Morning Tribune, 1 January 1937

Total Pages: 26
1 28 Morning Tribune
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  • 223 1 SPOT FALLS BELOW 10 PENCE BUT RALLIES AGAIN EXD OF RECENT LOXG PERIOD OF IMIOI IT-TAKIMi y/HAT is considered to be the marking of the end of the recent long period of speculative profit-tak-ing in rubber occurred in London yesterday morning when the "spot" price of
    Reuter  -  223 words
  • 817 1  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Sin Chew Jit Poh Sin Chew Jit Poh Sin Chew Jit Poh Sin Chew Jit Poh But Be Pardoned To-morrow Nanking, Dec. 31. THE court-martial has sentenced I Chans Hsueh Lian* to It years' imprisonment but in yiew of bis voluntary surrender and
    Reuter  -  817 words
  • 61 1 Gun Fight Between Gangsters Shanghai, Dec. 31. DOUCE sergeant Michael Slater, aged 23, an unmarried Canadian, was shot dead during a gun fight between tour Chinese gangsters on the stairs of an office building following a holdup this morning. Sergeant Slater joined the International Police two
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 105 1 But Does Not Want War London, Pec. 31. "I AM not revealing state secret if I declare, with full responsibility for every word! I say. that to-day we feel sufficiently strong to defend ourselves wtt<h success single-handed against any power or combination of powers,' declared the Soviet Ambassador.
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 42 1 From Our Own Correspondent/ Bangkok, Dec. 31. Ba* gkok c?lebra^€d the New Year with its annual fa-icy-dress ball a* the Sports Ciub this evening. Over 40C persons sat down to supper, which wi»s under tfie supervision of Jot Lee.
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  • 43 1 London. Dec 31 The Pepper Sales Control Committee sold to-day at 5V 2 d in bond, a quantity of Singapore White Muntok pepper which recently was being offered at this level. No new price will be fixed until next week Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 477 1 On Italo-Gertnan Moves Moscow, Dec. 3*. A CLAIM to possess information showing that Germans and Italians fighting for; General Franco are not volunteers is advanced by the Soviet Government in exnresstaf Us readiness to agree conditionally to the Anglo-French proposal for banning the despatch of volunteers to
    Reuter; British Official Wireless  -  477 words
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  • 410 2 $3,000 Year From Public A LEPERS' Aid Fund similar to the <<ne that has existed for some >«\irs in the F.M.S. is brine formed for the Colony. It is estimated that sum ol about $3,000 »s required every year to assist these unfortu Mte people and
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  • 62 2 Signor Mussolini, it is stated, has accepted an invitation from Dr. Daranyi. Hungarian Premier, to visit Budapest .some time after May, 1937. The King and Queen of Italy are also reported to be contemplating visit to 'udapest next May. 'f the Duce makes the journey it will
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  • 63 2 Singapore, Thursday. A Javanese wom. n was inV olved in a cue of stabbms y.terday afternoon. t h j was f T oU nd JV ing the Victoria hv n h 1 Jalan r"^ was removed cLT h alK>e the t?^ er al Hospital. She had a wound
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  • 195 2 BOY KILLED BY MOTOR VEHICLE Driver Fails To Stop After Accident Singapore. Thursday. AN Arab boy. Sulaiman bin Ali Abdat was knocked down by a motorvthicle In Upper Serangoon Road shortly after 4 p.m. yesterday and fatally injured. The accident occurred almost directly opposite the Paya Lebur Police Stallion, and
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  • 206 2 Programme For Visit To Singapore Singapore, Thuuday. CONSIDERABLE interest is bting dl»- i: 1 the coming visit to Singapore of the Ir.iian Deputation. Members of the local Indian community especially are looking forward to their arrival. The deputation comprises the Rt. Hon. Mr. V. S. Srinivasa Sastri. P.C.,
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  • 127 2 "Nursing Sheep Women In Charge Of IMO On Ocean Trip Houston. Texa- PIFTEEN hundred American sheep and -oats, under the watchful eyes of seven Russian women, have let here by steamer for Russia where they will bo used to improve the Soviet's flocks. The Russian women were brouuht over from
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  • 185 2 250,000 Sets Ordered: Big Rush London. A RUSH to purchase King Edward VIII stamps, now being experienced here, is surprising stamp experts. Duriiic the past lew days, dealer? have boon receiving cabled orders from all parts of the world asking for altogether over 250.000 complete sets of
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  • 69 2 GERMANY BANS "CAFES" Must Be Called "Coffee Houses" In Future Berlin. NAZIS ftft continuing their efforts to purge the German language* of much-used <and often much-needed) foreign words and expressions. It is now announced that the post office, in collaboration with the Nazi Hotel-Keepers' Association, have decided that the word
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  • 69 2 Jean Batten's Feat Beaten Natal (Brazil). Dec. 30. THE French aviatrix Maryes Bastie arrived at 4.40 p.m., having left Dakar (Senegal) at 7.23 a.m., and has thus beaten Jean Batten's record solo crossing of the South Atlantic of 13 hours 15 minutes by 70 minutes. Her plane
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 69 2 Tiro Arrests Made In Singapore Singapore, Thursday. TWO arrests have been made in connection with the armed robbery of a Chinese woman, the propi ieirtss of a sundry goods shop off MacPherson Road, on Monday night. The arrests were made by Mr. Tremlett. A.S.P. attached to the Detective
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  • 45 2 The following passengers are arriving in Singapore by the Jutlandia which is due here on Jan. 29: Mrs. J. Larsen, Mrs. A. Sylvester Hvid. Mr. R. Block, Miss F. A. Koek Mr J N. van Arkel, Mrs. V. m! Brederode, Mr. A. V. Cramsie.
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  • 31 2 The death occurred suddenly at his home in Edinburgh recently of Sir Leon Levison. the first president of the In- I ternational Hebrew Cnristian Alliance at the age of 55. 1
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  • 163 2 Inche Abdul Rj&hman bht f Taib 'From Our Own Correspondent Johore Bahru, I>c. ao THE death occurred suddenly vestem--** In Johore Bahru, of Inche Abdul Rahman bin Taib, about 40 years of age I headmaster of the Ayer Moleh Mala* i School, Johore Bahru, who
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  • 181 2 Statement Of Singapore Municipality THE Singapore Municipal health stat* 1 ment for the week ended Dec. 2**. shows that there were 240 deaths com pared with 216 in the previous week and with 239 in the correspondin-. week of last year. The chief causes of death
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  • 176 2 Machine Installed In Laboratories Rochester, New York State. A MACHINE that measures "brainwaves" has been installed in the psychological laboratories ol the University of Rochester here. It amplifies one million times each electrical wave generated by the normal human bra/.n, it is claimed, and recordthe length on a
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  • 53 2 Mrs. Freer 's Plea Mr. Lyons, thu? Australian Premier, has announced that the full Cabinet will discuss a request by the solicitor to Mrs. M. M. Freer— the English woman who was recently refused permission to land in Australia— that she should have an opportunity to state her case to
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  • 1558 3 CHINESE ADVISORY BOARD MEETING proposal To Close Congested Areas To Processions (The following is translated from the Sin Chew Jit Poh.) Singapore, Thursday. PROPOSAL by the Singapore PoA lice to close two rfoacb in the tonires^ed parts of the town to funeral and other processions on account of the difficulties
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  • 30 3 Mrs. Rachel MacArthur, of Trinity Road, Edinburgh, celebrated her 109th birthday recently. The widow of an Edinburgh doctor, she was born at Stirling in the reign of George IV. 4*
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  • 189 3 A Different Man After 6 Months of Kruschen Here is the true story of a man who underwent drastic treatment for rheumatism, and was left weak and ill at the end of it. He regained his health not by painful, inconvenient methods, but by the
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    • 127 4 KIIRRRH Tone Steadi:r Quiet Spot Buyers. 10% 10% Jun Mar. Buyers. 10 9 16 10 3 16 Apr.|June Buyers. 10V 2 10 3 16 r, a Sellers. 10 r, a 10 4 2 e Jufy|Sept. Buyers. 10 7 16 10 1 16 3 s Sellers. 10 V 2
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    • 75 4 Distillers 124 4V 2 124-^ General Electric 946 94 6 Imperial Chemical Industries 41,6 41|7y 2 up iy 2 Imperial Tobacco 180|- 180,7 Vz up 7»/ 2 l Anglo-Dutch 424V_» 44 up l|7»/ 2 Canadian Pacific 15 8 14 7 8 _i/ 4 Rubber Plant. Investment Trust
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    • 28 4 rrixT oi. j j London. Dec. 31. TIN standard. Previous To-day Change Spot (afternoon closing price) £232-3 4 233 3 i -fl Forward £233-14 234 U
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    • 35 4 RUBBER New York. Dec. 30. Previous To-day Change Tone Quiet Easy Spot Buyers. 22 4 21»/ 8 IH Sellers. 227 16 21» 4 1 3;IG AprilJune Euyers. 22 8 21 1»/ 8
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    • 79 4 London. Dec. 31. Previous To-day Change T.T. on Paris (closing middle rate) 105.16 105.13 —03 T.T. on Amsterdam (closing middle rate) 8.95-3 4 8.96 3 4 +01 T.T. on Shanghai (closing selling rate) is. 258 ls. 2 19 32 —132 T.T. on Hongkong (closing selling rate) ls. 31
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    • 27 4 Previous To-day Change GOLD Fine Bar per oz. £7-1-8 £7-1-7 —1 SILVER Spot 21-3 8 215 16 —116 3 months forward 21-3 16 213 16
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    • 97 4 Acreages On Rubber Estates In Malaya THERE was in Malaya at the end of 1 1935 a total area of 1,840.646 acres of tappable rubber. Of this a vast area was not tapped. A total of 101.131 acres were on estates which had entirely ceased tapping and
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    • 181 4 Prices Realised At Sales Yesterday THE Singapore Chamber of Commerce j Rubber Association's 1310th Auction which took place yesterday resulted as I follows: 1310th Auction. 30th December 1936 Catalogued 899,414 lbs— tons 401 52 Offered 742,279 lbs— tons 331 37 Sold 664.210 lbs— tons 296 52 London-Spot
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  • 46 4 At the annual mayoral banquet at Dover recently, Major Astor, M.P., congratulated Alderman G. M. Norman on being re-elected Mayor during Coronation year. The Mayor said that the town was committed to several important improvement schemes, which would cost about £230,000 including new schools and rehousing.
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  • 157 7 Princess Paul, wife of th c Chief Rr-ent of Jugoslavia, who has been visiting her sister, the Duchess of Kent. left \icton a Station uith her s O n. Prince Alexander on her return home. I rincess Paul remained in London after her husband
    Planet News  -  157 words

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    • 302 8 *t The Management Wish All Their Patrons .j. t A HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YKAR! Celebrate by Seeing this Great Holiday M-G-M Attraction V A 3 SHOWS TO DAY .5. 1 r APITOL To-morrow and Sunday <• M S-pm -MS 9-15 t p^+yir^ Norma Shearer? *iL, -ißk allil IW^-^^"'* Leslie
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    • 179 8 SPECIAL NEW YEAR ATTRACTION: Opening At The j ,s RK-OS UOLLICKING MUSICAL J^£ COMEDY ROMANCE Jk I WITH A GRAND CAST OF j^lljH SCREEN FAVOURITES rSSIi ]y^^wnwPwH#!t#BK^ur'll |f n» Ml i Is China Prepared? Don't Fail to Find It Out For Yourself at PALACE TALKIES GRAND THEATRE PALACEGAY On Tuesday,
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  • 324 9 WORLDS WILD AREAS Benefitted British Territories London. THE settlement of Germans emigrants in overseas territories has been greatly to the advantage of the territories, declared Sir John Harris. Parliamentary Secretary to the Anti Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society speaking at a Lunch ion here. The declaration
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  • 193 9 DUBBER was again the feature of the u commodity markets. Business was done for March delivery at 9 15-16d., while spot rose to 9 7 B d at one time falling back to close at 9 3 4 d. owing to the easier tone in New
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  • 51 9 A double-decker No. 34 London Transomnibus which took a wrong furnear Oakleie'i Park Station, N., entered an ircn footbridge spanning load and the L.N.E.R. railway, and "i^ roof of the vehicle was torn off. passengers were all on the lower K < and no one
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  • 332 9 Dividend Of Ten Per Cent. For Year London. THE thirty-second ordinary general 1 msettng oT the Malay Rubber Planters, Ltd., was held on Dec. 16 at Allington House, London. Mr. A. J. Stevens <th e chairman) said that their rubber crop had again bsen obtained from Kati
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  • 161 9 Labuan Bileh Estate Purchased London THE directors of the United Sua Betong Rubbr Estates announce that the company has purchased the Labuan Bileh Estate, which has a planted area ol 516.49 acres. Of this area 405.42 acres are mature and the balance of 11.07 acres young
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  • 223 9 Telogoredjo And Sungei Timah London. WHEN Telogoredjo United Plantations Ordinary £1 shares were last re- 1 commended here on Ist October they| could b? bought at just under par. Rubber has since risen and the output quotas have also been advanced. Consequently, the market calculates that the fchajres.
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  • 365 9 S taught on And Sungei Reyla AN extra-ordinary meeting of Stoughton n (Perak> Rubber Plantations will be held to consider resolutions that the conditional agreement dated Dec. 1, 1936. made between Stoughton Rubber Sungei Reyla (F.M.S.i Rubber Estat s and A. P. Hadow as trustees for a company
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  • 170 9 Passengers Arrived Singapore, Thursday. The following passengers disembarked at Singapore from the P. and O. liner Comorin which arrived here from China and Japan yesterday:— Capt. C. A. Hunt. Miss M. Solomans. Mr. R. J. Steer. Mr. H. al Rasjid, Mr and Mrs. and Miss D. Wilson. Mr. B C.
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  • 230 9 New Hooks For Issue To-Morrow THE undernoted newly added non fiction and fiction works will be ready for issue at Raffles Library on Saturday: Thomas Lord Lyttelton. Illustrated, Reginald Blunt; William Hogarth, Illustrated. Marjori? Bowen: Gambetta and the National Defence, Illustrated, J. P. T. Rury; Th e coming
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  • 134 9 Bloater Nearly Ruins "Black Out" Berlin. A SMOKED herring, better known to Londoners as a bloater, is responsible tor the latest "fish story." The fish, through the phosphorus m its skeleton, almost ruined a "black out" at Stuttgart, ordered by the air authorities of that district. Someone
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    • 80 9 .5. From the "BOUNTY" to^» 4* Broadway 4* •> Here's CLARK GABLE $> •s*in a Walloping Musical Hit!* •J« OABIE MEETS HIS J^^ MATCH IN MABai A tf*y m big m rtort *8* <Wn .b %how a, H <k 0f«Ql at all (So., olh.r *U* I I«M WWW trot. *M.
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  • 283 10 Archbishops Reply To Pacifist Clergy London ALL were agreed In condemning wars of aggression, but, in the opinion of the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, circumstances might arise in which participation in war would not be inconsistent with their duty as Christians." These words are contained
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  • 792 10 L Growing Signs Of Prosperity IT is difficult for the observer with any memory at all to take at its face value the peace-making between the President and business which has succeeded the election. Not long since, some Wall-Streeters did not hesitate conversationally to express their
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  • 40 10 The League of Nations is of no value whatever in the matter of collective security said Lord Rochdale, Lord Lieut, of Middlesex, at Uxbridge. "It cannot make war. It cannot stop I war. it cannot punish an aggressor," he said.
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  • 307 10 DEATH OF MENDELSSOHN'S GRANDSON A Noted German Jurist: Exiled For Being A Jew Oxford DR. Albrecht Mendelssohn Bartholdy. the noted German jurist and grandson of the famous composer, has died here at the age of 62. Dr Mendelssohn Bartholdy was educated at the Universities of Heidelberg, Munich and Leipzig, where
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  • 186 10 LORD DERBY RESIGNS "My Political Life Is Over" Manchester. LORD DERBY, speaking at the 60th anniversary dinner of the Manchester Constitutional Club, asked the club to accept his resignation from its Pre sidency, and informed his listeners that "my political life is over." H? said that he would take no
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  • 106 10 From World's Highest Building New York. NEW YORK has just had its first experience of a complete television programme. It was staged in the Television Studio of the National Broadcasting Company at New York's Radio City, and emitted from the top of the Empir? State
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  • 45 10 Gordon Richards rode his I,oooth mount of the season a w Manchster recently— in the last race of the flatracing season. He had no mount. But Harry Wragg hporiingly passed over his rid? on Royal Crusade. It did not add to Gordon's 177 winners, howevfr.
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    • 17 10 A HUNGARIAN j£^ BLOUSES *CV^ at the L m House of Quality 9 DOULATRAMS 48, HIGH STREET
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    • 65 10 •^^^y^v A rare, delicious and refreshing Z' desert. The flavour cone dissolves y^rgßl^. a when boiling water is added and I JsfiS*jßk m vou cannof t(>11 llat tJu> jelly is /fl Kk ifck not made from fresh fruits. lE' V X v i^^^ n^P9 m^3v > vi^i^k\ A 'HE SCC■
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  • 108 11 A new destroyer, H. M S. Intrepid, was launched from the yard of Messrs. J. Samuel White Co., Ltd., at Cowes.lsle of Wight, recently. Here we see the Interpid, one of the new "I" class flotilla, after the launching ceremony which was carried out bv Ladv Fisher,
    Topical Press; Planet News  -  108 words

  • 309 12 MORNING TRIBUNE Singapore: Friday, Jan. 1, 1937. THE COLONY AND DEFENCE iT is significant of the times that Mr. Baldwin, in a "New Year" message to the Primrose League, should make the disturbed state of Europe his chief theme. In the face of the situation prevailing and the growth of
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  • 848 12 THESE are the last notes we write In the oid year, and the first vou read, in the new. It is customarv with the Press at this time, to write messages of( Rood cheer and optimism, and in wish-' ing our readers a very happy and prosperous time
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  • 197 12 Inche Abdullah bin Johari has been appointed Postmaster, Muar. Dr. R. McNab. of the Malayan Medical Service, has been seconded for ser vice in Johore, vice Dr. I T. Dickson. t s|: Mr. F. S. Wayman, Assistant Engineer. Malayan Public Works, has been seconded for service In Johore. Mr.
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  • Article, Illustration
    106 12 The fastest of its typ e yet produced, the new high-speed Diesel-engined launch built by Messrs. Thornycrofts, for service in the Persian Gulf, underwent speed trials over the measured 1 mile on the Thames between Westminster and Chelsea, London. The launch, which has a special deep keel to protect the
    Planet News  -  106 words
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  • 823 13 PRINTING AND STATIONERY EXHIBITION Opened By The Duke Of Kent At Olympia THE Duke of Kent opened at Olympia rpppntlv tne ninth International printing Stationery, and Allied Trades SHE Hss sf? n-ide for the first time. V.eneral impression is given of te r speed and efficiency; and ineasing care is
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  • 240 13 \eurly Found Skulls Of 1 Male And A Female Peking. THE important recent discovery of twn now "Peking Man" skulls was described by Professor Franz Weidenreich. the Rockefeller Institute, when h^ ycd for the first time all the representing Sinanthropus P< kinonsis as the "richest and most pto
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  • 34 13 Football provided its usual crop of surprises recently-- with interest. Most sensational was the performance of the amateur team Walthamstow Avenue. They beat Northampton Town 6—l in the first round of the FA. Cup.
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  • 155 13 A Comparison With Fred Archer THE riding statistics of Gordon Richards have developed a rricket flavour! The champion helped to wind up flat-raciim in mail week by completing hLs 1.000 for the season. One thousand mounts between Lincoln ond the Manchester November meeting. It is another record broken,
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  • Article, Illustration
    48 13 A pretty wedding took place at St. Andrew's Cathedral on Wednesday afternoon, when Miss Phyllis Day, from Australia, became the bride of Mr. R. Douglas VVilkie. Mr. Wilkie is with Malayan Tobacco Distributors, Singapore. Here we se£ the bride and bridegroom leaving the Cathedral after the wedding. Tribune
    Tribune  -  48 words
  • 77 13 A verdict of Suicide while of Unsound Mind was recorded at the St. Pancras iuquest on Dr. William Alfred Fitzherbert, aged 29, medical superintendent of the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, St. Pancras, who was found dead in a bath at the hospital. The Coroner, Mr. Bentley Purchase,
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  • 258 14 "Gentlemen, The George Toast Is King VI" Members of the Accession Council met at St. James's Palace for the swearing-in of King George VI. Here we see the Archbishop of Canterbury ar living for the ceremony. Planet News Cheers for King <;« orge VI o n the deck of II
    Planet News; Topical Press; News  -  258 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 34 15 l' I*^1 --> WATCHES at RENE ULLMANN ARE BETTER THEY COST LESS THEY LAST LONGER We are the only firm which guarantee is valid in HongKong and various ports of China. renelJllmann Raffles Place, Singapore.
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  • 1775 16 How To Plan A MENU... New And Tasty RECIPES... HAVE you ever thought really hard be lore beginning to compile a menu? No, well here are a few useful thing! to remember when next the occasion arises lor planning a meal. The first thing to consider is the style of
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 62 16 •Ji I FANCY DRESSES will be greater successes S j when worn with the right WIGS Get yours from i lmaisox perm; TeL 4610 79, Stamford Road. j t PHOENIX 1 1 FOR j q rII ipSR I r ll' I T T i i| cl 1 Y a. j
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  • 441 17 NOTHING is more trying for the con- scienuous wile and mother than the idiosyncracies 01 the family's food habits. Food aversions, the Qasis for annoyance, may be both the cause and result of iauhy food habits. The term habits is used advisedly, since it is true that tastes
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  • 185 17 There are lots of meat dishes that may be set with pride upon the family board that are made from the less expensive cuts of meat. It's the cooking that turns the trick— and the combining of vegetables and seasonings. Take for instance Hungarian Goulash— as
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  • 217 17 4 oz. dried beef 2 tablespoons butter 4 tablespoons unsifted flour 1 small tin Cream of Mushroom Soup 1 small can Noodle soup with chicken Hot biscuits Parsley. Select 8 or 10 of the larger slices of beef, then shred the remainder. Fry the beef in hot butter
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 48 17 A TOURIST'S SHOPPEYG~j WJ JB. WIWMIj •^••—••j* LUGGAGE CARRIER SINGAPORE LUGGAGE CARRIER CO. Baggage Contractors Forwarding Agents. Booking. Agents for TM 8. Railways. Baggage Agents for Blue Funnel Line East Asiatic Line Nederland line 8J.8.N. Co., LKL, etc.. etc. Tel. Address:— "LUGQAQi" PHONE 2428 or call Union Bldg
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    • 105 17 DR Y CLEANING Burtol Quick Cleaners for same day service Goods handed in by t lO a.m. can be collected bj 6 p.m. same day. 278, Orchard Rd. Phcne 7776. BEAUTY dorotlir morej. 18-L, BATTERY RD. (second floor) 'PHONE 6995. has received beautiful artificial flowers and foliage. STATIONER STATIONERY THE
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    • 192 17 CHEMIST < t caused 6/ sudden chanfe from the plains to a hill sution, need S no lonfer worry you. Innoxa preparations In four simple stages can banish this beaut/ < problem and render the skin more < I* radiant than ever. i 1 1 Approved by the medical pro-
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  • 216 18 Increase Mainly Due To Exchange Conditions PRESIDING at the half-yearly general meeting of the Nippon Yusen Kaisha at Tokyo, recently, Mr. N. Ohtani, the president, stated that the increase in the earnings was mainly due to exchange conditions, but he regretted that world shipping, as a whole, was
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 475 18 BYT&OandBRITISHTNDIAXINES Outward*. Due Due Tonnage S^pore. Tonnage Sgore. 0 181Mn 17nQ0 j an i CATHAY 15,000 Mar. 12 nun™ e'lOO Jan' 16 BUKDWAN 6,070 Mar. 13 r RFU 15uSS Jan! 1b RAJPUTANA 17.000 Mar. 26 HKHAR 6 000 Jan. 25 RANPURA 17.000 Apr. 9 r^RTHAGE ***** Jan. 29 RAWALPINDI 17.000
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    • 181 18 M. M. LINE (Incorporated In France) (MESSAGERIES MARITIMES) General Agents for Cie GENERALE TKANSATLANTIQUE Air-FRANCE MAIL PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES Homeward for Colombo, Djibouti, Port Said and Marseilles CHENONCEAUX 14,825 T. Jan. 19 JEAN LABORDE 11,414 T. Feb. 2 ARAMIS 17,536 T. Feb. 13 PORTHOS Mar. 3 FELIX ROUSSEL 16,774 T.
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    • 128 18 i\.l.K.LIi\E GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS CUNARD WHITE STAR, LTD.. (Incorporated in Japan). To LONDON, via Penang, Colombo, Aden, Port Said, Marseilles Gibraltar. s.s. fushimi maru Jan. 7 s.s. HAKOZAKI MARU Jan. 21 m.s. TERUKUNI MARU Feb. 3 Rates to Ist Class 2nd class Naples 1497 $540 1317 $343 Marseilles 514 557
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 249 18 fdffd TO-DAY Pengerang Aik Soon Jan 1 9 am Indo-China J ea Laborde 1 noonr Java, South-West Sumatra, S.-East Borneo, Celebes, Moluccas and Timor Dilly °P te Noort „11 p.m. Medan it Tidore 1 1 p.m Muntok U °P ten Noort n 1 1 pm. Rengat and Tembilahan Banka „11
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    • 405 19 Singapore, Friday. The following are passengers by the P. and O. lin-r Comorin which is leaving Singapore for London to-day:— Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Anderson, Mrs J. E. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. P. c Agrawal. Mr. and Mrs. Bacorn, Miss M. Bacorn, Miss L Bacorn, Miss
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 297 19 hi uxs fii ili* mm:. I (Incorporated in Australia* NEXT SAILINGS. Due Scils. MERKUR In port Jan. 3 MARELLA Jan. 28 Feb. 2 Special cheap round trip tickets from Singaoore to Australia issued at the following rates. First Class passes is may transfer at Singapore. Brisbane, Sydney or Melbourne to
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    • 360 19 JpK/^P T0 FRE NCH TOUTS V JJ ■tBT HOMEWARDS. outwards j (from Marseilles). (^P G ?ARELLA F r Saig n T Urane HaiphOng J T^ 36 1 7 DALNY CAP. TOURANE FARES FROM ANY PLACE, MALAYA TO MARSEILLES 1504. TEN DAY HOLIDAY TICKET FIRST CLASS RETURN FARE $102. For further
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 101 19 SHIPS IX DOCK SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES OR EXPECTED TO ARRIVE Godown. Gate No. Kumsang 22 1 Rawalpindi Ki^tna 16 3 City of Pittsburg 14 3 Malacca 11 3 Bellerophon 8 3 Troilus 6 3 Taybank 30 3 Chinese Prince 32 3 Steel Scientist 34 3 Roseville 36 3 Raub
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  • 619 20 ANTI AIRCRAFT DEFENCE Keenness Of The Territorials j rE Searchlights Battalions of the Ist Anti-Aircraft Brigade (R E) T f^" ritorial Army, which, together wnh the euns are responsible for the land defence of London against aircraft reqmre a hundred officers and. j approxirna te y eight thousand man to
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  • 472 20 Rubber Excitement rE rise in Rubber is due to the beliet that the increased quotas for the first half of 1937 will not affect the position for some time to come and will not relieve the immediate shortage. The possibility that the Restriction Committee might take some special step by
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  • Article, Illustration
    1 20 fdfdff
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  • 132 20 Los Angles. Because his wife kept 50 tanks of tropical fish and 10 dogs in a two-room flat while he was abroad. Commander Roland M. Comfort is suing her for divorce. The naval officer has testified that n? had received word of his wifes home menagerie whilst he
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
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    • 1764 21 Jjp^ V Org^ist and Choirmaster, H. Leslie 1. Music. 2. Political talk by Paul de 4 fc<n l Waart. 3. Mission news. 4. Music. 5. raißVV^ Wm mW^ h j 535 p.m. Close down. The forthcoming Royal Wedding 6. \II j^ lllli |f i mlf llf TRANSMISSION 2 ginning of
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  • 310 22 GUARDING THE KING'S ENGLISH Lord Hewart Appeal London. THE business correspondence term •Yours to hsmd ot the 27th ult.' was described as "barbarous stuff" by Lord Hewart, the Lord Chief Justice, when h? spoke at the Incorporated Secretaries' Association Banquet here. •Secretaries can perform a
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  • 389 22 Funds For Winter Campaign Avila. WHILE the fate of Madrid is bein^ determined by the fiercest battles in the civil war, there are :;igns o* general sacrifices in the "Redeemed Territory The war will be longer than was_ expected Odessa is sending all kinds of war material
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 22 A free exhibition for Juveniles arranged by the WO^Sd&i OfflceTu^' Say' Sta 8 The Railway is the only one of its kind in the world. Topical Press
    Topical Press  -  27 words
  • 192 22 Berlin CT/TISTICS relating to the Nazi -strength through joy" organis ations work in Germany this year haw just been issued. They reveal, amont; others, the following facts: 4.800.000 workers went to theatre and opera performances on cheap tickets; 17.000.000 workers participated in "evening entertainments";
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  • Page 22 Advertisements

  • 353 23 Alleged False Trade Description Singapore. Thursday. A NUMBER of attractive neckties were produced in the third court this morning before Mr. W. G Reeves when Hagemeyer Trading Co Ltd.. carrying on business in Robinson Road, was charged with importing, selling and having in its possession neckties
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  • 141 23 Relic Of Jacobites Fetches 150 Guineas London. AN "Amen" glass which 17th century Jacobites used to raise when drinking to 'the King across the water" first the Old Pretender and then the Young Pretender— has been sold by auction in. London for 150 guineas. It belonged to
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  • 60 23 Behii.d locked doors at St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Cadogan Street. Chelsea, Prince Henry de Croy of Belgium was married to Mrs. Cornelia Evelyn Paulmier Scott, a widow living at Half Moon Street, W. Prince' Henri is 76 and his wife 59. Just before the ceremony
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  • 33 23 The German Ambassador. Herr von Ribbentrop. has accepted an invitation to be the chief guest at the annua dinner of the Leeds Chamber of Commerce, to be held in Leeds on Jan. 25
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 1692 23 t_— M a >-» j. 10.50 a.m. Variety programme. M THE PA j O IL3 am For tne sick \J |1| i i^ r^ V^ IV^ 11.50 a.m. Time signal. Matinee music by Nirom Orchestra, conducted by (Continued from page 21.) Carel van der Bijl. 12.50 p.m. Dance music by
      1,692 words

  • 679 24 A SHOOTING TRAGEDY Witness 9 Story At Inquest Singapore, Thursday. rIE widow of a contractor of labour named Lim Kim Jee who was shot down by gunmen in Queen Street on the morning of Nov. IU, sobbed bittefly in the Coroners Court to-day, while an
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  • 382 24 And Other Customs Prosecutions (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Dec. 29. AS the result of the vigilance of the Johore Bahru Customs several arrests were made during the Christmas season for illicit distilling of samsu, To-dav before Sheikh Abu Bakar bin Yahya '(Second Magistrate, Johore
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  • 181 24 Lewis PeaVs Weekly Report MESSRS. Lewis Peat, in their weekly market report, dated Dec. 31. state: The pronounced and somewhat unexpected rise that occurred over the Christmas Holidays carried prices over AQ cents tor all positions up to the end 'of 1937 These are the highest
    181 words
  • 129 24 Man Interrupted Woman Result: Clan Fight— Six In Hospital Singapore, Thunsci ».y. TWO ambulances were rushed to Kailan^ r Road yesterday morning where six Chinese (one woman i were found injured and lying on the roacL It is said thai a woman of the Khen community was drawing water from
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  • 130 24 Man Who Must Learn To Walk Forwards New York. CIMPLICIO GODINA, the Siamese twin who was separated by an operation lrom his brother Lucio after the letter's death from pneumonia, -is having to learn how to live all over again, although he is 28. The brothers were
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  • 142 24 Broadcasts From Holland Stations AN the occasion of the Marriage 01 H.R.H. Princess Juliana of the Netherlands to H.S.H. Prince Bernhard von Lippe Biesterfeld the Netherlands Broadcasting Societies, viz. the AVRO, the KRO. the VARA. the NCRV; rnd the PHOHI will collectively spei;.ser a special broadcast starting at
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  • 80 24 Singapore, Wednesday The Hon. Mr. R. Sri PadmanatJnr. State Councillor. Colombo, who is on a. short visit to Singapore, was the Chief guest of honour at a Chinese dinner held at the Great World last nifiht. Amongst those present were Messrs. S. M. Nathan. Sykes, Keiser. E.
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  • 21 24 Lord Wakerield has decided to provide a recreation ground for the children of Hythe as a permanent memorial of the Coronation.
    21 words
  • 335 24 One Is Of English Birth TWO schoolgirls, one aged 13 and the other 15, have made remarkably successful debuts as singers In the United States, according to these Reutei messages One girl is hailed by critics as a future grand-opera star of the first magnitude.
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  • 199 24 23,000,000 LB. OF BUTTER Tested By Girl In One Year Winnipeg. rriHOUSANDS or samples of butter 1 weighing altogether 23,000,000 lbhave been analysed here by Miss Edith Young, a Dominion governmen; employee, during the past year. Miss Young's task Is to test butter from every churning in all creameries of
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  • 27 24 An offer to invest £1.000 in a new industry at Jarrow if other capital is forthcoming has been made by Mr A. Edwards. M.P. for Middlesbrough East.
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  • 3405 25  -  Hermes Some Comments On The Week's Sport by With .such important issues as the 8 of the Malaya Cup competi- ,nd the destination of the interrilb trophy settled, the thoughts of wen are now turning towards North and South fixture, which will Snd UP the season
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  • 404 26 PENANG GOLD CUP MEET WEIGHTS AND SELECTIONS FOR TODAY •THE third day of the Penang Gold 1 Cup Meeting wUI be run to-day starting at 2.30 p.m. The Double totes are on races 4 and 5, ana t and 8. The Big Sweep Ls on race 8. Following are the
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  • 47 26 Race I— Phar Par Miss Woo Rac© 2 Mandai Sauntrefcs Race 3— Rose of Dreams Canute Race 4 Jonathan Cheerful Eyes Race s— Cheerful Lady Woden Race 6 Spear of Sarawak Broadway Baßy Race 7— Ray Welkin Silver Jubilee Race g— Clever Alec Squeeze
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  • 93 26 Semi-Final Of Small Units Cup k VERY keen game of hockey was played between H. Q Wing of the Skins and the 7th Heavy Battery R.A. in the semi-final of the Garrison. Small Units Cup competition, on the former's ground on Tuesday. Al'hoiißh playing with only ten men
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  • 55 26 Merchants vs. Etceteras on Tuesday in SCC. tournament match: A. P. Webb; G D. A. Lundon. J. H. Abbott, W. J. Henman, H. J. M. Hesketh; Alan Colville, A. Cromarty; D. P. Perry, J. C. Gransden K. S. Sykes, C. F. Jennings, J. Welsh. P. Eserton Smith, W.
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  • 42 26 The Junior Civil Service Association will hold their tennis tournament dinner at the Clubhouse on Saturday, Jan. 9 at 8 p.m. The "A" tennis singles handicap will also be played off at 4.30 p.m. sharp on the same day.
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  • 95 26 FOR the second time in the history of the series the boat race between Cambridge and Oxford Universities will be held in mid-week, the previous occasion having been in 1921, when it was rowed on March 30th. It was at first suggested that the race should
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  • A 11-Blues Cup Final
    • 422 26 Singapore A.R. U. View Of The Dispute rhave received the following letter from Mr. Lee Swee Ling, the honorary secretary of the Singapore Asiatic Rugby Union, in reply to the letter which was published in our columns from the Convener of the Penang Asiatic Rugby Union, concerning the misunderstanding which
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  • 190 26 On Monday at S.R.C. ground, SRC. vs. General Hospital R.C.:— C. R. Eber, O. C. Aeria C. J. Meyer, R. Donough, R. S. de Souza, C. Maddox, J. F. Cockburn E. F. Tessensohn, R. Minjoot, H. Bruyns. A. Richards. S.C.C. vs. R.A. (Blakan Mati) on Monday at S.C.C:
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  • Page 26 Miscellaneous

  • 455 27 A lien 's Good Lead In Bowling Up till Dec. 18, when the second Test match between England and Australia began, the M.C.C. tourists had played in eight first class matches, of which they won three, drew four and lost one. The following statistics for those
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  • 30 27 to mr 7u Count y Council have decided estate of u the late Lord Marshall's £6500n den Park Chipstead, for PrestrvntJ r mcl sio in the Green Belt ovation scheme
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  • 694 27 Not Before 16th Century r THE news of the theft of Sir William j Wallaces two-handed sword from the Wallace Monument at Stirling need not unduly perturb good Scotsmen. > The sword, which I remember being shown to me there as the sword of Sir William
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  • 301 27 Oxford's Fine Chance To Win Boat Race rlook at, the Oxford trial eights are very average; but the University have more chance of winning the Boat Race next year than ever before. > Laurie and Wilson have left and there are now no more unbeatable oars at
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  • 72 27 O'Brien McCormick Not Playing Melbourne. Dec. 31. O'BRIEN has strained his side and McCormick is suffering with back trouble and they are unable to play in the Test. The substitutes will be selected to-night. Allen is not picking his team till just before the game owing to the
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 91 27 Last Vessel Tied Up In Dock New York, Dec. 30. TIIL Dollar Line, one of the most important U.S. mercantile fleets, was brought to a standstill when the President Harrison, returning from a world cruise, was ordered to tie up owing to the shipping strike. This completes
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 209 27 Each Player Limited To 14 Clubs New York, Dec. 31. THE United States Golfing Association announces that from Jan. 1, 1938, the number of clubs allowed by each player in a match will be limited to 14. The change effected means an amendment to the preamble of
    Reuter  -  209 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
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  • 700 28 Move Towards Direct Representation A MOVEMENT to obtain direct representation in the Municipal commission is afoot in the Straus Settlements (Singapore) Association. The last meeting of the Committee, held on Dec. 21, appointed a Mibcommhtee to draw up a resolu lion in the question, and an
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  • 324 28 Successful Performance By Indians THE famous Madras Premier Amateurs who are at present on a tour round Malava were received whole-heartedlv by 1 large audience, composed mainlv of the Indian community of Singapore, when they Staged "Raja Bakthi" a wellknown Ximil drama at the Victoria Theatre last night.
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  • 106 28 Not To Wear Uniforms London. Dec. 31. THE British Union of Fascists unnoun- ced last night that, in accordance with the Public Order Act whicii makes the wearing of political uniforms illegal, the blackshirt uniform will not be worn by member* of that organisation in any public place
    British Official Wireless  -  106 words
  • 192 28 Orders For Men-Of-War And Liner s The new Cunard-White Star liner, for which an order has been placed with Cammell Laird and Company of fcirkenhead. will be of between 30 000 and 40.000 tons with a speed of ibout 22 or 23 knots. It is destined for hervice-
    British Official Wireless  -  192 words
  • 95 28 To Fight Foord Or Petersen New York. Dec. 31. MAX BAER. the former heavy-weight champion of the world, is proceeding to England on Feb. 3. It is reported that he is going to fight the winner of the Foord— Petersen bout, which is scheduled to
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 69 28 London, Dec. 31. The htting of safety-glass windscreens has been compulsory on all carj built in Britain since 1931, and regulajtions approved in that year laid it 'down that cars first registered before that date must also have safety-gias^ wind-screens on front windows as irom Jan. 1,
    British Official Wireless  -  69 words
  • 50 28 The Tail-Waggers' Club, which has done consideraDle work for canine charities since its inception in 1928, has handed to the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association a further sum of nearly £1,200 for the provision of guide dogs for some of the sightless men and I women in Great Britain.
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  • 57 28 Almost the whole of the facade of the White Swan, in Northgiue Street, Canterbury, has collapsed as the resilit, it is thought, of the vibration caused b> heavy main-road traffic. The house, which dates from 1482, was in bygone days the only licensed premises outside the city wall, standin;. about
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  • 75 28 On the site of the old Army 'clothing store in Grosvenor Road. Westminster, there was opened recently by Lord Amulree, patron of the Building Industries National Council, what is said to be the largest block of flats in Europe. Dolphin Square, constructed by Richard Costain. Limited, on a site of
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