Morning Tribune, 14 April 1939

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Morning Tribune
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  • 214 1 London. Apr. U Mr. Attlee, following Mr Chambeila.n. declared himself disappointed with the Premier's statement. He proceeded: "We have a cleliberal" ore?.ch of obligations undertaken by Mussolini m the ™m -Italian pact. We regarded Ike ajjuerneut as part of a mistaken poiicj m the unreal policy of uni•aiera!
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  • 52 1 BRITAIN TELLS THE WORLD London, Apr. 13. f ORD HALIFAX, m the House of Lords, supplementing Mr. Chamberlain's statement m the Commons, announced that the British declaration to give all support to Greece and Rumania if they resisted aggression had been directly communicated to the Governments concerned and others, especially
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 244 2 Street Jugglers Same As Beggars? Singapore, Thursday AS the rvsult of a midnight vigil by [flipector Gordon and constables m plain clothes outside the Jalan Betar gate ol tfte New World, four women, two of whom held babies m their arms, and two girt*, believed to be refugees from Shanghai,
    244 words
  • 77 2 SECRECY ROUND R. A. F. I ondon, Upr. 13. i Dl as'i ie modification mad In thi 1 monthly Air Force list be- .<■-:-. a policy of much greater 5,.,._s recy than hitherto regarding units, personnel and constitution of the Air Force The list is approximately half the usual size
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 512 2 Story Of Divorce Proposu I (Tribune Staff Reporter) Kuala Lumpur. Thursday. CFVTENCF of 15 months' rigorous imprisonment was passed 5 on Sastra bin Sutie. a Javanese, yesterday morning by Mr Justice Gordon Smith at the Selangor Assize, m a case, which was described by
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  • 206 2 Health Of The East THE health bulletin of the League of Nations Eastern Bureau, Singapcre, for the week ended Apr. 8 reads as follows:—* No plague was reported during the week from any Eastern port. Cholera continues to increase rapiulv m Calcutta. 219 cases being notified as against 147 m
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  • 33 2 Jerusalem, Apr. 13 Art! Abdul Razzik, the well-kiv.wn leader cf Arab bands In Palestine, with 16 of his followers have surrendered to French military authorities m Syria according to an official announceme.i*. Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 69 2 ANTONIO CEBI'LAR, a steward j working on board the Conte Verde who had a narrow escape on Honda} morning. While cleaning a >;iii»"ii ivtedon on deck, he was thrown ir board owing to the heavy swell I it m not (ill about three hours later th^t he was picked up
    Tribune  -  69 words
  • 94 2 ire iln 1 f 'hit i Justice In Isi Couri i m Judgment m Magi trate' Appeal N*. 2039 Lim Ooon Bffig v v R Thereafter Bankruptcy. BeTon Mr Ju tice i'< dlow at n aon Bummon^ea-in-Chambers, Oriplnatin! Summons Motion, Petition and Inter pleader Summon b.
    Probate matters  -  94 words
  • Article, Illustration
    2 2
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  • 199 2 F. M. S. EMERGENCY RICE SUPPLY Fears Over Storage Plan (Tribune Staff Reporter) Kuala Lumpur. Thursday v tension m international affairs, more and i; eintoloytrs oi labour m the F.M.S. are the offer of a local firm to stock rice nominal charge for immediate release m case t >: regular
    199 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 30 2 "CARLOS" No. 1, THE ARCADE, Telephone 6332 European Haw Dressers For Ladies and Gentlemen Specialists m ,ll the latest methods ;im experts m p,. |j. < ure and nianicuie. Prices moderate.
      30 words

  • 102 3 Changsha. April 12. ptfld dispatches disclose that whereas F t nose were formerly hoMin f f man their own positions Z -are it present, retreating, foil-.w-■if Chfnese counter-offensives, JapaSL officers formerly took pains to way and cremate Japanese dead bod but they are. at present, leaving
    Chinese Central News Agency  -  102 words
  • 83 3 Hongkong, Apr. 13. JOUR of the ten Portuguese steamers detained by the Japanese at Wooung outside Shanghai have been releas>d. While the Japanese defended their lotion on the ground that the coastai Iners were thought to be foreign -owned n name but were actually Chinese-own-d and
    Chinese Central News Agency  -  83 words
  • 334 3 Chinese Take The Initiative In SinoJapanese Hostilities Chungking. Apr. 13. HK Sino-Japanese hostilities are still centred on north Kiangsi province, where the Chinese after marching past Kaoan. 60 kilometres nth-west of Nanchang, continued to advance by two routes on Nan»ano and Fenghsin, over 35 kilometres north of Kaoan. along the
    Chinese Central News Agency  -  334 words
  • 54 3 Chungking, Apr. 13. meeting held yesterday oral h > 1° (> nvok e the Third Naundn n !Tairs Co "^rence on June inllt auspices of the Interior omote shL il en B th en resistance, to u{v u-:ni m ,trative efficiency and tj •^ministration."
    Chinese Central News Agency  -  54 words
  • 353 3 Not Opposed To Peace, But It Must Be Peace With Honour Chungking, Apr. 13. "FUNDAMENTALLY, China is nnt, t op p O sed to peace if by peace is meant the maintenance of friendly relations among the various nations of the world on a f oo
    Chinese Central News Agency  -  353 words
  • 151 3 JAPANESE HARASSED BY GUERRILLAS Chungking, Apr. 13. NORTH Kiangsi Province, a rich agricultural country north of the Yangtze River remains very much m Chinese hands notwithstanding the Japanese attempts to "mop up" the Chinese forces, according to a field dispatch from the north Kiangsu front. The Chinese are at present,
    Chinese Central News Agency  -  151 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 52 3 Do You Need Glasses? Only an examination by a skilled qualified spe- 118?*^^ jT~ will tell you to /f^i^^si t hat extent your vision U W^^ xs deficient. \>\^ a. A. THOMPSON Dr. of Ocular Science, Govt. Licentiate (U.S.A.) 35 Years European Clinical Experience 4, Arcade Ground Floor. Tel. 3002.
      52 words
    • 22 3 I S| NQAla^^' Hi 1 ft^t H i^^tJj^iß Bf from all Dealers. F.M.S.— DiUTY FREE Sole Distributors: RAHAMIN PENHAS 117-125, Cecil Stfeet
      22 words

    • 21 4 London. Thursday. Previmi.s To-day Change j-lne Bar per oz. MI ?EK 93 9 93 9 months' forward s t2
      21 words
    • 17 4 TIN STANDARD pj h-jQoi laiwruoon »clo.sing price) £216 £215-^ -«/< forward £213» 2 £213' i 4
      17 words
    • 62 4 Singapore. Apr. 13. Tin at midday was SIOSN. unchanged, and the price of Rubber at 4 o'clock was buyers Spot 27 cents, buyers July September 27 5 16 cents, market steady but quiet. Conditions were extremely dull m all sections of the local share market today, but
      62 words
    • 129 4 GUTHRIE'S RUBBER REPORT Singapore, Thursd .y 1;i weekly rubber report, Guthrif to Ltd state: i result <;i the Easter Holidays little rubber newt u> report ii othet commodity md tarkel i--f rubber markit \a dowed ij> political c ►naiderallv, tii«' nearby ix).sitH»n \s ::i vt lit and April delivery has
      129 words
    • 18 4 lltar, Apr 13: H M.S. Repulse ere for England this morning to Their Majesties to Canada next Reuter
      Reuter  -  18 words
    • 161 4 Singapore Thursday. T.MK >narket closed bi fore the Eastet holidays with a feeling of nrie millUktC which, however, iraa rudely destroyed by Italy's »*ntiv into Albania, a id it was 'vvith seme apprehension that operators 1 (turned on Tuesday, says Lewis and Peat's rubber report.
      161 words
    • 33 4 London, Thursday Previous To-day Cnan Idle Steady BIBBLR Buyers 715 16 715 16 Sellers 8 8 Forward (Apr .June, 2nd Forward (July Sept, Buyers^ 81.16 3r3 Forward Toot. Deo BggS.l6 5.16
      33 words
    • 117 4 London. Thursday Previous To-day thai Jk«6tniers 20 20 l ninlop Rubber 19 13 16 193 4 _1 general Electric £7.8.6 2 H. 8.6 -j, Imperial Chemical bdoftritl 89 9 88 6 Imperial Tobacco 25,- 25 Anglo-Dutch 76 1»2 76 6 hi Canadian Pacific 28 1 1 2
      117 words
    • 88 4 London. Th Previous To-day Chi PALM OIL (Malaya) In bulk Apr. May shipment £14 5 0 nominal Unchai COPRA (Straits, F.M.S.) April Shipment £10 17.6 nominal £10.18.9 ncrai SAGO FLOUR (Sarawak) Apr. May Shipment 87 ■> sellers 8 6 TAPIOCA Seed Pearl Ist quai J Singapore > Apr. shipment
      88 words
    • 57 4 New York, Apii'. 12. RUBBER Previous To-day Ch: Market Tine Steady Quiet Steady Spot Buyers 15 1316 15 3 4 Sellers 15 15 16 15 7 a Forward July Sept. Buyers 15 13 16 15 3 4 Sellers 15 15 16 15 7 3 TIN Market Tone
      57 words
    • 64 4 London. ThuM Previous To-day i'.t. on Paris (closing selling rate) 176.75 176.73 T.T. on AmsterdjjUTi (closing middle rate) 8.8113 16 8.81 3 i T.t. on Shanghai (closing selling rate) 8 3 8 Unchanged T.T. on Hongkong (closing selling rate) Is. 2 3 4 Unchanged T.T. on Japan (closing
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 693 5 STOCKS SHARES Issued By F raser Company I Singapore, Apr. 13. 5 p.m. I Eastern United 29.00 31.00 |F. and N. Ord. 13.90 14.30 do. V 2 <~c Prefs. 925 9.50 Gammon Malaya l.'H l 2 1.6Z 2 Gt. E. Lif 2 f. pd. G1.^.5 6tj.^o.cci Gt. E. L. pt.
    693 words
  • 224 5 LYALL EVATT'S QUOTATIONS Singapore. Thursday. Buyers Seller.-. Ampats 3 3 3 9 Aver Wenes 065 0.70 Batu Selangors 120 l.?oxd Host; Fatts 0.6 C 063 Hongkong Tin 16 6 17 6 Jeiebus 0.5 < 0.61 Kam anting Tin 8 3 9Katu Tin 216 22 6 Kents 2 2 6 Killinghalls
    224 words
  • 170 5 FRASER COMPANY List Of Current Dividends Singapore. Apr. 13. 5 p.m. Company Dividend Books Total t» Date Ex Dlv. year It* K^vabl* Batu Selaneor 2 1 2^ Apr. 12 A pr. 18 Apr 13 2 V 2 Johan 5- ftnal Apr. 8 Apr. 15 Apr. 9 10% Kramat 3d. Apr
    170 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 199 5 e% Mayiurd m r DEBENTURES AND LOANS l Apr fo Set S^ IS0 000 3C 1937 red. 1902 $2,750,000 •«u uci. si 90 10 0 norn tat Mnv 15 15 100 1011/2 c.i. si^ PORE MUNICIFALITX M j^ ft »^f£ IW4 Mtt c S M^ /Sl 0^? 100 101 norn
      199 words
    • 151 5 NEDERLANDSCH HANDELMAATSCHAPPIJ N. V. incorporated m the Netherlands. (Netherlands Trading Society) BANKERS AMSTERDAM Established by Royal Charter A.D. 13* Paid Up Capitr- t 40.030.000 Statutory Reserve Fund H 5.000,000 Special Reserve 1,000,000. I Chairman of the Board of Directors H. C. REHBOCK. Managing: Board: iD. CRENA DE lONGH President, M.
      151 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 173 6 e ain With Hi^ THOI'NK SMITHS K;.mous J^^^'^BjgSjvSf? DissolVMiK Khuniba Danurs! STARTS TO-DAY: M»,,ncc 3.15 To-nighl 6.15 9.15 PA V I L I m U^l^"" 1 i* Topi C^^ *ik 1 I^K^^^H 1^ S B H y Bfef B K^ #fl B jm k^Bwl liil I Mkt^y M HAL HOACN
      173 words
    • 131 6 "sTnCAPORE'S ON THE SCREEN AGAIN! I Come and meet "~FREOBIC MARCH and JOAN BENNETT at BU«f TIMAH! SW them filmed mirtst many local scenic backgrounds! j3 SHOWS DAILY IcapitoH M 3 6 15 9 5 ■■I J £1 1 111 IH.i ***** l A United Ar. ■■HHHHHfeHHBBHpBQBpHVHHIH Production LAiIST GAITMONT
      131 words

  • 164 7 New Palestine proposals Are Imminent London. Apr. 13. iiFI'OKT that the Egyptian Ambassador to London now m Cairo X i .conveyed new British proposals for a settlement of the p .Vine problem find no confirmation m. London* where it is under<l< d proposals are still under consideration, The delay m
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 43 7 Tokyo, Apr. 13. The Japanese monoplane Soyokaze hopped off from Calcutta at 9.57 a.m. (Tokyo time) for Karachi on the fifth lap of her goodwill flight to Teheran. Soyokaze will stop at Allahabad and Jodpur for refuelling. Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 22 7 Bucharest, April 13.— King Carol will visit Prince Paul of Yugoslavia m a few days' time, according to Rumania Court circles.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 185 7 Singapore, Thursday. the words "There is no evidence to show after what manner the male Chinese aduit came by his death," Mr vV. Porter, the Singapore Coroner, to-day returned a verdict of iound drowned, at the conclusion of the inquiry of the death of an unknown
    185 words
  • 51 7 Washington, April 13— The Navy Department anoimces that the main body of the United States Fleet wiU be reviewed by the Nay Secretary. Mr. Swanson, on April 27 off Virginia Caoe. About seventy craft will participate m the review, the first of its kind for fiva years.-
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 131 7 M aa j EMPIRE TALKIE! j 7 P.M. TO-NIGHT 915 P.M. j: I a i nt r Bros. AU-Tfthnicolour I Thrilling Production I l-VALLEI of! j THE filA^Tirj WITH j WAYNE MORRIS! CLAIRE TREVOR I j ALLEN HALE j j Matinees Sat. 15th Sun. 16th jITS GREAT TO BE IN
      131 words
    • 88 7 JSUN TALKIE! t (New World) 7.30 TO-NIGHT 9.30 P.M. j MAE WEST m !"CO WEST YOUNG I j MAK W j j GRAND THEATRE j IVtotinaes Sftt 15 Sun. 16th. RONALD COLMAN m 'PRISONER of ZENDA'j and 'Three SMART GIRLS' ■J* ■■(■iiiiiiiitniiiiMiiiiiiiiiii -yff •> a Com m p Shortly! <•
      88 words
    • 160 7 ■■■■■■■■■■■■'^r POSITIVELY LAST DAY OF j Warner Bros. Snappy Comedy- Romance I to-day 3-b. ALHAMBRA I 6-15 9-15 P. M. j j The Sweethearts of "BROTHER RAT" j m Another Comedy Hit! j IJ^^Jf'l 2 BBBP HHBIBBHBBHIBH^^ j^HB.-^m^Hß^^ J 1 Jf*^*\ Ye say he is—and we can prove it! 1
      160 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 171 8 ~*-kj HmL Bk& j^^ Bbl -«Bnl mpl jf*^^ %|i $fiw< rfmti^B^Kß&winßiSL '/>'■' 'W" i^BHL' B^B^ B^BtU^^Bfc v- japj aßßß^Bp^' JJS^BH BB^Bk. '31 3L" BBBfr' B^BBBBnV HfflfflniHßL bW^b^Bj^Bb Hk *a £flfl Bn^Bk, lls^BßT JeHBH bSmI bb^bW k"/ 0^ mrm Jl b\w ie^^Bm WRiBL.^ BnW 'Ik A h»^ CmFh TbJ^Kmßr BBm^Bßk. BBBr
      171 words

  • 173 9 HEA VY FIGHTING NEAR TAIERCHWANG Peking, Apr. 13. TT is disclosed that units of the Japanese organised Pacification Army at Kaifeng— an army which the Japanese wish Gen. Wu Pei Fu to command— mutinied on Sunday and killed six out of nine members of the
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 121 9 STOCK EXCHANGE BRIGHTER: STEEL FIGURES SOARING London, April 13. ON the Stock Exchange yesterday the belief that the international situation was less tense was responsible for brighter sentiment during the morning though traders were extremely cautious and unwilling to extend their commitments prior to the reassembly of Parllam Gilt-edged closed
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 135 9 SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES OR EXPECTED TO ARRIVE Entrance Exit KEPPEL HARBOUR Main Wharf: Lch. Lady Guillemard —Ban Hong Liong Stagen— AdulaWBt. Supply. King's Dock Wharf: Nil. Coal Wharf: Nil. VESSELS IN DRY DOCKS Tanjong Pagar Albert Dock: Recorder. Victoria Dock: Sea Belle 11. Keppel Harbour King's
    135 words
  • 82 9 Mails expected from Europe etc !i Londom by Air Imperial > to-day. De piveries of boxholders' letters and letter > 9 a.m. on the same day Mails expected from Australia, Netnei lands Indies etc. by Ai: (Qantas) to-day Deliveries of boxholdtrs' letters only i p.m. and general delivery
    82 words
  • 26 9 London, Apr! 13.— There will be continuous prayers for peace at West-mins-ter Abbey to-day, simultaneously with the foreign affairs debate m Parliament.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 289 9 111 IJVS I'llll.l" LINE. <In"oroorated In Australia* NFAT SAILINGS Doe Balls. MERKUR Apr. 28 May 4 MARELLA May 28 June 3 6 ecial cheap round trip tickets from Singapore to Australia issued at the following rates Fiat CUsi pa^MDfen may transfer at Singapore. BrLsbane. Sydney or Melbourne to the correcting
      289 words
    • 65 9 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. (APCAR LINE) FOR HONG KONG, SHANGHAI, MOJI, KOBE AND OSAKA T i\ L M A 10,000 TONS SAILING APRIL 20 AT 3 P.M. The above vessel has excellent modern accommodation for First Saloon an* Se^^^ndl3 e ß?totn ticket* to China and Japan Interchangeable *ttft
      65 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 217 9 ijp'oSTAL INTELLIGENCE TO-DAY "Imperial" 14 2 p.n den "Imperial" 14 2 p.m frica East ."Imperial" 14 2 p.m trica South "Qantas" 14 7.45 am ustralia: whole Christiaan Huygens 14 8.30 a.m. ustralia, Western "Imperial" 14 2 p.m. inna "Imperial" 14 2 p.m. anad.iWh° le Christiaan Huygens 14 8.30a.n-. sylon PAli-stine
      217 words

  • 446 10 Special Interview With Tel -Aviv Official (Tribune Staff Reporter) CONSIDERABLE light is throwr. m the following special interview with the Tribune by Mr. Yehudah Nedivi, Town Clerk of the Tel-Aviv Municipality, on the Arab-Jew situation m Palestine. Mr. Nedivi has been m Palestine for 26 years having
    446 words
  • 41 10 JAP LANDING NEAR MACAO IS FOILED Macao, April 13. T IFAKISI marines yesterday afternoon unsuccessfully at--.empled a landing m lleungchau Hay. tHrnty miles north of '•lacao. According to reports aching htm Kiev lost about a men mm m the attempted Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 79 10 Chungking To Be Evacuated In Six Weeks Chungking, April 13. a KNKKM, Urn Shih, (ii'rrison Com*J numder of the Chungking area, M ii»niii'-> that tile evacuation of l < ?ula< c of Chungking "mjst be c ipli-trd before the end of May." -metre-wide fire prevention lanes m!i bt <•' instructed
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 262 10 Prison For Soldiers: Housebreaking Segue Singapore. Thursday JHREE privates of the Loyal Regiment, stationed at Gillman Bar racks, who pleaded guilty to a series of housebreaking charg yesterday before Mr. L. B. Gibson, the District Judge, were sentend to terms of imprisonment this morning. Peter Crompton and James McDonough, two
    262 words
  • 89 10 Italy Expects Peace Nome, Apr- l% CIGNS of a detente m ti'. t national situation are now a the Italian press. Hie Awc' l^ d clares that politics offer s«s syncronising with ♦he *i> >( ■tali' Newspapers suggest fiat t rf guarantee of Greek integn»> moved much of the foreign
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 1002 11 Singapore Society Report il membership of the Satiety ior the Protection of Hindu Children, Singapore, wa* appreciably increased by the active i I some members to the sympathetic public with csull that there were 131> new admissions frojn Singapore and 25 Ignore Bahru, and at
    1,002 words
  • 483 11 Charge Against Chinese APPEARING on a triple charge ot abetting, Chow Vow Heng. who stood A his trial to-day before Mr. Justice Manning at the jWP™ A* sizes, is being charged with having made bangles and armlets ot gold and other base metal and passing
    483 words
  • 322 11 Stanton Nelson's Market Report ALTHOUGH Good Friday's out- rage has brought Europe once more to the brink of catastrophe, here has been a singular absence of •)anic on the world's exchanges, with the exception of Wall Street, where a crash took place m the earlier stages of the crisis. The
    322 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 30 11 i Aow Open i Hair-dressing Salon 1 1 Beauty Parlour, Permanent i Waving, Bleaching, Dyeing, S Facials Manicures A Specialty. 10. B\TTERV ROAD. 1 Room IB (2nd Floor) Phone 7M5
      30 words

  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1069 12 I MB I m_ x .-•ww^ J m S) fl lIR I' fc» «fli m W^tfflß IhgniliillPr w I nmt^ Iraw Lk^h H^w^ I ZHI- mctrrs (1 T>> nu->) fl few I 120 Arabic music. ..,,,,|j Ky jflfe^M BJ B flj BI 540 Malay folk sont, r s. y| Bt
      1,069 words

  • 291 13 CONTRACT BRIDGE NOTES AND PROBLEMS L not matter whether you L* the value of your hand on ount system or operate on S basis, it is difficult to dinster from duplicated lye wtl simple example of .this, oartners hold trip to either Stnd and though uncovered trifle ol mmm Heart"
    291 words
  • 210 13  -  "Horatius" By fore supporting Sam m No Trumps If I had been doubled at my bid ol One Heart. I had an escape bid with two Clubs. As it was. Sam and Sue, with their duplicated values m three suits, found themselves penalised 500 points because neither had
    210 words
  • 86 13 Berlin. THE little village of Roewltz m Hanover hag erected a memorial to a daehihund which is probably tbe only one oi its kind m Europe. In th^ 11 years oi its life this four-legged friend of man killed no fewer than 239 ioxes. The dog
    86 words
  • 173 13 Stanton, New Jersey— 'Test tube calves are being born here. The first successful result m artificial breeding of dairy cattle m the United States- first co-operative association for such breeding has been reported here by Mr Enos J Perry, a dairy specialist. Such births would be almost
    173 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements

  • 519 14 MORNING TRIBUNE Friday, April 1 4. 1939 A BETTER OUTLOOK THOSE! who hold thai ability U wage v.,c! is g matfc r ol i cono mica w;!i be Inb rested m th< Following comment, which was recently made by a London Arm oi financiers: k The Qerman ceo nomic machine
    519 words
  • 525 14  - CHAMBERLAIN STILL OUTMANOEUVRED E. T. Huang By -itt rhP ab-ve facts are well known to Jlli; situation Obtaining m A L j t h d l tatoßt whom Mr .Lloyd Georg. ElirOM to-clav is still much CIICC referred to a, being too c.unmnr. ,or the British Premier. Later happenmore ominous
    525 words
  • 160 14 of the anti-Comintern bUn- So, M o f encircling tne dictator/ 1 >. Fr has now been encircled on three s& IN the light of what has I many people begin to dOM ability of the Chamberlain t'en to cope with fast, moving efd present-day Europe. There
    160 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 31 14 To-days White Label Announcement There are women who would rather dye than let ethers know they are grey And some people would sooner die than he deprived of DEWAR'S W.P 8.-M
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    • 38 14 Be kind to your eyes The Osram Coiled Cdl filament gives you up to 20 extra light FREE M T 1 LJ X v/^P^ WONDERFUL MADE IN ENGLAND. i*<. of The General Electr* Co. Ltd., 'Magnet Hous", SumP
      38 words

  • 596 15 THE RELA TIVE THEOR V OF COMPARISON Tokyo. JHE ambition oi Japanese naval leaders is to create a navy powerful enough to match the greatest assemblage ot naval iorcc which any single nation might throw against this island empire. For the time being Japan doev not
    596 words
  • 68 15 By Air To Conduct Orchestra London. April 12. H of the greater cultural suiting from th; fa- air travel occuis w r by Malcolm Sargent, #ho t don Philharnu.nin JSSmSi Good Fridaj "fed a rehearsal o< oiiharmonir OtCh^slfi i was possible m spue t the aeroplane to wblcb was detoyed
    British Wireless  -  68 words
  • 65 15 A NKEE CLIPPER ON RETURN FLIGHT ,v April 12 -The American flyYankee Clipper, which returned mthampton from Foynes to- lay a survey of the facilities of the !Ur Base m connection witn ecu] i (Atlantic air service which i* >" LUgurated on June 1. will leave immpton Water at 7
    British Wireless  -  65 words
  • 46 15 HONOURS FOR JEWS ARABS London. April 12. lEE Arabs and three Jews wf« }v.-jn^ the members of the Palestinr fee who received honours and decoms from the High Commissioner this hing m Jerusalem for distinguished ices rendered since the outbreak of prbances In Palestine British wireless
    British Official Wireless  -  46 words
  • 32 15 I April 12.— Last year's Aluerwas a great financial sue- Army charities will benefit tc L 46.200. Tattoo will take place m on the ninp niehts hptd 17. British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  32 words
  • 24 15 112— Temperatures afoove normal eve a for 1 experienced m Lojidon n ss being recorded early compared with 68 deg- British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  24 words
  • 227 15 American Views On Far East New York. i^OMMENTING on Japans "nearly failure" m China, the New York "Herald-Tribune" observed tliat the "faustrecht" policy (that of triumphing by the Mst) had lost out, and this must cause some annoyance to Germany and Italy, Japna's close fiiends. The paper then explained that
    227 words
  • 54 15 London. April 12 OUEEN MARY visited the People* Palace Mile End Road, this a* ernoon for a special concert by the New Metropolitan Symphony Orchestic to raise funds en behalf of the movement lo carry rine music into the indu •.rial tirm V»f *hp mptroDolis
    British Wireless  -  54 words
  • 84 15 London. April I 1 OWING to pressure of business and the trade discussions arising out ol hi* recent tour to the northern capitals, Mr. R S Hudson, Secretary of the Detriment of Overseas Trade, has had to curtail his proposed visit to the United
    British Wireless  -  84 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 21 15 <»r Your Convenience BEFORE OR AFTER THE SHOW IH\E At The CAPITOL RESTAURANT s >dncy Rock Oysters aiul »rng Strawberries obtainable.
      21 words
    • 189 15 tonic food i Qii^i^T «f aif ClMMJtti mi Storm Singapore municipal 5% debenture STOCK 1926. INTEREST DUE IST MAY, 1939. Notice is hereby given that the Transfer Registers of the above Stock will be closed from the 17th to the 30th April, 1939, both days inclusive. hgoldie Municipal Secretary. SINGAPORE^
      189 words

  • 449 16 GIANT new America n FLYING BOAT FOUR KILLED IN DAMASCUS RIOTS "YANKEE CLIPPER," the giant American 41 tons flying-boat rived at Southampton at the end of her first trans-Atlantic flight, which she has made m easy stages b- \u\ of the Azores and Lisbon. Pilofo by Captain Harold Gray, the
    449 words

  • 709 18 POPULARITY OF THE Cold Buffet BUFFET uppers have become one < of the it popular forms of en- tertaii tig. People mix very well at these Informal gatherings, serfIng themselves and each other, and th# oarty gets going with a good start. in*- average dining room with its *[)\)\v h:
    709 words
  • 251 18 By using buffet service, your whole house may become a dining-room out on to a dish lined with lettuce leaves. Garnish with i imbet idly. Enough for seven person Here is a recipe for anoth< salad which is simple to put to FRVIT SALAD 2 cups white grapes or wh
    251 words

  • 1136 19 It is worth while taking a mint of trouble if it will save a mite of sickness. iriTH th era increasing amount of traffic on our loads, the rf "safety tot" has come to teat importance so (1 even little children are ;to observe traffic lights,
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 90 19 B IB llt down on the lime B v M rfl spent m marketing. Save 8 M^^i'^feMl 5m money by buying food I W*&*j§tr^ tlil H1 bulk. Keep food fresh, .2^^ I longer. And do all three 9 Ir^jj^^^ I jjy investing m a Kelvina'^^IJH tor the most beautiful y
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 410 20 3YPibandßßmSH INDIA.LINES (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) Outwards Vm9 Tonnaf. Tonoaf Jpore 1939 a^** rtAJPUTANA 17.000 Apr. 21 SOUDAN 6.500 June 2 {ANCHI 17.000 May 5 C'HITRAL 5.000 Jun| 1. BHUTAN 6.100 May 6 CORFU 15.000 June 30 HEHAR 6 000 May 13 BURDWAN 6.070 Ju > 1 »™PURA 17.000 May 19
      410 words
    • 379 20 i TO FRENCH PORTS I i CHARCEURS REUNIS ll■ I HOMEWARDS. BANGKOK Ma.*e.U«, Havre. Antwerp. Dunkirk Apr. 11 j CAP VARELLA For Marseilles, Nantes. St. Nazane Bordeaux Apr. 1% TO SAIGON INDOCHINA pap PXDARAV For Saipon, Touranc and Haiphong May 3 CAP TOURANE For Saigon. Tourane and Haiphong May 30
      379 words

  • 122 21 "Onward, Says Mr. Churchill London, Apr. 13. ill- Winston Churchill, speaking M last night, urged that now that ue ha d embarked on a new policy of .Nhnces of peace-loving powers— a peace "block against further UfresSoß-l* us go forward with resolution and vigour. jfr chamberlain and the Government p'vudi
    British Wireless  -  122 words
  • 57 21 Sofia, Apr. 13. HE Bulgarian Prime Minister, M. KionsokanofF. had lonir conversions yesterday with the Yugoslav (1 Greek Ministers. I t is believed at the partial mobilisation of the igoslav and Greek Armies was diswed and there is reason to believe these Ministers grave assurances military
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 52 21 More Explosions In London LONDON. APR. 13. REPEATED EXPLOSIONS OC(TRRED IN ELEVEN PUBLIC CONVENIENCES IN LONDON AND PROVINCES LAST NKiHT BY NEW CHEMICAL BOMBS EMPLOYING CARBIDE. Six explosions m London were at widely separated points. Four occurred m Coventry and one m Birmingham. Nobody was injured, and little damage was
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 59 21 H» n London. Apr. 13. Handley-Page Harrow nbers adapted to serve as air m^r win ll h mi^ mail aircraft «S outhamn n r lpped at I j^ e Opemni4 of a weekly mail service* SSto S°" c I s that of delivering 2S boa t s
    British Official Wireless  -  59 words
  • 89 21 London, Apr. 13. SIMULTANEOUSLY with the red assembling of Parliament to-day, Westminster Abbey will be open for the act of continuous intercession viuch during the SeDtember crisis lasted 17 days and nights. In announcing this decision the Dean says that r.ll who will are invited to come
    B.O.W.  -  89 words
  • 35 21 Lord Perth Retiring London, Apr. 13: Lord Perth, British Ambassador m Rome, who is retiring, is expected to leave Rome m ten days' time. His successor is Sir Percy Lorraine, former Ambassador In Turkey. Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 117 21 TH New X »*> Apr. 13. thp lam ,v Mr W H Wright Bon 1 V.r Rculert Va., m 1888. «ucai ed p l^?" 1 1 Wright was Ja 7 I >U 1924 on the staffs of several newspapers and journals. Later m 1929, he
    117 words
  • 200 21 rw, TTl^ Singapore, Thursday. JHE decree nisi granted to Mrs. Evelyn Usher against her husband Mr. John Philip Usher m March last year, was to-day made absolute before the Chief Justice, Sir Percy McElwaine. Mi*s Lily Cheng, alias Cheng Hui Chun, a young Chinese taxi-dancer then
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    REUTER  -  39 words
  • 47 21 Teheran, Apr. 13. An Egyotian army detachment, accompanied by a band, has arrived for 'he wedding celebrations of the Crown Prince of Iran and his Egyptian bride. The date of the Royal couple's arrival it Teheran is now re-announced as for Apr. 16, Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 19 21 London. Apr. 13: The Yankee Clipper has left Southampton on its homeward Jlisht with 21 aboard- Reuter
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 513 21 Singapore, Thursday. J^ SUBRAMANIAM, a Tamil Hindoo clerk until recently employed at the Arcade Restaurant, was to-day sentenced to six weeks' rigorous imprisonment to be followed by six months' police supervision by Mr. L. C. Goh, the Singapore Fifth Police Magistrate. The accused claimed trial
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  • 73 21 Majesties See Gunners In Action London, Apr. 13. THEIR Majesties the King and Queen motored from Windsor Castle thL morning to Borden Camp, where they inspected the latest type of barracK block, which is nearing completion. Later they watched $ro r j)s carrying out defence exercises, and this after noon
    British Official Wireless  -  73 words
  • 214 21 The following are arrivals and departures by Qantas and Imperial airway: Arrived by the Cambria: Mr. and Mrs Freshman, from London. Left by the Cambria: Mr. and Mrs. Freshman, for Sydney; Mr. D. G. F. Mackay. for Sourabaya; Mr. M. H. Namazie. for Batavia. Arrived by the
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  • 4 22
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  • 482 22  -  "Marcus Super bus" (By Singapore Race Training Singapore. Thursday. I ill. third truck at Hukit Timah was thrown open for training this morning m preparation for the forthcoming Summer racing season <v Ihe Singapore Turf Club. There were a number of gallops gone t Trough
    482 words
  • 164 22 Chinese Tourists Back Singapore, Thursday lOOKING fine after their tour CA about a month, the S.C.F.A. touring side returned to-day by the Conte Verde. This tour is interesting because of the fact that history was made as far as Malaya is concerned, when the entire group of tourists flew across
    164 words
  • 29 22 In a friendly game of water-polo clayed yesterday at the V.M.C.A Swimming Pool at Fort Canning the Ys' Juniors beat the Gordon Highlander* by 3 goals to 2.
    29 words
  • 167 22 A DRENCHING drizzle which ft m late afternoon yesterd sufficiently wetted the courts i Hong Urn Gre«n to wash off U ties intended for last night. Yesterday's ties have, there lore, i moved up to next Tuesday TIES FOB TO-DAY: Singles Handicap "A": Y.
    167 words
  • 39 22 The following are requested to I up for a soccer match against Bi Signals on Saturday April 15. at Depot Ground. A. Lourdes, Mian, Ahmat. Gupta Nam. Loy, Buang, Ponniah. Bidm. i bar, Suadi, Sappain, Samat
    39 words
  • 177 22 noiSING was the welcome extend- ed to the basketball and volley ball team horn the Philippine Islands, by the Singapore Chinese Amateur Athletic Association at the Tai Thong Restaurant last night. The visitors were entertained by the Association to dinner, and a very pleasant and enjoyable evening
    177 words

  • 202 23 Holland* Rowing Club of tavia Held a regatta over r sl holidays, at which £L Semaranp, Singad gatavia were repre- j flu Royal Singapore I Club sent a senior four, Soorabaya and Batavia also represented m this Semarang unfortunately g to scratch their entry at ist moment.
    202 words
  • 269 23 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Apr. 13. ituation arising out of the illegal landing of 38 Hainan refugees ng homeric proportions. A delegation headed by Mr. chancellor at the Chinese Consulate. Kuala Lumpur Sin Nam, visited the British Resident to-day and had passed by the magistrate
    269 words
  • 516 23 Three Gordons 2. Manchesters 1. DLAYffCG at Selarang. Chaflgi. yesterday under atrocious conditions, the Gordon Highlanders defeated the Manchester Re«ffnittit by the odd goal hi t!irec m a Division I league game. From the kiefc-off. the Manche.sters attacked on the left w 4 ng
    516 words
  • 105 23 It a meeting of sportsmen and cyclists, it was decided to postpone the dale of *'"-c first Annual Bicvcie Speed Trial at Buon^! Vista Road (the Gapi till Sunday. April 30. The distance is about one mile and the race will start at 7 a.m. several prizes are offered
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 66 23 WHO WILL BRING HOME THIS CUP? TO,-yiCHT HAPPY WORLD STADIUM ''^ttf* Jill Hi .^^T^^J-jßl^ HR THE LIGHT- WEIGHT m^ m CTI'MPION OF Sin^apoip m M l5 3 M_Hds. W SEMI FINAL B—3 >I—Rds For the Winner of MARQUES-HEMCIIIT K |Q CARPENTIER contest, VS. Donated by Messrs. Stanley Co., B ATT.
      66 words

  • 17 24 The K-K-k »f Gibraltar. Mediterranean gateway forms an imposing picture with an R.A.F. flying boat.
    17 words
  • 79 24 Rome. Apr. 13. NORMAL movement ceased m Rome for l.» minutes this niornins; when the city's first daylighl air raid exerci*e> were carried oiit. As the alarm sounded, pedestrians and passuiters from buses and cars raced to cover m the nearest doorway. Only the \:r:Y?" ami lir
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 39 24 Warsaw. Apr. 13. A number of Germans are known tc have been arrested recently m Western r lax rafMotu charges. Although no official announcement has been .uade ,t the arrests have appeared m newspapers. Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 44 24 mote '-.codwill and keep the peace, and lam unwilling to believe that UiefC efforts won't bear fruit. "I hope that members will not assume that because I have not mentioned Russia, that we are not keeping m close touch with the representatives jf Russia.
    44 words
  • 115 24 "We have a very difficult task to perfcrm. We have to consider not only what we wish but also what other oeople are willing to do. "I ask the House to believe that without any prejudice, without any preconceived ideological notions, we are endeavouring to the utmost of
    115 words
  • 34 24 Cairo. Apr. 13: In view of the interm I S? n hif it S atlcm the Egyptian Governun 1 Wh barm f dthe e3 *ortof cold until further notice.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 428 24 London, Apr n THE Cabinet met this morning and j viewed the terms of the declare of British policy m relation to th e banian coup. Public interest m London wa. cv** by the large crowds which gather* watch the arrival of the ministers the meeting, at
    428 words
  • 48 24 OBSERVATORY EXPLOSION Friedrichshaven. Apr. 1j rO )od explosion occurred at the ei Observatory here to-day, destroy jT large part of the building .^j n ot! >is feared, but the extent of it known. blV e< The explosion is believed to ginated m a baUoon which was ascend.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words