Morning Tribune, 25 June 1936

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Morning Tribune
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  • 805 1 t.KAI'IIH EVIDENCE HE A II II STORY OF SURVIVOR VI HIM* I GIVE* OF HEATH 111 MISAHVEXTIRE Penang. June 24. W E find tha lhe four men who were killed met their death b y misadventure due to a collision in the air while
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  • 21 1 Batavia. June 24 rE native rubber duty has been increased from 34 to 35 guilders from to-day Renter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 194 1 Questions In The Commons London, June 24. IN the House of Commons to-day Lieutenant-Commander P. G. Agnew (Conservative, Camborne) asked whether the signatories and the Siamese Government had yet considered an extension of the tin control scheme, as was provided by the Agreement. The Secretary for
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 111 1 NANKING KWANGSI TROOPS CLASH Major Engagement At Any Moment Hongkong, June 24. RELIABLE Chinese reports from Changsha state that the first real clash in the impending civil war occurred at Kiyang, in Southern Hunan, last night when Kwangsi troops launched a determined attack on the Nanking forces, who fell back
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 41 1 London. June 22. It is learned that no Italian troops have yet been withdrawn from Libya It is stated that the additional trooos there, will be withdrawn when Britain withdraws her Home Fleet from the Mediterranean. Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless  -  41 words
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  • 389 2 MAN FOUND SHOT Police Look For Chinese (F r om Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, June 23. THE police throughout Malaya are still searching for a young ViThong Hy!am named" Ah Jee in connection with the fatal shooting affair which took place on the morning
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  • 40 2 A beautiful specimen of gold in quartz found by a Rhodesian miner, Mr. M O. Leahy, has been bought by the Southern Rhodesian Government for display at the Empire Exhibition at Johannesburg. It weighs 60oz. and contains 30oz. of gold.
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  • 113 2 St. Nazaire, June 24 kRMAMENT workers here have n "occupied" two cruisers, the Georges Leygues and the Marseillaise, while others have ceased work on six new submarines. From Marseilles comes a report that sixty-eight ships are now flying the red flag from their mastheads, and dockers and
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 524 2 NO BRITISH CREDITS FOR ITALY Mr. Baldwin's Speech In The Commons London, June 24. THE Labour motion of censure of the Government's foreign policy was defeated in the House of Commons late last night by 384 votes to 170, making a Government majority of 214. The debate was concluded by
    British Official Wireless  -  524 words
  • 98 2 London, June 24. PRIVATE discussion of the Dardanelles Conference opened at Montreaux to-day, Mr. Stanley Bruce presiding. It is understood that discussion was begun on section two of the Turkish draft dealing with the passage of warships and auxiliary vessels through the Straits in times of peace and
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  • 30 2 Cherbourg, June 24 A NAVAL lieutenant and four pilots were killed during a formation flight over Haineville to-day when two naval seaplanes collided Reuter
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  • 120 2 all nations, is expected to be discussed at some length, as objection to strict limitations is expressed in several quarters. Before the private session began, M Maxim Litvinoff, the Soviet Foreign Commissar, had conversations with Lord Stanhope, the British Under-Se-cretary for Foreign Affairs, and M. Paul Boncour, of France— British
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  • 181 2 (Continued from page 1) echelon to port. It meant we had to move one up to the left of FlightLieut. King's machine. I dropped my plane under his tail. When we thought we had come left sufficiently we began to come up again. We were coming up when I
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  • 255 2 Mr. Yoshida In England London, June 24. MR. YOSHIDA, the new Japuneoo Ambassador, laughingly disclaim ed iii an interview with Keuter to-day rumours that he had come to Britain specially charged to work ioi an Anglo-Japanese entente, saying that he must first examine the whole Qeld and
    Reuter  -  255 words
  • 171 2 Berne, June 24 Mwmm peror's object in w M :.j m of the vKit him was to inform him 01 w S^udte iihe proposed to tss at the meeting of the £f^_ Tt u likely to be argued that Atnsint was still an independent xiatioj an^ that
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 69 2 T "0~. V; ffjiJl S FRESH MILK— WITH L:lp^£: ALL THE TROUBLE: REMOVED! JET Klim put an end to delicious, nourishing milk ■L your troubles with milk, to drink. It is especially For Klim is rich, pure cows good for babies. If your milk, powdered— with only dealer cannot supply
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  • 607 3 PARTNERSHIP A BLIND? Association Not Registered Singapore, Wednesday THAT a partnership entered into 1 by ten people was merely a blind to cloak an unregistered association consisting of over thirty shareholders was part of the evidence of Mr N. G Morris, Assistant Superintendent of Police,
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  • 96 3 Paris, June 23. The Government bills have been published, firstly, providing for penalties of three months to two years Imprisonment and fines up to 10,000 francs for anyone circulating false rumours calculated to shake public confidence in the franc or the value of public securities, or inciting
    Reuter Wireless  -  96 words
  • 266 3 all the regulations would be met. Thb company had not been registered and had a membership of 27. Ang Ah LeU was appointed as treasurer A clerk and timekeepers were also appointed. The office was situated in a house In Cantonment Road. All tho other 'bus owners invested $lb each
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  • 244 3 Party Leaders Not •Satisfied Philadelphia, June 24. THE Democratic Convention adjourned It a late hour last night until this evening. It is understood that the first draft of the Party's election platform, which is due for consideration to-day, failed to satisfy the Party leaders. Foreign affairs and
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  • 169 3 Police Not Acting Against VT€W Georgetown. June 20. THE Captain and crew of the Girl Pat 1 have placed their affairs in the hand-, of a .solicitor, according to an official police statement. It is reliably learned that the Police and Lloyds arc not acting r.gainst the
    Reuter Wireless  -  169 words
  • 34 3 The body of Arthur George Riddle. 54, of Radnor Road, Harrow, was found In the water of a boating and bathing pool at Rickmansworth He had been missing from his home since May 15.
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  • 77 3 The King of the Belgian* has confrrref' tho title of Count upon M Maurice Lippens. President of the Benate. M. Lippens wjus formerly Minister of Education, and has also been Governor-General of the Belgian Congo. Sir Walter Kinnear, Controller of the Insurance Department of the Ministry of Health, la to
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    • 150 3 Law Notice For To-day Before the Acting Chief Justice at 11 a.m. 1 Summons-in-Chambers. Before Mr. Justice Adrian Clark in the 2nd Court at 11 a.m. Part heard S 627 35— Siew Tuck Co. vs: Chin Khoong Luen etc. Before Mr. Justice Cobbett in the 3rd Court at 11 a.m.
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  • 11 4 C#w?/mV*7 I tin /If >u C/ihlp? i
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  • 595 4 THE following prices, apart from Ihc.»l quotations, have been received by cable from our own correspondents. RUBBER London Wednesday's closing. Spot: 717 32 'up 1 16). Forward. 7 5 8 (up 1 32 Tone: Steady. New York Tuesday's closing. Spot: 15 15 16 i down 1 16).
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  • 314 4 LONDON NEW YORK STOCK QUOTATIONS Share of £1 denomination nnless otherwise stated War Loan. 3*4 p.c Com. Union Assce. (Units) Prudential Assce. "A H Royal Assce. (£1 share 10s. pd.) Canadian Pacific ($25) Chartered Bank (£5) Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Distillers Ord General Electric Uniliver (Units) Dunlop Rubber (Units) International
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 81 4 THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LTD. < Established in 1880) Capital Subscribed (Fully paid up) Y.100,000,000 Reserve Fund Y.129,150,00(l Head Office: YOKOHAMA SINGAPORE BRANCH, MEYER CHAMBERS, RAFFLES PLACE. Manager, H UNAGAMI Tel: No. 6049 Manager's Room 5922 General Office, e 5923 6472 Compradore's Desk sor fif li rTf 1 1 if
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    • 27 4 '1 'II V The return of the fleet with its leaping, flittering catch, means --gjj^y^^^agps^o--^ C> /V CD f"^ I B C Agmn+s -far Malaya: 7Hfc SUCCE^L,
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  • 1074 5 FRASER CO.'s SHARE LIST 56.000.000 Interest Mar. 1 Sept. 1 ***** 125V 2 cl 3% 1935 red. 1975-85 $4,000,000 Interest Apr. 1. Oct. 1 103 104»2 cl. PENANG MUNICIPAL 5^ 1926 red 1956-66 $4 000 000 Interest May 1. Nov. 1 125 127c.l i*/ 4 1929 red 1959-69 $8,250,000 Interest
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    • 472 5 KWK OF CHINA 'Incorporated in China by Special Charter) 12. CECIL STREET, SINGAPORE. HEAD OFFICE: 50, HANKOW ROAD, SHANGHAI. TOTAL RESOURCES $1,342,242,166.35 Chinese Currency PAID UP CAPITAL $40,000,000.00 Chinese Currency RESERVE FUNDS $3,453,591 43 Chinese Currency BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Dr. Tse-Vung Soong, Chairman, Member of Standing Committee. National Economic Council.
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  • Article, Illustration
    443 6 Policemen And Pressmen Now Respectable ALL policemen don't have big feet any more— and that, according to Reginald Denny, is causing a minor revolution in the motion-picture industry. Denny, who plays in "The Preview Murder Mystery," reports that cops no longer look like cops used to 100k and
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    • 189 6 'it has so much, il is packed with so many interesting situations, the acting is so fine and the technique is so marvellous that it is possihle to write columns about it without exhausting the sußject". —Editor "FtBE PBESS" (Yesterday) [%ev II IQ-NK.III 1 8.15 9.13 I \i The CAPITOL
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    • 101 6 p' A P^ BB p^ vktoiiia mi vim uKJu\ /V I I I T I C T By The MALAYAN MAGIC CIRCLE Items include A packing case escape, an e l aborate Cfcta« play in which matfic aid to love is scorned ETC! ETC!! ETC!!! PROCEEDS TO ST. ANDREW'S MISSION
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  • 264 7 "Turnaways" Get Glimpse Behind Scenes NINETY thousand^ persons who tried last year—^and 'failed— to "get behind •he scenes in Hollywood to see a motion picture in the making should have their curiosity satisfied by "The Preview Murder Mystery," an exciting new me:<>drama featuring a large cast of fajurites.
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  • Article, Illustration
    19 7 A scene fronj TfcA of AM Tracl.s.' lhe British picture starring Jack Hulber.. uhich is BflHf to Singapore soon.
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  • 141 7 lent film, made his first picture, "Dancing Mothers," in ir»l4 To-day he plays the role of a silent film star in "Trie Preview Murder Mystery." With him in The cast are Replnald rvnny. Rod Laßoque and Jack M'.ilhall, Ul three of whom have been in films re
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 38 7 EMPIRE THEATRE (Tanjon/f Pasar Roid) 7.30 p.m. TO-NKiHT 7.30 p.m. Two Shows For One~Payment Universal's Thrillinff Serial Production I O>l TYLER in "PHANTOM OF THE AIR" Complete Serial 24 Reels will be screened Prices: 10c, 20c. and 30c.
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    • 173 7 That's the Unanimous Opinion of ALL WHO SAW this Splendid STAGE and SCREEN Attraction at t Yesterday's Opening! I A I UAMDnnI 2 shows to-day ALHAMBRA 6 15 _9. 15 —I j I FIRST VISIT TO MALAYA DIRECT FROM A S SUCCESSFUL TOUR OF THE CONTINENT j THE WILHELMINE REVUE
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  • 418 8 GERMANY AND COLONIES Access To Raw Materials El POLICY of mutual economic, co- operation as a solution to the problem of world economic conditions was advocated by Mr. L. S. Amery, M.P., at the annual luncheon of the Incorporated Society of British Advertisers at the Trocadero Restaurant.
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  • 99 8 Paris. lUlc 'a! :)V Hm1 m the sn °w melts, the aavoy Alps arc yielding up their dead ralowl discovery of the body of a. m. Pierre Copel, who was found bv means of oUowin. a trail of hi.s pos•MStons [laid bar. by the melting snow,.
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  • 52 8 Eight employees suffered burns when inflammable spirit in the dry-cleaning department of the Victoria Laundry Canterbury Road. Old Radford Nof' tingham, burst into flames Thomas Avery, of Thurmond Crescent, fitanmore, Winchester fell In front of a train at Winchester station S* 5 aI en to the Royal Hants County Hospital
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  • 498 8 ARCHIVES OF OLD CHINA COMPANY Priceless Gift To Cambridge University London k SIGNIFICANT benefaction of a kind hitherto not represented in the library was announced recently by the librarian of Cambridge University. It consists of the archives of Messrs. Jardine, Matheson and Co., which have survived almost intact since 1819
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  • 434 8 Double Murder In Hongkong Hongkong. A SHOCKING double murder was tt vealed by the discovery of the bodii of two Chinese, one an old man about sixty years of age named Sung Ting, and the other a ten-year old boy. Sung Kwai-loi, the adopted son of
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  • 45 8 TenerifTe Boy Scouts greeted Lord Baden Powell when lie arrived at Las Palmas with Lady Baden -Powell m the Llandovery Castle recently. The Chid Scout, whose health is good, delighted with his successful tour m South Africa. The Llandovery < ll due at Southampton on Tuesday.
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  • 320 10 THE MORNING TRIBUNE Singapore: Thursday, June 25, 1936. THE CHINESE REPUBLIC MR. J. A. Black's address to the Singapore Rotary Club on the twenty-live years of the Chineoe Republic refreshed the memories of his hearers, particularly as to what occurred during the years of the Great War, when news from
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  • Article, Illustration
    560 10 WHEN Sir Laurence Guillemard took up office as Governor and High Commissioner in Malaya, one of his first observations, declared at a public function in Singapore, was that Malaya was a country of arrears. It happened at the time that both the F.M.S. and the Colony were in
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  • 168 10 Mrs. J. P. Mead leaving Kuala Lumpur for home this week. Mr. and Mrs. H.D. Murdell returned from their holiday at Cameron Highlands on June 14. Dr. (Mrs.) Margaret Aikin has been appointed to act temporarily as Lady Medical Officer, Ipoh District Hospital. Captain A.C. Burmester and Mr. E.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 24 10 (A X^ U fT t 1 iv 1 v XXT TZ u i \ZI L *1 J *«X 1 f T*? T^* 'I 111
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    • 119 10 THE MOST UP-TO-DATE SET ON THE MARKET Wave-band compensated triode-hexode fre-quency-changer, latest OSRAM low capacity H. F. pentode valves, high signal-to-noise ratio, fidelity reproduction— these are only a few of the features which fully justify this title for the new G.E.C. Fidelity All-Wave Eight Valve Superhet. To you these technical
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  • 488 11 AFTER ELEVEN Strange Will Of A Recluse St. Louis, Missouri. THE body of Joseph Marconnot 1 which for 11H years has lain in a glass -covered coffin in a mausoleum near here, will no longer be gazed upon by sightseers The lid of his 2.700
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  • 232 11 Can Get Money To Study Berlin. IEWS will be among the few persons J living in Germany who. under new regulations, will now be able to obtain foreign currencies for study purposes abroad. A foreign currency regulation, issued here states that, owing to the "serious foreign currency situation,"
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  • 95 11 Friendly Wrestling Kills Two Men Munich. Two peasants have died as the result of a friendly "strength testing wrestlhThe°men. Josef Gedler. aged 24 and Josef Helz Aged 27. both of Kaufbeuren, Sotith Bavaria, were returning home a church service when they stopned at I local inn for a glass of
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  • Article, Illustration
    54 11 Ann Harding, the famous film star, for whose arrest a warrant has been issued at the instance of her ex-husband, Henry Bannister, who alleges the kidnapping of their young daughter, arrived in England recently with her daughter. The photograph shows Ann Harding being interviewed by a reporter on arrival on
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  • 46 11 Gosperton church clock, which is over 200 years old and now was considered to be beyond repair, has been put In Loin? order by Mr. Alfred Minms, of SST« expert m history o rlockmaking. in his spare time Jh' clock has been restored to its turret.
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  • 64 11 "Eye" To Aid Ships ON a vacant plot of land in North London a young British inventor recently demonstrated to Board of Trade and shipping experts how fog can be penetrated. His invention gives a clear, visible path five miles ahead through fog at sea or in
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 48 11 Cream of Pea Soup Fish A La Dantin Grilled Lamb Chop Carrots Lyonnaise Potato Cold Meat Salad h Chocolate Ice Cream Cheese, Fruit, Coffee. Try Our SPECIALTIES. FRFSH-" Hors D'Oeuvres Varies "Capitol" Baked Alasca A Choice of Over 100 other dishes. 'Phone 4906 HA /ZH Bft u^n^i HI-'
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  • 202 12 Views Of The Garden Party At Government House On Tuesday A general vie* of the Garden Party given by H* T «J^«l Another general view of the Garden Party at Government Hou se Mr. and Mrs L W. Gedd es with a group of friends during tea A group on
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  • Page 13 Advertisements

  • 913 14 Decorative HOMES European Period furniture in a Singapore Sehenie of living. The Home of Mr. Mrs. 11. Reiser THOSE who have driven up to the Gap and who has not? It is one of the show place of Singapore's natural beauty know the pleasant semi-detached houses in Holland Road, all
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 51 14 Maison Ljsg^ B^ i > 'B-' 8 j 'lE* '•^r'' '^R: B- I FREE SAMPLE OFFER I Send 10 cents in cash or stamps, to cover postage I j and packing, and a free sample will be sent by return. i Address: J 129 135, Cecil Street, I Singapore. i
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 29 15 JUST ARRIVED ut'tv miller wear BRAS BASAH ROAD RAFFLES HOTEL WAVESfrom $10 $25. Oil, Ga 1 1 i a and Eugene Methods 1 Maison Interlandi l*hone 4419. Capitol Bldg.
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    • 492 15 A TOURISTS SHOPPING LUGGAGE ißrUllMi CHEMIST CARRIER I TAILOR <. F /hA'dW^. 1 SINGAPORE ?Kresh S (ocksofKn C lishSwtin7M MB ".™*!!!s.Kg i ir~ r~ i\ r*rr i :in(l Shirtings of various quali- Mokeiodfutgiod I <t'v^, LUCjoACjb. (ties- Please come or *rite to j h with i'fi L.MKKIC.K V^W. j see
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  • 55 16 Athene. British Shipbuilding yards will lose if Greece decides to spend money on her land forces instead of her navy. It is being suggested in official circles that the money for prospective orders for four destroyers from British yards should be spent on modernising the land forces and
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  • 23 16 The Chargeurs Reunis Cap Tourane is due to-day from Saigon and will sail the same day for Colombo, Port-Said Marseilles, Nantes and Bordeaux.
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  • 162 16 Norwegian Firms Want Premiums NORWEGIAN shipbreaxlng firms ha' e asked the Government ior the gran: of a premium of skr. per gross ton or, the breaking-up of ships. The firms point out that variou.countries pay a breaking-up premiun. of between 4kr. and 7kr. p^r gross tot:. and Norwegian scrapping
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  • 113 16 Swiss May Recognise Soviet Bern THE Swiss cabinet is expected to r- sider the question of diplomatic n lations between Switzerland and Soviet Union this month. There have been complaints rei from Bwia merchants that they ha been passed over when the Soviet Gh ernment was placing contracts
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  • 29 16 A Flyiim Flea aeroplane whirl making a flight over the aerodmn_ I Montbeliard, France, recently, fell w the ground and was wrecked pilot, M. Pourquin, died of his Injuries
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 338 16 P. O. SxIILIIVG§ Outwards. Tonnage S^Jre. Tonnage S' "r« SOMALI 6,810 July 1 BHUTAN 6,100 Aug. 27 NALDERA 16,000 July 3 RANPURA 17,000 Aug. 28 KAISAR-I-HIND 11,500 July 17 BEHAR 6,000 Sept. 6 BANGALORE 6,000 July 30 RAWALPINDI 17,0«0 Sept. 11 RAJPUTANA 17,000 July 31 SOUDAN 6,500 Sept. 23 CHTTRAL
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    • 95 16 Two privates of the Ist Battalion, The Leicestershire Regiment, awaiting Court-martial at Jubbulpore, Central Provinces, on a charge of fraud, escaped and rode 600 miles on hired bicycles towards Calcutta. They were taken back, but again escaped twice before they were secured. Five more privates of the same battalion who
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 290 16 THE HARBOUR MAIL* CLOSE TO-DAY Tarempa (G. Van der Heijden) 8 am. p enan g (Kedah) 10 a.m. America (North), except Western Canada and Western States of U.S.A. (Karoa) 3 p.m. India. East, North, South and West (Karoa) 3 p.m. ♦Europe, Great Britain and Europe generally (Karoa) 3 p.m. Aden
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    • 127 16 I SHIPS IX DOCK SHIP o s R^ E G c^ D E SWvT 8 Godown Gate Nn Kumsang 22 Soudan ]g Gorgon j,, Toussoum 1 Kedah Benvorlich 7 Foylebank 32 Phemius 34 Nancy MoUer. 36 craK 36 v Silindoeng 33 Hosang 46 Sirdhana 46 Karoa 4g Kashima Maru 4
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 303 17 wi^TlKfcj? "*r.,.»-_ ;ft The bip four-masted barque, the Abraham Rydberg, of Stockholm, Sweden, in dry dork at Blyth, Northumberland. The vessel is a Swedish Cadet training ship and Ls undergoing an extensive overhaul following collision with a steamer in the English Channel. 11l n\S IMIILP LINE. (Incorporated In Australia) NEXT
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    • 376 17 yfl TO FRENCH PORTS V J i J9j j> HOMEWARDS. V CAP TOURANE For Marseilles, Nantes, St. Nazaire Bordeaux June 25 I I LINOIS For Marseilles, Ilavre, Antwerp Dunkirk July 4 V CAP ST JACQUES For Marseilles Nantes, St. Nazaire Bordeaux Jultf 25 S FORBIN For Marseilles, Havre, Antwerp Dunkirk
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  • 1338 18 BELIEFS IN SHANGHAI Nippon Press Evidence Shanghai CALL it absurd, outrageous, ridiculous, incredible, impossible if you like, but the fact remains that Ssome people suspect the "antiJapanese" outburst in Canton as being inspired by Japan! writes a correspondent in the South China Morning Post. It does
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  • 67 18 Sixty police Wttt sent to Carbonear. Newfoundland, where troubles haw arisen over the formation uf a longShoremen's union Certain firms havt refused to recognise it as at pi constituted, and a large number ol wharf workers refuse to join it. Trouble arose when St. John's loncBhoremen refused to load a
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 29 18 JTHE LAST WORD IN THE ART OF BREWING wt^*«l!rT# '':-^M^v T l^' Xr A Sole Importers: t The East Asiatic Company, Limited., SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR M J ENAN( J
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  • 236 19 Reich The Best Customer I Cape Town. THE value of Imports from .Great Britain to the Union of South Africa increased during 1935, but her share of the total trade from countries overseas declined slightly. Germany displaced Franco as the Union's chief foreign customer, while only three
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  • 213 19 German Buys Tobacco In London Berlin THE English language is the only one in the world that can be spoken with pipe in mouth. So comments a Berlin newspaper correspondent in an article describing how he bought a pipe in London. "Many people even assert," he says,
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  • 150 19 Mclcnnon. Alberta. Once one of the wealthiest men in the IKloudyke. Mr. Thomas Chlaholm his died here at the age of 92. Mr. Chisholm was born In Nova Scotia bu! rame West when h" w^ W years old In 1891 1"' took 10 000 shee" from
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 853 19 JON THK RADIO I llritish Empire XaS^SSm^* well-known musicalWrm§namamm a a T^^Tuo^ u^ •Violin). Sonata in A: (1) AndanteTransmission 2: GSfl 13.97 metres, allegro (2) Adagio— allegro (Handel). rliAl mcs.) and GSG 16.86 metres Sonata in E minor: (1) Allegro (2); '17.79'mc5.), from 6.20 p.m. to 9.05 p.m. Adagio ma
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    • 435 19 Sicilienne and Rigaudon— FrancoeurKrt'Lsler (Miss Malloizel). Allegro Appassionato— Saint-Saens Mr. J. Tzipine). Three of Verlaine's Poems— Tony Aubin. The Shepherd Jean Cartan. The Pointed Hat Jean Cartan. The Dead Ibis Jean Cartan. Souvenir Jean Cartan. Landscape— Jean Cartan (Mrs. Bour-geois-Felix The Distant Wail of the Faun— Paul Dukas. Ronsard's Sonnet
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  • 233 20 Expansion In Far East Moscow. SOVIET Russia's air transport facilities in the Far East are to oe greatly increased, it is announced in Moscow. The 1936 programme of the East Siberian airlines, which already calls for 1.250.000 ton-miles of freight transport will be vastly expanded, it is
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  • 210 20 New York Starts Rartrr System New York. 1 LARGE New York hotel, situated just off Fifth Avenue, has introduced the barter system. It (is now possible to obtain room and board there by giving the management eggs, fruit, game or other farm produce m exchange. The manager
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  • 896 20 Prospects Of Restriction For Tin CKASER and Co.'s weekly r^poit on the Singapore share market, dated June 23. states: It is pleasant to report a welcome revival of business in the local market during the past week, and, although share prices show no marked
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  • 207 20 At Mr. Eden's Speech Port Stanley, Falkland islands BRITISH residents in tiv Falklai Lslands. off the coast of Sooth America, are rejoicing at a speech b\ Mr. Anthony Eden. Some months ago, a new w»ri< postage stamps was issued by the gentine Government shewing the Falkland Islands as
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  • 111 20 For Empire Canctr Campaign London. Jure 9 BLUE ros*^ are on sale throughout London in aid of the Empire Can cer Campaign, and at most street coiners flag-sellers are doing a busy traco vnth these emblems. During the past year the Campaiga has made gTante amounting to £50.--000
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  • Page 20 Advertisements

  • 2689 21 ROTARY CLUB ADDRESS An Informative Lecture Singapore, Wednesday MODERN Chinese History in a Nutshell. 1 as Dr Philip Tyau said, would describe the informative address delivered by the Hon Mr J A Black, the Acting Secretary for Chinese Affairs. SS. and P M.S., at
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  • 271 22 HOME TENNIS RESULTS Plucky Play By Siamese London, June 24. A LARGE crowd of tennis enthu- siasts flocked to Wimbledon today when the Championships were continued The weather was sunny and warm. Fred Perry, of Great Britain, holder of the Men's Singles for the
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  • 137 22 An Unusual Murder Film "THE Unguarded Hour," at the Pavi--1 lion, is a story of a supposed murder based on the not very surprising I fact that many people would find them- I 3 selves unable to give a detailed and ■ccurate account of their match themu accurate
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  • 76 22 Donation To Colombo Fund H H th( sultan of Johore, who is cAnnT^-- 11 the "His Highness had hoard wifv. Jdertble regret of the sad p, s tVjS; flood victims, and was anxious to show his sympathy in tangible form t does not call for any fuss, 1
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  • 33 22 London June 23. IN the Mario* Regatta the Japanese Olymnic Crew won the Challenge Tmphy. beating the Thames Rowing ub by one onci I hall lengths in the nnal Reuter wireless
    Reuter wireless  -  33 words
  • 173 22 Amazing Scenes In Dublin London, June 21. IN view of the Free State Government's proclaiming the I.R.A. illegal, the I.R.A. to-day called off the banned demonstration it had arranged to hold in the Bodenstown Churchyard in County Kildare, the burial-place of Wolfe Tone. The Government took very elaborate
    Reuter Wireless  -  173 words
  • 617 22 Meeting Of International Association (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, June 19. Those interested in the sport of cycle racing throughout the State of Johore will be glad to learn that the Johore International Cycling Union has been formed and its first general meeting was
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 22 An incident during the second division match at the Anson Road Stadium yesterday between the RAOC and the Chinese The soldiers won by three goals to one.
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  • 172 22 Cotton Still Ahead London, June 24. DULL, and cloudy weather greeted the competitors in the Rritish Open Championship at Hoylakc and Wall KOlf courses to-day in the second qualifying round. Among outstanding incidents in today's play was the holing out of a Ux shot of 165 yards
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  • 84 22 Government House Party Singapore. Wednesday DEAUTTFUL weather favoured the Garden Party given at Government Hoilso yesterdny by His Excellency the Officer Administering the Govcrnm-nt and Mrs. Small In honour of the King's B'rthday. About 750 guests were present, representative of all communities. They included H.H. the Regent of
    84 words
  • 160 22 To-day In Singapore HIGH TIDES:— 2.O2 a.m., 305 p m FOOTBALL— S AFA Div. II: RAF v. Middlesex, Seletar, Government Services League, Immigration f Monopolies, F. and N. Exhibition by Chinese Artists. YW.C.A. 5 p.m. TENNIS:— Y.M.C A., S.C.R.C and Tanglin Tournaments. Singapore Netball League. McNair Firsi Team v. Convent,
    160 words

  • 659 23 SEVEN TIES DECIDED Roy Smith Beats Uehida A GOOD start was made in the Singapore Tennis hampionyesterday when seven ties in the Men's Singles were tirridrri on the S.C.< eourts. The eourts were in excellent condition in spite of the rain which fell in the early
    659 words
  • 149 23 Autumn Meeting Next ijiontn mHE Penang Turf Club's. Autumn T Meeting will be held next month when there 'will be three days professional racing on Saturday July 25 Siturday August 1. and Monday. Aug ust 3 and a one-day Skye Meeting on TTS-fltSLl mm there will be two
    149 words
  • Article, Illustration
    65 23  -  Nanking, June 24. Marshal Chiang Kai Shek received the Chinese delegation to the World Olympic Games yesterday. In a speech he advised them to observe discipline in a righteous spirit and strive for the fame of China on the sports field. Sin Chew Jit Poh T Uehida in
    65 words
  • 399 23 Services vs. y Johore By Hermes THE only first class soccer match of the week is scheduled to take place at Anson Road stadium to-morrow (Friday) afternoon, when United Services meet Johore in the Malaya Cup competition. It is likely that the game will attract a good crowd,
    399 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 54 23 TENNIS RACKETS .JUST RECEIVED SPALDING 1937 MODELS TOP-FLITE j^oi'M KRO-FLITE B SPEEDWIN Rlr. STREAMLINE. 12 oz. 12" oz. yf u oz. 1 1 <«• ra STRUNG ON A Qb Special H MACHINE. I j With Victor, White, I or Orange. Telephone 01 IEEN S Tclefframs 7634. V^ 1 1 411
      54 words
    • 36 23 tll r dr at PA^TEDM I I I A I II I hb I I I 18 «L Vk I f I I I 1 «Lm Jw 111 l r B v I m COMPANY LIMITED «>■».
      36 words

  • 196 24 2ND DIVISION MATCH Chinese Forwards Disorganized Singapore, Wednesday. DISPLAYING far better finishing, the R.A.O.C. defeated the Chinese 3 l in the Second Division of the S.A.F.A. League at the Anson Road stadium to-day. It was a poor game. The Chinese had two-thirds of the
    196 words
  • Article, Illustration
    40 24 A picture taken during the match between the R.A.O.C. and the Chinese at Anson Road yesterday. The Chinese had most of the play but bad finishing by their forwards had its effect and they lost by three goals to one.
    40 words
  • 301 24 London, June 23. THE Maharaja Kumar of Vizianasrram, the Captain of the All-India cricketers now touring Britain, was knighted in the Honours List. Reuter. scoring with a fine curving shot taken at an acute angle. Wai Mun got his right hand to the ball but it
    301 words
  • 668 24 But Lose Friendly Against Aston Athletic By Hermes Singapore, Friday. ALTHOUGH they lost their first eleven friendly match against Aston Athletic this evening by the only goal of the day, the S.C.C. showed a considerable improvement on their form in recent matches and
    668 words
  • 497 24 Players Ordered Off Singapore. Wednesday WHEN will players learn that a foot ball field is not a prize ring? During the afternoon's Third Division match between the Indian Ren-pa-tion Club and the Y.M.C.A. the unedifying sight of two players conto blows was witnessed. Both m*n ordered off.
    497 words
  • 35 24 London. June In the English Sculling Champioi over the Putney-Mortlakp course w 'bout 4-1 2 miles, Lou Barry bra' TW Phelps (the holder) by ten length |^4 minutes, 50 second's.- Rent or Wireless.
    35 words