Morning Tribune, 2 July 1938

Total Pages: 32
1 8 Morning Tribune
  • 13 1 THE MORNING TRIBUNE vol, ::-»No. 131. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, July 2, 1938. FIVE CENTS.
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  • 62 1 Washington, Friday. THE net outflow of capital from the United States during the first quarter amounted to $203 million compared with 51? million in tha fourth quarter of 1937, according to Treasury data on international capital movements. Foreign sales in American securities exceeded purchases by $12 million,
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 122 1 Hankow, Friday. I MARSHAL CHiAiNU KAI SHEK J to-day denied the rumours t the presence of many foreign i aciors at Hongkong has any •ion with a mediation plan. J Pea i.s unacceptable unless it noorable one." he declared. v Hongkong message stated: > rumours
    Reuter; Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  122 words
  • 209 1 Is R. A. F. Strong Enough? London, Friday. A IK defence was among the sun jects discussed at the central council meeting of the National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations in London yesterday. Mr. Godfrey Nicholson, MP., moved a resolution begging the Government still further to increase the strength
    British Official Wireless  -  209 words
  • 161 1 East Honan Flood Situation HP Hankow, Friday. "inn! .situation in east Honan is worsening owing to the continued <l«Mjnpour. The population is moving about bv junk. though 4.000 Chire^A *o|<T*ei e vorking day and night to repair the s learned that their present efforts
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • 40 1 HOLLAND COMMISSION TO SPAIN The Hague, Friday. HOLLAND has informed Great Britain that she is only prepared to participate in the commission to investigate the bombing of Spanish towns provided an invitation is received from both parties in Spain Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 118 1 BARBARA HUTTON CHARGES HUSBAND ALLEGES THREATS London. Friday. rOUNT HANGWITZ REVENTLOW, husm band of Barbara Hutton (the Woolworth heiress) appeared in Bow Street to-day charged with using threats against his wife which put her in bodily fear. The chief magistrate fixed hearing for July 5, bail being allowed in £1,000
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 134 1 London, Friday. AN important medical test case against Dr. Aleck William Bourne, the distinguished Wimpole Street obstetrician, was heard in Marylebone Police Court this morning He was committed for trial on a summons alleging that he unlawfully procured miscarriage of a 14--year-old girl at St. Mary's
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 558 2 Around The World In C ommercial Airliners J U„»mii II 'i" s ft /ii Singapore ing i|>"' I r«« :v: S= i i. on Frld Six flyim be P servlci ll improvi i in d und tl i Commonwe Uu lying Ij in < r i bei Britan i I
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  • 23 2 I ton, oi the Ltd pleaded i 0 1 [ailin v down arhilsl Orchard d ind Vprll
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  • 6 2 Imperial A irw ays 1 I
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  • 144 2 hiifti i nil In an s fj jh mnl tuti jml ili^li lin s« compliment* offered w l>\ tm important mmi am paper I nifrd s •>. \tn« i ican Vviation, J > Wwi I9il m //»< i mim riai Jfying-boati fl i "ii tin i.i. iving 'nd ol
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  • 44 2 Mil ni\m.\(;Kir-lmperial Airway* flying boat which arrived in JSLoore vesterdav, with the Cordelia" to inaugurate the England s ItaS >nvu, HM 'halter" ts set,, ftftal over the ates of lhe Kallang Airport Ottvtor pictures m pftfC 8, T ribune
    Tribune  -  44 words
  • 477 2 FOREIGN JOURNALISTS HERE Singapore. Friday INDICATIVE ol the interest that kfl being taken by the British people n the extension ol the dying-boat service to Australia, a party of journalists IK making a trip In the "Challenger to Sydney Thev arrived by the "Cordelias' and
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  • 54 2 FLYING FACTS J IJERE are some amazing flying H figure statistics concerning the i inauguration of the service. Flying time (Southampton to S Singapore) Bl hrs. 10 mins. S Miles run 8.137. j Flying speed (point-to-point) 163 miles per hour. S Stops on the wav to Singapore, S 21 S
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  • 73 2 SHOT WITH RIFLE (Prom Our Oini Reporter) Kuala Lumpur. Friday THE Bengali of a Chinese towk. living in Brunei Road. Pudu. W8 accidentally shot dead this morn:: while cleaning the rifle of his master It appears, the deceased was in t: habit of cleaning his master's gun aftei shooting expeditions.
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  • 165 2 Singapore, Friday. I ls ;t famil y affair," said Coun Inspector Nona in the Third p o"<* Cou:-: this morning when Gulam Shah bin Shadali Shah, young man and Syed Ali Shah bin Sedan Shah, his father were pro- auce a before Mr. (i. s.
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  • 58 2 SOLDIER 'S SUICIDE A TTEMPT Singapore, Friday fORPORAL William Doggett, 32. of th Royal Engineers, stationed at Fo: Canning, was bound over in the Sec Police Court this morning on a pei bond of $50 for six months after he h i Pl'aded guilty to B charge of attempt ..uiclde
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  • 286 3 POLICE ON A NEW TRACK Kuala Lumpur. Friday. THE receipt ol certain information has sent an armed foree police from Raub into the Pahang jungle, and they are searching the jungle along Sungei Tenggalam towards Kuala IJpis and Bentong. rhis 1 brought renewed hope that but
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  • 108 3 PEDESTRIAN KNOCKS INTO CONSTABLE H Singapore. Fnday. E waa banging the doors zl priresidences and generally a nuisance of himself on the road. He had been drinking,' lined a police witness in the Thira Court this morning, when llara •air an elderly Tamil, was brought up eriy conduct in Cuff
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  • 29 3 '"sts of the Siang Lim See Tem<am Kiat Road, will hold a service Chinese community on July 7 Bi. to 5 p.m. to pray for world
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  • 34 3 Immittee of the Chinese Assoropose that special efforts be all members to contribute toSpecial Relief Fund for July 7 urged that all m mbers will dc to make it a success.
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  • 42 3 I SALE. 19H7 AUSTIN 10 HP Perfect condition, low Owner going home. $1,400 ST OFFER Box No. 273 co Iribune The promotion of Second-Lieut. E.D. Rushworth, S.S.V.F.. to the rank oi Lieutenant, with effect from June 3. has been approved.
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  • 163 3 Despite Loss Of Plant In Shanghai THF net trading profit ior Hume 1 Pipe (Far East) Ltd, for the year ended Mar. 31. is £15.873 (Australian currency) after providing for taxation. From this amount there will bo deducted £3.765. to provide for the less of plant
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  • 216 3 Singapore, Friday. QTATING thai h<> took a seriotie view of the ease, especially on account of the fact thai the pamphlet distributed by the accused advertised that injury had been done to someone for selling planks to a Japanese. Mr. J. C. H. Oldham, the
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  • 39 3 MISS M C, HOWLETT. a member ef the 8.8.C. staff, who is a passenger in the "Challenger." She made history by broadcasting her impressions through the BBC. from Singapore over the radio-telephonic system yesterday. Tribune
    Tribune  -  39 words
  • 126 3 MALACCA LORRY STRIKE Malacca, Friday AVER 300 lorries in Malacca and sub- urbs were garaged to-day by their owners. Information is lacking, but from what I could gather the strike is said to be in protest against compulsory third party insurance. It is also understood the lorry owners are not
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  • 29 3 PIANOFORTE-PLAYING THEORY OF MUSIC. SCHOOL CHILDREN:— SpeciaI Terms SCHOOL TEACHERS:— Reduced Rates Special Music Apn^eciation Classes. Write or Enquire M"~. Paulusz. Experienced and Qualifi*. Music Teach°r 25. Barker Road.
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  • 215 3 MAN'S FATAL FALL OFF LORRY Driver Sent To Prison Singapore, Friday TEO Chwee Koh. a young Chinese, lorry driver, was found guilty by Mr. H A. Forrer, District Judge, Criminal District Court, this morning, on a, charge :>f driving his lorry negligently alone, Khiam Hock Road on the afternoon of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 85 3 MUAR NAN YANG HOTEL AGENTS Express Service 3 tim^s daily 1. HAI CHEW HOTEL. 37) Beach Road Singapore, Tel: 3015 I. NAN YANG HOTEL. 41. Jalan Maharani, Muar. Tel. 15' 3. NAN CHANG HOTEL. 84, Bum::' r^va. Malacca. Tel K 1. Sinaaoore to Muar. Malacca K.L at 7.00 a.m. 2.00
      85 words
    • 91 3 SilviVrin ii O fc S GRO W H AIR Removes Jar.drufl, cap Prevents Falling-hair §W and corrects disorders it_ d the scalp. f^ |fl To restore new hair- W\ growth ask ycur Chej I |**^!l mist or a High-Class j 9 HI store, or Hair-dresser \^7/ PURE SILVIKRI? Sole Distributors:
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    • 124 4 ri i.l.hK na.. 1 na Bel r^ i« j i (July) .er :iers i 16 fed l ind i r pi Sellers lei 16 v<i forward Buy • i ÃÃâ€
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    • 141 4 London. Frid. Previous To-day 97 9 98 3 6d Distillers 29 1 I 29 1» 2 Dunlop Rubber 76 l 1 76--1 1 General Eleetrie "M 9 32 1 »imperial Chemical Industries 139
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    • 264 4 MESSRS. Lewie Peat, Ltd.. rn their report for the week ending Julv 1. state: A wave of optimism has spread over j the market during the past week with the general revival of confidence m Europe and America. The demand has come from good sources,
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    • 120 4 THE following are passengers to Au.-- tralian ports per m.v. "Merkur sailing to-morrow at 11 a.m. for Sing* pore:— Mrs. li Hint/.. Miss Hintz. Mr [Stuart Smith. Mrs. Hudson. Miss I chell, Miss G. Omay. Miss A. Sparm I Miss. Knight, Mrs A. E. Falconer. N G.
      120 words
    • 72 4 London Friday Previous To-day Chan^p r.T on Paris (during middle rate) 177 91 177 88 u:i tt on Am tarda*) (daring middle rate* 96 UuchanurO — tt on Bhangh*] (daring telling rate* 0 V A Unchanged
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    • 39 4 GOLD ■•'ii< Bai pel oi SUA IK Pi"! VKMI.S L7 1) 8! London, To dav p n g Friday Change .(i aSptlt 4 month forward 19 1 16 18 18 15 Hi 18 ***** -'a l l*;
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    • 40 4 I Bhipm< ol rubber in all torn, in u valaya during June amounted t<. 4*258 ton, total Ter six month of the „;,m <•' I 280.449 tons. The total 'he inst six months of lust v ar w. s
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    • 158 4 Dr. S W. Eveson. Acting Senior Health Officer Penang, has been appointed to officiate as Health Officer. Province Wellesley. in addition to his own duties, with effect from June 7 Mr. C. H. Butterfield has been apoointed to officiate as a Crown Counsel. S.S. with effect from June
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    • 52 4 ki mil it t' Â¥^9Jml New York June SO. Previooi To-day Change Tone Steady Bi li'h Stead-. Bpo( Bir. Selleri *****(1 ll 13 16 14 11 16 1111 16 ll -â€ÃÃâ€Â
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    • 21 4 lIN Standard np<>? (afternoon < closing price) Previous £lB9 El9O London, To-day UB9-'-, n 90 V. • Fridaj Cham?* 3
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 789 5 STOCKS SHARES Issued By Fraser Company Singapore. July 1. 1 p.m. 43 4j9 lam Kumbang lalay Itam in Tin I Selangor 28 r 42 6 23 3 0.57 »/2 21- 135 301--476 25--0.621/2 22j--1.40 Ul--226 161--0 42 1.06 BerjuntaJ irma Malay i m
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  • 226 5 LYALL EVATT'S QUOTATIONS I Singapore, Friday. I Buyers Sellers Ampats 4!3 4 9 Batu Selangors 1.35 1.40 Hong Fatts 1.02 1.06 Hongkong Tin 2116 231Jelebus 0.70 0.75 Kamunting Tin 1016 ll|6cd Katu Tin 2319 251Kramats 1013 111Killinghalls 1913 21!Kuchais 1.33 1.38cd Laruts 9|9 103 Lingui Tin 1.60 1.65cd London Tin
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  • 68 5 NEDERLANDSCHE HANDELMAATSCHAPPU N.V. incorporated ln the Netherlands. (Netherlands Trading Society) BANKERS AMSTERDAM Established by Royal Charter A.D. 1821 Paid Up Capital I 40,030,000 Statutory Reserve Fund „ 5,000,000 Special Reserve 1.000,000 Chairman of the Board of Director! H. C.
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  • 212 5 Maynard Co. Ltd. $30,000 Sm£*& 30 °* 31 » iQ^f P0 E MUNICIPALITY 1901 red. 1940 $400,000 r SrSHtf. 95 105 nom. 122 110 nom nom
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 154 5 S. E LEVY CO. Shanghai, Hongkong, Marila, Singapore. Investment Bankers and Brokers in Securities and Commodities. Daily Foreign Market Cable and Quotation Service* Members: HEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE. COMMODITY EXCHANGE, INC. OF NY. NEW YORK COFFEE SUGAR EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. CANADIAN COMMODITY EXCHANGE. SHANGHAI STOCK EXCHANGE. HONGKONG SHARE
      154 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 118 6 TTT^ToN 3-15 -0-15 -9-15 LAS' PAY 1" >RY P4UL ROBESON BIG FELLA rvTO Af WH HOUSE and DONALD DUCK EXTRA! in LONESOME Miosis I MARLBOROUGH I l! ,st J Will TALKIE Ever Produced •mm ui %\r* II More Entertaining than thr Wosl Entertaining Picture .\«>u have seen! THE BEST OF
      118 words
    • 241 6 li"' ITS ANOTHER T"oW SPECIAL )T ,M. ATTRACTIONS lccto in*d ri&^ p* al Every Performance f, g#| |ML 3 SHOWS TO-DAY *—< 1 \H it <■ AIII' I MY MX A LOW anil MMMTK 111 AC V 1 -TEST PILOT" with LIONEL BARRYMORP fr v ROXY BAR HH.M. spot km;
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  • 705 7 TEA-PARTY EOR MR. B. GOVINDASAMY Singapore, Friday. ni,; u.ilasuru Govindasamy, who came to Singapore from South India M about 30 years ago, has progress* -l from small beginnings to the po.ilion of senior partnership in the Indian Labour Co., a position of difficulty and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 79 7 .j. .j. DESTINED TO BREAK YET GREATER RECORDS! MEET the HERO! GARY COOPER. p*tym&* with introducing BASH RATHBONE SIGRID GURU Difcfd by ARCHIE MAYO I Released thru United Artists I Gala Premiere:— CAPITOL, JULY I2th .j. H£Y' WHAT'S YOUR HURRY? Wf I CROWD'S YELLING f I TOR A KNOCKOUT/ SEE
      79 words
    • 85 7 WATCH FOR THE GALA OPENING OF THE riil.Vr AIM COXBfTIOXEB and COMPLETELY 111 \o\ ATI H "^■"■^■^■'■■■■■■■■■■■■eMi*— j^an—^— w»v»i— —^^—^—^M»»mwye—— w TV/? W AlhambrA -j^*^ A, although damage to i wL .udson wu estimated at about I 3 000 I N I JM Syfor \\l OHIIII2 jm y fl-nted \\\^>
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  • 107 8 INAUGURATING THE ENGLAND TO AUSTRALIA THROUGH SERVICE THE "CHALLENGER" on the water in Kallang Basin. CORDELIA" 6 "CHALLENGER" N S'PORE tttstrslia hv lhe "Challenger." *ralia ilyiii*-boat aenrie*h .1 member <>i i party ef |earnalists who are HUhing I trip le Australia from England In tin- "Challenger" which ia inaugurating the
    Tribune  -  107 words
  • 211 8 FRASER COMPANY. Litf Of Current Dividends THE GROUP ef Press representatives who are making the world's greates' ptess air tour (Story on page I). Thev arrived in Singapore yesterda> by the "Cordelia". Left to right: Mr. Ronald Walker (News Chronicle) Mr. Ronald Monson (Daily Telegraph). Mr. V. E. Acott (Adelaide
    Australian Associated Press; Tribune  -  211 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 958 9 MILITARY TACTICS PRAISED EVENTS on the military front during the recent months have proved admirable Chinese leadership, according to foreign war correspondents. The Japanese forces appear to be making good headway up the Lunghai, capturing a number of important points including Kaifeng from which
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  • 86 9 BIRTHDAY STAMPS Soli; I CROWN Prince Simeon ot Bulgaria, '.v(m> ce^brated his first birthday on 9uUM 16. figured on a new set of commemora tive stamps issued on that date. The set comprised five stamp-;, ttie denominations being 1. 2, 4, 7 and I I levas ti 2 d. Id.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 168 9 STOP QUICKER j THAN YOU EVER STOPPED BEFORE! oive T vn„ N t E h^ ?r^?flt h T s; re v. wlth the LIFE-SAVER Tread and the famous Goodrich GOLDEN PLY kind of Vrl i wSfnr C iv« ?2?i' e ver u had a ainst both skids and blow-outs. It
      168 words

    • 216 10 F.M. S. RATEPAYERS' GRIEVANCES •Ef ERENCE i'» the long standing rnevanci ol ratepayers in [pon, Kuaia umpur and Serein 1,.-,, ding the ooliection ol 0 been made in the annual report foi 1937 ol the Selangor I1 1 and Ratepayers 1 Assoc! i. Lumpur, which ha been circular! ied to
      216 words
  • 725 10 Does Singapore Need A Traffic Expert Personal V.cwpo.n. by Autolycus I be befoi d too, perhaps impoitant poretrai wl' gun ,11 ork ,mmittee, which ltth embusj ro, close on lx months, th( aumbe. ol licensed U use in Singapore had passed the I CNN) mark That is the significance o
    725 words
  • 23 10 <S n Urst t,alli <' »ntrol light on It-iiii.. m ""^^^^^^^3l--k "MWi Quay, established hv *h« ■■•i by the Trimmer Committee
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 1442 11 BRITAIN'S FLYING CLUBS ARE IN THE DOLDRUMS THROUGH R.A.F. EXPANSION World Of Flight t Front Our Own Corre.<pondtnt) London, June 25. mWO ot the largest aircraft in the world are now nearing the service stage in America. They are the 42-ton Boeing flying-boat designed lor the Atlantic service and the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 89 11 POLAROID Glasses are the latest scientific discovery in glare protection. They permit yon to actually see 20 to 30 feet below the surface of the water. FOR THE FIRST TlME— perfect eye comfort for driving, cruising, fishing, tennis or any outdoor sport. See our demonstration of this remarkable new invention.
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    • 30 11 ■9 THE TRUI TONIC FOOD ObtmtmmU* mf mil ChomMU and Storm DINE DANCE at the Capitol Restaurant Music by KURT BLACH his Orchestra WEDNESDAY FRIDAY M 8 P.M. To Midnight
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  • 133 12 i:ni\ Romanji ol H'indsoi .uni Bombay, studying the raeecard witl hei hrothci vii Irdeshir, nrell known racehorse owner and Stewan «»l tin- Koyal Western limlii hut I lull, at lacet Planet News 7;,;;7r\'r"" Planet News woman racegoer »n heavy furs and with a veiled hat on the
    Planet News  -  133 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
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  • 1112 14 Comes In A Multitude Of Guises -Heavy And Rich As Brocade Or Fragile As Gossamer ANCE upon ;i lime, we considered lace frock* especially black ones for evening wear to !><• the lasl i < «»rt oi th,- (j. cayed gentlewoman Whv. ml) fashion designers ran
    1,112 words
  • 214 14 PRACTICAL CIGARETTE CASES WHENEVER we see a GENTLEMA. walking along the square, or hurry ing into a restaurant, or taking hi> pwj at the movies, with a TIN OF CIGJ RETTES clutched in one hand irttj to be forgotten and left behind lg time!; we wonder and wonder why doesn't
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  • 283 15 PAPES may conn and capes may go in fickle fashion's favour, but the truly smart woman knows she may wear a cape at any time to advantage. At present capes are considered tremendously fashionable, and promise to remain so for some time. The newest ones are
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 17 15 JJEW branch? OPE\ ■'ORT ROAD S MALACCA 'Elephone Iti I MIMES HAIRDRESSERS ''Stamford Road, SINGAPORE. (Telephone 4610)
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    • 16 15 W£ MD£ ?A££ O/^/ Chinese embroideries mid i Ancestral pictures. Battery Road, 'st F10,,t Phone 7143.
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    • 101 15 MAISON MADGE J^ p win hold Tor" JBBf > „ar CLEARANCE SALE <11* 1 Coiffeurs and de Of Gents France. Onlv the artist's fair can interpret a the wave to suit your personality, creaDreSSeS, hatS, IlOWerS, ting from it a style for you alone. You may have an expert consulta-Jl-MiHlrii's
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 311 16 1 m BY P&OandBRITISH INDIA LINES IiHOOICKMUTID IN ENGLAND) Outwards* Due Tcaaage Io,UUI, 193g RANW RA 17.000 In porl n;:AL M Aujj. W BANOALORI 6.000 July -I 80UDAN b.aoo Aug. 26 RAWALPINDI 17.000 July 15 CARTHAOI WjOOO Aug. 26 CORFU 15.000 Jul RAJPUT/ 17.000 Stept. •BHUTAN 6.100 July SO g^HI
      311 words
    • 310 16 *i TO FRENCH POR SB I CHARCEURS REUNH I HOMEWARDS. fSj Marseilles Hai I twerp Dunkirk Juij I* ?r H,.rdriu\ Names 6: Havre .1 ITO SAIGON INDOCHINaI ,-sii-u'\ For Saigon. Tonnne tnd HalpbMM L i ua"» Fnv Slgon. Tcurar.c and Hamhon, I J S. A. M. I. (from Sai«on) j
      310 words

  • 64 17 Singapore, Friday E W Armaiadas. 22. a Ceylonese was produced this morning before Mi G S Rawllngs, the Third Magistrate when a charge of kidnapping a uirl earned Jagadambal from her lawful' guardian was explained to him. The offenc? was alleged to have taken place o\ Niven Road
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  • 110 17 Singapore, Friday •That he on May 5. at Singapore, being the defendant in a judicial proceeding then pending in the High Court, and being bound, by oath to state the truth, intentionally gave false evidence by knowingly and falsely stating that he was not a partner of
    110 words
  • 389 17 jot far from Rome, on th*' edge of the Pontine Marshes, thc picturesque ulna of Nmfa, town ot the Midd'e Ages, re reflected in thc calm waters of a mall lake. About the vear 1640. this own wa- ior ever abandoned by
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 473 17 c ,tallntelligence| Tir :AMER MAILS DISPATCHES P^nnnra July 2 IQ ajn Ran par.' 2 I'J a.m. onl yi Bcharnhorst 2 10.30 a.m Tohiti 2 11 a.m. U a K.L.M. „2 2 p.m I Tcba 2 3 p.m. Brunei and Labuan Marudu 2 3SO pm 1 Centaur I 4 p.m ea
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    • 188 17 N. H. LINE GENERAL PASSENGERS AGENTS CTXARD WHITE STAR. LTD. (Incorporated in Japan' TO LONDON via P«iiHf, Colombo. Aden. Port Said, Marseilles ft Gibraltar .ss FUSHIMI MARU July 7 ss. HAKOZAKI MARU Juiy 21 s.s. SUWA MARU Aug. 4 Rates tc Ist Class 2nd Class Naples 5574 $621 MM SHBI
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  • 1309 18 LORD CECIL ON CO-OPERATION FREEDOM AS OPPOSED TO NATIONALISM "LEAGI i: IDEAL WILL run MPH" I IO ollectivi i hopeful vie* th< pros, i, 0 f Chelwood *curtty based on th, I in ma Nobel Peaceprt hen Lord Cecil thc Nobel Peace pri* nternal al«M*en.l ,„„,„h. he^'lhnv. n» MM. uon
    1,309 words
  • 80 18 "BLACK-OUT S" FOR F.M.S (From Our Own Reporter. 9| Kuala Lumpur, Thursda Ff? AMONG the bills passed at clays meeting of the Federal rfe Council was the Lighting Cob- fll trcl Bill, for the total lam or partial cessation of lighting |j| in the Federated Malay States iM by regulation
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  • 157 18 CENTENARIAN WHO CARRIED A PISTOL To™ Jerusa.i m AN aged Arab peasant who appeal ed Defore a British military court al Nazareth on a charge of illegally can a pistol, said that he was 95 years < .ci a: the time of the British occupation riurIng the the Great War.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 119 18 j TRADE BARGAINS 1 i 1 i MOTOR VEHICLES FOR SALE GUARANTEED USED CARS. A selection of 71) so excellent Used (ars always available in stock. We can recommend real bargains, backed by our guarantee and free service WEARNE'S USED CAR MART. BaROAINSI Bead this p :iK( > or Br>*elal
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    • 108 18 FOR SALE PROCKEBY, pALL ]\|ALI GLASS, GOBLETS ETC. HOON SECK TRADING CO. 1 Raffles Place, Singapore. Phone 3858. FURNITURE THE ART FURNITURE DEPOT LTD.manufacturer* and designers of moden furniture. Showrooms 32 34 and 3< Orchard Road. Fine English Carn*»i it moderate trices MEDICAL ALL-IN-ONE INHALANT sprinkled or handkerchief and inhaled
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  • 1720 19 bl ENING DAY OF THE JULY MEETING i Mucus superbus") I full card of nine events has been BP for this aftej-noons looh. in the first da> s l; -ivrak Turf Club July the first race starting at ill .hould face the starter I
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  • 63 19  -  "Marcus Super bus" By THE following are selections for to- day's races at Ipoh: Race I— PAY OUT Kate Kellv Race 2— HARAP Staybrite Race I --MONTE VIDEO Dough Boy Race 4— QUEEN OF HEARTS The Planter Race S— PRESTIGE Tredella Race ROYAL WORLINGTON Aerial Post Raee 7— RELEASE
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 46 19 APLIEIR H *m fi afl HiMail M|i F^*^^^Mfl i a y Bb^B TRADE Bf^^—^^B MARK 75 YEARS OF HIGHLY EXCELLENT DESIGN TERMS: EASY PAYMENTS CAN BE ARRANGED SIME, DARBY CO., LTD. Distributor for Sinsapore Johore HUP FOH CO.. No. 581, North Bridge Road. Singapore. W.PJS. 16
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  • 58 20 Girls' School Magazine Singapore, Friday we have just received a complimen ary copy of the St. George's Girl School Magazine, which has bet written and edited by the girls of tl i school The magazine is set out with excell* 'f n d contains many interest!: and well-written articles u
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 880 20 NIROM i ON THE RADIO J SINGAPORE m rRANSMISSIONaS I pcrement" „v. i. W M- m Band. j g j directed b B R« B im idc-iph Hotel,, v A aonncemenl < m ll1 deal interi „W ti l4 variety tea concert h;jz: S SssL.— v M te l -40
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  • 166 21 TERRIBLE TRAGEDY AT KUALA PILAH i .TATE CLERK CHARGED Sec in ban. Friday. ud to the tcirible tragedy on Apr. 1 at Kuala Pilah. when II Joseph an estate elerk is alleged to have slashed to death Nl u old daughter Ivy. and battered his wife and then at- ted
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  • 18 21 Mr Alexander Noel Ross has been mated a Commission as Acting &UDinitenant. S.S.RN.V.R with effect torn March 8
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  • 21 21 The promotion of Second-Lieut V C. Solan S.S.V.F.. to the rank of Lieutenant, with effect from June 25. has been approved
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  • 44 21 The resignation of his commission ini the S^ V.F Reserve of Officers by Major r H Robinson has been accepted, with effect from June 3: and the privilege of retaining his rank with permission to wear the prescribed uniforfn of his has been granted.
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 21 iss Majarla Shuler, who is on the '1 of the Christian Science Moni- will be the first woman to fly r °W* the world in commercial airliners. Tribune
    Tribune  -  28 words
  • 56 21 F'o7/i Ot//- Oirr Reporter I Ipoh. Friday. A YOUNG Chinese sustained serious injuries when a blow lamp exploded in a factorv in Tambun. The unfortunate man was doing some work when the explosion occurred. He was burned on several parts of his body and was removed to
    56 words
  • 138 21 'From Our Ofth Reporter* Penang. Friday. THE Governor Sir Shenton Thomas arrived from Kuala Lumpur to-day for a nine-day rtay in the Settlement in the course of nis up-country tour. He is accompanied by the A D.C. Capt. R. A. Gwyn, and the Private Secretary. Mr. A.
    138 words
  • 39 21 Mr. Morton L. Goldstein, manager o* Columbia Films ol Malaya, Ltd., sailed yesterday for the Netherlands Indies on a short holiday, and during his absence Mr. Nonee Sen. the sales manager, will be in charge of company's local operations.
    39 words
  • 179 21 COSSACKS SCORE AT THE THEA TRE LOVERS of pan- songs and brilliant harmony had a rare experience last night at the Victoria Theatre when the Don Cossack Choir gave their first of three recitals. Their programme is so varied that it is difficult either to describe individual efforts or pick
    179 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 80 21 ■r --m T WlltaNMM ne W Musical Laugh Sho* 7 Famous Stars, and EVERYONE SINGS j i^^fl^^ AT THE I f|^^<?s]W CAPITOL A, /V THE REAL TRUTH /^jj? ABOUT EFFECTIVE ATTRACTIVE <^V oitimmmi ADVERTISING BY USING UNIVERSAL ak I%T M? j| IV OFFICE I^l OU i.^ ASSEMBLY WORKS CONSULT US
      80 words

  • 338 22 BERNAI DOES WEII [INST ROSENBERG JOE EAGLE OUTPOINTS BOON MAH tO J B ctlon Icfl Impn ed rreq it u e v> broughl lum it. thou lul, I ol i.« ne- i> ih( traii?hl out, and It look* !l|r ill, 1 1; i \< ik
    338 words
  • 41 22 I allowing arc Ihi results it a glance: joe) Rom nberg IH\ wight cnam pion <d' the Orient I and Little Bernal drew. I?ah\ Mi'iuliola hi at Boj Quee on points. M Dass and I oth Roberts drew.
    41 words
  • 37 22 prehm.. M. Dass and Little Roberts wa declan d a draw. Mr n M Kappa wa the refer* Old 'he judging ol the thr e mam events li d out h\ Mi rs Wills and A. I>..hh
    37 words
  • 74 22 From O 0 i Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Frida;. uiinnini; practically every one of ihe 10 S-minute rounds, Kid Arenas 7.13Vj gained a popular verdict over I Kile Palace 7 12'. in the Bukit Bintang Part boxing promotion to-night it wa.s an exciting fight throughout. Arenas
    74 words
  • 107 22 TANdI.IN club tennis tournament ties: WIIINI SDAY Dyne up: Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell I v.. Mr and Mr.s. Il H I'almt r Cullen Cnp: Mrs Brightwell and Eis--loi ih I+2l vs Mi v A.ii'M r and \\rn- i om i ;ji •im 'a Open Doables: Bingham and
    107 words
  • 312 22 MR. HANDS ATTACKS F. M.S. GOVT. INERTIA I Kuala Lumpur. Friday. MUfDS, M.C.H., the H and Treasurer for the Com- the month i amounl of money received which the sum has been received this month. The income ha xpenoi- ture duv to the mui ne Itural producers In Malaya, to
    312 words
  • 46 22 T Singapore, Friday The funeral took place vesterdav of Mr Mmi Ah Hee. nl tne A,iat?c l oleum Co., (8.8.) Ltd ..The cortege left 143. Tank Road fr,i the Church of the Sacred Hearth r/r I Road, where an impressive "51%,
    46 words
  • 14 22 U r and Paul, y,, m PJn. shara. Catholic Bal „vit
    14 words
  • 18 22 From Our Own Keport, Mr. Lin I N '"-'"lin ihis mor 1 '"•'"I" returnable to-da
    18 words
  • 6 22 limits M 1, i
    6 words
  • 275 22 T celebrate f he inauguration regular service from Kngland Australia by the Imperial and Airways, a dinner was given at thi fles Hotel. Singapore, last night, at the host was Mr. VV. Pennce, Di of Mansfield Co.. Ltd.. the local of Imperial Airways Guests included the
    275 words
  • 17 22 thPflfiv^ tion ot his commit ;g B» vn has been accepted "eci nom j une 4 f
    17 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements

  • 153 23 League Champions Beaten MUAR SOCCER SURPRISE From Our Own Correspondent} Muar, Friday. f uieetations. the Town Board beat the Land Office, last year's linn* bv the odd goal in three in their League match played' padang yesterday The victory was well -deserved. ,seof the pluy S. God- :d s inside
    153 words
  • 128 23 S. R.A. WIN REVOLVER MATCH revolver match was held he Volunteer Force Headquarter Thursday between the Royal InnisPusiliera, The Loyal Regiment. j Gordon Highlanders and the Singae Rifle Association. lation won with a good k ue. '•mdard being maintained bv ail resull were as follows.--Rifle Association: Score 466 Major R.
    128 words
  • 45 23 R. A.F. BEAT R.I. AT TENNIS I Raffles Institution a' I thre< games to nil yester first.: ■n and Cpl. Dimmei Ihatchet 4— 6.6— 2. 6-2 1 A.C. Burkill beat Chin Mimad Shah 6—3. 6—l and Sgt. Calder bea 1 Ong Choon Bee 6—4. 6—2.
    45 words
  • 277 23 (From Our Qim Correspondent; Muar. Friday THE Muar Hospital Club doubles handi--1 cap tennis tournament was brought to a successful close when the finals played at the Muar Hospital Club court recently, resulting in Mrs. Marshall and Bakri beating Majid and Ross after hree hard fought sets. Majid
    277 words
  • 61 23 The Friendly Band will stage a variety concert in celebration of its anniversary at tne Y.M.C.A. Hall at 8.30 p.m. to-night. Rev. Stephen Band will be in the chair and j-.ady Song has kindly consented to custnoute the prizes. A collection win oe ia*en in Aid of
    61 words
  • 22 23 The cricket match between the R.A.M.C. and the Gordons which was to have been played yesterdav was postponed owing to the rain
    22 words
  • 182 23 Municipal Services 3; S.H.B. 1. JN a third division fixture of the S.A.F.A. league played at the* narbour Board ground yesterday, the Municipal Services beat the SH B by three goals to one. The game was rather scrappy, with the Municipals having sliehtlv the
    182 words
  • 363 23 SPAT ON CONSTABLE'S HEAD: WOMAN FINED (From Our Own Reporter j Ipoh, Friday. A PRETTY Malay woman named Esan n binti Abu was fined $5 in the Ipoh Police court wnen sne appeared beiore Mr. L. C. Simpson Gray on a charge of behaving in a disorderly manner at 3
    363 words
  • 47 23 Australian Warship Due H.M.A.S. Albatross (Captain H. G. D Acland. D.5.0.) is expected to visit Singapore from July 27 to July 3U while Ml passage irom Australia to the United Kingdom She is clue to leave Svdnev on July 14 and to reach Plymouth on Sept. 9.
    47 words
  • 21 23 The Director-General will open Savings Bank business and establish telegraphs at the Changi Post Offlce. Singapore, with effect from July 1.
    21 words
  • 124 23 VISITING COLLEGIANS ENTERTAINED FIFTEEN graduates of the Hwa Nan College of China were invited to an afternoon tea party on Thursday by the local Y.W.C.A. Hwa Nan is one of the only two universities for girls in China and is lo cated In Foochow city of Fukein. Mrs. Price, General
    124 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 87 23 To-day's Tides K.H TIDES: 101 a.m.. 10 ft. 1 in.: in p.m.. 8 it. X ins. ensued and both sides strove r: Id goaL Ten minute? n time, th? Town Board forced a cord sent in a well-placed which Satar headed past the Land tkeeper. fche Suleiman bin Eda refereed.
      87 words

  • 251 24 RETAINS WIMBLEDON TITLE GIVES AWAY 4 GAMES IN THREE SETS I ,1 .11 I I' RONALD BUDGE, U* H V retained h»- ainslea title al the Wimbledon championships 10-daj i nflishman Bannj rasilj In three sets n uraj „„n ion. games. scare Budg< t' l I
    251 words
  • 65 24 FRENCH WARSHIPS NE AR HAINAN hip havi i. i !i terriU u i ii and another group ot plai Over bomb ven di nan'. ialti< laps bed i 'i whi n ere ruined i ilch beleagued discharged The .lap. Chine* giie niia mnt an v. i ,1, the North re
    65 words
  • 31 24 HIGHER TRADING PROFITS IN BRITAIN l fHI d net profit ol 488 leading h companies during the m ol June 1838 amounted to E44 imb i hi < n li 'O.llfi I
    31 words
  • Article, Illustration
    26 24 1 Hi- dead bodi ot < i imi Canal The Tribune ,-VL iioating in th ■Pot, look UUs „„(„,< u„; Un an wh to be on thi Tribune
    Tribune  -  26 words
  • 110 24 London. iady Baden-Powell, wife of the Chief Scout, writes in a letter to the "Boy Scouts' News Bulletin" in which she commends the efforts bein^ mach- to swell the Boy Scout Fund: "'Just at this time to his ta- my husband Ifl unable
    110 words
  • 38 24 I c Fudav. Further training in gunnery for certain officers ol thi Merchant Navy to supplement the defence courses for offlol the Merchant Navy started K Hil extra training will c> Fulv IS British Official Wireless
    British Official Wireless  -  38 words
  • 198 24 ANGLO-GERMAN AGREEMENT ON DEBTS TRAD Londo jjm IN ih« commons to-day. Sir expressed pleasure in sts if the British and German del. 1 .ated a settlement foi tl .'jlo-German payments. I me nl to taki into account thi uon o; Austria ii the Reich. if rhe 'oasis of the settlem
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • 168 24 REVIEW OF U. S. ECONOMIC CONDITION London. I IN vie:, ol the recent spectacular n in Wall Street, arousing hopes Bl the cornei may be turned, the M:d;ai Bank's Monthly Review's searching I ation into American econom condition di serves special attention. Regarding the early future. view opine- that the
    Reuter  -  168 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements

  • MORNING TRIBUNE Sports Supplement
    • 14 1 MORNING TRIBUNE Sports Supplement \o. 52. July 2, 1938. EDITED BY "HERMES" Every Saturday.
      14 words
    • 124 1 Another Heavyweight Aspirant riNNAR BERLIND. the Finnish heawueight who is looked upon M one of the leading contenders for he world's title, is returning to the I nited States. A cable from nil manager. Paul Damnasi cut short Baerlunds intention -pending a quiet holiday in states that an arrangement
      124 words
    • 27 1 INTER -STATE CRICKET ["the cricket vote, on pag, 3 teZ^Z?***! that ''-stat: cricket match £**•*'<■ mvnronJuly 1 The match mil act' *< Played on the SCC ***ng this season
      27 words
    • 23 1 ''^'"eedTo r< M7, nVi,e(l by ired inthl *5*? lacca read r <> ">-dav A h^ a aya C "P maU:h.
      23 words
    • Article, Illustration
      18 1 J. McCROW er for Selangw in the Mamatch in u huh the CenState defeated Perak 4—l last ueekend
      18 words
    • 689 1 NOTHING TO FEAR FROM MALACCA, BUT WATCH SERVICES! T-O-DAY Singapore 1 will face their second Malaya Cup liurcne wnen they travel to Malacca to do battle with the men of the "Hollow." and judging by comment whicn nas been made during the past two or tliree weeks something ot a
      689 words
    • 106 1 JHENTY.Uo entries have been r„„ T2"!* so far for thc King's olaL ace Which is to Place to-day over a 1.000 miles triangular course, starting ami £Su\t l Hatflc,d Prodrome W^fi.iV S K° Unt and Vis eountess llhtl h u Ve enlered machines which will
      106 words
    • 231 1 Thompson Retains Golf Title Hit. E. L. Thompson, who won the W golf championship of Singapore last June at his first attempt, retained the title when he met M. M. Paterson, a former champion and one of the acknowledged stars of Malayan golf, in the final at Bukit Timah last
      231 words
    • 35 1 k I Miss Pam Barton, a former holder was beaten in the final of the French Women's Open Golf Championship a' Chantilly b two and one bv Mme Laco.str. who is champion for the fifth
      35 words
    • 47 1 I Ralph Guldahl. Ryder Gup player re tained the U.S. Open Golf title at Denver, Colorado, with an aggregate of 284 I l° r J° U rounds He is the first title holder to retain the title since Bobbv Jones last did so in 1929 and 1930
      47 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 31 1 ON OTHER PACES TO-DAY Page Seletar notes 2 Malayan cricket 3 Perak soccer 3 Command sports pictures 1 and 5 First match 6 Cahn's next tour g Turf topics g
        31 words
      • 106 1 ZZZZZ I CLOU IF V 101 USI j I avdTO^TA^ L^uT* ol your beloved bv wearing the i /^CS^V^v^Sx JJR to com P lete yoi"' ensemble. Now J I /^QSqVVv W arnved over 300 new Gage and Paris Chir i HMHte^ N a to S st fe f at nR
        106 words
    • 489 2 ALL-EUROPEAN R.A.F. TEAM GAVE GOOD SHOWING IN C.S. SPORTS Notes -by "Fb*" 7777" A s v "7,u i o 7:7,; 7,7:"7 Th, I l ,f irw! !7 A Great Run won In the ful time d !4i nto 31 *a« trulj wutA perfonwna m fo™though we dk lag jWta
      489 words
    • 79 2 Frenchman Set Three New Times 1 motorboats haje Deen 2 SSS3BFSS Frenchmen set up Records ior one hour, two hours, and U> ln onThour they covered 67.124 kilometres"about 41.7 miles.; in two hour s they covered 135.135 kilometres -about 83 9 1 miles and in four hours 256.662
      79 words
    • 72 2 EUROPE -AMERICA International Swimming Match Next Month IT has now been definitely decided that the International swimming match between Europe and the United States will take place on August 20 and 21 at the Olympic Stadium in Berlin. The American swimmers will arrive at Bremen on August 12 and will
      72 words
    • 36 2 C B Dempster, captain of Leicestershire, who toured in Malaya last year with Sir Julien Cahn7s XI. recently performed a hat trick of centuries with 104 against the Australians. 110 agains* Hampshire and 187 against Oxford.
      36 words
    • 118 2 Australian Ex-Test Play* For Lancashire? MW. Sievers. the Victoria and J tralian Test Cricketer \W J nounced in Melbourne tha he w invited by a North of Engl ar o team to play for them as a proi* next .season. uS i Sievers is the tallest man
      118 words
    • 27 2 Sutcliffe the Yorkshire batsm i < ;i part in his 100th century ni e partnershio against Sussex In all matches Sutcliffe has t. in 140 century partnerships 10l
      27 words
    • 139 2 FHOM the Prime Minister downwards., the entire emulation ot Australia is "cricket mad." The Rnt teat match at Trent Bridge has been the .sole topic of rersation everywhere on street corners, in trams, trains unci even on lerrj For weeks people all over the I
      139 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1633 3 SINGAPORE STATE XI SHOULD BE STRONGER THAN EVER A fortnight from to-day the only state cricket fixture which graces the Singapore season is due to take place between Singapore and Selangor at Kuala Lumpur, and the thoughts of cricket enthusiasts in thc island already turning to that weekend and anticipating
      1,633 words
    • 164 3 DOYLE MA Y MEET FARR FOR TITLES TOMMY Firr. the man who lasted Bfteea rounds with Joe Louis, has exnressed his willingness to fight lack Doyle, the terrifying tenor from County Cork, in defence of his British and Empire heavyweight titles. "If Doyle is really sincere in his desire •nt
      164 words
    • 140 3 Hurlingham Club Beat Ireland f CKI. INGHAM beat Ireland 10 goals to n the match for the Empire Cup Hurlinpham, after a fine exhibition )10. Throughout the qrame the Dace as keen, the hittine accurate and eachj °mt tought for. Ther° were onlv! penalties Hurlineham's attacking
      140 words
    • 114 3 J ESUS AT THE HEAD OF THE CAM ■ludtJ P°? May races nave been con";cicd w lth Tesus hpad Qf the r vpi iserpu rfh v n rnnninor The ir no,m WPr< never in ton^r of losing :^i om Trinity HalJ K who ch r ed kS$P* finished third have
      114 words
    • 89 3 Fry And Woolley, Junior, Rivals In Palestine ;THE sons of two famous English cricketers. Frank Woollev and C. B. iFrv hav* found themselves rivals on the field nt Jerusalem. In p match between a British police t-am 8 i»eleet*d eleven drawn from the Army and rtyWans,
      89 words
    • 261 3 j'HE British rtugby football team which is tourin South Al-ica won the opening match of thei tour by beating a strong Border XV by a goal and two trie London" R Ul a penalty goal ,8 Points •at Ea The game was played at
      261 words
    • 392 3 J (By "Permainan" > h what way generally regarded as the most important match in the Northern Section of the Malaya Cup competition Perak were beaten by Selanpor by four goals to one at Kuala Lumpur at the week-end. The defeat, though it was
      392 words
    • 81 3 A .Sydney amateur golfer, E. W. Koche, has holed out in one at the 287 yards 14th hole on the New South Wales Golf Club's course at '.a Perouse. Par for the hole is four. The longest hole in one on record is 428 yards
      81 words
    • 137 3 TIIE presence of many Dominion golfers in England this summer raises once again the question of polf test matches between the countries of the Empire. The Australian tourists are playing i lubs only. Why, many people are asking, should there not be representative matches similar
      137 words
    • 76 3 m Arsenal F. C. haw :sm d on for next season an 18 vear; old railway booking Clerk Of Fleetwood. LanCS Tom Wl.alley. a centre forward who was an amateur with the Oldham Athletic l C Bobb" T ocke and Sid Brews the Botith African golfer*, have arrived in England
      76 words
    • 118 4 COMMAND SP IN PIO R TS THRILLS URES v W* V &*S t** c v^ v o- M k eTenl Mll won Hongkong and Singapore batterv of th< H W One of r e most popular w ns of the da' Ihe K.A.F. team which ran second in the 440
      118 words
    • 586 6 ONLY THE WICKET BEAT ENGLAND'S BOWLERS IN FIRST TEST T Hfiarsl test match between Sngland and Australia 1 ended at Trent Bridge in a draw but the real winner of th( match waa the pitch. It beat the English oowlers it was a match that started with terrific excitement England,
      586 words
    • 150 6 AUSTRALIA -U.S. FINAL IN 1938 DA VIS CUP? n.- uill the I„ J£ ISUtS J ihr .hin" 8 „,aVn S< Ure that The) ban be,,,,, SaSSSk*. r££u*&E! """Sl* 1 CupT Imerica, where .1,, *i„ Kd h the t JLt"! W"! Ih< *> l>« t.dons. xuo hrst round of the'r zone
      150 words
    • 152 6 Cahn's XI Visits New Zealand In Autumn Till. u Zealand tnckel Coun- < il is iii (he process of completing plans lot an attractive linn iai\ oii lhe occasion of the \isii oi sir Julien (alius cricketers in lin- coming season. Kll tai i pi ui thi .lun i Chi
      152 words
    • 48 6 Australian Challenges ILI. I, CVAN.s puddon t« r am trallan profea tonal i ullhu! i hamp i n ha ul d i ii n loi the irld' -I H In conn i •Ith th. i National Exh I >' id fi and row ;.i aboul ia p
      48 words
    • 18 6 Guided By A Rattle Of A Tin T'" mum I California n > 1 cup and bard u in.vs
      18 words
    • 48 6 Eventful Tnp For Team For New Zealand Women-, Hnckey Hej, Zealand v:z;;i'r M v ,f mti red hMM i mured i w m (nw awre »m Panama Several ol th', L haM hour wthS tat 52? affeC t^ b U and veil h v all now
      48 words
    • 162 6 VINF: records were broken in the H lir t Test match. Details are i> fellows: England'* mo of SSS for eight u is the hignest e cr made cAustralia. PaL n!e r 216 net out is th? big score mad for England ana- .1 istralia in England. Four
      162 words
    • 91 6 Australian Champion %Var.ts A Match D(»N Richards, holder of the Australian nv.ddle and light henty weight championships, has received offers I fights in England and America, and his manager, Jack Fennell, is plannii world tour. A^ked what match-making Dlan.^ would pursue if the tour material: Fennel! said
      91 words
    • 125 6 J* >TH Mr. H. Sunderland and Mr R Savage, the managers of the Aik»m '^.suS? 8 00 Board d cons h s: id thi '"<' wrong in *e»tary was "!..•< rod. cl W.'" am Unt "MO w t*~m* m n \j%/m.\ to fh, a So^ ronii
      125 words
    • Article, Illustration
      24 7 Still champion Dr. E. L. Thompson, who last week-end retained the Island golf title of Singapore by beating M. M. Paterson in the final.
      24 words
    • 296 7 FERE was a hushed silence at Wim- j bledon before the first match of the Wightman Cup. Every one of the spectators hoped secretly— although hardly daring to— that the British team would at last give the United States players the hardest fight of their lives
      296 words
    • 80 7 Will Vines Turn Pro? FptfiD Perry, former Wimbledon champion and now one of tinworld's leading professionals, lost his series of matches against Ellsworth Vines in their second American tour which began on Jan. 11. Vines won 49 matches, and Perry 36 Vines has thus repeated his success of last year's
      80 words
    • 191 7 KLUANG SOCCER LEAGUE Kluang, Saturday. IT is interesting to note that Kluang, one of the largest and richest districts in Johore administered by a District Officer, has it own Football Association which is formed early this year. Amongst the committee of the Association the Assistant Adviser, Mr. E. R F.
      191 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 53 7 OH/ITS GREAT TO WAKE UP G* 3IN WE WRN-IN fc J fer |"Sfl AND MAVE AYLnek f^%~>TCsfe2 TOHATO JUICE AH6A ft J )l RIGHT SiDE ATIMELYTIP/ f avlmer CANADA'S OWN A morning gUSJ ot UCAITP fIQIMK Tomato Juice puts a ne* complexion HCALI M \)W\ IN It Br^y amW m
        53 words
    • 1001 8 mi ptmk Tun Clubl hoW 1 nd ritll UMI v enthu j In Pi i Che fact th nd poi i' bi sn In tie public eye quit qui ntly during the I I hould 1 provided pun pie material foi |>l ai
      1,001 words
    • 43 8 Championship Fight On I i ->^ July 26 I ,:.I.:MH „ST UN,i banVork oquart Garden In Nea ,h, ,lt l °r the llghtweirhi .1 liip 0 the vm, im um champion•hlch under ?^SLiS&"W Bow, Squw Oarden and SSi 1 ol M «««on
      43 words
    • 83 8 'H hi i: v ii... k I I I I I •a M Vluiutei „r,s, r weeks or wwilhs if >»u m.| ueafc n*u& remed>olagie-ii LeriiianSrientW «»'r name X, N „„M llt PILLS give Mtonfching and immediate reMhauMiou, „erv«u troubles and W,, V ,u k the nervea k 1
      83 words
    • 5 8 I 1
      5 words
    • 367 8 A USSIES HA VE HAD THINGS ALL THEIR OWN WAY IN EARLY GAMES FTuSi^s" rjrs: ,he resui,s f ,he the mini lest is next weekend, at Manchester. URST MATCH luluir mm by.™ tnmJ Australians: Ml ißradman 285. wESSSSPISL' m 'Lyttelet,,,, GO: Cooper 61--rieetwood-Bmltti 8 tor qr O'Rctiiv i <X J
      367 words