Mid-day Herald, 30 August 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Article, Illustration
    270 1  - P O FRANK RITCHIE, Agent. OrMCK, CotLIFR QCAT, V.'UABTES, N*W STEAM NAVIG ATION COMPANY ct psm for China. Japan. Fenang. Ceylon Lndia. Australia. Aden. Egypt. Marseilles, Gibraltar. Malta. Briudisi. Venice. Plymouth, and London. ThrnuMi Pills of Lamng issued TOR JVMUVH dnlj, Continental avl American i orts, a'*o f»r China (.'natt
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  • 140 1 Telegraphic AJdre** LICORNE. Singapore. The mail steamers will leave Singapore liM or aliout the undermentioned dates. OUTWARD. HOMEWARD. IX9B. 1898. Dates Dates V Simons Oct, 30 Sydney Nov, s Nov, ltf Caledomeu *or. 16 S iirn;tlien NOT. 27 i Oreanu-n Nov, 30 I Dec.
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  • 300 1  -  JAMES SELLAR Manager THIS Oompanv executes ships' repairs of all descriptions in the most efficent maniier nnder the superintendence of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 GRAVING DOCK— Length—4.ls feet. Depth of Water, from 14 to lJi feet, idih at Entrance, 42 feet. No.
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  • 211 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON Manager THE above Dock, sitiyited in Province Wellesley, at the entrance of the Prye River, has lately been lengthened and deepened, and is now of the following dimensions Length on the blocks 330 foet Breadth at entrance 50 Depth of water on sill
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 229 1 GOLD MEDAL. —:0: (Paris Exhibition. 1889.) Tlio only Gold Medal over awarded lor Toilet Soap at any International Exhibition in tho VVurld was obtained by Fears' Soap Tho Opinion also of more than 10" Analysts and Soapinakers, the thief Experts of the World, tr prison ted by 23 HIGHEST AWARDS
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    • 248 1 Messrs. Caldbeck Macgregor Co., AGENTS FOR THE AQUARIUS COMPANY WINE AND BPIRIT MERCHANTS pHAMP ONES, PORTS. CLARETS, J Whiskev, Brandy and Beer, Gins, Lqiienrs, and Bitters. Californian Rod and White Wines. English and Gerinau bottled Ales and Stouts. J. DASHWOOD SAUNDERS, AGENT, Singapore. Raleigh Cycles ARE THE BEST. EM LYON<&Co.
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    • 364 1 Old FIIIHC Teeth. —:o: Many Ijtdien and (lentlemeo hire by them Old or Disused Falne 'ltcth which a* vrll be tui-ned money. Mowrs. R. D B Frawr, of 'Frineeju.Stioet, Ipntich (eetab limited since 1833), hay Old Falne Teeth. If yotl need your teeth to them they wfll remit yon by
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  • 815 2 (Perak Pioneer.) That it is an un«jenrous world we i live in. The verdict in the roce »t murder case, is stated in the put' »c prints to have '-ast iahedeverybo.lv. Who the everybody were bem* an *»peu question, it will stnki the ino9 1 •rdinary
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  • 556 2 To-morrow beiug a general au t Public hwlidaythere will be uo iisu °t' tliis p i per. At 4.35 p,m yesterday, a French transport, passed through from to Eubt. The price of ice in Ipoh has been raised fr..m 2 to 5 cts per pound. This looks
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  • 83 2 On London. Bank 4 m/a l/H-7/lfl demand 1/11-5/16 Private credits 3 m/a, 1/1 If 1 documents 3 in/a 1/11-11/16 credits 6 m/a 1/11 i On India,* Jank demand 146| On Hongkong. Bank demand i o 'o dis. On Yokohama. Bank demand 5 o/o par# On Java. Bank demand 116$
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  • 20 2 AHT Needlework Depot removed to Orrli rds Knad. No. IC, across French Bikciy. See signboard. Singapore, 2nd August, I^9B.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 52 2 JAPANESE CURIOS Wholesale Retail Merchants of all kinds of Japanese Curios. New Goods coming by every mail. Crape Shirts. White Y ainatoya Crape Shirts at $1.50. Coloured Koya Crape Shirtswith tie, at $1.75: Packing of purchases for ship ment is atteuded to by exp ts Y. SHTBUY A, No, 40,
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    • 361 2 &SMIFFHSI RACE HORSKS. CARRIAGE HORSES, PONIES. A shipment of sixty h**ad, ex STJDI)EA jnst landed, in first rate condition, and most of them rnadj or immediate use. Amongst them are several very handsome pairs; also, several v«»ry stilish Oobs and Ponies. Every facility of tri;il This is an exceptionally fine
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    • 468 2 BIJOU THEATRE(Foot or Fowr Canning. Entbancb Facing Ick Works.) Last g Nights 1! lI'ABC'S JIARIONKTTES. To-night Tu aduy 3mh Angust, At 9 sharp. (By Desire) Special Ze 'a?ia Night for Lndie* only N.B —Gentlemen may accompany Ladi»jjj to and from the Theitre, but on ii.> account will b* allowed in-
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    • 311 2 ttatz Bros, Limited. Hare just unpacked a large stock of Bedsteads, in various sizes. SIZES. ip. V-*> Cushion .Spring Mattress. Mosquito Curtain Pillows. Bolsters. Sheets. Pillow Cases. Bolster Cases. Blankets. Bath Towels. Bath Gowns. Marble Top Washstands, Bentwood Chairs and Couches, Rocking Chairs, Etc. KATZ BEOS., XJHITEB, SIXGAPOBB. Under the
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    • 610 2 If jom wis* far Mutr Vfcar. mi far the beat aatf mm valuable work oa ATtOmv ud VAnOOCKU, by M.0.. Ch.M.. with special chnpter, oe the k explaaatioa ef Vital Secrete, aad the certaia OURS OF Prostration, DEBILITY maa OtCAt. This work is the purest guide in OMMTIAL MATTVM, and
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  • 84 3  -  H. D. CHOPARD, L'xfufc J(;cnt. No. 2, Raffles Place 7th July, 1808. K» Lcud $18,U0» on good Securit TO BE LKT, Tuniislind Huuiralow at Toluk Kurow BOARD LODGING r a family 01 two |>evson* at "Rosetta Cottage," Confederate Estate. FOR SALE. „t Singapore Ai row-root, per bottl .11 cei»t>«.
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  • 444 3 Cast's of voluntarily causing grievous hurt ap|>ear to be verv common now-a-days, and this will be continued as long as the Police think it outside their jurisdiction to interfere when a settlement is effected between the parties concerned. Several very serious cases of
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  • 1085 3 Contributed.) The recent Chap-ji-ki lottery case has been the topic of much conversation amongst the Chinrse community, and it promises to become more interesting as it proceeds. The question in the abstract resolves itself into the enquiry as to what, is gambling and how far it may
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 396 3 E. J. Wooscnsah and Co. Cloth Merchants. No. <».'s2-f>, North Bridge Road. j>T(iS to announce to the Ladit* and ('cnth-meii of Siii«r:i| H >rc tthry just received now is for the son and that, they art* able to supliil kin.ls iii ."loth, including* Satins, :*o. sC*;ph\ rs, Shoos, ilats, Ribbons,
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    • 180 3 THE DISPENSARY A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF Drugs, Cliemicals, Perfumery, ]Ph.otograDhic Requisites, Toilet Appurtenances, &M.:OF FIRST CLASS QOALITT, CTAMBSKLAIS'S GOSM. ®I©S,SM AE® MA!M©SA SSBSIY. Is everywhere acknowledged to be the most successful medicine in use for bowel complaints. It always cures and cures quickly. It can be depended upon
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    • 230 3 POSADA WISE &BHPAKY. Singapore and Penang. SOLE AGENTS FOR i W/t m m The Finest «f Whiskies. $l2 A r«se. —y*( 4# i&mM Posada Wine Company. To those seeking a Itemedy for aches and pains 4 most efficacious oil for the curing of all kinds of diseases h:«s just been
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    • 0 3 %<$]^}~);"}\;`-%<((=+<[}][?!;@[
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    • 35 3 Perfumery! Perfumery 0, DAL ME IDA STiifchT SINGAPORE. SOLE AGENTS, R>K MtMsrs. Qrowsmith Son 4 Oo Loudon. Butterfly ami other perfumory. L. Roblui, I'aris. Triple Lya and other perfnnvry, PRICES MODERATE. Give us a Visit
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 453 4 Powell Co, Singapore* FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS The following uotice9 are taken iitin llit Ficb>.: The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. A handsome carved teak screen, nearly H' feet long and six fwt hiifb, with iron grills Waring the monogram of the lank in gilt letters, marks off the Cashier's «'pai tmeiit. an
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    • 177 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. CO. Chubbs' IRON SAFES AND LOCK, The hot in the world. Apollinaris Water, The queen of table waters, a most healthy ana refreshing drink in tropical countries. $l7 00 per case of 100 glass bottles. sb.5 i' hf. 5y stone Perriar Jouet Co.'s CHAMPAGNE, A high class wine
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    • 390 4 MILLLWRIGHTS, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS. OPPOSITE GENERAL POsT OfFICK. Specialities. Lyon's Patent Liberian Coffee Pulper, Lyon's latent Dry Cherry Huller. Lyon's ?*elf Acting Tapioca Machinery, liice Mills Wood Working Machinery, Cattle Powers Oil Mill Plant, Pine Apple Preserving Plant. On Hand For Safe Overshot Water Wheel 18 feet dia, Overshot Water
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    • 94 4 M. JL. &T3&IRQQ3&* Sole Agent for Straits Settlements, and B'kok The Kochanical Improved Hitchcock Lump. The very best lamp in the for burning kerosine. 05 S3 o 8 .t2 pS pi id p +> fe si p s .a vf. c o- i>r J 20, RafiQ.es Place y\^ c s,
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    • 388 4 2£&I8!l!*1> S'j,. Limited. MFIIBTB Druggists. Have the largest and most complete slock of Infant's Foods. Neave's Mellin'g liengcr'a lim^e's Savory Si Moore's Nestle'# Allen H&nhaiy's Robinson's Patent Barley. Invalid's Requirements. Br.ind*s Essence of Chickea Brand's Essence of Beef Bovrii Liebig's Meat Extract Valentine's Me;it Extract Savory Moore's Peptoniaed Cocoa and
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