finest Performance of The Year BETTE DAVIS Ml For The Finest Picture You've ever Seen Ah "DARK VICTORY" ALHAMBRA- 3-i5, ws ana 9-15 p.m. 193 ft s Finest Actress JJ^BP^^H^l 939 s Greatest Film __l —4 —I ll L__Tb c I I fl\ w fl
      300 words

  • 299 8 MORNING TRIBUNE Saturday. July 1. 1939. A POSTPONED VISIT THERE haa inevitably been rniicn conjecture aa t<> the reasons Which made it necessary for th" ftlimfifi OownmeiU to postpone the visit ol a squadron of the Sia meet Royal Air Force to Singap ire. All preparation for the visit Ikod
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  • 1023 8 AXIS ENCIR CLING FRANCE Twe New B«M>k* on Europe GERMANY RUSSIA TO UNITE? (iIRMANY PISHES WEST. By Dr. Gerhard Schacher. Hurst and Blaekett 10s 6d net. EUROPE Is drifting towards a new and far more terrifying crisis. Germany pushes West, because it is only Ifoere that National Socialism sees the
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  • 162 8 rupA-r Singapore, Friday. GREAT hardsnip lo being experienced by drivers who are not permuted, under the present Traffic Regulations, to park their vehicles within the white lines marked at trolley-bus stops Whe, her or not such owners of vehicles could park within the< e
    162 words
  • 92 8 SINO AMERICAN CULTURAL ASSCN. T Hongkong, June 30 HE Sino-American Institute of Oil" tural Relations here held a luncheon meeting yesterday afternoon, at which Sir Geoffrey Northcote, Governor ol Hongkong, who la concurrently PresH dent of the Hbngfcing Branch of 1 1 Sino-British Cultural Association, deli' vered a speech, voicing
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 463 9 If There Are No Threats, Says lord Halifax London, June 30. v I MM* at Chatham House, Lord Halifax, the Foreign Secre- utcr declaring the British determination to resist any new agression m Europe, dealt with the questions of living space, __v-_ -mil raw
    British Wireless  -  463 words
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  • 112 9 FINISH IT OFF IN 3 MONTHS Tokyo Order FT is learnt from reliable sources, states a Sin Chen- Jit Poh message that before the Japanese invasion of Pwßtow, General Itagaki and Admiral Yoneuchi circulated the following instructions to the rank and file cf the Japanese Army and Navy m China:
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  • 132 9 THE erection of a push-button car park underground, the most up-to-date m the country, began m Cardiff recently. It will accommodate 500 cars, and the touch of a button m a control room will brjfrg any required car on to a rotating platform. It is
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  • 83 9  - Muslims Urge Firm Stand sin unev/ Jit r*on. IT is diplomatically reported that public organisations m Muslim countries, particularly Egypt and India, have sent appeals to the British Government urging the early abandonment of the appeasement policy and the adoption of a stronger line of action against the totalitarian States
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 23 9 for Your Convenience BEF ORE OR AFTER THE SHOW •Wl Al The RESTAURANT FrCSh S >' dn ey Rock Oyster, AND ""•""nig s.ranberrte, obtainable.
      23 words
    • 130 9 THE TRUE TONIC FOOD VWBWODPS mg Omt \JtOfnmxs ***** Stores Essences o/l?r\NIIlA. r^^ ALMONDdLEMON *S?* •the Ideal flavourings \ssgSa* for Puddings fctard, PiesXfdtes.etoTry C Bs Essences when next you aro making pastry, custard and blanc-mange. Taste the delicious flavour it imparts. Listen to the TZs_ft~§rr wonderful comments that are sure
      130 words

  • 148 10 S,r M;«l.ol„. CmM »r K an,s,r an th* 1 t»J»H& rod, I mo.or-,wl, wh,n h, .»5.,,« t,d the i d«»n v s.onal Provost Company off the C ...rps off """"^JSE .Territorials) at Hrooklands tiark Sum v. m P n ar f for th, be Trrilonal
    Planet News  -  148 words

  • 196 11 Proudest Ship Sails Bearer of the proudfst name m merchant shipping history, the new "Mauretania," 34,000- tons CunardWhite Star liner, left Liverpool to the cheers of 100,000 people on her maidrji voyage to America. She was commanded by Captain A. T. Brown, who took the old "Mauretania" to be broken
    Planet News  -  196 words

  • 943 12 ASCOT Hats..... PARIS Frocks Just like a bowl <» J flowers is the deppgpUm i this model worn by :i meet*** on the opening day of Asn.t. Photo Planet News. JHE variety which marks our dresses is none the less noticeable m the smartest hats. Flat little boaJ« ■»s,
    Planet News  -  943 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 24 12 MANILA SHOP RAFFLES HOTEL All Baby Clothing at reduced prices. :X: Sports Clothes a Speciality. :X: DRESSMAKING t'NDERTAKEN AT VERY MODI KM I (HARGES.
      24 words
    • 49 12 "MAXIME* LADIES' HAIRDRESSING AND BEAUTY SALON. x Have your hair PERMANENTLY WAVED by our NEW WIRELESS MACHINE. No Wires no dlscomfort.-quick and excellent Results. We also specialize m Facial Beauty Treatment and nee Mux Factor Coiour Harmony Make-Ups. m*. RAFFLES HOTEL BUILDING OR 91, BRAS BASAH ROAD. Telephone 2868.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 108 13 V<3& ""V OM l-^-^-a- ><S. ..V "WmWmmmtt V W ft- £3_i X 3s_K^"'\"^R-^»^'* a_-B^tlfc-&^nWw^3B9BK^ t ■kmß^v^ .^"Vxv Bp^i_- v "**"V*2l>' '*4l <I^'il_________j ___H^ vv.^* Mvfijßr^i^H n_v yJ*" mmFmimKafMpl^Rjl*' 111 e_ra I PPr^ •^■■fi''^tPM SS FINE FOOD^™ because it li so good for the brain and nerves, also for helping to
      108 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 450 14 ______________________^^-^^^fp==^jj^^SMeMis_j[ Ti^lvH; KKII'IMH lUm^m WJAjmU it ■> si L M^ m ft p i^_r f* es»^^ —p^^* >Li-s_lr''^i ffl 1 r JTl^ißw>7^^7~" T""~ > \_^^^_j^^^^ r I •Olv^^Cl^* BY P&O.'nd BRITISH INDIA.LIMES (INCORPORATED IN ENGIJVND) Outwards n Tonnage Tonnage cohfu 15.000 inTort RE nooo sepll 1 BURDWAN 8,070 July 1
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  • 337 15 WARSAW, JUNE 30. AMMUNITION AND MEN ARE CONTINUING TO REACH DANZIG FROM EAST PRUSSIA, ACCORDING TO SEMIOFFICIAL REPORTS RECEIVED FROM DANZIG LAST NIGHT. Sixteen guns disembarked last night on the bay east of Danzig and were taken aboard trawlers to Bischofsberg, where the
    Reuter  -  337 words
  • 61 15 Singapore, Friday. An argument over a debt ln the wit-ness-room of the Supreme Court Building. Empress Place, was alleged to have been followed by a fight outside on the corridor. The {alleged combatants, Suurama- niam and Ramasamy, produced at the Third Police Court this morning, pleaded
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  • 28 15 The Lloyd Triestino liner Conte Rosso is due at Singapore on Monday and will sail for Hongkong and Shanghai 'the same day at 2 p.m.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 278 15 lIHI\S PHILP LIKE. .Incorporated m Australia) NEXT SAILINGS Doe Sails. MSRKUR July 6 July I lARELLA July 30 Aug. 4 vk cheap round trip tickets from Singapore to Auvrtralia issued at the raies. tm ill°eis may transfer, at Singapore, Brisbane, Sydney or wt me ii the connecting X.P.M. Vessel.
      278 words
    • 73 15 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. (APCAR LINE.) I FOR HONG KONG, SHANGHAI. MOJI, KOBE ,\ND OSAKA jj ••s mini an A" i 8,000 TONS SAILING JULY 13 AT 3 P.M. fj The above ve«el has excellent modern accommodation for First Saloon and Second Srloon |i^jse"gers. -™wi_ Specibl Hrlidw K'turn
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 268 15 gj XuNTELUGENCE| TO mmla*A T Marudu July 1 350 pjn. N h Brunei and Übuan Ntoruau ftjp RfMtfn SeTlerophon 1 1030 ajn E Corfu J »«-m P_ i XLM 1 2 pjn. 'land Great Britain x f^rtagnan J P*. 5 Sareeß only) D'Artagnan M J 7 p.m. a South KLM.
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    • 84 15 MAILS EXPECTED Mc ils expected from Netherlands Indies by Air (X.L.M) to<lay. Deliveries tof boxholders' letters only 4 p.m. and general deliveries of letters and parcels 4.05 p.m. respectively on the same day. 1 Mails expected from Europe etc.,' .Amsterdam! by Air (KLM.) to-day Deliveries of boxholders' letters only 7.30
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    • 214 15 PASSENGERS BY AIR The following passengers arrived m Singapore from Saigon by KNILM plane on June 28:— Mr. Lemoult. The following left for Neth. E.I. by KNILM plane on June 28:— Mr. W. S. Bagby. Mr. Qarter. Arrived from Europe. India and Medan by KLM plane on June 28: Mr.
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  • 2231 16 THE MUNCIPAL ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 133) Singapore. i iinrh-r Be< i"" jnr-sw^jss jjpow M nnd.-r H AH perwna 111 h n -to ure in"l,lOU iU d S2°tS Sr Ob rrnons known vlUd to make th.' ot J" t;uV J:i m writing tot* CotooWS" WW > „rder that Itli i,ia y ff
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 509 16 NOTICE. MUNICIPAL COMMISSIONERS OF TOWN OF SINGAPORE. Assessment for the year 1939. Rates due for the 2nd half-year ljj Owners of property are reminded tt rates for the 2nd half-year 1939 are and payable m advance Without derm at the Municipal Office m the month July 1939. Notice is hereby
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  • 516 17 Game Devoid Of Thrills NONE-TOO-BRIGHT soccer was seen at Anson Road Stadium yesterday when the R.A.F. met and defeated the S.R.C. by four goals to two m a ftrst division S.A.F.A. league match. Play on the part of the Airmen could
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  • 389 17 Singapore* Friday. TVdAPORKS next Municipal Prer tfent, Mr Lazarus Rayman and R vn vi returned from short rs Kayman > Th^v have ive by the "(orfu. ln^ v naxe m away five months. m an interview on board Mi. Rayman KffJTlSa l mapmm Jgl mbero e
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  • 40 17 r London, June 30. ne underwriters of the London u nty Council Loan have been left with 4 Per cent This more than antici!m?ns nßs wnich be an at 40s. dis int and weakened later.- -Reuter.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 24 17 *n*l\*v J u ne 30 The Union ieth c how run b th«Amcai raid %,t Str yed m Japanese e&U__£M_ _*> au -Ueuter.
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 165 17 PRINCE MAHMUD BRIDE ARRIVE Singapore, Friday. DRINCE Mahmud and his 21--year-old English bride, the former Miss J«yce Blencowe, arrived to-day by the "Corfu." Brother of H_. the Sultan of Trengganu the Prince is the fourth son of the late Sultan of Trengganu. He is just two months over 21 years
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  • 41 17 London, June 39. After being delayed for several days by bad weather, the salvage vessels Zolo and Ranger sailed from the Mersey for Liverpool Bay to begin the sal vaor f the Thetis. The sea is smooth.- -Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 307 17 Insult To Flag Not Confirmed London, June, 30. IN the House of Commons to-day Mr. P. J. Noel-Baker (Lab. Darby) asked Mr. R. A. Butler (Foreign Under-Secretary) for a statement regarding the action of the Japanese authorities at Swatow m preventing vessels Seistan and Kwangtung from entering the port and
    Reuter  -  307 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 201 17 (12) m L.O. 599|38 THE CROWN LANDS ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 113) NOTICE OF SALE OF CROWN LAND Notice is hereby given that a lease for the term of 99 years of the undermentioned Crown Land situate at Tank Road, Singapore, will be sold by Public Auction at the Land Office, at
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  • 1062 18  -  MAIM t S srPKKBI IS < Ky TUP Summer aeaaon al K..»i» Umaa will I* brought to a close T Ja.,— mm hHN, f msU V^T^Z m the sccml *f tf the summer extra meet of the Selanßor Turf Chil>. IFOTffi hfls now been
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  • 42 18 im_m- are selections for this Race 1-DAIRY MAID Veracity Race >>— BEVERANT Miss Red Race V-RYE SEAMtS Hurricane Race 4— SACRIFICE Just My Luck Race WAUIWRNTIC All Gold Race 6— DAZZLE Jade Lad y Race 7-PHARIOL Nightshade Ra^e B— TETUEX Selanpor II
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  • 242 18 Moravians Beat Changi Civilians 4—2 MORAVIA. 4; C (W.D.) C. 2. THE Changi (W.D.) Civilians went down fighting against Moravia m their div. 118 engagement on the s 11 B ground yesterday. After leading 2—l five minutes foi. lowing resumption the Civilians' defence cracked up and the Moravians quickly took
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  • 112 18 S.C.R.C. Beat Airmen In Friendly Tennis Match THE S.C it.C. entertained the R.Vf. sports tlub at Hon? lim Green >e>terday. As part ut the evening's prograuiini five matches of tennis were Indulge; n And like all well-behaved guests, :re Airmen left their hosts victors! THE RESULTS Singles: See Gim HoCk
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  • 84 18 S. A. B. A. Meeting Postponed Sinfcfcnore. PridarTHE coinrruttee meeting of the Sxnf 1 pore Amateur Boxing Associate* fixed for Monday, July 3 lias been p***; poned to Monday July 17, at 6 p.m Members .ire kindly requested to a** l a note of the date 3 f the postponeme>The
    84 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 97 18 m%mmL%m m MOM THE ST\(;i DRAMA THAT STUNNED, SMOCKED AND «OT_RAU*Jd"^T SEW YORK AND LOUDON itoß SO THRILL-PACKED VVFFKS* i UNIQUEI AMAZINGI DIFFERENTI ._w B_B_i_H_i_B___l _fTf*f^"T"T"H- m— i i^^— i- ii S^_r^rT^^7^VTf l^V^l^ _a *Ifil k A fl LAAlh|^^A II J^_ _^___^___^______fl A A 1 V i H F^ -1
      97 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 47 18 TIDE TABLES TO-DAY High Water: 11 11 p.m. 8.5 H 10.25 p.m 9.5 ft. Low WM9: 4.41 a.m. 1.0 ft 4.42 p.m. 4.5 it TO-MORROW High Water: 1143 a.m. 8.5 ti11. 02 p.m. 9.5 ft Low Wa;er: 5 19 a.m. 0.8 ft. 5 18 p.m. 44 It.
      47 words

  • 371 19 JOHORE BEA T MALACCA BY 4 GOALS TO 2 Malaya Cup Soccer Losers' Third Successive Defeat (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Friday. rIORE beat Malacca m this afternoon's Malaya Cup tie played here by four goals to twe. Thus Johore improved on her first match against Singapore, when the sultunate
    371 words
  • 70 19 sm J °rcore.senUtive S who will fnc n nKota Bahru for the ukc t f l ?h. Foon« Seonit Cup comta&s and Kelantan ltl0 beiwewi b the cc are the l^ v arranged to oe X S_te Bahru on July 14 and Johore
    70 words
  • 128 19 *c following have been L«*Jjj U* v Football for the V M A al J* s ir n As Sports Club on Tuesday at o b on the Anson Road Ground: ree Aik Chan, M. Swyny, V. M. PdJohari G Ranatunga. H. •Meßeath-C. E T.
    128 words
  • 118 19 Gloucester beat Yorkshire by seven wickets. Yorkshire made 176 (Goddard six for 61) and 105 (Goddard seven for 38) Gloucester scored 168 (Verity seven for 47 > and 114 for three wickets. Sussex won by 13 runs. Sussex 258 (Bartlett 93. Copsonsix for 64) and 147. Derby 198
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 37 19 London, June 30. In sunny weather and a slight b-.eeze it Wimbledon Kay rammers, beat #ana Brown 6—2. and Sperling beii Diana Wood, of De/onshire A— 3 and 6 -1. in the ihird round. -Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 485 19 Meyer Lowers Javelin Record In S.A.A.A. Meet Singapore, Friday. QNE record and a number of surprises were included m the seuond day of the Singapore Ar.iateur Athletic Association's Fifth Championship Meeting, this evening. C t i, M?7er ,vitn a si' aßd tnro *t WW m WH broke the Singapore aad
    485 words
  • 60 19 The following have oeen seieciea io represent the M.C.U. against the S.C.R^C. on Sun. 2nd. at 2.00 p.m. on the college ground Ong Swee Law, Kuldip Singh, I. Alvis, K.S. Ratnam. Chiem Chong Woo, N. Woodhull, Neo Thean Soo, K. Bala.singam r Hu Wei Ming, Hera
    60 words
  • 136 19 VISITING TABLE TENNIS STARS WIN MAKING tieir thi»-d appearance at the Great World *iall last night. Szabados and Kelen. the Hungarian table tenuis .stars, agai.i swept Mie board when they won all the r ties m exhibition mateh?s m aid of «he China Relief Fund. Szabados and £eJen will appear
    136 words
  • 44 19 Singapore, Friday. Mr. L. W. Geddes and Mr. O. fi. N. Oehlers were welcomed by Mr. W« Hartley, president of the Municipal Commissioners, at a meeting of the commissioners held urus afteruoor. Mr. Geddes and Mr. Oehlers now serve on the Commission.
    44 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 238 19 TRADEBARCAJNS FOR SALE BARGAINS! Read this page of Special Trade Bargains appearing In the Morning Tribune every Saturday. You will find what you are looking for ana SAVE MONEY. OPTICA!, Whatevj&r your opticai requirements ....NAN-SIN has exactly what you want plus efficiency and economy. Ring up 6M3 for a convenient
      238 words

  • 387 20 LAST NIGHTS nrWTATr' AJ \_T-* m. 9 -*oom (By "Referee') m the live seaisenat "f A vVorld last nißht went tfct d»sUnre Th. result was the th :lll(Il nr sat »hr«u K h a solid h rn OII rs«! boxing. W**m9 m *Jp99*9 even for
    387 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 76 20 __B BBin^NL fs lm_CO __P^^^l_ _v _«m__ AkmmWWw o^**^^^^m. w^ -'IK «T 1^ __B Bp^ fl m_x Bi Zi Ear jars fl i n ,;r d s hcaithy L _S^3^»a Your tcth M Ivor, Mta Ml* to s_Sr^__. P S* l f elh MM then, with S2f taITSSI l^ha^JV" I
      76 words

  • MORNING TRIBUNE Sports Supplement
    • 6 1 MORNING TRIBUNE Sports Supplement Every Saturday.
      6 words
    • 2168 1 Malayan Cricket Review Selangor-Perak Match Spoilt By Rain L maich between the S.C.C. and Genuang last week was greatly 1 interferred by rain and although scheduled for two days it lin ed out to be a one innings affair. The S.C.C. did not turn out
      2,168 words
    • 538 2 «<> Sport* FIRST SUCCESS IN COMMAND SPORTS Alllr'AliY the holders ol the Services Association Football Inter A I'nit League and knock-oiM Trophies, the Swimming, Water and Lawn Tennis Championships the R.A F gained another success when at (iillmun Ha- racks last
      538 words
    • 462 2 Boon And Danahar Went lo Knson CHIC M thf lig"t»n K l.t ll H«, WWtt nananar or 1 Uiin's two RrcaWst boy boxers, went to the prison recently-to jirftlfi one Hundred and If* Horstal bo>s at Wormwood Scrub*. I'"'" fwnv.Kd Scrubs to h"»d 1
      462 words
    • 701 3  -  "COS") GILLMAN SPORTS NOTES (By THE Loyals Reserve XI retain- Ed their unbeaten record this season when they defeated tbe Police reserves at Gillman last Tuesday evening by six goals to one. The score m no way shows the complete superiority which the Loyals
      701 words
    • 465 3 Fort Canning Notes n. Q Company. Manchester Kegiment, won the Singapore^area o H the Small Units League when they took a point from Fort Canning m a hard iought gtme at Tanglin. Uthouah they ensured themselves of c supreme position they did not
      465 words
    • 58 3 His Royal Highness, the Duke of Windsor, who has been playing regularly over the St. Germain course J)ear Paris has handed m three cards and has asked for a handicap. As he has been going round faWV regularly m 86 or so. he
      58 words
    • 73 3 The Nawab of Pataudi, the former England, Worcestershire and O.xtorci University cricketer, who n married to Princess Sajida Sultan, is expected to make a return to big cricket this season, according to a inaasaee from Bhopal, India. It is stated that the Nawab has P mised to
      73 words
    • 11 3 A LEADER THAT MISSED ITS MARK S huidnu m Weln-^ra^w draw
      11 words
    • 459 4 Odds In Favour Of Raffles In To-Day's Clash Annual College Soccer fllK local equivalent of the Oxford vs. Cambridge Animal soccer fixture takes place today on the Medical College ground when Raffles and Medical Colleges will clash for the 'Staff Cup." This trophy was contributed to by the staff of
      459 words
    • 155 4 Yorks To Watch For Cricket "Poachers" CPUAKIM. at the annual luncheon to Yorkshire players, Sir Stanley Jackson said the new registration of county players' scheme would have to be watched very carefully. In, they VMM have lo see that other people did not try to 'pouch" their players, (or
      155 words
    • 100 4 'pilß Town and Country Golf Club, St. Paul. Minnesota, has been selected as the venue of the next Walker Clip matches, according to the Un led States Golf Association, who announce that the contest will be^ln on August SI 1940 The famous Anglo-American m trr which
      100 words
    • 45 4 J (Juthrie. a Dunfermhne ,l"»< School boy. playing against Dollar \'Ydemy. took fi\e wickets for one fmi hi 16 3 overs. The moet remarkable part of hi., j-.t gt tt r un was scored off the *r-t 91 ball* Guthrie sent down.
      45 words
    • 129 4 U I BERT O^perman, holder a many world cycling records, h* stated publicly m Melbourne m be may head a team of probaM four Australian cyclists which attack major nn paced road cycim lccoids m England next year. Opperman congratulated H icW Kemps en having beaten
      129 words
    • 502 4 AT the Football league annual meeting a decision on giand treat- ment was postponed. Tho President announced that the ManugtOMSl Committee had not yet received a report from the highest mceVcal authority en the matter, and that nothing would be done i.hout a notice to
      502 words
    • 173 5 "Count Rossi To Defend His Speedboat Title CFV FN crafts are being prepaN J red for this year's speedboat Gold Cup race, to be held on the Detroit River on Labour Day September 4, according to a message from Detroit. 6 a ,i compete the field will be S S.
      173 words
    • 252 5 I. R. HENDERSON, of upper Canada College, Toronto, will cap- tain a cricket team of 15 uiadian private school students who will tour England this sumnv r under the auspices of the overseas education league. The beys will sail from Quebec on June 30. m
      252 words
    • 553 5  -  "PERMAINAN") Perak Sports Notes (By JN unusual wave of enthusiasm for tennis has been sweeping the whole of North Malaya of late and with the Malayan open i hampionships fast approaching interest m the game has tfeen considerably revived. The Penang, Perak and Selangor open
      553 words
    • 403 6 Wembly And White CKy Have Joined Forces FIGHTS MAY NOT BE BROADCAST Association and tnt wmu ,l J- v p ar *i of keen Wemblrv hnpressario, have at last joined forces after years ol t kee ".petition and are sta K
      403 words
    • 211 6 Nazis Criticise Britain's Sense Of "Fair Play" BIIMISJI "Fair Play is not all that it Is cracked up to be, according to the Lokal An/eiger. The Bruisn have lost their sportsmanship, the paper declares. It points out that the English word 'fair play" has been adopted into Ihe Herman language
      211 words
    • 44 6 Jimmy Webster, the South African bantamweight who has been boxing success:ully m Canada, beat Frankie Rich, a oungstown boxer, on points over lour rounds at Toronto. Webster weighed 8 st. 8 lbs. and Rich H .st 4 1 2 lbs
      44 words
    • 123 6 Canada To Compete In Olympic Canoeing PaddlifiK, the l ompetit on which «ayr Canada its only first pl»« the IM Olympic Carnes. will a*ain be included m the f.emes In I inland next-year, and the CJJU dian Canoe Ass»,cation has decided to send a team. Frank Amyot. of Ottawa, won
      123 words
    • 126 6 ANOTHER CRICKET ROMANCE TllK engagement has been .announced between Mr. E. R. T Holmes, former Surrey captain and England cricketer, and Mrs. Ju.leth Vaughan, daughter of the Key. and Mrs. F. A. Ci. I.evcson (lower Thus two famous cricket .mi? famine; ere to be united Mrs Vaughan is a niece
      126 words
    • 77 6 Armstrong's Hand In Plaster Cast HKNRY Armstronu. the world tttttwei'ht and welterweight champion. recently beal Ernie Roderick, the British welterweight champion, m London, has arrived In New York from Kngland with his left hand m a plaster t9m. It is not oertain that he will be able to defend hl.s
      77 words
    • 119 6 DhhXjKfe; h Ur ;e crowds the In-' matches ■J for the football Championship of the v.B.B_R have been pluyed at Moscow Kiev Stahngrad. Odessa and Thilissi Last year's Winner* <f the cap the Moscow "tpertak" iporting society opened their sea on by paying the Metalurelst team,
      119 words
    • 96 6 ALFRED Padgham (Sundridj Park), open champion thn years ago, will not play m this yeai Ohampicnship— because he forji to enter. Padgham suddenly realised tnat champicnship was near Ut -tarts July 3> and remembered that he 1 not entered. He wired at oner
      96 words
    • 61 6 K. KENNERLEY, the British amal billiards champion, who is play matches m several of the big W Towns set up a new Indian record a break of 196. compiled m mm. seconds at Bombay. The previous re ord was 187 ma« the Indian player. Deb. Kennerley
      61 words
    • 36 6 The New Zealand Rugby Vv.i a been trying to arrange a visit of combined Oxford, Cambridge and Dv University teams to the Dominion, it is now learnt that such a visit a possible.
      36 words
    • 293 7 y^HKN he had completed 107 tuns of his fourth successive century this season. Herbert SutchrTc, the 44-year-old Yorkshire and England cricketer, marked ur; his 50,000 th run. He went on to make a total of 175 In Jtahire's first innings against M<d■a ut Lord's and
      293 words
    • 58 7 Dave Crowley, former British lightweight champion, has been nominated by the Board ol Control to meet _1c Boon, the holder, for the British lightweight title. No further details of this fight 'lave been arranged as yet, but it is expected that there will be another announcement m
      58 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 63 7 NEW HUDSON I i THE WORLD'S BEST BICYCLE _^^^^^^^^^^BB! _S fl B _^_P_l HL fl B _^______r^_fl __B fl B w Entirely on their own merits NEW HUDSON Bicycles have earned a troly "wOrWwide* reputation for— ENDURING QUALITY BEAUTIFUL DESIGN c SUPERB FINISH c CRAFTSMANSHIP and c RELIABILITY *hile VALUE
        63 words
    • Page 7 Miscellaneous
      • 178 7 Honours j I ttiii- nr ,psRC. vs. Klang r:il Lav .Medicals vs. Dentals) g TaX (Raffles College ij.l A? I I c'sUai-BR.C. vs. S.X.I. j ?e B n Wat- Odd Cup Tourna--1 fE-ffp^akvs.seW^ 14 f' si -Perak vs. Selangor*. > J E bia 7 p c Vi s. C.R.C. I.
        178 words
    • 653 8 Standard Of Importations Improving TURF TOPICS WonThe Same Race Again ANK of the most striking lea tures of the summer season at Selangor as far as it m* progressed is the number oi maiden winds scored by horses and ponies that have been racing m this country for a comparatively
      653 words
    • 173 8 A J. Stubbs, the Australian walking champion, had a comfortable win m the 10,000 metres championship of New South Wales at Sydney, but failed m an attempt to create new world figures for the distance. The heavy state of the track, foi lo ing rain, did not
      173 words
    • 636 8 Fort Canning Sports Notes ••„> and C' Manchester Companies played a fast and exciting B game when the latter wei, defeated by four goals to two. Nutbrown. at right-back for B WPA unfortunate to deflect the ball past ms E own goalkeeper m the opening stages t of the "ame
      636 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 77 8 "ROMANCE" AT POPULAR PRICES! 41 ROMANCE Hair Cream .50 cts. "ROMANCE" Amber Brilliantine 2.5 cts. ROMANCE" Solid Brilliantine 30 cts. 4 ROMANCE Rose Hair OU 23 cts. Behind each ROMANCE item is twenty years' Laboratory research and experience. ROMANCE COSMETICS are guaranteed to be of the highest quality and compare
        77 words