Morning Tribune, 6 June 1936

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Morning Tribune
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  • 145 1 n\S7M; SITUATION IS GERMAN OUTBURST lIIJIII <; It i:i Si: lt WALKS OIT of 11 Jim: 11 Geneva, July 5. THERE was an amazing scene at the League Council men ing after a debate on the friction in Danzig between the Nazis and the League High
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  • 501 1 Geneva, July 4. The League of Nations to-day turns from 'he Abyssinian problem to a troubled and delicate situation from Nazi activities in Danzig. Council meeting this afternoon deal with the position followhv, report of the High Commissioner. Mr. Sean Lester, on recent developwhich commenced when
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  • 108 1 London. July 5. MR. Richard Sickert, well-known English painter, has presented to the Italian Government his full length portrait of Baron Aloisi, who was lately the Italian delegate at the League of Nations. In a letter accepting the painting the Italian Ambassador in London says it
    British Wireless; Reuter Wireless  -  108 words
  • Article, Illustration
    18 1 M van Zeeland, the Belgian premier, who is presiding over the League Assembly during the present stormy session.
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  • 273 1  - SEIZURE OF MUKDEN RAIL WA Y Sin Chew Jit Poh A New Japanese Threat Shanghai, July 5. A JAPANESE threat to seize control of the Peiping-Mukden Railway is the latest development in the situation in North China. The decision was reached at the Japanese military conference which concluded in Tientsin
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  • 125 1 LORD SEMPILL TO LMAKE RECORD A TTEMPT London. LORD Sempill. cnc of the earliest pioneers of aviation, may shortly jnake an attempt on the England to Australia air record. Major A?ison, a friend of Lord Se?npill. is co-operating and has agreed to lend his new monospar S.T. 18 aeroplane, which
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  • 21 1 Melbourne, July 5. THE young England to Australia flyer, J. C. Melrose, crashed ana was killed here to-day- Reuter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 140 1 Committee To Draw Up Proposals London. July 5. A COMMITTEE of the Privy Counci 1 comprising 42 persons has been appointed to consider in arcordame with such directions as the King may ffive preparations necessary for the coronation of His Majesty on May II nC Tno
    British Wireless  -  140 words
  • 103 1 Another Meeting To Be Held London, July 5. AS a result of conversations at Geneva between M. Blum. M. Dolbos, Mr. Eden. M. Van Zeeland and M. Spaak, it was aerreed that a further meeting of th n Tocarno Powers, whose representatives c^rew up the London nrrancement of
    British Wireless  -  103 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 481 2 PLANS TO BE SUBMITTED Eisembly In September Geneva, July 4. MLEON BLUM, addressing the Assembly, declared that France did not uphold the peace for France alone but for the indivisible peace of Europe. France would concentrate her strength in order to make collective security a reality.
    British Wireless  -  481 words
  • Article, Illustration
    13 2 Baron Aloisi, whose portrait is to hang in the art gallery of Rome
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  • 239 2 Local Orchestral Society Score Big Success In Memorial Hall Concert HF of this review once cntiT^ciTd the lack of musical enter; talnment in Singapore. After to* night's performance at me men pianists it has peen uui v M one wou.d Ilk. tc hear more, gave an inspired rendciing of Schumann's
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  • 120 2 Nearly A Million In Hand London, July 5. THE flnt annual report of King George's Jubilee Trust has been presented to King Edward and shows that at March 31. receipts from donations and various sources amount to 11 031 023 Grants to the extent of £63,850
    British Wireless  -  120 words
  • 121 2  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Former China Finance Minister Hongkong. July 5. MR. Ching Tin Tow, a former Commissioner of Finance of the Canton Government, was shot dead yesterday evening while he was returning home. Three bullets hit him and he died shortly after admission to the hospital. The
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  • 21 2 Berlin, July 1. An official communication foreshadows the introduction of compulsory agricul- 1 tural and labour service for women.— Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  21 words
  • 92 2 LOCAL R.A.F. CHIEF High Promotion Likely (By Air Mail) (From Our Own Correspondent London. June 24, AIR Commodore Sydney Smith, wh 0 has been described as the "Beavy of the air," will retire from his pus. Air Officer Commanding the R.a Far East, in the autumn. The name of his
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  • 137 2 The A lhambra Jane Withers In "T!:h Is The Life" (<ROM time to time, Hollywoods ch stars have amused, fascinated entertained cinema audiences with their natural ability— Mitzi (keen the first and was followed by Jai Ue Coogan They grew up and their places w i taken by Shirley Temple,
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  • 105 2 Janet Gaynor As A "Smell Town Girl" SMALL Town tUrf," from the Ben Ames Williams, is ex<presented in the M.G.M. production being shown at the Capitol. In the principal role as Kay Bra is Janet Gaynor, who is her vwn Mime self, and Robert Taylor does as Bob
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 49 2 The Xewest Exposure Meter! made by the OMBRUX manufacturers, but only of half Ombrux size and 4 x as sensitive! I "SIXTUS" WILL ALWAYS GIVE CORRECT READINGS I Obtainable from all first class dealers or the z 1 I I I SOLE AGENTS SCHMIDT Co. 90, Robinson Road A.
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  • 546 3 R HINELAND R ISSUES "Reply Is Not Urgent (By Air Mail) Berlin. June 24. J, S? JS^M an enthusiast* responsc here.^ t urgent the ™ul tlonnaire, deliverei v weeks ago to the German t Conuary to expectation;. UH no sign whatever of a „,r man Government does
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  • 145 3 Before the Acting Chief Justice in the Ist Court at 11 a.m. Assizes:— (s Rex vs. Leonard Gourlay and Stuart Wilson. (4) Rex vs. Chhoa Ah Goh alias Kweh Ah Hoe. <3> Rex vs. Teng Cheng Seah and Kim Kim Teng. <7i Rex vs. Song Boon
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  • 59 3 Output, 1,396,038 lbs.; 1.249,693 lbs. exportable realised gros.^ price of 5.99d. per pound. Bal., 49,030 lbs., sold uncouponed and remainder valued at Id. per pound. Market value of investments wa.s £32,041, excluding value of 20.000 shares in Chamek Rubber Estate. Estates' standard productions assessed at 1.969,347 lbs.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 52 3 T "MA\ LION" I Kwfliliy RAPID HARDENING j CEMENT CtNTb li-l!'^'" Ilk J^-^rn per I fe 'lL^s!^ r.:^9| ARTICLE^J|B 1 'If J| WE ILL MONTOR LTD. 1 X^B^V L V Jflß^B *.^T J^/ JR 4 1 Ttomato sauce t_^//SPANISH STYLE f1 5 H R I C SOLE AGENTS HENRY WAUGH
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  • 971 4 OUR LONDON MARKET REVIEW By Air Mail Sanctions Decision —Recovery Outlook— Set Fair Tin: A British Lead Expected What Price Rubber London, June 23. THE new Stock Exchange account which opened yesterday seems to fulfil expectations of reviving activity. The tone in all markets was decidedly stronger though the volume
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  • 27 4 Mr. T. V. Skinner, lecturer at the Handsworth Technical College and Birmingham Central Technical College, has been appointed head of the engineering department of Cheltenham Technical College.
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  • 297 4 THE following prices, apart from local quotations, have been received by cable from our own correspondents. RUBBER London Saturday's closing, l Spot: 73 4 +5 32. Forward: 7 25 32 (unchanged). Tone Firm. New York 16% +3 16. Tone Very steady. JSingapore 27 cts.
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  • 48 4 London, July 5. SIR Arthur Sutherland, the shipowner, who yesterday received the freedom of Newcastle-on-Tyne, his native city, made public gifts totalling £110,000, of which £100,000 is to be spent on a new medical school in the Reorganised university of Newcastle. British wireiess
    British Wireless  -  48 words
  • 247 4 The following, are closing quotations Market" F reign Exch^ge London-New York 5.02' u _i London-Paris 75 23 32 London-Amsterdam 1.36% __i London-Hongkong 13 716 (unchanged) The following are closing quotation* in Singapore. SELLING Singapore, Julv 4 London 4 months' sight 2 4»/ London 3 months' sight London 60
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  • 121 4 (By Air Mail) London, June 24. Report of Malaysiam Tin for year ended March 31 shows profit £15.768 (against £13,671). Add £1,513 forward making £17,281, out of which following appropriations have been made: Debenture interest £1,042. tax reserve 11,142, depreciation £172 Glami Property Expenditure £272, written off formation
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 27 4 >:::p:::::p::::::::::::::::::::p::::::::::::p^ INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. i!::! i lncorporated in New Zealand) Is Your MOTOR CAR I fully insured? W. J. DEXTER, Manager. Tel. 5926, 2, Pinlayson Green. p:
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    • 44 4 THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LTD. (Established in 1880) 1 Capital Subscribed 'Fully paid up) Y.100,000,000 Reserve Fund Y.129, 150,00(1 Head Office: YOKOHAMA SINGAPORE BRANCH, MEYER CHAMBERS, RAFFLES PLACE. Manager, H. UNAQAML Tel: No. 6049 Manager's Room. 5921 5922 General Office. 5923 6472 Compradore's Desk.
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    • 17 4 Overseas Assurance CORPORATION, LIMITED, China Building, Chulia Street, PHONE 5808. SINGAPORE Fire, Marine, Motor VEHICLES WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION
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  • 1081 5 FRASER CO.'s SHARE LIST Saturday, 4th July 1 p.m. Buyers. Sellers tmat Ti« (45.) 4-3 49xd Ain Kumbang 28 <£> 57,6 58,6 Ay r U ,um .5 13 6 148 :lTin \.l. 7fi 81 Batu Selangor $1) Cnenderiang(£) 126 l3g s)t J feci kong Tin (55.) 14- 15Idris Hyds. (55.)
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 29 5 1 ft J f J J ABSOLUTE SECURITY j v i i INSURANCE COMPANY,. LTD. t l i Agents: SIML\ DARBY CO. LTD. Singapore Branches V~v^. wm m ■-n-TJjyJJiA
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    • 431 5 BANK OF CHINA (Incorporated in China by Snorial Charter) 12, CECIL STREET, SINGAPORE. HEAD OFFICE: 50, HANKOW POAD, SHANGHAI. TOTAL RESOURCES 51.342,242.166.35 Chinese Currency PAID UP CAPITAL §40,000.000.00 Chinese Currency RESERVE FUNDS $3,453,591.43 Chinese Currency BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Dr. Tse-Vung Soong, Chairman, Member of Standing Committee, National Economic Council. Mr.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 227 6 I 1 119 I Al TO-NIGHT t API I OL 615-915 i S S your Favourite Star in her first M.-G.-M. Picture! J JANET GAYNOR ■P^SPI j With ROBERT TAYLOR \L W (Star of "Hroadway Melody of 19:)6") i ui a Grand Romantic Comedy. Jl^SMk W A U SMALL TOWN
      227 words
    • 145 6 COMIN(i TO THE CAPITOL Next Week! 1 p\ ROHE^O\ in his original role as "JOE" and lISI* I' IM I'- in her famous character 111 "MAGNOLIA" vMACE Of yo> a ■j^<-sC^''-' Iv'^^'^^^ J V 1 I Jam I I j'^%. [I WITH A CAST of :%POO PLAYERS. LAST NKHIT OF
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  • 145 7 C harlic Chaplin Will Stake £200,000 On Pauhtte Goddard Hollywood. MR. Charh I Chaplin is ready to risk 3. fortune In order to prove that Miss Ooddard. who starred with him la t picture, can become a great tar. "She i unique." he said in an InterThere is absolutely no
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  • 38 7 liter Bernard Creighton, 43. musical ol Lovelace Gardens. Southend, Southend sentenced to one nmnth's imprisonment in the second din for smashing windows and caus- damage to the extent of over ..v offices of the Southend Public tance Committee
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  • 50 7 Vallee Hour the previous evening Thi.s ma also a triumph for Oliver He h^s grand radio personality At Universal City Oliver has a rol> "Post a; Inspectors" a of the I Office Cops by Robert Dillon K-iv Francis and Horace McCoy, wfcich Louis Friedlander will put In production son'.next week.
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  • 292 7 IN a burst of exuberance, David Oliver one day walked in front of the camera he had been operating for Universal Newsreel and there he put on a littie act. Dave had been doing this to: twelve years, but only for private consumption. The rest of the
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  • 278 7 Shirley Temple's Future "It Is Difficult To Say" Singapore, Saturday. WILL Shirley Temple, the child cinema "star," grow up to be a greai. actress? This question was put yesterday by a Sunday Tribune reporter to Miss Claudia L. Clark, who lives in Lo^ Angeles and sees Shirley almost every day.
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  • 44 7 Mr. W. R. Wilkie, 48, Chief Constable of South Shields, dropped dead outside his house when about to enter his car. A native of Edinburgh, Mr. Wilkie was appointed Chief Constable of Soutn Shields seven years ago. He was formerly Chief Constable of Glossop.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 278 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■1 1 ■1 1 •i■i•• i ••••"•••***t?IItIII III "*It"!l 1 a s ISHET1 SHET DIDN'T KNOW WHAT SHE WANTED BUT SHE KNEW 1 CAIIOLE LOHI BAIIII I iliii In Universal's Comedy Romance i: I ""LOVE
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    • 35 7 CAPITOL Change MAltll M imrriiirii tl Alluring— >re Beautiful More exotic than ever in the Ernest Lubitsch Production Csim With Gary Cooper (of 'Bengal Lancer" fame) Paramount^ Brilliant Triumph, as exciting as their famous "MOROCCO"
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  • 284 8 HUGE ARMY PROGRAMME Navy Increase Also Tokyo A SIX- YEAR ptogramme of military expansion, falling for the expenditure of 2,000 million veil im»m. than £115.000,000), in addition to normal appropriations, is expected to be submitted to the Government by the Army this month. It will call
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  • 206 8 Senator Says Young Men Need Protection tt nri Cape Town. THERE is a town in South Africa where the girls do the courting and the boys need protection from the girls who lead them into temptation. This revelation has been made by Senator AT. Spies in the
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  • 31 8 Miss Barbara Brown, of the Malayan Nursing Service, attached to the Government Town Dispensary. Kuala Lumpur travelled by Friday night's mail train to Penang to catch the Rawalpindi on home leave.
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  • 36 8 Capt. A. Tarabocchia, who is in charge of the Lloyd Triestino agency at Singapore, has been appointed to act as successor to the Italian Con.sul-General Signor Enrico Matteoli, who left on the Conte Verde for Italy.
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  • 299 8 First Efforts Held Up Awaiting Airworthiness Certificates rHROUGHOUT the Dominions builders of "flying fleas" are looking to Britain to provide a solution which will enable them to get certificates of airworthiness for this type of aircraft. Reuter messages state that Burma's first flying flea is
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  • 223 8 10 -Sin ne Man Dies Of Heat At I Southend Southend. A MAN who weighed 40 stone has died at his side-show at the Kursaal, Southend. His death is believed to have been due to the heat. He was Richard Harrow, aged 38, of Bromlev. Kent, and he leaves a
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  • 31 8 Mr. D. R. Swaine, Acting Superintendent of Education, Johore, sails for home on long leave on July 11 by the s.s. Corfu from Singapore. Mr F L Shaw takes his place.
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  • 28 8 Mr. P. R. Davison, of the staff of United Engineers, Ltd., Singapore, who has been on a visit to the Ipoh branch returned to Singapore on Thursday morning.
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  • 108 8 Girl With Manacled Bap For Winnings Monte Carlo. HABITUES of the. Casino here are amazecf at a young woman who carries her winnings in a bag, chained by strong manacles to her wrist. After each successful coup she stows her winnings carefully away in her "bank" which appears
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  • 102 8 But Found His Name On Cenotaph T PTTT Goderich, Ontario. AFTER an absence of 20 years, Mitt Charles Mew has returned to his home town here to find his name neatly carved amongst the list of dead 0:1 the war cenotaph. Mr. Mew said that he "felt
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  • 329 8 Fascinating Show In London BY PRESSING a button, any more "groundling" can imagine hinuy u the Captain of a modern air-liner about to land his craft by night at an up-to-date airport and can discover, by means' of various little coloured light.*, just how lie ought to
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  • 254 8 Progress Of Chemical Engineering T TT London. HE achievements of science in the field of industry and its bearing on iuture developments were reviewed by the Duke of Kent, when he opened the Chemical Engineering Congress of the World Power Conference, at Central Hall. Westminster. The Duke recalled
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  • 669 9 BETTER TIMES COMING Poets Academy Formed London ■OH of the greatest poets in j America have to keep themselves alive by sweeping road-cros-sings Others are forced to sell matches in the street— even though they may be recognised a* literary •masters The realisation of
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  • 274 9 To Be Approved By The King London NEW badges are to be issued to the Royal Air Force squadrons. The King has consented personally to approve them. No. 4 Army Co-operation Squadron— a famous unit— has already obtained its new badge. The design has a circular band
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  • 39 9 The engagement is announced between Robert Stevenson, son of the late Mr. Robert Miller, and Mrs. McNichol, of Kuala Pertang, Malaya, and Eleanor, daughter of the late Mr. T. M. Harrison and Mrs. Harrison, Sunrising, Chalfont St. Giles, Bucks.
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  • 46 9 About 100 Rotarians and guests attended the annual inaugural dinner of the Ipoh Rotary Club at the Grand Hotel on Thursday night when Mr. J. L. Woods, the new president, was invested with the badge of office by Mr. W. J. D. Kloezeman, the retiring president.
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  • 124 9 Every Citizen Should Learn To Shoot Berlin. /GERMANS are being encouraged to V learn how to use a revolver. "Pistol shooting for everyone" is the latest attraction offered by the "strength Through Joy" organisation. Members of the German Labour Front can have five lessons at the specially
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  • 20 9 A report recommending the renaming of 21 streets in Westminster was refered back to a committee by the City Council.
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  • 286 9 Fear Of Empire Competition London. i STRONG plea lor greater protection of the British home market not nly irom subsidised foreign exports iut also from Empire manufactured ods appears in the report prepared ,y the Federation of British Industries The report is based on experiences or he past
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  • 43 9 The engagement is announced between William McKeown, Perak River Hydro Electric Power Company, Limited Ipoh, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. O. McKeown, Stobhill, Glasgow, and Winifred Marjorie, daughter of the late Mr. J. P. Vokes. and Mrs. F. Vokes, of Woodford, Essex.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 324 10 The MORNING TRIBUNE THE DANZIG CRISIS. Singapore: Monday, July 6, 1936. WO sooner had the League Assemly finished with the sanctions business than it was called upon to discuss the crisis in the Danzig Corridor. The League has a High Commissioner in Danzig and he made a report stating that
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  • 567 10 MOT the least interesting portion of the annual report on the work of the Singapore Municipality is that referring to the water department. There it is shown that the consumption of water in the town each day was over lV/ 2 million •gallons— that is, approximately thirty gallons
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  • Article, Illustration
    212 10 Mrs. C. R. Thurstan will arrive from home by the Rajputana at the end of this month. Mr. B. P. Nicholas, bankei, Kuala Lumpur, who was away on a trip to Ceylon, returned on Friday with his family. Dr. P. S. Selwyn-Clarke, who was at one time stationed in
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 4 10 L,1.:i t .i.;n.. > ...>LLi^.&^Tn-TJ
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    • 116 10 FOR RELIABLE AND CONSISTENT RECEPTION With the new G.E.C. Fidelity All-Wave 8-valve Superhet receiver, reception of the Empire and other European transmitters is remarkably consistent. This is due to the fact that the set produces very little "background" noise and full use can therefore be made of its enormous sensitivity.
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  • 238 11 PRISONERS PARADISE High Standard Of Living A Prisoner's Paradise" is the description given by Sir Henry Craft. Home Member, to India's dreaded penal settlement, the Andaman islands,— popularly considered to rompare with France's DevU's Island- where he has just been on a \Mt. The prisoners .are
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  • 181 11 Supplied By Voluntary Observers London. THE big majority of rainfall records in 1 the British Isles are supplied to the Meteorological Office by voluntary observers who purchase their own instruments. This is revealed in the first annual report of the Inland Water Survey Committee, published here Nearly 4,000
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  • 280 11 Indians Look Forward To Great Durbar BOOKINGS from all over the Empire for passages to London for the Coronation continue to show that the influx of visitors will be extremely heavy. It is already estimated that 1,500 seats will be reserved by Australians and New
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  • 234 11 Mrs. Despard's 82nd Birthday London WHEN I was 25 I was told by my family that I would soon be on the shelf. That sort of thing does not worry the girl of to-day." j So said Mrs. Despard at her 82nd birthday party, organised by the Women's Freedom
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  • 207 11 Rich Field In North Island Washington EXPERTS are expected shortly here to carry out an intensive investigation of oil-fields on the East Coast near Gisborne. North Island. Considerable geological work Vids already been done in the area, but the new investigations will be more ttrhaucMve than
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 49 11 ■QJF^to day TIFFIN: $1.00 Mock Turtle Soup Fish A La Menagere Roast Chicken Bacon French Beans Chips Cold Meat Salad Chocolate Ice Cream Cheese, Fruit, Coffee. Try Our SPECIALTIES. Hors i) ueuvres varies "Capitol" Baked Alasca A Choice of Over 100 other dishes. 'Phone 4906 IFe'stmties W.S. 3 _r
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  • 108 12 THE R.N.V.R. INSPECTION picture of the R.N.V.R. on parade at the general inspection by Major General W. G. S. DobUe. Another section of the R.N.V.R. on parade last Friday. Another group of the men of the R.N.V.R Major-General W. G. S. Dobbie being introduced to thel manding nil The H.M.S.
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  • 1042 14 THE saying that assures us blandly 1 that heaven must protect the working girl, refers, as far as I can see to almost every other woman or girl who is well able to protect herself and, thank you— she does so! The attractive young
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  • 253 14 "Softened water is the only water that should ever be used on the skin." This advice comes from Ann Loring, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer featured player. "I personally find it advisable to use water on my face only twice a week." she said, "and then I am
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 4 14 IWaison Ljaftfe 4010. flf^ <•
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    • 49 14 1 FREE SAMPLE OFFER I I I > j Send 10 cents in cash or stamps, to cover postage I and packing, and a free sample will be sent by I j return. Address: j \vsiU\ -xUiIo DepU I I 129 135, Cecil Street, I Singapore. T^P *mt _mmmm J
      49 words
    • 41 14 Lampshades made to order In all styles and materials. Mrs. J. deGraaf 192F. Paslr Panjang, 6y 2 Mile Stone. j. —<• j nun my j LEMON BARLEY WATER A BEVERAGE Iff A Manufactured by THE PHOENIX AERATED WATER WORKS PHONE 3463 A
      41 words

  • 259 15 Vegetable A Beauty Aid The besi skin treatment in the world s irden-variety cucumbers! is the opinion of Irene Hervey. toldwyn-Mayw featured player i\ hive discovered a cucumber to be B veritable rureall." Irene said when sneaking of the care of the skin. It is soothing and cooler for faces
    259 words
  • 113 15 lotto?,' Vlf man y fine skin texturc uS?V2 w m rket l nave happened Eon nl il 1 dO€S thG dual du^ of H f e n lb T and mil dly coaxing amp in, t0 a fresh pink col °ur- This Sid -iff, h" 1S ery fine for facial
    113 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 19 15 •s^— j PERMANENT J HAVES- from $10— S 525. Oil, Gallia and Eugene Methods Maison Interlandi 4419. Capitol Bldg.
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    • 214 15 A TOURIST'S SHOPPING GUIDE 1" LUGGAGE CARRIER SINGAPORE LUGGAGE CARRIER CO. j Baggage Contractors Forwarding Booking. Agents 'for F.MU. l Railways. Baggage Agents for:- j Blue Funnel Line East Asiatic line Nederland Line BXS.N. Co., Ltd., etc., etc. j Tel. Address:— -LUGGAGE' PHONE 2428 or call Union Bldg. Jl FURNITURE
      214 words
    • 157 15 TAILOR Fresh stocks of English Suiting* and Shirtings of various (juali- Sties- Please come or *rite to j us so that we could come and t see yon for a trial order. Best t workmanship at very low prices. BARKAT ALI BROS. Civil Military Indian Tallon, 280, Orchard Road, Borneo
      157 words
    • 115 15 CHEMIST Restore Lost Vitality NYAL VEGETABLE PRESCRIPTION NY/a. _L Brings new \^ki vigor to the ffKfiW gans of women, I increases vitalU ity and reduces nervous tension. >r r Recommended by FEDERAL DISPENSARY LTD., (Inc. in F.M.S.) 8, Raffles Place, Singapore. GRAMOPHONES I COLUMBIA I GRAMOPHONES and RECORDB NEW MODELS
      115 words

    • Article, Illustration
      125 16 Badly Hurt By Crash In Sweden Stockholm, May 24. Maryse Hilsz, the "Amy Mollison" of France, crashed in making an emergency landing in a meadow near Varberg, in south-west Sweden. Her machine was destroyed and both she and her mechanic were badly injured. Mile. Hilsz was on her
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    • 13 16 The P. and O. Bhutan reached London at li a.m. on July 3.
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    • 96 16 SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVFs fth EXPECTED TO ARRIVE KEPPEL HARBOUR Main Wharf: Lch. Dolphin, Lch Lady Guillemard, Shen Kwang, Lch Audrey, Pacific, Tobelo, Kola. VESSELS IN DRY DOCKS Tanjong Pagar: Albert Dock: Tug Pandu, Varuna. Victoria Dack: Angby. Keppel Harbour: King's Dock: Japanese Prince. No 2 Dock:
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    • 200 16 An Unusual Spectacle Cabinet Minister Explores Sea Bed Brisbane, June lti The unusual spectacle of a Cabinet Minister donning a diving suit and exploring the sea bed with a Jap. diver was witnessed recently at Thursday Island. The Minister for Customs (Mr. White), who Is conducting an Inquiry at Thursday
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 457 16 P. O. SAILINGS Tonnage S'pore. Tonnage S'pore 1936 1936. SOMALI 6,810 July 6* BEHAR 6,000 Sept. 6 KAISAR-I-HIND 11,500 July 17 RAWALPINDI 17,000 Sept. 11 BANGALORE 6,000 July 30 SOUDAN 6,500 Sept. 23 RAJPUTANA 17,000 July 31 CORFU 15.000 Sept. 25 CHITRAL 15,000 Aug. 14 RANCHI 17,000 Oct. 9 BHUTAN
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    • 158 16 M. M. LINE. (Incorporated in France) (MESSAGERIES MARITIMES) General Agents for Cie GENERALE TRANSATLANTIQUE Air-FRANCE MAIL PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES Homeward for Colombo, Djibouti, Port Said and Marseilles SPHINX 11,374 T. July 7 AZAY-le-RIDEAU 7,988 T. July 9 FELIX ROUSSEL ***** T. July 21 MARECHAL JOFFRE 11,732 T. Aug. 4 Also
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    • 132 16 N.Y.K.LENE GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS. CUNARD WHITE STAR, LIU., (Incorporated in Japan). To LONDON, via Penang, Colombo, Aden, Port Said, Marseilles Gibraltar. t m.s. YASUKUNI MARU July 8 s.s. HAKONE MARU J ul >' 2 s.s. SUWA MARU Aug. 6 s.s. SUWA MARU Aug. -0 Rates to Ist Class 2nd class
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  • News Of The Day
    • Article, Illustration
      23 17 I .n in ripht I>r Pnmpan*. Prof, de Langen, Dr. Theuniesser, of the KU: jftSSZ 522 •mmmjfajg* for Java on the Op ten
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    • 125 17 to Messrs. Symington and Wilson. The cut in the freight rate to America mav tend to increase shipments to that country for the time being. This is particularly so as the cut is to remain in force only until the end of August. Until the end of that
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    • 19 17 Mrs. P. A. Molloy is an inmate of the General Hospital, Taiping, being down with a touch of fever.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 324 17 HIRXS PHILP LINE. (Incorporated In Australia) NEXT SAILINGS. MFRKim 1 JUly 29 AUg 3 Qn^ i u Au S- 28 Sept. 3 Mowing r e a a tes r Und triP tICkCtS tTOm Sin^ a P ore t0 Australia issued at the First Class passengers may transfer at Singapore. Brisbane
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    • 463 17 > *ffl TO FRENCH PORTS \\~#^^TV I CAP ST. JACQUES For Marseilles Nantes, St. Nazaire Bordeaux July 24 J FORBIN For Marseilles, Havre, Antwerp Dunkirk Aug 4 J CAP PADARAN For Marseilles, Nantes, St. Nazaire Bordeaux Aug. 21 ANGO For Marseilles, Havre, Antwerp Dunkirk Sept. 4 ii 'ii j 1933
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  • 1062 18 HUGE VARIETY OF GOODS "Hannibal" Class Flying Record TO GO through the Imperial Air- ways' Kxport and Import Departments, at the London air-port, (roydon and to study the latest trends in air freight transport, is to realise the fivwtag importance of civil aviation to those who
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  • 130 18 British k Mines Show Profits London. pREDITS of the coal mining industry In the first quarter of this yea) Totalled 14.015,976. This sum representa a credit of ls-5.72d per ton on the 54,399.276 tons disposable commercial !y. In only one district was there a debit that being 1"
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  • 75 18 L.C.C. Win 12-Year BattlWith Parliament London. THE 12-year-old Waterloo Bridge battle has ended. Parliament has decided, at the fourth tune of asking, to give the London County Council power to borrow £1.295.000 for the rebuilding of Waterloo Bridge. This decision reverses that of a year ago. the effect
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  • 123 18 Lord River dale's London. END the political side of the League of Nations: make free use of the economic, statistical, and labour side. This advice was given by Lord River- da l^ sneaking at Swansea. He aid that his own impression was J that if they stopped all
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  • 193 18 To Be Sunk By King's BRITANNIA, the racing cutter of Kin'4 George V, is to be scuttled at sea. Orders to this effect have been given by King Edward and were transmitted to Cowes yesterday by Sir Philip Hunloke, who was King George's sailing master. Britannia is lying
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  • 145 18 Announcement By Tht? Air Ministry THE Air Ministry announces the fol- lowing appointments. These are consequent upon the reorganisation of the home commands: Air Marshal Sir John Steel, K.C.B K.8.E., C.M.G., now Air Officer Com-manding-in-Chief, Air Defence of Great Britain, to be Air Officer Com-manding-in-Chief, Bomber Command with
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  • 45 18 Mr C. W. Shorland, M.C.S. Registrar Perak Supreme Court, leaves shortly ori anvfr u L° Ku nt an m District Officer M c rs thn r leved by Tunp:ku Ismail M.C.S., the former Registrar of the oourt who is due back from home leave shortly.
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  • 44 18 A one-act play written by a Malayan planter's wife and called Interviewing the Director, will he staged at Seremban on July 26. Mrs M. J. Kennaway. of Estate, Tanjone: Malim. wrote the sketch, and it is being produced by Mr. A. B. Cro.^s.
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  • 284 18 Fast Military Planes THE world's fastest military a< was demonstrated recently at ampton aerodrome. Known as Vickers Supermarinc "Spitfiris a monoplane of very clean design* It is the latest product of the marine Aviation Works (Vickors is fitted with a twelve-cylinder Ro Royce "Merlin" engine, which d< v
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  • 162 18 Government Wants Mon Speed MR. STANLEY BALDWIN reply in Lord Winterton. who asked whether in view of the growing gravity of European and Far Eastern situati any further steps would be take accelerate the expansion of the flexei forces, declared in the House of mons recently that steps
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  • 35 18 Gatineau, Point, Quebec. AN 89-year-old woman named M'.Josephine Lauzon Lafontaine na died here, leaving 121 direct descend ants. They consist of: Eight children, Foru seven 'grandchildren. Sixty-three ere. prnndehildrer.. Three prcat-great-grai^
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  • 100 19 Owner-Driver Taken To Hospital Singapore, Saturday. A NASTY motor accident occurred in Singapore shortly after midnight. Whilst driving his car along Pasir Panjang Road, an Indian crashed into a telegraph post at the 5»/ 2 milestone The post was completely uprooted from the ground and the driver received
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  • 219 19 RA.F. Pilot To Make Flight London, June 24. THE name of the R.A.F. officer who if> to make the first attempt to reach the stratosphere in an aerplane is to be announced by the Air Ministry in the course of the next lew days The flight is to be
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  • 187 19 Marriage To Miss Diana Napier (By Air Mail) London, June 24. MR RICHARD TAUBER, the Viennese tenor, was married yesterday afternoon at Marylebone Register Office to Miss Diana Napier, the fflm actress, who is the daughter of Major H. V. a Ellis and Mrs. Napier Ellis, of Gloucester
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  • 39 19 Japanese Concern In Bangkok (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, July 4. The list of foreign banks operating in Bangkok baa been extended to eight by the Yokohama Specie Bank entering the Bangkok market. Four of the eight
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  • 51 19 Delegates of most European countries to the Congress of International Shipping and Forwarding Agents now being held in London toured the Port of London at the invitation of the Port of London Authority. The party embarked at Tower Pier in the tt St. Katharine and went down-river to inspect the
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  • 43 19 Extensions involving: an expenditure of over £70.000 are contemplated in connexion with the Co-operative Wholesale Society's grocery factory at Sil vert own. London, E. The extensions are likely to mean an increase in staff from the present total of 750 to approximately 1.000.
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 911 19 <>X THE RADIO gate) Orchestra: American Sketch, 'rfS^li I 4 111 Hirt k Down South (Myddleton), Virginia, A IfriH^ 11 ■-'■■"I Southern Rhapsody (Haydn Wood). il^wiKiimitlP Arnold Matters, Singers, and Orchestra: I'rOZ;™ 1111 Plantation Songs: (1) Kemo Kimo (2» Who's dat a-Calling? (3) Li'l Liza Jane mission 2: GSfl 13.97
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    • 320 19 Radio-Colonial TO-DAY Wavelength 25.24 metres (11.885 kcs.) 1.20 p.m. Relay from P.T.T. Transmitter. 1.40 p.m. Records. 2 p.m. Relay from P.T.T. Transmitter. 2.15 p.m. Records. 2.50 p.m. Talk on events in France. 0.05 p.m. Records. 3.35 p.m. News in French. 4.05 p.m. News in English. *.2O p.m. End of broadcast,
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  • 683 20 SUCCESS OF EXPERTS Valuable Data Obtained (By Air Mafl) London, June 24. TIIK total eclipse of the sun recent- l.v appears to have been one of the Most successful ever observed by astronomers From the Mediterranean to the Pacific, conditions were uniformly favourable, according to
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  • 226 20 Formerly Of Telegraph Company MANY friends in Malaya will regret to hear of the deutli, at Exmouth, on June 14, of Mr. Richard W. Reeder, toimcrly'of the Eastern Extension Tele-| graph Co. Mr. Reeder, who was in his 72nd year, WU for many years hi Singapore and
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  • 119 20 Becoming Popular In Malaya JAPANESE canned foods are becoming increasingly popular in Malaya. The main import is canned sardines Two or three years ago the Japanese first entered the market but since then they have asserted themselves and today hold the dominant position. Last year the total imports
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  • 95 20 Chinese Pleads Mistaken Identity DUTTING forward an unavailing plea 1 of mistaken identity to rebut a pharge of theft, a Chinese, Chiang Teng ,was sentenced to-day to four months' .rigorous imprisonment by Mr. Trevor ID. Hughes, the Second Magistrate, to•day. In view of a previous conviction, his
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  • 112 20 Withdrawal Not Allowed Singapore, Saturday. \\G Bok pleaded guilty a week ago to B charge of criminal breach of trust but when he came up for sentence to-day before Mr. Trevor D. Hughes the Second Magistrate, he attempted to withdraw his plea on the ground that he was
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  • 42 20 The ninth plenary meeting of the International Conference of Benzole Producers was held at Gleneagles Hotel on June 10-12. under the chairmanship of Sir David Milner-Watson, president of the National Benzole Association. Representatives of benzole producers form more than eight countries attended.
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  • 32 20 The King" has been pleased to give Mr Clive Bell restricted permission to the insignia of Chevalier of the Lee of Honour recently conferred upon bv the President of the French Repnhlie.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements

  • 957 21 IPOH RACES Good Dividends Paid from Our Own Reporter) Ipota, Saturday. Dl ATKRS Had an ce ent J^ Imtl it the opening day of the \dTiri Club's July Meeting in l9 £X!3im Pe^ct. the goto wJ and there was a for the nornin. tt o
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  • 119 21 AVir Barracks To Be Built London, July 3. VARIATIONS in the estimates for the cost of erection in Hongkong of barracks to accommodate three battalions is referred to in the report of the Select Committee on the estimates. The 1934 estimate was £1,700.000, the 1935 estimate was £2,200,000, and
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 41 21 Cyril Lloyd James, an insurance agent, j whose home was at Albert Street. Aberctare died at Chester from injuries i which he received when a three-wheel-ed car in which he was a passenser crashed into a wall near Klngsley, Che- shire.
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  • 57 21 Leaves Estate Worth £52,000 (From Our Oicn Correspondent) (By Air Mail) London, June 24. LADY Evelyn Young, Spring Grove, Sunningdale, Berks, wife of Sir Arthur H-nderson Young, late Governor of the Straits Settlements, daughter of the 2nd Marquess of AiLsa and sister of the present Marquess, left personal
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  • 41 21 Mr. William Douglas Barron has been appointed temporarily an official member of the Legislative Council in the place of Mr. J. J. Warren resigned. Mr. Warren has been Acting Commissioner of Customs and Excise.
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  • 23 21 In 1896 J T. Hearnc took his 100th i wicket on June 12 C. W. L. Parker! equalled the feat in 1931. I
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  • 228 21 Henley Final Results London, July 4. THE Prime Minister, Mr. Stanley Baldwin, was present at Henley to-day, the weathrr being sunny and there being a slight wind. In th* 1 semi-final-; of the Thames Cup. Ker>t School (America! beat, Browne and Nichols < America) by hall a
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  • 87 21 F. Hcmmant Wins* President's Prize (By Air Mail) London, June 24 FHEMMANT (2) won the President's prize when the Association of British Malaya G. S. ended their tournament at Prince's beating W.S. Goldie (7) in the final by six and four. In stroke competitions F. N.
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  • 162 21 A Wedding And Two Engagements (By Air Mail) (From Our Own Correspondent) London, June 24. MR. Oliver Marks represented the Association of British Malaya at i memorial service for Mr. Albert Linney, former editor of "British Malaya" at the church of All Hallow. Barking-by-the-Tower. The engagement is
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  • 884 22 NEGRI LOSE TO SINGAPORE But It Was A Tame Game (Bv Full-Back) Singapore, Monday AFTER seeing the Malaya Cup match between Singapore and Neffri Semhilan at the An son Road Stadium on Saturday, if I \ver<» asked what I thought of the local side's chances against
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  • 25 22 The Testimonial for J Worrall. the former Australian and Victorian cricketer, who Is now one of the best known writers on the game, realised £440.
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  • 20 22 D. G Hollebone. of the Nomads ICC, who nlaved for Middlesex II v I Glamorgan 11, is an Old Brightonian.
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  • 134 22 Results Of Tournament Ties The following are the results of last week's ties in the Y.W.C.A Tennis Tournament Championship Singles: Miss G. Nathan beat Miss S. Nicholas 6—2, 6—?. Handicap Singles: Miss E. Peche (—3 1 beat Miss D. Jansen <— 3' 6—l, 6—2; Miss Maureen Clarke (+1)
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  • 89 22 Monday 6th- H. R. L. Dyne's team v&. A. Ferguson's team. Monday 6th: C. V. Miles' team vs. P. Carmichael's team. Tuesday 7th: H. R. L. Dyne's team vs. P. O'Neil Dunne's' team. Wednesday Bth: E. H. R. Bowermans team vs. C. P. Ambler's team. Wednesday Bth: E. J. Cassels'
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  • 405 22 Progress Of Triphs Tournament nOWERMAN'S team won a grc.i O against Wilson's and art. now the head of the League, Ti. were neck and neck right th] match and the score was 11-all the last head to be played. The shot varied with almost wood bowled, until Bowerman
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
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  • 357 23 TRIUMPH OF S* C# C« Innings And 3 Runs (from Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 5 T ni: Singapore Cricket Club to-day n tt JitA the Selangor Club at >r|ckel hv an innings and three I ,s m the annual match tho opening innings the
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  • 300 23 Only Women's Singles Taken FOUR of the five titles at Wimbledon were won for Great Britain this year, representing the biggest run of home victories in the AllEngland Championships for a good many years. Perry's victory in the men's singles was followed by wins
    Reuter  -  300 words
  • 136 23 Yorks Score At Will vs. Surrey London, July 4. THE following are the close of play scores in county cricket matches started to-day: At Manchester, Lancashire 435 for 8 wickets v. India. (Washbrook 113, Oldlield 107 At Leeds, Yorkshire 413 for 2 wickets v. Lanes. <Sutcliffe 129, Hutton
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  • 164 23 Japanese Indignation Meeting Peiping, July 4. PTE. Herbert Cooke of the Worcester Regiment, who was charged with assault and causing bodily harm to Onishi, a Japanese, has been acquitted. The magistrate, in rendering judgment, said the accused had stood trial because he had been identified as having
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 18 23 It is stated that Buswell made his farewell appearance for Northampton v. Leicestershire during the Whitsun week-end. J
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  • 32 23 Soccer Eleven Draw With India Calcutta, July 4. THE match between India an.! the Chinese Olympic Games (60? tall tenme before a crowd of 150,00' ended In lf'-all draw.- Reuter
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  • 40 23 Princeton, N.J., July 5. In the National Championships George Varoff, of San Francisco, broko the world pole-vault record with 14 feet 6 14 inches, beating Keith Brown's lecord of 14 feet 5 18 inches last year Reuter.
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  • 150 23 WEEK-END YACHTING Thrills In The W Harbour Hj ON Sunday, July 5. the "B" Class sailed the Ant race of a series for the Clifford Challenge Cup during which a very light breeze from the S.W. prevailed. The sea was smooth and the tide i flooding B. 4. skippered by
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  • 36 23 Copenhagen, July 4. Mile Ragnhild Hveger set up a new world record for the 800 metres crawl of 11 minutes 117 10 seconds, beating Miss Leonore Knight's time of 11 minutes 34 seconds.- Reuter
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  • 14 23 London, July 4. Great Britain has decided to compelin the Olympic soccer tournament.— Reuter
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 47 23 TENNIS RACKETS JUST RECEIVED 1937 MODELS jffi^%< TOP-FLITE lir Si KROFLITE I i 1 SPEEDWIN i| [:i| STREAMLINE. 12 oz 12^ oz If 13 oz. 131 2 oz. STRUNG ON A MACHINE. With Victor, White, or Orange. Tel Phone QllFFW^CTelegrams l£UEiEill O TEN IS 3, Prince Street.
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    • 23 23 Kooiing lues CHEAP COLOURFUL A Product of The British Empire. I wIITfIDIF c l° I 1 (Inc in SS) Sole Agents: VJtJ ■Mi<|L^
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  • 1116 24 GOOD TIMES RETURNED But No Records Singapore, Sunday. THE preliminary heats of the second championship Hireling of the Singapore Amateur Athletic Association was held in brilliant weather on the Singapore Cricket Club ground this afternoon. There was a good attendance several of the spectators
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  • 311 24 Singapore, Saturday. DEPEATED .successes in the track 11 events saw the Royal Inniskilliivj Fuiiliers win the Combined Services Athletic Team Championship of Singapore amid the cheering of a largo number of spectators at the new Oilman Barracks sports ground to-day. The Firs'; Battalion of the Second Punjab Regiment
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  • 121 24 Joe Eagle's New Triumph (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 5. VOUNG Johnson, the F.M.S. li-ht--1 bright champion, was held to a draw by Joe Eagle in a bout oTei twelve three-minute rounds at the Olympic PtadSum here this evening Both boxers weighed in at
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 77 24 TOUCH Her* l* the finest ia writ. COMFORT I aautdAl machines for th« UCVQ I CONTROL bone. Surprisingly low IV L I D I lastftAdT »di««- o Made«odf«r- VUn letters on I _LU jj i jWi «nteed by the Ro«yml Tn*- bbek, scientifically I f"fl** fOSJMi writer Company. prereoi cyc-strai
      77 words