Morning Tribune, 20 November 1937

Total Pages: 36
1 24 Morning Tribune
  • 14 1 THE MORNING TRIBUNE VOL. 2.— No. 249 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, November 20, 1937 FIVK CENTS.
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  • 583 1 JAPANESE CLAIM SUCCESSES IN GENERAL ADVANCE CHINESE LINE SMASHED $500,000,000 DAMAGE AT POOTUNC AND NANTAO: 300,000 HOMELESS Shanghai, Nov. 19. JHE claim that the Japanese have smashed the Chinese line between Changshu and Yangtse and occupied Changshu, was made by a Japanese army spokesman this afternoon.
    Reuter  -  583 words
  • 174 1 Seen Off By King George At Victoria Station London, Nov. 19 SHOUTS oi "vive le roi" echoed through Victoria Station to-day when King Leopold left by special train for Brussels. He was seen off by King George, with whom he drove from Buckingham Palace Kinp Leopold is
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  • 66 1 Pontiac, Nov. 19 FIFTEEN thousand workers m gene- ral motor factories are idle through a sit-down strike. The Fisher body plant strikers rei used to evacuate from the plant notwithstanding the fact that the Inion have not authorised a stoppage. At Akron, a sit-down strike
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 92 1 Eyston Establishes New World Land Record AN' fionneville salt flats yesterday. Capt. v George Eyston unofficially covered a Mile on the northward run at 305.89 wiles per hour, and on the southward 13 miles an hour. cial figures (states Reuten will be unced .shortly, but Eyston appears nave
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 44 1 "Never Before At Such Low Ebb" New Delhi, Nov. 19. TANDHI'S blood pressure is bordering on dangerous levels, according to a statement issued by his doctors, who told Reuter that "Gandhi's condition has never before been at such low ebb. 1 Reuter
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  • 25 1 London, Nov. 18. Eden is not returning to Brussels >c Far East Conference. Mr. ">nald wilJ be proceeding to Brus- probably to-night Reuter
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  • 45 1 WAZIRISTAN OUTLA WS Inflict Casualties On South Wales Borderers New Delhi. Nov. 19. ONE was killed and six wounded, of the South Wales Borderers, and five Indians of other ranks were wounded when rounding up outlaw gang! In Waziristan on Nov. 17 and 18 Reuter
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  • 21 1 Reuter Khartoum, Nov 19 Clouston arrived here at 1.50 p.m. to day, and left for Cairo at 2.10 p.m.
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  • 15 1 Jerusalem, Nov 19 The curfew here has been raised from to-night Reuter
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  • 137 1 Articles Affected By U.S.-British Pact Wellington. \ov. 19 Till, following riMMi of British goods are likely to benefit from the tariff reductions under the proposed Anglo-American trade treaty according to the Journal of Commerce: high grade cotton and rayon textiles, cutlery, straw hats. Nottingham lace, briar p«pes, shirts,
    Reuter wireless  -  137 words
  • 52 1 Following the announcement that tinUnited States are opening negotiations with Canada for a trade treaty, con Canberra despatch stating that Mr Lyons has declared he will take the earliest opportunity to consider the opening Of trade discussions with AmeIn the meantime he will maintain the closest touch with
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 157 1 Arrangements For A Settlement Shanghai. Nov. 19 WITH reference to to-day's announcement from Tientsin to the effect that a satisfactory solution of the cuatoms situation m North China had been reached, enquiries m responsible quarters m Shanghai indicate that this statement If premature. Satisfactory arranßemenU* have not
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 42 1 London. Nov. 19 Following the news from lientrin that. itisfactory .solution of the customs Situation m North China had been reached, Chinese bonds on the Btock Exchann- to-day spurted up to two polntl The news also had henclinal effect -m Japanese Uuki
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  • 68 1 LORD HALIFAX MEETS HITLER AND VON NEURATH Ki-rlin. Nov. 19 1 (>Hi) ll.Uiiax and Hitlrr met this L moraine. Lord Halifax received a vann greeting from Hitler, who enthuowed him over the hi and thru took him to the study where with Baron von Ncurath and an interpretei Hr- Smidt,
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 33 1 ON OTHFR PAGES !S*MTC Volunteer Police Reserve Force 2 i Fostering Sino-French I Trade 3 Chinese General Interviewed i Supreme Court Judgment 18 < Woman Guilty Of V Enticement •> •> I Local Sport 23 24
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    • 60 1 ;^^(> FRESH MILK-WITH jgg^ ALL THE TROUBLE REMOVED! JET Klim put an end to delicious, nourishing miik your troubles with milk. to drink. It is especially Klim is rich, pure cows good for babies. If your milk, powdered with only dealer cannot supply you, water removed. Klim keeps send us
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  • 404 2 Volunteer Police Reserve Force For S pore TOTAL STRENGTH OF 130 Enrolment Period Of Over 2 Yean VOLUNTEER l'"»"< Eaterve |(r<( A for the Settlement of gin*** 01 I, to be establtotaed. »ccordto|rtjjn©''TtlrtJS^ol ten «fliers and 120 subordinate police officers IM constables. Reserve will eonsJ it ol the following "oEe
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  • 65 2 State Rugby Player Married Mi. a. D. Anderson, the well-known Singapore State rugby player ai\d r»;i-round sportsman, was married at he Registrar's Office, Singapore, Saturday to Miss Mary Alice Fletcher. New Zealand. Mr F V. Duckworth, the Second vine Magistrate, performed the marlag< ftl Mr Anderson
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  • 228 2 Served Chartered Bank For 22 Years Singapore. Friday TIIK death took place In Singapore, on I Thursday afternoon, of Mr. Donald ihumachS van Gey/el at the age of 76 years Mr. van Gey/el had been keep ng indifferent health for .several month* The late
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  • 194 2 $1 1,000 LIABILITIES Discharge For Chinese Bankrupt Singapore formerly employed by the ci r Pastern Life Assurance Com] (i K t s of their insuran etfj ami" now eanun, a commission Of *W Si.n Chinese, was .ranted his d.- ub r to six months suspenbankrupt's liabilities. lf«irding to S report
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  • 143 2 Visiting Singapore After 25 Years Singapore. Friday A PROMINENT member of the Legislative Assembly of the Central Government of India. Sir Leslie Hudson arrived m Singapore by the Ranpura on a holiday trip to Malaya and Siam. ••The Assembly session m Simla has just closed and I
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  • 162 2 100 Per Cent. Dividend Paid Singapore. Friday. BEFORE Mr. Justice Howes m the Bankruptcy Court to-day. Ivan A. Branson was granted his immediate discharge from bankruptcy. Mr J W. Ambrose, Assistant Official Assignee, m his report on the bankruptcy said that the bankrupt's liabilities amounted to $1,326 which
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  • 309 2 CORDELIA AT PENANG Due In Singapon On Sunday Singapore, Friday THE Imperial Airways flying boat Cordelia, which is engaged on a survey of the route from England to Singapore, arrived at Bangkok to-day. A demonstration flight m which Siamese officials and the British Minister, Sir Josiah Crosby, participated was given.
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  • 252 2 Effort At New World On Dec. 3, 4 And 5 THE following letters has been forward--1 ed to firms m Singapore by Mr Tan Kah Kee, chairman of the China Reiiei Committee:— From the latest cables to hand, we presume that the fight for the sovereignty
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  • 50 2 Stockholm, Nov. IK VISCOUNT Cecil of Chclwood. pr<* .sident of the Ut|M <>« Nations I nion of (ireat Britain, and a prominent Foreign Office head dun th<- great war, has been a\\;T'ic«i the Nobel Pri/«- for 1937 m r«<"? nit ion of many years devoted '<» the caoM of world
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 82 2 JS^ 'PEUGEOT' "La (Jrande ft I «F I .Marque Francaise" V\ yY Professional X/Jk7 y^JYj/ Competitions rpEUGEOI CYCLES PARIS TO RKNNES MARSEILLES to LYONS vauclusk Circuit MONT-BLANC Circuit JURA Circuit MONT- VENTOUX Circuit *!!m "n^uo WBGIONAL VICTORIEB Spi-cial prices for School 11..^ loss < <»n all modeU. School Boys arc
      82 words
    • 74 2 Asthma Cause Killed m U Hours Tl;.i i,l I In I li« ill: i v <>f an Am. iow is 1 1. i, ible Bpella of choking b i pint:. hlnjc and wheeling Asthma by killing it,, r < !ei m- m the blood. S l more burning powdei no
      74 words

  • 208 3 OFFICIAL ON WAY TO CHINA Interviewed On Arrival In Singapore Singapore, Friday ON his way to strengthen FrancoChinese trade relations m China Mr. Jean Saillens, Commercial Counsellor of France to China, passed through Singapore by the Jean l.aborde to-day. Mr. Saillens was formerly attached Ministry of Commerce
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  • 214 3 Suspended Discharge From Bankruptcy Singapore, Friday. M. P S. ROWTHER, once a partner m the now insolvent firm of M. R. M. P. Sahib Ghanny Brothers, and now earning a monthly salary of $11, w«u> granted his discharge from bankruptcy Ir Justice Howes to-day, subject to
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  • 56 3 London, Nov I<S announced In London that the of the International Missionary cil which was to have been held at chow, China m the Autumn of will now take place at Tamra|n.. near Madras from Dec. 10 to !^B, as conditions m China made dvisable to proceed with
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 17 3 Hon. the British Resident, Sevisited the Malayan Rubber on Monday with Maior J R. District Officer. Klang.
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  • 286 3 SIR J. SALMOND ARRIVES Inspection Of Empire \ir Route Singapore, Friday CIR John Salmond, an Air Marshal of the R.A.F. and a Government director of Imperial Airways. Ltd., arrived by air this afternoon by Imperial Airways plane, and was met at the Airport by Capt Gwyn. the Governor's ADC Air
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  • 54 3 London, Nov. 18 Mr Anthony Eden acted as host to two reigning monarchs when he was present at the banquet given at the Foreign Office for the King of the Belgians, which was attended by King George. It was King Leopold's last official engagement before his State
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 278 3 I left China on June 29 before the hostilities broke out. I wa.s instructed by Marshal Chiang Kai Shck to visit America and Europe and during my tay abroad I was warmly received m various countries I visited. Asked as to how munitions could be taken
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  • 185 3 FAT AND "FORTY" IN HER TWENTIES Lost 50 lbs. with Kruschen Is i Yowtg (iirl Again .sin vu so fat he looked i only m her twenU she h;i.s the slim figure thai belongs to her real Age Tin what she says:M A year kg > I ighed 13 stone
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 122 3 ETON HIGH SCHOOL (Junction of Befeffle Rd. and .Short There are vacancies m nil clftSMf 'rnrr Primary to the Senior Cambridge Shorthand. Book-keeping ,md TypeWriting also taught FREE OF CHARr* m the HIGHER standards. ENROL NOW. Apply The Principal MUAR NAN YANCJ HOTEL AGENTS Fxpress Service 3 times daily 1
      122 words
    • 91 3 SIIAIKKIN PRODUCTS. Pure Silvikrin Hair Tonic Lotion Concentrated Liquid ShampooPowder Shampoo- Solidified Brilliantlnt —Silvilix Hair Cream -Sweet Oil n, Almonds. MADE IN ENGLAND. Sole Distributors: KAHAMIN PFNIIAS, Singapore. EMPIRE FLYING BOAT CORDELIA" Arrives on Sunday afternoon Special Petiaru/ Cuni/ Tiffin I %|iill?l make your resenmtkmt earn, kllilUill ff 111 7V
      91 words

    • 63 4 London. Nov L 9 Previo Chun fALMOIL ,>i*i*j«; VftiM £180 .0 Value oStM I —^v '^^> H4.3.9 Paid #lov stupmeot BAliO hLOLK (harawa*/ Unchan .t ii»i a tAM h^I 11^ Sellers unchanged Londo ci tX HfWrr* 73 P. jl5 l 6 316 (2nd forwarti SSS 7^ilB 7 316
      63 words
    • 49 4 Dunlop Rubber 77 3 76 6 LinggKs 27 6 26 10 2 Ayer Hitam 16 3 16 Southern Kinta* 18 3 18 Pahangs 4 London Asiatic i3_> t> 1313 Shell Transport 10VA iOll4 War Loan 971,0 J7 H.K. Si S Bank l 2y 2 21 2
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    • 17 4 New York. Nov. 18 Pr |teady Very Dull Tone 42^4 413 s 8 oDOI
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    • 149 4 Messrs. Fraser Co/s Report Singapore, Friday. MIMING. With tin dropping a further S3 to $89 at midday, there was not much doins m tin shares to-day, and prices were slightly easier all round. The London Stock Exchange was reported to be easy and tin shares suffered m the
      149 words
    • 28 4 Mr R V Harris, agent of the pore branch of the P and O Steam Up Company returned to Singapore by .tie Ranoura after a holiday In England
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    • 31 4 Previous 10-u»j -i- 08 T on Paris (closing middle rate* 9O i 15 16 -5 16 TT on HoSong (closing selling rate) to". Dn ch»nged iSS&SS'SS 1^ ***** I
      31 words
    • 16 4 London. Nov. 19. <iOU) ftgtoU. To-day Change Fine Bar per 01 n.0.0 ?"S»«r torwsr*.
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    • 17 4 London. Nov. 19. *IN Standard Previous To-day Change Bpot (afternoon closing price) Forward tlBl 8
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    • 52 4 mbui Nov. 19. Tin death has occur Prince Ahmed Seifeldin, at 56, brother-ln-la Xin J H His death recall 'ii' hootinß Incii attheMohai '>"■' Cago, to which the Prince wounded King Puad lr ,t following ttw Prince iscape from iiu i.tul hnnit 1
      Reuter  -  52 words
    • 49 4 London, Nov. 19. Miss Jean Batten waa received by the ickingham Palace yesterday. and al Her m.. requeit, told her and the King o! the Belgians the experi( lie had on her recent record breaking flight from Australia to Eneland Britisn Official Wireless
      British Official Wireless  -  49 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 44 4 THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK f LTD. i Established m 1880--.tal Subscribed < Fully paid up' V.100.000.001 rye Fund V 134.400,000.0 Office: YOKOHAMA SINGAPORE BRANCH. MEYER CHAMBERS RAFFLES PLACE. Ifanai t. yamamotc Tpl No 6049 Managers Room. 5921. 5922 General Office 5923. 6472 Comoradore's Desk.
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    • 10 4 THE p WORKJVUum insuba jjcE UNDERTAKEN SIME DARBY Co., Ltd.
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  • 864 5 STOCKS SHARES Issued By Fraser s Singapore. Nov. 19. 5 p.m. Alex Brick Ord. 1-50 160 Prefs. 2.2712 2.35 B.oonom. M Bi 0.45 0.55 irustee 600 6.75 i s. 7% Pref. 23 24T S. Ord. 19 9 20 6 Ity Co. 125 135 Trust Ag. 4.75 5.25 United 33.00 34.00
    864 words
  • 99 5 The Singapore Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Assn. DAILY PRICES I KKKNT. Singapore. Friday noon. Tone of market. Qu rty. Latest Cable London Spot Bheel 7 1 16 d per lb. New York Si>o* SI 14' 2 ib. Buyer Scll-T No. i.x.r.s.s. m caeei (FOB. Nov.) 28% Good F.A.Q. m b.
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  • 191 5 LYALL EVATT'S QUOTATIONS Singapore, Friday MINING Allenby 1.40 1.50 Ayer Panas 140 1.45 Brcgas 75 80 IndraKiri 130 1.40 Kluaim 70 HO Pa jam 1.77 133 N. Serendah 1.00 1 10 Tapah 1.80 I JO T. Anson 1-50 1 JO Ulu Benut 34 'M Untd. Malacca 1.70 IJO RUBBERS Ampat
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  • 40 5 Singapore, Fridas lleMTi 8 B i«\v .did Co Singapore received cabled newi from Manila giving the following prices Preview P( o Antamok vet Consolidated 9.80 unq i < olidated Mines 0014 0.013 uricio 0 a Paracale -'i
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  • 200 5 SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY 1901 red. 1940 $400,000 Int Mar. 31 Bept. 30 102 104 norn 1907 red. 1947 $1,600,000 Int Mar. 31 Sept. 30 108 110 norn 1309 red. 1955 $1,000,000 Int. Mar. 31 Bept. 30 113 115 norn 1913 red. 1963 $2,000,000 Mar 31 Sept. 30 107
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 178 6 [j^^a^osa 3 15 6 13 9 1 5 i J onko, ■mCO«D!M BEEMFO.AUWG n» Bfl«- J "SAID O'REILLY TO McNAB" j mtih FUNNHSSI I" M YOU'VE! 4nJk i:\KK SKIN *i 1 PAVILION III) KKI.FASK— > FLASH! STOP PRESS NEWS! A Rollicking, Gay Comedy Hit 7 .1 1( )KR()W at the
      178 words
    • 149 6 i .KOWn^ AT XV.XV PKKFORMANTK I A7.H UNIVERSAL CAPITOL presents Krich Remarque- 43^ torn— p SKQUEL to J^*'*'' Al.l. QUIET lL jgy p A f^"|<f fl 1 with JOHN KIN(i RICHARD CROMWELL <lj SLUM SUMMERVILLE BARBARA READ I LIONEL ATWILL and Iwi v* itiUuSANDS C(?///^ f^r/\ Usual Cinema Prices The
      149 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 162 7 ROXY BAR OPEN TILL Mn\I(;HT! OPENS TO -M i 1 1 T_«. 1 5—5). 1 5 (ill FUNNIEST TRIO Df" mi sdii.iN m i jik SpBBPSEWSHBm MADDISJ MI'SICAI !l\ J'^ ]S^ j A V H(>\\ R^^R^R^R^S^^^^Sii^^fc^^S V ■"•^^■^■^■^■■■R^^HfflßGSHiralH MARX BROS. CROUCHO CHICO HARPO IN 1937 s BIG-TIME MUSICAL COMEDY SUCCESS
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  • 191 8 Inquiry Into Robinson I| y 01 iccideni w\ A arred m Robin tive 8! I vrn an which ai dto have been kill. i JJ r ot car driven b: Bu r ?S e Kj c „■< I. Kennedy, had iel In the Cora court this morning when
    191 words
  • 153 8 "Stalky Co." At London Banquet London. Nov. 11 THE Kiiiuii. ll a banquet of the Kipling Memon v Fund, cxi pleasure to know that representatives m all purls ol the Empire were united m planning a n memorial to Kipling, whose feniui i he aid was a commo.i
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 89 8 Emblem Of Peace Loving i^k £m x__ C_ v Singapore. Friduv. PKRSONAL Wend of Madam Chia« j A Kai Shek. Madam Yanp. w fft;e t hincse dress is an emblem of a peact 1 V n r ho a r C o e ughly enjoyed my two weeks'
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  • 53 8 Manchukuo-German Credit Plan Berlin, Nov 17. A credit agreement between the £enrr;o Bank of Manchnkuo and the German iron and steel firm of Otto Wolf! k ratified oy an exchange of notes between Germany and Manch-ukuo Mnnrbukuo will bo rJven 'redit to b r ,tv-nve million vcn for purchase of
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 315 8 New Pact Likely To Improve World Conditions London, No\ IT is hoped that an effective contribul tion to improvement m world will result from the Anglo-Aim-i trade negotiations. According to American cm Cordell Hull will shortly announci comprehensive list of products to be discussed but at least two
    Reuter  -  315 words
  • 71 8 Self-Sufficiency For Italy Rome. Nov. 18 MUSSOLINI has launched the seco: year of the self-sufficiency camp when he addressed a meeting ol dust rial employers and employees clarLng that Italy must become a se.i contained economic unit. In course of three meetings win. economic advisers the Duce
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 36 8 Bucharest. Nov. lilt is learned unofficially that < Pf Marie has made tis J£ ct °7 M dond to the past 48 hours. The plan o Her to a sanatorium m Vienna nu) abandoned. Reuter
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 109 8 Vessels Arrived Atreus. British. 4,132 tons from Yokohama Ncv. 18, to Glasgow Nov. iv. t Hoegh Merchant. Norwegian, tons, from Karachi Nov. 17, to BatauN Giendale. British. 5.826 JW Antwerp Nov. 18, to Hongkong Nov. Toba, Dutch, 684 tons, from Djamo Nov. 18, to Djambi Nov. 20. Tobali, Dutch, 622
      109 words

  • 1222 9 Film Fir m >to And The Theatre: While Horse Inn: Paul Muni's Port rait Gallery (By Air Mail) From Our Own Correspondent i London, Nov. 5. UNTIL recently, there was a common idea that the cinema and the stage must necessarily be rivals. The cinema yen accused
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 21 9 ANCHOR I Brewed and bottled m Singapore by tl»e AKtHIFtLACiO BKEWLKY CO., LTD. UOL£ AU&NTB: SIME, DARBY CO., LTD. W PR
      21 words
    • 321 9 TRADE BARGAINS FOR SALE 1936 MODEL REFRIGERATORS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES 3V 2 Cubic Feet $210.00 4 240 00 5 280 00 Before you buy any refrigerator be sure to see our 1937 models with 5-year guaranteed sealed units. LEE FLETCHER 102-106, Orchard Road, SINGAPORE. BARGAINS! Read this page ol
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    • 371 9 MOTORS FOR SALE GUARANTEED USt.l> CARS A .selection of 70—80 excellent Used always available m stock. We can recommend the following as real bargains, which are backed by our guarantee and free service: 1935 Model Ford Saloon 10 H P Price $1025; 193.') Modi I Flat Aidita Saloon 16.5 H.P
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  • 318 10 MORNING TRIBUNE Singapore, Saturday, Nov. 20, 1937. ANOTHER QUESTION FOR THE FREE PRESS AUR "childish question calling upon the Editor ol the Singapore Pree Press to state his reason or reasons for not reportIng the performance al the Capitol Theatre on Monday evening In aid of the China War Relief
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  • 878 10 SECOND STAGE OF THE CHINESE REVOLUTION laDDRESSING Government l< >A Central headqu Wanking, IMr Wa Centra ■<: Council ol China the "double tenth" ol IW7, 26th ol National [ndependence Day. was chiefly significant for th< fact thai china has entered the second the National Revolution The .nin oi the Republic
    Planet News  -  878 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 80 10 Passengers By Air o Arrivals on Thursday by the KL M plane Wielewaal:— Mr. Lee Kong Chiaiv from N.E.I. By the Torenvalk:— Mr. E. H ran Veen. Mrs. CM. Nieuwensteed, Mr A E. Hubbard. Mr. H. J. H. Haas. Mr H van Lennep. Departures for the N.E.I, yesterday by the
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  • 283 11 BRITISH PR/SOX REFORMS Substitute For Penal .Manchester. HABITUAL criminals m Great Britain will be sent to labour camps instead of being sentenced to penal servitude if the Prison Reform Bill, coming before Parliament shortly, is made law. Speaking at the Manchester Luncheon Club. Sir Holman Gregory,
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  • 138 11 A Million To Be Used This Winter London. THE London Midland and Scottish Railway expects to use. at least, 1,000.000 ignalj this winter, according to their ■nates. Judging by the amount of fog that has 1 far held up railway services this year will be worse than last
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  • 67 11 Sir Keith Smith Withdraws president of the aviation section of the Centenary Celebrations com<Mr. H. W. Whiddon, M.L.C > said r Sir Keith Smith had reluctantly •Jted that, for business reasons, he 1 not be able to act as a flying m a world- journey to advertise 'Orations.
    67 words
  • Article, Illustration
    94 11 The Royal Scots Greys, famous cavalry regiment who, it has been announced by Mr. LesJi** Hore-Belisha, the War Minister, are to keep their •horses despite genera] mechanisation of the British Army, arc preparing their linmnts at Hiurslow Barracks, near London, for the annual Lord .Mayor's procession though the City of
    Planet News  -  94 words
  • 11 11 1 app< of thi 1 jfloCnii i i S i fron
    11 words
  • 270 11 Success Thames Estuary Black-out London TOE black-out ovei 400 m,u ;u mil< 1 country round the Thames Estuan which wa carried oui recent) the defences ol the area, bai been eminently succe isful The authoriti< pecially pleated ne black oui arrangement more or leu voluntary to
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  • 58 11 llllt)l1 'ii "><■ effort "i m, Wfhhr! Wife <>f Mr B. M W.hbcr J p Dindmg«, a sun of $871.35 w;ls coUected from the district ol Bitkiwan In aid ol 'Ik Poppy Day Fund Lftßt y«-;u Mr> i< s White wa.s responsible for a col lection of $304.50 Mrs. White
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 32 11 THE TRUE TONIC FOOD I Obtolncbh *f tH Chmr*m on* Umrw PHONE Jj3 'A^ GOODWOOD 5Ji4 ML *v^ Telegraphle iHdnii. CHABMDIGLT BITUATID IDFAI. fOS VISITORS ***** TOUBIBTB. 'InrtvaUed Faciitties for P-ir •Htertaim
      32 words

  • 157 12 dear a *eir near Ramsey, H^««J?"*' hrifKrori k it the weir Jkis been specially S£ a^ss: si^isSSr r<(K <>f h hurl ,1 i, i.. j t the ouM.MK- Another study of the fclUffcf salmon. Planet News Italian soldiers photographed In Shaiifihai. France-presse Hugo Sven-Borg, the
    Planet News; France-presse  -  157 words

  • MORNING TRIBUNE Sports Supplement
    • 14 1 MORNING TRIBUNE Sports Supplement No. 21. November 20, 1937. KIUTKF) BY "HERMES" Kver\ Saturday.
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    • 1382 1 rOR the hrst time this season the Singapore State side which will meet Necri 1 and Malacca on the station padnng at Seremoan this afternoon m the Malaya Cup match will be at full strength outside the scrum, and while nobody who saw
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 163 1 TO-DAY'S MATCH AT SEREMBAN TEAMS for the Seremba»i match 1 to-day between Singapore and Negri-Malaeca are as follows. Singapore: A. E Minns G. D. A. Lundon. D. M. Henderson A. P. Craigie and R. A. Elliott; K. A. Haddacks and I. G John; A. R. Anderson, D. M. Walker, H.
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      • 79 1 ELSEWHERE In To-Day's Supplement Ptjfi Settled notrs Servio's Sillni |»ictui»s Negrl shork Bflsnget 1 IVii;ini; nmh\ I Australian tests PleiOll <; and 7 Ptffah ruyby H British hoxini; ranks X IS.S.T. hampion I Tokyo OlMiipn 't ■•eke] puturrs 10 Beekej nc4ea 11 I'ruf to|)i< s I! BMdm noi-s 1 1
        79 words
      • 2287 2 Forwards May Decide The Tin i men wil 1 [iv m wiiu pin Into two m Navy and An POTCC WCD IK)! and they finished Kjem i).,(,m. t, -.1 the louthern section oi tne Cup competition. TEAMS I OK TODAI are Immei on- and
        2,287 words
    • 130 3 Fus. Campbell (K.1.F.) winner of the bantam weights. i. i. liunner Uak«r ol Die K. A., w <► W9M our of the irelterweifhi boxen. Four Irish Boxing Brothers.— Standing (Left to right): L Cpl. \V. McClay.. "S" Co., Sgt. Warr, L Cpl. McClay "C" Co., Front row:
      130 words
    • 282 4 HELD TO SIXTHREI VICTOR)' CVkn to Oiom who have i»n.>w<j Sl sh t, XV mat. a A.-U.HI-O1- had defeated them table NIOBI FOR IHI PWAL ii v whispered In Be»«5" iin^ M m lacca that sportsmen are riven odd* n tii Combined States entering i
      282 words
    • Article, Illustration
      64 4 Tli s.M^por, .UU «l..,h^aslravHlrd^^X l^'^ tlalacca In tin Mmtoya <«P :i I lr h il t v ,r- wo of the pUyen w^^Sl V P. CntifiC (toft) a.ul l> V JohMslon J""^^!!** JJ 1)1ia to travel and others *^J^££S***ri f iu T? the side thn.u., completely out »f jar smj
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    • 34 4 Dress Costs Cricketers A Lot Of Money ADDREBBINO I (<lub the Yorkshire captain, irkshire player would go hi to twel\ ol socks lit pain of flannel m m addition there ww*> the and perhapi
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    • 266 4 Perak In Third All Blues Final MKVKR, before they met Perak last they were certainly unlucky. Fo f* or g: b< 1 to B de Souza. the scrum half. foUowSig line-outs saw last running Haniff Ohows and Ritchie snatch the chances and victory for Perak. To say the least, there
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    • 204 4 Sutcliffe On BradmarTs Weakness HERBERT ButCltffe, the tUMHU t«tl Cricketer thinks Don Bradman X unquestionably the Jin. en In thr world to-daj on good wickets. ■i have een him play on five or mx wickets whu-h were Inclined to be dimcult and I have not en him
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    • 637 4 PENANG'S VICTORY OVER PERAK FLATTERED (By Twelfth Man") by no means at full 'rr e 1 d defeaud thine like the team that had deieaui amlßames In the forwards. PENANG NOT »<>R™ 25-3 U lar as I gff "VftSWU* rjw «eg sffl -n big win w p er Sf b
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    • 129 4 Professional Team May Make Tour ENTHUSIASM over cricket In Canada when the M.C.C. sent a team a month or two ftffO su^ests the possibility of an English professional side visiting Canada. It has been tuggeited that a numbei oi stars who have [lift finished first class careers,
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    • 104 4 What U.S. Golfers HENRY G. Picard. the American H Cup player, who recently won tr Hershey £1.000 open, states that wne the new rule comes into effect on vary 1 that no golfer shall carry mor< than fourteen clubs he will carry m following: driver, brassie, spoon,
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    • 45 4 New Cycling Record By Frenchman MAURICE Aichambaud. the lU cyclist, set Up a new world cycling record for the hour. 45.841 kilometres (apprOX. 28.7 BUJ Velodrome. Milan. The previous record was held nman, Fran/ Slaats, with kilometres <approx. 28 miles 500
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    • 329 5 Only Last Match To Be Extended 1 Renter cable ;i day or two ago an--<»Moum-ed that m spite of the strong agitation m ho-nie cricket circles for the Test matches between England and Australia next season to be extended to five days, to ensure a definite
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    • 83 5 Norway Wants Winter Olympics IF Norway's pending application for the 1940 Winter Olympics is refused, the Norwegian Ski Association has decided to apply for the 1940 world Ski championships. These races are held under the auspicca of the Federation Internationale de •^ki. Norway held the championships m 1930.
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    • 187 5 New Challenge To McAvoy For His Title TOMMY MARTIN, ol Deptford, wants to light Jock McAvoy tor the Rochdale Boxer\ British cruiserweight championship, but cannot because of the "colour bar" Imposed by the British Board of Control. A regulation of the Board si.. -Contestants must be legally Bi subjects, born
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    • 246 5 McAvoy-Lewis Fight Is Off THE proposed fight between McAvoy and John Henry Lewis, the American negro, for Lewis's world cruiserwight championship, is officially off, though there are hopes that Lewis will be induced to accept the terms of tne Wembley management later. His stock has slumped since he
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    • 127 5 Perak In Their Third Final FOR the third time the Perak A. have worked their way to the final of the "All-Blues" Cup competition by beating Stlangor at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday by six points. The local players have been somewhat fortunate m their engagements this season
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    • 66 5 The racing MUM m Singapore ended on Saturday, the final day of the three-day "winter 1 meeting- This picture shows The Warrior, with Mr I uhlan up, bttaf led m after winnitiK the openiiiK race of thr day. The Warrior won the rare (Penai.R Stakes, six
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    • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 141 6 JOHORE DEFEATED IN FIRST CUP MATCH FDGDSGDFGGGF DFGDFSGSDFGSDFG »»^-?^-j^ < !!J^grs t nt w I. ■o. R t.^^«sajda: swsstt 1 tht s I *m r l.oft, Kall.cs Mm *M Mrdk-al C*«» %'SffitfS&!* Ll side defeated Johore by 16 points to three m a game which was notable for the
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    • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 153 8 WOK I SPORTS STARS < OMINC Thank. 1 i enterp isers ol the vai ov\ In ed In the port map of tl dard ol the diffi i -I with keen In B hown bj it which Malayan lo invaders from .cii countrli 01 i;.v enthusia
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    • 197 8 To Meet Schmeling In January Bkn Foord, <>i s.»uth Africa, formei Brltlsli .-lid Empire heavyweight boxing champion, will meet Max Bcnmeling the German, at Hamburg on January :*<> "i the wins two fights belorehaiid Mr Louis Walsh. Poord's manager, ■.aid •Ben will ftght Max at Hamburg on .January
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    • 142 8 LNew Method Of Starling AUTOMATIC release lroni the starting lor racing greyhound! at white city m been brought about by an Invention made by Mi o I B Quincey, the g \< A's chiel engineei An Ingenious device, set Inside the ing covering the miniature railway on winch the
      142 words
    • Article, Illustration
      39 8 \I) Hodskinson, formerly a Negri i u SK er and hockey star, is a eanjUdaU or state hoc-key honours m Singapore this season He .s seen UckUng^an opponent m the state trial match on the S.R.C. ground on Tuesday
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    • 348 8 LITTLEDYKE OUT OF RUGBY IN PERAK FOR TWO MONTHS THE hopes that enthusiasts ol rugby 1 lootball m Perak entertained ea'iy this season about Perak s prospectd m the Malaya Cup competition are .shattered as the result of many unexpected "casualties" among the leadin* representatives »»i the state I:, the
      348 words
    • 102 8 Relieves Monotony Of War News IN spitf ol the enerally and boxiiit' m particular till numy of the columns m the Spanish republican Max Schmelling Hght with Hen Foord, South African, at Hamburg on January 3o aroused much Interest. Foord evidently haa the good wishes ol Spaniards
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    • 69 8 Dutch Woman's 200 Yards Swim MISS JopftC Waalberg, the Dutch Olympic swin: t up a world s record lor women's 200 yards breaft-itrofc Amsterdam with a time ot 2 1 nns 41 4 10 The previous record was 2 mins 42 6 10 tftabttshed by Praulein h Hoelzner,
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    • 147 8 English Team For Sydney IN the single-handed bowls event at the British Empire Games at Sydney m February England will be represented by T. C. Hills (Bellingham), who with G. W. A Wright Southern Railway. Easth». has held the pairs title since 1030 Wright being unable to spare
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    • 33 8 K. S. Duncan, the former Oxford Blue will captain the English team m the British Empire Ci nines at Sydney m February, and will also act as team manage
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    • 165 8 No World Heavyweight Champion! 8.8.8.C OBSTIA 177 THE most Interesting featun list ol championship holdei by the British Boxmu Board i trol is their continued refusal to joe Louis as heavyweight cha of the world. Some months ago they ci recognise the proposed Farr-Schi fight as for the world championship
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    • 241 8 Reinstated Player Who Is Barred One of the rules of the Internatj Tennis Federation bai been discussed a good deal m its bearing a player m the Covered Courts Tournament at Queen's Club. This player was at one tin. short period, a professional, but was reinstated as an
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    • 486 9 VAN DAARTESLAAR'S NEWS of events at the Singapore Swim ming Club rarely finds its way int< the press m these days, and even whei the club championship was swum of rly three weeks ago there was nc notice of the results sent out, althougr the event
      486 words
    • 58 9 But Glamorgan Made A Loss OH LAST season was one of thi rat successful m the history of organ, the financial result wa of £1.300, and greater support is tly needed. effort is to be made to obtain a bigger season ticket membership, m which Glamorgan 1;.
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    • 226 9 Frank Woolley Retires Next Year FRANK Woolley. the meat Rent am England left-hander, will play on more season and then retire from first class cricket. This news is contained m an aiiuouii nement by the Kent County, ('nek. Club, who state that Woolley has ex pressed a
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    • 181 9 No Fights Except In Law Courts TOMMY FARR, the British and British 1 Empire heavyweight champion, was given a great reception m Birmingham by 8,000 people when he sparred three rounds with Gunner Bennett, of London When asked if he had any fights ahead m England, he
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    • 64 9 Leicester Wicket-Keeper Not Re-Engaged PERCY Corrall. who is only 31. and has been the regular Leicestershire wic-ket-keeper since 1932. has not been engaged. Economy is given as the n for the committee's decision An injury kept Corrall out ol the side for several matches (.son and hi.s place was
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    • 106 9 TOES m th inU 1 1 Snooker tournament at the B C C will be playi folio? Monday (22nd): G. Pntclicrt and H. L. Hopkin vs. M. Melville ami John i and W. II grave v.s. o. G. Fugler and RO3 Brown Tuesday i23rd>: P J L and
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    • 323 9 HOLE-IN-ONE GOLFER GETS THE DRINKS IN FUTURE HOLING m one will to cany the penalty of drinks all round at the Camberley Heath Golf Club, where the committee has ruled that the player doing a hole m one shall himself be entertained at the bar by the club, up
      323 words
    • 245 9 Becomes Featherweight Champion Henry Armstrong, the California]] negro, known to his frtendi m '•homicide Henry", became the undisputed featherweight champion of the world when he knocked Petey Sarron out In the sixth round of a L5-round contest at Madison Square Garden Hitherto, each had styled him.seli "world champion",
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    • 41 9 Is 1,000 Break Likely To KENGBLEY Kennerley, ol 1 amateur billiards and nookerl champion, ha nten d ♦•vents, the winner of which wil the :hampion .hip ai In winning the billiards eh ship U 11 r so In pr<
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    • Article, Illustration
      48 9 The Police XV met an S.C.C. "B" side on the padang last week and after an enjoyable game the club emerged victors by II points to three. The Police anticipate avenging the defeat on Dec. 22, uhen the two teams will meet again, also on the padang. I
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    • 53 9 1940 Olym pics To Be Held In Tokyo PICIM I. hit-liihu, lias annoum <<l .il Tok\o that the 19M Olympic(ianus would lie held m Tokyo as scheduled. irrordini; to \\<rn«T Klingeberg, adviser to the organism}; committee of the I*• 10 Olympiad m Tokyo, who was it <rntl\ leceived h\
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    • 91 10 P. F. Kinsey, skipper of the S.C.C. hockey eleven, who is showing good form as a defender. K. Leembruqsen (V.M.C.V >. T. A. D. Hew an (S.C.C.) formerly an English international player, who plays right inside for the Club. J. I. v» daj <r<»its>. G. Ross
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    • 1256 11 Trials Suggest Old Hands Will Survive (By Sticks") ILTHOUGH two hockey trials have already been held In order I t a A representative Singapore side to meet Selangor next Saturday 11f1 of play by the individuals has been surprisingly low as compared to last year
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    • 82 11 A REPRESENTATIVE eleven thai should acquit themselves fatbly against Selangor would be Mows:— O. C. Aeria <S.R.C.» S. Moreira (S.R.C.t G. Scott (Colts* G. Ross (S.R.O G. E. N. Oehlers <S.R.C.» J. D. Hodgkinson iS.C.C.i R. Thoy i Colts i N. Sullivan (S.R.Cj A. M. Valberg (S.R.d
      82 words
    • 122 11 Death Of John Ryan MR. John J nyan. whose death In inland has been announced, was a prominent figure m Rugby football 4o years ano. He and his brother Michael were the stalwarts of the Irish scrummage between 1897 and 1901 John gained 14 caps and Mk.nael 17.
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    • 48 11 Pool To Be Closed Next Week it la announced thai the pool ol the Blngapore Bwlmmlng Club will be dosed r«>r cleaning and repairs to-morrow i evening until Thursday morning. This is thfi tir.sf time the ha.s had to be dosed for more than twelve months
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    • 37 11 I w. Voce, Notttaffnani hire iid bowler, has und operation for the removal <»r a rartl m his 1 -i to tie sat! factory In the match ;.t N and was unable to durl
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    • 64 11 Boxing Executive Retires MEMBERS i I the Singapore Boxinj Hoard of Control said rarewell 01 Wednesday evening to one ol theii oldest members, Mr J <; h Orej better known as "Joi Mr (Ircy ha c connected with both amateur anil professional boxing In Sin
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    • 44 11 After a year.; investigation (he Amen can authorities have decided to recom mend that the negro sprinter, Jesse Owens. DC rrrdltrd with World record for ills time of 10 2sec for the lOC metres, established In Chicago on June 20, 1936
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    • 44 11 As a mark or appreciation of JiLs ions and valuable .service, George Cox. sen has been made an honorary lif«' mem her Of the SUSSei County Cricket Club He Is the second Sussex to be honoured m this way. Tale being the fust
      44 words
    • 38 11 Peter Kane will have tola first Qghl a B b;mt;ini wrinlit against OeOTKta M.i tailic. the French champion, m Belfast (Hi Nov 25. The contest will be over m round* .it 8 it. o lb the bantam limit
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    • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 577 12  -  WINDSOR LAD <IV> TURF TOPICS By Windsor Lad w k U a Buki, r,.-,..«.. all llld icatlon that very <1i Uml future the whole had a good time „,(.XN(i DBOPB DEAD Alter ftnlshing unplaced ta her race, •'The, soon Keng, the wellknown rtlte,
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    • 938 12 Memories Of Singapore King In 1932 r thP creation in 1 J32 of the Singapore Boxing Association governed by these taking the place <>t the somewnwunsuiUble agreementa which used to be entered into between fighters and those responsible for bringing them out. Eveiy boxer who is brought o tnw countrj
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    • Article, Illustration
      178 13 Where less than a year ano Ml marshland, gigantic factories have risen m the Midlands and are now producing at top speed engines, com ponenta and ever, complete aircraft for the Koval Air Force expansion scheme. These "shadow" factories have heen organised among the country's largest motor
      Planet News  -  178 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 60 13 FOR CHRISTMAS YOU WILL FIND ink LASGEBT mi ici ions IN DIAMOND UNGfI BRAf II I IS BSOOCHES, etc. AT Hone lIJ >l AW QUAI im .md \\i t U IK iOIIIOM •< mh ii n<iii(i('iiul iiristin.t i were nevej m en beioi i»<nr Ibe IJ«-^( If K» «"i RENE
        60 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1827 14 Furs and Fabrics for Winter Months at Home -Town and Country Fashions-Bright Colours play an Important part In Clothes to-day HIP hip hurray! we're oil to England to spend Christmas In a cold, cold cllmate and be really wear warm md wooUy clothes, to dress up mi n all
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    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 66 15 A bumper brim m i (ran with two-tone rnMfrmia rihhon to trim. M. (VfOHAME DULFAKIR A <>. iTn Ucra m Town) JUST Kit I r i> JUST RECEIVED! Great m. varietii ol X'maa Birthday cuci.s, Statlonaries, No-.] velties, Malayan X'mas card I ims Letts Diaries, Childn acs, Annual:. Jm Saw
        66 words
      • 182 15 Ta toi his i is simvvixi;* GUIDE ■fr 1L »..j-.u> j.-^- tJ -^-T^r-. 1 r^.,-. a 1 1.1^ 1 Jl \^3^ jEy^J Examined by the most modern methods known to science! R. A. THOMPSON, D.O.S. (Dr. of ocular science) 4, Arcade. Phon e 3002 Consultation without cost or obligation. DRY
        182 words
      • 89 15 HAIR-DRESSER •J. THI < (»MI\F\TU, J A NewlVirp/ccv Permanent Waving Machine from America MAISON PERM S Stamf jrrt Road T«| iwm ~y» l r < i^ > CAMERAS l^atS if 5/L/iL STORE jTi '\i EXCLUSIVE lajjuialial Store 23, lUGH ST. V^^fc/i Milkers SERVI C I A B SATISFACTION TIJ i
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    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 318 16 BY P&Oa'ndBRITISH INDIA.LINES (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) loiinaj:*' SjpaW 1938 CARTHAO I .S.OOO J?M '-vA.MNn, n.o«« M.r. RANCHI l'/.000 Dec. 3 1 1&00 C Jan 2« liilU'lAN 'i-IUO Dec 9 bu rdWAN 6.C70 Feb. 3 RAJPUTANA 17,000 Dec 11 °^}Z „oo Feb. 11 BEHAR 6,000 Dec. 23 GE 15UO() Feb. 25
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      • 445 16 TO FRENCH PORTS Tw HOMEWARDS. j i irnr Marseilles Havre Antwerp Dunkirk Dec. 4 FOKBLn go£ Ke Is' Nantes. St. Nazaire Bordeaux Dec. 10 CAP ST. JACQUES F °*™*£™Hw c Antwerp Dunkirk Jan. 4 c^P^ARAN F Z ESSBfiSStt Nazaire ft Bordeaux Jan. 7 OUTWARDS. (from Marseilles) cap PADARAN Saigon Tourane
        445 words
    • 355 17 JOHORE ESTATE STABBING Chinese Weeder Sent For Trial m Oar Own C -id-nt, Johore Bahrn, Nov it u/on<; Bang, weeding coolie Plangii te, Johore Bahru i to-day committed lo tand tri i the A.^ize by Bhelkh Abu Bakar bin Yahya (Second Magistrate) preliminary enquiry Into a Chai \t Ol causing
      355 words
    • 256 17 King George's Fund For Sailors SPEAKING at a meeting of the council of the King George's Fund for Sailors, held last month, at Trinity House, the Duke of Connaught, chairman, who presided, said the improvement m our oversea trade and the revival m shipbuilding had advanced appreciably, with
      256 words
    • 30 17 Romo, Nov IS Another mass trial before the tribune for defence of the Btat <ri m 23 antl I •mi i t rang one to ten v«ars Reuter
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 292 17 IB 111 V S PHILP LINE. ancorporated m Australia) NEXT SAILINGS Due Sails. MARELLA Nov. 29 Dec. 3 MERKUR Jan. 1 Jan. 4 Special cheap round trip tickets from Singapore to Australia issued at the following rates First Class passengers may transfer at Singapore, Brisbane, Sydney or Melbourne to the
        292 words
      • 128 17 x. l. k. line GENERAL PASSENGERS AGENTS CUNARI) WHITE STAR, LTD. (Incorporated m Japan). To LONDON via Penang, Colombo, \den, Port Said, Marseilles Gibraltar s.s. HAKUSAN MARU Nov. 25 s.s. "HARUNA MARU Dec. 9 s.s. KATORI MARU Dae. 23 Pat's to Irt Class 2nd class Naples S4;>7 $540 $317 Hi
        128 words
    • Page 17 Miscellaneous
      • 303 17 I POSTAL INTELLIGENCE TO-DAY FOR PER DAiE AND TlMfc Japan and Mocao Ranpura 26 10 Tm Hongkong W and Formosa I Ranpura 20 10 1 m nermlly)tl Shanghai x Hoihow Ranpura 20 10 a m tern Canada and Western States of U-S.A. Ranpura 20 10 am .yak (generally 1 Bintulu
        303 words
      • 103 17 SHIPS IN DOCK v EatnaM K\it ssssr \i Flintshire v Malacca [j J> Centaur 11 2 3 Plata Mam 923 Olenogle 7 2 3 Palemo 30 2 3 Hoeyh Merchant 32 2 3 Pangkor 35 2 3 Sil verve v 36 2 3 Sibi^o 38 2 :j Klaii'.: 4<i 4
        103 words
      • 128 17 MAILS EXPECTED Mails from Kurope etc Air (Imperiali Oeners deliver letter 825 a i I d Mails from Penang and Ku, pur by Air (Internal Service), deliver] ol letters 8 'i\> i m to daj Mails from Europe (London p man I c Ivanpura. tune ol oi parci va to
        128 words
    • 1570 18 HIGH COURT \ll Irrebuttable Presumption Miinaporr. I nda\. II nut he thai thfl l«*:inn-«l District 1 JiicJk<', with his wuir experience, »i;is found thai lawyers 1 touts ate general!} not t* be believed on their oalh. though I can hardly accept such proposition as an irrefutable
      1,570 words
    • 382 18 Chairman Reports Good Year Singapore, Friday. THAT conditions during the pasi year were most favourable to the dai-Tekong (Singapore) Rubber E. Ltd was mentioned by Mr. c. A tli; s in the course of his speech a annual general meeting of the con held to-day m the offices
      382 words
    • 41 18 Bonus Dividend Of Ten The 25th annual general meetinf i Wearne Brothers, Ltd., will be held ♦^c company's offices, Orchard Road. Dec. 3. A final dividend of 5 per cent i bonus dividend of 10 per cent be recommended.
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    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 30 18 MORNING TRIBUNE Christmas Supplement m 3 COLOURS In all 56 PAGES* for 5 CENTS fr Out on Dec. 14, Blocks and Printing entirely executed by the Malaya Tribune Press Ltd.
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    • Page 19 Advertisements
      • 44 19 —^del« cl Oc ls yjl V •■> V d^f~jM tmMM^^/^w//////7///ff9rrm-* m m^m^^^^Kk b^bb b^b^ a^ bbbbbbbbbbbbb^^ *$3MMM MB i M M bl^ l^?^^bW ÜBBW b JbW^^bß- I BBBB^^^bT^BI BBBBBBBBBBBBMb^ WiWi M O^L £^^^^^7* BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^^ W^^ W~* f B^^^ BBB^ BB^^^^B^B^ CADBURYS *****11 ll^™""^ BBBBBBBBB» iiBBBBBi
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    • Page 20 Advertisements
      • 172 20 FRASER COMPANY. List Of Current Dividends Singapore, Nov. 19. 5 p.n Total foi Company Dividend B °To Ex Div Ayer Hitam Tin 20-, Int. Nov. 10 Dec 3 Nov 15 Burma Malay 6d. Int. Dec. 11 Dec. 18 Dec if Hon« Patl V, Int. Nov 24 30 Nov 25 Jelebu
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    • Page 20 Miscellaneous
      • 1040 20 iON THE RADIO] BRITISH EMPIRE PROGRAMME (> l)[t p v H(MI gamuel Johnson ramme n^m the birthplac* nr. Johnson m Ui hfleW Presented by i«.^MuiAfliou t.— «.r« P-n« Moi-iv McLan p.m. GSJ 1.1.93 metric rtlJI mr*» ffl {(rlt:i i by Molly de GSfl 13.97 metres (21.47 mc«>;GSG .Australian Soprano'
        1,040 words
      • 556 20 PROGRAMME OF B. M. B. C Singapore Station On 225 Metres I>o,j)^Y By Ernest Johannsen. The B B 12 45 p.m.:-Ll«ht Orchestral Con- Players cert played by Reller's Famous Hun- v Talks on matters rlan Band. Relayed front the Add- J«^ t0 Government servants phi Hotel. Colonial Service. Relayed from
        556 words
    • 89 21  -  Nanyang Siang Pau The Japanese attacked Changahu from routes yesterday but were repulsed. continuing. o thousand tive hundred volunteers have organised themselves into a body rth Shansi to assist the Bth Route "vrmy. which has cut off the Japanese unmunications and recaptured 26 disrhe railway
      89 words
    • 582 21 -Sin chew Jit Poh messages state that bough the Japanese made full use of mechanised forces, they regiM progress between Kansen and Chinyi. Japanese warships have left low (m KwaiiKtang) and Amoy. the situation is less tense, but me c planes launched a raid on Hai- situation m
      582 words
    • 571 21 Well Attended Burial At Bidadari Singapore, Friday. TIIK funeral of the late Mr._Johan--1 n£s Bartholomew (Birch) Wester hout took place at the Biriadari Cemetery this afternoon and uas very largely attended. The Key. I>. X j. Hodge officiated Besides the family and relatives the following
      571 words
    • Page 21 Advertisements
      • 65 21 m^r^ .^^l o^l^^ EfiVjNk S iJ*\ Ilie four Jeat Clover lign ia a uipi ol «ood health beeauM i f itandi V f A for CLOVI<:K BRAND Insist always on CLOVER BRAND MILK. JUtyj- ll^.i^TT t C V 0^ It's pure.... it's delicious. .it'a nourishing. J^^ojO THE CONSlSTtn^^j CLOVER BRAND
        65 words
    • 355 22 Married Woman sSeconA "Marriage" Singapore Frl< I DO not believe the ftCCU 1 observed Mr 'I L. 1 Fifth lien he Imposed a fl $100 on I :i Hokien married an, again; t whom a i ase ol having meo i tioo on Ocl 24, 1936,
      355 words
    • 133 22 Strong Opposition To Discharge Friday STRONG OP WM voiced by Mr. wed B i rt to-day, when Mllt watchman, applied bankruptcyhid lordsh'p led I d ro utworl 12 i. !l J; men. ■at. he y I istant rt on 'h i hankrupi the br.nkru) $575./ 5. which
      133 words
    • 209 22 Japan To Denounce 9-Power Pact? Tokyo. Nov. 19. THE Meirinkal Association of retired Acialfl Ol the civil and fighting services has passed a resolution urging the Government to denounce the NinePower Treaty forthwith. The resolution was handed by General Kunlshlge Tanaka to General Hirota and members of the diplomatic cori;
      209 words
    • 83 22 (Singapore, Friday. AWELLKNOWN member of a tirm of consulting engineers to the Colonial Office In London arrived In Btafmpow by %!<r^'ir^o MHcho..... „n of M(. i coode, Wilson and Mitchell who is here In connection with the tension o! the West whari ol the rapore Harbour Board
      83 words
    • 193 22 Discharge Granted To Two Partners Sin Friday. rTOE affaln of the Slew too steamship 1 unpany were gone into m the Bankruptcy Court to-day, when Slew SS and Tan Boon Check partners m the now insolvent company, applied [or their discharge from bankruptcy •..toir Mr. Justice How.
      193 words
    • 100 22 On Illegal Gratification Charge Singapore, Friday. TAN Seng Hong, a Straits-born Hokien, formerly a clerk and interpreter m the Police Department, was this morning charged m the Criminal District Court with obtaining gratification of $5 cash other than a legal remuneration from one Lim Bak Kee on Oct.
      100 words
    • 134 22 Singapore, Friday. An English-speaking Sikh lance-cor-poral was the victim of an alleged assault this afternoon by about 20 Chinese m the vicinity of United Engineers premises. River Valley Road. The lance-corporal is said to have come upon the men while they were "kicking the shuttle" on the roadside,
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    • 58 22 Mr A C. Brooks to officiate as Senior Assistant Analyst. Singapore, with effect from Oct 30. 1937, inclusive. The Collector of Land Revenue, Penang, to be ex-officio a member of the Drainage and Irrigation Board for the Sett lenient of Penanß Mr C. G. Howell resumed duties of
      58 words
    • 23 22 Mr t. A. E. Barker Lecturer m Natural Sciences, Department of Science and Agriculture, Barbados, has been Appointed European. Master. Malayan Education Department
      23 words
    • 190 22 Support In I louse Lords' Debate London. Nov. 18 THE elimination Of Article Sixteen oJ the League Covenant was suggested from two sides— namely Lord Sank* ■> Government Labour member and I Stonehaven. Conservative -when th bate m the House of Lords was resurm d The
      Reuter  -  190 words
    • 73 22 Appointment Of British Agents London. Nov 17 PROFOUND displeasure" at the British Government's action m appointing agents to nationalist Spain is expressed In a note transmitted by the Spanish Ambassador m London to the Foreign Office The note considers the nction imDliea abandonment of the pohr abstaining from
      Reuter  -  73 words
    • Page 22 Advertisements
      • 31 22 RETURN SCREENING STARTS \l II \MIIK A TO-MORROW at 3.15 j K'^M^Bk^ 1 A v Kvxfe .1 13 I^^LjWJ^K v BF 1 I T^ VW. I In,®- Sb*'"* B^& Ufl f^B
        31 words
      • 43 22 CIGARETTES j FHKK t Nee uur special window display and i off r j E. M. Glover Co j H ft 11, The Arcade. i SINGAPORF. i loiperial "Good Companion" All-British i g=^ liJ1 iJ SOLE AGENTS DUNCAN ROBERTS LTD SINGAPORE -KUALA LUMPUR
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    • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 205 23 I'\GINEERS WIN BY 2-0 Colourless Hockey A I Hong Lim Green Singapore. Friday. YET another hockey defeat was registered against the S.C.R.C. at Hong Lim (ireen when they met the It.E. first string to-day m a match which was at times inclined to be colourless. I
      205 words
    • 259 23 ■Meed For Sports Club In Singapore Singapore, Friday. ■SPEAKING at the conclusion of the Israelight" tennis tournament at ■he V.M C.A. courts yesterday, Mr. David m hall stated that the time had come they felt they needed their own grounds and he invited the co-operation K>: all
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    • 20 23 Ii ontested fame of hockey at rday between the RAM C md St. Joseph's church Brigade scoreless draw.
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    • 309 23 Programme For To-day ENGLISH and Scottish League S matches for to-day are as follows: ENGLISH LEAGUE 1)1 V. 1 Birmingham v W'Hampton w. Charlton A v Arsenal Chelsea v Manchester C. tTiimsby T. v Brentford Leeds U. v Bolton W. Liverpool v Huddersfield T. Middlesbrough v Leicester C.
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    • 255 23 Four Goals Shared At Balestier Singapore, Prld Fiki.dinc; b weak side, the Colta did well to share the honours with the Khalsa Association m a hockey match played on the Association ground to-day, each side scoring few! Play was scrappy throughout and despite playing with ten men
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    • 164 23 Teams For Galloway Trophy Match THE annual rugby football match between the Medical College and Raffles College will be played at the Medical College ground at Sepoy l.nes this afternoon. The Medical College fifteen will be: Ong Swee Law: W. N. Moon 1 R Ebcrt, K. Sivagnanam. Chan
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    • 273 23 Keen Rugby Football (lame \i Tanglin Singapore, Frid TfiK return meeting between the Royal Inniskillins. Fusiliers and the Wh Heavy Brigade H A Changi. at Chai this afternoon wa eagerly looked i >i ward to and at was to be exoected, a last and exciting
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    • 75 23 Singapore, Friday. IN a somewhat one-sided game of hockey at Changi this afternoon, the Royal Corps of Signals Changi. defeated the 4ist Co., Royal Engineers, by two goals to nil The Signal* monopolised the exchanges practically throughout the game and it was only the good play of
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    • 50 23 An extra-ordinary general meetinß of the Singapore Billiards Association will be held at the Straits Chinese Recreation Club. New Bridge Road, on Monday. 22, at 5. 15 p.m. Delegate ol affiliated clubs are requested to attend as very many important matters are to be brought forward for discussion
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    • 18 23 In ;i keenly contested game of hockey ;it Balestier yesterday, the Indian Association defeated the r.a.o.c. by 1-1.
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      • 41 23 1 Gala Screening NEXT WEEK at the CAPITOL j (111 VVIIOIJ IVOKI.D lIMINs ''A&Ufi 4 V I J f Ij^^^H (o sixKHin with mi i iks i t^mktr a fl I BOODAIHBI STAR, A i f A t l'KlN(lss K(HK\ I
        41 words
    • 665 24 A HIGHER STANDARD Interesting Form Revealed Singapore, Friday. THKRK was a definite improvement m the standard of hockey m the Second State Trial this afternoon when the Colours defeated the Whites by three goal* to one. The trial was m order to select a team 10
      665 words
    • 154 24 Thrilling Hockey At Raffles College RAFFLES COLLEGE, playing at home yesterday, were beaten by Fort Canning at hockey by 2-1 m a fast and thrllliiiK same. Early exchanges gave the impression that the Fort were m for defeat, especially as Tallala gave the College the lead with
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    • 166 24 Singapore Inter-Club Fixtures rE following are the fixtures m the Singapore Table Tennis Association inter-club league championship tournament, to be played at the Great World:--Nov. 21: -N.S.L.C.S. vs. C.C.W.A.A.; C Nov 22: %S A B.P. vs.S.C R.C.: J.T.A. vs A B P. "B" Nov 23 C.S LA vs.
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    • 115 24 Open Air Bouts At The Happy World RESULTS of last night's open air boxing at the Happy World: Main Event: Kid Carpentier 7.12 > 2 beat Younp Aman 8.0, on points, six 3minute rounds. Semi- Final: Mohamed Awang 7.6» 4 outpointed Billy Walker 7.7. over six 2minute rounds.
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    • 106 24 Surprising Verdict In Penang Boxing f •> Our Own Reporter) Penang, Nov. 19. IN a thrilling ftpht, Speedy Pancho 7.10, junior flyweight champion of Penang, beat Baby Eagle 8.5-V2 on points over ten rounds m the main event of the boxing at Fun and Frolic to-night. Pancho started
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    • 81 24 Joe Paraiso Outclassed In X.L Boxing F'om Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur. Nov 19 AT the Bukit Bintang Park to-night. In the main event of the boxing promotion, Little Nene beat Joe Paraiso. both 8.12, on points by an overwhelming margin. Throughout the ten rounds of the
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    • 153 24 Chow Tat No Match For Lim Yew Jim CPARKLING tennis was served up m »3 the match between Lim Yew Jim, one time doubles partner to Koh Seng Kir of Java, and Woon Chow Tat of Singapore, m the S.C.R.C. tournament yesterd Yew Jim showed fine form, winning
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    • 259 24 Yesterday's Hockey 1 LBalestier Singapore. Frida) TAKING the field without the servii- of Muthucumaru and Thillainathat. the Ceylon Sports Club gained a victor. over the Anglo Chinese School by 2 at an interesting game of hockey at Balestier this afternoon. The schoolboys dominated the
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    • Page 24 Advertisements