Morning Tribune, 11 June 1936

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Morning Tribune
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  • 273 1 MR. L. MILLIER KILLED YESTERDAY FALL FROM CLUB PLANE Ui IDKXT WITNESSED BY LAIH.i: CROWD (From Our Oicn Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, June 10. MK. J. LIVINGSTONE-MILLER, a resident of Seremban, was killed when he fell from an aeroplane belonging to the Kuala Lumpur Flying Club over Seremban at about 5.30
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  • 97 1 Smuggling Raised In Commons London, June 10. DEPLYING to a question from Mr. V. La T. McEntee (Labour, West vvalthamstow) in the House of Commons to-day, Mr. Anthony Eden, the Foreign Secretary, said that no specific assurance had been received from Japan [hat Chinese Customs officers will not
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  • 59 1 New York, June 10. A SUIT for £400,000 has been filed by Mr carl Hamilton, the art collec- an dealer, charging Lord Duveen tp P tners acting in Lord Duv?en's innwS_: s, i Wlth im Pairing Mr. Hamilton's Professional reputation and depreciat- the value of his paintings.
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  • 110 1 ImilS Arabs Have Been Arrested London, June 10. A COMMUNIQUE issued in Jerusalem last night gives the record of arrests made in Palestine since April 19 on charges arising out of the present disturbances, excluding those made for offences under the curfew regulations. It states that 1,313
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  • 61 1 Peiping, June 10. The vanguards of the Autonomous Mongolian Army, which is marching on east Suiyuen. have been joined by hundreds of Japanese machine-gun-ners. The Japanese have appointed General Li Shiu Hsin. the Manchukuo commander, in Charhar. commander of the First Autonomous Army and General Pao Kwei
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  • 44 1 Southampton, June 10. The Queen Mary was welcomed by a fleet of aeroplanes, motor-boats and shipping on her arrival at Southampton to-day. The official time for her crossing from the Ambrose Light to Cherbourg given 111-14 hou^«>v^_thc distance 3.198 miles.H Reuter
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 1 Mr. G. Heron, Surveyor- General of Ships in the Straits Settlements, who sailed for Home on the Sarpedon
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  • 79 1 No Criminal Proceedings London, June 10. THE Attorney-General, Sir Donald Somervell, announeed in the House of Commons to-day his decision not to institute criminal proceedings as a result of the Report on the Budget leakage, under the Official Secrets Act Mr. Stanley Baldwin announced that both Mr.
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  • 39 1 Rome, June 10. FIFTEEN are known to have been killed, others are feared to be dead and two hundred were injured when a workmen's train was derailed to-day at Bufola^^h^foo^>f Mount Vesuvius I Reuter
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  • 28 1 The King's cousin. Princess Arthur of Connaught. continues to make progress following the severe abdominal operation which she underwent in London on Monday, says a British Wireless message.
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  • 82 1 In Southampton Harbour London. June 10. THE four largest ships in tne world I will be at Southampton to-day. The Queen Mary (80.773 tonsi is due to arrive from America this afternoon shortly after the Berengaria (52,101 tons i has left for New York. The Normandie 1
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 272 2 ELECTION IN U. S. A. Republicans Open Campaign Cleveland (Ohio), June 10. A PLEDGE that the Republican Party will replace the self-styled New Deal with "an American deal was given by Senator Steiwer in his keynote speech at the Republican Convention here. He invited
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  • 196 2 Three Injured In Wild Rush Through City (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, June 10. IFTER a mad rush along the railway line, through the Kuala Lummir station and then across (he Selangor Club Padang. a buffalo was Fventually shot by police in the
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  • 147 2 Late Snl tan E Johore Religious Ceremonies (From Our Own Co-respondent) Johore Bahru June 8. VESTERDAY was, the anniversary of the funeral of the late Sultan Abubakar, the father of Sir Ibrahim the present Sultan of Johore, and the day was observed as a public holiday throughout the State. High
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  • 52 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, June 10. Prince Kambaeng Bejra's palace is in the market for £25.000, including the site. The palace possesses an electric lift, plus a strong room. The palace is at present the home of the Department of Fisheries and is rented at £55
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  • 113 2 Chartered Surveyor 9 Institution The Malaya Branch of the Chartered Surveyors' Institution held its first annual dinner at the Adelphi Hotel on Tuesday. The Branch Chairman. Mr H.. G. Atkin-Berry, D.5.0., M.C., F.5.1. presided and there were 29 members and guests present. Among the guests were Mr. Gooch
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  • 54 2  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Tientsin. June 10. AN unsuccessful attempt was made yesterday by a young patriot to assassinate Mr. Yen Yu keng, the Head of the East Hopei Autonomous Government. The outrage took place at Hsiangho, a town in the demilitarised zone. Mr. Yen
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  • 232 2 CYCLIST'S A TTEMPT TO SMUGGLE Rubber Shoes Tied Round Waist (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru June 8. A CHINESE employed by a_. European in Johore Bahru. as a water carrlei, was charged before Sheikh Abu Bakar (Second Magistrate) this morning with having attempted to evade payment cf duty to
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  • 231 2 A New Foreign Minister Rome, June 9. SIGNOR Mussolini has accepted hu own resignation from the Ministries of the Colonies, Corporation, and Foreign Affairs, appointing i ILS son-in-law. Count Ciano as Foreign Minister. Signor Mussolini retains the Ministries of the Interior, War, Navy and Air and thus will
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  • 94 2 Singapore, Wednesday. Learning to drive a motor-car has proved an expensive matter for Lee Keng Chan, a carpenter employed at the Naval Base, as it entailed his paying a fine of $25 when he pleaded suilty before Mr. E. E. Colman, the Fifth Magistrate, to-day to a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 65 2 LV^BOIA FRESH MILK -WITH gCggj ALL THE TROUBLE Sr~jp_^ REMOVED! TET Kliin put an end to delicious, nourishing milk your troubles with milk, to drink. It is especially For Klim is rich, pure cows good for babies. If your milk, powdered with only dealer cannot supply you, water removed. Klim
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 171 2 To-day In Singapore HIGH TIDES:— I.SO a.m., 3.14 p.m. FOOTBALL:— Div. II H.M.S. Terror v. S.C.F.A. Anson Road Stadium; Div. 111, M.P.H. v. Medical Services, SRC TENNIS:— Y.M.C. A. and S.C.R.C. Tournaments. NETBALL:— G.S.C. Ist Team v. McNair Girls' 2nd, Raffles Girls' School; Convent v. Raffles Girls' School 2nd Team,
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  • 406 3 GENERAL SUNG REFUSES Nanking Masses Troops IN spite of the refusal of General I Sung Cheh-yuan, the Governor of Chahar, and General Tsai Tingkai the hero of the Sino-Japanese war at Shanghai four years ago, to participate in a drive against the Japanese, the Kwangtung, Kwangsi
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  • 56 3 HE the General Officer Command-J-V" 11 leave for Kuala Lumpur on the J-cht mail on Monday, June 15 and will Jfturn to Singapore on Friday, June 19. w'll be accompanied by his A. DC. but Mrs. Dobbie will remain at FlagHouse. While in Kuala Lumpur. ws Excellency
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  • 165 3 $21,000 Profit For The Year THE annual meeting of Raffles Hotel, Ltd., will be held on June 20. In the report for the year ended Feb. 29, the directors state:— The net profit for the year, after providing for loss sustained by a sub-, sidiary, amounts to $21,027.65,
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  • 118 3 New Bill Passed By Senate Washington, June 6. THE Senate, by 37 votes to 24, has passed the new Tax Bill, which is expected to yield $620,000,000 in additional revenue annually, by revising the system of taxing of business corporations. The Bill also provides for an additional
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  • 58 3 Ex-Hongkong Man's Fortune San Francisco, May 30. MR. Franklin Wakefield, former Hongkong and San Francisco business man, has bequeathed a third of his fortune, estimated at between $1,000,000 and $2,000,000 to his wife His executor and attorney, Mr. Albert Picard. states that his fortune Includes interests in Philippine
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  • 103 3 Singapore, Tuesday. Mention was made to-day before Mr. G W Davies, the Fourth Magistrate, of' two summons cases against Police Inspector Abdul Aziz. The first charge was one of mt,n tionally insulting Mr. R.S. D anam a bailiff of the Civil District Court with intent to provoke a
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  • 51 3 Paris, June 10. THE strike by 12,000 employees in the grocery and provision trades was settled under a midnight agreement. A report from Lille states that agreement in the coal strike was reached in the Nord and Pas de Calais Department and includes an a^ouncM^ercent increase wages*
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  • 110 3 Austrian Chancellor's Proclamation Vienna, June 9. A CROWD of 100,000 Viennese assembled in front of the Town Hall for the much advertised occasion of hearing a proclamation by Herr Schuschnigg, which proved to be a peace offer to Germany. He said that their greatest desire was to live
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  • 43 3 New York, June 4. It is understood that a number of prominent American steel interests favour joining the Steel Cartel if mutually satisfactory arrangements can be made, but no action is likely before a prolonged study of the situation. Reuter Wireless.
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  • 26 3 London, June 9. It is officially announced that Mr. N. L. Smith Secretary for Chinese Affairs in Hongkong, has been appointed Colonial Secretary of Hongkong.— Reuter
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  • 179 3 Front Penang School Penang, June 10. A SENSATION was caused among the Chinese public in Penang when it was reported that eight girl students of the Hu Yew Seah Girls' School had been expelled in consequence of their unauthorised participation in a concert staged by a boys'
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  • 30 3 Berlin. June 8. The unemployed on May 31. totalled 1,491.201. a reduction of 272.000 compared with April and over 200 000be- low the lowest figure of 1935 1 Reuter Wireless
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 8 3 j MAX LION" A RAp H>HARDI_MNG CEMENT .5,
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  • Up-To-The Minute Financial News
    • 261 4 Market Rather Easier (By Our Financial Correspondent) Singapore, Wednesday morning. Rubber (Singapore) 25% cts., down Vi ct. Market Tone: Quiet. Tin (Singapore) $91, down To-day's Prices: London: 7%d., unchanged. Market Tone: Steady. New York: 15 11 16 cts., down I|l6 ct. Market Tone: Quiet. TIN London: Spot
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    • 56 4 The Singapore Chamber Of Commerce Rubber LAssn. DAILY PRICES CURRENT Singapore, Wednesday noon. No. I.X.R.SS. in cases n ,P^°_ B A June) 25 11 16 25 13 16 Good FAQ. in cases p^i B i l i, ne 25 1 1 16 253/4 No. I.X.R.SS. (Spot-loose) (awardable S'pore) 25 5
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    • 82 4 Special London Cable (By Our Financial Correspondent) London. June 10. JHE following were the closing prices for rubber, tin, gold, silver, copra and wolfram* Market Tone: Fairly Steady. LONDON RUBBER Spot: 7 1132 (down 116). Oct. Dec: 7 15 32 (down 1 16). LONDON TIN Spot: 183^ (unchanged).
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    • 95 4 Yesterday's 'Closing Prices (By Our Financial Correspondent) London, June 10. THE closing prices were as follows: London New York Cross Rate: 5.017 16 (up 8 London— Paris: 76 7 32 (up 116). London Amsterdam: 7.42 '4 (up Vi). London Hongkong: Is. 3 7|16d. 'unchanged). do. June 25% 25%
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    • 42 4 (Established in 1880) Capital Subscribed (Fully paid up) Y.100,000.000 Reserve Fund Y.129,150,00(| Head Office: YOKOHAMA SINGAPORE BRANCH, MEYER CHAMBERS, RAFFLES PLACE. Manager, H. UNAGAML Tel: No. 6049 Manager's Room. 5921 5922 General Office. 5923 6472 Compradore's Desk.
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    • 331 4 London, June 10 6.30 p. m Share of £1 denomination unless otherwise stated Previously Yesterday Rise or fall. War Loan, 3Y 2 p.C 105» 4 105 1116 Com. Union Assce. (Units) 10 5/ 8 10 5/ 8 Prudential Assce. "A" 36 3 4 3634
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 28 4 <■:'.:::::::::•••••■■■•••........... •i: i: "."'X::::::: soiTTii 'liiiiTiim I INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. (Incorporated in New Zealand) WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION I INSURANCE Tel 5926 W> J DEXTER Manager. Tel 5926 2, Finlayson Green.
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    • 65 4 These men know nothing of __£2_3p^_l^____^_____r the delectable side of sardines. **^rjSs^_Pl^^K Their's is the task to brave X W E%\ all weathers and dangers, and V**>^___vs_* jf/__! may be rushed ashore, and be _____k. fresh, wholesomeness, of Blue fi master s BLUEBIRD SARDINES Agents -for Ma fay a THE
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  • 1065 5 FRASER CO.'S SHARE LIST Sineapore, Wednesday, June 10th 5 p.m. MINING Bbfers. Sellert kmtmxt Tin (45.) 3|6 4|S Kumbang 28,- 29 -cd Maiay 59,-cd Hitam (55.) 129 13 9 ng (si) 1.45 Lifted in Tin 139 14 9 Selangor ($1) .63 _67 lenang If) "I 1! > ■LMtaiti Tin (50
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  • 23 5 Mr. Oscar Dufresne. president of the newspaper Le Devoir and an industrialist and philanthropist, died suddenly in Montreal at the age of 60.
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  • 30 5 A dog. 29 pigs, and a goat were burned to death in a fire on the farm of Mr. J. Abbott and Mr. S. W. Patchesa. at New Duston. Northampton.
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  • 226 5 Dividend Of Five Per Cent. (By Air MaU) London, May 27. THE eighth ordinary general meeting of Kamra Tin Dredging, Ltd., was held at Winchester House, E.C. Mr. P. J. Burges (the chairman) said that the smaller profit for 1935 was due to the reduced percentage of their
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  • 19 5 Lieutenant-General Sir Richard Foster. Adjutant-General of the Roval Marines, inspected the Royal Marine forces and establishments at Eastney, Portsmouth
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  • 31 5 A hoard of 169 seventeenth -century tokens, made for a tradesman at Witham. Essex, and dated 1669, has been added to the collection of trade tokens In Colchester and Essex Museum
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 29 5 I I 1 j ABSOLUTE SECURITY i. INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. j I J Agents: SIME DARBY CO., LTD. j Singapore Branches w 4* _0 1 ni~ 1 1 MK
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    • 308 5 NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that, whereas MR. LEONARD RICHARDS of 19, Namazie Mansions, Singapore, has resigned his position w^th MESSRS. ANGLO FRENCH BENDIXSENS LIMITED and has ceased to be employed by the said Company as from Bth June, 1936. all Powers of Attorney and other powers, expressed or implied,
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  • 280 6 "I Dream Too Much" THE Bell Song in the second act of Delibes' "Lakme" is the show piece of every accomplished coloratura soprano, but there is no one who can sing it as Lily Pons does. With the most beautiful legato, with every eight note chiselled as
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  • 158 6 A Novel Setting For Murder WITH a motion picture studio as it s background, and with a ca it Ivwood favourites to give it authenticity Paramount's "The Preview Mu. tery" offers audiences a doub!' treat— an exciting mystery story, glimpse behind-the-scenes in tl movie capital. Reginald Denny. Frances
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 74 6 The Crowning Triumph of a 20 year Reign as KING of Screen Comedians! —a— Mir HERE HE IS IN A PICTTRE THAT WILL MAKE YOU YELL! 1 CAPITOL Opening TO-XII-IIT! r~^* ?!\y G^bv V^t THE MIIKV WJUT A PARAMOUNT LAUGH RIOT With ADOLPHE MENJOU, DOROTHY WILSON, etc. To be presented
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    • 148 6 SUN TALKIE HALL (NEW WORLD) 7.15 TO-NIGHT 9.30 United Artists' Musical De Luxe "Transatlantic Merry-Go-Round" with Jack Bennv Nancy Carroll PRICES 10c, 20c, 30c i Opening at the PAVILION Tuesday Next; 5 The Golden Voice the World Adorei^^-mW-^-^^^^m on the Silver ,1 __f i I 1 f oo^^ sH__l_Sn I
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 7 Merle Oberon and Joel Mcßea. who star in "These Three," with Miriam Hopkins, which is now showing at the Pavilion.
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  • 36 7 Gladys Swarthout, young messo soprano now appearing in the Paramount musical, "Give Us Tnis Night," confesses that one of her fondest diversions is raiding the ice chest. She likes cold roast beef sandwiches best.
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  • 5 7 In "Give Us This Night"
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  • 179 7 ••PET builders' paradise" is how they re--3 ferred to "Give Us This Night." the new Jan Kiepura-Gladyn Swarthout romance, while it was in producSeldom has a motion picture setting ip as much space, or required as much work, as did this operetta An d crew of carpenters and artisans 24
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  • 25 7 Although she will fly anywhere in an me. Gail Patrick. Paramount actress, refuses to board a train under any circumstances She says they frighten her
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  • 27 7 Mon than 100 taxicabs were used for] lence of Paramount'! "F man." a! que on the G Man'" cycle, featuring Jack Haley. William Frawley and tne Maiden
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 46 7 A B Gall Premiere! (APUOI JUNE 23RD. (Kind's Hirthday) INew World Cabaretj COMMENCING SATURDAY 13TH JUNE j For a few nights only I "HALTER'S VARIETY COMPANY "j A TROUPE OF CONTINENTAL ARTISTES j Will appear at all the TEA and NIGHT. in COMEDY, ACROBATIC DANCES I
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    • 261 7 <• EVERYBODY AGREES! IT'S SHIRLEY'S BEST PICTURE VET! -_-_v-» «__i_____________»---------«--- ,-,i J I I SPECIAL MATINEE Ulltll 1111 A HAIEY AT 3.15 i tern stains 'dancing, .^f 3<■ V on her cheeks, J laughing,' :> Jp: J _______M______ S __________l_L 'Ei f*J%. ____r m\. I S^-^ 1 11 I I
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  • 648 8 EMPIRE HELP NEEDED Sir S. Hoare's Advice London. •THE need for a consultation of Britain's representatives with those of the Dominions with a >iew to evolving a common programme on which to act at the League of Nations in organising peace was emphasized by Sir Samuel Hoare
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  • 103 8 Ose a Island For Sale At Auction OSEA Island, off the Essex coast near Clacton-on-Sea. is for sale by Messrs. Knight. Frank and Rutley and Messrs. Spurgeon and Son. The island, of 335 acres, occupies a sheltered position in Blackwater Bay. In recent years large sums have been spent on
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  • 68 8 THE Royal National Life-boat Institu- tion has awarded its gold badge, which is given only for distinguished honorary services, to Miss E. de B. Griffith, hon secretary of its branch at Shanklin. who has associated with lifeboat work in the Isle of Wight for 20
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  • 155 8 Glass From Cloth Hal! For Brighton A MEDALLION of sixteenth-century glass from the Cloth Hall. Ypres, inset in a window at St. Dunstan's Chapel, Brighton, was dedicated. The glass composing the medallion was recovered by Captain Percy Palmer. Welsh Guards, who was killed while leading his men at
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  • 111 8 Changeover On Glasgow Herald THE directors of George Outram and Co., Limited, recently appointed Mr. William Dunkeld RobTeson to succeed Sir Robert Bruce as edit— of the "Glasgow Herald" when he retires towards the end of the present year Mr. Robieson has been assistant editor of the "Glasgow
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  • 612 8 Jump In Gold Prices Accounted For General Rise THE April number of the Monthly I Bulletin of Statistics of the League of Nations gives, in addition to the regular tables on these and other subjects, information on world trade, on the central monetary
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  • 334 8 From "Swiiii> Music" New York ANEW language has sprung up in America. It is a "Swing Music" roesbulary. This "Swing Music" (ultra jazz 0 v< taken so seriously by many jazz musicians that they decline to play it for dancing at all. They prefer to give regular
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  • 110 8 No Interference Tn Shipping CONSIDERATION of the Severn Bl Bill was continued by a Select Committee of the House of Commons Vice-Admiral Sir Percy Douglas, formerly Hydrographer of the Navy, called as a witness to give his opinion of the effect of the bridge on navigation. He said
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  • 80 8 Budget Passed With No Division Ottawa, May 13 THE debate on the Budget ended last night, when it was passed without division after two amendments had been overwhelmingly defeated. The Ministerialists were joined by the Conservatives and the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (Labour) I voting down, by 198 to 16,
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  • 487 9 jSiEW MEASURE EXPLAINED Self- Defence Is Pleaded Vienna. rpHE Austrian Government has published an aide-memoire outlining their arguments in favour of the recent Conscription ActThe aide-memoire has been handed by their representatives abroad to the British, French, German. Italian. Czechoslovak; Rumanian, Yugoslav, Hungarian, Swiss. Polish, Bulgarian, ar.d
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  • 36 9 sisters— lfn. s. Shaw. 73. of, _ton, Mrs. T Tatton. 70. Mrs 86 Mrs W. Provost. 63 Mrs y- It *JTison, 56. Mrs T Porter. 53. and Smith 50, all of Leek, met in at Leek.
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  • 188 9 Devonshire Man Fined WILLIAM JOHN DURBIN, of Cowley Farm Dairy. Honiton. Devon, was summoned before Alderman Sir Stephen Killik, at the Justice Room, Guildhall for sending to the Central Meat Market, Smithfield, seven pig carcasses, which were subsequently seized and condemned as unfit for human consumption. Frank Underdown.
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  • 156 9 Recalled By Police Court Case IDENTIFIED as one of the men who mutinied in Dartmoor prison in 1932. Frederick Harold Roberts. 30. a labourer, was fined £5 at the Marylebone Police Court for failing to make his monthly report to the police while under supervision under the Prevention
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  • Article, Illustration
    15 9 A machine gun company of the Johore Military Forces giving a demonstration on the seashore.
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  • 22 9 John Prank Cormack, a student at a private school in Edinburgh, was founo dead on the railway line, near Lockerbie his home.
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  • 26 9 A sparrow has buii* her nest inside a electric hell at th* railway station at Botw. Hants, which warns passengers of approaching trains on the main
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  • 233 9 Women Cyclists Paid Tribute 'By Air Mail* London, May 25. TWO women who cross Africa by a method "she would not contemplate" were praised by Mrs. Amy Mollison in a speech to the Women's Engineering Society to-night. The two women Miss Theresa Wallach and Miss Florence Blenkiron, both
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  • 288 9 Two Ideals In London, May 25. rOMMUNISM and Christ are the only v two ideals for which people in China are prepared to die, according to the R. E. v. F. Houghton, of the China Inland Mission. Speaking at the annual missionary breakfast to-day of the United
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  • 92 9 New Anglo-Irish Air Service (By Air Mail) London, May 28. THE first regular air service between British and the Irish Free State was inaugurated when an aeroplane left Baldonnel, Dublin, for Bristol with five passengers. The machine is the first air liner registered In the Irish Free State.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

    • 321 10 THERE was once a newspaper office (not in Singapore) which boasted an "expert" on Chinese affairs. He would elaborate the telegraphic news from China into long and weighty articles, filled with the names of important personages and references to past history, and he was regarded with
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  • 618 10 1 RECENT decision of the Kinta Sanitary Board, apropos hawkers and street stalls, and the setting up of a small committee to consider the granting of licences outside the number they originally proposed to grant, will have been received with general approval by those who have the welfare
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  • 188 10 Miss M. B. Lewis, Headmistress of the Kampong Bahru_ Girls' School, Alor Star, and Lady Supervisor of Malay Girls' School, Kedah, is retiring in the near future. Mr. K. S. Murray, of William Jacks and Co.. Ipoh, will be going on home leave next month, it is understood. An
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  • Article, Illustration
    66 10 Afghanistan acquires a mechanised contingent: American tanks at the Chaman railhead ready for transport to the interior by lorry to serve in Zahir Shah's army. Some American tanks that have been sold to Afghanistan were taken' off the train at the border town of Chaman and sent over the frontier
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 615 11 ENEMIES OF GOVERNMENT List Of Illicit Payments lenna. rplIL Austrian Government has published the list of illicit pivments made by the Austrian Phoenix Life Insurance Company, which recently disclosed a deficit of 250,000,000 schillings in the premium cover. n the absence of official information rumCJir, exploited by
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  • Article, Illustration
    95 11 A peril of aviation in the desert: aircraftmen hurrying to protect machines of an R.A.F. squadron from a sudden sandstorm. This photograph, taken recently in Egypt, shows a number of Royal Air Force machines overtaken by a sandstorm after they had made a landing in the desert. Each aeroplane had
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  • 36 11 The General Purposes Committee of Wandsworth Borough Council has decided that the borough memorial 10 King George shall take the form of a bandstand to be erected in King George's Park, which he opened in 192_.
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  • 199 11 ments conducted by nature on a vas' scale. "It may be a dream— but I foresee in the not far distant future, if adequate attention is paid to diet, our hospitals once more turned into temples of healtn and beauty, and surgeons and dentist; with little to
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 23 11 The most charmingly situated Hotel in the Island. Ideal for permanent residents RESTAURANT Tabic d'hote and a a .cme. COCKTAIL BAR LOUNGE TENNIS.
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    • 58 11 CREME DE FLORENTINE FISH A LA PALACE GRILLED LAMB CHOP JARDIINIERE FRIED POTATO COLD MEAT SALAD CHOUX A LA CREME CHEESE, FRUIT, COFFEE Try Our SPFXIALTIES. FRESHsr Hors D'Oeuvres Varies "Capitol" Baked Alasca A Choice of Over 100 other dishes. 'Phone 4:im>. TOLLANA" VERMOUTH ITALIAN TYPE _p^__^__m *_t_____l i_____Z____v Sole
      58 words

  • Article, Illustration
    190 12 The wedding took place on May 28 at St. Pi John Cunliffe-Lister, son of Lord Swinton. licott. Photo shows Bride and bridt Herr Von Ribbentrop and his wife, who are on a private visit to England, left Croydon in a special aeroplane for Belfast on a few days' visit to
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  • 1385 14 Decorative HOMES A honsi- on a hill, looking on I on to fin- Strait* of Malarra ov«r lli. lons of palm*, and lookiii" mt m\ intvarils into one of the inosl snreessifiil interior deeora i ions in Singapore. "*T"J M WHERE to live in Singapore Now you are asking. .We
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 20 14 PERMANENT WAVES- j j from $10— $25. Oil, Gallia j and Eugene Methods Maison Interlandi Thone 4419. Capitol Bldg. q
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    • 69 14 aison iflßk niiliniiiiiiiiiiniiiMiiiiiU'iiiiiiniiiinniiniil i i _^^__^^__^^^___r^^_^^__H ▼II W-m%Wllm >™ I I I 4 mw/m. I ill w>l 9 l;J il HI vi B-m_-l- W^//7^m^-.-'^m wkm\\ a __-JL H_. J __TTflß I 1 FREE SAMPLE OFFER l I 1 Send 10 cents in cash or stamps, to cover postage and packing,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 211 15 A TOURISTS SHOPPING LUGGAGE I falJ I CHEMIST CARRIER j SINGAPORE LUGGAGE j j CARRIER CO. Baggage Contractors Forwarding Agents. Booking Agents for F.MJ3. t i Railways. Baggage Agents for:— S 1 Blue Funnel Line 1 East Asiatic Line 1 t Nederland Line j BJ.S.N. Co., Ltd., etc. etc Tel.
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    • 145 15 FURNITURE THEY ARE HERE AGAIN Hiltonia Spring PILLOWS. "COOL AND HYGIENIC." AT PASKOE'S LTD. 54, Orchard Road. P_l______i__B-l_-_M_*ii^ STATIONER SPECIAL OFFER of Writing Cabinets A box containing 50 sheets good quality envelopes and paper for 50 cts. Us'ual price 80 cts. Come early for better selection E. M. GLOVER Co.
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    • 176 15 NYAL ANTACID POWDER $1.00 Acidity of the stomach Is often accompanied by gas pains, dyspepsia, ulcers, digestive disturbances and heartburn Nyal Antacid Powder will quickly and safely relieve this condition. Agents. FEDERAL DISPENSARY LTD., (Inc. ki F.M.S.) 8, Raffles Place, Singapore. CAMERAS AND FILMS_ I_Ptm\ Pi v_*f v i ■M
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 16 Mr. and Mrs. George Milliken photographed aboard the Jean Labor;!* before they sailed on Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Milliken will tour the continent prior to taking up their residence in New York.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 468 16 i i iii", mi I -^H^— JL _a=H-rrn: 1 _s_S^__a*. 1|14,:i 'i__-^ m mWW wtmmmmmmT^k^m^ C7V mmrmw\ l_h_____P_H ____^_T^~^_Z____b_ I H _fl -L^b I al l Wk w\ 111 _j__^^_l__sr'*^j jW^t^ _____i I 1 -I IPv■III k I I I a I BV% rwlmmmWt I******™*******'***** i*MmmimmmmmmmmmmmwMmmwAmmmmmmmmmmWmwwwll^^j P. A O. SAILINGS
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 351 16 fTHl_n_i^RTOfß j MAILS CLOSE SHIPS l\ IHHK TO-DAY SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHAPvro 1 Tarempa OR EXPECTED TO ARRiyp S (G. Van der Heijden) 8 a.m. Pengerang (S. Soon Heng) 9 a.m. Vaf| Godown Gate No. Penang <**_£ __*2* Hai Lee 5 1 Kretay (Suddhadib) 1 p.m. Talisse 1 j Africa
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  • -News Of The Day
    • 89 17 Passengers Due In Singapore trHE following list of passengers are 1 disembarking from the Katori Maru ItMrTsha arrives in Singapore from Tnniu at 8 a.m. this morning. The Hon Dato Sedia Raja Abdullah J Hail Dahan, C.B.E. (Undang of KnSu), Mr. A. M. Rees, Mr. H. B. 55d
      89 words
    • 52 17 Visitors and buyers from abroad to the Bordeaux Fair, which takes place froir June 14 to June 29, will be able to obtain return tickets at 40 per cent, reduction on the cost of two single fares bet-vecn any French port or frontier nation and Bordeaux available from I to
      52 words
    • 47 17 The Clyde Shipping Co., which has a fee* ol 12 passenger vessels, has issued a booklet of coasting tours for the months. The holiday tours [I Glasgow include six-day cruises eastern coast of Ireland and renter sailings to London, Liverpool. Cardiff, Plymouth, Southampton and the Irish ports.
      47 words
    • 392 17 the programme of 16 tankers. Involving 1,000 tons deadweight. The value of these orders was In the r over £2.000.000. and they arfor some 40 por cont of COm- k bonked or buildinn on the to-day Above all. they provided work for 15.000 men. one half would bo
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 283 17 ernxs PHILP LIIVE. (Incorporated in Australia) NEXT SAILINGS. MAKELLA July 23 /¥__J Special cheap round trip tickets from Singapore to Australia Issued at tne following rates. First Class passengers may transfer at Singapore. Brisbane, Sydney or Mei urne to tne connecting K.P.M. Vessel. p1 BRISBANE SYDNEY return .5»i42.86 Ist class
      283 words
    • 500 17 j CAP TOURANE For Marseilles, Nantes, St. Nazaire Bordeaux June 25 i LINOIS For Marseilles, Havre, Antwerp Dunkirk July 4 CAP ST. JACQUES For Marseilles Nantes, St. Nazaire Bordeaux Jul/ 25 I FORBIN For Marseilles, Havre, Antwerp Dunkirk Aug 4 OUTWARDS (from Marseilles). For Saigon, Tourane Haiphong. J 1936 CAP
      500 words

  • 710 18 CONTROL BY STATE Break In Polish Deflation w Warsaw. A SPECIAL issue Of the Journal of Laws contains a Presidential decree, together with an executive decree of the Ministry of Finance, introducing, for the (irst time since the zloty was stabilized on a gold basis in
    710 words
  • Article, Illustration
    19 18 A platoon of the Johore Military Forces in their new web equipment, the latest style in local military uniform.
    19 words
  • 154 18 Splendid Record In 1955 AT the annual general business meeting of Dr. Barnardo's Homes: National Incorporated Association, the report showed that 118.113 destitute boys and girls had entered the home* up to Dec. 31, 1935. Fifteen thousand nine hundred and eight-eight children and young people were provided for during
    154 words
  • 181 18 Girls Brother Files A Plaint Ambalangoda, Ceylon i Ma; 28 THE story of a bridegroom's disappearance was told in Bid. Ceylon t. A plaint was filed before Mr. p Weerasinha. the Balapitiya M by Francis Amarasinha. a trader c Weragoda, charging Panagodah Simon Senevira-tne, of Wellgam with cheating
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  • 130 18 Caned Tortund By Employer Avisawella, (Ceylon) May 27 I FEEL that six months is not enougl for vou but I cannot give you more. Mr. S. S. J. Goonesekere. the Avis wella Magistrate, told the accused In i child cruelty case. The days of buying children a past."
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  • Page 18 Advertisements

  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 2030 19 <r _o*.*- m^mm^t^mm^^m^mm^nm^wm^^m^wmm^mmm^m^mmwmu f.,^,,^- A 7.50 a.m. Theatrical Broadcast. 450 p.m. News and Economic ReT T 935 a.m. Emd of broadcast. view in English. mrmM^-mmWmmW-mm^ -___r___ 10 05 a.m. Talk. 5.05 p.m. Military Concert; in the -fl 1 r B^BJ__L IB Ik|/k 10.20 a.m. News in English. Interval: Martha and
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  • 981 20 Fraser Company's Weekly HRASER and Co.'s weekly report on the Singapore share market, dated June states: Market conditions locally have furthei riorated during the past week, and the general feeling of nervousness commented on in our last issue has been atuated. chiefly owing to
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  • 180 20 King Edward Becomes Admiral < By Air Mail) London. If ING Edward is following the example of his father and grandfather ln becoming Admiral of the Royal Yacht Squadron. He has not previously been a member of this exclusive club, writes Barbara Armstrong in the "Daily Ma?l." The
    180 words
  • 239 20 Work Of Manson And Ross REPRESENTATIVES of tropica: try in all parts of the w< present recently with membercouncil and staff of the London of Hygiene and Tropical Med the Manson-Ross luncheon, held annually at the school < i Day, the anniversary of th Ronald Ross's birthday. "The
    239 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 25 20 ANCHOR DCtlv. •__b___-_-_--^^ AmT^^^^^^^^^Tm^ m^ km AW Brewed and bottled in Singapore by the ARCHIPELAGO BREWERY CO., LTD. SOLE AGENTS: SIME, DARBY 8c CO., LTD.
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 178 20 OX Till: It MHO (Continued from page 19) down 20 Pm Dan e music close children by Miss J.E. de Vries. 6.05 p.m. Popular concert. TO-MORROW 650 p.m. Nirom new: bulletin. 10.50 a m Opening 710 P m Recorded music. 10 55 am. Classical' selections 7.20 p.m. Official opening of
      178 words
    • 215 20 /.I 1..1. IVn a sin (49.3 Metres) TO-DAY 7.00 p.m. Time Signal. 7.03 p.m. Day's Programme. 7.05 p.m. Z.H.J. Symphony Concert No. 8. Recorded Concert by the Berlin State Opera Orchestra. (1) Overture "The Bartered Bride" (Smetana» Berlin State Opera Orchestra conducted by Clemens Schmalstick. K M.V. B 3501. (2
      215 words

  • 2618 21  -  Mr. Charles Short ROTARY CLUB ADDRESS By Singapore, Wednesday. i SINGAPOREAN Visits Australia," A formed the subject of an interesting address by Mr. Charles Short, «f the Prisons Department, at the weekly luncheon of the Rotary luh held to-day at the Adelphi Hotel Roof Garden. .Mr.
    2,618 words
  • 148 21 Dominican Fathers Visit Singapore, Wednesday. Forty-seven members of the Spanish Dominican Fathers arrived in Singapore yesterday by the Sibajak. The party consist* of lour Professors, three Brothers and 40 students and they are on their way to Hongkong, where the students are to continue their training at
    148 words

  • 1095 22 SUMMER MEET IN K. L. The Second Day's Racing (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday. BRIGHT sunshine favoured the second day of the Selangor Turf Club's Summer Meeting. The going was hard The attendance was poor at the start, but improved hiter. THE BIG
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  • 156 22 I $65,000 For Sports Club AT the meeting of the Legislative Council to be held on Monday, the Resident Councillor of Penang will move approval of a loan of $65,000 at three per cent, interest to the Penang Sports Club, to be repaid in 40 equal halfyearly instalments.
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  • 179 22 Drama Of "These Three" CHILD actors are in the fashion on the screen and now we have Bonita Granville, in a startling performance in "These three," now snowing at the Pavilion. She is not a second Shirley Temple or Jane Withers. Her forte is not charm or even
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  • 123 22 Chinese Arrested On Express (from Our Own Correspondent/ Penang, June 10. SIAMESE Customs officers are reported to have arrested a Chinese named Ah Sing who is alleged to have attempted to smuggle dutiable articles Into Siamese territory carefully concealed inside the partition frame of the train seats. The
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  • 78 22 Quebec, May 30. Aim Harding, the actress, and her daughter Jane, left secretly aboard the liner Duchess of Atholl to-day. Ann Harding, wirelessed to the United Press from the Duchess of Atnoll to-day stating: "I have no fear of any charges or court hearings ln Canada, the United
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  • 427 22 I Black Legion Detroit, May 29, FIVE separate investigations of alleged a Black Legion crimes moved forward to-day. while attorneys massed evidence of f.-deral violations which, it is hoped will draw federal authorities Into trie case Tne principal Inquiry Is centred j n i Pontiac, Michigan, where
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  • 51 22 Jerusalem. June 8. The Mayor of Jaffa has been missed from his post by ordci m int High Commissioner, according to Palestine Correspondence Agency cause ho refitted to fulfill his function. The Msyor was yesterday warned t unless the Municipality resumed new Councillors would be app*--** 10 Reuter
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  • 45 22 Cleveland, June 9. Mr. Landon is now considered virtually certain to win the Republican nomination at the first ballot. His supporters claim 530 votes and nu opponents do not deny their claim. The number of votes necessary l° r election is 502— Reuter.
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  • 943 23 SEVERAL NEW SCHOOLS The Training Of Teachers (UNCI March 1928, says the annual S l repeat of Mr. WE. Pepys, aa adviser, on the State of Chaie -he Education Department i'.s heea under a European Super•inidcnt, seconded from the large ioint Education Department of the struts
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  • Article, Illustration
    23 23 Heads to it— an incident in the football match between the Cricket Club and the RAF yesterday, which the Airmen won by three
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  • 163 23 Prices Realised At Weekly Sale Singapore, Wednesday. The Singapore Chamber oi CommercRubber Association held its 1.-tfisi auction, to-day when there were Catalogued 637.267 b.-tons 284.49 Offered 565,018 b.- tons 252.24 Sold 455.797 lb.- tons 203.40 London -Spot 7 5 16d. PRICES REALISED RIBBED SMOKED Standard Quality *5*H« 11
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  • Page 23 Advertisements

  • 994 24  -  Hermes AN IMPROVED DISPLAY Lively Forward Raids 15 v Singapore, Wednesday. THE S.C.C. may certainly claim to be a team of surprises A week ago they put up a very poor showing and lost in the first division of the S.A.F.A. league to
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 24 A photo taken during the soccer match between the R.A.F. and the Cricket Club on the Padang yesterday Although beaten 3 o, the Club were not disgraced and their defence made a good showing
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  • 20 24 In a second division match at Tanglin to-day, the Inniskillings B team beat the R.A.O.C. by 8 goals to nil.
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  • 124 24 European Questions Discussed Bucharest, June 7. COR the first time in history the sur preme heads of the Little Entente have come together personally to discuss vital European questions. King Carol of Rumania. Prince Paul of Yugoslavia and M. Benes of Czecho-Slova-kia held a meeting, with their foreigi
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  • 71 24 Semi-Final Of Open Doubles Singapore. Wednesday. THE following are the results of ties 1 played off in the Y.M.C. A. Tennis Tourney to-day: Men's Open Doubles <Semi-Final> Kamis and Yadi beat Lim Boon Hin and Pang Chiap Song 6 o; 6—l. "B" Handicap Singles (Final): K A. Thaver
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  • 26 24 Polo Laurels For America Hurlingham, June 10. The United States defeated England by 10 goals to 9 to-day in a polo match for the Westchester Cup.--
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  • 490 24 Hat Trick By Batten Singapore, Wednesdaj TWO Army teams the Mi*l«ii Kegiment and the Royal Artillen fouj-ht out a colourless football match in the Seeond Division of the League at the Anson Road Stadium til is afternoon. The Gunners ran out wlnni rs I .-> to one
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  • 66 24 Mr. Sopwith's New Yacht London, June I. rNDEAVOXJR n, Mr. Sqpwlth^ new J class yacht, which is iGgSWed a a prospective challenger for the Aim rica's cup next year, was law yesterday. The vacht was designed by Mr. t Nicholson and is built to the fulie* length of
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