Morning Tribune, 1 November 1937

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Morning Tribune
  • 12 1 THE MORNING TRIBUNE >.— No. 233, SINGAPORE, MONDAY, November i, 1937, I-'IVK CENTS
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  • 138 1 hpan Annoyed With Britain rlE Council on The Current Situa- an unofficial body mainly ig of members of the Lower and leading industrialists has resolution on the need of imparting a national movement r diplomatic relations with Great in. resolution denounced the British on the Chinese
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 58 1 Steamer Sunk By Italian Seaplane? Valencia, Oct. SI. A MEMBER irt vr"\\ ot th?« If IVeems lias informed Router by leaplane, believed dropped I<> bombs. •Thick fell m the hold of the te sank 15 minutes later There was a slight fire. Pri« m dropping of the bombs,
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 238 1 STRAY SHELLS LAND IN DEFENCE SHELTER BLOWN I P RIFLEMAN ROBERT DELANEY DIES FROM HIS INJURIES Shanghai, Oct. SI. TWO men of the Royal Ulster Rifles were wounded this morning by stray shells m the western defence sector, near the scene ol Fri The wounded men
    Reuter  -  238 words
  • 40 1 London. Oct 31. EH IE BROOKE. 21 year- old lh ol Sarawak. become engaged to Robert Gregory, the well-l-in wrestler, who Is reputed ry admit paren- ii "Neithi anythiri upon married Roy, the London
    40 words
  • 10 1 I the labour! npital last ni°.ht sufvounds from which one
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  • 11 1 The 1939 clan ul recruits has called up for servici Reuter
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  • 81 1 Reported Fall Of Tsinan Denied By Nanking DOMKis Tehchow correspondent reliab reports that provoked bj Gen |Fu Chu's evasive attitude, the Chinese era! Pel Chung Hsl <■ compli coup d'etat at Tsinanfu and taken priiian Fu elm and Oovernpi of Shantung i short skirmish witr the bod] SI The War
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 105 1 Bel men llnlw japan \j f Tokyo. Ocl 11 DECLARING that complete accord has already been reached between Ja pan, Italy and Germany, the Asahl Shimbun understands Italy has al doned the idea of b bilateria] agreement and will participate In a Qennan-Japa-i omintern pact The
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 39 1 Ambassador Recalled From France 3] Tin nbaasado] 1 recalled on I of I French Amba sador In Rome whei hambrun retired lasl year i meni invol reci nltion oi i i .i ii oi AJby Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 14 1 Melboui An analysJ Queen for the Senatt nirnt win (iotihtliil Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  14 words
  • 46 1 Italy's Delegates To Conference 31 M la ex int Luia Aldrovandi and Signi will represei Conference and it i taken I Count Clano will not ,ior Mare icotti is official who ha ern affairs lh ttive on tht hiikno Reuter h been form Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 32 1 V OTHFR PAGES J Page jr. Rex Allen's Death 2 \\>(ldin«s l Urkei Prices I i;idio iO J v York Shares il lome Softer Resvlti Tl S .•utibv Football (Mai Boxing M
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    • 29 1 J. mix ii voi iisi:ij "4 a cuprul or a quart 1 as needed no waste Delicious for Drinking Ihr New Improved fc^*W3BWBWBI KLIM MIXER fMI Price 80 Cents
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  • 865 2 COMMANDER IN TEARS Praise From British I wops Shanghai, Sunday m« AM, tin- "doomed" men have reach ed sniH\ except for »n undetei tinned number killed. Fortj were wounded ••< t»««- i>'""' v lth The lust man t«» leave ■tronghold was Reg-imeni il <om
    Reuter  -  865 words
  • Article, Illustration
    16 2 \h I ii Goodall Miss Dulcie Smith, after their wedding at St. Andrew's Cathedral on Saturday.
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  • 105 2 Chinese Forces Hold Their Line A>MMUNIQUE issued by the Chi ;ul ite-Oeneral yesterday states: have concentrated m an attack upon Nanziang, using heavy artillery and aerial bombardment. The infantry attack was also severe, but the Lese forces firmly hold their line. Little fighting occurs on the other t
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  • 86 2 Big Blaze Off Kallang Road Singapore. Sunday. ABOUT 25 charcoal burners" huts were gutted when a tire broke out at Sin Koh Street, off Kallang Road, shortly after twelve to-day. Fanned by a strong b Torn the direction of Tanjong Rhu. the flames surged over the cluster ol
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  • 30 2 Buenos Aii 29. In view o! the i' m the price 01 bread c Argentine Government has prohibited the export of wheat Hour tiom October 29 Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  30 words
  • 408 2 Funeral Al Bidadari .1 L JI L- I Hit y MR. Rex Allen, musical directs: Tanglin Club Orchestra lea the 8.M.8C. dance Orchestra, away with tragic suddenness very short illness at the General tal, Singapore, early yesterday m Mr. Allen was admitted into hi on
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  • 117 2 Funeral Of Mr. R. E. Ellis THE death took nlace at the General Hospital, Singapore, m th< hours oi y< mornin bert Evan Ellis, assista board of tin* s.s. Pk'iodon Mr Ellis had been Ul «d away fron pni umonla at the earlj He was unmarried The funeral
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  • 7 2 I The profit vi i! 2,500- Reuter
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 299 3 [NNOT BE EMPTIED British yficials ry Concerned Shanghai. Oct. 30. If feared that a disaster ol an ppalling magnitude may visit Shanghai if the gasometer situated within 100 yards from the doomed battalion*! headquarters were blown u p m the course of Japanese operation- Keuter learns
    Reuter  -  299 words
  • 377 3 Mr. F. H. Goodall And Miss Dulcie Smith Singapore. Saturday. A. iV wedding took place at 3t. Andrews Cathedral this afternoon, Dulcie Audrey Smith, eldaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Singapore, became the bride Frank Henry Goodall. elde^ Irs. Goodall and the late Mr. i.oodall of London and
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  • 29 3 Genoa, Oct 29. An Italian air mission has left here m the liner Orazio for Peru m order tc reorganise the Peruan Air Force- Reuter Wireless
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  • Article, Illustration
    19 3 Air. I. E. A. Grant-Smith and Miss M. lenninft, who were married at St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore, on Saturday.
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  • 44 3 Accepting the Salamanca Government invitatio two journalists Inspected the island of Majorca nnd a telegram from one recounts that he travel) d freely m the island and visited camps of Infantry, artillery men and engineers but noticed only Spaniards thorr Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  44 words
  • 28 3 The engagement i.s announced of Dr. "I A. Divine of the General Hospital to F. E. R. Spcirs. daughter <>1 Dr. and Mrs. Spcirs <>! Diss Norfolk
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  • 44 3 SPANISH GOVT Remova From Valencia To Barcelona Valencia Ocl II jyi. a/ana hi d the decree moving iat ol 'he Spanish from Valencia to Barcelona mler Negrin left f< :ur ihi.s morning, i Ignalii lng the eh over of the scat of Government Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 53 3 Law Notice For To-day The Acting Chief Justice at Malacca Assi/es. Before Mr. Justice Howes m the 2nd Court at 11 am Petitions and Motions Before Mr Justice Home at 11 am Summonses-m-Chambers and Originating Summonses. Overseas Assurance CORPORATION, LIMITED, China Building, Chulia Street, PHONE 5808. SINGAPORE Fire, Marine, Motor
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    • 205 3 .^f|V kj*Vl Sllvlkrin JP«A- til! SILVIKKIN PRODUCTS. l'uie Silvikrin Hair Tonic Lotion Concentrated Liquid Shampoo Powder Shampoo Solidified BrUliantine Silvilix Hair Cream .Sweet Oil ol Almonds. MADE IN ENGLAND. Sole Distributor KAHWHN PENHAS, Singapore. i MUAB NAN FANG HOTEL ACiFNTS. Expreu Service tinus daily. l HA] CHEW HOTEL, 35, Beach
      205 words

    • 105 4 30 Prevl KUBBEa H Bp0t Severe. VllB (1st Forward) Nov. Buyers. V i" Sellers. 916 '-Mile :u6 (2nd Forward) Dec. Buyers. i H Sellers. i H (3rd Forward) Jan. Mar. Buyers. Sellers. 7 11|16 Ocl 30. MLMOIL (Malaya) J J Ch In hulk Nov Dec hipl Unchan COI'KA
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    • 70 4 London. Oct Previous To-day Distiller, 108 3 108 6 DunJop Rubber 34 1, 34General Electric 79 44 79 < 4 Imperial Chemical Industries 36 6 36 9 Imperial Tobacco 152 0 15,3 9 S^hJr^Kintaa g|« g|« London Asiatic 14 o Q 14n Kaffirs (West Witswatersand) 43 9
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    • 43 4 Mpvv Vnrk i RUBBER Previous To-day Ch Tone Very Dull Uncertain Buyers 15 4 No Buyers bpOt Sellers 15% 15 11 16 Jan Mar< Buyers 15^ 8 No Buyers Sellers 15 1 15 13 16 rI Tnn P Flrin Quiet
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    • 71 4 London. Oct. 30. Previous To-day Change .T. on Pari! (eloalng middle rate) 147.28 147.12 -.14 T. on Amsterdam (closing middle rate) 8.967 16 I lo i T on Shanghai (closing selling rate) Is. 2** is. 2% T.T. on Hongkong (closing selling rate» lo I*, o 1 -o T.T.
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    • 26 4 iirnlwx London. Oct. 30. WLU PrevioiJ To-day Chai Fine Bar per oa. £7 0.6*- £7.0.44 4 months" fo-rwairflL I9 7 b 19 7 8
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    • 18 4 TIN Standard w ldon < c^ 30 Prevn To-day Spot (afternoon closing price) :i"* CLOSED Forward L'211'
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    • 64 4 London 0 the Btock i tli lined li uppori the market exp the quid -nr time pa ;t and lonally n**\y the undertone Is very latlsfacl dollar weakened on steady ol winch touted to repal ol nd to a lesser extent of ich funds together with sales In
      Reuter Wireless  -  64 words
    • 37 4 c, Ocl 29. laliit coi Hi hi B i I months. Sink ti< continuii tent that by the end of the year Publii would be reduced b Bei equilibrium m then true one. Reuter
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 76 4 I 3^\ THE YOKOHAMA fwl SPECIE BANK> LTD \^^^K.^a/ (Esta blushed m 1880). Capit il Subscribed < Fully Will pud up V. 100,000,000 k^^^m' »H»a r B' > HA'MH erve Fund V.134 400.000 00 Hill I ISil INSI'KANCI COMPLY. LTD. YOKOHAMA SINGAPORE BRANCH FIRE, MARINE. meyer chambers WORKMEN'S RAFFLES PLAQE
      76 words
    • 177 4 BAXii OF CHINA 'Incorporated In China by Special Charter). 12. CECIL STREET, SINGAPORE. TELEPHONES Manager's Office 6444 Exchange Dept. 6441 General Office 5188-9 (able Address; "CHCNGKUO" PAID IP CAPITAL C h 40 000 000 00 RESERVE FUNDS IN EXCESS OF Ch TZZ 00 TOTAL ASSETS APPROXIMATELY C h. $1,800,000,000 00
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  • 755 5 STOCKS SHARES Issued By Fraser Company r MINING Singapore, Oct. 30. 1 p.m Buyers Sellers 4 6 5|;mbang 30- 316 Malay 50 55 -nom. am 31 0.95 1.00 23 9 24 9xd :uor 1.75 1.80 Malay 29 6 30 6 ang 20 9 219 Tin 0.40 0.44cd 1.14 1.18 [ong
    755 words
  • 134 5 LYALL EVATT'S QUOTATIONS MINING Singapore, Saturday. 4 il o Ampat 173 17 Batu Selangor fi' u fi Hongkong Tin H 1} K. Lan.iut 2 3 n < )xd Kanumting Tin y jjjj [j KUlinghall gj*j London Tin 78 Mambau Q Q r Pangnga Rivei P«chong 25,6 *>j« Rawang Tin Fids.
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  • 49 5 Singapore. Sunday. Messrs 8 X Levy and Co.. Singapore have received cabled news from Manila uivinc the following prices Last Sale Prices Previous To-day Antamok 0.52 0.53 Beiißiiet Consolidated 9.80 Consolidated Mines 0.018 0018 I.X.L 0.57 unquoted I San Mauricio 0.56 > United Paracale 0.54 OJ6
    49 words
  • 45 5 Berlin, Od The position of Dr. Schacht remain* obscure official cLrcle declare tin called Schacht crl the work ol i rs. Whatrvj-r the real i it appears to-day thai Hitler h a hand and dissipated the difflc surrounding Dr. SchachM position. Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  45 words
  • 207 5 Singapore municipality WBUMQ municipal 1901 red. 1940 $400,000 lnt Mar. 31 Bept. 30 102 104 nom 1907 red. 1947 $1,600,000 Int Mar. 31 Sept. 30 108 110 nom 09 red. 1955 $1,000,000 Int. Mar. 31. Sept. 30 113 115 nom 1913 red. 1963 $2,000,000 Mar. 31 Sept.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 159 6 t GLAMOROUS MARY HXM MKI .I'I7.A KASHN IAIIV. j "Glamorous Night" I I'" 1 1 M I*' I) J, f i£T^ Performances! j I I ALHAMBRA j to-ni«;iit .n:,-;u.-, j TRADER I I B^ I HP. ii <>r lil fnmou* bonk by 4 Ibilhhl Bt H^Hml iiiinitiii\inMs i iBBi b^^
      159 words
    • 155 6 POSITIVELY LAST NICH I U«--j SEVEN-DAY EXTENDED SEASON! i ||Q-M<.III a< the CAPITOL I S The Women are Ravin* about the Fashions. The Men are "Going Nuts about the girls m them s H.!. c viNSON-MiscbaAUEß yM\/^A%^m&J Aim MOWBRAY-Jirorai COWAN iO^Q" I .'BdthifimoojWjHii wujfr Models C/# f Jr <2 \J
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 144 7 CAPITOI Opening at 10-30 a.m. 3-15 6-15 and 9-15 kin(;: London and new York's largest theatres l\ N PACKED 01 T FOR WEEKS! f MmF*4M fc\ S P A S I^PtH [A _I k i fl^ft^a P I iT73 ii^Ti^Kvii li^B.^ J^- f^.^B a^-L^j^^^L^X^A^L^^j^^^^^^^^^^^w^^^^Bß^^ vsk '£^*l-«.* M■ f k A^AJ^gzAX^^-L-MJ—M
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    • 50 7 VICTORIA^^THEA TRE Wed. Fri. Sat. 17th, 19th, 20th Nov. at 9.15 p.m. "OUTWARD BOUND" By SVTTON VANE i IN AID Ol THE CHINA RELIEF FUND SjU).C. PRODUCTION Hook ROBINSON'S I /x- A^. V' l ail lUfl IL^ *m^^^> '^A JWv IS: i 5,^P"^ W df^Mfc- i^jr*B to-morrow at the Capitol.
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  • 285 8 DANGEROUS AGE IS TWO YEARS Seglecl Babies Alleged Tin. railing awaj In health <>i young children aftei babyhood Is cau >ing conc< m among doc luiiii ji aul horltit i octal welirkera Tlm ttto Hi efforts made by health authority Hive child welfare guidance to
    285 words
  • 63 8 PAPUAN COLD FIELDS Part /V V(l By Plane In Developments M C. B and mot* freight i of thi Importance I I the »:oid Holds m t« of l: trora the coast over tho I being 1 thi pa power and heir. twmiU :y poultry, d»>c- turniturt :fTs. though the
    63 words
  • Article, Illustration
    60 8 The Mfhl Club ladies t rew defeated Ufa worth m the final of the Borne mhts rowing race* an the Thames at Barnes. London, Thi^ was the rlnv'a second WceeaslTe win. They also held the tropli> m 1932 and 1 Photo shows th»- Alpha Club rreu brinfinf m the boal
    Planet News  -  60 words
  • 187 8 Propn Reported hi Research Work ri'RTHER advai medicine I cure l*« beev. Miss Maria Luisa Gar i Valenzw Ha tlkitikj Lde of mducted by the scien- de'.ermme the Be were pigeoi the £k i dard produ :>een ot>ed KUI BIBMt onducted ai follows "T> .c:: their vtd
    187 words
  • 42 8 Equipment W ill Cost £1,200,000 luppl; and th proposes to build a da A large powe: .11 be en and ipi i 25.000.000 k:. The estimated value ol wort whic: D« carried out over a perio* approx. £1.200.00(
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  • 302 8 For Husbands And Lo>. WIVES, a little lipstick may keep husband out of gaol! That's the advice of the "Love tor." 35-years-old Mr Cyril < smoother-out of police court mai nial tangles. He is a bachelor— but he knov. about marriage, for he is Been the Liverpool
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 8 > ri A pa e irls uniform made en BUki skin— one of the nk on vieu at the Shoe and I tair at the Royal Agriculture H 1 I^linrton. London. Planet News
    Planet News  -  32 words

  • 346 9 MONSTERS ON Hh PROWL? iaL vction May Be r aken In England Bournemouth. ijl ING itself against an open »hinf-boal <fY Burtonport. Donegal, a 30ft. "hark twice the craft out of the water the four occupants were to row to shore. One of the
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  • 101 9 hsliermen Surprised By Queen 0/ Italy Viareggio. Italian fishermen are talking heir encounter with thp Queen ho neither of them recognised. ■iien were wading In shallow the King of Italy's summer ■San Rossore, when they were two women from the shore. much do you want for
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  • Article, Illustration
    57 9 Wearing their long white robes emblazoned with a red cross, members <»f the Order of Crusaders walked m procession to Southwark Cathedral for their Festival Service. Photo shows the Provincial Grand Master, 11. V Mnnro, preceded by the Sword Bearer m the procession to Southward Cathedral as he crossed the
    Planet News  -  57 words
  • 101 9 Under U.S. New Deal Juneau. Alaska). ESKIMOS are starting to build their own airports m the "Frozen North" now. The construction of airports and landing fields la to be part of the work of members of the first All-Eskimo Civilian Conservation Corps just established In Alaska, a
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  • 123 9 Aviation Medicine School Established ONE phase of the national defense programme was advanced where the Philippine Army aii corps recently Inaugurated the school of aviation medicine, the first school of its kind In the Philippines. It opened with an initial enrolment of H reserve officers from vari sections
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  • 235 9 SMALLEST CHINA SET Took 20 Years To A i hich has taken ra to cornel to be china i ervice In the world, 1 new b exhibited hei Do not breathe heavily, fraglli i notice i.i front "t the exhibit The egg-CUpS, Ball cellars and ou;:ladiei ol tin- n mall
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  • 140 9 Scientist's Vain Fight For Life Rapid City. AN American sctentist'a rain Aghl foi life against the bite of a rattlesnake was revealed when his body wns found m a lonely canyon eight mile* from here. He was Dr. Paul E Bmerai n <*nior soil scientist of
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  • 18 9 Tne Air Mail (Netherlands) de patched from Singapore on Oct. 23 was delivered In London on Oct. 29.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 44 9 lilllllllijfillllllli l« yv l HAPPY WORLD CABARET R Valuable prizes awarded for ladies most striking costumes and genUemeilfl most original costumes. All costumes to he m IHack White. Prild now on \iew at Ilappv (aharet. I, i^^^fc ~^MWATCH FOR FURTHER A\\or\( EMENTS ******************** l
      44 words

  • 328 10 MORNING TRIBUNE Singapore: Monday, Nov. 1, 1937. GETTING DOWN TO IT IT is only during the last two or 1 t}, ni that the Automobile A Bociation of Malaya has reallj merited the attention of the lar body of motorists m Malaya. For lome years, immediati following t f^ formation
    328 words
  • 1469 10  -  AUTOLYCUS NOTES COMMENTS OF THE DAY A tradition 1 being reed tin Bin ipore Amateui I): Ul P* the 'heatre dun: December tl teur lighl opera for more ten !i old teiil «M»e: production lI a,ld i 0 ol the Gilbert and Si llivan favourites have been
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 703 11 THE POPPY DAY FUND Am/ Is Greater Thau 77 Wl have received the following !<tter from U.K. the General Offi i commanding. Malaya, MajorGeneral VV. G. S. Dobbie, C.8., i M G., D.S.O.— Editor of the Morning Tribune I ask for the hospitality of your is to
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  • Article, Illustration
    52 11 Roman Catholic Judges attended the customary Red Mass m Westminster Cathedral before the opening of the Michaelmas Law Sittings. The Mass takes its name from the red robes worn by judges and cardinals. The photo shows Sir Wilfrid Greene, the Master of the Rolls (right) with Lord Russell of Killowen.
    Planet News  -  52 words
  • 191 11 Compulsory Physical compulsory physical training youth, n fitness cannot be obti )>• other means, la advocated by Dr, G M'Gillivray, i teputy m O for County, m the annual health reporl if? the country Frequent reference during the ywu national physical fitness, the declining birth-rate, hiuh
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 92 11 THE TRUE TONIC FOOD Obtotncblt of a// Chmmttxs and Stcrvs I SPECIAL DINNER For the opening of "PRISONER OF ZENDA" TO-MORROW DINNER MENU $1 75 els. Hors d'oetnrre Varies Clear Turtle Soup Fillet of Sdanfin a la Francaise Grilled Lamb Cutlet leed Asparagus Peach Meiba Coffee HOOK YOUR TABLE NOW
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  • 307 12 TIM Tainrsis Ya< ht Chili and the Cftß«f luh had an "all-in" day on the Thames at Teddinffton. Middlesex. "All-in" includes 14-foot, 12-foot. "Nationals" and "A" class craft. Photo shows a general view of the start of tho 14-foot class on the calm waters of the
    Planet News  -  307 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
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  • 2459 14 The Queen Chooses A State Kobe"Grannie's Brooches" From Scotland Women Printers At Work Colour At The Motor Show Women In The News 'if. London, Oct. 22 A idly tUJ the end ol b novel I had I I notici d Iwo 111 print ,i By The
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 24 14 Maison Marcelle fFor a Natural P.nn—l v Wa?«. OJ Try our latcrt J potnt-wtedinf f B7VtM 96 Stamford Bd. T«L 41t7 Prof. J. KOOY.J
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    • 222 14 Here's COOL COMFORT literally OX WHEELS! A Carrier Room Cooler can bo vilified irto your living room, bed- 1^ —^^^Zi room, office— any room you like- aid SM rilKl completely installed m no time. It coois. dehumidifies. ventilates, gentlycirculates the air, reduces dust and x^r\nrw\ a r>T I? outside noises
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 79 15 A TOURIST'S NfflOPPiM;:' 4.i it»i: _4 STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHS I studio for t 0 foto-portrait by 0 foto-artist only j /j)£s- Examined by the most modern methods known to science! R. A. THOMPSON, D.O.S. (Dr. of ocular science) 4, Arcade. Phon c 3002. Consultation without cost or obligation. DRY CLEANING CHEAPER
      79 words
    • 31 15 CAMERAS AND FILMS t i/LK STORE KAYSER SILK HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR Sole Distributors: Tajjinaliul Niori* 23- HIGH ST. HAIR-DRESSER STIIE CONTINENTAL A NewlV/rt-/ IVimanent Waving MAISON PERM Stamford Koad Tel. 4(ilO
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 443 16 r |a» *iyU Mj JStMjj hi I W /'III i 1 *^L*\ v. v^^^^fc BY P&Oand BR ITISH IMDI A LIN ES INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) Outward*. r irfr HAH «0 1 £AR™AOE 15.000 14 RAJPUTANA 000 lALI T fn m 0 I)AN (i 1!, COMORIN 0,000 Jan. 28 RANPURA 1700U
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    • 516 16 \^t >d T0 f^K^ oll pORTS V_^__ Ues Havre. Antwerp <^c Dunkirk w F°J St. Nazaire Bordeaux No-. CAP TOURANE For Marsei. lit.. AntW erp Dunkirk «Bn? JA cQUES For Ma^eUles! Nante., St. Nu/.aire Bordeaux l OUTWARDS. (from Marseilles) K,,,,sr,AC«U E S ,on Tourane Ha.phong j S iM 'mkkS HM.M
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  • 1002 17 Liner To Rejoin South < ifrican Service AFTER extensive m.. Arundel Castle, the first of five Union -Ca ;tle iners to be re engined and modernised win shortly leave Messrs Harland ai Wolffs yard .it Belfast to rejoin thp South African mail service from Soutl ampton The
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 292 17 BURNS PHILP LIKE. (Incorporated m Australia) NEXT SAILINGS Due Sails. g^L R In port Nov. 3 r A Nov. 2y Dec. 3 lal cheap round trip tickets from Singapore to Australia issued at the ing rates. passengers may transfer at Singapore, Brisbane, Sydney or iiirne to the connecting X.P.M. Vessel.
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    • 129 17 n. i. k. Ui\i: GENERAL PASSENGERS AGENTS CUNARD WHITE STAR, LTD. (Incorporated m Japan). To LONDON via Penang, Colombo, Aden, Port Said, Marseilles Gibraltar m.s. TERUKUNI MARU Nov. 10 s.s. HAKUSAN MARU Nov. 25 s.s. "HARUNA MARU Dec. 9 Rates to Ist Class 2nd class Naples $497 $540 $317 $343
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 148 17 IPOSTAL INTELLIGENCE i w I'andan Both Plnan n am south- West Sumatra, S. East meo, Celebes, Moluccas and Dil ls v Botn 1 11 am China (Parcels only) Angers 1 nam TO-MORROW China Angers 2 11 a m de Kock, Padang, Pekan Baroe ,nd Siak Hong Kwong 2 Ipm ark
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    • 51 17 AIR MAIL DESPATCHES Kualu Lumpur and Penang: Internal Air Service, closing 6 a.m. to-day. *By Air to Shanghai only. •Correspondence, fully prepaid for transmission by the X.L.M. Service and Specially Superscribed "By X.L.M." v By K.N.I.L.M. from Penang. terdamt by Air iK.L.M.i on Sunday. General delivery of letters 8.25 a.m.
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    • 142 17 SHIPS IN DOCK SHIPS ALONG8IDI THE Wil Aim s M EXPECTED TO ARRIVE Entrance Kxit Ship (iodovm (iate (.ate Rohna 22 1 1 Swartenhondt 20 1 1 Katori Maru 18 2 I Jutlandia 18 2 3 Nagato Maru 16 2 3 Prometheu > 14 2 9 Klias 12 2 3
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  • 39 18 Some <»i the crews m tin- rowing ;«t the Royal Singapore Yacht Club regatta <»n Saturday afternoon, when t\w Chiangmai Cup Some of the quests at the V.M.C.A. anniversary dance at the Drill H,|] on Saturday.
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  • 391 19 VIEWS OF UNION MINISTER reusing Trade Possibilities Johannesburg. M l ANT developments in air ■min 'rations in Africa were h\ Mr. Oswald Pirow, Union Minister of Defence, and of Railmi Harbours, speaking on his 7 000 -miles "goodwill" flight. [j, envisaged a partially self-suf-l !i;t
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  • 60 19 Anticipated In New Zealand Wellington, N. z d |j anticipating a muchtoorist traffic us a consewar between Japai. •d here that many toi accustomed to visiting Oriental countries will be diverted as a result of the present hostilities, and will be inclined to visit. Australia or New Zealand.
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  • Article, Illustration
    93 19 The Cabinet met m the Cabinet room at 10, Downing Street, London, when Mr. Neville Chamberlain placed before his colleagues the letter received from Mr. Clement Attlee, leader of the Opposition, requesting th;tt Parliament reassemble earlier to discuss the situation m China. The meeting was the first held at No.
    Planet News  -  93 words
  • 74 19 Round The World In Durban. cix s«»uth Africans h n ir rrom here to make a voyage round the world m a small ketch, named "Land. Mm. They left the harbour m perfect ther. Hut there was too little sail the ketch out. so they used h<
    74 words
  • 87 19 To Augment Ski-ing Funds In Finland Helsinki •CPECIAL stamps arc being Issued hi w the nominal value ol winch I pb r )0. 2 (jo. and 125 (aboul 3V 2 d, 2d, and 1 id' to be sold ai I o, 3 00, and 2.00 '5(1. 3d, and
    87 words
  • 77 19 107,300 Books Owned By The Late Dr. Masaryk p**n < ue TOE late Dr T Q Btaaaj i. former 1 President ol Czechoslovakia hfl B private library of 107, 300 boo Dr. Masaryk, who combined exceptional degree the qualities ol man and .scholar, used his books exteu i
    77 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements

  • 124 20 Making Turkish Women Military-Minded nbuL FOUR girl pilots, member.-, of Turkey* Corps of Flying Amazons, ha. part m the first of a series of propaganda air cruises over the interior oi Anatolia. Six machines took part m the demonstration, which coincided with the enlorcement of the law for
    124 words
  • 122 20 Thrilling Chase Off Palestine Coast Jerusalem ALMOST one hundredweight of ovium. packed In .small suitcases, has been seized by the police after a thrilling chase m a motor launch off the shore of Jaffa. Five men have been arrested m connection with this haul, which Is valued
    122 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 174 20 FRASER COMPANY. List Of Current Dividends Singapore, Oct. SO Total for Books Close financial Company Dividend To Date Ex Div Bangrin s< fat Oct. 15 .T No Date s %ct. 18 Hitam Im .V fat Nov. 3 Nov Q Nov 4 Kamunting Tin u^y. Final N ov 11 Oct 18
      174 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 920 20 !6n the radT§j BRITISH EMPIRE U.S.A. SHORTWAVE PROGRAMME PROGRAMMES Transmission 2:— 6.20 p.m. 915 The followinf are the principal pr i (SJT: »3 metres (2L53 m.s>; AmeHran .hort-wave tran.mis.ion^ Cii IV>7 metres vi\ 47 mcs); <«M- The numbers Immedlatelr after the liKf metres 17 7') mcs) and CS<> call-letter, refer
      920 words
    • 413 20 r PROGRAMME OF B. M. B. C Singapore Station On 225 Metres -•<*» i» i f Announce W-WAi ?4 p ni A Talk on S] Sir Malcolm Campbell R the London Studios oi e th Arabic 41 I /a Broadcast} ii Corporation. Ell YeheD," Fadila Rouchdi "A.iobbon The Table L
      413 words

  • 535 21 ttese And Poppy bund lON of $1,000 has been re- hy HE Major-General W. >bie, C.8.. c.M.G.. D.5.0., •oppy Day Fund from Mr. Tan chairman of the China Relief .mittee, Singapore, on behalf subscribe ing this amount Mr. Tan Kah as follows: <ccllency,—l have the honour you
    535 words
  • 115 21 Russian Version Of Clash With Manchukuoans Mo.scow. Oct 31. THE Soviet version of the border clash between Soviet and Manchukuoan troops is given by a Tl ney ie|x>rt which .states that it is reported irom Khabarovsk that a detachment of Manchukuoan troops crossed the Russian border in the
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 75 21 British Tramp Sunk By Insurgents Paris. Oct 31. k SPANISH Ministry of Defence comn munique states that the British steamer Jean Weems was sunk by an Insurgent plane six-teen miles 'from shore. Twenty-six survivors reached Calella near Gerona. The lifeboats of the Jean Weems carried two control
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 112 21 The following passengers from Sydney are arriving by the m.v "Merkur" this morning: Mr. and Mrs. R C. Humphreys, Mr and Mrs. A. J. Gibson. Mrs O. R. and Miss B. Nel. Mr. L. M. Browne. Mr. and Mrs. E J. McMahon. I Dr. and Mrs. K.
    112 words
  • 681 21 AMERICAN SH ARE MARKET QUOTATIONS Singapore, Sund TUP following quotations from New York 1 wi eived by v and Co by air mail yesterday from Ht-Mf Kong: Adams Expn 10 d 11 Alleghan" steel Co. 20 20 Aiiis Chalmers 44 Amer Can 01 94 Amer Cyanamid B" 25'', 25 Amer
    681 words
  • 63 21 The Police Band under Mr C Hitch, will play the following program' me at Telok Aver tin., afternoon (Mon ming at six o'clock March I cavalry" Stark ture, "Haydee," Aubei Grand Selection i. a m v.ii c Columbine, Gardener; Foa 1 roi "Oh! Ymi M\ Time," Audi!!*- Char;!'
    63 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 77 21 j EMPIRE TALKIE (Tanjong Pagar) 7 p.m. TO-NIGHT 9.30 Paramounfs Musical Comedy Presenting GLADYS SWAKTHOIT and PRED MacMURRAY. i m "CHAMPAGNE WALTZ" 1 '«dl Oakie and all-star cast. A Merry -Go-Kound of love, Laughs "d Music. It's The Finest Musical Production Produced m 1937. TUN~"TALKI"E (New World) 7.30 p.m. TO-NIOHT
      77 words
    • 30 21 il THE BIG NEWS IS OUT! IT'S COMING!! I 1 OPENING TUBS. \o\ nil /CAPITOL I 1 M G Ms MOST LAVISH FILMJISICAL! y JUr iKJI t* y&J^ r^^ ,>^^ snow
      30 words

  • 1278 22 ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH SOCCER RESULTS TABLES Coventry City \tul Rangers Only Teams Reman w i" < n beaten I London, Oct. M. ni si iis ol «<• d»3 I nflb* ••"<' ■I Scottish l«r;i>;iir IOCCCr matches are .is follows Reuter I \(.l IMI 1.1.M.1 I. IHV. I. enaJ I Middlesborough
    Reuter  -  1,278 words
  • 288 22 Wales In Form At Cardiff idiff. Oct. 30. 4 CROWD <»f 45.01,0 saw tnt b f A match b Scotland and Wales ESS ?WA and were better m the opening exchanges Their dashing ionvards harassed the Scottish defenders who badly miskicking Wales forced ral fruitless corners and ™5.nS
    Reuter  -  288 words
  • 164 22 Labour Criticises Domestic Policy London. Oct. 29. PHE keynote of the Labour amendment to the address moved by Mr. Herbert Morrison was (he said> Britis 1 ecurity. He attacked the Government.-; oreign policy m se/cral spheres which ie attributed to class outlook and :i iticised government's dome v
    Reuter Wireless  -  164 words
  • 191 22 Preset 1 1 a I ioi i To Mr, A.M. Alsagof) Bingapon MR. Sved Ahmad bin Mohamed aigoff, J.P.. popularly known a mTa M. Alsagoff, who is an Assistant DistriS Commissioner or Scouts, Blnga the happy recipient of a Medai of M? 2 at a scout
    191 words
  • 72 22 Britons Who Would Not Leave Peiping, Oct. 29. WITH the Japanese advancing v. Taiyuanfu, the Bhai some mxiety is felt lor the safety of the 12 Britons m the Baptist n there including a number ol womei children. Although warned by the British Consular arthorities to leave
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 46 22 Japanese Drive Back Russians Shanghai. Oct 30 11HE Sin Chew Jit Poh ropRusso- Japanese clash on the chu-Mongolian border, whei th€ Japanese were defeated With the arrival of fresh ti succeeded In driving the Russians bark It is feared that a major cla minent.
    46 words
  • 75 22 London The Government has decide< m foreign lani Tryon announced m the H Commons. The .subject \va> d m debate by Mr. M< I Major Trvon stated that had been working on the some time and had made a 'he matter had be Morrison. "When we send on
    Reuter Wireless  -  75 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous

  • 1112 23 IUNDON1 UNDON HAS TO I RETIRE IGrana torward Work 1 1 .1 j;ood many years since I 1 Singapore had her state ruetfer I pride so severely humbled ns it has I teen m the past few weeks, if the I |,t. i at the hands of
    1,112 words
  • Article, Illustration
    14 23 A group of participants m the Ceylon Sports Club gala hockey match on Saturday.
    14 words
  • 121 23 Results Of Principal Home Matches London. Oct. 30. DESULTS of principal rugby football matches played to-day resulted Cheshire 16, Durham 11. Northumberland 31, Cumberland 8. Bedlord 6. St. Mary's Hospital 15. Blackheath 0. Swansea 19 Cardiff 15, Bristol 12. Coventry 18. Aldershoi 8. 5. Gloucester 3 Richmond o
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 232 23 CROSS-COUNTRY RACE Record Broken Si\ cix oi the runners In this morn ten-mile cross country race, the ol Its kind, held under the auspici the Clerical Union, succeeded In break m! 1 the record ol one hour set up In 1933 bj Pte S E Morgan, ol the Wiltshire Regimen
    232 words
  • 48 23 Gene sarazen. the famous golfer, former holder ol the open championship, is due m Singapore next month m the COUrse Ol a world tour. Mr. Sarazen i.s making a business trip. [but it Is hoped that an opportunity will veil to see him play vi Singapore
    48 words
  • 26 23 Command Hoc k ey In the Ck>mmand Hockey Cup Competition played at Tanglii yesterday, the RAM ht;ti I i Inniskilliii" j, by one goal to nil.
    26 words
  • 24 23 Brn Od 31 M Deman abandoned hia attempt to form a Cabinet after the Liberal P refused to co-operate with hti Reufc
    24 words
  • 18 23 New york, Oct The Bethlehem Steel C tion have declared a dividend >0 on the common stock. Reuter
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements

  • 780 24 WINSIN SEVENTH ROUND Mortell Turns Table On Una i B Refer* MOHD. I \^<- *W nol l.v" ««p Ihe s«u World last nif ht t and irouni i m- ErvDtians u*\w\ came saimm 1 lt i k V,',,"'. 1 'l"''l <»- P.« C n,n»,, Mortell
    780 words
  • 44 24 ¥•***** I nsco. 11.1',. beat Mohd. I r ill 1 m the seventh rouna. Johnn3 Wortell, B.3'i, beat Zugtnt x..v i, i<> rounds. I,. Mr Ibayan,' and l-'tth-Palace 7 drew, I« rounds. Kid Irenas beal foe Brazil In we truth round
    44 words
  • 23 24 Above, three Incidents la the inter-state rugby same between the and Negri-Malaeca at the s.c.c. an Saturday. Negri-Malacca wen.
    23 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 24 24 A.S.GILES. t S CIVIL NAVAL, AND MILITARY TAILOR AND OITIIIII X j No. 8. The Arcadj. Singapore. j 'PHONE 7M4. TIiB TAILOR j m
      24 words
      63 words