Morning Tribune, 7 July 1938

Total Pages: 28
1 28 Morning Tribune
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    Planet News  -  763 words
  • 79 1 ERING m the strike, night fitters who normally report for immediately all the omnibuses m to the shed, did not turn up morninff. tctricians who usually spend tne f hours of the morning examin--ower cables on the routes red by the S.T.C. services did report for
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  • 89 1 ANOTHER "WAR" IN SPAIN, OVER GOLD BULLION Paris. Wednesday, sh Government failed to sept t) ediate surrender of n north gold bullion the proof t; I Spain, at present Hed the Bank ol France as i of judgmeni delivered to-day by idem.- declared that the case competence and nary jurisdiction,
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 43 1  - VERIOUS FLOODS IN JAPAN Sin Chew Jit Poh Hankow. Wednesday. B 21?* Osaka aad Kot ere flooded yesterday morning, reB*2 e j, t SH report states tha •ham? r d od ls spreading near >hama S lnß near Yokoo-t..6 a and reported drowned
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  • 224 1 "THE employees will not resume i work till every one of their S demands is met." states a com- i munique issued by the Traction Company workers last night ap- > pealing to the public of Singapore for sympathy with their case. 'The intervention of the
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  • 88 1 t( > the r „.n( Washington, Wednesday. |n n f^eni understand^ here thai the An/-lo-andtn ntlffoliation mi >ht suspend activities throuffh lhat |)(ju -»»n to formulate a treaty later, it is now undernf| of July IPe slr 'vinii hard to reach an ntrreement by the
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 44 1 Baden-Baden, Wednesday. THE conference of the International Tinplate Association which ended here to-day, prolonged the Cartel agreement for a further three years. Delegates warmly welcomed the decision. The agreement was also extended to embrace some countries hitherto outside the scheme. Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 72 1  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Hankow, Wednesday. MARSHAL CHIANG issued a message last night to the Japanese people stressing the Chinese intention towards peace, as evidenced by the visits of the Chinese planes to Japan "which did not bomb your cities though they rould have done go,
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  • 259 1  - KUOMINTANG'S MESSAGE TO NATION Sin Chew Jit Poh Hankow, Wednesday. AN the eve of the first anniversary v of the present war, the Kuontintanft headquarters last night issued r a .message to the people, which stated "The fate of 400.000.000 people. and the end or continuation of 5.000 years of
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  • 51 1 Jerusalem, Wednesday. TOUR Arabs were sentenced to death on a charge of attempting to sef, fire to a flour mill near Lydda. The entire town of Safad except the Jewish quarter, is undergoing 48-hour curfew, with a two-hour break after noon for the purchase of food.-
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 15 1 r ,(lvn >" P(> P I "Ah F«*< :lhlllir M Tra« I>ispute locyl Soccel f-oroner Keproves
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    • 89 1 KLIM now enables you to 1 give your children PURE J mUk. that is delicious for ff^f^lj J\ I drinking, and at reasonable JB^fflW f prices, no matter where you feSStf I 1 Get one of the marvellous KLIM MIXERS and mix it I as needed a glass full or
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  • 98 2 $1,000 Bail For Japanese Bookseller SEUCHITARO Ka.luo. the proprtel >i o! a Japan* <<• bOOkB(AU Hi Middle Road, iippcaifd before Mi B Rawtiiir.:. the 'Hnui Magistrate, thli morn mi- on ;i charge <»i selling -i •< i ('iti<ni^ k entitled "KoeJ Bekal Benso" "Ant!. British World Wan between Janua jf
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  • 233 2 Matt Who Broke Into JapamaM X Novelty Store 1 Shijrapoie, Wednesday. PROMPTLY at N.:;o p.m. on April 1. H, Ohno, an assistant of a Japanese novelty store m North Bridge Road, dosed his doors lor the Right. In the early hours of
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  • 175 2 OFFICIAL BODIES PREFERENCE FOR BRITISH GOODS j a letter from T* 1 1 discus which pointed oui A Mall al withln 1( > Percent of ti J aterials was West forei Kn missioneri tv r, l i sU> 1 of the Comti Mr Mall. Bntish tender. the comment* of themLS
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  • 104 2 HOW MALAYAN CHINESE WILL OBSERVE TO-DAY CHARP at noon to-day. China throughout Malaya will observe > a three-minutes silence to cummemorate the anniversary of the present China War. All engines and factories under Chinese conI trol will cease. t Services will be held m all ChinJ esc institutions to pay
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 42 2 GILBEYS INVALID PORT Till: PUSE GRAPE JUICE PA rich ;md melloi Wine for all ocrasions. with a deli. 'ion flavour No better valnt obtainable v rwherc FnvahiaMe v a I V- B 'i V 1 v. 01 tamm GunnME^6b .>» 1 'V.P.5. 6,4
      42 words
    • 141 2 Help Kidneys Fight Dangerous GetiH J^k Your Kidneys cor.' >^f lion tiny tubes, endanfi* r b jj Reims caused bj •^filall t'.'fth, tonsils and liewure! Kidney antl Disorders make "you >■ C^jm l:urning, ItchinK J t ause you to Get up |»f I Nervy, have Leg P»|ff uD ■iV i
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  • 225 3 From Our Own Reporter* Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday. THK Hong Fatt labour trouble reached a satisfactory conclusion at 1 p.m. to-day when the strikers agreed to accept the terms of the company for a 64-cent daily wage, and to return to work on Friday morning. Their
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  • 142 3 From Our Oun Re port en Kuala Lumpur. Wednesday. THE shallow murky waters of the l Klans River which flows > lazily past the Malay mosque m Holland Road yielded a record catch to a Malay fisherman on Holland Road yielded a record S only a land
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  • 63 3 Members of the Straits Chinese Recreation Club are reminded that the social evening for members and friends will be held on Saturday July 16. Ticket must be bought before the 14th, and names of members and their guests must be sent m before that date. Mr. Cheong Hock
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  • 303 3 Case Over $65,918 S'pore Sweep Ticket Singapore, Wednesday. DEI OR* Hr. C. H. Koh, m the v Sixth Police Court to-day, hearing: was commenced of a ease m which Soona Govindasamy, alias* Kasakuriiah Govindasamy, proprietor of a snnriry goods shop m Selc«gie Road, was charged on two counts of assisting
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 80 3 Notice For To~Day [r. Justice Horns m the 2nd V A Rex vs. reck lAI TIN, LHOIED Btraits Settlements) ''Ividi:m) no. ii. SftaJSrtnPSSE GIVEN that a Dividend of 5 per cent. r endins; 30th September. paid to Shareholders on the W* July, 1933. TruJfi HEREBY GIVEN •oH B f° Oks
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    • 45 3 WHITE SWAN DUPLICATING PAPER defy competition m both price and quality. suitable for all duplicating machine? n^ce 1.25 per ream Obtninnblp fit all office or PFTER CHONG COMPANY Overseas Assurance CORPORATION, LIMITED' China Building, Chulia Street, PHONE 5808. SINGAPORE. Fire, Marine, Motor VEHICLES WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION.
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    • 97 3 MUAR NAN YANG HOTEL AGENTS. Express Service 3 times daily. 1. HAI CHEW HOTEL, 35. Beach Road Singapore. Tel: 3015 2. NAN YANG HOTEL, 41. Jalan Maharani, Muar. Tel. lft'j 3. NAN CHANG HOTEL. 84, Bunga F.aya, Malacca. Tel: 92 1. Singapore to Muar. Malacca X.L at 7.00 a.m. 2.00
      97 words
    • 50 3 BilviVrin DOES GROW lIAI B Removes i>ai?drufT, cjq Prevents Falliiig-hair J||) and corrects disorders f^T\ cl the scalp. y^ H To restore new iunr- M "row Hi ri.^k ycur Ch A, I'^^- inisf or a Hu»h-Clflss 6 store, or Hair-dr*sscr Ss£/ PVHF SIfAIKRIft Sole Oistribators: RAHAMIN PENHAS 86. Rol Ko»»'l
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    • 14 4 L^l.Sv.l l ici on o '^11*^ SS^So, r IP 6 I
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    • 67 4 jeiiera "i 7ilfl tod forward Ufcp<M*« BUJWI V; I* belles I London Wednesday PALM OIK (Malaya) Previous To-day In bulk July.Auj-. .shipinmi M4-10-C Wflgr 1 11 1 m**mm SAGO HtOUM (Sarawak) Unchaimecl rAfIUCA (Ist quality* (.Slnnapoi'' July ShipflMOl II BeU« White Muntok Auk Oct. Shipment J;< w 2
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    • 62 4 London. Wednesday. Previous To-day Change r.T. on Parts (eluding middle rate) 177.87 177 73 -.14 TT on Amsterdam (closing middle rate) 8.96 t tt.96 310 116 TT on Bhangh<U (closing selling rate) Umhanned T.T. on Hongkong (closing selling rate) 131 X> Unchanged TT on Japan (closing selling rate)
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    • 52 4 KUKHI.K New York lui.\ 5. Previous To-day Char.pp one Btesdy Steads Spot Buyers 15 14 11 16 7 16 BeUffl J5 1 14 13 1<) 7 16 OctjDrc Buyers [ft ft Id 14 7 7 16 Sellers lf> :> l.> 7 lfi rl ?,,n rim. QUM Spot
      52 words
    • 28 4 <«OLI) London. Wednesday. Pine H-ir tx-r m PrCTIOUS To- day Cham** r hi! 1 n«ir r o/ it no i .n aI Sll VFR i-7.0.11 hftV&
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    • 21 4 m London. Wednesday. UN Standard Previous To-day Chance Rpot (afternoon «closlnß price) '-IW, £192', -t\V* .rward MH% C193^,, .£l3^
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    • 160 4 SHARE MARKET Messrs. Fraser Co.'s Report Singapore. Wednesday. MINING: Tin at midday was $97 5 up -V The market m Tin shares m London yesterday was slightly easier here and there but m the local market prices were unchanged although conditions were quiet. There was further large turnover m Hong
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    • 156 4 Raub Gold Statement THE statement of the Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ltd.. for the quarter ending May 21, consisting of three four- weekly periods, is as follows: t Battery: tonnage of ore raised 14,685 tons; no of ounces of bullion produced 4,896 ounces; no of ounces of fine gold
      Reuter  -  156 words
    • 144 4 Prices Realised At Sail Yesterday I AT the Singapore Chamber vi ComiH Rubber Association's 1.389 th aiM yesterday, there were: Catalogued 1.594.028 lbs Offered 1,217.916 lbs.; 543.71 tonsH Sold 1.009.988 lbs.: 450.89 tons. H London m New York 14 11 ~M PRICES REALISM) 3 Kibber Smoked Sheet
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 667 5 STOCKS SHARES Produced By Fraser Company stagapm July c. 5 p.m. MINING 4 3 4,9 (I 29- 31|Klalay 4 9 259 t jjp» I- !o 4 219 229 al l> 15- 16I iI I ■eKamunting 9|6 10|6 X 196 20i6 f i;- i|3 ■j;r Tin .10 3 113xd m .24
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  • 213 5 LYALL EVATT'S QUOTATIONS Singapore, Wednesday. MINING Bayers Sellers Ampats 4|iy 2 Wfe Batu Selangors 1.40 1.45 Hong Fatts 0.96 1.00 Hongkong Tin 2319 24i9 Jelebus 0.70 0.75 Kamunting Tin lO|3 ll|3xd Katu Tin 24!6 261Kramats 10<6 11|6 Killinghalls 19|9 21!6 Kuchais 1.34 1.39 cd Laruts 10!6 11!6 Lingui Tin 1.65
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  • 109 5 PENANG MUNICIPAL 5% 1926 red. 1956-66 $4000,000 Int. May I Nov. 1 120! 2 121 >•> c 434% 1929 red. 1959-69 $8,250,000 Int. May 15 Nov. 15 119 120 c 3% 1935 red. 1956-1966 $625,000 Int. June 1 Dec. 1 100 101 c 370 1937 red. 1955-65
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 232 5 S. E LEVY CO. Shanghai, Hongkong, Manila, Singapore. Investment Bankers and Brokers m Securities and CommodiUu. Daily Foreign Market Cable and Quotation Smic*. Members: MEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE. COMMODITY EXCHANGE, INC. OF N.Y. MEW YORK COFFEE SUGAR EXCHANGK CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. CANADIAN COMMODITY EXCHANGE. SHANGHAI STOCK EXCHANGE. HONGKONG SHARE
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 152 6 ITS SO FUNNY IT HAS GOT SWgAg" ii)AEiN(; WITH i -Ai -riiiTi -r ANI) THA Till IWFUL TRUTH! \>ws ol the World DA\/ II I N •it i i,.,t pa ibi« m V iui v^ do iufttet In print to <miL t;mdinr,lv r, >"'i r Q I S t'-rl;uiint''nt of!'-r<<l
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    • 270 6 V\V I T ©I- I Positively LAST NIGHT I A M.G.M.'s SEVEN-STAR Wm Musical Comedy Hit k M S With JUDY GARLAND, H- jf^ OWEN, BILLIE BURKE, P c JONES and REGINALD H| I i GARDINER. ■1 With »i»TOC QAV A I I 6.15 TO-NIGHTwT^W THEATRE ROYAL. I 1
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  • 292 7 JAPANESE HARASSED BY GUERILLAS lighting Breaks Out Near Hangchow Shanghai. INSIDER -\BLE guerilla activity along the canals and streams between' Hangchow and Huchow, a stretch of about 40 miles, pnorted by travellers returning to Shanghai from that area.; Although Huchow was captured by the Japanese last November, Una is statfd
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  • 131 7 Canberra. June 27. TRAFFIC accidents m Australia for I 1936 37, according to the figures I issued here by the Commonwealth Statistician <Dr. Roland Wilson) reached a new record. There were 52,927 accidents, involving 1387 deaths last year, as compared with 47.386 accidents and 1,350 deaths m
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 125 7 to nx 4 3() MARLBOROUGH 1 >?ason Kxtend«d twteff to tremendous Success! THE GSBAT INCOMPARABLE TAMIL TALKIE "< HI XT AM A] I" Scrrening New Copy muK.ASWATHAMMA.MK. THYAGARAJA BHAGAVATHAR Yv R ao and other Talented Artists EMPIRE THEATRE (Tanjong Pagar) ru DTT "P.M. TO-NIGHT 9 P.M. HARm NIGHT IN AID
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    • 222 7 WATCH FOR THE GALA OPENING OF THE MISS I \IIC-rO3*l)BllO\i:i» and i O>l l'U Ti: L V IIIvXOVATED AlhambrA A* ultiough darna^^ v* V^ alklsoii was estimated < about JV *ipt*, he J| J^m day for V KBH PI rented ~~rß BBJ ■>■•) r^J wants I^l H roduc- 1 'il^B^B
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  • 461 8 Adviser States IiNDEA the above heading, now rendered somewhat ironical the fact »>• bitter warfare over large areas of the country. th e i Policy Association, Inc., has published a most btterestiaj brochure by Dr. Arthur S. Young, formeiiy of Shanghai. Don Hankow, and financial adviser to
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  • 246 8 FOOD SHORTAGE PROBLEM SOLVED COOl) sli»rta««' m KwaHfttlHg province has virtually been overcome with the importation ol thousands of piculs oi rice from Hlfrttmlßl province. The provinces which are shipping rice to Kwaflftttßg include Kwan^'si. Kiangsi and Hunan. Fuiiv c'^iii.aMt ol tin- ..cnous bearing which tin- food problem hai on
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  • 124 8 S i tx'.si'i: hostilities the i Nattonal Hot >; nmtni •< i itCted i" 1937 salt rrrcn- iws to the amount of yjIOMOM 1 it is expected that large .s'inis of tali revenwet will be S collected this pear m the mtc- provinces and th€ Govern- )ncnt inll
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  • 122 8 "The reforms of the past ten \tars," remarks this expert American adviser, "bear comparison wnu me financial measures adopted m the early days of the American Republic. .China's progress had acquired a momentum that was remaking the country. There can be M debut that the interruption of
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  • 145 8 Operations Suspended JIIK bi^ Chinese coal mines including the Ta Tung. Hweinan. Lienshan, Chunghsim, Hwatung, Changshing. Luhokow. and Liukiaiig Mines have suspended operations because of the SinoJapanese hostilities. In normal years, these mines m the war zones produce a total of 10.800.000 tons of
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  • 142 8 DEAD A VIA TORS HONOURED roi'K air hrrots who died while dcfriuliiiK China's skios against l.i i». hi' invasion Wtfl givm postf thiimous honour hy (•oixriilis.imo Chiang Kai shrk. Thousands attrnd- «*<] a mmiorial srrvici- held m I hi* llankou < hambcr of ('omincrii 1 last month. Tin whnk (i.
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  • 50 8 THE piercing of the Yellow River n». d /M? by Ja P anes artillery shells I t.f k 2 lun «i« w w has been disastrous J; r^ s defending the area have sufrered much from the flood caused by J he the Japanese had also
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  • 134 8 province of Honan and a large jjjj Anhwei will be inundated till CJJ Sorrow joins forces with the Hwarj devastation m the regions thus JJ cannot be curbed until the breach closed. Repairing is made impossj the incessant bombing kept up w Japanese air force. J
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  • 252 9 ASDFasdfasdf tins has vanished. No longer ire newsreels showing the war hina greeted with "banzais." ,ngcr are enthusiastic demons3ns held. iteac! the "National MobiiisaBill," coming as it did nine j ths after the start of what was liscd to be but a minor incihas left the
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  • 131 9 Shanghai. CTRONG opposition was voiced by local Chinese publishers against the censorship of school textbooks by the Ministry of Education of the Japan -sponsored "Reformed Government' m i manifesto issued recently. Following their attempts to seize the Shanghai Customs and the First Special District Court, the message
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  • 304 9 REGARDED AS "CLEAN FUN" BY THE AGGRESSORS Shanghai. THE shooting of defenceless Chinese civilians by the Japanese, which continues to occur m the Shanghai areas, is regarded as 44 clean fun" by Japanese troops, m the opinion of a foreign observer writing to the British-owned and
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  • 53 9 ACTIiNG on the instructions of J the government authorities. J the Canton Chamber of Com- .nerce has notified various local banks and money shops that Rengkong money is not peri mitted to be changed into Can- ton money without having it first converted into legal tender
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  • 183 9 Shanghai. WIDE-SPREAD smuggling, organised by W protection of Japanese armed fortes. h« North the official Japanese Embassy Spokesman here, actoid *ng i u> tne China Daily News. In the past, the Japanese auth«,n Ues ha veu ously denied the existence of smuggling at S ha ,nghai.
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  • 135 9 RESTRICTION ON IMPORT OF LUXURIES CURRENT reports that the Chinese Government will discontinue the allotment of foreign exchange were discredited by Chinese financial circles. With a view to stabilising the ex change situation and strengthening the national currency, the Chinese authorities, it is stated, have decided to restrict the import
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  • 139 9 "GOODWILL TOURS" TO JAPAN COLLAPSE Shanghai. ACCORDING to neutral foreign obscrvA ers arriving from North China the Japanese authorities, having met^ ith fnilnrp m their attempts to organise ''goodwill' tours of Chinese to Japan a ?e now forcing Chinese to make such tr The Japanese plans to attract volunteer tourists
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  • 445 10 An Appreciation Of General Chiang Kai-Shek AFTER living MMm the Chinese people some 42 years and having obs rved the i r affairs at a eltM range during their epochal period, Hrn Kt. Rev. L H. Book, American Church Mission bishop of
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  • 140 10 nifffJUL/IS/MO CMoiHl Km sink, n- (U tr, CkUuue nation vi i«ii4f4 //?<• foiimtia meuagt to hit brethren n:id TIIOI (ill \<»u st.i> m foreign nuin- trirs. your hrarts an* m your motherland. Your naiiyi country, lust mi llm midst of ret niiv(iM< tiou, is suddenly,
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  • 42 10 FREE pansports for Japan may be obI i. lined by Chinese m Peiptng. We regard that as a distinct comedown, the Japanese heretofore having been going the whole hog and issuing free Chinese passports to the hereafter Shanghai Kveninu Post
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  • 264 10 Unrest In Manchukuo STATE of obvious tension exists *1 the Japanese puppet btaUi Manchoukuo". Mr. Frank fin after extensively touring the FarEi commentator of the Australia Broadcasting Commission. Sydnji who has just returned to Austral after extensively touring the Fu and particularly Japan. Manchnki and Korea, declared m an intcrrif
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  • 197 10 COR the purpose of increasing the productivity of farmland m Kwangtunf, a comprehensive water consenrancy scheme has been mapped out by Mr Yang Hua-jih. Director of the Pearl River Conservancy Bureau lbs scheme, winch has already been Mibmittcd the Central Government for approval, calls for
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  • 51 10 fiHINESE war-time propaganda corps m Kansu and Ninghsia have invaded CMngnai, a vast outlying province of China, reports received here state Wherever the propaganda corps visited it is stated, they were welcome by lamas who gathered m lar R e crowds to listen W Comment m the pre.sent
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  • 25 10 AS many as 200.000 bags of sugar bM n been smuggled into Shanghai dur« the past four months, according to V par merchants.
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  • 111 10 Shanghai. VH£ Chinese Farnurs' Bank has done 'nuch to improve Chinas rurai eco- <.. my and to relieve the sufferings of ;hinese farmers, according to a surt .riade recently. Over $24,200,000 have been advanced to farmers m 14 different provinces m the country by the Fanners
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  • 131 10 China -Made Goods For Anti-Japan Countries j>K. ***** Wcnhou. Minister of Eemomici declared a few d*T* t»»at his Ministry was f*m trying to increase production m the (ountry and develop exports to foreign countries. for tl i«' farmers and extending factories, so as to produce sufflciejjf! dustrial Roods to meet
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  • 545 11 CHINESE REGIMES BEHIND JAP LINES CONSTANT TOUCH WITH HANKOW COMPLETE Chinese Government system, working on orthodox provincial lines and m daily touch with Hankow, is functioning smoothly inside the Japanese lines over half Hopei Province, a large section of Shansi and a part of Charhar, according to Reuter. A British
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  • 67 11 JPANESE TROOPS' FLOOD MENACE Hankow. L, th, boom on the YangL e River is too strong for Bn es< troop- to fears. Japantn ,,,ns landed at Tungand Kwefchih, near Anking. an effort to advance westrd awards the PeipingLkon Railway. fund near the Lunghai Railu .V 1 i ,ti s is
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  • 123 11 Peteran Warlord's Last Words Will die a happy man if our troops could successively recover lost territories following the orv at Taierchwang." se impressive words were spoken by ater marshal Tsao Kuen. former lent of China, shortly before he hed bis last. i veteran Chinese warlord, who died recently, has
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  • 36 11 Hankow. 7ITII Kuangteh. strategic town on the Anhwei-Kiangsu border their base of operations, Chie>e troops are now rapidly adineia* toward Nanking, the forei seat of the National Govnnient. military advices received ere indicate.
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  • 255 11 WILLING to be outdone by their iu-.'npi'p ln the neighbouring ho iS Provim e women m Hunan, belong to a province long re»»n*d Chinas history f or ft! mi- are beinff ""MM for antci';!ht" oVerno i: shi P of General t 'ta< n"f ?hS 8
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  • 63 11 In .1 icrent press intervieu here. Prince Teh, leader of the Alashan Fanner m Inner Mongolia, pledged his loyally to the Central l»ovcrnment. "The entire popu'ace In MbngcliA." he said, "ar? loyal to the Chinese nation. As the Alushan Banner is 9 Chinese territory where lie the tombs
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  • 169 11 Fantastic Reports From Japan Shanghai. "FANTASTIC!" Such was the comT ment made by a high police official here to the report cabled from Tokyo that Japanese authorities had nipped m the bud a huge •communist plot" m the Hongkew and Yangtzepoo sections of the International Settlement at Shanghai, which are
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  • 133 11 "RELIEF FUNDS" Strange Way Of Dyke Repairing I Shanghai. 1 k FEW weeks ago the Japanesef A authorities m North China announced that a relief fund of $200,000 had been donated by the South Manchurian Railway, and would be used to assist refugees m the wartorn areas of North China.
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  • 197 11 T HE soya bean export trade ol ManT chukuo,- one of the few trades m -Manchukuo still to be largely contngled by foreign interests, is shortly to oe taken over and put under State control, according to a report from Dairen. The foreign interests concerned are seriously
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  • 105 11 Successful Experiment ij Shanghai. FE experiment undertaken last year by the Bank of China to extend credits to farmers m Szechwan Province ,j has been proved to be extremely successful. The bank authorities have decided to extend more credit*? to the farmers m the province this
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  • 319 12 MORNING TRIBUNE Singapore: Thursday, July 7. 1938 RECONSTRUCTION AND RESISTANCE AN this day oat year ago, the first shot ol the pn\sent SinoJapanes*' hostilities was fiud at liUkouchiao, and m commemoration of this "incident" which hftfl led to open warfare the Chinese Central Government has designated this day as the
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  • 1356 12  - THE FUTURE OF CHIN IS BRIGHT LIM KENG HOR Jlf .J, fty I 1 TO-DAY. July 7. Chinese the world over commemorate the beginning of hostilities m what has easily proved to be the greatest military campaign ever conducted on China soil, and the costliest undertaking for both the parties,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 253 13 JUST BRITAIN BUY AMERICAN AEROPLANES? foolish Position" Says Lord Austin Birmingham. Hie well-known motor-car manufacturer, said at a lun--5e that he saw no reason why Britain must buy aeroplanes Xi'.,! U, progress made m. the last 20 months by firms coLiiur m the shadow factory scheme. F' ld that British
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  • 57 13 Oviedo Over 200 former Government soldiers came down from the mountains of Asturias during May and give themselves up to the Civil Guards, according to an announcement by the military governor. All of them, it is added, were armed with rifles and hand gTenades. Asturias was finally conquered
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  • 49 13 Warsaw. Mile Jadwiga Pilsudska, younger daughter of Marshal Pilsudsni, founder of modern Poland, has obtained a licence as a glider pilot. She underwent a gliding course at Sokola Gora and, passing her tests sucif.ssfuily. was awarded a "B" Licence. This enables her to make long distance flights.
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  • 22 13 Mr. O. E. H. Outler, a director of Messrs. Lewis Peat Singapore i Ltd.. left for Europe by the -Scharnhorts" last week.
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  • 230 13 Govt. Official Suggests A Solution Shanghai. official survey places the total number of war refugees m »ma at 30,000,000, according to Mr. Hsu Shih-ying, acting airman of the Social Welfare Commission of the Executive an, who addressed the Wartime Service Corps of the Execute luan
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  • 140 13 Stockholm. A special cigarette bearing the King of Sweden's name is being put on the market here by the Swedish Tobacco monopoly to raise money for King Gustafs birthday fund for medical research work. The "King Gustaf" cigarette, which is m sale now, will remain
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  • 113 13 MONUMENT TO BRITISH OFFICER Dundee, Natal. k MONUMENT to Major Alexander Biggar, an ex-offlter of the British Army, who fought with the Voortrekkers against the Zulu chief, Dingaan. m 1838, is to be erected at Biggarsberg m Natal. The monument will be erected as part of the Voortrekker memorial scheme.
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  • 141 13 Tourism Fosters Peace TOURISM, on the wide scale it enjoys to-day, is one of the greatest safeguards of peace throughout the world Mr. Jules Hone, general 'agent for Canada \of the Belgian State Railways, i declared during a luncheon meet- i ing at the Club St. Denis, Canada. > Tourist
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  • 154 13 Warsaw. A STATUE which is said to bleed from an unstaunchably wound has created a deep impression on the villagers of Chustki, near Radom m Poland. A man passing by a statue of the Virgin Mary m the village flung a stone at the statue's face.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 91 13 POLAROID Glasses are the latest scientific discovery m glare protection. They permit you to actually see 20 to 30 feet below the surface of the water. FOR THE FIRST TlME— perfect eye comfort for driving, cruising, fishing, tennis or any outdoor sport. See our demonstration ef this remarkable new invention.
      91 words
    • 31 13 j THE TRUI TONIC FOOD I I Ofrt«te«6fc of Oi-nIMU and Stor* j lII\K DAIVCE at the Capitol Restaurant Music by KURT BLACH his Orchestra FRIDAY WEDNESDAY 8 P.M. To Midnight
      31 words

  • 87 14 lu "> al at Thomson R,,ad las! Saturday At the Aldershot tniliUrv tattoo whi ■>> .h-o. j .t •■>iw, hui m jiiracirM rnornious rrouH h w fn g^_held last month Planet News VThe Hertfordshire Agricultural Shmv. m v < pened m Hatfield Park, Hertfordshire.
    Planet News; Topical Press  -  87 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
      45 words

  • 1482 16 bodici had really no b "US ln^wof tS said rick-rack. But it was ...^'.U'-n i tfW affair-and was worn over a plain off-white 11 'i ss trimmrd with blue buttons and matching buttonholes n ß ht down h nt Another very very striking. consisted of a
    1,482 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 76 16 Cay Mexican handblocked linens m all varieties and colours are at New shipment of Flowers. apitol Bldg. Phone Singapore. 3838. SHOES SHOES FOR EVERY OCCASION Must be Really Smart and Distinctive See Yoong Cheort£ Shoe Co, North Bridge Ro«id, Singapore. And Avoid Disappointment Yoong Cheong Shoe Co. m i HI
      76 words
    • 21 16 Tin: smart shop 17 Stamford Road. Offers two-piece tailored suits m sharkskin, congo linen, silk I' linen. From $21.50 to $29.50
      21 words
    • 128 16 JEWELLER M jflltißj^B^B EAR-RINGS H^ Those of you who say this must try several designs from B|v CIRO'S. You are sure to find a pair that adds to your E^ charm. In Visit f'^fc 5 CIRO PEARLSKT HAMLEYS, |1^ 10 Battery Road. \^fm HAIR DRESSER W and f~~~ J L^'B
      128 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 79 17 GOWNS Something to crow about >l Altl* S\ L X 2nd. Floor Kodney House. S,HiKil vale of the smartest clothes for all occasions at most reasonable prices. CLOTHES 1 ELSIE MARY Late of London for jm Evening Gowns Designed by ADAME PAGE »t "Rodney House" 2 Battery Road. Prices Remain
      79 words
    • 101 17 jTJ^V The Well-Croomed Look Is The JprA ARDEN LOOK J The colour ol your Powder and rouge. Jv lipstick, nail varnish, your eye-shadow N and eye cosmetic— all must be .selected v^J with care to blend with your type, your J personality and the colour scheme ol J I your
      101 words
    • 79 17 SHOES B A L L V '^^S^SQ WHITE PATENT SANDAL OPEN TOE AND BACK. STITCHED VAMP. SIZE: 3T07 PRICE: $9.50 (Incorporated m England^ GOWNS AND ACCESSORIES "CHRISTIE" CRAND SALE Now on with Reduction of 20 to .»O% To Make Room For Our New Shipment We Give You This Opportunity To
      79 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 374 18 BY P&OandBRITISH INDIA LINES .IWUUKPORATED IN ENGLAND) Outwards. Due TMMfI S;»«re Tonnage S pore itAWALI'INDI 17 000 July 15 HAJPUIANA 17.000 Sept. J :S lii m- 1 1! CARTHAGE )■>'"»" Alll^ 2(i 1 taves Leaves Tlinir r lonnage «P« re l't'N PANCUI 1 < 000 July 15 COKFU 15,000 Sept.
      374 words
    • 466 18 |k" TO FRENCH PORTS! i THAR EURS REUNIS I HOMEWARDS. XT mo, pi i lps Bordeaux Nante.s Havre Julyjß |TO SAIGON INDOCHInaI CAP ST JACQUES For Saigon. Tourane and Haiohonß I S. A. M. I. (from Saigon) H U.G. MERLIN For Saigon 1 G G PASQUIER H I Successors of
      466 words

  • 157 19 TEAMER MAILS DISPATCHES [PQ R PER DATE AND TIME Kcdah 7 10 a.m. Hai Lee 7 noon i Van Heutsz „7 2 p.m. 1 r-.pit Britain x X.L.M. „7 2 p.m. v eal Van Heutsz 7 2 p.m. iam XL.M. n 7 p.m. X.L.M. „7 2 p.m. Fushimi
    157 words
  • 69 19 asdfsdafasdf Invella 5 4 5 Fushimi Maru 62 7 5 Kola 60 t I Benahvers 58 7 5 KEPPEL HARBOUR Main Wharf: Lch. Magudi. Lch Spartan Lch. Lumut, Tug Prince. Oil Wharf: Nil. Coal Wharf: Nil. VESSELS IN DRY DOCKS Tanjong Pagar: Albert Dock: Nil Victoria Dock:
    69 words
  • 68 19 FORTY-ONE POISONED BY 'BARGAIN' FISH Santiago, Chile. TORTY-ONE people have had to be me--1 dically treated here after eating smoked fish which was hawked round the streets at "bargain price". Several of the victims are reported to be m a grave condition. The origin of the fish is beine investigated
    68 words
  • 373 19 N.S. DISTRICT TO PAY NEW WATER RATE (From Our O?r?/ Reporter, Sere m ban. Tuesday. AT a meeting of the State Council this morning, on the BUgftftion of the British Resident, it \\a:, decided to impose a water rate m Ulu Repog (under the Irrigation Area Enactment) of $i per
    373 words
  • 261 19 ASSAULT ON THE TWINS M o Calcutta. K. Ernest Marklew. Honorary Equipment Officer of the Himalayan Club, and leader of the unsuccessful expedition to the eastern peak of "The Twins" (about 23.000 teet above sea level) has returned to Calcutta. The entire party were "trapped" at a height of 19.700
    Reuter  -  261 words
  • 11 19 £LEVEN .students of the Egyptian Uni-
    11 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 270 19 BIBXS PHILP Ll\i:. [I •Incorporated m Australia) I NEXT SAILINGS I DM r Due Sails. I !g^-p A Ju^ 30 Aug. 3 I J£, U 2 Aur. 29 Sepi 3 I round trip tickets from Singapore to Australia issued at the I ibou S?^K? ieri may tr ansfer at Singapore.
      270 words
    • 70 19 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO LTD (APCAR LINE) FOR HONG KONG, MOJI, KOBE AND OSAKA N I It lI II A X A 8,000 TONS SAILING JULY 14, AT 3 P.M. The above vessel has excellent modern acoomuiodaiiov rcr First 3aloon and becond Saloon passengers. Special Holiday Return tickets to
      70 words

  • 737 20 T |IK mtrmsM and IIM relative value I ol mi* depends on atlWai U* ,ors. so that I Land uhu h is measured l,v any sort of yardstick^«n ts Zm may heroine MV^MM ur less, arrordlni to the position of other «ards. Irkt winner.
    737 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 224 20 RAT CHASES IDOG Le Havre. II was the rat that delighted spectators by chasing a dog round the ring at a rattatehing competition herr. I In- competition was the feature of (he annual Havre Dog Show, as of most Irriich dog shows. A l.v 1 1 WSJ placed 111 the
      224 words
    • 21 20 PSk. '^/\MI Insist on yourßlGHfi Wi w -insist on IV- W CLOVEB Ml f MILK "SCREAM 'I".-; nothinjr y^ Clover .^^KK^F^Sil!^
      21 words

  • 361 21 m,,*i tain's Plans Ince's Bid For Atlantic Rfl Canton, Monday. L,m. French living-boat Lieutenant de Vaisseau Paris will |B be making a number of North Atlantic crossings via Jg£ following on the renewal of permission from the Portum,r eminent to me the islands as a
    361 words
  • 4 21 sdafasdfasdf
    4 words
  • 116 21 i Sydney. ?TO have been killed whilst en- S gaged m the simple occupa- r ton of banging a picture on thf J wall of his home was the fate of i a man here and the picture i caused his death. He was Patrick Seeley. 61,
    116 words
  • 164 21 A. R. P. LECTURE AT SWIMMING CLUB Singapore, Wednesday The day when Honpkonp, and Singapore are threatened, when Great Britain sends her fleet to defend her interests m the Far East, when she is compelled to withdraw the bulk of her defences frcm the Mediterranean, may veil prove the opportunity
    164 words
  • 96 21 Jerusalem. I7OUR Arabs travelling m a taxi from Jenin to the city of Haifa, m Palestine, were arrested during a search of traffic by British police who found a quantity of explosives and forbidden materials m the vehicle. The haul consisted of two heavy land-mines, each about
    96 words
  • 393 21 Archdeaton White Addresses Local Rotarians Singapore, Wednesday. ||OV\ the Order of St. John of Jerusalem,, conferred m recognition of services m the cause of humanity throughout the Eritish Empire, originated m the days when "prowess m arms was men's proudest ornament," was the subject
    393 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 78 21 i\£W HUDSON' I v. Ul\ S I Selangor Hill-Climb 1 ALFRED DE SILVA recent winner of the Kuala Lumpur-Seremban-and-back Cycle Road Race m record time on a New Hudson cycle, repeated his success L by winning the Kuala Lumpur Lake > Garden Hill-Climb. HIS CYCLE WAS A "NEW HUDSON" H
      78 words

  • 481 22 TWO DETERMINING Shanghai. ■tram rrsistnce around Shanffliai. Nanking itself fell to Japa StSSXi £5£ s, arm, touched Us latanc* of fortun* be|Ml to for China. Had the, loll.nv.d UK iHKtfng army to Nanchang or Hankow. merftuatton to-<lay mighl be IM worse for China but
    481 words
  • 183 22 Bombay. fWADUR m India is to be abandoned as a stopping-place for Imperial Airways' flying-boats, and Jiunri, 20 miles from Gwadur, has been selected for a new flying-boat station, which is to be constructed at a cost of nearly £25,250. U.-Commander W. H. Watt, the chief aerodrome
    Planet News  -  183 words
  • 230 22 Rise In Freight Rates Passenger Fares Also Increased FREIGHT rates on the China Coast we n. creased 10 per cent, lasi Wf^K With the 15 per cent, increase that went into effect on April 10. coastal frt.ght rates are now 25 per cent, high thai) m March, says a SiK.:vih:.i
    230 words
  • 2 22 "»,»:"S',,,?;,ir:,"s r?
    2 words
  • 126 22 MOST MODERN SHIP-TESTING PLANT Washington PHIPS for Americas naval expansion S Scheme will be tested m the world* most modern model testing plant Thn niant is bens rushed to com nleUon at Carderock. Maryland, to dea ?Rh the impending mcrease m naval 'Ttnfmoment. demands for tests o! shfp mod Is
    126 words
  • 78 22 ALLEGED THEFT O TONSORIA EQUIPMENT Singapore, We^ YONG Seng, a middle -aeed i assistant m a barber's shop ijong Pagar. was this morning before Mr. J. C. H. Oldham.the Magistrate, and charged with] tonsorial instruments to the 1 $34.15 from his employer Court Inspector Wray aket postponement of sentence H!i
    78 words
  • 35 22 The P. and O. liner tj. &J has left Hongkong and la >v<M rirrive at this port at 4 p.m. a day. the 12th instant W She will oroceed alongside ;-<■ Wharf on arrival.
    35 words

  • 1277 23 CHANCE PAYS $159 AT IPOH RACES MANY UPSETS YESTERDAY lF wm Our Own Reporter) Ipob. Wednesday. ■fiLEXT dividends, the best E$S returned by Chancy .feature of the second day of J IM ,h July meeting held to-day. mMtinf was also notable, for an In t pie' by the Van Tooren
    1,277 words
  • 99 23 Race I.— PRUDE $25, and $8. July The Seventh $8. Rex $9. X..< t FIRST BID $28 and SB. Excuse Me $7. Lay Off $7. Race 3.— DRIFT ON $24 and $10. Fair King $18. Cosmetic $19. Race 4.— CHAIJCE $159 and $33. Golden Blaze $16.
    99 words
  • 167 23 Y.M.CA. BEATEN GOOD BOWLING BY HOPE The Staff and Departments beat the V.M.C.A. to-day by a margin of 34 runs at the Anson Road Stadium. The results were: STAFF AND DEPARTMENT Mack lbw Xavier 18 Tristram c Hope b Day 21 Baker lbw Hope Moss b Xavier 1 Marshall b
    167 words
  • 311 23 Dohoo Cup Final In Batu Pahat fl (From Our Own Correspondent) Batu Pahat, Wednesday. THE Indo-Ceylonese Association won the Dohoo Cup when they defeated the Civil Service Club by the narrow margin of ten runs m a cricket match played on the time limit basis. The Indians were
    311 words

  • 116 24 FRASER COMPANY. List Of Current Dividends I Singapore, .1 j^H Date tx. Dl* F** Payable HH July 28 July 4 I 1 Aug. 19 IIH July 18 July 14 m July 22 July 20 A July 14 June 20 6-^H July 28 July 4 II July ,11 July 9 f
    116 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 121 24 lipsi m 1 //Abewbrld [I —W PILOT PEN THE CHEAPEST w£>\ m m\ W PILOT" pei the bf.->t m the world "A <J'X. jml m W market to-day. It's worth paying doubl-: MM 'B*\ J r^^^i lyll>sh models ()t tht> and is of no I S Wmfm f'Tior quality. The
      121 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 378 24 i ON THE RADIOj r SINGAPORE PENANG SB I rfJBSSU 06 Cantone* orchestral l est You. ffSLP 0 l 5 Shfe Che" and 'Sani Bang JJ»« 12 Pianist, Harold Bauer (Des •Cheong Hong n«>k \fiol and Ab/>nds Aufschwung, 1 -•Yu.r V.< Mo PUycd by Chm JSK In Nacht: TPS Xai
      378 words
    • 372 24 LONDON TRANSMISSIONS 2 3 GSG 17.79 Mcs (16.8 m) GSF 15 14 Mcs (19.8 m fifi Big Bon. The Uttle Orchestra. 630 ZZV y £^™l Mount M vc rnon A programme arrangi d for Independence Day by the British Broadcasting Corporation and the Columbia Broadwing System of America Part From
      372 words
    • 410 24 HONGKONG I ZBW 9.52 Mcls (31. m) p.m. Br"> s.2o— The Children's Hour W^l 6.20^ Hawaiian Selections. WTm i ...45— Closing local Stock quotati^BiA^ tt. 50— Variety. 7 20— Weathfr report and anno Jfc ments. i 7.23— A Concert by Anno WiM^^l I Gaston D'AoJ^^H V Tenor* and A. T.
      410 words

  • 186 25 IX YEARS' RIGOROUS OR CULPABLE HOMICIDE CCUSW'S STORY OF QUARREL OVER A DEBT OF $2.40 Singapore Wednesday. r>i\ FOIKVi:AR-OLD Ong bhoon, sturdily built pork seller, to-day sentenced t> six years' ou > imprisonment for causing death of a compatriot. Swah the special jury returning an |in,ous verdict of culpable hole
    186 words
  • 231 25 PEARL DIVER DISAPPEARS WALLOWED UP BY SEA MONSTER? Cairns, June 27. Jea monster, possibly a giant groper, is believed to have been responsible tor the mysterious disappearance of a Japanese diver k operating on the sea-bed m Torres Strait. his is the only explanation experienced pearlers can offer for the
    231 words
  • 69 25 Belgrade. 1 k HAT cost the life of a man at Lipnitsa m Serbia. i Duskan Shubakovitch, a 17-year- old youth of that town thought his friend Dragoslav Mrshtrovitch, had thrown his hat into a stream. Enraged, he shot him through the heart. Later it was established
    69 words
  • 84 25 English Lessons For Teachers Of English Cairo. JGYPTIAN teachers of English m Government primary and secondary schools will be given advanced courses m English during the summer vacation, the Egyptian Ministry of Education has decided English literature and history will also be studied. -,jV lUmber of J E i I
    84 words
  • 244 25 THE Geological Survey of India m 1938 has recorded the presence of Vanadium a rare metal (resembling silver m appearance) bearing Titaniferous ma- netite m Singhbhum and Mayurbhanj. The Singhbhum deposits are only pocket deposits which are considered be of little economic value. The
    United Press  -  244 words
  • 99 25 HE GA VE AWAY £250,000 I Perth, June 27. wno became one of Australia's most noted ohilanthropistHe was Sir Charles McNess, a native of Huntingdon iHunthew that Sir Charles gave away £250.000 during hlfl life- I business activities m a V^i -t the corner of Bar*4 -"U. now one of
    99 words
  • 273 25 CHILD DIES FROM OVERDOSE OF OIL 'From Our Oicn Cor respond i-nt i Taiping, Wednesday A verdict of misadventure was return- ed by the 'laiping Coroner. Tunku Mohamed, when an inquiry was held into tne death of a Tamil girl, aped tiiree year.v whose name was given as Papathy, and
    273 words
  • 116 25 AN elderly woman who was found dangling: m her night-dress from the window of a hotel and was rescued after she wai* seen by a postman, has died m a Bath hospital, to which she was taken. She was Mrs. Katherine Foyster, aged (to.
    116 words
  • 106 25 •By Air Mail) Rangoon, June 2iJ THE reductions m land revenue grant ed by Government this year to com.pensate for the lowness of the prevailing prices of agricultural product amounted to Rs 27.25,195, says a press communique issued by the Burma Dot ernment. Apart from
    United Press  -  106 words

  • 90 26 Ptfctag, .inly •>■ IMI •>' "'"'»^r, Ih. htftatat »r Ik. I «»l-..n,,.l 1.,1i.f .hat .h- ■-nil;, unj.s »h» h 1,!,,,,, ftUH, .b...-.n,5,. ,arri,.,ns and mm IV.p.n, HmV X ha-- 1..-.rri,-«.|.,l s. P., of .hr «-i. h- -fr UHtayt-ll Thursday Pcpln^ H.,,,Mm orde, to meow better control^
    90 words
  • 116 26 Bold Attack Near Shanghai Shaiiuhai. Wednesday. /Uri il\ Blown, of the British stcaiiM-r Tse Am* Tah. nairc>\vly rsraprJ death 'esterdav evening w ii«'n n> Chinese pirates hrom tw« junks b- axled the Twt Ang 1 -i li miles ir«'in'.hai while Ml route io TMngchon it
    116 words
  • 93 26 Move To "Humanise" Warfare AN ml i-r mi t mmi:il bureau lo study of liiiniaiiiMiiK uarfarr mil he instituted here ;«ft«T the iletisiou of t»ir IVrniiiiHiil lutrr national < ommitlrc lor Military Medicine. Thf bureau will deVoU ■•> ecltl attention '<• the problem <>i hem to protect civilian againsi
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 83 26 f rni\ French Ambassador m Tokv> vi.Mird the .Japanese foreign office >" <i;iv and explained that the reason tot despatch of Annamltc police to the Paracel Islands was lor the purpose I protecting the lighthouses and wircn> 'ion which air to he erected .shortly He anured ttn lorelgn
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 255 26 THK undernotud newly added non-liction and Bctton works will be ready for issue on Saturday: The New Chemistry. E. N. da C. Andrade; D'Annun/io. Illustrated, Tom An»ncint; Mr Belloc Still Objects to Mr Wellss "Outline of History" Hilaire Bel- loc; The Barrie Inspiration. Illustrated, Patrick
    255 words
  • 171 26 "NAUGHTY WIFE DRESS REHEARSAL THE Singapore Amateur Dramatic held a rehearsal of their I duction "The Naughty Wife 1 last n»M; at the Victoria Theatre. Those wn were privileged to see the pefornvan were able to form the idea "The Nau-i Wife" is one of their very best prom
    171 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous

  • 383 27 GORDONS BEAT CRICKET CLUB BY ONLY GOAL MEDIOCRE GAME AT ...1; S.C.C 0. (l r t!i) recovery m the last ten minutes enabled the Gordons to A BFI v rrirket Club by I—o m a mediocre uame of fluctuating A beat the l Road stadium yesterday. The match was m
    Tribune  -  383 words
  • 64 27 THE Singapore XI against SeUngor m the inter-State cricket match at the S.C.C. on July 16 and 17 has been selected as follows: Capt. G. J. Bryan, L|Cp BoUon, Lieut. W. H Duke, Capt E. D. Dynes, Lieut. F W. Simpson, L|Cpl. Toombs, Dr. H.
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  • 198 27 IN a third division match of the S.A.F.A. league played at Tanglin yesterday, the R.A M.C. beat the Police by I—o. I Cheong Ngee. Police goalkeeper, was outstanding, saving m brilliant style. The Medicals dominated play throughout, and except for a few breakaways spoilt
    198 words
  • 165 27 'The Awful Truth" At The Pavilion IF you want to see one of the best comedies we have had m Singapore for many, many months, you must visit the Pavilion and see -The Awful Truth", the latest laughter vehicle for Irene Dunne and Cary Grant, who prove
    165 words
  • 116 27 MR. MRS. TAY LIAN TECK WIN GOLF THE Island Club July mixed foursome, held on Sunday over the first nine, resulted m a win for Mr. and Mrs. Tay Lian Teck with a score of 33 nett. The following; were some of the best cards returned. Mr. Mrs. Tay Lian
    Tribune  -  116 words
  • 110 27 TANGLIN CLUB TENNIS Results of yesterday's ties m the Tanglin Club tennis tournament: Mr. Mrs. Mitchell (scr> beat Mr Mrs. D H. Palmer (plus 3) 12—10, 6—3; CULLEN CUP Mrs. Ainger Henderson (plus 3) beat Mrs. Bright well Elsworth (plus 2> 7—9, 6—2, 6—2. MEN'S OPEN DOUBLES FO Longmore F|O
    110 words
  • 43 27 The R.A.F. second string beat the Excise Department by four goals to two m a second division match of the S.A F.A. league, played at Seletar yesterday MRS. PALMER m play m the Tang lin Club tennis tournament. Tribune
    Tribune  -  43 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 160 27 SINGAPORE BADMINTON ASSOCIATION TIES m the Singapore Badminton Championships will be played at the Clerical Union, Haw-Par Hall, this weekend as follows: SATURDAY AT 2.15 P.M. Men's Junior Singles: Chua Leng Kuan (Marigold) vs. Raymond Frois Useful). Men's Junior Doubles: Wee Tye Suan and Lim Cheng Hong (Useful) vs. A.
      160 words

  • 572 28 DID NOT INQUIRE AFTER ACCIDENT DEATH OF OCCUPANT OF RICKSHA U B W <;■ PWtor. Urn StafViw Corw*r, bad oocwtei. i.«lay to nM „,,v, SWta4»n, < hin.., who «W«wl R vltl ss h occmd on Mar. 7. »l S-n., „■,<„, Ro^ :,n,l „,n.,l m hii dealt'
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  • 248 28 ANGLO-ITALIAN PACT STILL NOT RATIFIED Paris, Wednesday THc adoption of the non-interventton plan lias 1 (reived only lukewarm reception In the Frets. The Right Wing "Epoque" recognises the step taken towards easing *h< v international situation, nut says Lhat It would bt wrong to think that the Spanish war does
    Reuter  -  248 words
  • 38 28 RUSSIA RALLIES ROUND Moscow. Wednesdaj SI BS( KIPTIONS for this years loan tot the third five-year plan are breaking all records. More has been subscribed m four days m Moscow Leningrad than m two months last year. Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 157 28 ROBBED TILL TO FOLLOW LOVER WITH only £3 Hs.— and that stolen front the till m the shop where she \M»rkfd Olive Burton, aged twenty-six, left her home m firimsby and >et out for Malta to Kiici the soldier sweetheart who had iilted her. Her travels were cut short at
    157 words
  • 295 28 DISCRIMINATION AGAINST BRITISH SHIPPING IN CHINA STATEMENT IN COMMONS London. Wednesday. DKPLYING to questions by Mr. Marsden and Mr. Choiiton m the Common.- to-day regarding the refusal of the Japanese military authorities to allow. foreign vessels to ply on inland creeks and the canal around Shanghai on the plea Hi
    Reuter  -  295 words
  • 122 28  -  Sin Chew Jit poh London. Monday. Oa thousand lews are already employed as supernumerary police lor tin protection ol the Jewish settlement .Mid crops In Palestine, said Mr. to-day In the Commons whi n to qu< li n In connection With tin fit ent dl turbed
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 191 28 MOTHER HAS PRESENT FOR BOY "LOST" IN ARMY DLUI-KYBD Mrs E. Weaver, ol I v Ea*t Avenue, Stainsfnrtli, n™ l I here, hopes she «vill find her H-year-oM son Wilfred m time tfi send hint a birth-day present. Wilfred, tail, lair-haired ex boy, will be 17 soon. Hi.s fftmll Stainforth
    191 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements