Morning Tribune, 5 November 1937

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Morning Tribune
  • 15 1 THE MORNING TRIBUNE OL 2.— No. 236. SINGAPORE, FRIDA V, November 5, 1937. FIVE CENI
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  • 126 1 COMMITTEE SET Renewed Invitation To IN unofficial informal meeting of the Nine-Power nference delegates, including Russia but not a, is at present discussing the question of send ai invitation to Japan to contact the conference a view to acquainting it with what conditions >anese would lay
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 75 1 Manchukuo Premier) T~\ 1 Tokyo. Nov. 4. lorted from Hsinking that on ecasion of the signing of the nchoukuo treaty, abolishing xtrality m the Manchoukou. tier, Mr Chang Ching Hui. m tatement, among other things the present occasion, the imrrnment of the Manrhoukuo (i to abolish extraterrltoriaJ
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 121 1 »m Looking Forward To His Visit London. Nov. 4. 'HN SIMON, at the Anglo-Bel-n Union annual dinner m cele- i ol the thirty-sixth birthday of ting of the Belgians, said the bonds I hip and mutual understand- < Ich bound Belgium and Britain so together wt "d deep
    British Official Wireless  -  121 words
  • 197 1 THE Federation of Labour, which is affiliated to the American Federation of Labour, has unanimously adopted a resolution "condemning" the Duke of Windsor for coming to America with M. Bedaux. originator of the speed-up system for factories, as guide The resolution referred to
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  • Article, Illustration
    47 1 After battling exhaustion ant. rales mi her l.i^t gruelling lap, .lean Batten, the Ne« Zealand landed I Miipne, Kent, to break the \ustrulia England record by 14 hours. Dor photo shows Jean holding her bosquets, wavitu. to the crowd ;i^ she drove a\\;i\ from Crovdon. Planet News
    Planet News  -  47 words
  • 68 1 Japanese Closing On Peipinn. Nov. 4 TAIYUANFU ks closely beset, by the rcf An advance guard <tt cavalry claims to have reached Taan 12 miles <ast o| the City, while the mam bodie are encountering on) lodic opposition They passed Anlochen and Sungta and fe« miles
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 57 1 London, Nov. 4. AN aiiiiourK niKMil issued from York House but tdght staled (Mat the Duchess of (ilourester underwent v «sienla> minor operation, necessitated by a remit miscarriage. One month's rest will be necessary. The health of Her Royal Highness is §M& No more
    British Official Wireless  -  57 words
  • 227 1 Time On The Side Oj London, No* 4. mi IE Mancheitei Guardian, observing J. that ni) Internationa] conferenc< opened with such dove-like cooinga as tne Nine-Power Conference, conaidl likely that the Immediate outcom the conference will by that china and Japan will agree to begin peace
    Reuter  -  227 words
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  • 300 2 HIGHWAY FOR THE WORLD Malta Defences Taken In Hand London, Nov. 1. A DEBATE m the House of Lords last night called attention to the British interests m the Mediterranean. Replying for the Government, the Marquess of Duffenn. Under-SerrHary for the < olonies, said the Mediterranean polity
    British Official Wireless  -  300 words
  • 32 2 New York, Nov 4. The output of American steel mills this week will be reduced to 48 \wx c?nl of their capacity compared with !U per cent last week--Reu^r WlltlMft
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  • 187 2 Suspected Robbery And m Our Ou Repm No\ I What i., believed to be a case of robbery and murder is reported from Ifantln, ten mllea away from Seremban on the Kuala Lumpur Road i. relay morning the police there received information to the effect that a Chinese
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  • 55 2 Due In Singapore On Sunday Singapore, Thursday. HE. the Governor and High Commissioner. Sir Shenton Thomas, who is at present m Kuala Lumpur, will stay there a day longer than was originally Intended, returning to Singapore by the night mail train leaving Kuala Lumpur on Saturday and arriving
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  • 114 2 A charity bazaar, organized by the Pooctiow congregation of St. Peter's Church will be held to-morrow at St. Andrews School Hall. This is the first time that the Foochow congregation has organized a charity bazaar. The entire proceeds will be devoted to charitable purposes, the Chief of which
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  • 104 2 Interviewed By Tribune In Penang m Our own Reporter) Penang. Nov. 4 I -rpiii: British Navy, is anxious to see 1 our rights m Treaty ports observed and are doing all we can to see that done said Rear-Admiral Reginald Holt. D.b.o m an interview to-day when he
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  • 116 2 Chinese Regain Half The A CHINESE official despatch from Shanghai dated Nov. 3 states:— "One thousand Japanese soldiers crossed the south bank of the Soochow Creek to the Tingtou village. After a fierce attack, the Chinese troops gained half the village The Chinese troops also attacked yesterday afternoon
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  • 162 2 Modified Plan Under j Consideration Shanghai. Nov. 4. IN reference to the neutral zone plan it is learned that the larger scheme has fallen through and is replaced by a much less ambitious plan involving only the inclusion within the French defencn sector of a small strip comprising
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 30 2 The crew of the British trawler Night Watch have arrived at Vardo m another British trawler. The Night Watch went ashore on the Kola Peninsula and had to be abandoned.
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  • 40 2 Torrential rain caused the River Sai■OO m the Basses Pyrenees to overflow recently, and do much damage to the villages and bridges on its course. Many roads were impassable, and the villages of Larreu and Haux were completely cut off.
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  • 160 2 K. L. CAR CRASH SEQUEL j SI B,OOO Awarded To Dead Mans Son 'From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 4 DEPENDANTS are entitled to be pu; as far as possible m the same position as they would have been m if tht bread winner had not been killed, bur
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  • 156 2 Production In Singapore Next Month THE first performance of 'The Pirate* of Penzance. produced by the Singapore Amateur Dramatic Committee, will take place on Thursday, Dec. 2 Succeeding performances will be giver, on Saturday Dec 4. and Tuesday Thursday, and Saturday. Dec. 7th, 9th and 11th
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  • 61 2 Arrests Follow Brazilian Train Wreck Rio de Janeiro. Nov. 3 UfANY arrests have been made m connection with a train collision yesterday at Meequita m which seven were killed and 70 injured An investigation aroused the suspicion that tfte wreck was a communist plot, as mosi >A the
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 105 2 Singapore, Thursday CHOA Lav Ban, a Chinese lorry, driver was sentenced to four months' imprisonment and a fine of $100 or thre»> more months m default, by Mr. H. a Forrer m the District Court to-day, m connection with the Macpherson Roaa mishap when the lorry he
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 39 2 *AS AHf'BEER'Ind ~SUN 'STOUf| ■sTßik^ H POPULAR S i |^ypj REFRESHING Still the best and the I Cheapest m the market. s S SOLE IMPORTERS: j MITSUI IMSSW KAISIIA LTD.! S X.P.M. CTiWiirf No 1 FIMAV^ON GREEN. SINGAPORE. S
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    • 75 2 Men Made Young Vigour Increased In 24 Hours If you ff«l old before your time, and unal«l«< to «rij<>> the i>i< isimw of youth, tak»> Dr. Nixon's Vi-Tabn and jrour Manhood, Vitality ;ind Rnertfy. BiK r.. suits In 24 hours. Dr. Nixon's Vi-T 1 new dtoCOTOry Htid XV ant»t'd
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  • 133 3 na I l(is Faith hi Brussels vm Our Own Reporter) Penang, Nov. 4. rv lp Tyau, special representative U the China foreign office, before for Singapore en route to China m an interview said "China as a Is placing i^reat reliance and i the results of
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  • 146 3 V. S. Association Seeks Information meeting of the commi A ol the Straits Settlements (SlngaLssociatton it was decided to] the Colonial Seertslur information ling tin outbreak ol rabies In Singapore. information requested was a* lollOY. 1 The date of the importation dog winch introduced the di
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  • 151 3 mmons Appeal For 4/ entation London, Nov. 3. m HER in 1 upply of leal ne( to China m view heavy casualties among Chinese na by Japanese bombardments oi ities was suggested by Mr. Gal'aa question time m the Commons ay. Cranborne for the Government the
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 100 3 Palest me Police Station Jerusalem, Mov 4 REINFORCEMENTS are understood to be on the way to Beisan, m northern Palestine, where an armed Arab gang stormed the police station, firing 100 shots during half an hour. A bomb was also thrown, but there was no damage, and no
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 110 3 Negotiations W ith IT is understood that reports concerning an agreement between the British ?a\<\ General Franco's Governments embodying an Interchange of -'agents" to undertake consular and diplomatic work •unded m fartNegotiations at this vnd are optimistically regarded here. Whii" official confirmation Is lacking m Lonoon the
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 115 3 Returning Popularity Of Cold London, Nov. 4. rpHE returning popularity ol gold as A the world's best security was forcibly portrayed by to-day's London fixing. when buyers paid a premium of 9d. ever American shipping parity, which is the highest figure since the stampede to pold after the
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 81 3 Being Built In Britain For Argentine London. NOV 4 A the CammeU Laird shipbuilding yards at Birkenhead yesterday, I Cruz, one of ieven torpedo-boat destroyers now under const ruction m country for the Argentine Navy. launched lie Santa Cruz is 323 feet long has a maximum beam of
    British Official Wireless  -  81 words
  • 32 3 Dr Lewald, the German representative on the International Olympic Committee has resii ned on account <»i his \w has received a letter <<i thanks from Herr Hitler for his services U>< spoi
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  • 198 3 Smart Work By SMB. A SERIES <)i thefts involving the perty ol ship's officers, whilst the ere berthed alongside 'he Singapore Harbour Board wharves, on rious dates m September and October brought io the notice ol the Po Invi >t i| ati< ms were Immi i i"d
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  • 40 3 Shortly before eleven j terda; morn Ing a ricksha puller was have collapsed on the landing to th< or Ocean Building. llr was picked up uncoil.- cious died m tin- ambulance on th< 1 wav to hospital.
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  • 39 3 Captain I v von LaU Returns Bonne vllle, N At lay, Ca] ton brok< the twelve hoi;: with a m p h Captain < > 1 d the 3,000 kiUuii. I O0 kilometres and one mile recon Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
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    • 39 3 The Acting Chief Justice at MaiAssizes. Before Mr. Justice Howes m the 2nd 1 Before Mr. Justice Home at 11 am Summonses-in -Chambers and Originating Summonses. Before the Ag. Registrar at 10 30 am Fixing list of civil cases
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    • 217 3 Isi^j*^ yl I Com p i#t SILVIKRIN PRODUCTS. Pure Silvikrin Hair Tonic Lotion Concentrated Liquid Shampoo Powder Sh Bolidifled Biilllantli Bilvillx Hair Cream Bwael oil *'i Almonds. MADK IN ENGLAND, Sole Distributor KUIAMIN PENHAS, Singapore. MUAR NAN V\N(i HOTEL \(.lMs Express Service .*> times «l;iil>. 1. iiai CHEW HOTEL, 35,
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    • 75 4 ,2nd Forward, Dec. Beers' ft ft (3rd Forward. Jan.l Mar. Buyers. 7;, 7*lB M AprUlJv Buyer 7. London. Nov 4 PALM OIL (Malaya) Previous Change En bulk Nov.|Dec. Bhipt £18 15 0 v.Uur Unchan COPRA (Straits, F.M.S.) Nov. Shipment. 15 0 Si £14.12 6 Value HAGO FLOUR (Sarawak)
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    • 122 4 London N Previous To-day Distillers 1073 1066 -9d Dunlop Rubber 3310» m 33 6 ---4» 2 d General Electric 791% 78 7 1 (id Imperial Chemical Industrie* 3610', 36 10 imperial Tobacco 152 6 154 4', 10 Anglo-Dutch 313 61 3d Canadian Pacific 8% B>4 London Tin
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    • 57 4 IM RRrR New York, Nov. 3. it I DDtK Previous To-day Change Tone E^y Quiet t e Buyers 15 316 1413.16 i>pol Sellers 15 516 14 15 16 —3 8 Jan /Mar. iccic 1/1- riP Buyers 15 5 16 14 a —7 16 SeUers 15 7 16
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    • 73 4 „do,, Nov 4. Previous To-( Change T on Paris (closing middle rate) 147 15 147.13 —.02 XT on Amsterdam (closing middle rate) 8.97 15 1m 9.00 716 +1% TT! on Shanghai (closing selling rate) Is 25 16 Unchanged T.T. on Hongkong (closing selling rate) Is 31 16 Unchanged
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    • 9 4 »pot (afternoon closing price) gOl £198% 3J.»
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    • 9 4 r> £7 0 7 £7 0.6'-> *2
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    • 226 4 Messrs. Fraser Co/s Report Singapore, Tharsdajr. MINING. Tin m\di\A\ was on anehanftA dltions on the London Bl Change were dull and lcalu.. terdav and tin. combined with a iurther heavy fall In stocks on Wail Streei overnight, hud a very uni;iv..u.- ;i i». efleel on our local market
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 13 4 SOUTH II KIT IS II INSIKAM I O>II»ANY, LTD. loss Of Profite Insuranre >■
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    • 36 4 THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LTD. (Established m 1880) Capital Subscribed (Fully paid up> V 100,000,000 Reserve Fund 134,400,000.00 t Office: Yokohama SINGAPORE CHAMBERS. BS PLAQE. M.« T YAMAMOTO. Room. r >o'2l. ral Office. 6472 Compradore's Desk.
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    • 158 4 BANK OF CHINA I (Incorporated m China by Spedal Charter). TELEPHONES: Manager's Office 6444 Exchange Dept. *>441 General Office 5188-9 Cable Address; "CHUNGKUO" PAID UP CAPITAL Ch. 40,000,***** I RESERVE FUNDS IN EXCESS OF Ch 5 J^^i TOTAL ASSETS APPROXIMATELY Ch. $1,800,000,000 00 HEAD OFFICE; SHANGHAI Tse-Vung Soong Chairman of
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  • 800 5 STOCKS SHARES Issued By Fraser Company MINING Singapore, Nov. 4, 5 p.m. Buyers Sellers Kumbang 30 31 6 Malay 50 55 -nom. Hitam 29i- 30 Weng 0.92i,2 0.97* 2 "langor 1.62 2 1.67*2 Bur ta Malay 29- 30 eriang 20- 21|Tin 0.37 2 0.41 /2 xd Fatt 1.07 1.11 Kong
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  • 169 5 LYALL EVATT'S QUOTATIONS Singapore. Thursday. Batu Selangor 1.67 1.72 Hongkong Tin 29- 30Hong Fatt 1.08 1.15 Jelebu 0.82 0.87 K. Laniut 22- 23 Kamunting Tin 10 9 11 9xd Katu 23 24 6 Killinghall 22- 231London Tin 4 4 6 Mambau 0.70 0.75 Pangnga River 8 6 Puchong 25 Pungah
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  • 53 5 w oecr o Singapore, Thursday. Messrs. S. E. Levy and Co., Singapore cIV d M Ca^ led neWS from Manila giving the following prices Last Bale Prices Previous To-daj Antamok ogg o.v/' Banquet Consolidated g 9.90 Consolidated Mines 0.018 001:; l XL 0.59 San Mauriclo 1
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  • 214 5 Singapore municipality fenang municipal 1901 red. 1040 $400,000 Int Mar. 31 Sept. 30 102 104 norn 1907 red. 1947 $1,600,000 Int. Mar. 31 Sept. 30 108 no norn 1909 red. 1955 $1,000,000 Int. Mar. 31. Sept. 30 113 115 norn 1913 red. 1963 $2,000,000 Mar. 31 Sept.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 69 5 Property Sale The following Singapore, properties were sold yesterday in the sale room of Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng and Co., Ltd., by public auction: 999 years leasehold land and house known as 29, Mayo Street, 771 sq. ft., for $2,700, to Che Shaik Awath Baobid. 99 years leasehold land and
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  • 138 6 Commemorating Trafalgar Loi THERE were several tributes fi Empire to Nelson at the Con ration of Trafalgar Day. The centre of the Commemor .was at Nelson's Column m Tn Square. Around the plinth oi column were wreaths from the mcni and people of India, the G' ment of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 276 6 ■fr -^JJ^ A The Wh* Twm'«? 1^ X I TO-NIGHT at the I'APITOL RONAIDCOLMAN 4 I^Vttj Anlhoi.v Hope*! linious St<»i% I "The PRISONER of ZENDA" /\f\ > With MADELEINE CARROLL MARX ASTOR DAVID .J-^^hAJL*, „3, i j NIVEN RAYMOND MASSE V < AUBREX SMITH ,jg ,^Sg^^yti and -u'C I as
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    • 146 6 I EDWARD EVERETT HORTON'S j j FUNNIEST COMEDY I j COME AND ENJOY PARAMOUNT'S j LAUGH SHOW! THIS IS JUST Till PROGRAMMI FOR YOUR WEEK-END ENTERTAINMENT! j i^^ t0..m«,,t N tddie holds the purse -strinjjs, and N I^!^.^^^" paper till he decides to try his hand S .'V 4 at
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  • Article, Illustration
    6 7 I sr3^mvj» scr zztjkz ks ssa
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    • 204 7 -^r jjT STIRRING DRAMA OF ADVENTURE— i Ml ,u<> LOVERS ARE THROWN mm.i mi i: mi I 1 4fe 4 t I I <»F REVOLUTION I I MARLENE DIETRICH j I ROBERT DONAT j m their most thrilling roles "KNIGHT WITHOUT j ARMOUR"! London Film I > i Week-end Matinees—
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    • 157 7 f IF HOSPITAL WALLS COULD TALK These Are the $ecrefs They Would Tell! Drama unforgettable storms from the screen! LIARN why doctors' wives are jealous of their husbands few. S women patients' Sll guarded secrets of the'Vards" 1 fcv l THRILL to a great hospital when it mobilizes for a
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  • 326 8 DISTRICT DUMPsm TO BE SET I i I OnlySliolii Pricelncn a* During A Crist] I (By Air Mail) 'From Our Own Correspontii London, Oct. 2 I FULL explanation of the National Food Storage plan is to lw issued by its sponsors, the Empire .Movement, shortly. Evidence
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  • 172 8 lon H .kvv cai foi Bi der hin m construe announced by the National Hincil ()l p, d Social -m ol tl Natloi upporl For which Is to be Parliann ntar titu m Britain the whole farming a naIde tnovemenl and culminaifni B national d< I i»i'»m
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  • 60 8 (inioa. Italian ashermen hate hauled up a under aeroplane engine m their Ofl the Island of Tino m the Gulf ioa It is thought that the engine may be thai belonging to the British air liner. "City or Rome which was lost off Tino on
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  • Article, Illustration
    16 8 11,,- eax to London for the Dmln sh 11 ""^...'.'.'"Xms a lural Hall. Planet News
    Planet News  -  16 words
  • 577 8 \ll Finns In New AN ambitious scheme for the rehabilitation of the Lancashire cotton industry has been approved by the Joint Committee ol Cotton Trade Organisation* here. It embraces all firms m the Industr; The scheme, which will be submitted to the trade for consideration, proposed that
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  • 106 8 Be! 1 A HUGE bear, lying apparently m the middle of the road. consternation at Pazaritch. Sara district, at present, pla by bears. The peasant, who discovered it. ru off to call his friends, as bears have b< causing great damage, by atl j sheep and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 54 8 W m f^JFffER FOOD\ B—^ \Jww C f\ Vl:' And isn't that what we ,11 wish for? You arc ■H|||HH|| well advised to install a H.M.V. Refrigerator \W/ for greatd economy. I I Ay WITH THE "SILENT CIRCULATOR" > A<.INTB:— L S. MOUTRIE CO., LTD. RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. 18. BISHOP
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  • 792 9 DOCTRINE OF THE HAVE-NOTS" Britain Musi Hold Her Legacy London. Ii must be remembered that we l,ave— if we remain undefended fattest spoil and plunder for M hungry have-not nations," said M, Winston Churchill at the annual dinner of the Navy League m Union. There
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  • 151 9 TELEVISION BY WIRE P.O. Chief Engineer's SIR George Lee. engineer-in-chief of the G P 0., has suggested that television programmes could b e distributed by wire to subscribers, thus making home reception as widespread as sound reception. The .suggestion was made In nls Presldential address to the Institution of Elec
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 9 Perched on the ru SS ed peak of. the Sphinx m«ntaln JJS&S^S^SST iSTV/^ VSJE* «!!u> £m&' Planet News
    Planet News  -  18 words
  • 96 9 Repeats Message And Rings Off New York. A ••talking slate' which answers telephone calls when the owner is away, nas just been perfected by a telephone company here alter years ol research It work on the same principle as the gramophone record. The slate is a composition of
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  • 100 9 Men In America Learn To Sew New Yolk AMERICA Ifl t<> open her first scwiniz h school lor men. Mrs Ruth Wmnek. a d aking expert who is to inn it. declared In an Interview "The school ha a definite place m the scheme ol life
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  • 73 9 Second Fruit Crop nASPBEKHIKS and cherries m the DTOI\ vmcf o! Poznania. Poland are not only flowering i Mcond time but are Qivinn a second crop «i fruli This exceptional exuberance la attributed to the louk not Summer followed by th<* traditional "Golden Autumn." In other parts
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  • 131 9 And He Married The Original I EKiHTKKN months 3fO Mr. John Wooif 24-year-old wn and hrir oj wealthy Mr Charles m Wooit. ex-Joint managing director ol Gaumont-Bnusn Pilma -saw an advertiaement Dhotograph m a newspaper ol beautifii goldenhaired till smokinß a clgarett He has
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  • 125 9 Annette Is "Ruthlessly Experimental" urlu Drivinu nails into plank- li part "f the pre-klr ten education 1 now being adopted tor the famous Dionne quintuplet! here ta and teacher i ol modern education ay H will contril parl m the proper development ol tl At tnre< and
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  • 300 10 MORNING TRIBUNE Singapore: Friday, Nov. 5, 1937. THE TIN PRICK '■MIX maintenance oi healthy i rade condii ions m Malaya is trapped up m t hi itudea i and iliict ual ion of rubber and •m prices thai an\ letback such aa has occurred m the metal market during the
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  • 1082 10 Ai f w >11 cmc ol Hoiiywotifi bo I picture had a million i [f on< remembci rightly, tb i HOr 1 was one million dollar pk md when the talkie with ;m> the order, a million dollars vu a me LI tip! million dollar* have b
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  • Article, Illustration
    119 10 Liter towing lot nearly ..HO miles UM Spanish motor trawler HUM which she found m difficulties m the Bay <.| Bim-;i\. the British steamer Ktnh authored m Walton Bay m the Bristol Channel romantic story has now COMIC to light rhlrteen GoTernment refugees from Franco found themselves at a fishing
    Topical Press  -  119 words
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  • 460 11 GERMANY'S GREA TEST WAR- TIME SPY NOW IN MENTAL HOSPITAL How She "Fished" Information About Tanks (By Air Mail) From Our Own Correspoddent > London, Oct. 22. IN a great house amid the mountains of Southern Germany, a -in. m who was once beautiful, is liting for her lover. She
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  • 70 11 rtage Of Rubber Leads To Discovery Berlin. A OCELAIN cable has been laid m c mrse of the construction oi pal building m Selb, Bavaria, •lain insulation was used to rerubber which has become scarce In my owing to import difficulties. ltctric wires are inside procelain which have
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  • Article, Illustration
    69 11 Despite the fog which made the early morning far from pleasant. Members of Parliament arrived early at the House of Commons for the re assembly of Parliament. The King opened Parliament on Oct. 'Hi. Photo shows early members at the House of Commons. Left to right Commander R. T. Bower
    Planet News  -  69 words
  • 85 11 New Device Perfected To Prevent Them Atlanta. Georgia. ANEW device, called a "dangermeter." will, m future, protect American forests from the danger of fire. The "dangermeter" consists of a series of weights, counter-balanced by .sections of thin wood which are sensitive to atmospheric conditions. The technical name for
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  • 97 11 Cambridge's Oldest College Damaged Cambridge ROOMS m Peterhouae, the oldest Can, bridge college, have been damaged by fire. The outbreak occurred m the middh of the night m a sitting-room shared bj two undergraduates, who woke couching because m the smoke coming Iron: the next room. One of
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  • 175 11 Box Scout Movement And Religion Durham. THE Dean of Durham (Dr. C A AlnmUrn, former headmaster ol Eton), speaking at a meeting hero m connection with the Boys 1 Brigade, deplored the fact that the Boy Scouts' Association was founded on a non-religious basis "I do not want
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  • 319 11 Contemporary Work To Be Judged London, A GREAT .-rut m London musical life m 1918 will i><- the festival ol the International society for Oontempora Music, to be Ijffld here In June The society, now In its ISth meets annually In a different country. When, at the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 32 11 THE TRUE TONIC FOOD fj^i I^Mfl B* ff JyWP jIIB rIIo c JiJ ~A^\ goodwood f Mk Tclejfraphle CHAftMDIGLT SITUATED IDEAL tOX VISITORS ifltf rOUBIST& '.nrtvalled FacUttiet for P-\r<- entertain v>
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  • 282 12 The Royal Stots Gnyi Irft Aldrrshot (HampihilT) barracks to take up their new quarters at Hounslow. Middlesex. With the departure of the Greys there i^ not a cavalry bone no* hit al Aldershot. Photo shows the Royal Scots (Jreys parading at Aldcrshot for the last time
    Topical Press; Planet News  -  282 words

  • 1271 14 MENUS FOR THE WEEK <u;\\(.i SOUP cupful nice :upful ol poonful <>i lemon mice On( tablespoonful ol arrowroot A quarter cupful ">i cold water Strain the orange mice, then put into i pan with the sugar 11 mil!' nil th( i hen add the lemon mice Diiut< rowrool with the
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 307 14 Pineapple WMhM Tomato Juice <-rapefruit Halves M\l Kidney and Baton Rolll Chicken Pfc -erole of Pigeons Scotch Seed Loaf Toasi n-u Potatoes Spinach (,!a/ed Carrots (reamed Potatoes III! 41* Jam Marmalade fruit Salad and Cream Hollandaise Sauce Tea i off*? i. uits Radishes and Cheese I aster Sponge with Whipped
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 261 15 A TOURISTS SHOPPING! CAMERAS AND FILMS I H> 1 I 11 SILK STORE si i.k siohi: AB or Ili^ll IU |Hil;ilion Tajjmailiail Slor4 h 23 High St., Tel. 384' J. HAIR-DRESSER fie waved by S i TOE CONTINENTAL i A New Wire/ess Permanent Waving Machine i from America MAISON PERM
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 394 16 BKI'I INH M Tjuii^ "~^l BY PaOand BRITISH INDIA LINES BJ 6,000 No\ CARTHAGI 15,000 Jan. 14 I,'A.JPUTANA 17.001) Nov SOMALI I 6.800 Jan 14 n DAN no l!i (OMOKIN 15,000 Jan. 28 I.'ANPUKA 17,000 1!) KAISAR I HIND 11,500 Feb. 11 RAWALPINDI 17.000 Dec BANGALORE 100 Feb. 12 CO
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    • 452 16 j fes» TO FRENCH PORTS V AriT N p 01 Marseilles, Havre. Antwerp Dunkirk Nov. 9 CAP TOURANE For Marseilles, Nantes, St. Nazaire Bordeaux Nov. n fhrrin For Marseilles, Havre Antwerp Dunkirk Dec. 4 CAP ST JACQUES For Marseilles, Nantes, St. Nazaire Bordeaux Dec. 10 OUTWARDS. I (from Marseilles) /«A
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    • 89 16 CHINA/JAPAH f.IN* Big cargo vessels with limited bot comfortable passenger modatioD m.s. CHILE for Manila, Hongkong. Yokohama. Kobe, Osaka Dalny Nov. 28 m.s. JAVA for Jaffa, Haifa, Rotterdam. Hamburg, Copenhagen Nov. 15 Fares: To Rotterdam £54 To Manila Roundtrip, B'pore China Japan and back (abt. 7 weeks) 1281 For further
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  • 846 17 Supporter Of Hit Ship \do pi ion Society roNTiNUiNc; Hheir mi shipping companies whl< h i operate so successfully with schools all over the country, through the British ship Adoption Society, to bit i -am. c ■<» the i sing ixth arti( a "The .Journal oi Commerc
    846 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 246 17 iirit.xs philp lim:. Incorporated In Australia) NEXT SAILINGS Due Sails. -MERKUR 2y Dec. 3 'Hmlfmt?s r l :d triP tickct s from BtogaPore J toAuitralla issued "at" the' ■o^nSs gsr-* Brisbane sydney or ?«Hi™rfn? DMEY return Ist class 1W.71 2nd class LUUIhvNI return 5t01.48 Ist th, b45G.4i 2nd class THE
      246 words
    • 123 17 it. u \i; GENERAL PASSENGERS AGENTS CUNARD WHITE STAR, LTD. (Incorporated m Japan). To LONDON via IVnanjf, Colombo, Aden, Tort Said, Marseilles Gibraltar. M.s. TKRUKUNI MARU Nov 10 lIAKUSAN MARU No-. HARUNA MARU Ratea to Ist Class 2nd class Naples $497 $540 $317 He $.343 Marseilles .11 557 326 351
      123 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 362 17 mM 'm* ii POSTAL INTELLIGENCE j TO-DAY and Italy 'Parcel, only) M. v. St. Aldegonde Nov. 5 8 T a^rn ipe: Great Britain and OP* generally U v. St. Aldegonde 5 J8.30 a.m. M. v. St. Aldegonde 5 8 30 am fJS* Aik Soon 5 9 am AramLs 11 a
      362 words
    • 110 17 SHIPS IN DOCK i Eatraaes i \n BWp i ,u(i„un A tv Gats Opten Noort i i Anking 20 Carthage is 2 3 Rajputana 3 Bendoran Aramis -j Kamuning hi 2 Glenfinlas Gorgon 3 Corneville 34 2 Chinese Prince 36 2 3 Soerabaya 2 3 Salavvat 1 46 4 3
      110 words

  • 769 18 F<r,\ \n Mall) i tpondtni London Oct id and Australia D re offer ""'I; records m fti throu the leading competitor the £50 offered by a Sydney newspaper was 8 .i McCabe who scored 100 0 minutes f123 In W minutesj foi North Sydney, his new club
    769 words
  • 929 18 Messrs Fraser 6 Co.s Shan- Market l\ t pOil tn their weekly report on the iharel market, Messrs Frasei and CO state. It would be Idle to pretend that the writing ol I share report on the inconsequent vagaric ol markets during the p.i t week
    929 words
  • 195 18 Dr. Leslie Works For The Ideals Buddhism Colon/ DX Ernest Leslie, LI.D. aged 52, foi ly a |udge m Rumania who h> a British subject m Australia, has now been ordained a Buddhist priest m lon He will be known henceforth as Nyanatissa. "Dr.
    195 words
  • 206 18 Cost Filipino Government £50 A Month Mai FIVE penniless Russians, who shipwrecked on the North-West coasi of Luzon Island here three months auo are costing the Filipino taxpayers £50 a month lor their keep. y The Government la trying; to pet rid oi its unwelcome "guests" but there
    206 words
  • 79 18 America Now Swept By New Slang Phrase •By Air Mail* (From Our Oun Correspondent, London. Oet 22 "DITCHING a woo." You (font under stand? The Daily Express New York Mall reporter cabled recently: T f you're smart you no longer tn about petting or necking ii >'<"
    79 words

  • 742 19 IS RISING STILL HIGHER icws Of Railway j I i T rising tide of Canadian prosperity which has been visible for some time is unlikely to recede m the near future. In spite of a rather irregular grain crop, the partial failure will be more
    Planet News  -  742 words
  • 102 19 Mary Pickford's Warning Indian i i "IJOLLYWOOD is a racket Ipirkiord warned amateur to a theatrical r. her* at home i! you are Intel actin Miss Pickford, whom Hollywood made fame the world's sweetheaj days of silent Alms, came here with her husband, Mr Buddy Rogers
    102 words
  • 118 19 Discovery Of Soviet Scientist DROFEBSOR Mlkitin ol the Lcnli obtain hydraU > ol \:> the TEW Ai^tMi' The ir d] il ports, were gases wii »i mow The di ci jt is staf <ci i.s oi tneoretlcaJ Importance, v il comp cnangea previous theorii; about two Rasea Hydrates
    118 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements

  • 160 20 FRASER COMPANY. I List Of Current Dividends Singapore. Nov. 4. 5 pm. Total for Books Close flnancia Company Dividend To Date Ex Div. y pai Hit am Tin Nov 9 Nov 4 lunting Tin Final Nov 11 Oct 18 22 1 K.L.Tin l- Bonus Dec 17 I.ukut Tin Inal 30
    160 words
  • 24 20 Field-Marshal von Blomberg, the German War Minister, left Germany recently m the Admiralty yacht Grille on a health cruise to Madeira and the Azores.
    24 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 902 20 foN THE RADIO I U. S. A. SHORTWAVE PROGRAMMES The following are the principal \men<:u> short-wave tra.r..Mnissions. Hip numbers immediat* ly after the ill letters refer to kilocycles, and the se«<»rul number set to metres. TO-DAY 920 p.m.— Metropolitan Parade (European direction)— New York, W2XE 21,520; 13.9. 10 15 pjn.—
      902 words
    • 341 20 PROGRAMME OF B. M. B. C I Singapore Station On 225 Metres I to-day 600 pm Malay Music (Gramophone Record-) "Santalia", Che Yang. £yor Gading", Miss Julia. "Lily "Sri Rama", Miss Julia. "Chinta Berhi Che Som. "Rahman Blues", A. Rahman. "Kekaaeh-Ku", Che. Som „Harom Tainan", A. Rahman. "Diaweta Mi*s Annie
      341 words
    • 314 20 8.50 p.m.:— The News and A:. ments. Relayed from London. 9.15 p.m.:— Variety (Oramophi cords i 9.30 p.m.:— Dance Music ph, Hotel Orchestra vi direction of Dan Hopkins, from Raffles Hotel. 10.00 p.m.:— Close Down. TO-MORROW 12.45 pm.:— Light Orchestral c< played by Reller's Famous Hungarian Band. Relayed from the
      314 words

  • 282 21 TOKYO YOUTHS A T BRITISH EMBASSY LETTER HANDED TO OFFICIAL Britain's Betrayal" ()f\ J L Tokyo, Nov. 4. A GROUP of 300 students from the Overseas University m Tokyo, m use of celebrating the Em<»r Meiji anniversary, visited the ish Embassy and performed an Indian war dance, after which a
    Reuter  -  282 words
  • 94 21 Government Anxious To Strengthen Confidence Washington, Nov. 7 St te administration is embarras- i 1 dby the forecast of the Bureau of) Itural Economics. The Secretary 1 f premature to guess the bund for the first part of 1"38. ertoua efforts may be made to act
    Reuter Wireless  -  94 words
  • 54 21 Berlin. Nov. 3 REPORTS from abroad that the new An ti- Comintern pact between Italy, Germany and Japan will contain a military clause directed against Russian intervention m the Far East is denied m competent quarters here. It is stated the pact will contain no
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 123 21 Question In House Of Commons London, Nov. 3. A FIRM reply m the negative was given by Mr. Ormsby-Gorc m the Commons when Mr. Gallacher asked if he was net going to reconsider his attitude towards the Arab Higher Committee m Palestine and adopt a different attitude for solving
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 86 21 Sudden Jump Of Gill Edge Stocks London. Nov. 3. THE '.ock exchange took a sudden up- ward movement m gilt-edged securities to-day and late dealings provided a welcome relief to an otherwise dull and featureless market. The strength of Government stock accompanied rumours of an impending rsion operation,
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 22 21 Amsterdam. Nov. 4 The _;ame between Euwe and Alekhine. thr world's ches.s champion, was adiourned after forty mow Reuter Wlrele
    Reuter Wireless  -  22 words
  • 24 21 London. Nov. 3. Mr Ramsay Mac Donald, accompanied by his daughter Sheila, Is leaving tomorrow for a tour m South America- Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 86 21 Japanese Success In Peipins, Nov. 3. H capturing the Chinese positions 'he Hsinkitw Hills the Japanese unied the town of Hsinh.sien dng, according to a Japa: que, which asserts that 15 nvisions were engaged m this 'minted that casu 00 killed and wounded. spokesman said: '"The
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 28 21 Tlie two men held up and robbed m Blair Road were not British sailors, as icpor terday. but two Chinese uployed on the Herald.
    28 words
  • 21 21 General D. sideni hul oi the Dawes Plan and H irbord :nmanded tin- I Marine h durii i July, and I
    21 words
  • 158 21 Questions In I louse Commons London. Nov 3 ASKED by Lieut-Coni. Fletcher whether it [a proposed to promote legislation for Hongkong and Malaya wh< by all transferred children must be n gistered, Mr. Ormsby Gore In the Oommona to-day said the Straits Qovemment had deeidod to
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 145 21 Arrived m Singapore from N.E.I, by KNILM plane "PK-AFK" on Nov. 2 Mr. L. L. Leyson. Mr. H. J. Nopprn. Mr. T*n Kah Hong. Arrived m Singapore from N.E.I, by KLM plane "Torenvalk" on Nov. 2 Mr. P. A. Daum, Baronesse M. Neumann, Miss H. A. Kolb.
    145 words
  • 38 21 Jerusalem. Nov. 3 The curfew imposed m the old city of Jerusalem was lifted to accommodate the festival of Ramadan, the monh beginning to-night, when Moslei m the day time and eat at night time Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 26 21 London, Nov. 3. Lord Cranborne, replying to Mr. Wedgwood to-day stated that the British Government is not pressing the French to extradite the Grand Mufti Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 475 21 Move To Make It Self-Contained CIR Ong Siang Boi Ided it the v Lnnaal meeting of the Btngapore Chinese Girls' School, and the other n1 wen-: Mrs. J. c. Oeake (Principal) Mi 'hoon Guan, Messrs Chua Ken Tan Soo Bin, Kwa Siew Tee, V. I. I (Hon
    475 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements

  • 434 22 Dr. Koos Brussels mil I hen M MEDIATII the p. INVASION RE4 OGNISED repr BiSm by 5 nd ook milil and I m th c i ■Hi i. i »utbn tinuaUon ol the pow dLsplayed Mukden m 1931 and In the subsequent ipatlon ol Manchuria PERSISTENT
    Reuter  -  434 words
  • 33 22 Premier Tells O) Letter mm Prim* Minister t<» (by <<utLm-d J t pondem Due U,, y randi, I mutual which > mans ion tl: UllfoU': nd, i tncni that !d i Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 7 22 ho repi the Reuter
    Reuter  -  7 words
  • 15 22 4. ;> .i.t i ii here by Couni von Blomberg this morer.
    15 words
  • 346 22  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Nanyag Siang Pau and Attack In South /1/ MARSHAL CHIANG KAI OKOejl VI i mi. and Oen. U Chung Jei military authoriti* mended to issue a formaJ war on China n order to carry out an Je blockade of China's 'he
    346 words
  • 156 22 Missing Pan Now Unearthed Peipm.v Nov. 3 |RCHEOLOGIBTB have proved tor thf time what tht know;., hum ii being really locked like. Tht compli id ol the famous Peking Man has ben reconstructed m the Department, or Anatomy of the Pekinp, Union medical college, following the discovery ol
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 31 22 Dr. W A RiddHl, who has been Canadian advisory officer with the Leacue of Nations since I<J2!V Li exchanging txwta with Mr Hume Wrorm. Counsellor of the Canadian Legation In Washini
    31 words
  • 252 22 Serious Charge Against Chinese Attendant Singapore, Thui i Nurses of the General Ho pd intently while a colic ivint? evidence m the r Police Court this morning m of chandu, not beine a i prefers Hockch Poh. empi. an attend the Hospital. It was alleued by
    252 words
  • 60 22 London, FOR the first time for several i i mths full Non-intervention Committee will meet to-day. It will tx adopt a resolution setting oui a ction to give effect to the B. plan for the withdrawal ol foi taking part m the Spanish civil olution the chairman authority to
    British Official Wireless  -  60 words
  • 32 22 The King of the Hellenes, who Fans tO-day from Rome, will B London on Sunday on a private wil] si Buckingham Pala< the Xi!, and Queen British Official Wireless
    British Official Wireless  -  32 words
  • 43 22 London, N After the ceremony at th< i on Armistice Day. the King will Whitehall to ihe newly-erected rial to Earl uStg, which the Dak Gloucester will unveil on Nov. 10, will lay a wreath at the foestatue British Official Wireless
    British Official Wireless  -  43 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous

  • 549 23 O.S HOCKEY AT THE S.C.C PcrJriau Plays Well In Centre Singapore, Thursday. fN -lime m which the issue was doubt until the final whistle, the Singapore Cricket Club defeated K.C. by three goals to two m d v key match played on the Padans. ihis
    549 words
  • 20 23 Singapore, Thursday on their own ground, the Association defeated the Vetehockey match this afternoon ah to We.
    20 words
  • 211 23 Ceylon S. C. Beat The "V" Juniors Singapore, Thursday. IN a keenly contested game of hockey at Balestier this afternoon, the Ceylon Sports Club defeated the V.M.C.A. Juniors by four goals to one The Sports Club displayed all round superiority and thoroughly deserved to win Ten minutes after
    211 words
  • 70 23 Agrees To Become A Professional New York. Nov. 4 DESPITE her previous denial, the tennis star. Mrs Helen Wills Moody has aereed to make a professional tour ol the United States m the rtrtntei Mrs. Moodys potential earnings Ina single season are between 110.000 and £20 000
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • Article, Illustration
    20 23 An incident m the hockey match between the S.C.C, and the S.C.R.C yesterday, which was won by the S.C.C. Tribune
    Tribune  -  20 words
  • 196 23 Thrilling Game Played At Changi Singapore, Thursday. ONE of the finest games seen at Changi between Small Unit teams was witnessed this afternoon when the 7th Heavy Battery met the 30th Co., Royal Engineers, the Sappers emerging winners by a penalty goal (3 pts.) to nil. Thrills were
    196 words
  • 53 23 Singapore. Thursday. THE annual inter-College hockey match for the Selwyn Clarke Trophy will be played on Nov. 19 OR tIM Medical College ground at Sepoy LI The annual rugby match for the Galloway Trophy will take place on the Saturday following. Nov. 20 also on the
    53 words
  • 37 23 A Chinese, worker In a Tanjong Rhu b k! hH ri tht hand rered below the Wrist by a circular saw, >■ ten on. The man waj extremely shocked though was taken to the by
    37 words
  • 173 23 Beaten By Fort Canning Singapore Thurad MAKING their rugby debut to-day, the 8.R.C.. fielding the team previously styling themselves the HitT RatT.v and strengthened by the addition of D and Ritchie to the sides ranks, gave a good account of themselves against Port Canning m
    173 words
  • 66 23 I poh Boxing (From Old OtDN Rrportct Ipoh, Nov. 4. IN a ten tin cc-minute round contest at the Jubilee Park to-night, Al Rivers. 10.5, and Nai Smarn, of Penang. 10.5, drew It was not a good fight, and there was much clinching. In the semi-finals, Louis Kid, 7.12, beat
    66 words
  • 255 23 New Books For Issue To-morrow THE undernoted newly added aon-fie-tion and Hction works will be ready for issue at Raffles Library to-morrow At War with the Smugglers: Career of Doctor Arnold's Father Illustrated Kcar-Admiral D. Arnold-Forster; Thomas Sherlock 1678 1761, Edward Carpenter: Round the World with Tom Clarke.
    255 words
  • 16 23 A memorial u> the Rai k M t K d ward president of tional Farm H
    16 words

  • 481 24 WIN FOR "S" CO. Skins H.Q. Wing Go Down Company ran oul winners bj thr«« iMials to two. fMWM ™;"v aftsvw 3353 an anxious time, they <<>. I well, however, and from a pahy relieved g«gw- ired the second goal lor the Company. nil THIRD immediately
    481 words
  • 62 24 Eleventh Since Start Oj Outbreak Singapore, Thursday. ANOTHER ca "i rabii discovered i ipore [1 occurred In the Kandang Kerbau district wh< ■.as found dead yesterday and r diagnosed. This makes tht eleventh caw since the outbreak occurred In the middle of August six months have
    62 words
  • 73 24 Britain Awaiting Result Of Inquiry London, Nov. 4. REPORTS that Britain is about to accord recognition to Gen. Franco are understood to be incorrect, though m tiationfl have been conducted for some baking practical meafor contact with the authoritie Spain occupied by the lnln which Britain has big
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 43 24 Brussels, Nov 4 M Pierlot, the third Minister to assume the task oi forming a Government, has abandoned his attempt. The crisis has now lasted ten days, and it seems a coalition Government of Liberals, Catholic and Socialists is inevitable.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • Article, Illustration
    30 24 Intidents m the hoc key match yesterday between the S.C.C. and the B.CJLC The game, which was played on the Padang. nstilted m a win for the S.C.C.
    30 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 59 24 THEATRE ROYAL WARLBOROUGH Theatn I U-+JI (J-1.-V-9-15 geSatest of all TAMnTfIEHI! "JAI BHARAT" "THINTAMANI" S(<> lhv l nilv <>f w^i«i »»i V- II I 1^ I n/Y\r\l>l Muslims! 111 l s\l< V AM) HILARIOUS STOEI (IK A MAN ON WHOM > HUSBANDS sin i DOOBB \M> \vi\is OPEN hum AGAIN!
      59 words
      20 words