Morning Tribune, 1 June 1936

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Morning Tribune
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  • 346 1 U.A.F. MAN DIES FROM INJURIES THREE ON DANGER LIST VEHICLE WRECKED WIIEX AX AXLE SNAPS Singapore, Sunday. CERGEANT Holt, stationed with the Royal Air Force at Seletar, died m the General Hospital early this morning from injuries received m a serious motorcar crash at the
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  • 47 1  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Shanghai, May 31. THE Soviet Government has agreed m principle to the Manchukuo suggestion for the creation of a buffer zone along the ManchukuoMongolian border so as to prevent the occurrence of incidents. Negotiations are to be held m June
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  • 51 1 London, May 30. pRESS messages from Djibouti report *kd CW W t°t mbers of th British st ated tn h.J 11 Ab yssinia who were kalian 15 Ye been detained by the da *a hSi "h 17 aut horities at Direth^jSey ee^. allowed to resume British Wi
    British Wireless  -  51 words
  • 146 1 Only Through League Of Nations London, May 30. IN commenting on the recent interview which the Italian Ambassador had with Mr. Eden at the Foreign Office and m the course of which Signor Grandi is understood to have renewed the assurances previously given by the Italian
    British Wireless  -  146 words
  • 135 1 Cool Weather And Rain London. May 30 COOL weather is likely for Whitsun with some rain buti there is no sign that holiday-makers have been deterred by this not wholly favourable forecast Heavy holiday traffic is reported by the railways and air transport lines. Doubled and trebled
    British Wireless  -  135 words
  • 490 1 Sequel To Bomb On Railway Shanghai, May 29. k MESSAGE from Tientsin states that a bridge was bombed and destroyed last night at Chun Liang Cheng between Tientsin and Tangku. Japanese reinforcements proceeding to Tientsin were held up at Tangku. The train service was disrupted. The
    Reuter  -  490 words
  • 98 1 QUEEN MARY CAUGHT IN MID-OCEAN FOG Speed Reduced To Half London, May 31. THE Queen Mary has entered a thick mist and has slowed down to half speed. Visibility is about 200 yards. A later message states that the fog has thickened with visibility practically nil. There are six men
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 96 1 Largely Due To French Hoarding London, May 30. THE British bank note circulation reached the all time record of £426,000,000 partly due to the need for financing the Whitsun holidaymakers. but mainly on account of the new phenomenon of Frenchmen hoarding British bank notes which have
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 100 1 Reciprocity From Lancashire London, May 30. SIR Ernest Thompson. Chairman of the Mission which visited Australia on behalf of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, reached London yesterday on its return. Sir Ernost referred m a .statement to the recent Australian tariff changes and said he wa.s sure
    British Wireless  -  100 words
  • 66 1 London, May 30. IN recognition of her many Empire flights, the Royal Aero Club has awarded its Gold Medal to Mrs. Amy Mollison, who recently beat three records on her flight from England to the Cape and back. Last year the Medal was awarded to C. W. A. Scott and
    British Wireless  -  66 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 147 2  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh NEW ZONES OF ACTION $1, 600, 000 Loss In Six Days Shanghai, May 31. EFFECTIVE measures being taken by the Chinese Maritime Customs to prevent smuggling may result m serious trouble with the Japanese authorities, it is feared here. The China coast
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  • 84 2 Detained By Italian Authorities Djibouti, May 30. MESSRS. Llewellyn Bentinck and Vaughan Jones, who were detained for several days by the Italians at Diredawu have arrived safely. The Italians stated they were keeping Mr. ChaDman Andrews, the British Consul at Harrar, under close surveillance. He is not allowed
    Reuter Wireless  -  84 words
  • 60 2 It is well known that the League of Nations has installed itself m the new "Palais" constructed m the East of the town of Gen ova, m the Ariana Park. As a whole the buildings resemble the Chateau de Versailles, and includes 1700 doors, 1650 windows, 1900
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  • 38 2 Geneva. During 1935, Switzerland imported more than 10,000 motor vehicles, including 9.400 motor-cars and bodies. The principal suppliers were, m the order of their importance, the United States. Germany, France, Italy and Great Britain. I
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  • 49 2 Bandit 8 Derail And Attack Train Harbin, May 27. THIRTEEN people were killed and ten 1 wounded when a hundred bandits attacked and derailed a train on the Muling line, which is a branch of the Harbin-Pogranitchnaya Railway. The dead include two Japanese Army captains. Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  49 words
  • 132 2 London, May 27. Herr Von Ribbentrop is arriving m London on Thursday or Friday en route for Lord Londonderry's seat at Mount Stewart m Northern Ireland. It is expected he may confer with the Government on the subject of Herr Hitler's reply to the British questionnaire. It
    Reuter Wireless  -  132 words
  • 60 2 Sent To Prison For Moral Offences Coblenz, May 27. A SENTENCE of eight years' penal servitude and ten years' loss of civil rights has been passed on the Friar, Steinhoft, who was convicted for numerous moral offences committed over many years. Three other Friars have been sent to
    Reuter Wireless  -  60 words
  • 410 2 Plain Speaking At Ipoh (From Our Own Reporter) Ipoh, Saturday. PRESIDING at the annual meeting of the F.M.S. Chamber of Mines, Mr. C. L. Green to-day referred to the present critical phase of the industry. The Chamber's Council had had opportunity of examining a draft setting out
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 90 2 Gm < I "THIS MILK KEEPS J^^/HHT^ 1 S q 1 npRY Klim Powdered for all uses. Recommended I B I 1 Whole Milk -the milk by doctors for even the frail- 1 O m that keeps. Klim is pure, est babies. If your dealer J U W fresh milk-only
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    • 45 2 The Newest Exposure Meter made by the OMBRU X manufacturers, but only of half Ombrux size and 4 x as sensitive! "SIXTUS" WILL ALWAYS GIVE CORRECT READINGS! Obtainable from all first class dealers or the I SIM39V 310S SCHMIDT <& Co. 90, Robinson Road) SINGAPORE. J
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  • 234 3 ROAMING THE SEAS Stranded And Raided London, May 27. 05-ton Grimsby trawler "Girl 1 Pat" which has been missing 1 \nril 3 is believed to be makS for Cape Verde for supplies, hereafter she will proceed to (a The T drsappearance of the "Girl Pat is one
    Reuter Wireless  -  234 words
  • 48 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) London. May 30. A DECREE nisi was RTanted to Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Cyril Osborne Williams, of the Malayan Customs Department. According to the evidence, the wife received a hotel bill from her husband when he was on furlough.
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  • 53 3 Exchange Control Bill Passed Washington, May 29. THE Senate passed the Commodity Ex- change Control Bill which aims at regulating trading m American commodities Senator Smith withdrew his amendments m connection with the control of cotton trading but declared that he would continue to fight It m the
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 27 3 Berne. A> the beginning of 1936 there were |«wp than 418,000 registered radio sets i this country; 61,000 more than m the preceding year.
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  • 161 3 His Excellency's Visit To F.M.S. And Penang H.E. the Officer Administering the Government (Mr. A. S. Small) and Mrs. Small will leave Penang for Singapore by the Kedah to-morrow (Monday). The following communique has been issued from "Bel Retiro," Penang Hill:— Tuesday, May 19. His Excellency,
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  • 161 3 KHtavy Selling In London London, May 29. AN increase m the bankrate from 2 1 to 3*2 per cent, is announced m consequence of the moderately heavy flight from guilder which began last night and gathered momentum to-day. The pressure is most notable m th? forward market where
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • 49 3 Address By Dr. C. L. Park DR. C. L. Park, director of the League *>f Nations Health Organisation Eastern Bureau, will br the speaker at the luncheon meeting of the Singapore i pn'irv r'lub n thp Melnhi Hotel on Wednesday. His subject will be "IntprnaUonnl TTpnlth Co-on^ration."
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  • 83 3 Singapore. Saturday. William George Harris, a private of the Royal Artillery <Cnangi> was this morning charged hofore Mr T D Hughes the Second Magistrate, with dishonestly retaining stolen property— a safety razor and a tin of Gibbs Dentifrice belonging to Mr. Gibbs at the Military Hospital. Tanglin Barracks,
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  • 81 3 ThA Actinor Dirertor-Grnoral of Po*t« and Teleeraphs. Mabva state* that tbe BBC that the R f Hon Mr S*anlev Baldwin will tm*"*" l JhJ Kin** Georer Memorial f'^^^^ 203 to 2040 nmt. on Juno 3 fSJI M 4 fcJJJ on June 4 local
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  • 125 3 Romance And Adventure In "Hi Gaucho" A DELIGHTFUL love story is clereny blended with tt rilling adventure and fascinating Spanish music m "Hi, Gaucho." which opened at the Alhambra Theatre yesterday. The story is set m the Argentine and tihe picturesque scenery forms an attractive background for the
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  • 56 3 Hongkong, May 29. THE Filipino airmen, Antonio Arnaiz and Juan Calvo, arrived at Hongkong from Laoag, Luzon, at 4.30 p.m. completing the first hop of their flight to Madrid m six hours, m their machine "Commonwealth of the Philippines." The Filipinos have never previously
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 101 3 Japan Denies Negligence Shanghai, May 30. MR. FUKUYAMA, chief of the Japanese Consular Police m Shanghai, denied the Geneva allegations of lack of zeal by the Japanese authorities m curbing the activities of Japanese and Koreao drug peddlars m China. He admitted the leniency of the
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 46 3 Ship Tries To Land Them In Belgium Antwerp, May 30. THE arms ship, La Santa Maria, which was unable to land its cargo from Finland for Abyssinia, has entered the Scheldt, apparently m an attempt to unload at Lillo, northward of Antwerp.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 24 3  - Sin Chew Jit Poh China will start drawing currency reserves from New York m June, as provided for m the recently concluded silver agreement.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 8 3 .5. m i "MAX ft LIOX-j CEMENT i
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  • 3298 4 SUGGESTION AT MEETING Cess Considered Too High Singapore, Saturday. rONSiDERABLE discussion took place at the annual general meeting of the Johore Planters' Association held to-day at the Civil Service Club, Johore Bah'u. on the MM paid to the Tutted Planting Association of Malaya. It was
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 22 4 s soi tii nmfisn T INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. I 'Incorporated m New Zealand) I MOTOR-CAR I Tel. 5926, 2, Finlayson Green, t
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    • 42 4 THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LTD. (Established m 1880) Capital Subscribed (Fully paid up) V.100,000,000 Reserve Fund Y.129,150,00a Head Office: YOKOHAMA SINGAPORE BRANCH, MEYER CHAMBERS, RAFFLES PLACE. Manager, H. UNAGAML Tel: No. 6049 Manager's Room. 5921 5922 General Office. 5923 6472 Compradore's Desk.
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    • 16 4 Overseas Assurance CORPORATION, LIMITKD. China Building Chulia Street. PHONE 5808. SINGAPOREFire, Marine, Motor VEHICLES WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION
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  • 376 5 U. S. Woman's Attempt New York. ASSISTED by an Englishman, Mrs. Florence Dibble, wealthy member of Boston Society and well-known sportsman, is shortly to attempt to set up a new coaching record. She is out to break the speed record for the coach— and four drive between
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  • 34 5 The Minister of Transport has decided not to confirm an Order made by the Kent County Council imposing a speed limit of 15 miles an hour on two roads through the camp at Hawkinge.
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  • 1114 5 FRASER CO.'s SHARE LIST Singapore. Saturday, May 30th 1 p.m. MINING Buyers, bellen Amuat Tin (45.) 4,- 5,-cd £3 Kumbang 289 29,6 JSJ Malay 58,6 59|6cd l U c Hitam (55.) 13|6 14^ Aur Weng ($D 150 Bangrin Tin t£> 15 6 16 6 Selangor ($1) .75 .80 Chenderiang
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  • 30 5 Percy Barby, 44, of Black well End Potterspury, Northants, was found dead astride his bicycle on the roadside at Cosgrove. Northants. His neck was broken, but his cycle was undamaged
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 19 5 ABSOLUTE SECURITY i Motor IKmox INSURANCE COMPANY. LTD. t I SIME DARBY CO.. LTD. J Singapore Branches j <• -5
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    • 206 5 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Ltd. (Incorporated m Straits Settlements). SUCCESSORS TO THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HONG BANR LTD., AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. Authorised $40,000,000.00 Paid Up $10,000,000.00. HEAD OFFICE: CHINA BUILDING, CHULIA STREET, SINGAPORE LOCAL BRANCH: 458. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chee Swee Cheng, Esq.,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 295 6 SUNDAY TIMES. (London) jjjjj a picture that can certainly rank with the best dozen of the year. Th» picture is of absorbing j:jij interest. It is arrestingly if dike. Bonita Granville's ii::! performance is barely covered by the word wonder- j ful. I am lost m admiration tor the skill
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    • 143 6 s S^See this film. I laughed, my neighbours Laughed, and you won't® be able to help yourself either. SUNDAY REFEREE.® S Opening TO-DAY 3.15-6.15-9.15 f 1 AT THE PAVILION 1 0 SsTART LAUGHING NOW! Here come England's most popular pair of funsters m a new Gainsborough Comedy Triumph. TOM WALLS
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  • 228 7 Smart Animals In Film OOUND-PROOF dogs This is the newest wrinkle m Hollywood's forehead. There are sixteen of them, all actors m Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's "Petticoat Fever," new comedy co-starring Robert Montgomery and Myrna Loy, coming shortly to the Capitol Theatre. "I've trained them from pups not to make
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  • 275 7 "The Bohemian Girl A BLONDE head may carry 140,000 lirs a red head possibly not over nnno But what's 50,000 hairs more or 90.000. several thousand dollars 2J expended by the Hal Roach studios v.mtil and purchase of wigs for memTr the cast of "The Bohemian the
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  • 113 7 Tack Oikip Is a country boy with mbltton to be n Government onerfltive bat is not quite cnr>nble of mnfhe f r ad' i In th^ new Parnmonn: remedy "F Mnn That's the exnlaof tho title m this amnsln' ir n n "p Man" is someone not ou'tr onono-n to
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  • 65 7 vetn acT>. Jacqueline WtoUs, who mot m tbo title role of the new *iurrl and Hardy feature-leneth lauch "Tho Bohemian Girl." made her det m screen comedies with the same Ino nf stirs. She was then m her early Now thrown up. Miss Wplls add? lantlc nlnmour to the melanae
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  • 20 7 >.mk Forest. American tenor, now •sing for Paramount/a 'The Count lUxembourg," spent 10 years on the tk stage m Italy.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 179 7 j TEA DANCES^ From 5 to 7.30 p.m. Every Tuesday, Thursday And Saturday A O^ I I; NIGHT DANCES S Nightly fJT v^ J S from \V/ 1 9 p m \o> 1 *\o^ To The j \V^ Irresistible >" -t^ Khjihms of S J*'- DX SILVA'S LIVE j ORCHESTRA.
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  • 512 8 A NEW DRAFT TREATY Abandonment Of U.S. Monopoly? Washington. 'THE text of a new treaty between Panama and the United Stales m what is called an "uncorrected" form has been published, though its examination by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has not been concluded and its
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  • 180 8 Car And Radio Rival The Church London. IN many parts of the country people ary lapsing into semi-heathendom and m London probably not much mor than a tenth of the population regularly goes to church according to the Rev. T. G. Mohan, assistant secretary to the Church
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  • 67 8 Preparations lor the Empire Exhibition m South Africa is one of the biggest business and employment factors m Johannesburg Among orders placed by the Exhibition Construction Department are requisitions for four miles of velvet, 25 acres of composition board. 20 miles of light steel cable, 60 miles of electric flex
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  • 80 8 "As token of my affection for an old and rallied friend." saya the will of Mr G s. Alien, of Randen-rd., Lee, 8.E., the residue of the o.stp'e. -^f<>r the «>f the widow is left 'o the executor. Mr. P. A. Seattle Only small bequests of £50 to "his friend
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  • 331 8 Million Orders A London. A MILLION j;ostal orders were issued every weekday m the year endeJ 1 March 31 last. The total wai 322 millions, an increase on the previous year of 27 millions, o: 31 per cent. Postal-order popularity, the P.O. announced "is due to a variety
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  • 462 8 Fugitives In Britain London, NEW light is thrown on the part played by Soho as a hiding-plac; for criminals, flying from French justice, by a report prepared for the Ministry of Justice m Paris by the 1 of the Surete. This report is m reply to criticisms
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  • 115 8 East Lancashire Industries Blackburn DLACKBURN has been chosen as centre for the North-East Lancashire Industries Exhibition— the largest of Its kind ever held In Lancashire which is to open for 10 days on June 10. Exhibit worth more than £250,000 will be view. One of the main features
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  • 557 9 THREE HOLDUPS A Cold-Blooded Murderer Melbourne. 4 DARING criminal who has got away with £5,000 m three >|K( tacular hold-ups has won the title of "Public Enemy Number One" m the State of Victoria, Australia, and the police of the whole continent are out to
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  • 59 9 ■> l r -ot Grahame. the English-born H? 11 iU>lrt>ss ta sailing for London from "•'i\wood to effect a reconciliation ncr actor-husband. Francis Lister, *n»n whom jfne separated last summer. nope to bring him back with me." degjriw the blue-eyed blonde young cpnti M ar Bot Grahame appeared realToi^ ln
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  • 229 9 City's Third Crime Of Same Sort Hull. England. DESPITE ceaseless activity on the part of the police during the last month, and the offer oi a reward now amoun 1 Ing to £250. no clue has been found as to the identity of the person who murdered Mr.
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  • 100 9 Anolhir Strange Case In Europe Sofia. ANOTHER case of I girl who his changed her sex after an operation is reported- this time from the village of Golema Gelezna, near Troyan, North Bulgaria. Zveta Gheorchieva Stancheva, a pretty 'girl, vho will be M shortly went EH, girls 1
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  • 78 9 A buried shell which failed to explode during the war has now wounded five French soldiers. At the camp of Mour-melon-le-Grand. near Rheims, troops rirrvine out manoeuvres decided to make a wood fire during a halt. They crowded round to get warm. Suddenly tSre was an explosion and five men
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  • 244 9 Legal Experts And Reprieve London. SHOULD the question df life and death ho left to the unlettered discretion Of the Home Secretary? In official judicial circles this problem b once again being anxiously discussed. Not only so. but proposals for a variation of the present system have
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  • 156 9 Film Stars Have Road Sense Hollywood J)AN CRAWFORD drives a car better :han any other film star, male or "•cording to Harry Beerup, the nn point duty outside the n-Mayer studios. she is better than any man 7et ho has ever seen, and he has on point
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  • 148 9 German And British Taxpayer Berlin. THE BRITISH taxpayer may well lay claim to be being called a 'pood boy. He pays punctually and usually the full amount of his debt to the State." This tribute is contained m a leading article m the "Berliner Tageblatt," commenting on the
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  • 69 9 I Thorp has been an outbreak of typhoid fever at Brotherton, a village near Pontefract. Yorkshire, and one victim, Miss Mary F. Bramham. 22, a teacher at the local school, has died. There are now 22 cases, including suspects. The Ministry of Health have sent an official to thp village,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 350 10 MORNING TRIBUNE Singapore: Monday, June 1, 1936. JOHORE PLANTERS WHEN the United Planters' AsBociatu 11 of Malaya was formed Unking U? the I.A.M. and district planting associations m Malaya and affiliating them with the R.G.A. it wsfl urged by its sponsors, including the High Commissioner for the Malay States, that
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  • Article, Illustration
    540 10 INTERESTING facts concerning irrigation methods and development m Malaya are contained m the annual report of the Irrigation Department which has just been published Details of all the schemes as well as maps which have been drawn with a good deal of care and can be understood by
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  • 240 10 Mrs. E. Cory-Lee and Miss Betsy Cory-Lee have returned to Taiping from their holiday up Fraser's Hill. Mr. G. E Pow, Sub- Agent, Chartered Bank, Taiping. who has been on short leave to Hongkong, has returned to Taiping and resumed duty. It is announced m the Johore Government Gazette
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 2 10 qeweqweqweqweqe dASDasdsD
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    • 54 10 WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATOR This Refrigerator la leading m this market backed by the fine t service throughout Malaya. Four Years Guarantee. Hire Purchase Terms to suit your pocket. The CiU'iieral Elt'rtfrit* To., lAd. Singapore Kuala Lumpur. Also obtainable from: UNITED ENGINEERS, LTD., (All Branches), JOHN MOREY CO., Singapore. THE KINTA ELECTRICAL
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  • 558 11 A COMMONS DEBATE Future Of The Service London. a LARGELY 1 attended debate on the Ullswater Report on Broadcast ing was prefaced m the Hou«e of Commons by Major Trymi's assurance that the Government wished to hear the views of members, and would take
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  • 173 11 Man Shot Down To Save M.P. Syngros. THERE was an amazing scene at the syngros prison, m Greece, when warders with a machine-gun killed a prisoner to save the life of a wealthy M.P. whom he was threatening to murder. Sentenced to hard labour for life Jean Marinas
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  • 63 11 Calcutta. A silver palanquin, five elephants, two camels. 20 horses. 12 cows, 60 bulls. 30 carts and 250 servants are to I accompany Sri Jagatguru Sankaracharya Virupaksha Samathanam Hamni. head of a Hindu religious sect m India on his forthcoming tour of Assam. The Assam Government has
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  • 69 11 Mount Vernon, N.Y. Mount Vernon motorists who really drive carefully are to receive free seals for the cinema as a reward. The scheme has been promoted by local Safety First organisations m co operation with the cinema proprietors The police state that all the citizens
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  • 383 11 Exp lorer Off I Again London. BACK m London, after a series of thrilling adventures, just one of which would suffice most men for the of their lives, handsome, hardbitten Eric Muspratt finds civilisation tame. Risk the sheer joy of pitting his wits and his strength
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 33 11 PHONES *^3 J^v Telegraphic Address: 5^34 y §1 )j. GOODWOOD The most charmingly situated Hotel m the Island. Ideal for permanent residents RESTAURANT Table d'hote and a la carte. COCKTAIL BAR LOUNGE TENNIS.
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    • 87 11 TODAY Cream of Mushrooms Prawn Mayonnaise Roast Saddle of Lamb, Mint Sauce, Brussel Sprouts Pomme Boulaneere Cold Meat Salad Vanilla Ice Cream Cheese, Fruit, Coffee. Try Our SPECIALTIES. FRESH^" 1 IVIjL/ll Pf »w llors D'Oeuvres Varies "Capitol" Baked Alasca A Choice of Over 100 other dishes. Phone 4906. i'iniiiiiiiiiiiiii,ihiiii,.i,.ii,| l
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  • Article, Illustration
    102 12 The Duchess of York opened St. Joseph's Flats, m Drummond Crescent, Somers Town, which are part of the Government's housing scheme. Here the Duchess is seen unfurling a flag to declare the flats open. (Air Mail Picture.) A photograph taken during the first match played m England by the
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  • 100 13 II were aptly belied by his performance m the ingles title by beating his fellow Davis Cup Here Perry is seen leaping to a smash. c SSS thr Koval N aval Volunteer Retanh m i, u arade Prior the review the 111 UhiU hall,
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 30 13 Jtene ULLMAXX MILLINERY DEPARTMENT ANNOUNCES AN Extraordinary SALE TREMENDOUS REDUCTIONS ON ALL THE STOCKS Hats -Dresses -Bags etc. From Tuesday 26th May To Saturday, 6th June. RENE ULLMANN Raffles Place.
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  • 1040 14 Books and AUTHORS Nelson and Lady Hamilton "Antony" A new novel by Radclyffe Hall TWO books sharing much the same set- ting and many of the same characters are Sanfelice by Vincent Sheean, the brilliant author of last year's best seller, "Personal History,, and "Patriotic Lady" by Marjorie Bowen. The
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 46 14 clorotfhT more... gives beauty treatments m her restful salon, where her special radium creams and lotions are also obtainable. She has just received new bath powders, bath foam and nail varnishes m beautiful colours. 2ND FLOOR, 18, BATTERY RD. Phone 6995. <j. iMaison (Z2g£^ 4610- //C^
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    • 95 14 B1 Y2yV/A iWa vmi (w v^^m r^^^^mMS^KA W- /ft B Efl^B: A nth. wA vUA Kwta t^k> >^H ti^. /»d B-< r^^V' v a> *oH kflt\ F^A L^^rA i/^^rl r 4^|^/ y^^^k Lft a rMLA Ik^kv i/W > .^H. > > "j^H «%^1 {H L^kYA TKv /^^H \MC>/MIA i»; '^ms*
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    • 56 14 CORKS I carry ready stocks of crown corks, crown-corking machines and aerated water machines. My r>rict\< defy competition. Phone 3784, call or write for particulars. M. WEINBERG 189, CECIL STREET, SINGAPORE. i LEMON BARLEY WATER J I A BEVERAGE J I i i^3^ I Manufactured by THE PHOENIX AERATED WATER
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  • 191 15 ••DLESSED are the pure m heart, for V they will see God." This, the sixth beatitude of the scriptures must indeed embrace Hannah Bullen the woman Xse thirty-first year Radclyffe Hall describes m her new novel. For she is pure m heart as she was honest of mind,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 99 15 LUGGAGE CARRIER SINGAPORE j LUGGAGE CARRIER CO. j Baesage Contractors Forwarding j Baggas Agents. Booking. Agents for F.M.B. Railways. Baggage Agents for: Blue Funnel Line East Asiatic Line Nederland Line 8.15. N. Co., Ltd., etc.. etc. J Tel Address:— "LUGGAGE" PHONE 2428 or call Union Bldg. New shipment of ship-soiled
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    • 88 15 A TOURIST'S SHOPPING GUIDE GRAMOPHONES COLUMBIA j GRAMOPHONES and RECORDS NEW MODELS J I $21 to $50 A W ROBINSON PIANO Co^ 8.8. Ll* Winchester House, CoUyer Qua* Singapore, opposite the NEW PIER. TAILOR Fresh stocks of English Suiting and Shirtings of various quali- ties- Please come or arite to
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    • 126 15 HAIRDRESSER Maison Marcelle X /ffffi™*^ Special reduction S /dCS I^*^^ i v Permanent \^fM For iV^, JUNE and JUtI so J i 35 Stamford Rd., Tel. 4807 Prop. J. KOOY, SILK STORE S FOR j Economic Buying VISIT 5 Tajmahai Store j LEADING SILK MERCHANTS I 23, HIGH ST. I
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    • 200 15 CHEMIST EPHEDROL FOR CATARRH HAYFEVER AND COLDS Ephedrol comes like a breath of fresh air to clear away all congestion and stuffiness. Obtainable at all Chemists and Stores. Agents. FEDERAL DISPENSARY LTD., (Inc. m F.M.S.) 8, Raffles Place, Singapore. RESTAURANT Real European Food Come and have your steak cook- ed
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  • 261 16 P. O. SAILINGS Due Due Tonnaffe S';iore. Tonnage S'pors 1936. 1936. BUPDWAN 6.070 June 4 CHITRAL 15,000 Aug. 14 CORFU 15.000 June 5 BHUTAN 6,100 Aug. 27 RANCHI 17.000 June 19 RANPURA 17,000 Aug. 2 SOMALI 6,810 July 1 BEHAR 6.000 Sept. 6 NALDERA 16.000 July 3 RAWALPINDI 17,000 Sept.
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    • 312 16 VAN BUREN IN PORT THE Dollar Line s.s. President Van Buren arrived m Singapore on Saturday at 7 a.m. on her round-the-world schedule. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Carr were among th re disembarking here. Mr. I rector of the Austral Bt and is returning to m Australia alter a
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    • 143 16 IN the minutes of the new Works Committee, which were adopted at a meeting of the Clyde Trust, it was stated that the Committee had had before them a diagram showing the centre-line contour of the river channel between Shieldhall and the western limit of the Trustees'
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    • 162 16 THE Admiralty has declined Lady 1 Houston's offer to salve the Finnish barque Herzogin Cecilie, which stranded on the rocks near Salcombo Devon Lord Monsell, First Lord of the Ad miralty, conveyed the decision m i ter. He states:— 'l fully apprec Lady Houston's most generous and
      162 words
    • 92 16 SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVTOR EXPECTED TO ARRIVE Godown Gate No Raj ula 22 Honir Peng 20 Ophir-Leverkusen 18 Monelaus 13 3 Bon sloe 16 3 Pres: van Buren 11 Glenbeg 9 Ipoh 7 Somervillf 30 Lossiebank 32 City of Wellington 34 Malayan Prince 36 Kajang 38 Marella
      92 words
    • 33 16 The Chargeurs Reunis s.s. "Cap 1 rane" Is due at Singapore on W< day at daylight from Colombo, and sail the same day at 11 a.m. for 5... Tourane and Haiphong.
      33 words
    • 121 16 THE issued shares of EHerman Ltd—all of £4— are. it is propos to be divided into four shares o then converted into stock tran m multiples of £1. The authorised capital of the pany is £5.450.000 and Issued (fully-paid) £2.i80.000 In 100,01 0 < anteed Preference shares (entj
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 180 16 BRITISH IXDIA SAILINGS FOR BANGKOK. For PENANG, RANGOON CALCUTTA. Leave Leave Singapore. Singapore.! vr? T a June 6 KARAGOLA June 4 KOLA June 13 KARAPARA June 11 For port Swettenham, Penan?, Neffapatam. Karikal, Porto Novo, Cuddalore, Pondicherry and Madras. c; RAJULA June RoonTßang^ 0 2*? issued from Sin^Pore to Ran.
      180 words
    • 136 16 HI <l>!|!l|ll|M|;i|li|i I !l|:i|ll|MIJt|ll|ll|ll|ll|M|ll|lllll|irif!lMllllM|ll|!lf'J M. M. LINE. (Incorporated m France) (MESSAGERIES MARITIMES) MAIL PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES Homeward for Colombo, f) jihouti. Port Said and Marseilles JEAN LARORDE 1 4.595 T. June 9 •ANGERS 15.f>45T. June 12 D'ARTAONAN 15.104 T. June 23 SPHINX 1 1.374 T. July 7 Also Calling Madras,
      136 words

  • News Of The Day
    • 175 17 BIORK on the construction of at least W six vessels m the shipyard of Messrs. Ltd Port-Gla bow, wiii be M a result or <c m a large store, the contents of which destroyed. lr John Muirhead, manager of Lithgows. told a reporter tha* the entire stock of
      175 words
    • 153 17 Royal Lifeboat Institution THE Royal National Lifeboat In.stituI had presented to it by I'; rs. of the Council of for Nautical Research, a letter of great historical interest ;o it. Itfl founder, Lieut -Col Sir n Hillary, Bart. was addressed on Feb. 18. 1823. to Lord Melville, at that time
      153 words
    • 173 17 MESSRS. Cammell Laird and Co have under repair m dry dock t'he Pcveril, Pordiu. Hove, Hird. City of Manchester and the City of Melbourne. They are irrying out repairs to the Hopper D Mona, Mona's Queen, Muirchu, Pine Court and the St. Seiriol m the wet lain. Voyage
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 296 17 LI'RXS PIIILP LINE. (Incorporated In Australia) NEXT SAILINGS. Due Bail*. MARELLA In Port June 3 MERKAR June 28 July 3 Special cheap round trip tickets from Singapore to Australia Issued at the following rates. First Class passengers may transfer at Singapore, Brisbane, Sydney or Mcl bourne to tne connecting X.P.M.
      296 words
    • 533 17 IJSv S&l TO FRENCH PORTS -~T\ JffSriFMl h j***^ J EL w w i Tg^ |jP HOMEWARDS. J D'ENTRECASTEAUX For Marseil'cs, Havre, Antwerp Dunkirk June 4 CAP TOURANE For Marseilles, Na ites, St. Nazaire Bordeaux July 25 LINOIS For Marseilles, Havre, Antwerp Dunkirk July 4 t CAP ST. JACQUES For
      533 words

  • Ghastly Find In An Egyptian Tomb
    • 581 18 Man Faints With Horror Cairo. A figure more appalling than any monster of Frankenstein has been revealed during the archeological work now being carried on near here by Professor Selim Hassan. The Professor* conducted visitors into the tomb of Neferhetep, high priest of Pharapt Myccrinus, buildei of
      581 words
    • Article, Illustration
      405 18 Sent His Own Son To Guillotine Paris. VERY few of his friends knew the tragic story of ex-chief inspector Henri Jean Latour, who retired suddenly from the French Scotland Yard nearly half a century ago ,and has just died at his home m Flers, m the Orne Department.
      405 words
    • 152 18 Latest Scientific Discovery London. ONE of the most curious complaints to which human beings are subject is night-blindness. The victim may have excellent sight during the day or In artificial light, but at night he or she can see nothing, or can see only imperfectly. Science has lately
      152 words
    • 145 18 Noise Raises Fire Alarm London. "MAN," a three-year-old goat, gave warning of a fire which destroyed the factory of a packing-case maker m Hackford Road. Brixton. S.W. The goat, which was m a stable at the rear of the factory, began creating a noise when smoke filled
      145 words
    • 411 18 Houses Of Prayer And Healing Dorchester, England. 4 STRING of spiritual health clinics A is planned by the Rev. J. Maillam an an extension of his spiritual healing experiment at Milton Abbey, m the heart of Dorset. Mr Maillard will b<gin his work- -the first of
      411 words
    • 152 18 Because Wife Won Argument New York MR. EDWARD BROWN, a policenu special duly at I New York bra; of the' National City Bank, baa himself to prison because his wife won an argument. This is how it has happened. Mr. Brown and his wife began arguing over his
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 1610 19 _^^^^^^w^^^-^^.^» ~~-~~~~~~-~r*^^^^*~**~^~A> 4.50 p.m. News and Economic Review 4.20 p.m. End of broadcast. Jm*^*-******^ m English. Wavelength 19.68 metres (15,244 kesj. T S 5.05 p.m. On Shank's Pony. Musical 111 p.m. Daj's programme. ,-w-mT rffllli^ n Pictures by Paul Noack-Ihlenfeld. 5.20 p.m. Relay from Radio-Paris. 'Oi^ IJHIJL HiUllO }JS Z'
      1,610 words

  • 106 20 Won't Wear Evening Dress •-TTxr, London. THIS is the story of a man who will not wear evening dress. Councillor W. Mason, of Friern Barnet Council has not been re-elected vice-chairman of the Council because of his views on dress. ♦v. T I ie r m ajority
    106 words
  • 131 20 Make A Vow Never To Marry Hollywood THIRTEEN beautiful young movie ac- tresses, headed by Patrica Ellis. have vowed not to marry or become engaged until they have achieved .stardom or failed, and have formed a "Spinster Club." "It is merely a matter of putting career before marriage,"
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  • Page 20 Advertisements

  • 47 21 Mr. W. S. Reeve-Tucker Appointed MR W. S. Reeve-Tucker has been appoint >d an unoflk'ial member of the Federal Council dur'ng the absence on leave of Mr. S. B. Palmer, with effect from May 8. Mr. Reeve-Tucker is manager of Sungei Way (Selangor) Rubber Co
    47 words
  • 494 21 REST IST INNINGS K. Muthucumaru b Ward 23 M. Valberg b Growder D. D'Cotta c Jenner b Ward 0 11. N. Balhetchet c and b Haxworth 7 N. Abbasbhoy run out 18 D. Ross lbw Ward 14 P. K. Baskaran b Ward 0 P. R. Lewis b Ward
    494 words
  • 26 21 New York, May 29. A settlement la announced of the seamen's strike at the U.S. Line and Panama Pacific Piers which has lasted for weeks. Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 648 21 OTHER CRICKET Malays Beaten By Middlesex Good bowling by Esa for the Malays was a feature of the match between the MaJaya F.A. and the Middlesex Regiment. Esa took nve wickets for 20. but the regiment won a keen game by 168 to 102. Middlesex: Jones c and b Ismail
    648 words
  • 64 21 The Minister of Labour (Mr. Ernest Brown > said m London that he asked thp chief checker at the Ministry the other day, "How many Browns are insured?" The reply was: "154.000 "Are we still third?" the Minister asked. "No, we are fourth now." was the answer. "And who do
    64 words

  • 1530 22 THE AMATEUR RACES A Day Of Good Dividends Singapore, Saturday. THE opening day of the Singapore Turf Club's Summer Skye Meeting was held to-day m warm sunny weather. The going was good and there was quite a fair attendance. The Police band was
    1,530 words
  • 100 22 Strains Thigh In French Championship Paris. May 30. IN the quarter-final of the French Open Tennis Championships Austin after winning the first set 6 4 against Marcel Bernard, the Davis Cup player, when deuce wac called m the first gam-^ of the second set. strained himself In reaching
    100 words
  • 58 22 A bloodhound belonging to Mrs. Sadlier. of Lower Througham, Gloucestershire, was used to trace Violet Mary Rumsey. 19, a school teacher, of Stanley Close. Upton St. Leonards, Gloucester, who had been missing from her home. The dog led searches to a lake at Prinknash Park, about a mile from her
    58 words
  • 167 22 Rain Interferes In Many Matches London, May 30. OWING to rain throughout the country no play was possible to-day m th< county cricket fixtures Yortus v. Lane; and Derby v. Essex. The weather m terfered with the o^her fixtures. The close of play scores m the other matches
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 259 22 Singapore Ffi Winning Position I Singapore, Sunday. A START was made m the all-Malaya: cycle meeting at the Great WorlJ last night when seven events \v< completed- Cyclists from many pa of Malaya participated and at the conclusion of yesterday's races. Item Mawi. the Singapore Champion Cyclis
    259 words
  • 60 22 They were:— Georgina Smith. 30, wJJJ of the proprietor of the cafe. Charles Stone. 36, a lorry driver wry had been a lodger at the cafe. w.MJS." leged that Stone fired a revolver at MrsSmith, who fell dead, and that he tn shot himself. Mrs. Smith's husban and her mother
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  • So Scratchings For To-day
    • 326 23 Good Holiday Sport Singapore, Monday. HOT a single horse has been scratW i-hed of the large entries for the final day of the Singapore Summer Skve Meeting which starts at 2.30 pm to-day. Tb»» weather promises to be fine and some good racing should result Following
      326 words
    • 131 23 Two Penalty Goals Decide TWO penalty goals gave the R.A.F. full points at the Anson Road Stadium this afternoon, when they met th* Middlesex io the First Division of thp Leapue. The Middlesex wer) unlucky to lose. They opened the scoring early m th.? first half
      131 words
    • 178 23 Quints'* Strategy Defeats Allison Philadelphia, May 30. IN the Davis Cup Teams American 1 zone final Quist (Australia) beai Allison (America) 6 3, 5 7, 6 4, 6 l. The Australian played a strategic game and kept Allison on the baseline In order to prevent him coming to
      Reuter  -  178 words
    • 107 23 RACE ONE 1. Brown Lady. 2. Duke M» Mm 3. Hannah's Garden. Upset Tan dv bas. RACE TWO 1. Stir Up. 2. M.G.M. 3. Happy Boy. I Upset: Chorus Girl. RACE THREE 1. Aiya-Aiya. 2. Lovers Idol. 3. Gunga Din. Upset Kiumpur. RACE FOUR 1. Phoon Tok.
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    • 25 23 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. The All-Malayan P.W.D. Athletic Sports were held here this afternoon. Sabapathy of Singapore was the champion
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    • 33 23 London, May 31. Sir Miles Lampson, the High Commissioner m Egypt, is visiting London forthwith to consult with the Government on points arising out of the AngloEgyptian treaty conversations. Reurer
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 161 23 Inierport Races With Port Dickson Silica poie, Sunday. THE first race m the Inierport competition between the Port Dickson Yacht Club and the Royal Singapore Yacht Club was held to-day m ideal weather conditions with a very .slight breeze from the East. The Competition, which is
      161 words
    • 111 23 Indianapolis Grand Prix Won In Record Time Indianapolis, May 30. LOUIS MAYER, driving a Ringfree Special won the 500 miles race m the Indianapolis Grand prix. Meyer is the first to win the Grand Prix three times, returned the record time of 4 hrs. 35 mins. 3 *****0
      Reuter  -  111 words
    • 48 23 London, May 27. Formal investigation into the alleged acts of sabotage In Admiralty Dockyards have not revealed who was directly responsible, states Lord Stanley, m a written reply to Mr. Gallacher. Therefore, no disciplinary action can be taken against anyone m connection therewith. Reuter Wireless
      Reuter Wireless  -  48 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 31 23 XOTICE Walter Briggs Ltd. Peartree Street, London. Famous I. DL\Lli> badminton Rackets and Shuttlecocks, Etc. Sole agents for Malaya: 1)1 I€H EAST INDIES, ETC.. QUEEN'S 3, Prince Street. 7«4. Tel. "Tennis".
      31 words
      78 words

  • 2320 24  -  Onlooker (By made after 30 went on the board, Uuthucumaru going on for Bask.van. In the last over before stumps were drawn for the day Ollivier hit Nicky to the square leg boundary. At close of play the score stood at 40 for one wicket, Ollivier and
    2,320 words
  • 70 24 HERE is a summary of the position n m the Clarke Cup match this morning: THE REST:— First innings, 132 (Muthucumaru 23, Valberg 29, Alvis 28: Ward six for 15); second innings, 114 (Balhetchet 30, Sundram 23: Growder five for 41). EUROPEANS:— First innings, 92
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  • 368 24 BRILLIANT GOLF IN AMATEUR FINAL Thomson Wins A Match Full St. Andrews. May 30. THOMSON, the 22-year-old Scot. won the British Amateur Open Golf Championship beating the 21--year-old Australian. Ferrier. by two up after a most exciting match, m which the victor said he was never sure of winning. The
    368 words
  • 86 24 Tournament To Start Or, June 2 THE Amateur Boxing Tournament organised by the SAB A. will commence on June 2, at the New Work: .Arena, starting at 7 pm. The subfKI quent preliminaries will be held on June 3 and 4. and the finals will be fomh* out
    86 words
  • 19 24 A woman and a man were shot dead at a wayside cafe at Popham on the main Winchester-Basingstocke road.
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 70 24 H^HSE^ MAJOR BBBIBSH^ IMPROVEMENTSI Touch Control instant tion! And many other features visible adjustment to any touch exclusive with the latest RoyaL or typing speed! Improved Shift Each created to save time and Freedom! Muted Action! Finger effort, to produce neater, mort Comfort Keys! Minimized Eye- impressive letters! The price
      70 words