Morning Tribune, 9 March 1937

Total Pages: 28
1 28 Morning Tribune
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  • 677 1 CHINA'S FOREIGN POLICY Equality And Reciprocity In Relations With Other Nations IXO-JAPANESE XEtiOTIATIOXK TO BE BEOPEVEDV \lr. Wang Chung Hui Interviewed Nanking, Mar. 8. Delayed by Censor) !Vang Chung Hui, China's new Foreign Minister, affirmed i an interview to-day that maintenance of the integrity ina's territory and sovereign rights, and
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  • 148 1 STOP PRESS Liner Fired On British Destroyers To The Rescue London. Mar. 8. THE Admiralty states that lour 1 British destroyers are proceeding to the assistance of the Elder Dempster liner Adda who reported that she is being* fired on by an unknown warship in the Bay of Biscay. The
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 94 1 Tin Dredger Lost Dutch Ship Sinks In Heavy Storm Amsterdam, Mar h THE "KantotOg," reputed to bo the worlds largest tin dredger, capsized nnd sank in a heavy storm near Eddystone Lighthouse while being towed to the Dutch East Indies. The crew w <• saved. ••The "Kantoeng" was recently completed
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 38 1 More U.S. Strikes Hint. Mar H THREE <;iviMon.s ol the Chevrolet plant here W4TI closed bv .strikers thifl morning The workers left peacefully pending settlement ol their differences between the Company and the United Automobile Worker. Union Reutei
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  • 471 1 Full Control By l\ext Weekl' London, Mar. 8 TIIK Nun -Intervention sub-commit- tee recommends' Mar. 13 as the final date for operation of the control scheme in Spain. The committee' will meet at 11 a.m. to-morrow to deal with the recommendation, also the sub -committee's report that
    Reuter  -  471 words
  • 143 1 ITALIAN REPRISA LS IN ETHIOPIA After Attempt On Life Of Marshal (Iraziani London, Mar 8 THAT t tie It;j]i:m reprisals in Addis Ababii after the attempt on Marshal Gra/iani's life were carried out with savagery almost beyond description, representing the worst atrocities in Africa .since the Congo, was Viscount Cranborne's
    Reuter  -  143 words
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  • 708 2 Alleged Criminal Breach Of Trust Case SENSATION AT THE ASSIZES Case Sent Hack To Magistrate Singapore. Moiuiuj Tll ERF was an unexpected turn to list- on the catondai for the second Assixes, which commenced before Mr. Justice de Buriatte in the High Court U> day. when the n p.p. >ir
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  • 214 2 BREACH OF TRUST ALLEGED Flit Removed From Ii.A.F. Baae Singapore Mondas THK evidence oi Capt 'I J Hobbs ol the HA V Selctar, was recorded to-daj before Mr W Q Reeves the third magistrate, in the case In which Arasaratnam is charged with criminal breach ol fcrus In respect ol
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  • 212 2 Kidnap Charge Stiff Sentences For Three Accused I Singapore. Monday THARGED to-day with kidnapping a u Tamil boy named Murgiah. aged sixteen, Dollah bin Bulat and Amat bin Sidi. two Malays, were each sentenced to seven months' rigorous imprisonment. and an Indian named Abdui Rahman' to fifteen months, by Mr
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  • 2235 2 JUNIOR CAMBRIDGE RESULTS Over 1,873 Successful Candidates In Malaya Singapore Monday THERE were u> many us 1.873 i)asse> for Malaya In the Junior Cambridgi examinations held ai various centres In the country last December The\ comprise 1,513 boys and MO girU The boys 1 results are summarised as follows: Satisfied
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  • 866 3 SHIPS FIREMAN ON CAPITAL CHARGE Cam Of Three Deaths At Sea Heard At The Assizes Sin^aDore. Mondav accused commit Ibe brink which he stands charged, did was his itate of iru d e was unaware of the physi an c quality of the aci which m did? I two qw
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  • 29 3 Low Notice For To-day I* .1 K.-i. b (m o r 'l ttCi di H.Jll.i't M am A Rlt< ho Yamai I i v Loll Nci.ip Vu in K
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  • 215 3 Diesel Plane In Singapore Lands At Kallang By Mistake A! DEI part t I on i 1,700 n 1 riu from i). aii IGer 1a n < Civ l i v. rl the con ion ol the giant plan d clow I It .i perlecl landing, ihe mistake i ing
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 107 3 ivoi CAN PAY MUCH MORE, BIT Y(M T CAN NBVB BUY A j BETTER OIL THAN 100% PURE rrcy PENNSYLVANIA MOTOR OIL JEFilttSS# J^% I m I^^^3» safe »-,w.r— LUBRICATION PKNN/OILS KKKPS MOTORS NKW. Pennzoil 'a high fire test, freedom from carbon, and abilltj to maintain its body under Intense
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    • 47 3 i /|P^\ /^^v s 188I BB *I) I (^Ccffli ?J] u I WtTp- <j* I] I X4^^^^ s ItOSKOIM PATENT IS THE ONLY WATCH IMPORTED IN MALAYA 1 Xnll ik \i)i m\i:k I uimst POCKET— GOLD— CHBOMI RBL AT AIL DIALERi in MALATA Sole Agents, Singapore. Ufl.
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    • 128 4 LONDON COMMODITIES jrBBER London Mar 8 Last Price 1 tmm} Chan e Strong !*-«-> d I 01 Buvers U3|lfl UH l, SPOt Sellers 115,18 UMU Aprd Buyers 11* Sellers. II i Apr"june Buyers. Ilftllfl [18 Lfl Sellers. 11 T 16 11 lo JulySept. Buyers IL,, UTjlfl +1 lo y Sellers.
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    • 41 4 FOREIGN EXCHANGE LONDON T.T. on Paris (closing middle rate) T.T. on Amsterdam (dosing middle rate) T.T. on Shanghai (closing selling rate) T.T. on Hongkong (.closing selling rate) T.T. on Japan (closing selling rate) T.T. on New York (closing selling rate I
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    • 36 4 BULLION MARKET LondOQ< Mar 8 Previou* To-day Change GOLD line Bar Der oz. 7-2-7 1 7-2-7 SILVER Spot 20 7 r Ml 13(16 —1 16 2 months forward 2u 13 16 20 J 4 —1 16
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    • 18 4 New Scudiu. Ltd. 24.000 lb.; total o[ 315, HK) lb. lor tbfl current fuuiinuii rtu,
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    • 32 4 Tin Quota Malayan Percentage For Next Quarter IT is officially announced that the Malayan domestic tin quota for the period April 1 to .Tune iiO has l>eeii fixed at ~l per con;.
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    • 56 4 Servant's Tax To Go i. ndon. I mull Budfi I an nUy com i < Pap< r or th I »v :me'A' t. ]'j?.i>. iulj to be [j h Thl ftb< w i v 100 i goe i 1 1 local funds to 1 urv i e, it is under
      56 words
    • 64 4 Malayan sikhs THF th K1 Div 11 Mala a v, 111 be hold i' Kuala Kan ai during thi In I'■ This is ;i rumual convention of the Sikh In Malaya Sai dai Jai Sini h thr l'i < ident of Ihe Bin rtallai Bl h Sabha fravan COF€ i
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    • 85 4 LONDON SHARE LIST Distillers m i 0 6 9 L0,1d0n Mar I Dunlop Rubber 7 +1 I General Electric Imperial Chemical Industries 40 ~~>v; ial Tobacco Ane..o- Dutch I Canadian Pacific 171 London Tin (New Share) Rubber Plant Investment Trust aa l 1 H Ayer Hitam H Southern Kmtas
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    • 29 4 METAL MARKET London. Mar 8 H TIN Standard. Previous lb-da] tmm I Spot (afternoon closing price* 259 170 -hlo 3 4 I Forward 260 269 3 4 +9% I
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    • 58 4 NEW YORK CABLE RUBBER v "*"'-'i l*. r 6. Pitftooi *-&>■ chan e rr, Bt— St -a P ne Buvers 22 3 8 M Sfo 716 Spot Buyers. Sellers 22 12 22 Will t D nvpr o oo ii ig 23 1 16 +38 April June g lljljj I f
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    • 201 4 Hold-Up Of Revenue Officers bia^ujA re, Monday, j I CHUA Keny Moi u:.d Ll< Bak Bong ftppear-.,; to-day before Capt. Nelson Jonoe. the Second Magistrate, i>>: judgmefft In the ease In which they are charged with rescuing two prisoners iron; the lawful CUftOtty Ol IWO revenue
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    • 81 4 Fleet Air Arm Opportunity For B«A B« ffr r< rrc Officers II .-I ti it until further notici R i r e officer i ferred thi upplemi ntai y list ol r, be elislble to voluntr t )W ei vei In the Fli e1 All n. ii !8 yeai of
      81 words
    • 71 4 SERVANT FACES MAGISTRATE illeged Criminal Breach Of Trust Singapore. Monday. aHsfra ir-gs Dec 7 whil. omplMy. I as a servant of Ramanathan Chettiai th The accused R^jLcS aloi! F Coast R I ff along i c andM a lavs he 1 1 ridenttothe "Sir* !SSS I mi 3 73 on
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    • 20 4 B EN H UR" AT THE ALHAMBRA •s. there IN,. I will I world fan i M.Q ,i i'ii cenU
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    • 610 5 MINING Prase* <' Lyall Evati Buyei Sellei Buyej Sell Amoat 'i-' 6 8 4- bai 33.0 34 0 33 0 M ila> 54 56 »4 il am 24 IS 24 6 Ul 1 70 1 80 1 71) Tii-... 23 6 24 3 24 al oi 170 L75 1.69 I
      610 words
    • 441 5 Par Pd 2 2 Alex Brick Old. 145 155 1.45 1.55 d0 V Pref* 2.50 2.60 2 50 2.00 10 10 Atlas "ice ROO 10.00n0m8.00 10.00 M Broadcasting 089 095 090 0.95 10 5 B M trustee 625 7.00 6.25 7.15 £100 £100 Cable fc Wireless Won Com Pref.
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    • 188 5 DEBENTUTES AND LOANS SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY 1901 r. (i 1940 $400,000 Int. II Bept 30 108 110 nom ed 1947 $1,000,000 i M.r 31 Sept 30 111 111 »om red. 1955 $1,000,000 Mar 31 Bept. 30 HO ltl nom red 1963 $2,000,000 31 Sept. 30 113 118 WM ed. 1956-66 $22,000,000
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    • 407 5 RUBBER SHARES i.Shar s are Si units* ntherwiw tutfrn %M :zz) i «h» 8.08 155 170 1.50 L.65 2.15 2.25 2.10 2.25 1 70 1.86 170 1.90 X! r J* ■■■■>■ 14f > iw M( I>n I'D:, 220 i or, 205 set t oSJ 005 (i on o or. £"u
      407 words
    • 113 5 si,, .ip. .1 Mui.d ♦vfiuiif fail 1) r»» i eal price. iin\\ n >n th< local mai Icet 1 daj bui ihe oflfei ing s wei e wi I! ab ibed bj Ihr trade and a COmpai «'(1 >l h» t markets rubbei was 1h( ap hen Bu ne;
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    • 68 5 Tone Irregular clo m^ (juiet Singapore, Monday morning Singapore: 'M 7 h etc., up l k tt, Market Tone. Opened steady, now easier London 1 1 14d up 14d Market Tone: Firm. New York: 22 13 1G cts.. up 7(10 et Market Tone: Closed easier Buyer; Sellers Spot
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    • 19 5 Singapore, Monday noon Singapore: $134, up $3 14. London: No market. New York: 59 cts up 1 pt.
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    • 9 5 New York-London 4K7.82 London-Neil York 487 29 32
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    • 185 5 Messrs. Fraser CoJs Report Bingapore, Mar a Tin at midday was $134 up tSM in spite of the very sharp rise In the Commodity, tin shares cHd not show any marked rise on the day, and althougn the market is tinner it is alfO rather quiet. Anongst sterlings
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    • 303 5 Wr. Julian Israel' s Report 1111 locally up >•{ 23 (making the dollai i' nr<l equivalenl Lo o\ t (£270 per ton) Rubbei locally ha i noi be< *< I] up poi tod „n(l rlo c ,iboui 38' •.<■ Mining Raub $(JHS $700 Gene :< 1 peaking th re haa
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  • 351 6 SHORTAGE OF NEW CA RS /{(tort! Demand \iul Lack Of Material A>H( KM \i beinj experid. M oraered new d( ol tlie yi ai tri i lasi ibei m are Lii for d I O! i v. U :m t thel id < wln v c (incides tOld j tain
    351 words
  • 90 6 DAILY PRICES CURRENT. Smuapon jlftmfftj :.<>on. Tone of Market: Steady Quiet Latest Cable: London Bpot Bheel 11 3 16d per lb New York Spot Bheef US -i 22 I||l6 pei ib No IX. R S.S In cases 'FOB. March) 38 3 8 38
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  • 329 6 AVI AT ION DI RECTOR'S CRITICISMS Britain's iir ports Intuit (jutttt V Ui tat Bin a i,n either i-quipiiu-i able c mi rv] il> with ad< b »tti bj daj and bj in Sij Frances Shelmerdine D Gent ral ol Civil Aviation n i-oniK tn- a foreward I Mrpoi and
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  • 131 6 "Real Light Infantry" London. battalions attached to the r a F wa viMiali>ed by Air Commodore C F ioll i o\ the Directing staff of the Imperial Defence College Addressing the Royal United Berrtoe I ■ltuti.m. he said. I do not know 5 M futuristic to see the raising of
    131 words
  • 196 6 Exchange SELLING Singapore Mai London r r > 4 ,le [•oihldh demand 2 4 i it? London 4 months 1 sight 24 l I Aon.-N ill I tld J2 >u I Hamburg demand j^ji N; a v rk demand M lh Mom i eal demand 131 H aviu demand Samarang
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  • 215 6 P rod uce Singapore. Mar. 8 R. (Siam W. Coast No. 1 per Koyan $14b R (Siam) \V Coast No. 2 per Koyan $138 I\ (Siam) \V. Coast No. 3 per Koyan Sl3' 1 i F (Siami ••White" No. Al $234' R (Siam) White Rice" No. 1 $214' R. (Siam)
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 62 6 OVERSEA CHINESE BANKING CORPORATION LIMITED FREE 3 urselvee from tho FEAR <■ BURGLARS by keeping your VALUABLES (Jewellery or inipor--1 I document*) in SAFE BOXES VAULTS a! CHINA BUILDING, CHULLA STREET SINGAPORE. You hold YOUR OWN KEYS, tod ONLI }o\' can q*ti ietepi to kheK ;if li 1 bo that
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    • 192 6 THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK. LTD. <i«H«Uhed m iaao) OaVMaJ airtwibed cFuiiy paid up' reserve Fund 130. 900.000 CO Head Office: YOKOHAMA SINGAPORI BRANCH, MEYtK CHAMBERS Manager f Tel: No. 6U4J Room 5921 ■o'J'Z2 Generui uiluv D923 547^ Oompradore's Desk \<il^rlaiulvrho II a n tie Maatsc*lia|>|>ijj. \.V. (Netherlands Trading Socutyi BANKERS
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  • 120 7 New Patrol Boat For Chasing Smugglers In Egypt toot patrol launch built for th Egyptian Government to be used h l^mi; smuggler^ was lifted out of the water a» Southampton by the Ist-ton floating crane. She will be shipped on the P. and O. vessel I ndon". Here we se
    Planet News; Topical Presse; France-Presse  -  120 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 218 8 •> 1 N Opening To-Night at the CAPITOL I v v Here's TIIK BICiCiKST KKOXIU'XST of XII N STOP LOOK I and LISTEN s Paramount blaze the Musical Trait Again with a Bumper s Comedy, Soii£ Dance Triumph, -nii: iih; broadcast I Ol 1937' ?S m |;>^ cJJLI'jK^BIB^BW I w
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    • 161 8 fii I 1 [paviTTim I t\£ LISAB€ TfT 1 1 I i ESCAPE Ci i I I i MFVFP TO&J^I > I 1L T Ll\ *S£ I 3IMCTIO BY 0»- davji CZiNNfft II ISiIK'V I g^ Extra: Mickey's Circus and Walt Disney s g. I THREE LITTLE WOLVES f I
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  • 595 9 Jack Dempsey's Plans l> tan rant And Hotel Kino i „1 on, n Is quite probable Dempsey will carve out [ame as America's outand restaurant man Hum oi the maulers five Indicators which point I flung empire of hotels and will rise and thrive agic of Dempsey's name ::.ic diligence,
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  • 311 9 Li fe Of A J udge Lord Heuart On FullBottomed Wign \t:<l Ml That "Tut- juduf no doubt appears "> teilec'ii i >w i hat .1 ood mai j 1 1... ol hin n marked Lord H< Lord i lice, in u >■ i I gold( jubilee banquel ol thi
    France-Presse  -  311 words
  • 74 9 Mr 8 W. J Goorh. State Engineer Perak. was at Kuala Lumpur last weekend to attend the state Engineers' Conference Mr. A C. Boyd, DO., Tampin, ha. now been an inmate of Seremban Hoa pital for the past fortnight, and as h< is likely to remain there lor at least
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  • 29 9 Mr and Mrs H B. Dudley, of Pa dang CFajati Rotate, were In Singapore last week-end, en route to Europe.. Mr V J Davidson will toft for Mr. Dudley
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    • 117 9 r~ i X f »<Sllr<» IMIVAIJ l' m T()-MC;HT 9 p.m. GRAND SINGAPORE PREMIER! TO-DAY "•)<> At Last is the (ireatest Tamil Picture of the Season. IHI Alt>l A PATNI" Most Modern Thriller ever made Singing! Dancing! Comedy! THE S EASTERN UNITED ASSPBAKCEj <oitro»\rio\ limited., j (Incorporated In the StralU
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    • 61 9 @THE FAMOUS STAR OF "HOUSE OF ROTHSCHILD^ S RETURNS EN ANOTHER HK; SCREEN HIT. g> u What I consider to DC one of the finest films OporßP^ .I:! Arliss has ever made DAILY SKETCH. I pavilion! nkxt ciiangk 1 8 {o> 1 I /^^GEORGE ARLISS S w ,^1 W^^fw kidnaps
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  • 830 10 OU R LO NDON MAR KET REVIEW [j />'* Mfi MML A Critical Week In The Market. I Government's Ban On Future Metal Denting*? A in erica Keeps Aloof From Mincing Lane om nir Corrcs}>, :.:< Lo:. J f) 1 2S. (TOOK k t..: have v, unpri edenl bituatio ha
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  • 280 10 LOVERS EMBRACE IN DOC K UirlOf IS ll ho Had Coin in Education H: Two youni lovers «ml 1 the dock ai Bri i ,v ard e i led! r i ot!.. to ren i d I inn 1 hey an 1 u tlliam Huwkin i 23 I Cochn <
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  • 33 10 Dr R. D. Cross the Acting Deputy State Medical and Health Officer. Perak who i- undertaking a tour of inspection of Soutti Perak hospitals, will be visitine the General Hospital. Tapah on rnursday.
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  • 279 10 WI FE CATC HES SUSPECT Alleged lil <nc h% I Plucky Strickle I P L Ule of an aliM^i I I h i d child? iSS I barkinp indcora I house aPri waa In the to the I renk I him IV; >: which ensued rtoleni b lr i her
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  • 55 11 (I hi- firM stages In the construction of the new giant Zeppelin being built in Germany. France -Presse Preparations for the Paris Exhibition are advancing rapidly. Our photo shows some of the work in progress. France-Presse l.irs'r quantities of mai/r is bring delivered i<> thr
    France-Presse  -  55 words

  • 334 12 MORNING TRIBUNE Singapore: Tuesday. Mar. 9, 1937. MR. SASTRI'S REPORT QOVERXMENT officials and nR-m-Mtl of the rubber industry have every reason to feel pruud of the report on Indian labour conditions in Malaya which has been presented by the Ri^ht Hon. V. S. Srinivasa Sastri. It is a report which
    334 words
  • 695 12 'm kh will U iienerai satisfaction M.:< mlmul Kinta at tin 1 decision of Govei :;.< ut to tr< b e the vote foi With the C ition festivities 1 il vote oi SI 450 was pain Itqv DM vhu-h :h<i ib drew attention at the time the
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  • 180 12 iP,v Air .Mail* i. I [an b I I Mq« Mmctwunp, Squndr lei O< orge Muschamp •a :i husb ind In Gii a] m I the world" ab lut La a In lant- ture i- '-< ere se:- m a large n■ by hi r hus >an<
    180 words
  • 92 12 Ifi .1 I Walker, Btontaij, Bui -ri Ujong Club Seremban, wa In Singapore Last week to take boat for Home on leave Mi vv w n.-ivuisoh oi Perak hai taken the place of Mr A T Gibbings a State Engineer, p w I) Alor Star hll th v latter has
    92 words
  • Article, Illustration
    80 12 Although only ten years old, Ruth Slenc/ynski. thp lor h' i nist. is already famous in two rontii ents and is roll« nU|| nia n.i London appearance at thp Queen". Hall. She ads as i (1 Ruth was well-known in America vhrn only nve .v rars n irm or> rrr
    Planet News  -  80 words
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  • 39 13 New Base For Empire Air Services PORTSMOUTH The "Queen Mary sailed from Southampton for New York on her first voyage of the season after her extensive overhaul In dry-dock. Here we see the "Queen Mary" leaving Southampton. Planet News
    Planet News  -  39 words
  • 316 13 Reopened Wound Chemist Commits Suicide By Cutting 20 Stitches Liverpool SNIPPING the M .stitches that iicid together a day-old Bui wound in his toivaim a 2b-year-okt chemist reopened the wound With razor-biade and. waited lor death. Hr, wile found him. and he WM rushed back to hospital, where he died
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  • 162 13 "Statue" Th at Moved Stony Silence Of Chambtr maid It: The Dock London I APPARENTLY obvious to all. that was going On around her. Marjonc BtOd-< dart. 2a. chambermaid, stood Uka 1 statue i!. the dock at Marylebone. 1 Asked li the pleaded guilty 01 not Mui:.'. to 1 charge
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  • 174 13 Nude M an Terror .iTinrf Far Vanishing Motorist WKS'I ix police t i< hunt ni| young man who ha been U 1 women folk In th< peaceful villa Puntingto near Chiche ter Tl ip man in cju< has be about ah ioluU Ij n ■<■• I%i ept for ft' mackintosh
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  • 161 13 Wife** Death After Reading Novel i THAT a novel his wife hud been reading was responsible tor her death waa the opinion expressed at Bolton the other day by John u Dunn, ol Bayleystreet. Bolton, at the inquest on Mary i Dunn. 41. whose death was due
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 38 13 I Obtainable of a// Chermrts an</ Stores I jft^fj t I fl n d lit IB I rM :,«>:; t r A GOODWOOD CHARMINGLY SIT! ATM) IDEAL «»u \J ORS INO K>l l!Ji S ''vr r//rr/ f'acihttr I merit*
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  • Article, Illustration
    238 14 LLOYD'S OF London -new pirttirr Lloyd *ol London laught th, world insuran, operate every quarter ol the globe ls M II a coffee house owned by Edward Lloyd! u V"" ""■'"l^B ships. The insurance on a ship or „„>,', h I ,i,on in the world and its policies asMw-iation of
    Planet News; News  -  238 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 86 14 SHORT \^^L CUT v3WP ENGLAND WEEKS of surface travel saved by flying Home. Luxurious air liners. EVERY comfort for passengers. I PLKNn of room for luggage NIGHTS spent on land hotels, meals even tips included in the fare. Two services weekly Singapore to London. Also twice weekly to Brisbane. AND
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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  • 1227 16 Mvn ini'jjil lake a hint from lliis arlii*l€ k lieil il is maiiiK fur ilm miiiiam who is urtjctl. slsr lias Icariil \\lial lilreia Tu milling la^ aiclvisotl in |»ri k vi€in% issues. l€> look after her ImsliaiMl's k*iisiirt h wilh tlief A IflCl this n will
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  • Page 16 Advertisements

  • 370 17 Fashion Demands St yte in Coiffures bubly know by now what gown t uoiiiK t wear on youi nexl is ion Perhaps a gay neu one, be you're going to weai the fa your wardrobe Bu' which- u-MT ::a t\p»- oi pown u I „k that Its style and coloui
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  • 443 17 LEMON BATHS for a lovely back JN a cer: lly a 1 (0nt M V> iU m police have orders to arI People who appear to need bath* said people to the publi. ;>mers i don't think there many folk In M ilaya who "'i! 1 avi to iv forced
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 269 17 t A TOURIST'S SHOPPING (aim* i GIFTS PASKOE'S LTD. FOR USEFUL WEDDING GIFTS STA TIONER NOW OPEN GLOVER'S IH'teclivc* Fiction L 1 11 It Alt Y Subscription 50 cents yearly Lending Fee 10 cents per book 9 11, (Ground Floor) The Arcade, Singapore. BOOKSHOP BOOKS ON BANKING The Theory ol
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  • 157 18 A SECOND PANAMA CANAL? 170-Mile Water waif Across Xicarafjua hington. PLANS tor the construction of this canal ici ti Ccnti lea, Unking the Atlantl i I ure to be broughi I I Congress approval durinj th n ent session. Ti> a 1 Nld be made ncros Mean gua i urged
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 493 18 i [I fMH a^ BY P&Oand BRITISH INDIA. LINES Outwards. Due Wue ionna^c B p«»re. lonnage Spore. l'Jo7. MH. CATHAY 15,000 Mar. 12 CORFU 15.500 May 7 BURDAWAN IiU.U Mar. 13 NALDERA 16,000 Ma\ 21 RAJPUTANA 17,000 Mar. 26 HHITAN 6.100 Jur.t B RANPURA IV.OuO Apr. B CARTHAGE 15.000 June
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    • 146 18 \.Y.K. LIXE (iENKRAL PASSENGER AGENTS TNARI) WHITE STAR, LTD. (Incorporated in Japan). ro LONDON, via Penanf, Colombo, Aden, Port Said, Marseille! ft Gibraltar. s.s. KATORI MARU Mar. 18 8.8. KASHIMA MARU Apr. 1 •m.s. YASUKUNI MARU Apr |4 1 8. "lIAKONE MARU" Apr. 29 Kate* to Ist Class tnd class
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 387 18 I'osi \i i\ii:ij.iV.i \V, I ~~>—^-^~^^ M STEAMER MAIL DESPATCHES TO-DAY FOR I>KH DATE AND TIM* I SOOO Hem? l( Kock. Padang, Pakan Bai e fetli ndsNndlfJ U-i-an Ml H 9 3 Pm THURSDAY 1 ■< Mar M 11 i!lyi Mir am K Mar pm. Burma Karag P-m. Fast and
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    • 74 19 SHIPS IN DOCK i >NGSIDE THE WHAR\ 1 S 1 ECTED rO ARRI\ I Kt r 1 HAitROl K ain Wharf: Dllwara, Waterboal Splendour, Samson HI Vdh S:r V. Aw Wa '.it Johanna, Leh, Kittiwakc. VEBSELB IN DRI DOCKS Tanjong «sVeers Wharf: buL Rv V U Laburmui-i. Victoria Dock: J.
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    • 14 19 ind C) Naldm is clue at Sin- 'M-kotm at 10 a.m. tomorrow Wednesd ay
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    • 196 19 Vessels In Port British 4,612 lun u Yol ih ui: i B I British I ro2 u r n m 0.3 to Mad) i L1. 3 1 Hi] l. i. ln)in 1.3 to Pontlanak 3 British, 647 ton from Ku \i i ID 'i !>' li in B( [)«'li
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    • 30 19 h B the Governor bai granted i mmlssion to Mr r f c Ifarkham, u Pilot offirpr in the General Duties TJ r:u^rh Ui the Straits Settlements Volunteer Air fteee.
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  • 40 19 Mr. J Alan Black has arrived In London alter three months travel, during; which time he spent a month m Australia and a month in New Zealand. Mr. Black is. of course. well-kn -nvn inembei Ol the Malayan Civil Service.
    40 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 262 19 hBn .s ii iL v li\ i: < incorporated m Australia) NEXT BAILINGS. Due Sails. MARELLA 28 Apr. 3 MERKUR Apr- M) Ala V 4 'cial cheap round trip Ucketi iron Blngapon to Australia Laraed at Om following Firsts, pa engera may tran. at Sin apore, Brisbane, Sydney ox the
      262 words
    • 400 19 "j»vn-, Antwerp ,v Dunk m- CWTWAEDB. J (from Marseilles) 1 l bi J A < y uE y KOII 111ll -i""' HaiphDj,.. M v I Ma, iu N NI 4f PADAEAM J Apt J j »aki:s ANY PLAc;Ei >UIAVa T() |lles J; Jl J \(l Ml KUN SaiKUll Mai 1
      400 words
    • 88 19 lll.V\/.Mi A UH| i < .■•■<■.' rid with j it mlor t a i >::■', ifJoil PERU to lanl i Kobx ka D VUSTR/ Haifa Copei I .Jnl illdllli o Manila jtKi Ronndtrip 8 poi bin r r > i "Hi i.,i, u (ab( t ireeki I SZSI ther p:n
      88 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 45 20 I I In I (ill [B I?! 11 Before you I L<:;:>1 I i:::y I say 'Whisky I H say i IDewar's I I 'White Label' l IfNll Itfiii I lIIIIIIIMiIII I Sole Agents I SIME DARBY CO., LTD. SINGAPORE JOHORE MALACCA NEGRT SEMBILAN I
      45 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 86 21 PILOT PEN IS PARAMOUNT! Pilot viciium filliii'^ pm h;ivn>"; no l--t v 'nR 8 rubber tube inside is!u»e!v fun! X^ P-^X&faJf' L aV I :i'it<'fd ;i<';iins; t)re:ik.i"e l'o|- ten vr;n.s g'td '-C/ 1 a )~t^R I Try the most perfect pen ever produced d BTw^'* fll^m I at modernte
      86 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 455 21 os mi: ii%mo v llrilisli I^ni|»ir4' Programme niivsion 2: 6.20 p m.— 9.05 (,SH 13.97 metres (21.47 mcs); 1., .N0 metres (17.79 mcs.) and i s'! metres (15.14 mcs.). „,.m ission 3: 920 p.m.— 0.20 (l sll i;{ *»7 metres (21.47 mcs.); ..I 19.82 metres (15.14 mcs.) and ,s( \uM
      455 words
    • 470 21 JP- LiKht M -'0 pa, N lßllsh tinu! :<: Mu w n> Cln 'in Li>tenus i{ I- i Indies 1 u )ni Ni u. I Kconomic Review •ii O< rman and Call I) :c^ 835 pm The Fatherland lie.s in the hearts ol tli r people Music and poetry 920
      470 words
    • 248 21 :o 1.36 pin Nc\ 14 mi'trw »1 5 i El Ii 5.10 i> m Ni a Italipn p m c Lose Dowi enuth In 68 metre- iIS 21 820 p m Conct rt R< lay< I •l! Pni 1 aik on Cut rent French Events iln Japanese) 120 p.m New.,
      248 words
    • 212 21 ■■■< Nlgi ra- (11 ni Dune, mu w mid ,ib u Relayed fiom the Cont Hte Ml pin i ime ii| il dowi IVo^i-aiiiuM's Of /111. Itroadcastinq Daily On 225 Metres THE following are the programme f the B M in* station, Singapore the week TO -I).\V 100 pm Malay
      212 words

  • 70 22 Japanese Wrestlers —Yew Ah Kin. 134 Rangoon Kd.. Singapore. "Paradise'* Lim Cheon^ Hong, 2. Surrey Road. Newton. Singapore. I)u< ks _|.oh i> an j, Kay. 12. Rattrrv Road, Singapore. 1 a Kut.iMi. .ii f* nv" h < .im'-ron < n \ssch ialion o! FnsniPrr^ vhu i>i |hf Mnsqur I'rom
    70 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 81 22 Men Made Young Vigour Increased In 24 Hours If l oil f> > 1 Old your tin.unable to enjoy 1 I ith. t ik« I N'ixon'.- V > our M ml <f. Vn Hie results VI -Tabs are .i n< d nteed t o huild ■!> i ml mak< wtrk
      81 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 130 22 ON THE RADIO (Continued from page til Walt; K Flai Prelude k Chopin Mazurka Chopin Barcarolle i Chopin Scherzo Chopin i 815 pin Memori< si ran ii mophone Records) Waltz The Blue Danurx Played i\ Fhe Philadelphia Symphony Orches rr.i Immortal StiviLs* A Medley ol iiss 1 Waltzes Played by
      130 words
    • 123 22 yin Zaibaic Mu» Nan, i r y': Anrouncements Jloiiclafi I M s sin re hia Introdu ory tolk 1 U V" 1 p l 1111? the pan 'B\Zi should play h ir home, i N<lll continue tl subject but ill] 3 JS^ual* vith can I from infanc:. n. i;,>: Wl5
      123 words

  • Article, Illustration
    477 23 Our Agfa Photograph ic Competi tion Kn tries for this competition KM invited lor the prizes to be awarded in March. They should be addressed to the Kditor, the Morning Tribune. Anson Road, Singapore, and the envelopes should be clearly marked u Agfa Competition." BEND in vorit BUM sow Q
    477 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 45 23 lor this (o in pe I i I i on ean be used. Hoe* I his mean a handicap? Hrl'ini<€'l> not! I' Ii c k e\peri v n e v d photographer would have ehosen. anyhow, Ihe reliahle. ISOCHROME-f'lm j The Film For the tropics!
      45 words

  • 1274 24 Malaya's Great Labour Acheivements. MR. SASTRI ISSUES REPORT Standard W4§t* MtUi Be Restored THIKI i- no justification lor l>rev ellti|lg Indian labour from emigrati ine to Malaya. Given an a-ssu raiu.e of attive and sympathetic consideration of the improvements SURgested. and in particular of stt-ps hn.iu immediate!) taken to r^tore
    Reuter  -  1,274 words
  • 146 24 i liitusi St tit To l*rison For Possession Singapon Monda po\V Slew was scnteiu-ed six tnontli rigorous imprisonment b Capt N( r.'iu's the s< cond n agistrat< Sal foi the possession ol -.(..< counter^ it current coim .•\> i g to the evidence ol the pi i secution
    146 words
  • 96 24 Joh or e Wedding Daughter Of The Acting Mentri Besar from Our Oicu CorrtMpondeni Joi.oie Bahru. Ifftl 5 Two well known families In Johnre were united by the wedding In Johore Bahru this evening ol Inche Abdul Mabir bin Abdullah, ol the Town Botrd Johore Bahru. son of the Hon.,
    96 words
  • 45 24 sv. atoii Max The Maritime dustomi ofßclal have seized 2,256 taeli i I oplmn on ttn steamer Haill T'An ai resti wi re dmu and U found guilty ol trafficking it Is lik< ly that r ::.> will be executed 81n Chew Jit Poh
    45 words
  • 484 24 Recruiting Licences issued I UUiE mi.,,: i M r expend his year. nun licences hu\ >..•, yers who \i£u i i rite of 50 .m,, lul Homrn, u ttas lixrill last m r -"an 1,,,,;, graiion tnntnitttv h».|,j K Lampnr. Th t > iontr.ut w «th i,
    484 words

  • 23 25 Shanghai, Mar. 8 The tramways itrikt has been settled,! Uld work hM been resumed Sin Cix w jit Poh. i
    23 words
  • 187 25 CARPENTERS TRY TO STOW AWAY Ttcclre Men Convicted In Marine Court Singapore, m TV/ELVE Chinese carpenters who a' tempted to .stow away on bond the Ben Mohr for Italy and Holland bo look iv>r work were arrested on board the vessel on Saturday <uid convicted In the. Marine Court this
    187 words
  • 85 25 Fo otballer Fine d For Making Insulting Remarks JjO much has boon hoard recently of the need for t 'leaner football that tho following paragraph may DC of interest:— "A footballer in Berlin has boon Bmed tho oquivalont of M uith the alternative af six days' imprisonment because he made
    85 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 84 25 GOOD LOOKS >"^ arc not enough %> Thai's why I guard "S3^ €?f PEI < S()NIL FRISIfN'iSS 1 kiu (>v ron i;r 1 i r*- i soap I i 1 l: there'i the least doubt about yoiii persona] V fit DC dl inn and ,P iust disap] That 1 here
      84 words

  • 110 26 Army Win Grand Ga me [Thrilling Kiif/fftr Will' i\ a ru«^:' beat the Narj' {OeJ and tl to a was a grand gan^ The F select h 'land, v '.ne cor. Otl r lay wen B Oxford Un i Old Merch fayloi !>.. 1 H 1 1 i inelly us
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 192 26 Local Golf Results At Island Club And Keppel S.C. THE replay of the February i>o»ey tie at the Island Club resulted in a win lor Lee Pans; Kim who returned a score 1 Of all square on bogey. About 12 cards were "taken out for the March mixed foursome competition
    192 words
  • 299 26 Handicaps For K. L. Races K.. 1 ir Monday iiANDK'AI I first da> ol II Sela t Turf Cl eeting iw id it :s,- l.^s 1 l*.x l furs 9.0 8.6 Ku 7 lie j i! Singing B T.M Htriei, Obm Dfc l I mis P v intent j l*
    299 words
  • 372 26 Friendly Soc cer s.c.c. "K" Um T<> 7th BatUry R.\. Smgap< ie M vn B.c.c r, oeati fetta I I v L tcl fOl irds ol < i C ed to I I rmai lad tl ill IJ I Gunm wei presented of s( o] In t the for v
    372 words
  • 14 26 Hammond Bats Well mix rift Mi»*y, Mar. 8 T" 1 i at "»t out.-
    14 words
  • 150 26 Latest Call Over Ffa Lincolnshire And (hand \ational London. Mar. 8 >T m call over for hr Hi col Handicap and Grand Natioi al:— 1(111 7 N: mo. 1 n and offered--18 1 Taki offered. 100-6 taken hh) 6 Law i t 100— o Nipftwas 18—1 Edgehill; 20-- l Voltus;
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 60 26 Joan Of Arc lii tIM Churdl Ofl Domremy. the native villas of the Maid of Orlei has Men lighted I nie Will I for ever In men :nple who br-,ir. t I national Ai each cmndle burn ano ijlf r takes It pi 111 fi m I fl m? candles
    60 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 52 26 I OXOIIA IIAI>i»-I3AKI>l\8>^ i 1 oit 1 1 axii- < i; 1 1: v i (Complying with British Standard Specification) 4i§^& f M^h, IPEST RENOWNED FOR ITS QUICK-SETTING PI Ilieiilv rrriinunrridrcJ for f;ist concrete work. K ALWAYS IN STOCK sole importers: r Vl\ MITSUI BUSSAN KAISHA LTU. K.PM CHAMBERS, No.
      52 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous

  • 740 27 !ST DIVISION SOCCER I Midds. Fail To Get Goals Singapore, Monda\ r\i\ Koyal Artillery, last season 's I (Up vmihuis tart ad Hh'u hi line lashion to-day, when |M openinf maich ol the I nsl ln\i i m the) defeated the Middle Kegiment
    740 words
  • 267 27 H. S. Bank Lose To G.E.C. Singapore. Monday. THE G.E.I, beat the H. S. Bank in the Business Houses, League soccer match played on the Harbour Board grounds this evening by one goal to nil. The game was evenly contested, and although play during the first half
    267 words
  • 88 27 Home Football Fixtures For F.A. Cup Semi-Finals London. Mar 8 The following teams will meet for the Semi-Finals of the F A. Cup to be played on April 4: Woiverhampton or Sunderland versus Millvvall. West Bromwlch versus Preston, at Arsenal If Woiverhampton should win, the reply eemi-flna] will be played
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 32 27 Singapore, Monday The Business Houses League game between The P. o Hank and Nestanglo, winch was to have been played on the y.m C a ground tins evening was cancelled
    32 words
  • 445 27 "Y" TENNIS TOURNEY Japanese Player's Debit t Singapore, Monday n\l\ threatened to interfere with tin N M.( Opt it Invitation 'rums Tournament (his afternoon. Shortly before i»^«n drizzled hr.ivih, hut Bft*r I Fen minutes it cleared and eight In's were decided. Much intei <-..i i.i i.i in Lht 1 n
    445 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 104 27 m %JT* k Hllf^llF TE I Wll-1.l \IU C L o r ii i; ii II II I L II c i: m i: x i llaipicl-llarilfiiins; Rapid- hardening "Colorcrete" is marketed in Buff. Ked Cireen and (ream. Rapid -hardening "Colorcrete" has all the properties of "I errocrete," the rapid
      104 words

  • 104 28 Miss Tay and Mr. Reshty (behind »iet) defeated Miss Hopkin and Mr. Markham in the Handicap Mixed Doubles. (Tribune). Koboyashi Miss Kobuta who were beaten by Mrs. Morgan Oliver C'hua Choon Leonp in the Mixed Doubles. (Tribune). Mrs INnnefathrr and Ci^H. Tan beat Miss Nelli Chia and
    104 words
  • 94 28 Serious Fire Chinese Shop Badly Damaged Singapore, Monday 4 BERXOUB Ore broke out shortly b«- fore 9 o'clock to-night In a Chinese 'hop at No 80. Crow Street Three Brigades were in attendance and some time passed before the Ore was Anally under cow rol The cause Of the outbreak
    94 words
  • 57 28 Champion Skater Austria's popul;. fir. U)6 h<-lr.«: i Olympic champioi according cided to becomi to cable advice: fr« n Schaefer Baya lhai stop as a result I made by the chain national Skatini A r waa stated that status had been I fact thai Scharfn foi his appearan his fn
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  • Page 28 Advertisements