Morning Tribune, 25 November 1937

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Morning Tribune
  • 14 1 THE MORNING TRIBUNE VOL. 2.— No. 253. SINGAPORE THURSDAY, November 25, 1937, I-IVF. CENTS
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  • 437 1 NANKING CANTON AGAIN BOMBED Heart-Rending Scenes At w w JL lUlkUlll GRAPHIC STORIES OF MANY EYE- WITNESSES Nankins, Nov. 24. JAPANESE bombers raided Nanking this afternoon and loosed bombs within the city walls for the first time since Sept. 26. The National Art gallery was damaged. The raiders who were
    Reuter  -  437 words
  • 58 1 Malaya-Britain Telephone Service From Dec. 1 London, Nov. 24. IT is officially announced that a public telephone service between Britain and Malaya will be opened on Dec. 1. Calls can be booked between 9.30 and 2.30 p.m. except Sundays and holidays. The charge is 35 shillings a minute, with a
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 79 1 London, Nov. 24. THE House of Commons greeted with cheers the announcement by Mr. Ormsby Gore at question time to-day, hat the Malayan Sultans had offered to •resent to th*» British Government two Squadrons of service aeroplanes to be ned m Malaya. Ormsby Gore added
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 100 1 Paris, Nov. 24. ACCORDING to Madam Tabouis. writing m the Oeuvre. when Lord Halifax saw Hitler, the latter had acquired, the opening of any negotiations. ition of the right of Germany s Lai equality m the world and the return of the former
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  • 660 1 London. Nov. 24. ALONG string of questions on Far Eastern affairs was the feature of to-day's order paper for Me afternoon. Mr Eden said that he understood that the Japanese authorities were discussing with the Municipal authorities various matters which had come under
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  • 215 1 Shanghai. Nov. 24. MR. Wang Chinf Wei, President of the Executive Yuen, has arrived m Hankow from Nanking. In an interIven to press representatives, he j denies that the removal of the capital to Chungking, m Szechuen. > indicative ot the disintegration of ral authority.
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  • 88 1 Japanese Driven Back Shanghai, Nov. 25. rK Chinese counter-offensive was launched following the arrival of reinforcements and the consolidation of their lines. Chinese reports claim that the Japanese forces threatening Wusih were forced to yield ground, while furious street fighting is taking place at Wushing which the Japa
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  • 82 1 London. Nov 24 No arrangements will be published regarding countries which insisted or propored to assist China by sending arms. said Mr. Eden to-day m the Commons when replying to Mr Blander. The latter asked it it would be quite
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  • 61 1 Belgium'S New Ca binet Brussels, Nov 24. MR. Paul Jan.son. Liberal ex-minister, who was charged by King Leopold with the formation of a new coalition government, has formed his cabinet. He becomes Belgium's first non-Catho-lic premier for years. The ministers include the tnllowing: Finance: M. Deman. Foreign Affairs: M Spaak.
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 328 1  - Chinese Launch Offensive On Entire Front Heavy Fighting In Progress Shanghai. Nov. 24 ACCORDING to Chinese reports, Chinese forces launched a counteroffensive on the entire front. Heavy fighting is m progress. Martial law has been proclaimed at Tsingtao following official reports that 12 Japanese warships had been observed 60 miles
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  • 681 1 Dr. Koo\ 'losing Speech flnisuls. Ni»v w4 THE < inference report Mid declaration, subject t«> slight alteration! In the text, lias now been agreed t<> principle by all delegations except the Chinese who have not vet pCCCtfd a reply irom Nanking Hence it Is possible, although considered
    Reuter  -  681 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 691 2 $10,000 DAMAGES CLAIMED Suit By 18-Year-Old Singapore, Wednesday I CLAIM for $10,000 as damages A f or breach of promise of marriajje, and seduction, m which the parties concerned are Indians, occupied the attention of Mr. Justice a'Beckett TrrreU m the High Court to-day. The
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  • 231 2 Paul Robeson's Triumph In "Jericho" »Y__RICHO." the Capitol-Buckingham J Films Ltd. production, which opened at the Capitol last night, features tfie great American Negro singer. Paul Robeson who i.s seen in association with Henry Wilcoxon and Wallace Ford. Robeson has delighted audiences on both .sides of the Atlantic,
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  • 166 2 Martin Johnson's Epic At The Alhambra Singapore. Wednesday. A LITTLE over a year ago Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson visited Singapore on their way back to America from Borneo where they photographed almost unbelievable realities of the jungle for the motion picture screens of the world. To-day,
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  • 61 2 Chinese Shopkeeper Hurt In Dog-Shooting Incident CHORTLY after 8 o'clock last night, a d Chinese shopkeeper at Tiong Bahru was said to have been accidentally shot m the thigh by a dog shooter who missed his aim at a dog. The shopkeeper who was bleeding profusely was
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  • 205 2 Mr. A. F. Ec And Miss C M. de Rozario Singapore, Wednesday. AT the church of St. Teresa, KamponBahru this morning, the weddin took place of Mr. Andrew Francis Et son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ec, of Penang, and Miss Connie Maria de Rozario, niece of Mr.
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  • 96 2 Picturesque Arab Leader Armed In Public Jerusalem. Nov. 24. PHEIKH Farhan Saadi. the picturesque w bearded Arab leader, was to-day found guilty and sentenced to death by hanging m the first trial m the new anti-terrorist military courts. The Sheikh was captured two days ago by troops
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  • 117 2 THE Choon Guan English School. Ka- tong, is to be re-organised and run as a grant-in-aid school as from next year. An extension scheme providing for a new block of classrooms and a football field is being put In hand and a concert to raise funds towards
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  • 41 2 Singapore. Wednesday While cutting grass off Balestier Road this afternoon, a Municipal conservancy Tamil coolie was bitten m the right ankle by a snake. He complained of great pain and was taken to the Tan Tock Seng Hospital.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 39 2 DOUBLE SHELL D E DOIX.I m^ -f&x Hudson Jbj^ Aa'^x, DAIMLER SE S,^ CHEVROLET Vf Wr> M^ stidi i:\kii: Shell ifll morris Mf A CITKOFN •f Hll I.MAN tf STANDARD Sm AIAIS THE OIL FOR YOUR mmri CHRYSLER WPS
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    • 123 2 Help Kidneys Cl van Oit Poixonous Acids Your Kidneys have nine million tiny tubes or filters which are endangered by cheap, Irritating drugs or neglect. Unknown to you, weak Kidneys may be the real can \our Getting Up Nights, Nervousness, DUxlness. Swollen Ankles, Bladder Trouble, Headaches. Backache, Rheumatism, Leg Pains,
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    • 42 2 ijjjj* HEALTH |it VIGOUR I VITALITY I THESE are some of the many benefits to be had from taking ALVO-ECSTASIN. The reliable I but harmless Rejuvenation cure for men women. ALVO-ECSTASIN UNI VERSA] S! PPLIKRS ORI'N 9 Ifoltinvon HoaH. :i;: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::y::::::::"""""""" :::::::::::li":
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  • 933 3 ROTARY PRINCIPLES AS APPLIED TO DAILY LIFE isitor J Experiences Described I i Singapore Gathering Singapore, Wednesday I I.IKE Rotary not beeausc it deplores war. not because it del<ir es differences, not because it ,,rs not believe in a struggle no mankind— all that is neve" b»it because Rotary strikes
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  • 74 3 Left Shanghai As Japanese Entered Sin A'eoiio I^viRMERLY owner of a well-known band in Hungary, Miss Stella Silmain. a journalist and ar rived in Singapore after a visit to Shall she Is on her way to Hunger} Miss Silmain was m Shanghai for eight months, and left when
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  • 69 3 Before the Acting Chief Just km In the Ist Court at 11 am Part heart:- 8 ***** Mary Joseph Arokiasamy etc. vs. G. S Sundram. Before Mr Justice Howes m the 3rd Court at 11 a.m. S. 176 37 F E Sommerecker vs J N. Jones
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  • 211 3 Sequel To Cecil Street Tragedy Singapore Wednesday. Biioi i Mi Justice Home m the conn to-day, i.<-< 1 Chlng Chai found guilty on a charge oi c«ipable homicide not amounting to mur- the death oA one itt hwee Un on the evening of Sept, II
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  • 42 3 (Junction of Belegle Rd. and Short St i There are vacancies m all classes f rom Primary to the Senior C&mhrldjra Shorthand, Book-keeDmc: \ Tvtv»writinu also taught FREE OF' CHARGE m the HIGHER standard* KNROL NOW. Apply The Prir.npni
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 132 3 coldness: SILVIKRIN PRODUCTS. Pure Silvikrin Hair Tonic LotionConcentrated Liquid ShampooPowder Shampoo— Solidified Brilliantin —Silvilix Hair Cream— Sweet Oil c. Almonds. MADE IN ENGLAND. Sole Distributors: RAHAMIX PENHAS, Singapore. M1 T AR NAN YANG HOTEL \<il\!> Fxpress Service 3 times <l.i 1\ 1 HAI (HEW HOTCL. 35. Beach Road Singapo) Tel:
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    • 47 3 dine under the stars m the coolest Restaurant m Town SING A POR E Tel. 33 j6 a i k p o it o a: /^^X ,^^^X /s^s\ i I COLD /o}^\ POCKET CHRCME feE^.{J| STEEL \sT&£/ WRISTLfcT DISPLAYS AT ALL DEALERS. Sole Apenta MOVTOR LTD, Sin^a^or^.
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    • 102 4 r*L«> (ML (Malay.) l> To-day"'" 1 In bulk Nov. Dec. shipt. El 7-16-0 value Unchanged COPKA (StralU, f.M.S.) Nov. Shipment. El 3 IS nominal £13-18-9 value bAGO FLOUR (Sarawak, Nov. Dec. .shipment W "111 UncnM •APIOCA (Ist quaMty> (Singapore) Nov. Shipment 15 3 Mi. Unchanged White Jan. Mar.
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    • 65 4 T XT O A Previous To Change .T. on Paris (closing middle rate) MJ.M J«.}3 -02 AT on Amsterdam (closing middle rate) 9.00 11 16 fcOOtt -7 16 TT on Shanghai (closing selling rate) 12 932 Unchanged t't' on Hongkong (closing selling rate) 131 32 Unchanged TT on
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    • 29 4 'iOLD London. Nov. 24. Prevlo To-day Change Fine Bar per it E7-0-0 £7-0-1 up Id. KLVEB Spot Ull!l« I9* a -118 i vumtlW fonr»j* *****9 19' I|l6
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    • 42 4 IM itKKK Now York 23. Previous To-day Change Tone Dull Steady Spot Buyers IS IS 14 5 16 Sellers 14 716 > 16 Jan/Mar. Buyers 14 3 14 7 1G i Sellers 14' 14 9 16 -5 16 Tone Dull
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    • 76 4 London Nov 24. Mi m the ('ominous ther the Japanese authori- till held Customs collections In North China and to what extent they making remittances againsi loan obligatioi Mi Edea laid that his Information was that Customs revenues collected In Tientsin and Chingwangtao were being banked In the
      Reuter  -  76 words
    • 75 4 OPrirrq) Electric 33 g 34 44" +10 Imperial Tobacco 26 9 J 27 3 +6cf Anfclo-Dutch 75 77 8 4.1 Canndian Pacific 3 7V 2 +1 T l nn -1,, 18 tJ lO tJ Lingßis 23 0 23 9 Ayer Hitam g rdiiuiiK^ o g o n
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    • 27 4 London. Nov. 24 TIN Standard Previous To-day Change Poot f afternoon closinsr prlc«> £183 2 £1843 4 Forward £182 3 4 £134^ 4 l» 2
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    • 166 4 Messrs. Fraser Co/s Report Singapore. Wednesday. MINING. There was a better tone at the opening of the local market to "la; and after the midday price of tin was announced showing a rise of 3 3 8 to 90. prices In tin share improved, but the volume of
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    • 122 4 Recovery Being Maintained London. Nov. 24 THOSE Stock Exchange brokers who I I arrived- at their offices this mor- ning hoping for a continuance of yesterday afternoon's boomlet were not disj appointed. Firmness characterised all sections at the commencement of business, with investment buying m giltedged securities especially
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 12 4 SOUTH mci i isii l\«sl l!\\(l < OMPANT, LTD. PASSENGER'S BAGGAGE Q I
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    • 42 4 THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LTD. (Established m 1880) Capital Subscribed (Fully paid up) V 100,000,000 Fund V 134.400,000.00 Head Office Yokohama SINGAPORE BRANCH. MKVKR CHAMBERS. RAFFLES PLACE T YAMAMOTO TO No 6049 Manager's Roon. 5921. 5922 General Office. 5923 6472 ComDradore's Desk.
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    • 52 4 THE MEASTKRW I\ITi:« /IRftmAN€E j < ORPOHATI O\ LIMITED.. i lncorporated In 'he Straits Settlements' FIRE. MARINE. MOTOR. PERSONAL ACCIDENT. BURGLARY WORKMEN'^ COMPENSATION AND PUBLIC fIABILTTYJ 5 INSURANCE UNDERTAKEN i !"ull oart.irularii nn<J r»»*« l v J 6D O»dl Street. Binglpufi X. E. AC RAMAN. Actin? General Manager J SIMC
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  • 674 5 STOCKS SHARES Issued By Fraser Company MINING Sin 24, 5 p.m. Buyers Sellers Kumbi/ 31- 33tal Malay 48 51 -nom Hitam 25 6 21 -xd 0.85 0.90 1.41 1.46 Malay 27- 28 -cd [iderlang 20,6 22,Tin 0.40 0.45 I att 1.04 1.08xd Kong Tin 23 6 24 6 livdraulic 8-
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  • 55 5 Thirty Million Weighing 5,000 Pounds i CONSIGNMENT of 30 million stamps A has been shipped by the P"**"*: mam. Company ol u s' o thc Philatelic factory m Rhyll. WaU.s. P Th Tload we^hed 5,000 pounds and is described as the MB^jf^Sff f ps according to weight
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  • 136 5 LYALL EVATT'S QUOTATIONS Singapore, Wedn» Buyers Sellers Batu Selangor 1.40 1.50 Hongkong Tin 24 6 25 6 Hong Fat t 1.03 1 07xd Jelebu 070 O.HOxd Kamunting Tin 10 11 Killinghall 18|6 19 6 Rawang Tin Fids. 8 3 Rahman Hvd. 1.30 1 40xd Rantau i 40 1.45 Raub 4.10
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  • 21 5 m,., g Levjf and Bini apore from Manila 0.50 0 M 0013 IX L Maun- Unit. °.4M
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  • 181 5 SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY 1% 1901 red. 1940 $400,000 Int Mar. 31 Sept. 30 102 104 nom 4V_% 1907 red. 1947 $1,600,000 Int. Mar. 31 Sept. 30 108 HO nom 4V 2 1909 red. 1955 $1,000,000 Int. Mar. 31. Sept. 30 113 115 nom 1913 red. 1963 $2,000,000 Int
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 254 1 <i^ *J* r A P I T O L V/( ,7/ r/- b-h-V-l^ $i t*<S^ rvrMi»rnT\lUl S()\(iS MIGHTY SPK( rACLf« 1 n a I D D C C C\ Xl v n tm mm^mT PAUL KUDI jvi> s jSmmW I* NO rKXI^ IS l(t)() III(lH X l() lAVISH! N S
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    • 290 1 The Singapore Chamber Commerce Rubber Assn At the Singapore Chamber merce Rubber Asscn 1357 th auctio; 24, there were: talogued 1.540,459 lbs. -Urns 1 Offered 1,209,867 Ibfi tons 580 J 1.139. 60S lbs tons 508.75. London Spot 6 d. New York -Spot 14 5 16 cts. PRICES REALISED Kibbed Smoked
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 344 7 RAFFLES LIBRARY lew Books For Iss^e On Saturday undernoted newly added non-fit in works will be ready for issui Res Library on Saturday:— >girl m Palestine. Illustrated, BarBoard. The Knights Templars: Rise Fall, G A Campbell; < Itner £den. k. D. Charques; SuwarQoid, James Cowan; Beethoven his Nine Symphonies. George
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    • 169 7 •J» v ROXY BAR ni'KN TILL !\lliiNl<;ilT; S MJIKKNINCi TONM.NT i;.i:, j;, i FICTION'S MOSI 111 ||Hff«|Hßi > i v MAC. MI Hi >i IJL^Jt action srirruLi. PULSING WITH REALISM AND 1 j "Michael Stropoff I JULES VERNES MIGHTY HERO I with s ANTON WALBROOK j i ELIZABETH ALLAN v
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  • 943 8 A irom I Lord Mayor's Crowded Year: lu\nr\ Cruise On drain Ship: An Author In Search Of Readers: Did Slur/ink Holmes Ait Mail' nn Our Own < >uim( j London. Nov 16 IN England, try tew have been leaving or taking office Doubtles mans ■Ar I citizen
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  • 902 8 Weekly Report Fraser Co. MESSRS Fraser and Co.'s weekly on the share market, dated N< 23, states: The role of Jeremiah is never a very pleasant or popular one, and the optimist who finds sermons m stom> and good m everything is a man much envied, but
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 145 8 jt&n I tiiu c Jm GOOD HEALTH M> whole family has benefited so much hy the use of Kahuna that I only wish more uindd give it a trial," writes Mrs. U., London. Mineral starvation is the cause of many troubles children are often pale, irritable and handicapped hy a
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 33 9 I B Bl I Bk £j Whole Nut Milk .^■■Vflßßk. 1-4 A T C jH I A *ALSO 2oz DAIRY MILK CHOCOLATE AND H L^r^fll MILK, FRUIT NUT CHOCOLATE CADBURYS "W V 37
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  • 318 10 MORNING TRIBU N E Singapore: Thurs. Nov. 25, 1937. SHARE MARKET GLOOM THERE is gloom among those who deal m shares "It is useless,'" says one linn, commenting on the situation, "to pretend that we are not m the throes Ol a firstclass slump," and moreover then 1 is indication
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  • 675 10 P d t<> 1 ti:I 1, further than broke While ti. we powi 1 »ut t trem In 1- < back Much ol the money and the rtW :11a- r.aJ which nabled Japan to pro cute th led In COUT t. Of ordinary bei n debating the
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  • 133 10 Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hartley Ue leaving for home by the P and O line"Ranchi' on Dec. 4. Mr. Hartley ha been ordered to consult a specialist Mrs. J. M. Morrison, wife of tto» manager of Parlt Estate Parit ha> returned from home. She was a passenger on
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  • Article, Illustration
    57 10 Planet News commander-in-chief of the British forces^ f^^ 111" Karl ,lai been the ■abject of eight rears' controversy ___jt B^l? i? 1 lmmw bv >,r v F Hardiman. has aas, therefore. unable to attend. Ph t< Vhous tfe^M? \jS__ftJ2_3 h m home and Hlh unveil nV M^ PreSM e r
    Planet News  -  57 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 546 11 A I LABILITY OF MINERALS Survey Of Major Powers Self-Sufficiency TilK I nited States is the only major world Power capable of carrying on a prolonged war as an individual nation, and even she would have to import certain raw materials essential lor
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  • Article, Illustration
    44 11 Nearly a thousand accordion players, includini; bands from all ov r Great Britain and also from Germany, Canada and China, took part m championship competitions at the Central Hall. Westminster, London. I'hoto shows .Miss Lilian Vandcnberrh. of the Norwich (Norfolk) \i,,,nlintt Band. Planet News
    Planet News  -  44 words
  • 303 11 orbidding people to ride or drive on ■'imday. Horses must have a holiday, Roth Princesses are intensely intersted m buses. Their greatest wish is obe allowed to ride m one, and they lave been promised that just once they vill be granted this as a thrilling treat.
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  • 156 11 Caused By Unrequited Love Or A Gem? /From Our Own Corresponds t HID unrequited love for beautiful v American girl or the centuries-old curse of the ill-omened Hope diamond send wealthy Stefan Baloßht. Rumanian dealer m precious stones, to hi.s death? Shipping authorities and police here were faced
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  • 122 11 Clash With orshippen Ci R\ U I t conducted as usual -t r the (iii- Episcopal Church here, while 15 pickets paraded up and down In front with banners, alleging thu' the contractor erecting an addition to the church was unfair to unloi labour The arrival ol
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  • 97 11 Mr. H. Ford's Liner To Be Dismantled London. Nov 1 1 m December 1915, Mr. Henry Ford I American motor millionaire, char bered a liner and .sailed it to Europi a "peace ship." He promised when he reached Europe m January 1916: "I*ll Ret the boys out ol
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  • 99 11 New World Record In Land Aviation Munich pAI'T VVur.stci the chid pilot Ol the Bavarian Aviation Works, recentl) established a new world's speed record m land aviation m a test flight which was carried out m Au^sbur^. ('apt Winter, piloting a mw mode MesseriChmldt 'plane, recorded ai averai'c
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 23 11 "**™^""^'"""""~"j^^^!^^^^^ 1 PHONE 5933 A^\ GOODWOOD 5934 JH TrJr graphic Address: (HAKMLMGLY SITUATED IDMI. 9OX VISITORS 4Bi> fOUBKSTS Inrivalled FacUttiet for P^ir'* +niertatm.
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  • 243 12 The uniiii.'ii Post offi(»- \rt Exhibition has tpoied In the Kin Georf e V. Hall of the General i*<>st Office, Bf Martini le-Grand, London. Photo shows postmen arranfIng exhibits. Planet News i'imiik iiis liiM visit to lomiiiii since ins restoration two jrean mo Kinu (H-orn« Of GTOMC nnvnl
    Planet News; Topical Press  -  243 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 64 13 IFOR CHRISTMAS YOU WILL FIND TIIK LABGBBT su.KCUONS IN DIAMOND KI\(.S IIKACELETS itiiool m s. etc AT »<••< ULLMANN WHERE I QVALITI md \i ii HI imADITIONALi Such Hniidrrlul CltfietaMl »'iiMiitsß were mvri seen ln*l«u m Sin^upore. I I In- ISr>.t b to ronu- Hid Mi .it IRENE ULLMANN I
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  • 3429 14 News of Forthcoming FILMS Nkvvs from aim studios Is always Inting i thmk to to-daj I am devoting the page ent to news o this kind it has come directly from London where at th< lOS there they are bu turning out turns to please the demand ol the enormous
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 45 15 Ni VIOHAMED DULFAKIR CO. Best Book-Seliers m Town' WST RECEIVED jist received: at many varieties of X'mas iiday cards, St'ationaries, Noes. Malayan X'mas cards, ColUna Letts Diaries, Children's ies, Annuals. Jie Saw Puzzles, Plasticine, Etc. Etc.. PJMNBOty pS^O Annual :^595 'Phone 3G95 "i"h St., Si:
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    • 103 15 A l OIIUS IS SHOPPIIVfiI STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHS f t I studio S f- 1 9 fo to-portrait by S 0 foto-artist only Stamford Rd. I A \^3b^ £y^j Examined —by the most modern methods known to science! R. A. THOMPSON, D.O.S. (Or. of ocular science) 4, Arcade. Phone 3002. Consultation
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 440 16 (TtBI I lll l|^2^ BY P&Oand BRITISH INDIA. LINES RAWALPINDI 17,000 Dec* 3 COMORIN 15,000 Jan. 28 RPU 000 Dec IT LISAR I HIND 11.500 i U ,70 Dec 18 BANOALOI «J 12 rHTRAI I.SOOO Dec. 31 NALDERA 10.000 25 (IIIJHAL 1938 RANPURA 17,000 1,000 Jan 14 BHUTAN' •> 100
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    • 489 16 s b^ s4\ TO FRENCH pORTS Tv. km m m fm Mr W V it I jTfe ft I f )*Pr V E«w# HOMEWARDS. i FORBIW For Marseille. Havre Antwerp Dunkirk Dcx:. 10 CAP ST JACQUES For Marseilles, Nantes, St. Nazaire Bordeaux Dec. lo i BANGKOK FOr M:irseilles.H:i\ re Antwerp
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  • 131 17 Jeanne d'Arc Arriving This Mom 1110 I'HE French training ship Jeanne d'Arc lue at Singapore to-day In the course Ol a cruiSC t<> Australian water' and will remain until Dec 1 The French cruisers I Oloire 'and Montcalm will visit Si: pore tram -Jan (> to 10
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  • 82 17 Rome, Nov. 23 UTMOST secrecy has accompanied the latest trial by the special Tribunal lor Defence of the State. Nothing i.s allowed to appear in the presi and no information is available about the number of accused OI Uncharges but it i.s understood they are charged With sp.'Ulg
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 239 17 11 1 It X S P U I LP LI E incorporated m Australia > NEXT SAILINGS Due Sails. \TARFTTA NOV. 29 DCC 3 iiKUR Jan Ja n 1 cheap round trip tickets from Singapore to Australia issued at the wing rates. First Class passengers may transfer at Singapore. Brisbane.
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    • 123 17 V V. K. I I I GENERAL PABBENGEBS AGENTS CUNARO VVIIITK STAR, LTD (Incorporated m Japan). To LONDON via Penang, Colombo, Aden, Port Said, Marseilles Gibraltar. s.s. HAKUSAN MARU Nov. 25 SJ. "HARUNA MAF{U D©C. 9 s.s. KATORI MARU Dec Ratea to let Ci.i 2nd cli Naples son $540 $317
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 225 17 POSTAL INTELLIGENCE -^JL feranf Meranti 25 9 a.m. Fiirope:— Great Britain and Europe generally Karapara 25 3 p.m. India:— East, North, and West it 25 3 p.m. Aden t Karapara 25 3 p.m. America (North) Except Western Canada and Western State? of U.S.A. i Karapara 25 3 p.m. America South)
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    • 336 17 SHIPS IN DOCK I 1 SHIN ILONGBIOI mi uiiakm I or EXPECTED 10 VRRIVK (.odown Kiitruiu-e v jt Sni »> (iati- (.aw Cremer 22 1 1 Cranfield 16 9 t Shirala 14 Pyrrhus 9 Suisan^ 30 r > Ipoh 34 2 Benglor 36 2 Kantau Pandjang 46 4 Karapara 48
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    • 38 17 MAILS DELIVERED The Air Mail Imperial* despatched from Singapore on Nov. II was delivered In I ondon on Nov. 22. The Air Mail (Netherlands despatch ed from Singapore on Nov. 17 WS llvered m London on Nov. 22.
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  • 488 18 DRAMATIC PLOT UNEARTHED To Restore The Parte, Nei k f.kitabit: plot against the Re A publican institutions has be^n discovered, siat-s an official essemnnisjae >»> regard to police inquiries into Mir < Sf< ul ards affair. Et add i;ilt material largely ol foreign was seized Incl nd
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  • 576 18 MANCHUKUO TROOPS ATTEMPT MUTINY BUT FAIL China's Crack Regiments Defending The Capua/ Shanghai Nov. 24. rpUF Chinese Government hai 1 s(roni;i\ denied thai it h |S Idned uith the foreign authorities m petitioning the JapancM militarj command to create a neutral /one m Nanking. Since the shifting <»t the seat
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  • 118 18 Prison Sentence For Singapore, Wednesday. ol being m possession of 150 one tahil tubes ol chandu valued at $i.2(io Bni Biang, i nger. m the motor ship Hal Hing pleaded guilty and asked for leniency before Mr H A Di: 'ik Judge Criminal rid < '''in t this
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  • 61 18 Singapore, Wednesday [>>< I-) a P Koning the r-oldi v Dutchman who is charged with causing the deal Chinese pedestrian Cl hv drivini cai In alon lard Road on the ni Mov 9 appeared before Mr. I- Barrett th mornin I Thi i until i for mention bail
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  • 141 18 Death Of Wife Of Plague V| Hs Wk I.jcii Teh. the .wll-knowr. I*l Chinese authoresi and social leadei (lied m Peiping on Nov. 2 liter a lone illness She was thi Chinese woman to publish historical work, m the English langua The second d of the
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  • 427 18 Well. \i n tided Funeral \t Bidadari Singapore, Wedne.v THE death took place with tragic suddenness at the General Hospital Singapore this morning from failure, of Mrs. Lucy Amy Edwards, the wife of Mr. Pat Edwards of V Thornycroft Ltd. Mrs. Edwards was the only
    427 words
  • 117 18 Passengers By The Patroclus The following passengei aits an by the Pi I which la due at Si c on Sati I Mr. A lin C D Storn, Mr A W. J Doughty, M J v M A H HUI, Miss B J Hill Mitchell, Miss M. Mitchi I I
    117 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 177 19 m A^L *P w It *k* iw r ]F""'H t\ -Ifr 'oSlKSw^*k^ 4-'' jH /t, L v 1^ I I '"Xvi J& 1 WU l>Hl "3f '"-''y-'" I S >^s^w I«l 't FL Y/iVG !^TA X II A It lI S XZLFSSL^i^A^SS I•r•* IP *A^ T in Singapore ON DISPLAY
      177 words

  • 140 20 FRASER COMPANY. List Of Current Dividends Books Close flnanCompany Dividend To Dato Fx Dlv Aver Hitam Tin 20^ Int. Nov. 10 Dec. 3 15 Burma Malay 6d. Int. Dec. 11 Dec. 18 Dec 13 Hong Fatt Int. Nov. 24 Nov. 30 Nov 25 Katu Tin 6d. Int. Nov. 27 Dec.
    140 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 19 20 //Jibe World /fi Jnl having one at least. fiJCT' OT* DF kl ~,f "^^Vl 65 HIGH STREEf SiNGfIPOBE <! !niii!i!!!:ii!iii!i!iinitiiiun!iniiii!iiiniuniiiinniiiii:(iuiiDii!ii!!m
      19 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 483 20 ION THE RADIO j BRITISH EMPIRE M1 PROGRAMME nsmi > i) m l Bulloc n U m*\ IJ- *S* niss2rto p.m. (isJ U^l "^W" (21Jii "l^i: mov. In n TiSII 1397 metres (2147 mcs); C,S«, N If. dE. UUM^Sm (17.70 mo and 010 Choral Preude 19.76 mrtr^ (15.18 mcs). r
      483 words
    • 734 20 PROGRAMME OF B. M. B. C Singapore Station On 225 Metres TO-DAY 745 pJ] ltld Ba; 6M p dian Musk i mo- SyncO p at( .j n Mior 815 pm.:— Negro Spirituals (Gr; P 6 30 d m Music. PoP ula J phone Records). Paul Robe.son from Pictu 1 "I
      734 words

  • 158 21 Sequel To Lord Halifax's Visit To Germany is. Nov. 24 JT is understood that M. Chautempfl and m Delta* will vi it London the end ol the week at the British < ernment'a Invitation to discusa with Mr. Neville Chunberlaln and Mr Eden the situation arising out ol
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 37 21 From Our Own Correspondent > Bangkok, Nov 24. The Financial Adviser's report on Siam's budget draws attention, to the fact that out of a population of twelve millions, less than 3.000 Siamese are paying income tax.
    37 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 32 21 UHE LAST WORD IN THE ART OF BREWING MrTSffli/^ r >ft i -S'i^V. w* by le Importers: t I lit' l.asl Asiatic C «»m|iaiiv. Umil< k i3.. t SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR. CENANIi
      32 words

  • 748 22 SPORE GOLF CLUB Yesterday's Annual Meeting isnm;t|M)i«\ Wednesday. nraiLE st.itnm thai t»" ■*»< > r;ir W h.ui again been <»» "steady ■i on en ;>"<• prosperity, Mr. ii. Main-Bern ipeakini as < hairman ,t to-day's meeting of the Sings po X Goll Club, said thai the
    748 words
  • 95 22 Fnnn Our Oum Correspondent Malacca. Burn Through the splendid efforts ol m. T. Rajaratnam, a successful Am< tennis tournament was held on day at the J.C.S.A. and G.S.C. <•» The successful pairs were Kutt. and Stouter The following are the results. <1» Kuttappan and Stouter <2 12) Navaretnam
    95 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 36 22 CIGARETTES j iii i i bee «iir iporißl window display and j K. M. (Movor Co J 9 11. The Artade. SINGAPORE. Imperial 4 'Good Companion' All-Brltlsh SOLE AGENTS DUNCAN ROBERTS LTD SINGAPORE -KUALA LUMPUR ■B
      36 words
    • 17 22 Jrpi''' WJSSr I B^^. Wm^r^ V^^^^W. .^^^flSS^^^^^^VHH^^^—J^ "'a. x^^k. r A^ jffßi'-' «£o^ Henry Waugh Co., Ltd.
      17 words

  • 744 23 "WINDSOR LAD'S" SELECTIONS Race I.— GEORGE ROBEY Dazzle Race 2.— ANACONDA Pacarose Race 3.— TORRIDOR George Edwardes Race 4.— FOXY Fernlet Race S.— POLICY Silver Buckle Race 6— UPRIGHT Vergros Rate 7— LITTLE TEX Danse Dv Ventre Race B— NURSELING Prince Caravel SELECTIONS BY
    744 words
  • 21 23 The majority of the hockey matches arranged to be played yesterday were again cancelled owing to the rain.
    21 words
  • 374 23 Club And Gunners Scoreless Draw Singapore, Wednesday. Had they much' more use ol the openIngs they were afforded, the 7th Heavy Brigade. R.A.. should have won comfortably from the B.C.C. "B" when they met at rugby on the padang today. As thingl turned out however, they
    374 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 35 23 Jl iBHm "r/{ as and body LOOk for the r" whole body of t/ie Bulldog on I W 1 IX'lfTlfl^'CiO ITD r. m s Sole AKor' VJU 1 ***^I^_^^^ IV y M 4 mmm
      35 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous

  • 580 24 Yesterdays State Hockey Trial Oj B^ hs Singapore, WedneMftj THF (hud State bockejf trial which mis pUjred <»n tf»<- S.C'.C. padanK tins Afternoon In order to itJoet a representative Singapore side to meet flulinffor on Satwrdaj was not, I am .if raid, a very
    580 words
  • 135 24 1 1 meeting held by the Selection Committee at the S.( last night, the following eleven was selected to represent Singapore at hockey against SHangor on the S.CC. I'a.dang on Saturday. O. Aeria; X Muthucamaru, S Moreftrm; I. i> Ifciilft imtn. G. i N. Oehlen, P. K. Baskaran;
    135 words
  • 143 24 R.A.F. Win Keen Rugger A C" PLAYING at Seletar yesterday, the Royal Engineers were beaten by the Royal Air Force at rugger by 11 points (a goal and two tries) to three points (a penalty goal) alter a keenly-contested gain* 1 In the early stages of the game.
    143 words
  • 50 24 Malayan Championships In Singapore Next Month THE 1937 Malayan badminton cham--1 pionships will be held at the Happy World covered stadium on Dec. 4, 5 6 and 7. There will be two sessions a day, the morning session commencing at 10 a.m., and the afternoon session at 2 p.m.
    50 words
  • 83 24 thkrk was again no play In the in--1 vitation tennis tournament at the S.C l lay owing to rain. Revised tie.s foi to-day are as follows: Open Singles: Dr cina Teck Yam vs FOO Won Wan Handicap Singles: Woon Chow Tat towe 18. vs Tan Huck Hye (owe
    83 words
  • 129 24 Challenge Issued To MOHAMED Fahmy, official holder ol ttu ••May I be permitted, through the medium ol your popular pa}- w challenge to Young Frisco for the middleweight championship ol Malaya anc the Orieni v m my previous encounters wiin m> worthy opponent, the verdict has swung m
    129 words
  • 100 24 Prepared To Fight Johnny Mortell l ITTLE Palace, the Filipino flyweight. L writes: 'Kindly allow me a little space m your paper to make it known openly to the public that I have never refused to meet Johnny Mortell as is the rumour round the town. "I was
    100 words
  • 70 24 S. R. C Rugby Football The following have been invited to play for S.R.C against the 7th Heavy Battery. R.A.. to-day at 5.15 p.m. on the S.R.C. ground. C. J. Alphonso; L. Alvis, J. G. Ritchie. F. de Cruz. W. N. Moore; J. G. Reutens. A. H. Ward; E. A.
    70 words
  • 22 24 i The second Singapore G.C. bi-monthly mixed foursomes competition for November will be played at Bukit Timah on Sunday.
    22 words
  • 102 24 "No Real Cause" Says Count Grandi London. N AT the British Legion dinn< m honour of the Italian ex-S men now visiting England, tl. Minister <Mr. Duff Cooper > said tl unions of ex-Servicemen who haci together, helped towards the en were endeavouring to achieve peace could only
    British Official Wireless  -  102 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements