Morning Tribune, 30 November 1937

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Morning Tribune
  • 18 1 THE MORNING TRIBUNE VOL l\-No 257 SINCAPOIM-:. TUESDAY, \n U >»- 30 1937 I- I VI- i I-NTS
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  • 61 1 New Trade Part'? MANCHUKUO RECOGNISED Abyssinia As Cotton Producer JTALY has decided to accord de--1 jure recognition to Manchukuo. fhis brings to three the number of powers which recognised the new egime m Manchukuo the others ing Japan and Salvador. Italy's recognition was foreshad m the Japanese
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  • 133 1 ro Blockade Whole Of Spanish Covt. Coast London. Nov. VI A»RDING to wireless UMHgfll m Salamanca and Cadiz. 0 intends to blockade the whole of the Spanish Ciovemment and abolish neutral /ones for certain Spanish Government ports, announcement has not been v \\a> communicated to the liritish Government,
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 116 1 by Japan and Manchukuo of inco regime m Spain was aiso j pa ted. An official announcement ll expected rternoon. It is understood that alian Legation will be established Inking. It is expected that Mano will adhere to the Italo-German-lese anti-Comintern pact. next step m the process of drawItaly and
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 289 1 Japanese Story Amuses City Circles London. Nov 19 DEUTKK learns that the Nichi Nilv Chi'l story regarding I)r Welling ton Koo's negotiations for a munitions loan is completely denied m authoritative circles m London. City circles say that no sort of loan proposals, which might form the
    289 words
  • 253 1 Important World Issues Under Discussion l ndon, Nov. S FORMAL conversations between British and French statesmen, at which all important aspects of world affairs will be reviewed, began promptly at 11 o'clock this morning at 10 Downing Street. The Prime Minister received the French Premier and Foreign
    Reuter  -  253 words
  • 48 1 Shanghai, wov 2fl. Somewhat to the dismay ol correspondents here it U learned thai the military authorities arc proposing the establishment ol Jap censorship m foreign cable office* t<; take the place of the Chinese n^n^nr* who were withdrawn last week Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 32 1 London, Nov 24. The molar I man. found al Gibraltar m 1865. has beei ted to the Nat urn by the medical committee of thf British Official Wireless
    British Official Wireless  -  32 words
  • 694 1  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Japanese Claim n Shanghai, Nov. 29 JAPANESE troops have occupied Kiangyin forts and arc now advancing ''straight on Nanking," ;ir cording to a Japanese communique. The defenders ol the forts who had subjected to merciless pounding from land, sea and air apparently withdrew
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  • 615 1 Japanese Statement (hi ANOli: announcing (hat Britain and UK UnltH States are niurh concerned over tin* shanghai (u^ linns sitation was presented to Ihfl loremn Minister, Mr. llirota, by the respective Ambassadors. A Foreign Ollire spokesman told the press he understood the Bates are worded similarly.
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  • 201 1 A\ IMPORTANI COMING Mil TIM, Mr. Hay f s New Statement: 9d Or Wd Fair? London, Nov. w. AN the tft of th<- v«i mm portun t meeting of Urn Internationa] Kuhhri Committee, Mr. 1.. Vilrs, fffwMenl <»i the N«n fork Rabbet M.inufat lun-rs'
    Reuter  -  201 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 376 2 SHORTAGE ON 178 ESTATES: ONLY WOMEN WORKERS AVAILABLE Should Free Immigration Of Chinese Be Mowed? IN 1 1.1:1 SI in*' .i.iortM.iiion hai collated the result the completion a gue tlonna the Jofiore PI v iation <>»• the hour conditions m the 81 <i<- M represent of the
    376 words
  • 58 2 MR. EU TONG SEN Owner Of Alleged Unmuzzled Dog Bii Monday. d! permitting hi d without a muzzle, Mr. ■il-knov. ipore Chin. dent, was represented by ttg, m the Fourth P c Mr. E c Barrett this The tponed for a week In the and for similar ofhi Maru, a
    58 words
  • 34 2 s:. Monday. The Board ol Licensing Just ices, preh H. A Porrer, t>is- m \ho Criminal DisCouri this afl ;md dealt with list of applications for the (Or hotels, cabarets, and restaurant
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  • 121 2 Office Tamby Produ In Court Singapore, Mo. A; thefts Involving th< Of Christ' from the storeroom of United En ling, between October and managem woi culpi it i r culprits were ultimately re when thi were d to haY( been sold to a Eu: Lloyd Road for
    121 words
  • 97 2 High Court Session In c Singapore M A A „.-e WhitMr. Justi( Id, an infant, b-. the Wi •ci. W!. T X 0 tie h informed the Court I the ion tei OND iSI Chop Hi Hen judgment awan the Chop In brought against them bj I [01
    97 words
  • 42 2 The Police Band, under the ol Mr J C. Hitch, will plaj programme In the Botanic Oai I afternoon, beginnii SO "Steadfast and True, *< Cloches De C ection, i, Myddleti lite, "In Day? i Bull the Wavi ep Lightly," Anderson
    42 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 54 2 MenMadeYoung Vigour Increased In 24 Hours Mill. .1 t<> build new i ti v" empti At M^ S GILBEY'S INVALID PORT THE PURE GRAPE JUICE How win d delicious tor all ►btainable everyv tier* Invaluable V I fl .-> C A ii A "'V A CjUTI [RfE c vx 111/
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  • 287 3 A MAJORITY VERDICT Deterrent Sentence' Says Judge SB guilt} hv th«- majority vet did <»! a spetial European jory, i thej had deliberated for an and 1"> minuUs A. Koss, .1 opean assistant employed m the n <.l Henry Waugh Company Penan*, was lentenced to sis
    287 words
  • 86 3 Impersonated A Municipal Employee Singapore Monday i) Salem, a young Indian mmedan, Impersonated a Muiployee WSIS related by Ithuo ill. a Japanex' priest Ol '.'<< t. before Mi P V DuckSecond Police Magistrate cused made a full inspection lectric wires all over the iked that they should
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  • 28 3 Dietz, the well-known pianist. victim ol an accident last week. In a fractured anger. As all her musical engagements have celled for several weeks.
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  • 63 3 Sim AN his United states. Capt. v H F Glover, commandei ol the United States 8outh China Nava arrived In Singapore to d the President Harrison >1 Glover was in China during the il Japanese naval blockade H returning to the
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  • 51 3 A po nstable on duty on the toria Stre< I area found an elderly i lying at the (unction of Ham Stre< t with blood streaming from his mouth and nostrils man was m a dying condition wnvn the ambulance arrived and died on the way to
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  • 44 3 Madrid. Nov l'm fifty people are dead and 112 wound--1 dm an Insurgent air raid on Colmenarviejo, 20 miles north of the capital. Eighteen were killed and 70 wounded In an Insurgent raid on Okana, a village near Toledo Reuter
    44 words
  • 84 3 Before the Ag chin Justice, S.S., Ak Chiel Justice, P MS. and Mr Justice Howes m the Ist Court at 11 a.m. Court '1 Civil Appeals. No. 8 Chop Fun Him 1 Lor Ihop Heng Joo Heng (il not finished Followed by: No. 9 Tay Ah
    84 words
  • 321 3 STRIKE THREAT IN TAILORING BUSINESS 2,000 Workers Present I Itimatum To Employers Moml:i\ ABoit !.000 workers employed m n the various Jailor shops m Singa pore have, through their association issued an ultimatum to then en plovers demanding an ;tl! round increase m wages with lesser working hours. i)h ultimatum
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 93 3 SILVIKKIN PRODUCTS. Pure Silvikrin Hair Tonic Lotion— I Concentrated Liquid Shampoo Powder Shampoo Solidified Brilliantin Siivilix Hair Cream— Sweet Oil oi Almonds. MADE IN ENGLAND. Sole Distributors: (Continued on page 22) lIAHA.MIN PENIIAS, Singapore. ETON HIGH SCHOOL (Junction of Selegie Rd and .Short Bt.1 There are vacancies In all c
      93 words
    • 55 3 dine under the stan to the coolest Restaurant m Town MNGAPOR K AIItV Q 18 Q B<: «fiw smi i I CHRCME •/^P^\ POCKET I J I /A lIN LL j j l> v r" STEEL V^rfe/ WRISTLfcT H^.4 TCHES JUST ARRI V E D DISPLAYS AT ALL DEALERS. Sole
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 85 3 MUAI NAN YANG HOTIL AGENTS Fxpress Service 3 times da:l\. 1 A I CHEW HOT:;!,. 35. Beach Road Singapoi Tel: 3015 2 NAN Y\N(. HOTEL, 41. Jalan Mali rani. Muar Tel 156 \\N CHANG HOTEL, 84, Bunsa EUya, Malacca Tel 92 1. Singapore to Muar. Malacca Si X L at
      85 words

    • 73 4 HI 881 i bi Buyeri. Sftflcrt. (2nd Forwarl) Dec. Buy* Sellers. I l f J srd Forward* Jan Mar. Buyi HeUer§. hl 16 April June Cha FaLM OIL (Malaya) In bulk N< l COPRA (StraiU, KW.S.) ina i Nov. Bhipm< m ftAGO ILOIJK (Sarawak; Nov. Dec. Bhlpment '/.IMOCA
      73 words
    • 91 4 Pi. To-day I 3 104 tillers Dunlop Kubher y 77 IV2 rir 34 II 35 Imperial Chemical Industrie! ir p., *»X fi 9 9 3 Dutch QAdian Pacific London Tin (New Shfl %l r, lent Trust J Lin Ayer Hiram r°J Southern KintaJ }J Pahanga J 8
      91 words
    • 19 4 London, NY TIN Standard Previous To-day Ch. Rpot (afternoon closing price) £184 v *}*l\Torward £I^', HB63 4
      19 words
    • 21 4 iddlerate, middle rati .j ()1 eUlng rate) mz (cl« fling rate) eßlng rate) on New York (closing selling rate)
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    • 9 4 per 01. DLVER 1 16 Ltbf torxnr*
      9 words
    • 17 4 I siX t Buyers Sellers I 1' :wMar. Buyers Sellers UN 12 ir-i*li pot
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    • 30 4 Messrs. rraser 6- v^o. s Report UN at 42 V2 in N ew X; Satui foil idday bj With better 1 ■> Stree* 0V( I n. Mar.. .!tin<- ASFDASF
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    • 39 4 The Singapore Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Assn. IVYII.Y PRK ES URRENI Singapore. Mond Buyers. Sell No IX R.S.S. In 0.8 Nov.) 23 Good F.A.Q. In bal( 0.8. Nov.I x R.S.S. (Spot-loose) 23 3 8 D« 23 23 7 s
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 57 4 I THE YOKOHAMA 4|r JSPECIE BANK, LTD. fyM-(y tabltehed m 1880 Capita] subscribed VIII I II k^^ rm d up» V.100.000.000 pill 1%l Fund ..Y.134.400,000 00 WiUEANCI to>l.•^^^ LTD YOKOHAMA BINOAPORI BRANCH FIRE, MARINE, WORKMEN'S RAI COMPENSATION, MOTOR CAR INSURANT I T yama moto. VI REASONABLE RATES I()49 Ml Room.
      57 words
    • 52 4 THE I EASTERN I \lTi:i9 ASSURANCE I r<IItI»OHATIO\ LI^IITEII.. corporated Id the Straits Settlements) j FIRE MARINE, MOTOR, PERSONAL ACCIDENT, BURGLAK\ WORKMEN'S 'COMPENSATIO^ AND PUBLIC UABIUT S INSURANCE UNDERTAKEN. full particular* ana rat**« «m ly lbD Cecil Street, Slngapoic. W. B. KAM AN. Ai ting General MmmUOt SIME DARBY «TCo.,Ltd.
      52 words

  • 669 5 STOCKS SHARES Issued By Fraser Company J MINING Singap f) p.m. Buyers Sellers 1 4- 46 c Kumba ..31- 33- ral Malay 48 51 -norn I am 27 -xd I eng i 0.90 c Tin 216 22 <} Kong Tin 29- < Hydraulic 9lohan Tin 038 i Kanumting ..10- 11-
    669 words
  • 132 5 LYALL EVATT'S QUOTATIONS Singapore Mond MINING 4 1'- 4 7 2 Ampat ilt i coed Batu Selan Hongkong Tin Ml- H* u nn o Fit t I bu 08 K. Umjut 21 v Kamunting Tin Killlnghall I |0 Jj Kucnai n 11(1 Lai m Llngui l jj London Tin Pangnga
    132 words
  • 21 5 Singapore, Monday. r v Lonumoiv. ol the K<>va! coming car. Th ,d was represented by Mr If; N OriHith-Jones.
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  • 34 5 Sini M Meant 8 I I•■ 5 md Oo Bini hay( lmm giving the fol iou 1 Pc a Antamok Consolid 1 x 1 San Ma iii IlMlt.-fl P IMi
    34 words
  • 152 5 -^^^^EBOmm. PEN ANG MUNICIPAL I S. AND F.M.S. LOANif F.M.B. 4»/ 2 1» 31 red 1959 516,000 P Int. Jan. 1 July 1 > KMS 3% 19M r "O. 335.000. 0Uf) Int Dec. 15 Junr 19 ion 101 *8 3% .9.l«re<l 19R9-7? $31 000.000 lot. Apr. If
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 164 6 PAVILION 6-15-9-15 Last Night thrill! ol Lond brilliant pcrf< I DP T "T" A V r^i I NJ r~* i\ THI 01 ii I)V ''LOVE is NEWS" dOP$ flHy I>IV X M m^^ k tbi3 .^^^ft 1 Hkft Ik BMP I L r 1 H JT •*4?^ V *y HH
      164 words
    • 154 6 h.> »)«.«-k.-r went rha.smu a Beautiful Qlrl! misa this exciting spy Thriller... r^i-r-^%i Positively LAST NIGHT C API Ol— 815 and 9.15 Meredith Nicholson's famous story ol International Espionage 'Ice, I X BTfMm^l^^^fc^^h v s ROXY BAR OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT OPEN] lD I'HRKK MKN AND A OIKL B^^^^^^^F^TBT^*?! FHE YI-.A':s
      154 words

  • 135 7 cnipt Made On His Life Cairo, :>m. !8 .•iit-mpt ti-as m*dt ai II :o p.m i ight to assassinate the ian Premier, Nahai P isha lilant fired four shots ai tr. which was driving from Premier's home at Heiiopolis to a r< ception for Shubra The «mier was
    135 words
  • 96 7 Unique Collection Disclosed Our Own Correspondent •By Air Mall) London, Nov. IV I TIMATION was made at the Novem- ber meeting of the Scottish Phillie Society that the iate Mr. Aur.usWallace Mac^re^or, W.S. of lla--11 Fellow and exPresident of the Philatelic Society. London, nad hed to the Scottish
    96 words
  • Article, Illustration
    14 7 «>«»» i Dieso and Jeanette Mm Donald find their romamr itCfWlhlg MOM tn.n. !'he Firefh
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  • 128 7 "THE FIREFLY" Excllent Musical At The Capitol Singapore-. Tuesda EBB will be provided with to-morrow when "The B musical produced by the •pena a season at the Capitol. ture ought to stand out proamong the musicals Allan Jones and Jeanette M >■■•■ t»-atured m the principal it-day film production makes
    128 words
  • 21 7 I\ATO Roland Braddell tvil] bi V speakei Adclph: H will be, "Sii 1 Hundi This mi I
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 78 7 1 YOU CANT II AY I s EVERYTHING BUT s YOU CERTAINLY CAN s ham; the laugh of i. A LIFE-TIME WHEN YOU SEE THE RITZ BROTHERS I v with a unind Cast of Stan i m this new 20th 1 i Musical Riot I COMING TO Till CAPITOL il
      78 words
    • 128 7 THE NEVER-TO-BE-FORGOTTEN STORY OF A MOTHER'S VITAL PROBLEM "MAYBE I'M NOT THE WIFE YOU WANT!"... ijllm, BARBARA STANWYCK f*^ JOHN BOLES ANNE SHIRLEY (Adults Only) a v /r v/// OPENS TO-MORROW —/W 7/. /O A TO-MORROW AT THE CAPITOL M.C.M/s first Dramatic Musical Production A Thrill-packed Spy Story of a
      128 words

  • 297 8 King Queen At Variety Performance Londoi TUB K th< Command Variel idium al ti. Bui had ii been th< ;oiemn ol State occasions, there could been more enthu win 11 I an d about .1 quart* i hour before the curtain the en und th< re
    297 words
  • Article, Illustration
    9 8 ■r S«i«3stfE£S£3S|3 111 v-iXH-sSßrivS ;i'.;;,,'r;.; -i «o-«*e«iri tte^ <«««« n
    9 words
  • 109 8 Tribute To The Queen I evening, how< finale a tribute t Queen which obviously gave her iure Quite unexpectedly the doors ,t the back ol the theatre were flung open and through the auditorium .strode a .hundred Scottish pipers while the entire con,! -em bled on the sta Loth n
    109 words
  • 392 8 A Tragic Monarch Visits of foreign royalties to London continue. This week King George and Queen Elizabeth are entertaining King Leopold of the Belgians. This sad-looking young man of 36 la on< ol the most tragic figures m Europe. His country was invaded while he was still a boy— he
    392 words
  • 165 8 he will often talk to some humble worker in the diali own particular district without parent difficulty. Outside his Palace ai Bnu petual reminder of his upbringing, a sentry box with th "Leopold" painted on it. recall] he once served in the ranks ol gian army.
    165 words
  • 2094 8 THE LONDON POINT OF VIEW tail tedious string of unsuj denouements sugared with 1; ntimentality after a ludicrou battle, a masque very Incongrou u.'rpolattd because masques W( the fashion under King Jamie and Mother Shipton prophet-. In Mr. Shaw'a hand* the act I swiftly to a conclusion and thosi who
    2,094 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 60 8 r OVOIIA RAPID-HARDENING >* OIK 1 1. <i: M 1: X T 'Complying with British Standard Specification) best //*y Ml ™oe 'gjp cheapest QIJAUW PRiCE RENOWNED FOR ITS QUICK-SETTING PROPERTIES. llil-ilv recommended for fast concrete work. In (asks and m Bar* ALWAYS IN STOCK Sole importers: MITSUI BUSSAN KAISHA LTD.
      60 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 56 9 i SfJ^ The four leaf Clover lifß is a si^m of k r ood health V \V,J,^/ rrf for CLOVER BRAND. Insist always on CLOVER BRAND MILK J*rßATc,r i lM *^TFiicY^> S pure. .it's delicious it's nourishing. THE CQHSiSTt^^ CLOVER BRAND MILK is real Danish Milk, from healthy tows happily
      56 words

  • 287 10 lyiK Lloyd George, speaking m the House of Commons recent lv, declared thai the dictator States were building up ti. inni. making plans to the strategic positions In Europe and getting ready to do minate the Mediterranean. His mil was that ll war
    287 words
  • 643 10 SHANGHAI Menace Of A New GENERAL WAR b up a pur; he la veiled threat to i arry out a seizun the China custoi i the lnt< dtuation will Bnta.ii. and i the th shareholders m the orient, allow Japan i before th< p In and call v halt to
    643 words
  • Article, Illustration
    56 10 The Kißf, accompanied by the Queen, went to open th< n n buiM ngi of the lioyal \etermar> < >l i« Hospital, Great College Street, < amden T#wn, London. The new buildings, which are among .the Hnest oi kind .i» the world, have c<»si photn shows the King and Queen
    Planet News  -  56 words
  • 46 10 Mr. A. J. Daly has arrived m X Lumpur from home. Mr and Mrs. F. G. Souter are :ord. Filleigh, t m Barren returned I irsday by the Rohna from pa tarn. Or J Samuel of Raub District 1 will leave shortly for Bui liday.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 298 11 CROYDON-C AN ADA-CHIN A BY AIR HUGE PROJECT PLANNED Planes' Ordered For Stan In 1938 London. 4 DIRECT highspeed <i.O<MI-mil«s« A air service from Croydon to Vancouver, conneitins London with the Pacific coast, may be m operation within a year. A further scheme, as yet m its early tages for
    298 words
  • 221 11 Conjuring Tricks At I »RA FORTUNATA PERISANO. an 5 ive old lady of 105. has been maktay at Ancona. and the Florence Oiomale*' gives details 01 ncr Is the widow of Captain Antonio mo, who fought with Garibaldi ana Naples m 1867. as bom at Reggio Emilia m
    221 words
  • 771 11 THE following quotations from were received b; Lt w and C La 23 M< Adams Expr< Alleghany Stct] 16% 16V 2 Allis Chalmers 4<" 40*2 r Can Kl'.» Amer. Cynamid 2V/ 2 20 1 Amer. For Power 4 1 -do- $7 pi. 22 213/ 4 Amir.
    771 words
  • 80 11 To Be A Wireless Announcer A: k ABEAUTIFI i ar-old Turkish Mi.s.s Emel I Mihal, has bet n chosen by the Turk! I ernmenl follow v com locuti j B B.C. stall Train i liege In I .j Bhe ha already been engaged i^urk;. h Ministry ol Public
    80 words
  • 188 11 Pioneering In Canadian T\v< > Englishmen havi < i«-ti 2,000 square miles to the world map Tin .i R < Bra and Mr 1* D Hand, members ol an expedition from Cambridge Unh ci litj who hi come back to civilisation after a year In the Canadian
    188 words
  • 106 11 Showers, Radio And Dining Room In Air Boattlf. Washington A £60,000 all metal, lour-en^ined nijxr luxurious" aeroplane la being buiif for i San Francisco millionaire. Cap tain George Whrteii. It will cany 13 passengers and Is Uir last word m .spaciousness and luxury. There will be a dining room
    106 words
  • 33 11 M h the Johon R I C pre m plac< ol Mi- W Mv the R.F.I i.- ll and Mr p. R. h ,j Barker and Co ha taken t _> sei Mf) ol
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 31 11 mm THE TRUE TONIC FOOD I Obro/rwbJ* of all ChmnUnt and Stom I ■|glHUi| 1 PHONF i! 3 *A\ GOODWOOD rUAKMIJICILT HITDATED IDPIAL fOX VIBITOM %■!> rOUBWTt nm+*n*tii+A WrLrilttipt far P*ir~ antertatnit
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  • 192 12 buill at the Armstrong-Whitworth works. The machine Is theflnrt ol a flee «f L\££«^d are ™SS by four-engines, which have variable-pitch propellers, delayed for i year by the gigantic re-armament prog ramme. The 2 £?J&£? aJSalUenith is 11 4 feet and wing span 121 feet. There
    Planet News  -  192 words

  • 164 13 Kin g Leopold In London pold of the Belgians, who is making a st;ii»- vi- it to England, inspectl [nniskilling Dragoon Guards, of which he .s Coiom-i-ni-i Colchester Essex. Uter his inspection, the King addressed tne and referred to his fathers association with them. The late Kin* ,i a Colonel-in-Chief
    Planet News  -  164 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 78 13 FOR I CHRISTMAS! YOU WILL FINDI I 111 l LAEQKST BILICIIONI IN diamond RINGB BRACCUCTI I ISKOO< 111 S, etc. AT Itt'lll' llJ.^lA\i\ WHERE QUAUTI »nd VAJ l 1 \ki I KADI HON vi h mji h Uumit 1 1 til hrttlma vv«i« DCVCI BCCII bCfUI hi ,-ii.i- .|)«in iin
      78 words

  • 820 14 SIMPL E EXERCISES SHOULD BE DONE DAILY TO GIVE THE FIGURE SUPPLENESS AND RETAIN ONE'S YOUTH LSBI le% rea the rißuri and provli keen up o l ild noi I llfflcult. Surplu i the body Is no to anyone ol v and one ol v,. make our reet and leR
    820 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 26 14 W£dAD£7A££ \N« MSI MODI UN < HIM SI MCI Lingerie Dressing Gowni Jewel Tuts Linen Handkerchiefi etc. etc. m. Batten < i W I -lour. IM on H43
      26 words
    • 39 14 IH'U-WKIK (Th< ioh eller In town i Order Your X'MAS NEW YEAR AUDS, DIARIES, ANNUALS for IOiJS. GIFT HOOKS, GAMES, PRESENTATION GOODS, Etc., Etc., Barly-tO avoid 'Christmas rush* TfeMM UN Postage Extra Obtamablf at Corner of Hi^h Street, Singapore
      39 words
    • 26 14 Ik I IB \K* '"M W /ZL r\ m CLEAN, COOL and PURE A palatable drink with all the properties of a nourishing and BB 9
      26 words
    • 54 14 JOAN CRAWFORD IM G V #«>• 00i^_^^^k x a*" '■■■•Jtfv o^^^H > dB MAX FACTORS lIPSTICI^ The perfftt, KEW lip maktup created by Max Factor, Hollywood's make-up gf- m color harmony thadea for mdv!dual type* Moisture-proof, rrtaini m color Talu« all day... kecpi the lipi smooth «nd lovely. i MAX
      54 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 403 15 11,1 i> i^^ -O9 i i^ *9X* I "t j J BY P&Oand BRITISH INDIA LINES (INCOWPOKATED IN ENGIJVND) Outwards. Due T.,,,,,«- s.Pore RAWALPINDI 17.000 Dec!" 3 COMORIN 15,000 Jan. 28 RAWALPINDI KAISARI. HIND 11 BURDWANI »:070 18 BANGALORE JJWO Homeward*. I eaves Leaves Tonnage Spore. Tonnage Spore. 1!»';t li)
      403 words
    • 497 15 s sA TO FRENCH PORTS T v j m BOMEWARDS. i FORBIW For Marseilles Havre Antwerp Dunkirk Dec. 10 CAP ST JACQUES For Marseilles. Nantes, St. Nazaire Bordeaux Dec. 10 I BANGKOK For Marseilles.Havre. Antwerp Dunkirk Jan. 4 J CAP PADARAN For Marseilles, Nantes. St. Nazaire Bordeaux Jan. 7 OUTWARDS.
      497 words

  • 98 17 Litvinoff Defies The Fascist Bloc id, NOf jLTHOUGH faithful to the I I the 1 1 if I 0OllectiV( ''in it v ovirt mii hei own foi <i is ny enemy, declan itviiKit! to an election audien* •<«■ nominee for the Bupi ouncil. Hi spa ill hi i
    98 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 292 17 BURNS PHI Ll* LINE. (Incorporated m Australia) RELLA Import Dec MERKUR Jan- 1 Jan 4 rial cheap round trip tickets from Singapore to Australia issued at the uring rates. Class passengers may transfer at Singapore, Brisbane, Sydney or .bourne to the connecting X.P.M. Vessel. BRISBANE SYDNEY retain ftttJf Ist class
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    • 130 17 i\. v. k. ij.m: GENERAL PASSENGERS AGENTS CUNARD WHITE STAR, LTD. i lncorporated In Japan To LONDON via t*enang, Colombo, Aden, Fort Said, Marseilles Gibraltar. s.s. "HARUNA MARU Dee. 9 s.s. KATOKI MARU Dei s.s. KASHIMA MARU" Jan 6 Rat.'.s to Ist Class 2nd class Naplrs $4M Hi $540 $317
      130 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 321 17 [postal intelligence I ro-nvv >R PER DATE AND TTMK a tn. S Boon Hi i m. 3 a.m. lina tilnx 30 li a.m. Hani 30 I r .i m. End B .in and Pandjang 30 3 p.m. de Koek. P;> I Pakan e and Siak ing 30 3 p.m. generally)
      321 words
    • 271 17 SHIPS IN DOCK SHIPS 1LONGSIDI nil WIlAkvi S (Hi i \ri< n ro iRRivi foil *ip GWown Gmtc <-ate Rohna 1 1 J ibarnevell ;j 16 •< ilus 14 Pre Harrison n 3 H:i 11 2 3 Kudal 2 Kumsang ilnx 7 i l Pleasantville 7 2 :i f
      271 words
    • 3 17 Mails Delivered Londu
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  • 769 18 MALAYAN DEMAND FOR REVISED TIN TONNAGES Industry Waiting On US: Rubk In The Sattti Position ndon. N P»; 1- 1 •»i 1 1 to (he m K< u ion md I" ■1 'ii < nmm < nnlin j >1 >' »J 1 i 1 1 menl t I Id p
    769 words
  • 44 18 The CommJ i and oiiia ra ol the Johore .state Police have Issued Invitation; to an "At Home," to be held at Depot, Johori I i. at 4.45 p.m. on Dee 15. it m to celebrate the op. nißg oi the New Police Dr
    44 words
  • 37 18 Mr Fbo Kai Hin. Manager of Nam Whatl and Go Johore Banru, ha tor Koihow m China to visit hi expected back m Johore on tnd In the meantime Mr Poo Tei Chow is acting for him.
    37 words
  • 651 18 Only 2 Forjohon issize Session lohore Bahru, Nov. 'TWERE are '»i the k. of th€ Johore Bahrn v w), tied to-daj be <n- Mills. The lit which Wong >n< ;ing to 11. 11. Sultan of .!<>r< w > having caused grievous hurl How labourer named Soh
    651 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 141 18 S§|j^//\v amazing the feeling of V S^f) PERSONAL FRESHNESS <■ one gets after a LIFEBUOY TOILET SOAP 1 i hill rat ing JrV energy, youthful >j^\J v ><?x. vitality- that*! nrhai v /V mV Lifebuoy Toilet Soap i.'« > *A Ht mi's you. How caress- N. S" ni^lv its rich,
      141 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 100 19 ■^■^n^^s^^i^2r v^^B^l ■^■V'^T^k^^v B^BH B^BT P^Bw^3bb B^Bb \^BB^\ vV^B^H B^BH^^^^^^^B^B^B^BL I'^B^B^B^^^r^ .^r^ *^^""*T *^^?^^?*'"'^^^?^^^^^^B L^LbBB Bk^^^^^L I IV^^^^^B^bW A .^B^B^B^H^^^^^^^^^Bk. I&K^V^bhli WW^b^^^X^^b^bmlß m^r^J^^B Wn^rMrfl m m\K. ■■bA.^HV «9 B B^p^X mM J/ J 4111 m B^ttftißß^^^^Ql BL^ W^K m yu^^^S^^^^^B {WZT^^Ki 4^' fflßl B^B^V m^" Cvv^k Al M w w
      100 words

  • 159 20 FRASER COMPANY. Li<t Of Current Dividends Sin Total for Books Close fin a; Tin Company Dividend To Dato Ex. Div. year Payable Ayer Hitam Tin 20' i Int. Nov. 10 Dec. 3 Nov. 15 50 Selangor w Int. Dec. 9 Dec. 17 10 Burma Malay 6d. Int. Dec. 11 Dec.
    159 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 176 20 'iv///tbe World f Jjj I mm! im lfnT MOI)EIS ()F LATEST ii,,; Imm new PILOT pens will impress you as X, rt I Km W no ncr r^ n KG of pens has ever done jf& I_ S \mm W fnc really beautiful material— the onj ;V P^j drrf'.il refinement
      176 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 235 20 ON THE RADIO -B*' BRITISH EMPIRE PROGRAMME .sMi is* ion P"* «,-ll I M 7 Mirirrs Cil47 m..;, <«><» II metre* (17.79 mm) *»d <;so BCtNi (15.18 n». iMiiissiun 3.— 5*35 p.m.— e.Zt a.m. GSH 13.97 metres (21.47 met); n.xi; metre* U7.79 mat CM L 9.52 mftrrs (15.14 mrs). Transmission
      235 words
    • 180 20 I < I H wr Littli 15 p. in A 'A u A play with m I tv The >] 8.8.C ition ol Harry 1 neU P i by William M:< 20 pin The 1 I nwJch Time Sigi i 35 p ;n 11 40 m 'K( i rough U
      180 words
    • 345 20 PROGRAMME OF B. M. B. C Singapore Station On 225 Metres Hi ii ■IT v > Fas-.** 1 p.m ,layed by Rell( I and Ann Highland Music. and lan chu Pui 6.45 p.m Children's Pr- irded by the Britlsl hl ting Corporatli Dance Music played o 1Q 30 p.m. 'approx
      345 words
    • 277 20 U. S. A. SHORTWAVE PROGRAMMES The following are the princlpaAmerican short-wave transmission* The numbers immediately after the rail -letters refer to kilocycles, and the second number set to metres. TO-DA? s 8.20 p.m. Morning Almanac with Cook (European direction) New V W2XE 21.520; 13.9. 9.50 p.m. Richard Maxwell, son comfort
      277 words

  • 25 21 ts From Generalissimo hianp Kdi Shi Nov. 5. 181 In the tin dl th the front. behall •ank of the i] pi $10.
    25 words
  • 45 21 I London, Nov. 29. tyer, Austrain Finance MiDoctor Klenbock, president National Bank, arrived yesterday tor a short visit ements include a dinner to by Sir Robert Kindersley. the ■'.ii banker, and a luncheon artsy the Chancellor of the ExSir John Simon.- British Official
    British Official  -  45 words
  • 24 21 I London, Nov. 29. r >1 t\ nho'd rn^ during the week-end .showed (Icclinp hut imp mnrp tit British Oflicial Wireless
    British Official Wireless  -  24 words
  • 12 21 18 Siao .Mr. Chang Chi Tai Boon Keng, t Mr. Qan Hoi
    12 words
  • 18 21 Pamada a and vmm Pre Idenl and Vice-Pre-the SF A w< to murk the su< m Com] til
    18 words
  • 116 21 Injured In A Motor Accident Amsterdam, N Prnhard ol Holland's Diemei Amsterdam this n. Hi bead injuries and slight i o shock An official bul the removal of Prince Bernhard froi Amsterdam hospital to Soestdyk Palace A ye\ possible. Thi ondition m the course of 1 1 slightly
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 32 21 London, Nov. 29. Tin Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Company oiaced orders for eight new tankers of the latest type, with super-ch; Diesel engines, representing a .lotal expenditure of £2.280.000.- British Official Wireless
    British Official Wireless  -  32 words
  • 122 21 More Spending Power Of The People L! "it lly tneani an Inle Indus- advance and about 50 ne\a factories had itland In the wo or tint c ■armament had c! but it had not fot into Endusl i had benefited more rrom bettering tendencies Hi the world during
    British Official Wireless  -  122 words
  • 26 21 Rear Admiral H v Holt will assume command as .senior naval officer on the Yan^tse m succession to Rear Admiral Crabbc on Jan 21 I Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 109 21 At French mouth] authoi ound they'h plied with I supi he (Settlement Council ha IPONI 01 SHANGHAI n .idd it. Japanese offt advocated the arr( ol anci-Japan< i by the Japane li the rench continu nore tin Ir acth Tin statemi nt i made d spite ♦!)<• fact
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements

  • 467 22 Minutes )j ommittee Meeting Of S.R A. THE ie i The toon m the Chaii Mr Scow Poh Vice \i, c I. li Ooh Hock Chy< Mr Om lumabhoy Mr li ii nting Credit Foncii I Almei At <" li Im s ii Aljunied and Mr Lim I
    467 words
  • 30 22 Amsterdam, Nov. 2u urrendered the twenty second game In the chesa championship 62 moves. Alekhine now leads by 13 points to nine with eisrhi m( be played. Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 166 22 Terrible Accident To Girl Worker nday THE -I h«m an i int-wln-ii her hair b shafi he works i ning ol Au ted to Inquiry into th< d( •I he girl v. n to the O( n< \lr,. it, but she d I deatl due to the
    166 words
  • 67 22 From Our Own C ».t Bangkok. Nov. 29 Bangkok's biggest Chinese ch< Kwong Koh Long, has tailed Reported)! losses vi „ver three million ticals said to be due to failure of their Shanghai branch In the present conflict, and losses on stocks of nee. export of wk.
    67 words
  • 195 22 Malacca Hawkers Dissatisfied nub Malacca, Bund OMINOUS rumblings <>i discontent result ol the recent police i nate from a I hawkers. Their resenti is no- against the police, but aga: procedure under which their "li< fails to define their rights and pri\ properly. It is asked how is
    195 words
  • 80 22 Passengers By The Dilwarra Singapore. Monday Among those leaving Singapore by Dilwarra. .sailing on Dec 14 an For the United Kingdom Col A Percival. D.5.0..0.8.E M C General Staff, and Mrs Percival. Lieut -Co] P. Raymond. 0.8.E.. R.ASC Capt. R. A Lawrence and Mrs Lawrence, Lieut J. E.
    80 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 43 22 i /h < 'hristmas g I PARKER PENS; N from *'..:>') to I itest modeb arc on (llspl.l N service; GUARANTEED v I M. KI-OVER A < <>.. v 11. The Arcade. Singapore. S Imperial "Good Companion" All-Brltlsh SOLE AGENTS DUNCAN ROBERTS LTD SINGAPORE -KUALA LUMPUfI
      43 words
    • 35 22 MORNING TRIBUNE Christmas Supplement i n 3 COLOURS I a// I"" 56 PACES yc;r 5 CENTS J.. Out on Dec. 1 i Blocks and Printing I entirely executed t b a > Malaya Tribune Press Ltd.
      35 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous

  • 117 23 )CKEY MATCH vs. SKINS sitors Handicapped By Weather Singapore. Moml.i\ HOCKEY team from the French > \.ii Training ship Jeanne now m port, visited Tanglin terda) and engaged a team of Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers m t proved to be an interesting the \isitnrs having an
    117 words
  • 167 23 Results Of Games Played On Nov. 13 2 Newry Town 0. ille l. Ards 1. 3. Distiller;. Ballymena 2 l. une 0. 3, B Celtic 3. LEAGUE TABI iturd; 13 (In< IR] I BTATI LEAGI I 6. Drumcondra 1. SUNDAY <• \M» B ok Rovers G. Waterford l
    167 words
  • 187 23 Results Of Week-end Events Binga Island Club m< vember 1 medal, played ovei the week-end, resulted m a win for Yong Loon Chong m the "A" Division with a nei 71. The B Division by H. H Pang with a not score ol 1 1 The following
    187 words
  • 71 23 New War Office Plan n London, Nov. 26. the names of 15 non-commissioned officers who I hurst In vary for 18 months training under by non-commissioned ilar Army may be cond lientenants. Three of rt from untts stationed abroad namely Lance corporals D. R. Nugent and A.
    British Official Wireless  -  71 words
  • 93 23 Prisoner To Be Sent For Observation day. That he had to lient on three differeni occasions In tin civil prison, and thai hv had been unable tn get anything from him 01 n, that his client hue o be quite ignorant ol th tist him on ti and
    93 words
  • 122 23 Colts And R.A. In Goalless Shi ;apore Monda Ac .oai I]■ .s; < the result ol the hockey match bet tin and the Royal Artillery. Blaka Mati played on the Fairer Park ground torappy throughout, th< ball bein uli to control due to thi d pitch The gunners
    122 words
  • 127 23 Annual Coif Match At Tanglin THE annual goll match i i tin Army and S.V C v red a the uidav win for the S.V.C 'Aim nan itioned i t. A. G Col( l- 1. li Wainwi 'jit v LI I) nd U. .i A Runda 0:
    127 words
  • 132 23 Entries Clok hi Singapore M< Evi ll] (Mill)'. 11l M are n mient ol the Singapore Billia ■elation. 5 Entries hould mom hon P< > B -•re before The entrance fi tor for memto affll at< not affll B Each mulch will t> imi m: final will
    132 words
  • 11 23 n The majority of sp i the rain
    11 words
  • 47 23 Thi ..iO ihorl sei vice tilable In the R03 .il Air It of thi I:*- rearmanv nl p ne ►00 of the new office rs lupleied flight trainin In coura r raining The total 1 11 ol the n doubled 0 jreaj British Official Wireless
    British Official Wireless  -  47 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements

  • 190 24 i> Will -> A J I I) Dec. 2 Ana t: Poor „n Om Own Repot 801 LOWING i'« eatelei •<•» thr I ivrak iiiri <!»'»■ Deeemfcer skvr meeting «n D •<' Hoi Cli 4. (ti divlfurlongs: Brown B Jonathan, Komol landai Metro Mi Polly.
    190 words
  • 26 24 London, Nov. m their replayed tie m the first round ut v i i cup 10-d. therhaxn Burton by three to nil. Reuti
    26 words
  • 131 24 Damage To British Property In Shanghai Shi L (BORNE Informed Btr P Plan m the Common*, to (lav that 11 ly to form an estimate of the < British property, by the Japane c In Shanghai Sir Percy Harris then asked il it a not time BOrne estimate
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 199 24 o Make Tour Of Devonshire And Cornwall London. N' DUKING the present week the King U visit Devonshire and Cornwall. id the Duke of Kent will make a tour the social service centres In Scotland. Hij will leave London by train to-morrow night, and the tour will be-
    British Official Wireless  -  199 words
  • 175 24 Position Of Foreigners In Nanking Nanking, Nov. 29. AS a precautionary measure, the majo- rity ol the 22 Britons m Nanking who include two women and ai vearold girl, boarded the hulk h a number ol Americans. Germans and NVhave also ible is feared but it tter that
    Reuter  -  175 words
  • 74 24 515,000-Million Plan Proposed Washington, Nov THE buildini', of three-quarters or a million homes m the United I m tiir next five yean at a of $12 to $15 thousand millions is proposed by Ldent Roosevelt m a housing me to Oongn He suggested that privi hould
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 40 24 British Military Mission To Portugal London, Nov. 29. Lord Cranborne m the Commons today announced that a British military mission would be visiting Portugal In ■:i for the purpose ol nal contact uith the appropriate authorities and reviewing matters Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements