Morning Tribune, 26 June 1936

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Morning Tribune
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  • 381 1 NINETY l»i:il CENT I OK i mien oi aim i u COMMITTEE'S DECISION MALAYAN DELEGATE'S VISIT TO lIWI.kOK THE uncertainties during the past few weeks over the tin quota have at last been settled with the decision of the International Tin Committee at its
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  • 77 1 VS. "Colonises" Hawaiian Honolulu, June 24. TIIE small islands, Baker, Jarvis and Hou land, which recently figured prominently as outposts for the proposed airline from Honolulu to New Zealand, have now been officially "colonised" with American citizens, it is believed with the object of forestalling the British.
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  • 19 1 London. June 25. The death has occurred in London of Mr. Duncan Paterson of Oilman and Company, Hongkong.- Reuter
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  • 103 1 Los Angeles. June 25 THOMAS THOMPSON, a former pet f y officer n the American Navy and Toshio Mive.zaki. described as a Lieut. Commander in the Japanes? Navy, have been Indicated by the Federal Grand Jury on nineteen charges of violating the' Espionage Act and communicating
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  • 64 1 Shipping Strike Ends THE shipping strike ended with sirens blowing as a sign of rejoicing. In Brussels, the National Congress of Miners decided that work should be resumed at the mines on Friday. All the men's claims have been accepted according to representatives of the Men's Unions The men are
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  • 106 1 French Finance Bill Paris, June 23. Tfte Senate bv 184 votes to 00 adopted t Bill authorising the Bank of France to advance to Government ten milliards Of francs and also authorising the Govirnment to issue a further twelve milliards in Treasury Bills. A Bill revising the statutes of the
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  • 114 1 DYNAMITE PLOT AGAINST BRITISH FIRM A PLOT to blow up. the dynamite t depot belonging to the Britishowned Smith,. Bell. Company was oiled by the police to-day Receiving information of the plot at the last moment, they raced from the city to the depot and discovered a quantity of petrol-soak-ed
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  • 83 1 Stirring Challenge To Republicans Philadelphia, June 25. AVERY wild demonstration greeted the speech of Senator Robinson, chairman of the Democratic Convention yesterday evening, when he attacked the Republican platform, particularly Mr. Landon's advocacy of return to the gold standard. He stirringly summoned the Democrats to advance to
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  • 4 1 Reuter
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  • 144 1 Premier's Radio Speech Canberra, June 25 WHAT ha described as a deliberate attempt on he part of Japan to coerce the Commonwealth's trade policy was revealed by Mr. J. A. Lyons, the Australian Premier, in a broadcast here to-day following an announcement from Tokyo of Japanese retaliation
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  • 123 1 CABLE CHAIRMAN RESIGNS London, June 25 IT is officially announced that Mr. S. C. npnison-Pcnder has resigned me c-h^rmanship of Cable and Wireless, Deni«or-Pender will continue to hold the position of governor and managing director of the controlling company Cable Wireless (Holding) Ltd He also remains chairman of the associated
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  • 409 2 MANSLAUGHTER CHARGE Alleged Assault On Japanese Shanghai, June 25. A BOYCOTT of the British Consular Court has apparently been declared by the Japanese authorities, who failed to produce any witnesses this morning when the case against the two privates of the Worcestershire Regiment for
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  • 422 2 Death Of Singapore American Vice-Consul Singapore. Thursday. NEWS has been received In Singapore of the death by drowning of Mr William Dußois Thorne. Vice-Consul for the United States in Singapore, which took place on Sunday night, near' Pakan Baroe, Sumatra The deceased left last Friday evening
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  • 213 2 (From Our Own Reporter) lpoh, June 25. THE Mui Tsai Commission arrived in lpoh to-day from Penang and will remain here till Sunday afternoon, when the members are leaving for Kuala Lumpur. The Chairman of the Commission, Sir Wilfred Woods, when interviewed today, declined to say anything except
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  • 130 2 Large isusintss expansion i-oiiuoii, june ±o. a it-coiu note circuiauou io 11 revealed m io-aay s returns 01 uic caiiK 01 taig.aiiu, snuwuig aii increase vl i^.vuy.ouu to £402,020,000, compared wan ioyo,boo,ooO hi tne correspuiiani b week last year, while gold holdings jumped £4,407,000 to £216,325,000 compared
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 254 2 Situation In Hunan Peiping. Jul 25 THE United States and French L: sies have protested to the J Embassy against the alleged I ol their nationals by Japanese during the military parade in V on Tuesday. it is stated that a Japane lunged with his bayonet at
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  • 101 2 TWO Ceilings of unusual enterta ment are once again promised this week-end when the Malayan Magic Circle repeat, by special request, t successful show, "Magic. Mirth. Mystery at the Victoria Theatre to-day anc Saturday night. The lavish Chinese play. The Ma darin's Dilemma." will be the high-spot of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 55 2 .J. m .3. i The Xewest Exposure Meter! I made by the OMBRU X manufacturers, but only of half Ombrux size and 4 x as sensitive! I "SIXTUS" j WILL ALWAYS GIVE CORRECT READINGS! i Obtainable from all first class dealers or the J 1 J SOLE AGENTS SCHMIDT Co.
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  • 649 3 WAR A CRASS FOLLY Strong Navy Best Security London, June 24. SPEAKING to-night at the dinner of the Royal Empire Society. Sir Samuel Hoare. the new First Lord of the Admiralty, said it was criminal folly to assume that war was inevitable. There
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  • 34 3 A Government communique claims the recovery of Wah Yao Fao from the Reds. The importance of the city in Shensi is equal to that of Juichin in Kiangsi.— Sin Chew Jit Poh.
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  • 24 3 The Minister of Health has sanctioned the raising of a loan of £53,303 by the Middlesex County Council for extensions to Hillingdon County Hospital.
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  • 8 4 Special London Cables ■B
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  • 529 4 CLOSING COMMODITY PRICES IN WORLD MARKETS fHE following prices, apart from local quotations, have been received by cable from our own correspondents. RUBBER London Thursdav's closing. Spot: 7 1732 (unchanged). Forward: 7 2132 (up 1 32 > Tone: Steadier. New York Wednesday's closing. Spot: 15 7 8 (down 116). Singapore
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  • 41 4 Charles Darley, 56, an omnibus conductor attached to the L.P.T.B. garag? at Bromley, Kent, was fatally injured when he was knocked down by a car at Macpie Hall Lane. Bromley Common. Darley was cycling to his home in Southborough Road. Bickley.
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  • 317 4 LONDON NEW YORK STOCK QUOTATIONS •New York prices quoted in U.S. currency. The above are dealers' middle prices; Jobbers margins, brokerage and sTlmp duty ore not included. Share of £1 denomination unless otherwise stated To-day MM or fall War Loan, P.c 10fi 10^ 11M t? Com. Union Assce. (Units)
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  • 162 4 Indian Girl Dies Of Burns Singapore, Wednesday. The story of how a 4-ycar-old Indian girl died from burns was unfolded before the Singapore Coroner, Mr. W. G. Porter, to-day, when an inquiry was held into the death of Maimanbee. Giving evidence, the father of the girl said that
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  • 85 4 Members of tne Clerical Union are reminded of the sixteenth anniversary dinner to be held at the Club Grounds, Rangoon Road, on Saturday. June 27, at 7.30 p.m. Intending diners who have not seen the dinner circular are requested feO send in their names and subscription to the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 23 4 «!"!i! iirr":::nt:"::::::::: r::::::it:r;"t;i!!;i"!";:" f r 1 INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. (Incorporated in New Zealand) W. J. DEXTER, Manager. Tel. 5926, 2, Finlayson Green. jjjj:
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    • 42 4 THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LTD. (Established in 1880) Capital Subscribed < Fully paid up) Y.100,000.000 Reserve Fund Y.129,150,00i Head Offlce: YOKOHAMA SINGAPORE BRANCH, MEYER CHAMBERS, RAFFLES PLACE. Manager, H. UNAQAMI Tel: No. 6049 Manager's Room. 5921 5922 General Offlce. 5923 6472 Compradore's Desk.
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    • 17 4 Overseas Assurance CORPORATION, LIMITED, China Building, Chulia Street, PHONE 5808. SINGAPORK. Fire, Marine, Motor VEHICLES WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 94 4 Before the Acting Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Adrian Clark and Mr. Justice Cobbett in the 1st Court at 10 a.m. Part heard:— Rex vs. Dorai Manickam Davies. Before the Acting Chief Justice in the 1st Court at 11.30 a.m. 1 Summons-in-Chambers. Followed by:— Bankruptcy Before Mr. Justice Adrian Clark in
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  • 1017 5 FRASER CO.'s SHARE LIST Thursday. 25th June 5 p.m. Buyers. Sellers Ampat Tin (45.) 4 6 5-cd Asam Kumbang 27- 28Austral Malay 57 6 58 6 Ayer Hitam (Ss.) 14 0 15'6rd Ayer Weng ($1) 1.40 150 Bangrin Tin 13 9 14 9 Batu Selangor ($1) .68 72 Chenderiang <£•
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    • 19 5 I 1 ABSOLUTE SECURITY m! Motor Uwi#m I INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. SIME DARBY ft CO.. LTO j Singapore Branches
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    • 486 5 II AX Ii O I CIII M A 'Incorporated in China by Special Charter I 12, CECIL STREET. SINGAPORE. HEAD OFFICE: 50, HANKOW KOAD. SHANGHAI. TOTAL RESOURCES 51.342.242,166.35 Chinese Currency P\ID UP CAPITAL 540.000.000.00 Chinese Currency RESERVE FUNDS $3,453,591 43 Chinese Currency BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Dr Tse-Vung Soong, Chairman, Member
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 186 6 jSgjgggHF ss ,Kl i j LAST 2 DAI S J 1 6.15 SEE IT 9.15 \Ai WUv (API IFT~| I -^pV H. G. WELLS' I ,BBBf*^BBB^ bbbbbbbl AwtPf*^ J a ;>^ IT I ill I TO COME 3 A I OS BBBW "i B lOpl With WALT DISNEY'S Cleverest til
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    • 205 6 t'l REALLY DO NOT REMEM- .-w-m---*-m-»--] BER WHEN I J' a Vk e s^ n C AFITf I. BERT IN BET- Next Wednesday! TER FORM THAN IN "JACK 1 THREE STARS and three times as f— gay as any romance BYSTANDER .a---^»-v lACK HULBERT Sinj_ind and Dancing t^*^- pB F
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  • Article, Illustration
    468 7 Xew Language Ised In Hollywood A perplexed, half-bewildered movie crew scratched its composite head, when Cab Calloway. His Highness of Hi-De-Ho. and orchestra of leading Harlemaestrosfi unloosed a barrage of outlandish "Slanguage" on a First National sound stage dunnu rehearsals for Al Jolson's "The Singing Kid." which comes
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  • 153 7 Myrna Loy's Strange Fan Mail MYRNA LOY is baffled by her newest romance. It is postcard romance, stretching from Budapest to Los Angeles and, after three weeks, she does not know the identity of her admirer. Daily. Miss Loy received a picture postcard during the filming of "Wiie
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 49 7 EMPIRE TALKIES 7.30 p.m. TO-NIGHT mie^how only Complete Serial of "PHANTOM of AIR" 12 Chapters 24 Reels. Featuring TOM TYLER Prires 10c, 20c, 30c, Joc_ &_soc. Matinees' Saturday 27th Sun 28th Jack Buchanan in BHFUSTIKS MILLIONS B. I)\ Great Musical Show. Conrad Veidt in "F.P.I" A Thrilling Spy Drama.
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    • 141 7 STARTS SIJNDAT PAVILION 6EFORE SHE AFTER SHE M ET H I M MET HIM! AND SO ;i ma s rwed I *t j scra i "A_ off £_R _£i j Carl loemmie pre»cntj f J ar >«•»*»- r% >■»■ I f- MB* aBBB^ CskLOMBARD in FoitS B;tdwin s IOVf BlffDßi
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  • 779 8 IMPROVEMENT TO PORT New £12,000,000 Scheme THE Port of London Authority I have had under consideration the remarkable increase that has taken place in the trade of the Port of London and the potentialities for a still further increase. In 1909, the year in which
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  • 224 8 Appropriation Of A 10,000,000 dollar (£2,000,000) suit against the American Government for alleged appropriation of ideas has been dismissed by the Court of Claims. The suit was brought by Mr. John Knight Barry, a former civil servant who claimed that he told President Hoover how to
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  • 20 8 Mr. F.V. Duckworth, M.C.S. Controller of Labour, Johore Bahru. and Official Administrator, sailed for Home on Saturday by the Ranpura
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  • 244 8 Sequel To Murder Of Dancer Cairo A VIGOROUS anti-gangster campaign has been started by the Cairo poliCj to deal with an epidemic of American racketeer" crimes. A special bureau to keep records of all such "gangster" criminals has been opened. Nahas Pasha, the Prime Minister, has requested
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  • 320 8 Dundee Man Now IxlCil TWENTY-FOUR years ago a lad left Dundee for Canada. He was barefooted too poor to buy boots. His mother and his five brothers and sisters shared his cabin. As the ship loft port, the boy looke-1 back at the retreating shores
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  • 308 8 Raffl es Library rv.tnK SMa o R S pert Gra V-son; The Sixth of October Robert Hichen: Sir Transit Gloria, Mil ward Kennedy; Blaze MeX Jay Lucas; Period Programme. Guv PoThP q,?H e f Vil °4 Sai S t? Colin R^ertson; The Stedfast Way, Capt. Frank H Shaw JSS m
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  • 108 9 North Atlantic Berlin, June 11. THE new Dornler flying boat, "Do. 18." which is shortly to start an experimental air service across the North Atlantic via the Azores and Bermuda, has earned out Its first lung teat flight Lasting 20 I|2 hours, ihe flight took place over
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  • 242 9 Found In Second Hand Budapest. SEVERAL first editions of works oy Beethoven. Carrying manrinal notes and emendations by the composer himself, have been discovered by a Hungarian collector. M. Patai. an employee of an insurance company here and a keen book collector, bought the manuscripts from a second-hand
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  • 110 9 Unemployed Gypsies Gel THROWN out Of work by wireless and jazz. 6.500 unemployed Hungarian gypsy musicians arc making plans to unite. Out of about 8.000 musical gypsies in Hungary, only 1.500 are In permanent employment. The rest intend to organise I grand orchestra l»f nearly 300 players. They
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  • 23 9 Mr. c.R. Carr. formerly manager o* rubber estates in Malacca and later ai Tembeling, has died of blackwater fever at Port Moresby, Papua.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 494 9 A TOURISTS SHOPPING LUGGAGE I r i ui T ?ivfTQ r r CARRIER L,nu,ivua i w Restore Lost Vitality NYAL VEGETABLE PRESCRIPTION myal Brings new (S&r^ll 1 vigor to the I r Jy2~&± functional orxflßny gans oi women, J increases vital--3 !~r 1 *ty and reduces Wlf r^^^_| nervous tension.
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  • 325 10 The MORNING TRIBUNE Singapore: Friday, June 26, 1936. A CHANGE OF COURSE OIR Samuel Hoare, forced to resign by the pacifist outcry over the Hoare -Laval peace plan, and brought back into the Government as Ffott Lord of the Admiralty, has justified his return and confounded his critics by his
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  • 867 10 AROUND MA LA Y A THE reported decision of the Pahang authorities to construct a road northward from Kuantan to Kemaman in Trengganu is of more than passing interest. It means not only that direct communication will be established at long last between the states of Pahang and Trengganu but
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  • 238 10 Mr. W.H. Gatfleld, until recently Protector of Chinese, Perak, sailed for Home at the week-end. Mr. Abraham Penhas who is on a world tour left New York for England on Wednesday by the Queen Mary. Mr. J. McCabe Reay is ill with heart trouble and is at present an
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1 10 nifjtiMmffl
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    • 112 10 FOR RELIABLE AND CONSISTENT RECEPTION With the new G.E.C. Fidelity All-Wave 8-valve Superhet receiver, reception of the Empire and other European transmitters is remarkably consistent. This is due to the fact that the set produces very little "background" noise and full use can therefore be made of its enormous sensitivity.
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  • 1746 11 TRIBUTE FROM MR. FOKKER Steady Lines Of Progress London. ANE of the most remarkable triv butes ever paid bv fttAi expert of one country to the air transport policy of another has fust been voiced in Amsterdam i»< \j, n tiiony Pakker, the famovi Dutch
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 54 11 JfcSp^^ TO-DAY jr TIFFIN: $1.00 Potage Jackson Fish A La Orly Roast Fillet Of Beef Horseradish Sauce French Beans Baked Potato Cold Meat Salad Gateau Pont Neuf Cheese, Fruit, Coffee Trv Our SPECTALTTEft. Hors D'Oeuvres Varies "Capitol" Baked Alasca A Choice of Over 100 other dishes. Phone 4906 iifiiilif ODAUIIV
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  • Article, Illustration
    80 12 A view of the "Queen Mary" passing the Statue of Liberty after her successful maiden run across the Atlantic. Another aerial photograph of the "Queen Mary" showing; the scene in the harbour on her arrival at New York. -^Tn^^^^^ A striking aerial view of the giant CVA&H-H'h she arrived
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  • 114 13 liner "Queen Mary" surrounded by tugs and pleasure boats as of her maiden f*J*gt from Finland. The Riant liner present ork famous skv line as a background. hold the third levee ot his rei*n at Buckingham Palace. The < coach as it left St. James's Palace.
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  • 1521 14 Solving the WEEK-END Problems for the Hostess FORMAL ENTERTAINING VOU are Retting your best friends to--1 pet her on Saturday night to make a night of it This was planned a fortnight ago the whole programme of the evening start in-; with dinner at your house. Dinner- -ah. there is
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 43 14 Lampshades made to order tn all styles and materWls. Mrs. J. de Graaf 192F, Pasir Panjang, 6 Mile Stone. j PERM AX EST WAVES S from $10— S $25. Oil, Gallia and Eugene Methods s s Maison Interlandi 'Phone 4419. Capitol BMr. i
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    • 49 14 .j. m. mm^MA Maison Lfßg^ rerm ffmjflgf j 4610. Ilf^ n J-r_a— _J~i ij- JL j rnoi \i\ j I LEMON BARLEY WATER J A BEVERAGE j o m-^^o\ i i^ aj f-i Hii ST WIMkJ/ -#tC I >^^^» _> Manufactured bv THE PHOENIX 1 AERATED WATER WORKS N PHONE
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 60 15 Mi:r^fii jo .Ma— .rp" CO Lt> St OftAC GETTING THE BIRD OR THE GREAT FOOD GAME bbV -r PI FASE LOOK I PiGEONS (CONTINENTAL) I 1 iM G£ V£# Y -f-. A M A*** |_J f^ CT D *f" ORCHARD ROAD BRANCH and DEPOTS. nop RO4D 5378. SELEGIE ROAD.
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 16 Mr. Vauphan Jones, Secretary of the Singapore Swimming Club, photographed on board the Deucalion prior to his departure for five months Home leave.
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  • 78 16 DURING March 622 vessels passed through the Panama Canal compared with 551 in March, 1935, and 582 in the corresponding month of 1934 Of the transits in March last 296 vessels passed from the Pacific to thf Atlantic, and 326 from the Atlantic to the Pacific. During the
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 416 16 l_ r f J I____| ZA s=rrni- __B~ bbb^QbbbW *$^'™l|ia«a^L V mwmmmWrWm bbbbbZ*4l R|_w. -•?»Hll.^r m W% b^^Yjb, P. 0. SAILINGS D «e Due Tonnage Spore. Tonnage S'pore mat^L ,S' 810 July l RANPURA 17,000 Aug 9 28 JJ^PS^ 16 000 Ju] y 3 BEHAR 6 000 SeDt I •vS^^'kS^
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    • 158 16 M. Hi. LINE. (Incorporated in France) (MESSAGERIES MARITIMES) General Agents for Cie GENERALE TRANSATLANTIQUE Air-FRANCE MAIL PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES Homeward for Colombo. Djibouti, Port Said and Marseilles SPHINX 1 1.374 T. July 7 AZAY-le-RDDEAU 7,988 T. July 9 FELIX ROUSSEL ***** T. July 21 [MARECHAL JOFFRE 11.732 T. Au?. 4
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 42 16 Mails Expected Mails expected from Europe etc. (London), by Air (Imperial*, general delivery of letters 8.45 a.m. to-day. Mails expected from Europe etc. (London mails* by the Rajula time of delivery of boxholders' letters and general delivery of letters 8.45 a.m. today.
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    • 387 16 I IMSSEXGERS BY A IR WaSSL fr r° m o, E J. KNILM-pi rK-AFK —June 23 Mr a n \mt A^! for N.E.I, by KNfLM-p, mo M AFK"-June 24: Mr. P. j j__Je„ l J> A. R Humphreys. Mr F W Ke nan Arrived from N.E.I, bv KLM-nH -Nachtegaal"- June
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 323 17 JVe«w O/ IT* Da^ ■BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBB^ afH BBRW si ex <■ fan ?bV^ v fr ty '•'vl^B jSyjsiu Jk J j m B *WB t #*B-?^^ :»C m £P "4» BaflS WW H Wr^' j•' .ar wjJAY'--' V bb^ ;.S_B v'" > w |S g J x > B^^ BW^^J 1
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    • 477 17 EaNa. yim TO raENCH PORTS \V#^^T\ %*T HOMEWARDS. V LINOIS For Marseilles, Havre, Antwerp Dunkirk July 4 CAP ST. JACQUES For Marseilles Nantes, St. Nazaire Bordeaux Juljp 25 J FORBIN For Marseilles, Havre, Antwerp Dunkirk Aug 4 1 CAP PADARAN For Marseilles, Nantes, St. Nazaire Bordeaux Aug. 21 OUTWARDS (from
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  • 1159 18 Some JLesser Known Activities Of The B. B. C. ITHE BBC. is essentially a young: 1 organisation, young: in history and young in personnel. Its employees are selected from people in all walks of life. The present staff numbers well over 2.000 persons probably a surprising figure
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  • 161 18 Of Twelfth Century Poets Calcutta rE only known original draft of an arucient anthology composed more than 725 years ago has been acquired I by the Asiatic Society of Bengal. It consists of poems by contemporary poets of Iraq, Syria. Mesopotamia, Egypt. North Africa, Spain and Sicily. It
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  • 169 18 Swiss Order To Geneva. laws to prevent the scenery of L the Alps being spoiled by hoarding*, advertisements or unbecoming houses are being introduced in the Legislatures of the mountain Cantons of Switzerland. The severest measures are those aimed at gaudy and conspicuous posters particularly those used
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  • 15 18 Mr. E.A. Stewart, of Fleming Bros., Ipoh. has joined William Jacks and Co., Ltd. Ipoh.
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  • 20 18 Miss E. Janson, Mr. O. Gutwirth and Mr. A.G.H. Reason arrived by the Karoa from Rangoon at Penang on Sunday.
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  • 132 18 Tallest In British Empire Johannesburg ANEW fire-escape ladder claimed to be the tallest in the British Empire, has had its trial run in Johannesburg, centre of the gold-mining industry. It was made In Germany. The ladder is capable of being stretched to a height of 150 feet and
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  • 115 18 Premier Wants To Retire Calgary. Alberta. THE world's only Social Credit Premier Mr. William Aberhart, wants to serve just one term in office and then become a schoolmaster again. Mr. Aberhart is leader of the Social Credit Party which swept into power in Alberta by a huge majority
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  • 270 19 1 An Eighteen-Month Struggle Geneva. CHINA, after a fight which has lasted 18 months, seems at last to have won recognition of her right to a seat on the Council of the League of Nations It is now universally expected that she will be duly elected by
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  • 204 19 Became Man's Burning Coffin Cape Town. THE ghastly death of a man. trapped by fire in a packing-case in whicn he had fallen asleep, was described at the inquest here on Johannes Petersen, aged 45, a dock-hand. Petersen usually slept with three men in a hut near
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  • 118 19 Named By Mrs. Amy Mollison (By Air Mall) London, June 9. THE first specially constructed British flying ambulance was named -Florence Nightingale" by Mra. Amy Molllson at Hanworth aerodrome. Many nurses watched the ceremony, including ten irom the Surrey Division of the Red Cross Society, who have been
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 1332 19 T m „^s y French Folklore. 1 1 (Miss Samson) lON THE RADIO I «BMg— Provencal Song— Massenet. 9 fr^~~o~~o~~o~~o>*. »\w+m***m^~*Amm+~*~o~**~^^^~r~*r^^ The Shepherd— Busser. The Fat Boys Dalcroze. In I (Mr. Morturler) lirillSll I 111 IMI e In. L. Kliala The Brunettes' Valse-Ganne. The Hawkers— Berger. l v rosiraninie Liimniir
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  • 207 20 Eleven On One Harrismith (Orange Free State). ELEVEN separate religious denominations are followed by the Zulu servants employed on the farm of one local farmer of Harrismith. Orange Free State. The farmer discovered this when filling in his census form. He called all his natives to his
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  • 203 20 Caesarian Section For Antelope Bristol. A CAESARIAN operation performed by doctors of the Royal Bristol Infirmary has saved the life of an antelope in the Clifton Zoo, Bristol. The mother and calf are both doing well. The antelope, a fine female specimen of the Arabian Cryx. was brought
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  • 130 20 Help From British Association I" »SbW the B""o--tc ho d inin- '2 the first time Science C^**^^ the Indian India. The exact v.n?""! 17 1938 ln been .settled Ue has not vet mlnor^Z forVdV fact thai it Tm i dla owln S to the of the' in, M_S
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  • 228 20 Names Confuse 8.8.C. Announcers (By Air Mail) London, June 11. THE problem of pronouncing correctly the names of Chinese generals and statesmen is now occupying the attention of the 8.8.C. announcers. Mr. Stuart Hibberd. chief announcer. who has spoken to millions of people in the last eleven years,
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  • 149 20 French Avenut To Bear His Name (By Air Mail) London, June 8. AVENUE Kipling" will soon be a feature of Ypres. The Mayor and Council of the town have decided to give the great Empire poet's name to the avenue which forms the prolongation of the Avenue
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  • 181 20 Kick For African Farmers Cape Town. OOUTH AFRICAN breeders who export- ed mules to Italy to take part in the war against Abyssinia have suffered a nasty kick from Sanctions. Last year the Union exported nearly 1,000 mules to Italy. As a result the supply available in South
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  • 195 20 80-Y ear-Old Man's Bid For Power Toklo. A STRUGGLE for power in the worlds culture pearl market is foreshadowed by the announcement here that the 80-year-old Pearl King of Japan. Mr. Kokichi Mikimoto. is practically to abandon pearl production for pean selling. Mr. Mikimoto owns pearl fisheries
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  • 29 20 Mrasuros to ensure greater Indian coalmines, particularly I it- lires. have? been promulgate* Governor-General in Coun< il. tu issue regulations ifl vested in ti Governmriit under existing ?!incs A
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  • 26 20 The An»us, the leading common 1 Industrial, and financial daily new paper in Rumania, recently relebrat' its twenty-firs 4 anniversary l:y publis) ■ng a IM-pttge supplemenr.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements

  • 958 21 A Passenger's Evidence Singapore, Thursday. MR. W. G. Porter, the Singapore Coroner, resumed the inquiry today into the circumstances attending the death of Pilot Sergeant J. T. Holt, 6f the R.A.F., who sustained fatal injuries when the motor-car in which he was a passenger completely
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  • 221 21 Pathan And Illicit Singapore, Wednesday. I WAS charged for having chandu In I my possession and an injustice has been donTl ask your lordship to pard °This e was what Ahmad Khan, a Pathan. said to Mr. Justice Clarke his appeal against sentence passed on him by the
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  • 33 21 Dorothy Trim, 13. of Chatrey Road Brixton collapsed and died when about to undergo an eye test at Stockwe^ Road School. Hen death was from natural causes and no inquest will bj held.
    33 words
  • 270 21 Armed Robbery Case Heard Singapore, Thursaay. A FURTHER echo of an a*rmed robbery committed in River Valley Road .shortly before midnight on Christmas Eve last year was heard in the Third Police Court to-day before Mr. A. D. York. Two men were alleged to have been concerned in
    270 words
  • 195 21 Work Of Local Chinese 1 Painters Singapore, Thursday. «HF YW CA is keeping up its regar SSmrSrwa visiting artists but our very uw Paintings 0 ss. a«s^^ th Mrf T'ryau. the wife of the Chine** Co^ul openld tiie exhibition this aftai- 1 lowing the opening an enjoyable I
    195 words
  • 340 21 Driver's Heavy j Sentence (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. June 24. THIS morning, judgment was delivered by Sheikh Abu Bakar bin Yahya (Second Magistrate. Johore Bahru) in connection with the case in which Yap Boon Peng the driver of a motor lorry was charged with 1
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  • 115 21 Trial Of Two Chinese Continues Singapore, Thursday. THE trial of Ang Huat Swee and Ang Ah Leta on charges under the Companies' Ordinance was continued today before Mr. Trevor D. Hughes, the Second Magistrate. Huat Swee is charged with having permitted an unregistered association (the Keppel 'Bus Co.)
    115 words
  • 85 21 Singapore. Thursday. Convicted on charges of having caused the death of Wang Peng and of having caused grievous hurt to Wong Kong. Haji Mohamed Salleh was to-day sentenced to concurrent terms of five and four months' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. L. B. Gibson in the Criminal District Court.
    85 words

  • Article, Illustration
    946 22 TURF TOPICS Reflections On Racing Matters Captain Hawk THE lady in red who backed Pigeon Pie at the Kuala Lumpur last Saturday just because she had had pigeon pie for lunch that afternoon was so overjoyed that her cook's happy thought should have brought her an unexpected $90 that she
    946 words
  • 50 22 Singapore. Thursday Lim Yonp Moi. who was arrested In connection with an armed robbery alleged to have horn committed on June 10. was produced to-dav before Mr A D. York, the Third Ma On the application of the Police, a remand was ordered until July L 1
    50 words
  • 825 22 Relics Of The Portuguese Occupation Malacca, June 24 THE following is the annual report of the Malacca Historical Society for the year 1935: The Malacca Historical Society commenced the year with the following committee in office:— president, the Rev. Fr J. P. Francois; v. president, Dr.
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
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  • Fred Perry Heading Towards Final
    • 268 23 AN AMAZING DISPLAY Quist Humbles Itoh London, June 25 BRITISH hopes of another home victory in the Men's Singles soared to-day as a result of a fine win by Fred Perry, the reigning champion, over Johnny van Ryn, of the United States, in straight sets The champion, who is on
      268 words
    • 94 23 London. June 24. The All-India cricketers were the guests of the Lords and Commons cricket team at luncheon at the House of Commons to-day. The health of the visitors was proposed bv the Prime Minister The company included Lord Wilhngdon. ex-Viceroy of India and after luncheon the visitors
      94 words
    • 341 23 0.8.A. Beat Raffles By 4-1 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, June 23 THE football team of the_ Old Boys' Association of Johore Bahru registered their first win in the second match they played during the season yesterday on the Istana Padang. Johore Bahru when they beat Raffles
      341 words
    • 54 23 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. June 24. The Johore «f»»-J& Tw&Fta the McC P onnechy Cup CompSn wni be chosen from the o S in or swee Onn. Omar Oth man, Ahmad. »i.„_f Kh amis. SS! SSS- D ro d mar bm Ba.cer and Satiman. Johore
      54 words
    • 17 23 Singapore, Thursday. flb T hf match will be replayed on Saturday. starting at 6 p.m.
      17 words
    • 63 23 (From Out Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. June 24 A letter has been received by Incne Ottman H Sn S Secretary of the Johore SSS»Jf«t Tdonaln was al The el o C thfr d patron S are H. H. Tungku r H B o d a Va T h
      63 words
    • 123 23 Tykes' Easy Win Over Somerset (By Ebor) YORKSHIRE, the county cricket champions, seem to have returned to their normal form and recorded a fine victorv over Somerset by an innings and 152 runs yesterday. Yorks batted first and compiled 392. Barber scoring 92. Smailes 80 and Hedlcv Verity
      123 words
    • 104 23 Tokyo, May 25. TORTY male and six women athletes were selected by the Japanese Amateur Athletic Federation to-day to carry Nippon's colours in this summer's Olympic Games in Berlin. Also namea was a staff of six coaches., six official.-, and one physician. The coaching staff
      104 words
    • 26 23 Copson, who bowled so finely against Surrey, weighs a stone more than h? did last year. During the winter he trained with the Chesterfield football team.
      26 words
    • 23 23 Tate has completed the cricketer's double on eight occasions. In 1921-24 and 25 he scored over 1.000 runs and took over 200 wickets.
      23 words
    • 157 23 In British Golf Open London, June 25. THE competition proper in the British Open Golf Championship opened today on the Hoylake course in difficult conditions, with a steady breeze from the north-west threatening to become stronger. Among the plavers out early were Gene Sarazen (U.S.A.). while Henry
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    • 22 23 The Casuals included two Cambridge Blues in the Amateur Cup Final against. Ilford— A. H. Fabian 1929-31 > and W. H. Webster (1932).
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    • 18 23 Rist the Essex professional, was a prominent member of Charlton Athletic during the football season. He played centre-half.
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 30 23 TENNIS RACKETS JTST RECEIVED SPALDING 1937 MODELS Tl2 oz. 12H oz. 13 oz. 13 k' oz. STRUNG ON A Special MACHINE. With Victor, White, or Orange. XelephoneQUEEN'SSr 3, Prince Street.
      30 words
    • 27 23 GILBEY'S #bV '-MC BB flm\^mm\ |aH| THE PURE GRAPE JUICE P" ~~""rff| .ss* fitmißiE c 6b s f BBB—— M 13 aaB bbbbbbbbl bb— b^b— bb^bb^**^—^^^^^^"^ b»bb»bl
      27 words

  • 835 24 ONE PLAYER RETIRES La rge A ttenda nee Recorded Singapore, Thursday. THE second-day ties in the Singapore Tennis Championship drew large crowds to the S.C.C. courts this afternoon. Eight ties were decided in the men's singles and ladies. The latter attracted plenty of interest
    835 words
  • 207 24 St. Andrew's Lose To R.A. IN a cricket match played at St. Andrew's ground on Monday, the R.A. (Changi) defeated the School by 142 runs. In reply to the Gunners' total of 142 i Waites 56), the schoolboys made only 20. the R.A. bowlers being unplayable. R.A. I
    207 words
  • 31 24 Singapore, Thursday. The Government Services soccer match between the Immigration Department and the Monopolies which was to have been played on Fraser and Neave's ground this evening was postponed
    31 words
  • 100 24 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Wednesday. The following is the list of prize winners at the quarterly prize distribution of the Malacca Golf Club Mrs G. W. Bryant, wife of the Resident Councillor distributed the prizes April Monthly Medal A. Williams; April Ladies Medal— Mrs. E. Nicoll;
    100 words
  • 293 24 Final Of The Mixed Doubles Singapore. Thuratj The Y m.c.a tennis tournament reached its concluding stages and afternoon decided the final of the H dicap Mixed Doubles. lira. KM R. Menon, partner. A I Pereira (plus 15 1 beat Miss J Wenivss and C. Reshty (plus 15' In
    293 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 65 24 Touch Control inttmnt tioo! And many other feature* visible adjustment to any touch exclusive with the latest Ro 7*|or typing speed! Improved Shift Each created to save time and Freedom! Muted Action! Roger effort, to produce neater, more Comfort Keys! Minimized Eye- impressive letters! The price Strain! Increased Dust Protec-
      65 words