Mid-day Herald, 27 August 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Article, Illustration
    275 1  - P O .FRANK RITCHIE, Agent. OFFICE, COLLTIB QTJAT, WHABTES, NEW HARBOUB. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Steam for China, Japan. Pantog.-Oafla* India. Australia Aden. Egypt, Marseilles, Gibraltar. Malta Brindiai. Venice, Plymouth, and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for l'ersian Gulf, Continental and American torts, a 1 so for China Coast and
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  • 133 1 Ti Aiblre** LICOKNK. Singapore. The mail steamers will leave Singapore on or alniut the undermentioned dates. OUTWARD. HOMEWARD. IS9B. 1898. Dates Dates E. Si„.ona Oct, 30 Sydney Nov, 2 NOT, 10 Caledonian NOT, 10 Huhaliea Nov. 27 1 Oceanien Nov, 30 Dec. 14 J
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  • 305 1  -  JAMES SELLAR Manager THIS Company executes ships' repairs of all descriptions in the most efficent manner nnder the superintendence of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 GRAYING DOCI— Length—4ls feet. Depth of Water, from 14 to 15| feet. \V idth at Entrance, 42 feet.
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  • 214 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON Mauager THE above Dock, situated in Province Wellesley, at the entrance of the Prye River, has lately been lengthened and deepened, and is now of the following dimensions: Length on the blocks 330 feet Breadth at entrance 50 Depth of water on sill
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 50 1 GOLD MEDAL. —:o: (Paris Exhibition. 1889.) —:o: The only Gold Medal ever uwurdid for Toilet Soap at any International Exhibition in the World was obtained by Pears' Soap The Opinion also of more than 10«> Analysts and Soapmakers, the ehief Experts of the World, rep: jsented by 23 HIGHEST AWARDS
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    • 187 1 Messrs. Caldbeck Macgregor Co., AQENTS FOR THE AQUARIUS COMPANT WINE* AND SPIRIT MERCHANTSpHAMP; ONES, PORTS, CLARETS, Whiskey, Brandy and Beer, Gins, Lqneurs, and Bitters. Ca!if«»rnian Red and White Wines. English and German bottled Ales and Stouts. J. DASHWOOD SAUNDERS, AGENT, Singapore. Raleigh Cycles ARE THE BEST. EM LYON <& Co.
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    • 372 1 Old False Teeth. Many Ladies .and Gentlemen bare by them Old or Diioicd False Teeth Which miirht as well he turned money, llewri. R. D. A J, R- Finer, of Prince*#-Street, Ipswich (estab lished since 1833), bay Old Falsa Teeth. If yon send yonr teeth to them they will remit
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  • 85 2  -  H. D. CHOPARD ExtatcAy cut. No. 2, Ruffles Flace Singapore, 7th July, 1898. To Lend $lB,OOO on pood Secnrit TO BE LET, Furnish" <1 Bungalow at Teluk Kurow BOARD LODGING for a family ot two persons at "Rosetta Cottage," Confederate Estate. FOU SALE. XJ.-st Ri» A'row-root, per bottl ."•0
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  • 733 2 The letter of Mr. John Dill Ross which appeared in last Saturdays issue of siie 4 Free Press' is worthy the serious consideration of that jo lrnaU readers. Apart fro«n the fact thit it comee from the pen of an able writer His
    733 words
  • 769 2 The re-nomination of the Hon* ble i)r. Lirn Boon Keng to represent Chinese interests *n the Legislative Council is quite a foregone conclusion, but the news hus not been well received generally. There is a reason for this, and that reason is that the Doctor has his
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  • 218 2 Under the provisions of secti > d of "The Hohd-iys >rdinanc»» His Honour the Otfi er Administering the Government h is be«'n pleased to appoint Wednesday, tt>e 31st instint, to be observed throughonfc the Colony as a Public Holiday in honour of the Accession of Her
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 411 2 E. J. Wooscnsah and Co, Cloth Merchants. No. 632-5, North Bridge Road. to announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Singapore ih«t they have just rtmvt'd new goo :s for the SfMiir mill that they are «I >le to sup-|-iv all iii'ls of (*l«>th, including Satins, Muslins. Zephyrs, Shoes, li;tts,
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    • 177 2 THE DISPENSARY, A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OP Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery* Photograohie Requisites, Toilet .Appurtenances, ALLiOF flltST CLASS QV&X>ttT, iMjßlisfi JLWIM"! VI a! !M m m Is everywhere acknowledged to be the most successful medicine in use for bowel complaints. It always cures and cures quickly. It can be depended
      177 words
    • 255 2 PCBABA WlHfi Singapore and Penang. SOLB AGENTS FOR 5^ i-'. c. m tjH, The Finest of Whiskies. f V 3 >' i i $l2 rase. mm ?*S>5 £9 50 A Case. POSADA WISE COMPANY. A Cure for Piles and Fistula \[R LEE SOON IJM, chop "Song 4 Watt." of No.
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    • 0 2 :*"|%~^$=:{|(-@/(})">\{:``"(&}$
      0 words

  • 618 3 The Kuala E&ngsar murder case coinmeuced before the Judicial-Com-missioner and a Jury (Mr. Waddell Boyd being foreman) on Tuesday last. The trial occupied two days and some thirty witnesses were examined b>th against and for the accused, Yeop, Panjang Aris and Uda Gudong. The charges against them
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  • 313 3 A COM I HO REVOLUTION!. Though many attempts have been ~,a,le, aud usually with more or less success, to substitute petitdeum for e.Kii in steamer furnaces, its appjicat io" for this purpose is still chiefly estrieted to the oil taukers. Most of the«e vessels now
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  • 646 3 H. M. 8. Daphne left this morning at 7 for Batavia, Two Chinese were fined $2 each for fighting at Rochore. We hear that the Singapore Hotel has been placed out of bounds for loldiers. In the 2nd Court a Chinaman for stealing a sarong was sent
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  • 73 3 Saturday, 87th High Water.—6 27 a., 6.35 f. Singapore Landdo, noon Golf,—Sepoy Lines Medal Handicap Rose Croix, Chapter, 5 .30 p m Star of Eamt Temperaaee Clab, 7Jts Sunday, 28th High Water,—B.B a 7*4 12th Sunday alter Trinity. Monday, 9ths— High Water i-4.4 a si 8,16 p a
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  • 78 3 On London. Bank 4 m/s 1/11-7/16 demand 1/11-5/16 Private credits 8 m/s 1/11| documents 8 m/ 5..... 1/11-11/16 credit* b m/s. i/llf On India, 3ank demand 146) On Ilonykong. Bank demand 4 o/o dis. On Yokohama. Bank demand 5 o/o par. On Jivu. 3 ink demand 116) Vivnte 30
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  • 23 3 A KT Needlework Depot removed to Oreh rd« Road. No. I C, across Freuch B:ik« ry. See Signboard. Singapore, 2nd Augnat, 1898.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 367 3 LAU Fong Co. No. 19, High Street. Tailors and General Outfitter* Give a European cut, and the most approved style of clothing for gentlemen. Compare our prices. DE WAR'S CELEBRATED WHISKY The Lancet.—" This is a good, pare and whole-some spirit." The Scotsman.— Singularly rmllnw, thoronghlv matured, and of the
      367 words
    • 435 3 BIJOU THEATRE- (Foot of Foot Canniito, Ehtrasci Faoimo Ick Works.) (The Record Again Broken by.) D' ARC'S MARION KTTES* The 'Most Marvellously Clever* Show that has ever visited the Far East Pronounced by the Preaa of al! Nation* to a marvel of Spl**ndoor The World's Premier Purveyors of Masic Mirth
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    • 303 3 Katz Bros., Limited. Here just a large slock of Bedsteads, in various sizes. SIZES. Pillar «t ft. x# >s" 6i ft. z < xu" ejfLx# si n >5 8 \ul T I I Children Cots siee 5 ft. 3. Swing CoU. Cotton Mattrees. Cushion Spring Mattress. Mosqnito Curtain Pillows. Bolsters.
      303 words
    • 327 3 MANLY VIGOR If yw «iik far Manly Vicar, sand far the btd u< am wh«M» wb mm ATROPHY and VARIOCCCkI. by M.0.. Ch M., with special chapters mm tha L izplutboa rf Vital Secrets, and the certain OUM OP Prostration, OttIUTT and DCOAV. This work U the pmreat guid* in
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    • 261 3 The 16 Mid-day llcrald.** The office of publication of this pa|Mi is st No. 19, MRI&CCA Street, TheN hoar of publication is at 2 p. na 1 daily a nd at I p. m on Saturdays. The rate of subscription is $1 a montt* r local and $1.25 for onUtation
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 475 4 Powell Co, Singapore. FrRNITUKE MANUFACTURERS The following notices are taken loUl lilt 1 i'l'SS. I The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. A han«l «>nir carved teak screen, nearly H<> feet 1. >ng and nix feet hiuh, with castiron grills bearing the monogram of tue Ban' in gilt Utter*, marks off the
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    • 176 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. Chubbs' lEON SAFES AND LOCK, The best in the world. Apollinaris Water, The qaeen of table waters, a most healthy and refreshing drink in tropical countries. $17.00 per case of 100 glass bottles. $6.50 hf. 50 stoue Perrier Jouet Co.'s CHAMPAGNE, A high class wiue of excellent repnta*
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    • 383 4 MILLLWRIGHTS, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS. OPPOSITE GENERAL POST OFFICE. Specialities. I Lyon's Patent Liherian Coffee Pulper, Lyon's Patent Dry Cherry Huller, Lyon's Self Acting Tapioca Machinery, Kice Mills Wood Working Machinery^ Cattle Powers Oil Mill Plant, Pine Apple Preserving Plant. On Hand Per Safe Overshot Water Wheel 18 feet dia, Overshot
      383 words
    • 78 4 11 Cnnl rVY II B'kok p. line. Ar T -g 3c CS c 3 O a g <2 S3 12 9fi O OD 2 aB "3 j£U4 T*-T TEM {> J/J 'MPOtf* /<W|X IL /ER~""V i|®+| L 7, ..•».<' i xffcd#' i a I^4 SOLE AGENTS IN SINGAPORE BKXXKKAXH A
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    • 478 4 541M11 Limited. CHEMISTS DRUGGISTS. Have the largest and most com. plete stock of Infant's Foods. Neave's Mellm, beuger'a Bulge's Savory Moore'B Nestie's Alien Si 11 anbury's Robinson's Patent Barley. Invalid's Requirements. Brand's Essence of Chicken Brand's Essence of Beef Bovtil Liebig's Meat Extract Valentine's Meat Extract Savory Moore's PeptonUed Cocoa
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