Morning Tribune, 13 April 1936

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Morning Tribune
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  • 140 1 MOLL ISON'S NARROW ESCAPE Singapore, Sunday. AIRMAN "Jim" Mollison. hero of »\mv thrilling pioneering aviation adventures, who is at present in Singapore on a visit, came near to ending his life here in a tragic manner. Mr. Mollison is staying at the Sea View Hotel. He went to bed on
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  • 42 1 THE Lord Chamberlain announces that no Courts will be held this year. On the afternoons of July 21, and ''V 22 His Majesty the King will hold eceptions in the Garden of Buckingham Palace at which presentations will oe made.— British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  42 words
  • 186 1 1LD ROME STORY DISCREDITED SlUXMl GAYDA main London, April 12. Slf«V R T A ITo G 3 AbSiANS FROM BRITISH SOURCE THFRF IS NO SURPRISE IN LONSSSwsrtas AND MOST LUDICROUS EXAMPLE. Tho explanation of reported gas casualties amone the Abyssinians bv the siimjestion that they were
    British Wireless  -  186 words
  • Article, Illustration
    24 1 A view of the inter-state cricket match, Singapore vs. Selangor, in progress on the padang. The visitors won by six wickets (see page 24).
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  • 152 1 WAR PACT BY GERMANY JAPAN? Paris, Apr. 12. A SECRET understanding between Japan and Germany was virtually concluded at the beginning of this year, asserts Madame Tabouis in the Oeuvre. She says fresh information regarding the agreement has reached Geneva. It is reported that by one clause of the alleged
    Reuter Wireless  -  152 words
  • 49 1 London, April 10. COMMUNICATIONS are now passing v with the Dominions Governments as regard! the possibility of arranging for Hi Tmpeript Conference in London at the time of the Coronation next gear, according to a statement by Mr. Gartington in the House of Commons. Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  49 words
  • 316 1  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Russian Reply To China Shanghai. April 11. M. LITVINOFF, the Soviet Foreign Commissar, has replied to the Chinese protest against the conclusion of the Russo-Outer Mongolian Pact, and the contents are published by the Tass Agency. It If argued in the Soviet reply
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  • 22 1 Dr. J. W Murdock of the Mental Hospital. Tanjons Rambutan, has been cranted spven months' leave on full pay from March 20.
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  • 1363 2 GREAT FUTURE IN STORE Dr. Tempany At Serdang (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Friday. "IT is a source of considerable satis- faction to me to know that after five years of existence this school is firmly established and that it is fulfilling in large measure the
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  • 93 2 Canton, April 11. HUNDREDS of buildings were gutted in the west-end of Canton by a very serious fire in the early hours of this morning. The blaze was controlled at 5.30 a.m. after it has been raging for four hoars. Fourteen are known to be dead,
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 267 2 But Still Lower Than 1929 Geneva. WORLD trade increased by over 2 per cent, last year but it is still only 81 per cent, of trade in 1929. These facts are revealed here by the League of Nations monthly bulletin of statistics. At the same time, the
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  • 88 2 Complaint To Locarno Powers Geneva, Apr. 11. THE Italian delegation to the Leagu--1 has published the text of a declaration made by Baron Aloisi at the opening of the me: ting of Locarno Powers. He declared that in all the recent manifestations of the British Government Italy has
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 143 2  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Marshal Chiang's New Move Shanghai, April. 12. ris reported that Marshal Chiang Kai Sliek intends to meet the Canton and other South-western leaders somewhere in Hunan Province and discuss proposals for the unification of tne country. It is learnt that the Generalissimo flew
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  • 110 2 GERMAN REPLY TO FRANCE TO Will Consider Proposals Berlin, April lo GERMANY does not reject the U French counter- proposals outright but is willing to discuss them with a view to ascertaining what N constructive therein, said a hi^h official of the Foreign Office, inu r viewed by Reuter, but
    Reuter Wireless  -  110 words
  • 86 2 Mrs E. T. I. Wilkie, of Enslehurst Estate, leaves Malaya on April 25 for a short visit to England. Mrs. Lim Boon Hoe, nee Wong Poy Keng. the beloved wife of Mr. Lim Boon Hoe. passed away peacefully after a short illness at 3.45 p.m. on Sunday at her home.
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  • 20 2 Mr F S. Wayman. Executive Engineer. P. W.D., Bukit Mertajam. and Mrs. Wayman are on a visit to Kuala Lumpur.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 64 2 SE53| FRESH MILK-WITH iggg| ALL THE TROUBLE -i REMOVED! TET Kiim put an end to delicious, nourishing milk your troubles with milk. to drink. It is especially For Klim is rich, pure cows good for babies. If your milk, powdered with only dealer cannot supply you, water removed. Klim Aeepa
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    • 164 2 On Other Pages To-day Page Agriculture in Malaya Mollison's world flight Airship's hazardous journey 4 Rubber industry optimism 5 Around Malaya 10 Radio programmes 20 Malayan golf championship 21 Home holiday football 22 Last night's boxing 23 Inter-state cricket 24 lIIIIIIMIIM lIIMIIMII I I I I I I I I
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  • 381 3 AIRMAN TELLS HIS PLANS First Of Its Kind Mr. "Jimmy" Mollison, the famous flier, who is notf in Singapore, explained to the Tribune, in an exclusive interview shortly after his arrival on Saturday, the attitude of the Australian Commonwealth Government towards the proposals of Imperial Airways for
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  • 107 3 First Hint Of Cost Of Defence London, April 12. CONSIDERABLE interest was aroused by the Chancellor of the Exchequer's announcement before the Commons adjourned for the Easter recess on Thursday that he anticipated that additional requirements for the Royal Air Force this year would be in
    British Wireless  -  107 words
  • 14 3 Mr. J. S. Ferguson, of Changkat Kinding Estate, is on a visit to Penang.
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  • 85 3 Return From Europe After Medical Treatment Bombay, April 10. MR. Sdbhas Chandra Bose, former Ma- yer of Calcutta, was arrested when he landed from a steamer from Europe. Mr. Bose, after being under detention as a political agitator, was released last year to enable him to proceed
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  • 60 3 Italians Laying Mines In Mediterranean Alexandria, April 10. A MYSTERY ship, said to be Italian, with rows of mines on her decks, is reported to have been seen recently cruising at a distance of from ten to a hundred miles from BrindisL The ship is stated to have
    Reuter Wireless  -  60 words
  • 36 3 Bangkok Saturday. THE statement published recently that the Kins of Siam's mother had embraced Christianity was declared to be without foundation in a Siamese broadcast to the nation last eveniner.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 234 4 NEW AIRSHIPS Two Engines Go A MESSAGE from Friedrirhshafen states that the airship Hindenburjj arrived there safely after having limped home across the Atlantic Ocean with two engines disabledFive thousand people cheered and sang the "Deutschland Ueber Alles" on the arrival of the Hindenburg with three of
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  • 117 4 British Attitude Reserved Geneva, April 10. IF the efforts of Senor Madariaga and 1 M. Avenol did not result in an agreement to negotiate for a cessation of hostilities, the British Government must reserve its attitude, declared Mr Eden at a meeting of the Committee of Thirteen He
    Reuter Wireless  -  117 words
  • 13 4 Mr R Corke, of Kuala Lumpur, is on a business visit to Ipoh.
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  • 120 4 To-day In Singapore HIGH TIDES:-1.26 a.m., 2.50 p.m CRICKET:-State Match. Singapore v Selanßor, 3rd. day, S.C.C.CSc' v. T.P.C.A. (K.L.), 3rd day, C.8." C 11 a.m. FOOTBALL:— Friendly. Middlesex Re*t v. an S.A.F.A. XI. Anson Road Stadium; Friendly, Railway Institute K.L.), v. Railway Institute (Singapore), Institute ground Charm School." PAVILION -Robert
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  • 254 4 Superb" Mussolini Praises His Armies Rome, April 10. SIGNOR Mussolini suddenly summoned the Cabinet, which was not due to sit till Saturday, and glowingly spoke of the "superb victories," particularly at Lake Ashangi, which bring Italy nearer to the realisation of her first objective, namely the security of her colonies,
    Reuter Wireless  -  254 words
  • 87 4 London, April 11. rE Foreign Secretary and Lord Privy Seal left Geneva last night at the close of the discussion with the other Locarno Powers. Mr. Eden is flying from Paris to Lympne and will be staying over the week-end at the home of Sir Philip Sassoon.
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  • 139 4 Farewell Speech Of Viceroy New Delhi, April 10 LORD Willingdon paintca a hopeful picture of India's future, when he addressed the Central Legislature for the last tir~e as Viceroy. The Assembly and Chamber was crowded with members of both Houses, but the Congress Party was absent. Lord
    Reuter Wireless  -  139 words
  • 165 4 Auxiliary Air Force Training Personnel On Way (By Air Mail.) (From Our Own Correspondent) London, March 28. A NUMBER of officers and airmen o! the Royal Air Force have left England for Singapore. They will assist in the training of the new Volunteer Air Force there, and others will be
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  • 55 4 Final Dividend Of Z v i Per Cent. fUTHRIE and Co., Ltd., the local U agents, have received a cable stating that the directors of Kimanis Rubber, Ltd., have recommended a final dividend of 2V 2 per cent., payable on May 15, leaving £5,288 to be carried forward
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 43 4 iiiiiiiiiiiHiii|iitiii'i|iieiiiiiiti|iiiiiiiiiii|ii|i!iM|Miiiiiiiiiiiiini!i|ii|tiiir THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LTD. (Established in 1880) Capital Subscribed (Fully paid up) Y.100,000,000 Reserve Fund Y.129,150,000 Head Office: YOKOHAMA SINGAPORE BRANCH, MEYER CHAMBERS, RAFFLES PLACE. Manager, H. UNAGAMI Tel: No. 6049 Manager's Room. 5922 General Office. 5921 5923 6472 Compradore'B Desk.
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    • 21 4 »|IHIl|!illlillllilll|1Hlilli|ll|ii|llllill'i:iliii:i|ill!lH.IIHI l: l"* Overseas Assurance CORPORATION, LIMITED, China Building, Chulia Street, PHONE 5808. SINGAPORE. Fire, Marine, Motor L VEHICLES WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION
      21 words

  • 597 5 R AMBUTAN'S K PROSPECTS Tide Of Trade Turned r> r Fidler (chairman of the MI in the course company' P^"?.' The balance-sheet hiS TVo day shows that at Dec. 31, before us ssets exceeded our cur- fh mcs by approximately £43.032 y din g PP n g
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  • 117 5 MOFFET MASSEY WEDDING THE wedding of Mr. R. N. Moffett, son of the late Mr. A. Moffett and Mrs. Moffett. of North Shields, and Miss Betty Holden Massey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Massey, ot Monkseaton. took place at St. Andrew's Cathedral. Singapore, yesterday. The bride, who was given
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  • 287 5 Organising Industry For Defence London, Apr. 5. CTATEMENTS having been made in the course of the debate upon the defence problem in the House of Commons which give, it Is stated, an incorrect picture of the action of the Federation of British Industries in connection with this matter,
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  • 89 5 Government Rejects Proposal New York. Apr. 5. THE Dow Jones Service reports that the spokesman of the Argentine Government has .stated unofficially that his Government is rejecting the proposal to increase the minimum price of maize. nn It was reported on Feb. 29 from Buenos Aires that
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  • 278 5 Activity On Rumour Of Conversion London, Apr. 5. rONSIDERABLE activity has developed I* in the Six per Cent, debenture stock of the African Steam Ship Company on rumours of a conversion offer to holders being imminent. The stock, which on the previous day had changed hands between
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  • 169 5 Canad a's Trade Goods On Reciprocal Basis London, Apr. 5. MR. VINCENT MASSEY, High Commissioner for Canada, addressing the British and North American Club at the Great Eastern Hotel said the open frontier between Canada and the United States and the friendship between America and Great Britain were examples to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 15 6 Mr. F. C. Vanrenen of Kuala Kangsar has left for England on the s.s. Ranchi.
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  • 173 6 Dietrich Cooper Co-Star FIVE years have elapsed since Marlene Dietrich and Gary Cooper last worked together in "Morocco." And yet, questioned recently on the set where they are teamed once more in Paramount's "Desire," under Ernst Lubitsch's supervision, each said the other remains totally unchanged. "Miss
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  • 299 6 Romance And Comedy NOT since his "Bulldog Drummond" roles has Ronald Colman had a part so particularly suited to his talents and a story so in keeping with his flair for the suave and debonair as 20th Century's "The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo",
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  • 114 6 EUROPE'S dictators intend to make their ideal of womanhood known to British women in the summer. Envoys of Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin are already rehearsing their publicity talk fcr a grand rally of the world's social workers at the third international conference on social work, opening
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 6 Grace Moore, whose lovely voice will be heard here in "On Wings of Song," which opens at the Capitol on Apr. 21.
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  • 266 6 Training For The 1 CISR LEO McCarey is thankful that he was once a lawyer. It was, he says, unmatchable training for the task of directing Harold Lloyd in Paramount's "The Milky Way". "To be a successful director of comedy" he enlarges, "you have to be a
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  • 187 6 A Pilgrimage To Burgundy Paris. VEZELAY in Burgundy, where in 1147 Saint Bernard preached the secona crusade, is in July this year again to d the scene of a pilgrimage. Up the same winding road taken dx warriors in armour who flocked to near Saint Bernard's words will
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 54 6 ALL SHOWS PACKED OUT DURING THE WEEK-END Don't miss this amazing THRILLER by the same company that made "INVISIBLE MAN", 'THE MUMMY" "FRANKENSTEIN"! "Tl If i linn I—l1 I HOLIDAY MATINEE ALHAMBRA to-day 3.15 R TO-NIGHT at 6.15 and 9.15 BORIS KARLOFF and BELA LUGOSI Together for the first time
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 21 6 CINEMA, J CAPITOL TO-NIGHT:— "The Charm School." ALHAMBRA TO-NIGHT The Invisible Ray," with Karloff, Lugosi and Frances Drake. ROYAL TO-NIGHT Devdas."
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    • 38 6 PAVILION TO-NIGHT The Ghost Goes West," with Robert Donat, Jean Parker and Eugene Pallette. NEXT CHANGE Peter Ibbetson," with Gary Cooper and Ann Harding. MARLBOROUGH TO-NIGHT Palooka." with Jimmy Durante and Lupe Velez. ROXY I TO-NIGHT Dante's Inferno."
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 258 7 foi'SlXCi TO-DAY 3.1J-O.IJ-9.1J j A GRAND SAUCY HOLIDAY Comedy! i j i CAPITOL IS i Paramount's Girl-filled All-laughing j i Musical Comedy .4tttk THE CHARM! I SCHOOL With Joe PENNER, famous Stapre Comedian JACK OAKIE, NED i SPARKS Frances Lanfi:ford (sinsrinq: star of "Broadway Melody and 150 peppy, snappy girls
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    • 205 7 BREAKING ALL BOX-OFFICE RECORDS EVERYWHERE BRITAIN^ GREATEST SCREEN SUCCESS NOW IN ITS BTH WEEK IN NEW YORK and 6TH WEEK IN LONDON Overflowing with mirth and surprising situations, this romantic comedy tells the incredible adventures of a ghost who had a way with the ladies. S am m itii VA
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  • 561 8 HOSTILE TO LEAGUE Europea n Ba lance Of Power London. gIGNOR MUSSOLINI is endeavouring to form a FivePower bloc, hostile to the League. He envisages a union of Italy, Germany, Poland, Austria and Hungary. It is extromely doubtful, however, whether the Italian dictator's Machiavellian scheme to split
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  • 108 8 Writ-Known Muslim Mis sionary In Singapore MAWLANA Saheb, the well-known Mus- lim missionary, arrived here on April 5, by train. He was welcomed at the station by the Hon. Capt. Hashim, Dr. H. S. Moonshi, Mr. Kader Mustan, Naina Marican and many other Moslem leaders. Speeches of welcome
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 8 Bebe Daniels, the famous star of Rio Rita," returns in Music is Magic," which opens on Friday at the Alhambra.
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  • 24 8 F. P. Crook, mining engineer, has returned from home and has joined the staff of Anglo-Oriental (Malaya), Ltd., and is on Larut Tinnelds, Ltd.
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  • 261 8 Threat To CricketBat Industry London, Apr. 5. IN an effort to save from extinction what was till recently a flourishing Essex industry the Essex County Council have sent out an appeal Tor the help of all who live in the rural areas of tfatfl county. For generations Essex
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  • 165 8 Encircling Of Germany Paris. HRANCE has arranged to ex- tend to Rumania the biggest post-war loan a Balkan State has received. This was done with the tacit approval of the British Government. It totals £15.000,000 and will strengthen the iron ring encircling Germany and provide a
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  • 93 8 London, Apr 5 THE science section of the Anglo--1 Batavian Society organised in formeyears an exchange of visits between England and Holland. Every year four English men of science wore invited to lecture in Holland, and four from Holland to lecture in England. About 10 years ago
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 59 8 1 1 1 il l i 1 1 I I i I I ii in i M iiiim I M l':|ii|ii|iilii|ii|ii|iiliili:inlijrj THE EASTERN UNITED ASSURANCE j CORPORATION LIMITED. J (Incorporated In the Straits Settlements) FIRE, MARINE, MOTOR, ACCIDENT WORKMEN'S COMPENj SATION INSURANCE UNDERTAKEN. j FULL PARTICULARS AND RATES APPLY, 1
      59 words
    • 66 8 SUN TALKIE rHALL (New World) 7.15 TO-NIGHT 9.30 Jungle Thriller "TARZANandHIS MATE" i r i"i' hi ;i> ininiin iin MMMmil"l>iii>>"li l l 'l '> ll *t ll>> il l il> l >li >i !a| il"liMiMiMMNMlMiMM« iii j k Every Tuesday, Thursday 1 v And Saturday A £>V if V NIGHT
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  • 412 9 RESULTS OF TENSION preparing For Emergency Alexandria. INTERNATIONAL tension in 1 the Mediterranean has had, at any rate, one good effect it has provided Egypt with some good roads. Up to a year agro, Egypt was notorious for its lack of roads and for the extremely bad
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  • 143 9 THE Maharanee of Bastar, beautiful twenty-eight-year-old ruler of an wan State, who died after an operation for appendicitis, was cremated at Golders Green, N.W. The coffin was carried by four Brah-ms-high caste Hindus. Her husband, a thirty-year-old Cam"jse graduate, remained with the -offin all night, praying
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  • 237 9 Are They More Intelligent? New Delhi. ARE Indian girls more intelligent than Indian boys or do they work harder? These questions arise from the report just published by the Indian Government on Educational Progress in India for the year ending March 31. 1934 The report states:— "A
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 9 A scene from "The Charm School", starring Jack Oakie and Frances Langford, which comes as next ch ange to the Capitol.
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  • 197 9 The negotiation of permits for new British air services to operate over foreign territory appears lately to have been a matter of some difficulty. One set of permits has been obtained within the past week. nd this has allowed British Airways to open its daily service between London
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  • 207 9 Level Crossing Peril Osaka. AN accident in which 16 firemen were killed has led to a decision to abolish 2,000 level crossings in Japan. The men lost their lives when an express train from Kobe to Osaka crashed into the fire engine on which they were
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  • 204 9 Royal Navy Boon To R.A,F Alexandria. WHEN the White Ensign breaks at the head of the flag-pole at Mersa Matruh desert headquarters of British troops, guarding the approach from Libya, it is a signal for airmen and soldiers to have a bath— a really luxurious wallow in an
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  • 558 9 Temporary Site For School THE School of Oriental Studies, London University, Finsbury Circus, is to be provided with a building on the university site in Bloomsbury in due course, but for the intervening two or three years will occupy temporary accommodation in Westminster. The existing premises in
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  • 40 9 Mrs C T deß. Whitehouse. of Teluk Arson is now In residence at her new aiow, "LaU DJiwo," on the Cameron Highlands and will be there over the Easter Holidays. Mrs. C. B. Graburn, 'of Sunskai. Is Mrs. Whitehouse's -uest.
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  • 303 10 The MORNING TRIBUNE Singapore: Monday, Apr. 13, 1936. FOLLY, IF TRUE IF the complaint made by Italy at the meeting of the Locarno Powers is true, there is small hope 1 for a lasting peace structure emerging from the present handling of the European situation. Baron Aloisi, Italy's delegate, stated
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  • 627 10 'THE Federated Malay States has en- tered upon a period of increasing malaria incidence, and the height to which the peaks may attain within the next years can only be conjectured." This alarming statement is no figment of the imagination, but an authoritative declaration of the Malaria Advisory
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 10 A view of the dam at Sultan Ibrahim reservoir, Gunong Pulai, Johore, which is one of Singapore's principal sources of water supply.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 1150 11 HUGE SUMS AS INTEREST Outwitting The Ordinance THE wiles of money-lenders, particularly the $ikh usurers, have long been an anxiety to Government and following years of deliberation the Money Lenders Ordinance was given effect as from the beginning of this year. That more than 90
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 11 The city of Prague is full of historical interest. Above is the Charles Bridge, which dates back to the 14th century, and in the background the Cathedral of St. Vitus.
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  • 28 11 Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Chisholm left Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday for England via Japan and America. They expect to be returning towards the end of the year.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 45 11 caoo 'A~*N Telegraphic Address: PHONE 5934 B J GOODWOOD The most charmingly situated Hotel in the Island. Ideal for permanent residents RESTAURANT Table d'hote and a la carte. COCKTAIL BAR LOUNGE TENNIS. Special Dinner Dance on Wednesday, April 15 DINERS $1.50. NO AFTER-DINNER ADMISSION CHARGE
      45 words
    • 71 11 TO-DAY Potage Parmentier Fillet of Selangin Francaise Grilled Lamb Chop Jardiniere Fried Potato Cold Meat Salad Pudding A La Reine Cheese, Fruit, Coffee. Try Our SPECIALTIES. FRESHs-r Hors D'Oeuvres Varies "Capitol" Baked Alasca A Choice of Over 100 other dishes. Phone 4906. jisuii iiiiiiiiiii!ii!i'iiiiiuiiiiii«iiiniiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii»iiiijitiiiiiiiiiii.iiiniiiiiiiniiiiniiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii twt^ffiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiifitt *TOLLAIVA VERMOUTH ITALIAN TYPE per
      71 words

  • 118 12 WORLD'S BEST ITALIAN AL LINDBERG FOR R.A.F: THE S: COLONEL IN WALES A beautiful view taken in the Ampezzano region in the Italian Alps. Several squadrons of the R j\.F. are likely to be i effldl Not only Gondolas but fire-floats make use of Venice's many waterways. Above shows "traffic"
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  • 970 14 Straw Hats— Flower Trimmings And Bowler Shapes— Very Wide Belts Are New Elaborate Buckles Jeanette cherie, In spite of the rainy weather we are going through just now straw hats and flower trimmings are being worn. They have been seen for some time in every window
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 14 1. Suzanne Talbot's shoulder veil on felt. Bound and t"™" l h pique. 2. Molyneux straw sailor with short circular veil. Grosgrain strap and bow. 3. Jean Patou's stitched taffeta uses starched meshed veiling for trimming
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 10 14 Maison aSm^ I D T%P^^ i A v»l 111 i
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    • 44 14 f "1 FREE SAMPLE OFFER P I I Send 10 cents in cash or stamps, to cover postage I I and packing, and a free sample will be sent by j return. Address J Nestle's "Mil©" Dept., I l 129|135, Cecil Street, I Singapore.
      44 words
    • 46 14 crown I carry ready stocks of crown corks, crown-corking machines and aerated water machines. My prices defy competition. Phone 3784, call or write for particulars. M. WEINBERG 189, Cecil Street, Singapore. PIIOIMY LEMON BARLEY WATER A BEVERAGE Manufactured Dy THE PHOENIX AERATED WATER WORKS PHONE 3463
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  • 454 15 CHOES 'nave pjone very gay for spring. u They have rebelled at being the dull oured feet protections relegated r,o mpanuive unimportance. And now, the most capricious rebellion they nave jumped forth, using every colour and halt of the actual fabrics that ba<?,s Rlovea and more
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 447 15 LUGGAGE I A TOURIST'S CHEMIST CARRIER I S HOPPIXCi GUIDE I 1 *-—~-j- nGSEN. i SINGAPORE STA TIONER TAILOR a way $0 to 60 reme dy iT/^rA/2F pation Nyals Figsen may be LUOwHWI- i t eaten like candy and will act on a DDirR CO. I i.n.mnni<nin.nin»iinMii'mtniMiMitninMi»ininini l mmnmia,a Tp
      447 words
    • 43 15 Lampshades made to order in all styles and materials. Mrs. J. deGraaf 192F, Pasir Panjang, 6 x 2 Mile Stone. dorothy more gives Zota Foam reducing baths in her new salon.. Invaluable for Rheumatism, Sciatica Lumbago. 2ND FLOOR, 18, BATTERY KD. Phone 6995.
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  • 99 16 For Port Swettenham, Penang, Negapatam, Karikal, Porto Novo, Cuddalore, Pondicherry and Madras. Leave Singapore. ROHNA Apr. 23 RAJULA May 7 For Bangkok. KOLA Apr 18 KISTNA Apr. 25 For PENANG, RANGOON CALCUTTA. KARAPARA Apr 16 KHANDALLA Apr. 23 Special two monthly Holiday return tickets issued from Singapore
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  • 61 16 B. I. (APCAR) SAILINGS FOR HONG KONG, AMOY, SHANGHAI AND JAPAN. Tonnage Leaves SANTHIA 8,000 Apr. 23 TALMA 10,000 May 7 SIRDHANA 8.000 May 21 FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA. SIRDHANA 8.000 Apr. 18 SHIRALA 8.000 May 2 TILAWA 10.000 May 16 Special Holiday Return Tickets to China and Japan issued
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    • 515 16 Account For More Accidents Singapore. THE recent fire aboard the new liner j Gneisenau last month at Singapore on her return trip from her maiden voyage to the Far East is another indication that fires at sea are on the increase. Such disturbing news is not
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    • 42 16 Mrs. B. L. Milne, of the Government English School. Muar, will be going on eieht months' leave to Europe on April 24. Mr. C. D Westwood. of the same school, is expected back on April 26. from a short holiday in Europe.'
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    • 16 16 The P. and O. Kidderpore is due at Singapore from Ho/ukon^ at 6 a.m. on Thursday.
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    • 14 16 The P. and O. Burdwan reached London at 11 a.m. on the 9th inst.
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    • 118 16 SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES OR EXPECTED TO ARRIVE Godown Gate No. Silverguava 22 1 Hong Kheng 20 1 Plancius 18 3 Katong 18 3 Silindoeng 16 3 Hector 14 3 Misaki Maru 11 Agra 9 3 Bhutan 9 3 Agapenor 7 3 Javanese Prince 30 3 City
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    • 259 16 Two Built In Home Yards The submarine Grampus, the third and last of the vessels of the 1932 programme, was launched at Chatham by Lady~ Evans, wife of Vice-Admiral Sir Edward Evans, Commander-in-Chiei. The Nore. The Grampus has a tonnage of 1,520, and her engines are being designed
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    • 106 16 Shanahai Steamer To Be Broken Up INOTHER seamark is about to be disposed of. and will b° passed over [to the shipbreakers next month. It is understood that bids are bein? invited for the China Navigation Co.'s ;old steamer. Kweichow. which was built jby Scott of Greenock. and
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 306 16 P. O. S. X. CO f S §AILIXGS, OUIWAUDS. Due Dae Tonnage S'pore. Tonnage S'pore. 1936. 1936. BHUTAN 6,100 Apr. 12 SOMALI 6,810 July 1 BEHAR 6,000 Apr. 19 NALDERA 16,000 July 3 CHITRAL 15.000 Apr. 24 KAISAR-I-HIND 11,500 July 17 SOUDAN 6,500 May 6 BANGALORE 6.000 July 30 RANPURA
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  • —News Of The Day
    • 256 17 "Trade Revival Will Result In Shortage" Glasgow, Apr. 5. vi hi. snecch it the annual meeting in S fflasSow of thp British Corporation irc. O ark SJ lhePi^ir n m < an Alrref^e d Mr to !!f hoaimiercondition of the shipbuild- ministry, both in this country and S
      256 words
    • 95 17 London, April 3. THE death is announced of Vice-Ad-miral A. J. B. Stirling, C.B.—Reuter Vice-Admiral Stirling was 61 years of ace and joined the Navy in 1889. He saw service during the Boxer Rftnng, tt 1000 when he was severely wounded during an attack on Chinese field cun^
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 265 17 BUftIVS PHILP LINE. (Incorporated in Australia) NEXT SAILINGS. Due Sails MERKUR Apr. 28 May 3 MARELLA May 28 i un e *u Special cheap round trip tickets from Singapore to Australia issued at the following rates. First Class passengers may transfer at Singapore. Brisbane, Sydney or Mel bourne to the
      265 words
    • 471 17 y^ TO FRENCH PORTS \V i^V Sgp^SS^ HOMEWARDS. V CAP VARELLA For Marseilles, Nantes, St. Nazaire Bordeaux May 2 l DALNY For Marseilles, Havre, Antwerp Dunkirk May 5 I DESIRADE For Marseilles, Nanbes, St. Nazaire Bordeaux May 29 i DENTRECASTEAUX For Marseilles, Havre, Antwerp Dunkirk June 4 LINOIS For Marseilles,
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 77 17 MAILS CLOSE TO-DAY Christmas Island (Unyo Maru) 1 p.m. Karimon <Tong Hcng> 9 a.m. Mcdan (Plancius) 9 a.m. Pengcrang (S. Soon Heng) 9 a.m. Mails ExpeHed i Mails expected from Australia. Netherlands Indies etc. by Air (Qantas) general delivery of letters 9 am. to-day. Mails expected from Netherlands Ind'es by
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  • 1568 18  -  P. Jerome Willis *TOO MANY LUXURY HOTELS: I WHERE TITLED PEOPLE SCORE: THE SAVAGE CLUB: ROYAL ACA--1 DEMY HOPES By (By Air Mail.) London, Mar. 31. LONDON apparently has too many luxury hotels and restaurants. I was talking to a well-known hotelier the other night and
    1,568 words
  • 177 18 Halifax (Nova Scotia >. RED hair and a love for the bagpipes are stipulations by a romantic Irish bachelor who has asked the Premier of Nova Scotia 'Mr. Angus Macdonald) to find him a Gaelic-speaking bride. The Irishman— with "substantial cash" lives in New
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  • 231 18 Inquiry To Be rHeld (By Air Mail) London, Mar. 26. THE Prime Minister, Mr. Baldwin, proposes to appoint a suhcommittee of the Committee of Imperial Defence to consider expcri ments which have been carried oat to demonstrate the effects on war ships of bombs and torpedoes from
    231 words
  • 141 18 1400 Miles In Thirty Winnipeg, Apr. 1. HRIZZLED old-timers of the snou u trails sat up and rubbed their eyc> A-hen a French-Canadian named Rebe Leblanc arrived here on a sledge drawn 3y a team of five dogs. It was not that he had come 1.400 miles
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  • 113 18 Chicago. A MAN here, sentenced to imprisonmen for passing bogus cheques, escaped Raol— because he was too fat to get into the prison. M The man. William Coleman, aged do, weighed 26 stones 8 pounds. After receiving his sentence he wa. 1 taken to prison, but
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 96 19 SI TO-NIGHT at the CAPITOL 1 One of the Snappiest Musical Comedies of the Season? Come and j See how a GIRL'S COLLEGE SHOULD be RUN!! HITTING A HIGH NOT! m\ > IN MUSICAL COMEDY M M lack Oakic and Ned Sparks lMfff f ..^/'Y Frances Langford leading the \v
      96 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 1049 19 JON THE RADIO 1 9 8.20 a.m. Close down. Ilritish fcmpirc transmission 2 |>r>il«» 1*41 III lilt* 6.20 p.m. Big Ben. A Sonata Recital "S* m by Albert Sammons (Violin) and William icu m *trM Murdoch (Australian Pianist). Sonati Transmission 2: GSG in D minor, Op. 108: Allegro; Un poco
      1,049 words
    • 242 19 (4) Havanaise (Saint-Saens). Eugenia Wellerson with orchestra. 9.20 p.m. Song recital by Cliff iy--9.30 p.m. Sports news. Close down. TO-MORROW 10.50 a.m. Opening. 10.55 a.m. Cookery talk for housewives by Mr. M. Schuhmacher. 11.20 a.m. Light music. 11.50 a.m. Time signal. Matinee music by Nirom Orchestra. 12.35 p.m. The Light
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    • 263 19 Summary of news for the week In Chinese. Band Concert conducted by Maestro Marchesini. Music by Rossini, German. Respighl, Giordano. Violin and piano concert by Remy Principe and Ornella Pulitl-Santoliqui-do, including Franck's Sonata in A. News bulletin In Italian. II ail io Colonial TO-DAY Wavetength 25.23 metres (11.880 kcs.). 2.20
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  • 412 20 Australia Wants More Settlers MR. W. FORGAN SMITH, Premier of Queensland, addressing a luncheon 1 gathering of the Royal Empire Society and the British Empire League at Cannon Street Hotel, said he was satisfied that the greatest influence for peace today was within the British Commonwealth of Nations,
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  • 18 20 Mr. R. B. Wilmot. British Trade Commissioner at Sinpaoore. recently made an extensive tour of British North Borneo.
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  • 77 20 A Doncaster Inn, the Volunteer, familiar to many visitors to "the St. Leger and other race meetings for more than a century and a half. Is to lose Its licence. The Doncaster Licensing Justices have declined to renew the licence on the ground of redundancy. They referred the matter for
    77 words
  • 137 20 Can' t Waste Time Unemployment And Tht Youth London, Apr. 5. ANXIETY at the blight of unemployment on the youth of the public school class was expressed by Lord Lloyd when he opened a three-day exhibition of vocational guidance and motor driving tests in London at 9, Grosvenor Square, the
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  • 215 20 Bond Street Broker's Office London, Apr. 5. ALFRED WRIGHT, 64, financial agent, of Queen's Gate Gardens, South Kensington, was charged, on a warrant, before Mr. Kenneth Marshall, at the Westminster Police Court, with fraudulently converting to his own use cheques for various sums alleged to have been received
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 45 20 s 1 There are many cures for that s overtired feeling p «H But only one cure for that i 1 r I Fit INDIA'S an4 et that INDIA feelin I i S s j INDIA TYRE DEPT. j SIME, DARBY I v 1 1
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 496 20 OX THE RADIO (Continued from page 19) 4.35 p.m.— News In French. 5.05 p.m.— -News In English. End ol transmission. Wavelength 19.68 metres (15,244 kcs.) 6.15 Q.m. Programme announcement 6.20 p.m. Concert relayed from Radio-Paris. 17.20 p.m.— News In English. 7.35 p.m.— Concert relay. 8.05 p.m.— News In French. 8.35
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    • 133 20 I Gunny Closing Rates.— (ln Bengali). 10.56 p.m. Light Bengali Songs. 1141 p.m. Interesting News of the World by Chitra Gupta. 11.56 p.m. Weather Forecast, General News Bulletin. Market Prices, Jute and Gunny Closing Rates. (In English). TO-MORROW 2.26 p.m. Time Signal. A Studio programme by Messrs. Taylor's Gramophone Saloon
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  • 166 21 ELKINS HIS OPPONENT Thrill In Semi rtttttl (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 12. CELDOM has there been such a 5 sensational semi-final in the Malayan Golf Championship as that which was witnessed to-day between V H Elkins and S. N. Kelly. After a
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  • 126 21 Chinese Press To Petition Government Shanghai, April 12. CERIOUS trouble is brewing between u Government and the Chinese Press over the censorship laws. The newspapers Leh Poh, Ta Kung Po. Shi Po, Shanghai Evening Post and World Culture and other magazines in Shanghai held a conference yesterday. It
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  • 110 21  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh New Japanese Move In Manchuria Changchun, April 12. IT a conference of the Japanese commanders, the suggestion of General Minami, the Japanese Commander-m-Chief in Manchuria, for an Increase of four divisions of Japanese troops for Manchuria was approved. Simije's Division is now moving Into
    110 words
  • 51 21  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Nanking, April 12. AT the National Free Education Con'fereflce held here it was decided to increase the estimates for educational CXDe nditure in the provinces. More normal schools are to be estaousned and free education is to be made available in the villages.
    51 words
  • 255 21 Japanese Resident Charged Singapore, April 11. MR. Yasuhara Arima, the Japanese proprietor of the Chuo Motor Garage in Middle Road, was this morning charged before Mr. T. D. Hughes In the Third Police Court on charges connected with forgery. He was charged (1) that on or
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 21 Mr D. F. Pratt and Miss Mary Eva Rice Oxley, photographed after their wedding at St. Andrew's Cathedral on Saturday.
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  • 55 21  -  M.M. Liner Aramis Sails By Singapore, Saturday. MR. Charles Chaplin, the film star, Miss Paulette Ooddard, his leading lady, and her mother Mrs. Goddard, who have been touring the East, left Singapore for Indo-China yesterday afternoon by the M. M. liner Aramls. After a tour of Indo-China, they
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  • 265 21 Weights For Races At Ipoh (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Aprl 12. THE handicaps for to-morrow's races are as follows: Race One, Ponies, Class 3, Division 8 5V 2 furlongs. Mickey Mouse 1 Larrikin fJJ'J Phoon^Tok Jg.7 Timbang JjjJ Loyalty 3 n Highland Lass r* Rice Bird HiU Race Two,
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 43 21 l 1,..i.,,.>i............a.i.u.ul ,..i.,,.>i............ a .i.u.u. ll ..<ioiu. ll .M......i 1 1.H*i.,,..,...ini....ii..ii<™ "...WILL RANK AMONG THE BEST FILMS J X ALL MODERN UTKR- M ATURE I GARY COOPER lH ANN HARDING j NEXT CHANGE X NEXT CHANGE 4 I paviliox "PETER 1BBETS0N" pavilion j
      43 words

  • 1616 22 RESULTS AT A GLANCE Sunderland Go Down Again rS full results of the home football on Good Friday and on Saturday are given below, as cabled by Reuter, together with the League tables corrected to date: Good Friday FIRST DIVISION Arsenal 4 West Brom A. 0 Aston
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  • 97 22  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Shanghai, April 11. CIR Alexander Cadogan, the departing British Ambassador to China, conferred with Mr. Koki Hirota, the Japanese Premier, at Tokio yesterday. It is understood that they discussed the present situation in the Orient, and the proposal for Anglo-Japanese economic
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  • 187 22 Rifle Shooting A t K. L. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Apr 12 THE first and second stages i n th* P.M.S. rifle championships J*Z fired to-day under variable weathrr conditions. The scores in view of the conditions may be considered eminently satis factory. The first stage of the
    187 words
  • 110 22 Funeral At Jewish Cemetery Singapore, Saturday. THE funeral of Mr. S. I. Saul, Chief I Shorthand writer to the Government, who died in Hongkong recently and whose remains were brought to Singapore on Thursday, took place on the morning of the same day at the Jewish Cemetery
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  • 85 22 Mexico City, April 11. GENERAL Calles, a former President of Mexico, has been expelled from the republic by order of President Gardenas. The Senators and Deputies previously accused General Calles of being responsible for dynamiting the President's train on April 8. Before leaving, General Calles
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 18 22 Mr. J. A. T. Horsley has arrived at Sungei Patani, and assumed duties as Executive Engineer, Central Kedah.
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 19 22 jiiiii"iMiinnim,n, ivi!i l niiiiniii r ip,,,f IMf I|ll ll|l)lllfll|n|)fflnin|TF Chaptifi 1 LGraad Malayan Premiere— I CAPITOL Next Month j
      19 words
    • 44 22 tiZ*>>^ Millions of Radio-listeners the world over have heard him "^|>> J Imk NOW hC Will be SCe in a ful|lenprth BRITISH Musical Hit W' HtiNRY HALL ««<• His B. B. C. Orchestra 7^ V I "*TOSK! HATH A^li^wJi I This Week at the CAPITOL I
      44 words

  • 319 23 Visitors To C. S. C. Singapore, Sunday v three day cricket fixture between T H V tpCA < Kuala Lumpur) and 1 l? e Jn srorts Club was interrupted is® Era 1 i smissed for 80 runs. Sabapathy %\f Cevlonese compiled 115 runs in tl Mh-st jg nl £gj llanathan
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  • 73 23 Middlesex Regt. vs. A Singapore XI Singapore, Sunday. J HE Rowing is the S.A.F.A. team to socce^t th e A Middles x Regiment at mSrow Road Stadium tocSt Du 2, kans °n; Cpl. Mount and MeReserves: Dollah and Dr. Oehlers. i-nmPd h ellen Cy the has «Zm h^
    73 words
  • 19 23 rSol^mt A Pritcll ard. manager of b i" 11 Estate. Teluk Anson. will mSiwST n fUrl URh in the
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  • 80 23  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh New Three Year Plan Nanking. April 11. k THREE-YEAR Plan for the moderni- sation of the Chinese Navy and the strengthening of China's naval defence? has been drawn up by the Naval Ministi/ the scheme provides for: il). Modernisation of the old warships. (2).
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  • 56 23 Spanner In Submarine's Engines London, Apr. 11. CECRET Service men are investigating *J a suspected case of sabotage concerning Submarine L54 during refitting in Devonport Dockyard. It is stated that when the engines were inspected a spanner was discovered in the machinery. It is understood that a court
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 26 23 The rubber crop of the United Malacca Rubber Estates, Ltd., for the month of March was 34,510 lb. the total for 11 months being 510,265 lb.
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  • 22 23 London, April 10. The P. and O. Ranpura with the Chinese art exhibits on board, left Tilbury this morning for Shanghai.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 712 23 MARQUEZ WINS A SPLENDID FIGHT Tarley Outpointed At The New World Singapore, Sunday. (By "Left Hook") CETTING a pace from the beginu niiiK that amazed the crowd, Ventura Marquez, the clever Mexican featherweight, proved that he is in a class by himself when he beat Young Tarley, the Filipino, at
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  • 129 23 Successful A. A.M. Event At K.L. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 12. THE iarge number of entries made the Automobile Association's speed trial to-day a thorough success. Cars entered varied from a 1926 Austin. Seven to the latest In the beautiful I Triumph Southern Cross class.
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  • 153 23 War Keeps Traffic Figures Up An interesting fact revealed in the annual review of traffic issued by the Suez Canal Company is that of the total net tonnage that passed through the Canal in 1935 namely, 32,810,968 tons —the proportion attributable to the Abyssinion war was over 4,000,00
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  • 78 23 Geneva, Apr. 10. THE International Red Cross Com- mitee has declined, on the ground of its neutrality, to hand over the documentary material for the League asked in connection with the charges against Italy of violating the Laws of War. Mr. Anthony Eden sharply commented
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 22 23 m RELIABLE ff PLACE I QUEEN'S HI 3, Prince Street. Phone Telegrams VnnU 7634 "Tennis" Australian American Gut, only used. No other.
      22 words
    • 49 23 jllllllltllllllllllll Jijiiliiliilijliliiliillillilllliililliilliliillttljniiiaiilllllllliliil: I l |illll|ii|i[|ii|ii|ulu| I'jiia Ml I\\b f* D I*, _^^OC\~"s^ WL I fm^ I nB /■^^L ■i fa ■pV -^g I f\Y* aul f I i S An I H\\\\ \y* .^MW^^^^**l I I iMIrV (fit jr/t I Sole Agents: iUTFIDIR C CQ I^9 Inc in SS>
      49 words

  • 1223 24 Selangor's Six- Wicket Victory COLLAPSE OF SINGAPORE Gill Excels For Visitors Singapore, Sunday. THE unexpected happened in the inter-state fixture between Singapore and Selangor which was continued on the S.C.C. ground today, when Singapore collapsed for the meagre total of 53. their innings lasting 56 minutes. Selangor held a nine
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  • 294 24 Johore Cricket Club Beaten Singapore, Saturday. THE Singapore Cricket Club secured a 13 runs victory over the Johore Cricket Club when they met in a oneinnings game on the Padang yesterday. The S.C.C. taking first knock scored 120, Gaillard topping the batting with 40 runs.
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  • 75 24 London, Apr. 1] THE following rugby matches were played to-day: Bridgwater 3 Blackheath Bristol 13 Leicester Cardiff 7 Barbarians Gloucester 32 London Welsh 13 Llanelly 6 Northampton Neath 13 Devonport Serv. 8 North of Ireland 7 Birkenhead P. 14 Plymouth Albion 17 O.M.T. 14 Sale 6 Posslyn Park
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 40 24 Houston (Texas), April 11. IN the Davis Cup (American Zone) United States beat Mexico by thre. matches to nil. In the doubles Allison and Van Ryn beat Martinez and Mar comestre 6 o, 6—l, 6—2. Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 103 24 rr 1,1 1 ri|.:|;;|'i|i|ii|:i|<]|i!|ii|.|| l niitiilil|ll|:i| l illi|ii|:i|ii|ii|il|ii|ii|ii|'i|i I 111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Touch Control instant tioa! And m*n? other feature* risible adjustment to any touch exclusive with the latest RoyaL or typing
      103 words