Mid-day Herald, 29 August 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Article, Illustration
    303 1  - P O FRANK UITCIIIK. Agent. ORRN R. COLMKK QI AI, I YY ARTT.S, NTW LLABRUT'K. s: EAM NAVIGATION COMPANY I Stoam for China. Japan, hefting: "7 India. Australia Aden. Egypt Mareeiies. Gibraltar. Malta. Brindisl. Venice, Plymouth, arid London. Through Pills ot" Lading issued i* I'erf mil out menial ami j
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  • 119 1 A'blre** IiICOKNK. S i ii'i't i>ore. Tin* in iil st-imwn* will leave Sin:p»pore ,ii or nU»ut tin- mult rinentioiied dates. OI'TWAKII. lloilKW AIJU. l>:,tes Dates Y <>•»• Sydney N-v. 2 N v. 10 Ck*±m»M oiunn. W 27 < 1 I>* 14- IHh*. I 1
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  • 323 1  -  JAMES SELLAR St a naffer Tut* r\»in»>iiiv ex.*cnt«*s ships' repair* of all iles«Tij»tio'is in th»» most effluent manner under the sup» rinten<l« ne« of European Shipwright* >»n«l Engineer*. No. 1 Graving Dock—- LtmcHi —415 feet. Denrh of W:iter. from 1 t to 15\ f^et
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  • 213 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON Manager Thk abovo D<>ck. siSnated in Province Welletdey, at the entrance of the Pry© River, iias lately been lengthened and deepened. and is uow of the following dimensions: Tjnncrth on the bl<viks 330 feet Breadth at entrm-e oO Denth of wiite' on sill
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 243 1 IfOLI) MKOAI.. —:o:— t Pari* Exhibition. lb*9.) —:o: The onh (jlold Modal ever ,iv\ ;n did tor 'l'oilet' bo;ij> at any i; 'i-rnai iniial Exhibition in the V. .riU w as> obtained by Pears' Soap T.:.' Opinion ul»o of more than |0" Analysts ami Soapniaki'rs. tin* rbief Experts of the
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    • 248 1 *"+/~?}~=;%`/~<~^<'&])!++]&&!|: AGENTS FOR THE AQUARIUS COMPANY WINE AtfD SPIRIT MERCHANTS (MIAMI* GXES, I'OItTS,CLARETS, Wninlcev, Brandy smd Ui.-cr, Gins, Lnu'in, I Hifcujr<. Onlifmiian and Wliitc Wine*. English and Gcnuau l»ottl« I Ales ;ill I btOUtS. J. DASHWOOD SAUNDERS, AGENT, Singapore. ARE THE BEST. EM LYON Co. Straits Cycle Agency* I- f
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    • 380 1 i Old Enlsc Teeth. Mary Lwdie# nrd Ciertlemen 1 :>▼* I'V them Old or Tnlw T< «Th wliirli tpiirht o* w*ll be lU'wl irw.cy. IC. t). A /Hi Vrmter. of I'irfavM'Btrert, Jp»wkh (e*tab lirkJ Finto IMS), buy Old F«li* Teeib. H you kpij'l jour teeth to them they will remit
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  • 88 2  -  H. D. CHOPARD, Estate Agent. No. 2, Baffles Place J Singapore, 7th July, 1898. j To Lend f 18,000 on good Secnrifc TO BE LET, Furnished Telnk Kuruw board a lodging for a family or two person* at "RoaetU Cottu«*i\" Confederate Estate, FOR SALE. Jit-st Sirpipore Arrow-root, per bottl
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  • 965 2 Now that the Government and the army and navy of th** United States have shown themselves powerful enough 10 deprive Spain of her principal colonial possessions, a f**at most of the Euronean Powers devoutly hoped the i?o-a-head Yankee would not he able to do, there it a
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  • 578 2 The Indian Churchman commenting on the new I ules published by the Government of India respecting the loan or consecrated English ('hunches to tiitiglish dissenting bodies points out that Government, 44 for unknown reasons, has decided to invade the consecration of churches and set aside the
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  • 63 2 The wonderful show of this popular theatre ha* been attracting cri.w i-d houses during the pa«t week. T"h-« Spanish- American War b»*ing tiechief item. This company will perform for j» few uiights more th who n«»t a* yet goto* to the ehoold avail themsslvea of opportunity of t<»-itiifht.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 386 2 K. J. Woosensali and Co. Cloth Merchant*. No. 632-5, North Bridge Road. ~|>£OS to announce to the Ladiea and Gentlemen of Singapore th»l they have just received new goo. is for the I'—NKon Anil that they are able to supply all kind* of cloth, including Satins, JkUslins, Zephyrs, Shoes, lints,
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    • 179 2 THE DISPENSARY nitmu A LABGE AND VARIED STOCK 07 Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Photograohic Requisites, Toilet Appurtenances, ALL:OT FIRST CLASS CXAKSIB&AIirB' COUS. C3o©2Ls®i^ Is everywhere acknowledged to be the most successful medicine ill use for bowel complaints. It always cures and cures quickly. It can be depended upon even in the
      179 words
    • 216 2 r <U\ cs f) +T% The Finest «f Whiskies. To tliosc sock ins: a Keinedy for aches and pains- nan«t efficacious oil for the. caring of hII kin«ls of disease* haw ju*t lieen dincovered. In uutet of rheutua* tiara, swelling)* in tlie lumbago, iprain. well aa lad tea' ailment*, the
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    • 243 2 NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COY., LTD. Uiaubcißrtia oft Dynamite, Geltettito, ttelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gclatiiie, Deto nature. ALL KIKM OV Safety Fuses, AMD Electric Blasting Apparanst t The above Explosives, being all manufactured in Great Britain are made to pass the kigk standard of safety and purity tests imposed by Ike lirituk Government
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  • 1038 3 Some yesr ago, a tannery abutting on Gaylang Road was dcstoyed bv fire, and to this day the rains remain •.it the destructive element left them. The neighbourhood has, duriug these v -ars been poisoned by the effluvium arising from the decoin|»ose 1 material of the
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  • 315 3 Wednesday the 31st inst.. being public holiday, there will be no issue >f this paper. There is a rntnour that Russia has declared war against Great Britain. At 3 a.ra on 27»h the body of a still born chile Was found in Anson Read. Yesterd iy evening
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  • 360 3 CHARGED WITH LIBEL. Calcutta, Au«r. ll p —At the Coi.rt this m«»niiu? before Justice Jenkins, Mr. Kdwanis applied on b»>. half of Lieutenant Lethbridge, Cantonment Magistrate, Gawal Pindee, for leave to file a plstint against Mi, A. S. Birrow Editor,* 4 Indian Planteis Guaette," for huvii:«* published
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  • 33 3 Monds/, IKHh.—• High Water i—9.4 a m B.lft p an "Nec Aspers Terrent. IO G T Cliifoh. House Tangling 7.30 Cigarette Smoker. Tuvlin Club No Philharmonic Choir. Emulation LuUge. p m
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  • 79 3 On London. Bank 4 m/» 1/11-7/16 tt demand 1/11-5/16 Private credits 6 rn/s 1/llf a documents 8 in/g 1/11-11/16 a credits 0 in/5.... l/llf On India. Jank deiiituid 146| On Hongkong. Sauk demand o;o dia. On Yokohama. Bank demand 5 o/o par. On Java. Bank demand 116f Pri v:i
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  • 22 3 i T?T NeHlewn'-k Depot r°*nored to fbvh r«ls No. I C, across French Rik»*rv. ?e? Sfaboard. Sin spore, 2nd August, 1898.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 296 3 ai&M fisi Ne. 43, lllCJi o'I'UICKT, New u'oods. Ladies' Ssnl r Ib.ts. < hild ren Straw liars. Children Sun II»ts iiuil Bonnets Ciiildrrn E* ibroidercd Cafhmcrc iims, hildren Embroidered hoods, White kid >hccs. Children's strap and Line Shoe*, liri .al wreathes and coloured flowers. New Fane.* iiiblmn. N« w Ser.ts,
      296 words
    • 425 3 844.0U THE/.J RE. ''oo-^^apw' &th WeekJ Mi Wwkll of IT ARC'S MAfttONRTtESThe Talk of the 'Jfown The order <.f th* The oldest r*»*i«lent in Sint_'i»pore doe* not «nv other <-ompany to hare played in the c tr for snch a remarkable length of time. which fiict alone 'M-ovd that D'
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    • 362 3 Hatz Bros, limited. Have just unpacked a large stock of Bedsteads, in various sins. SIEEB. 1 •i J* M I 4 I r -T ar Children Colt liw 5 ft. 3. Swing Cots. Cotton Mattrau. Cushion Spring Mattress. Mosquito Curtain Pillows. Bolsters. Sheets. Pillow Cases. Bolster Cases. BMnkets. Bath Towels.
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    • 601 3 If yon with fur Manly Vigor, Mr.d for the best u4 most vsluklc wurk M m At ROPH* acd VARICOCELE. by M.D.. Cb.lf.. with specUl chapter* on the L tip'iiu isa of Vital Secrets, an 1 the certain OUMt ©F Prastraim, MBIUTT k and DECAY. This work is the purest
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 470 4 Powell .(X Singapore. JTRNITCRE MANUFACTURERS The following notices *re taken it u. liit Mug a pore 1 its Ta® Hongkong and Shanghai JSank A Iciiulm Uic oarviil ttak nearly M» f t v -t l«.n|» and fee* hiiil% Fith c»at« j,,.a grills bearing tlje momjnpim of the i'.tn» »•> irilt
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    • 204 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. I C P 4 i 1 f-» 'lk I. 1 Chubbs' IRON SAFES AND LOCK, The bebt in the world. Apollinaria Water, Tl»e quern of tabip waters, a most healthy ana retttimi" tropical countries. $l7 UO per cast of 100 ptos bottles, hf. I, b0 «tc te Perrier
      204 words
    • 407 4 v t' i milllwriqhts, > nT' .»a. s #t i*» it OPPOSITE GENERAX POST OWICE. f 4 STHWM Specialities. V H t Pry Cherry Huller, LyupiV* Self Acting tapioca Machinery, 1&F Mills Working Machinery, Powers Oil Mill Plant, y Pine Apple Pntecrving Plant. t fl v On Hand For Sato*
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    • 82 4 £L JL. &VWT Sole Agent for Straits Settlements and B'kok 4 The Mechanical Improved Hitchcock Lump. The very LERT lamp in the world for burning kerosine. t I •3 J ri :> J s M- p* li 4i Q"! jJ r S c tr c *u -t: -a e 5.*
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    • 415 4 Limited. (11K MISTS &DllVGOIttTs. Have the largest and most complete stock oi Infants Foods. Neave a Mellm Ifei.gvr'a iiiujic® fcaVurv <fc Moore's Nebtic b .AHen tlual.ui v's Kobiuson's intent liar ley Invalid's Requirements. Brand's Essence of Chicken Brand's Essence of Bref B<»vril Liebig's Meat, Extract Valentine's Mesit Extract Savory Moore's
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