Morning Tribune, 26 July 1938

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Morning Tribune
  • 14 1 THE MORNING TRIBUNE km.. :t- No ,51 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY. July 26^ 1938. FIVE CENTS.
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    Reuter  -  199 words
  • 26 1 London, Monday. Doctor Von Dirksen, German Ambassador, left London for Germany on Saturday night, on leave extending over a month or six weeks British Official Wireless
    British Official Wireless  -  26 words
  • 105 1 Attempt On Life Of Governor New York. Monday. HIRELESS picked up by Associated Press from San Juan, Porto po, savs that an attempt was made shoot Major General Blanton nship. Governor of this United .tes dependency, during the celeition at Ponce, commemorating t 40th anniversay of the landing American troops
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 42 1 Iwo w London, Monday. War Minister, Mr Hore Belisha, ■tel Ln nVemng by the Kin 0f ian war memorial on Friday, S^ o^ where he spent the «nd on a Pnvate visit, returns t*-, nby air 0 n Sundav British Official Wireless
    British Official Wireless  -  42 words
  • 93 1 T interest is centred London. Monday. «funittee at which th*" orrow meetin i of the International Rubber ****d. and d&TSSittf takei!"* QU ta iS "P* e *h Prom f 13 w ould lot likei t?r ure the Committee •fcile nnct„ ptember owing to holiail f
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  • 81 1 New York, Monday. A SUGGESTION that a big British air base be built in Canada is approved by the New York times, which declares that in view of the long tradition of peace between the United States and Canada, and the natural community
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 33 1 London, Monday. THE death has occurred of the Rt. Hon. Sir Thomas Horridge, P.C. K.C, the oldest judge of King's Bench Division of the High Court when he retired from service last year.
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  • 143 1 SARAWAK'S "PRINCESSES" NON-EXISTENT i "Press Fabrication" Says Raja Brooke London, Monday. rtf a letter to the British Press t'he Rajah .off/Sarawak complins that his daughters are styled "Princesses" to tbe .ons tant annoyance of native Sarawak and himself. The title, says the Rajah, is pure fabrication by the Press, and
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 53 1 London, Monday. Reports are current to the effect that a British arbitrator may visit Prague and offer assistance In connection with the Sudeten-German problem. Neither confirmation nor denial of ihe reports as hitherto obtainable in London but the name oi Lord Runciman is freely mentioned by foreign observers as the
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 117 1 $40,000 Jewel Theft In S'pore SINGAPORE POLICE ARE INVESTIGATING A REPORT BY MR. A. FLINTER, THE LOCAL DIAMOND MERCHANT, OF THE LOSS OF $40,000 WORTH OF DIAMONDS BETWEEN SUNDAY NIGHT AND YESTERDAY MORNING. A Tribune reporter gathered that Mr. Flinter left the diamonds in a valise in an iron safe
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 33 1 J „v OTHI* P4GBS Roof Collapse Randal*" says CJ. i Muni" Charge ,ond T(!'uide r iP.20&22 i Racing n-uiat*. < S, (ieorae Trimmer I Feted J* Malavan Tennis 23 lustralia Wins r est—Page 24
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    • 62 1 VlW^Ql^ FRESH MILK— WITH ■mmZ REMOVED! IET Klim put an end to delicious, nourishing milk J your troubles with milk, to drin'c. It is especially For Klim is rich, pure cows good for babies. If your milk, powdered -with only dealer cannot supply you, vwiter removed. Klim keeps send us
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  • 228 2 Miraculous Escape For 2 Women 2 Children When Roof Laves In T uo WOMEN AM. WO CHILDFROM DEATH VESTERDAI Al II < SSS WHEN THE MIDDLE PR HON OF Till 1:001 HI HOlSh IN (lioos (.1 \N STREET, <>< I I PIED HV KWONG TONG ON, WASHERMAN. CAVED IN. Two
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  • 36 2 His Highnes; tin- Sultan till arranged lor Mr. Max Malini, the Magician, to i.ive a performance ai um Royal Johore International Club to-day at p.m., and extends a cordial invitation to all members.
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  • 66 2 Singapore. Monday. DEFORE Mr J. C. H. Oldham, the se- dond magistrate, this morning, a Chinese was charged for being a member of an unlawful society at 5 a.m. on July 24. of this year, at 42. Hamilton Road. Accused claimed trial and his honour allowed bail in
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  • 245 2 "Scandal" Says Chief Justice 10-Month Inquiry Singapore, Monday. "IT is a scandal for a preliminary 1 inquiry to take 10 months," said Mr. Justice McElwaine, Chief Justice, presiding at the Court of Appeai. when B. Vappoo Merican, an Indian Mohammedan, sentenced to terms of imprisonment on charges of theft and
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  • 71 2 Seremban. Mi COR saving the Life of a ChJ who had fallen overboard Dickson in September. 1937, c Leman bin Daud was presented the Royal Humane Society Cert cate this morning by His H the Yang Di Pertuan of N bilan. The representation took pUq
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  • 100 2 Ipoh. Mona A DECREE nisi was granted to-daj the Perak Supreme Court by I Justice Murray Aynsley to Mrs. fl Ivy Turnbull, nee Hay. who petit* lor the dissolution of the marriage ber husband, Frederick Charles Ti *****1 Mr J L. Woods, appeared for
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  • 162 2 SNATCH THIEVES SENTENCED I Singapore, Mondai A CASUAL passer-by returning I from work in his motor-car responsible for the arrest of %~m *hief. it was mentioned to-day Third Police Court, where a J Cantonese, Lam Hon Sang, m guilty to the theft of a gold chain was snatched, it was
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  • 67 2 Royal Paris Visit On Screen THE management of the N« i* Theatre have received j*U from London to the effec n a test British Movietone New* g elude the visit to Pans oi j» ties the King and the Qui t»- j dispatched by K.L.M. P hu «l nuaP ort
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  • 35 2 <• gjnc3 The Telugu Community <> r _q are holding an todifui dinm s gj Sunday night at the S .B p- h j mises, Cantonment Roaa. w Mr B. Govindasamy. ment as Justice of the Pea
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  • 40 3 (From Our Own Revorlcr) Seremban. Monday. It i.s understood that the Hon. Mr. Justice Pedlow will leave on transfer to Singapore at the beginning of August. Raja Musa will succeed him as the Negri Resident Judge.
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  • 107 3 BAR COMMITTEE ASIATIC MAGISTRATES ■UoUoHin* letter to the Morning Ir i u, h been waived from L (,refll, ecretary 0 f the »W»ore Bar Committee: Pp been directed by my Committee Eta? U M egart to the m5 B iq lhe Mornin K Tribune of 1938. under the heading "Petirisine
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  • 49 3 Law No tice For To-day ef ore the rw v Cf,Ur tat IoS Mr Justice Home p Ap^' No 2miS ,urt of Cri vs Uin f lmill^ U A-M?! orne in 2nd c °urt Seamed 1 etc. vs. Sa- and anor. (In:>ersNo.4Bl» Hu P.*. Sm Kheng ua Kee Yen.
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  • 282 3 Singapore. .Monday. PX-INDIAN Army Officer, Manggal Singh, SO-year-old Great War veteran, appealing before the High Court to-day, told Mr. Justice McElwaine that Indian Army officers ffo not mutilate their wives. He had been sentenced in May to five years' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. Justice Horne
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  • 85 3 Two cinema performances in aid of the building fund of Bethel Church of England School, Katong. will be given at the Roxy Cinema thi.. evening. The film :o be shown will be Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch. The shows begin at 6. 15 and
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 3 THK WKDDING GROUP of Mr. Seet Chong Chanr (usher of the fourth polite court. Singapore) and Miss Madeleine Loke. The ceremony took place at St. Joseph's Church yesterday. (Tribune).
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  • 61 3 Vice-Admlral James Fownes Somerville C.8., D.5.0., has taken over command pf the East Indies Station from Commodore Alan Poland D.5.0.. and has hoisted his flag in H.M.S. Norfolk Chargeurs Reunis s.s "Cap St. Jacques" is due here on the 27th instant at daylight from Colombo, and will sail
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 3 Mr. Won; Pak Tai and Miss Lee Ah Hou, who were married yesterday at the Chinese Consulate. (Tribune).
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 64 3 t 32 PAGES TO-MORROW TO-MORROWS issue of the J Morning Tribune will consist iof 32 pages, including 1 ani eight- i page supplement published in con- j n<ction with the re-opening of lhe new Alhanibra Theatre to- i morr-Mv night. < THUtTY-TWO PAGES FOR i Till. ISI AL PRICK OF
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    • 76 3 (BRITISH) Only the purest and finest quality ingredients are used in this face Powder which is silk sifted and will not do; tbe pores. Gives the bloom of youth to every skin. From all leading Dispensaries and High-Class Stores. Sole Distributors: RAHAMIN PENHAS 117-125, Cecil Street. Just Received Just Received
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    • 123 4 i' London Monaaj HI prrvlou" To-dav Chans, ::".,„ Buyem Fallen Buyers .tellers Stead) 1% 7 1 16 E f 2nd Forward (Scpteni!)' «rd Forward t6t* 1 e*J Buyers Sellers Buyers Seller--7 6 16 7 ***** 7 11 16 7S 1 — MK^mm**^.*mWLM§M London, Monday »ALM OIL (Malaya) Previous
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    • 120 4 98 6 London 99DuntopKuOOer 28 6 77 44 279 776 rm General Electric 313 31 4 1 • ijn Imperial Chemica! Industries 169! 1% 142 6 m Pnperial Tobacco 29 3 2974 4 il nngio-Du'.cn 74 74 Canadian Pacrtk 3 10» 3'IOU London Tin 30--30 7U Ml
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    • 245 4 FRASER COMPANY List Of Current Dividends Singapore. July 25 5 pm. Total h Coiiij. nj Books Close t)»te Payable tx I** fi TIN Asam Kumbang 6ci. No. 62 Julv 29 Auk- 5 July 30 Ifl Austral Malay 9d. div. 2d. bonus lIS Hongkong Tin Ipoh Tin Kampong Lan jut 1%
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    • 66 4 Previous 171. fa.l Pans iciosing; middle rate) 178.16 T.T. on Amsterdam (closing middle rate) 8 .95 1 ir> T.T. on Shanghai (closing selling rate. !''• T.T. on Hongkong (closing selling rate; 1..s 3 1 16 TT. on Japan (closing selling rate) ls. 2d. f.T. on New York (closing
      66 words
    • 23 4 London. Monday. UN Standard Previous To-day <'h:int" Bpot, (afternoon < closing price) £l94' H £l94* H f£l.. r »rwarri *****a £l96 fttfc
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    • 35 4 KCltHktt New York. Saturday Previous To-day Chanse Tone Steadv Hpot Buyers Sellers 155ft 15 J i Closed OctjDec buyers Sellers 157, 16 TIN Kf Ton- Steadv Steadv Spot 43 l m. AV_
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    • 32 4 GOLD Fine Bar SILVER Spot 4 month-. forward H London. Previous To- day n ,1.1 £7 is I» 5 h 19 13,16 19»:. 19 11 16 Monday. Chang* +3|lS 1-3116
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    • 240 4 Messrs. Fraser Co/s Report Singapore. Monday. FRASER and Co/s report is as follows: MINING. Tin at midday was $98. i' nc hanged. Tin shares experienced a veiv dull day to-day aflti on a steady market the value of most shares showed nc change over the week-end. Southern Kin
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    • 766 5 DUCKS SHARES w ued By Fraser £r Company 1 iiv 25, 5 p.m. MINING 4> Eul 1 t 29--■r 44- 48--"SBo 24 9 fd 1 0.60 213 1.37 0.00 22!6 1.42 Ei 103 109 itai 219 22 9 -1-6-■fttnf 0 38 0 42 iTm 094 098 fttt 23 3 24,3xd
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    • 132 5 NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL MAATSCHAPPU N.V. Incorporated in tne Netherlanda. (Netherlands Trading Society) BANKERS AMSTERDAM Established Oy Royal Charter 'AD. x834 I Paid Up Capital *5«58k85 Statutory Reserve Fund 5.000.W0 Special Reserve i.uw.uw Chairman of the Board of Directort H. C. REHBOCK. Managing Board: D CRENA DE lONGH President M TAUDIN CHABOT
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    • 215 5 LYALL EVATTS QUOTATIONS MINING Singapore, Monday. Buyerc „ Jeri Ampats 41A|6 Batu Selangors 1.37 1.42 Hong Fatts 0.95 0.99 Hongkong Tin 23 3 24 3xd Jelebus 0.70 0.75 Kamunting Tin 9|9 111-xd Katu Tin 256 266 4 « 1 Kramats 10--11- 183 193 Kuchais 1.30 1.35 Laruts 1016 1113 Lingui
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    • 158 5 PfcNANG iMCNICIPAL 5% 1926 red. 1956-66 $4,000,000 int. May » Nov. 1 W2 1214 cl 43 4 1929 red 1909-69 $8,250,000 1 O A • Inc. May 15 Nov. 15 119 120 1935 red. 1956-1966 $625,000 Int. June 1 Dec. 1 100 101 Cl 1% 1937 red.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 59 4 OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORPORATION LIMITED FREE yourselves from the FEAR of BURGLARS by keeping your VALUABLES (jewellery or important documents) in SAFE BOXES in our VAULTS at CHINA BUILDING, CHULIA STREET, SINGAPORE You hold YOUR OWN KEYS, and ONLY YOU can have access to these safe boxes, so that SAFETY and
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    • 13 4 thiii fcJ V>>^^^^s^^ I k £2/ Y2z¥^^*^2j*^^^2t!w**mm\ JA > V4 1 SIME DARBY Co.,Ltd:
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 93 5 S. E LEVY CO. Shanghai, Hongkong, Manila. Singapore. Investment Bankers and Brokers tn Securities and CommoditUM* Doily Foreign Market Cable and Quotation Strric*. Members: KEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE. COMMODITY EXCHANGE, INC. OF N.Y. NEW YORK COFFEE SUGAR EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. CANADIAN COMMODITY EXCHANGE. SHANGHAI STOCK EXCHANGE. HONGKONG SHARE
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  • 48 6 ALLEGED $1,000 CHEATING H W Soon mmTTSmmTZ the second <*£LstratT morning on the aliened wS of cheating a Chinee J22 Ho Soon C-hiang. by fi her to deliver to him SUw Mr. Richard Lim appears, the accused. A postponement of one «m with baU of $1,000 were ext^]
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  • 88 6 PROVIDEN FUND FOR MINERS Singapore. Mini FORMED to promote the persona professional interests of all pt employed on the staff of mining panies. the Mines~ASiatic Staffs Aj tion has just published its memora of association and articles of associ The establishment of a ber.ei fund from which may be made
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 223 6 ■4mmmW OI'KMM. Wll (QW Jj^_W s~ TO-NIGHT rAVILIUH wfill SHK WAS ONLV A BARGEES DAUGHTER mvmir B SHE KNEW ou T0 MANAGE THE m_\m_ _mm) B u)ovsr C? v JESSIE MATTHEWS ''7?****^m*\m IN fHI wWF^f\*W BRITISH Ml SHAL HIT BL^li SAM l\4. ALONG* fet&h WMM J V K *%m 2l.iM-,
      223 words
    • 110 6 THEATRE tiOYALI T IGHT A Gem Amon? Hindustani Pictures UA\ K i; S I l» AII I k ull of v on n Comedy. Thrills and Music Ope x n G TO-910 II KO W 315 615 j al lhe I 915 CAPITOL Malaya's Largest and Finest Theatre. STAN and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 290 7 Frss^"SS~] Making CinemA History —^kiTgs FROM 28th JULY S BIGGEST DOUBLE EVENT Tm FTL JJJ r P M M EVER PRESENTER TO .MALA VAX 0 f CINEMA-GOERS |l I \t* «y^NiS R*^S^^ I'REMIERE AT MALAYA'S TO 3 lOR ROW [j S^ > *mS IRST AND ONLY AIRAT 9 30P.M. fl
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    • 100 7 I tonight MARLBOROUGH 6.00 9 P.m. LAST TWO SHOWS FOUR LAST CHANCE TO SEE! I "CHANDRA KANTHA" I AN ENTERTAINING TAMIL TALKIE I GALA OPENING TO-MORROW THE MIGHTY MYTHOLOGICAL TAMIL TALKIE SRI KANTHALEELA" or "THE BIRTH OF SHANMUGHA" jl m mmmmmmmwm aa^Mi^a^^ mm^mmmmmwmwwwmmmmmmwmmmmmm*a^. mmmmm^^mim^amw^mmmmmmm---mm m-aammaamaa****w*\ EMPIRE THEATRE (Tanjong Pagar) TO-NIGHT
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  • 2778 8 BRITAIN'S ONE-MAN MILITIA ONE-MAN REGIMENT DISAPPEARS Our LONDON LETTER 'From Out Own Correspondent) London, July 15. the cables are humming, trying to keep pace with an aeroplane which is streaking round the world at Incredible speed Tomorrow they will tellf ot another record, another feat of daring The news of
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  • Article, Illustration
    71 8 Topical Press pressed a outtoni^h" V*' London dl Rs»hgJ a blast which brouii,?? ffi e at Euston N.W. thus detonatW Quarries net L^k suS" VnS" tons of "mestone at the Caldon ig product efl this V£rt S m 5° v mi^ away. A considerable part of tbe the mm ftl
    Topical Press  -  71 words
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  • Article, Illustration
    75 9 Topical Press Britain's one-man regiment, the North Irish Horse, disappeared when Major Sir Ronald Ross, Conservative M.P. for Londonderry, its only serving officer, reached the age limit and retired. Sir Ronald became a major in the North Irish Horse, a cavalry militia regiment, during the war. The rank and file
    Topical Press  -  75 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 305 10 MORNING TRIBUNE Singapore: Tuesday. July 26, 1938. PETTY CAR THEFTS IN view ol the number of petty thefts from unattended cars, the question whether the vehicles, when left in public car parks,' should be locked or unlocked, is of more than passing importance. For some time past, it has been
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  • 764 10  - JAPAN'S LACK OF WAR STAMINA MR. LIN SEN By President Of The Chinese Republic THK Anal verdict of the Sino-Japan-esc w^r will go to the country with the greater staying power for the last desperate effort, and having adopted the strategy of prolonged hostilities. China must intensify her efforts to
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  • Article, Illustration
    11 10 %ff^***^*****^ i^Hhri^^^H-.* tn water-proofs are sorting over the pile. (Planet News-
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 383 11 BRITAIN IS CENTRE OF GREAT SPY PLOT Agents Seeking Defence Secrets BRITAIN'S greatest spy hunt began recently. Sensational moves are expected following the discovery that foreign agents know secrets of British and French defence plans. First news of the activity by spies came when two suitcases dat the Gare Saint
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  • 78 11 m Issue For Defence Of Colony ccor <iint> tn Lungchow. Penchant report from Saigon, issue of 2 H° r li les have announced lhe amount ina d€fence bonds franc s *****00 P iast «s or tt| srt2n2 I adio campaign has *0{ nel fc ench officials for I
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  • 301 11 Johannesburg THE cross in Zululand erected by Queen Victoria to the Prmce Imperial was surrounded by hundreds of people on the 59th anniversary of the Prince's death, when a pilgrimage to the spot was arranged by two South African Associations. The Prince Imperial, son
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  • 28 11 Mr. J. J. Sheehan. M.C.S., has been appointed to be Controller of Rubber in Province Welleslv. Malacca and Labuan. in the place of Major G. M. Kidd. MCS.
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  • 28 11 Mr. C A. Panicker, a prominent leader of the Indian Community, Sungei Patani. has left for Penang Hill on a few days' holiday with Mrs. C A. Panicker.
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  • 245 11 American Farmers To Benefit Bv Loan Washington. 4 wheat loan for 1938, with rates averaging 59 or 60 cents per bushel, to the producers desiring to hold out for better prices was ttfinounced by Mr. Henry A. Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture. Other details of the proposed loan are
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  • 336 11 Mining In Canada Ottawa. SPURRED by prospects of new discoveries, mining and exploration companies operating In the Yellowknife River and adjoining areas, Northwest Territories, look for one of the busiest seasons in the history of northern mining The Mining Recorder of the Department of Mines and Resources, stationed at Fort
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 94 11 POLAROID Glasses are ibe latest scientific discovery in flare protection They permit you to actual!* «*e ?o to 30 feet below the surface ef the water FOR TFE FIRST TlME— perfect eye comfort for dri vin*. cruising, fish Jnr tennis or any outdoor sport. Ree our demonstration of this remarkable
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    • 31 11 TNI TRUI TONIC FOOD OIUMHI «f OH Cktmim mm4 Storm I »i\i: a nwn j at tha Capitol Restaurant Music oy KURT BLACH his Orchestra WEDNESDAY FRIDAY 8 P.M. To Midnijrht
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  • Article, Illustration
    243 12 Planet News Tons of cardboard, believed to have been fired by sparks from an acttyj factory of Hugh Stevenson and Sons, Limited, cardboard box manuf«" store was considerably damaged. Firemen, wearing masks owing to tne iml furiously at the Pi London. The lz e for many hours Kixteen-year-eld
    Planet News  -  243 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 144 12 now S\ days across the air m i < 1 y i n g- B o a i i, board ;i promenade deck, hot and cold meals served J^WJSt,*S lares Include all night stop accommodation, all meals and tip, Only drinks are xtra theie's I bar on board ENGLAND IN
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 45 13 YOU WILL FIND THE LARGEST SELECTIONS IN DIAMOND RINGS BRACELETS BROOCHES, etc. AT Rene lIIMAW WHERE QUAUTI and \ALLE ARE TRADITIONAL. The Best is to come and see at RENE ULLMANN JEWELLERS. Raffles Place, SINGAPORE. Opened daily including Saturdays from 8 ajn. to 6 pjn.
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  • 1879 14 S IF mm GOING j To wear toeless sandals and slip- pers pay just as much attention to i your pedicure as you do to your manicure. It's really lots simpler j S to repair chipped polish on your i i toe nails than on your finger nails.
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  • Article, Illustration
    695 15 CUTICLE CARE .j. 4 J DO YOU KNOW S THAT ink can be removed from even the lightest carpet if you rub it over with tomato juice? a*. The Skin Around Your Nails Should Provide Lovely Frames For Them Smooth white hands tipped with rosy nail>. beautifully manicured and with
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  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 447 16 mmm^^mmmmimWmmmmTi^LWS^-Wk mm***a-***am.^mam**-**-—-*******-m****--^*^~ m^'^^ m ■I ~~~~~fjp m I HI BY P&Oand BRITISH INDIA LINES .INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND* wow' jIS» BURDWAN UN Bgpt 24 LUHr u Ji v on ranpiißA 17,000 \ZKI. i BHUTAN Mg fSf 1 RAWALPINDI 17 000 Oct. 21 BEHAR Mg Aug 8 gg^ALI 6 800 Oct. 21
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    • 367 16 Tk TO FRENCH PORT? jiLv** 1 CHARGEURS REUNIS I 1 s HOMEWARDS. I For Marseilles, Havre, Antwerp, Dunkirk A CAPST JACQUES For Marseilles, Nantes, St. Nazw-2 Bordeaux JTO SAIGON INDOCHINA CAP ST. JACQUES For Saigon. Tourane and Haiphong l ADEN L 4 j The Successors of MOINE COMTE CO., LTD.
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  • 121 17 TO-DAY —^s. FOR PER DATE AND TIME Hoihow atßrtttfoi Anshun K.L.M. Anshun July >» 26 1 p.m. 26 2 p.m •l 2 p.m 26 2 p.m K.L.M. »? I*^ • Sumatra. S.-l ebes, Moluccas East •• and FfWi! Sibajak lmJ irdies-Ba^an and Eff&W UAH** Thon 8 26 2.30
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  • 137 17 IPS UONCiSIDF THK WHARVES OR EXPECTED TO ARRIVE Entrance Exit Shiji Godown Gate Gate in Ht" 20 1 t I«rg 18 I 3 edah 18 2 3 imnning 15 2 3 jenaffaric 13 2 3 lenshiel 11 2 3 nmemnon 8 2 3 ampar 6 2 3
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  • 80 17 Singapore, Mondav. SENTENSED on three counts of theft of a typewriter, forgery of a receipt and uttering a forged receipt, Chua Chwee Kiat, former salesman of Roneo and Co.. to-day appealed before the full Court of Appeal. Mr. Justice McElwaine presided assisted by Mr. Justice a'Beckett Terrell
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  • 188 17 Labourers Fined For Causing Mischief Singapore. Monday THE ual of eight Chinese coolies including two women, before Mr. J. C H. Oldham, the second magistrate, last Friday on charges of house trespass and mischief to furniture valued at $20. was concluded to-day when all the accused were convicted on the
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  • 320 17 Railways Make Huge Pro/it A LARGE increase in railway revenue is r. -ported by the General Manager ol lhe Federated Malav States Kail ways ior 1937 the revenue from lailways alone for the year totalling 515,262,388 compared with *****1.181 for thc previous year. Total revenue was
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 291 17 I BIRXS PHILP LIVE, fl (Incorporated in Australia I I NEXT SAILINGS I EeRKUR Aug. 29 Sept. 3 ■pecial cheap round trip tickets from Singapore to Australia issued at the ;:i:j rates lrir>t Class passengers may transfer at Singapore. Brisbane. Sydney or ERK»Iv e «.i°«Sl e connecting K.P.M. Vessel. [llli:
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    • 64 17 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO LTD (APCAR LINE) FOR HONG KONG, MOJI, KOBE AND OSAKA SHIRALA 8,000 TONS SAILING JULY 28, AT 3 PM. The above vessel has excellent modern accomniod*urc ior First Saloon and becond Saloon passengers. Special Holiday Return tickets to China and Japan 'foWnhanrtflM* witb P. and
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 147 18 Mbcflbrld a < m^M B1 Y P,LOT PEN THE CHEAPEST f/1 market to-day. It's worth paying doubl? fli A^^Sf tylish models of the latest and is of no V mU^lw rerlor quality. The bjtrreLs are elegant \W kf JU I/Wrl/Hf x coloured and perfectly shaped in size W f J
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 1010 18 7.50 Report on the in Japanese Stock Exchange 6.20 News in Eng"* 1 f gQQ news bulleli f^i^^ 635 Concert iela\ed v* glO special broadcast or h** lON THE RADIO !;S gss^ V-/I S T 'Ji„ French Colonial mar- 8.30 Regimental band 7.50 News in Frencn. vs 9 30 Talk
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  • 3693 19  -  Marcus Superbus (Compi^ Mf OPENING OF PENANG naCBNI %mm of all *>"** R oon»e> entered for Saturday, the LfS ot the Autumn meeting of K*£m Turf Club, showing at the u how the candidates have ffS the* U*t three runs <exfarwi h,re new) together
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 86 19 a k-mmT&BLw \^^w m\\ .^fl 11 k SLEEP OR REST. if #Bi#k^ i w,th a tbroat Bore that huru L^ '-^M*^^ fli I Lakerol Pas tile now and then will cure all tfate. K l!^M?*s M"^******* tor Lakerol is one of the world's fineet remedk* mw —*mMm**m\- r mmmw&L'-'-rmmm M&mr*
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  • 2615 20 Compiled To Help Punters 8.5. Ipoh, July 6.5»/ 2 furs. 1.9 2 5 M g 8 r ried 8.7 when second by tt g to ADC. 86. S'pore, May 21. 5^ 2 m 1.16 45. Heavy going. Carried 9.0 when unplaced to Grw dieu 9 0. S'pore, May 18. 7
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 59 20 A SAUCY, SPICY SHOW FILMED ENTIRELY IN WONDROUS COLOUR! V lONOON 111M5....,.,. (f|f 1 J A. IHUIIDI HO .BA I I OBERON I i OLIVIER U -tiL lINHII UMit VI TKHNICOLCa .1 »»ifM ii •.< n (J 'Mm ll i A warn* sun* > Jm int*"'"' r-^Km**** Vk*'*H**l** 4 dW
      59 words

  • 579 21 PETITION TO COLONIAL SECRETARY TO-DAY POINTING out that the public generally are experiencing considerable inconvenience due to the iransport strike, over 20 associations, clubs and societies, mostly Chinese, are lodging a petition to-day with the Colonial Secretary, pressing for prompt action to settle the disputes
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  • 103 21 ANGLIN CLUB TENNIS TS oi v-Merday's ties in the EJ, Club tennis tournament.- -„>„«■ OP (Semi-Final) L, Mrs. Strickland -U beat Bison and Miller -15.3 6-1. Cullen (up (Final) *m ham m g^yngton and Morns -15 beat K Thorougood -4 1-6. 6-1, Handicap Men's Doubles ffS Tu to -4 beat;
    103 words
  • 457 21 Singapore Port's Great Future tA-PARTY TO SIR GEORGE I TRIMMER (IC tuoutes were paid to the labour contractors oi the Singapore [arbour Board by Sir George Trimmer at a tea party given last ig in his honour at the Airport on the eve of his departure for and sr 400
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  • 105 21 Saplings Stolen From Reservoir Singapore, Monday "I'M a newcomer and 1 do not know UM law of this country.'* said Chan Ah Lye-, a Cantonese woman, in answer to a charge of thoft of wood taken iron saplings, belonging to the Municipality, irom th<> grounds ol th^ Mcßitchle Reservoir. Ah
    105 words
  • 254 21 TUNGKU MAKHOTA AT MUSLIM DINNER THE Medical School and the Raffles College Muslim Students' Union held their second annual dinner at the Air Port Restaurant on Saturday night. Apart from the members of the Union, some prominent people were present including His Highness the Tungku Makhota. of Johore. the Hon
    254 words
  • 82 21 ALLEGED THEFT OF CHEQUE $1,300 CASH P TTrTi Singapore, Monday. HUA CHAI POH, a 31-year-old Hokien, claimed trial this morning before Mr. G. S. Rawlings, the Third Magistrate, to a charge of theft of a cheque and $1,300 cash, at 2 p.m on July 11, at No 72 A, Chulia
    82 words
  • 85 21 ALLEGED GAMINC HOUSE Singapore, Monday. MR. Yeo Hock Seng, Long binte Rahmat, Fatimah binte Mohamed, Mrs Lim Kim Kee and Yang binte Mohamed appeared this morning before Mr. J. C. H. Oldham, the second magistrate on a charge of playing "chee-kee" at about 6.15 p.m. yesterday at 84. Carpmael Road
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  • 79 21 Singapore, Monday SIM MOH Chong, an Hokien, appealed this morning befoie Mr. J. C. H Oldham, the Second Magistrate, on a charge that he at about 440 p.m. yesterday at the compound of St. Josephs Church, voluntarily caused disturbance to an assembly lawfully engaged in
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  • 179 22 ■From Our Own Correspondent) Batu Pahat. AFTER having the better of the gainej the first half and leading J one, stage, tho Grand City Opera* fell away badly and conceded WJJ ther goals to lose by 6-2 in a WJ match against the Batu
    179 words

  • 514 23 YESTERDA Y'S TIES ALAY A-D.E.I. MATCH TODAY made yesterday afternoon in the Malayan "Wimbledon' Lament when four ties in the Women's Singles Chamlayed off on the S.C.C. Courts. »mwd who turned up par.l the Siamese repreto „d 25 Doreen Sansoni. the champion, to action was learned
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  • 467 23 Cricket Club Harbour Board In Div. 3 Draw ..pVi.,. IU 4 1. S.H.RJ.S.C I uka.vN game on the Singapore Cricket Club ground witnessed by a iarge tnwd yesterday afternoon was the result of a Third Division S.A.F.A. LeaJb i r< L m which a eoal each side was scored by
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 23 MISS GRENIER, Selangor's women tennis champion. photographed during yesterday's play in the Malayan tournament at the S.C.C. (Tribune).
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  • 113 23 S.C.R.C. R.A.F. Tennis Draw IN a friendly tennis match played at Hong Lim Green yesterday, tbe S.C.R.C. drew with the R.A.F.. each side winning three games. Results (SC.R.C. mentioned first): Singles Foo Woon Wan beat Cpl. Dimmer 6 1. 6—3. Wee Eng Lock beat Sgt. Gould 6—3. 5—7, 10— S.
    113 words
  • 451 23 SKINS SHOW BETTER FORM Gain League Points From Gunners Skins Gunners 1. AFTER their defeat by the S.C.C. recently, the Skins made a welcome recovery at toe Anson Road Stadium yesterday, when they beat thc Royal Artillery by the odd goal in three in a tirst division fixture of the
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous

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  • 432 24 KNGLAND— IST INNINGS C J. Bamett, c Barnett b McCormick 30 W. J. Edrich, b O'Reilly 12 J. Hardstaff. run out 4 W R. Hammond, b O'Reilly 76 E Pavnter. st Barnett b Fleetwood Smith 28 H. Compton. b O'Reilly 14 C. S. Price, c McCabe b O'Reilly
    432 words
  • 278 24 Bradman came in to play a most defensive game, which caused the crowd to cheer in ironical manner. Fames bowled two very maiden overs and at 32 "Bradman 10. Fingleton 9> the innings had lasted 45 minutes. Verity came on at this stage and set a very
    278 words
  • 85 24 LONDON. MONDAY TOUNTY CRICKET SCORES Lancashire beat Sussex by an innings and five runs. Sussex 195 (Wilkinson 4 for 18 1 ani 212 'Wilkinson 4 for 51). Lanes 412 for 9 declared (Washbrool 135. Iddon 95). Warwick beat Glamorgan by eight wickets. Glamorgan 170 and 114 (Hollies 6
    85 words
  • 48 24 In an evenly contested match yesterday the S.C. P. A. in beat the Municipal Services by two goals to one. Boon Kwang and Thioe Sem scoreo for the S.C. F.A. in the first half i Midwav in the second half Zargaa netted the only goal for the Services
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