Mid-day Herald, 22 August 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Article, Illustration
    275 1  - P O io FRANK RITCHIE, Agent. Omen, CotLTXt Quit, WHtETUt NEW HAEEOW*. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Steam tor China. Japan. Penapg. Ceyl°n India.'Australia. Aden, Egypt. Marvel.las, Gibraltar. Malta. Brindiai. Yeniea, Plymouth, and London. Through Hills of Lnding issued for tertian Uvlf, Continental ami Ameruan I oris, also for China Coast and
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  • 128 1 Atldre** LICORNE. Singapore. Tl>e mail steamers will leave Singapore on or aU»ut the undermentioned dates. OuTwtKD, HOMEWARD. IK9B. 1898. Dates Dates E. Simons Oct. SO Sydney Nor, 2 tvJazic Nov. 16 i Cftledoniea Nov, lb KHghalien Nov. 27 Oeanien Nov, 30 Dec. 14 I
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  • 307 1  -  JAMES SELLAR, Manager Tin* Company executes ships' repairs of all descriptions in the most efficent manner under the superintendence of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 GRAVING DOCK— Length—4ls feet. Depth of Water, from 1 4 to lf»\ feet. Width at Entrance, 42 feet.
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  • 213 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON THE above Dock, situated in Province Wellesley, at the entrance of the Prye River, ha» lately been lengthened and deepened, and is now of the following dimensions Length on the blocks 330 feet Breadth at entrance 50 Depth of water on sill at
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 226 1 CiOLD MEUAL. —:o: (PiuHh Exhibition. 1889.) —:o: The only Gold Medal ever awarded for Toilet Soap at any International Exhibition in the World wan obtained by Pears' Soap Th'" Opinion also of more than JOO Analysts and Soapmakers, the chief Experts of the World, represented by 20 MIQNtST AWARDS A
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    • 187 1 u Caldbeck Macgregor Co., AGENTS FOR THE AQUARIUS COMPANY WINE AND BPIRIT MERCHANTSQHAMPvONES, PORTS,CLARETS, Whiskey, Brandy and Beer, Grins, Lqnenrs, and Bitters. Californian Red and White Wines. English and German bottled Ale* and Stouts. J. DASHWOOD SAUNDERS, AGENT, Singapore. Raleigh Cycles ARK THE BEST. EM LYON4Co. Straits Cycle Agency* it
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    • 391 1 Old False Teeth. —:o: Hnny Lad if* artd Gentlemen fc«e« br them Old or Dimmed Palw Truth which miirht w w*ll be fnrnwt money. Meftsm. R. D. AJ, II Freeer, of Prince**-Rtreet, Ipuwich (e*tab linked mno« 1838). boy Old Falw Teeth. If yon wnd jour teeth to them they will
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  • 86 2  -  H. D. CHOPARD Estate Agent. No. 2, Raffles riace Singapore, 7th July, 189b. Tu Lend |IS,OOU on good Secnrit 10 BE LET, Bungalow at Teluk Knrow BOA ED LODGING for a family «>i «persons at "Ropftta (YnfW*»rat** Estate, fok SAI.E. M Sii.fpipor<- Airow rf r bo"' $0 cn?*p. p«
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  • 705 2 It is a queer place this Singapore of ours is. Before the Municipality took up the work, people were daily complaining about the stench emanating from the Stamford <Jau>l* And now that a sum his been voted for its improvement, there is again
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  • 294 2 Each battleship that is launched (lays Invention seem? to surpass her predecessor in offensive and defensive equipment* The Goliath, the latest to !<>ave the stocks, when fitted with her full armament, will be able to project shot at the nte of seven tous per minute. The Inflexible
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  • 657 2 Part 11. HIS SELF-KBsTKAtirr. Mr. Bigelow approves on the whole of the dismissal of Prince Bismarck, and pays especial tribute to Ihe sell-restraint of ibe Emperor in dealing with the late Chancellor. Within a short time of the dismissal* the Emperor, while speaking of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 337 2 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to AnimalsTfk public arc- informed that the <ire>a of the Socielj s inspector Mk E. I". Paglak, is at OKI Gaol site, Brass Bar.su .Hoad. All persons wishing to report any cases i># cruiity t\lnch may con»e under their jaotice are ieque»ted t«> eommuuicate
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    • 173 2 THE DISPENSARY A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK 0? Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery» fliotograohic Requisites, Toilet Appurtenances, Alio? PiaST CLASS QTSAXITT, CTOILIBA Alss> Is everywhere acknowledged to be the most successful medicine in use for bpwel complaints. It always cures atid cures quickly. It can be depended upon even in the most
      173 words
    • 321 2 POSADA wins COMPAHf. Singapore and Penang. Sols for i rm its?, m vV V 5 .f ■fip*'■ The Finest ef'Whiskies. $l2 A Case. $9 50 A Case. POSADA WINE COMPANY. T L GOSLING CO. BATTERY ROAD. SUBS E3B No. 43, HIGH STREET, New Goods. Ladies' Sailc»r H»ts. Children Straw Huts,
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    • 0 2
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  • 129 3 M>>inlay. 22nd.— High —O4O a., 1.1 p. fpeeial Chamber of Oemmexoe, 2.HU p nt j*Li! harmonic Choir. 5.30 NVo A-'pers TVrrenfc. I O O T Chiu oh. 1 luiibc Tanglin, 7.30 Tuesday. 22rd. Wa'u-r 1 '2l a«ni 1.37 p a J *i;i■dati ve Council, 230 N 1)1. Mail
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  • 516 3 (Concluded.) I Since that time revolt has followed i-- v i t w»tli constant regularity. Even hen peace has been patched up here'iave always been rebels amid for* its and swamps of the interior .••id .iaring popular haters have never en la-king to raise Dew insurrec-
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  • 137 3 The steimer Brand went to Borneo Witsirf on Jhe 2'Mh after discharging about 20lK> tons coals at Tanjoug Pu^itr. The s* earner Ar»atoon A par »rrired Iroiu Calcutta yesterday with o«k*U for M ->*rs lirnnherir Bros. which sho is di>oiiarging t Janlin's Wharf. The Indo-Chu t steamer
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  • 751 3 There were several cases of drunkenness and obstruction. The outward P. O? Packet Ballaarat left Colombo at 11 p.m on the 20th insiaut. Inspector Dickson arrested a Chinaman with 29 toigcd passenger tickets in his possession. Mr. Faithful!, we are sorry to hear, is in indifferent health.
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  • 64 3 SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR •TO-NI(JUT. There was again a crowded honse on Saturday night and the show weut off better than on previous nights. Joey and Cauliflower, the Clowua kept the audience in roars of laughter from beginning to end. The Bine Beard pantomine was really admirably produced and everything
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  • 273 3 Dnbho, July 16. —A magisterial inquiry was held by Mr. J. P. aucis, J. P.; at Gilgandra on Wednesday touching the death of a y« ung man named V\ illiam T. Horst field. Deceased, who wiis 34 years of age, was a son of Mr. Joseph Hers* field,
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  • 21 3 4 "RT N»«odlowork Depot removed to Orrhrds Koad, No. IC, aeroaa French Buk *ry. See Signboard. Singapore, 2nd Augn»t, INiHJ.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 23 3 Situation Wanted as Beginner. By well educated youth fresh from School. Of good address and pax-out age. Apply to GUAHDIaN. c/o Mid-day Herald,
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    • 264 3 EXCHANGE On London. Bauk 4 m/s 1/11-5/Jc demand 1/11-3/Iti Private credits 3 in/s 1/11 document* 3 in/a.. ..1/11-9/16 credits 0 m/i. l/l 1£ On India. Ja.uk demand 145 4 On Hongkong. Bank demand i o,'o dig. On Yokohama. Bank demand 5 o/o par. On Java. Ba»»k demand 115 Priv.it* 30
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    • 422 3 Lost. QN Saturday night the 22nd inst. either at tbe Botanical Gardens, or on the road between the Gardens and Hotel do l'Europe, a pair of gold Spectacles, any body finding the same, and taking them to J. V. at Messrs Mansfield Co. will be rewarded. BIJOU THEATRE. (FOOT or
      422 words
    • 367 3 Katz Bros, Limited. Have just unpacked a large stock of Bedsteads, in various sizes. SIZES. Pillar *i ru 4* r 64 ft. x 4 x 2' V.; -f —r V 1 j C -r-VA 4 *v y vX> i' \<*C,-Z > -I v .*> v '.if l?i\r v W, \v
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    • 589 3 U yoti wish for Manly Vicar, send for the bast aai Moat vtlublt work w A"» ROPHV and VARICOCELE, by M.D., Ch M with special chapters on the k explanation of Vital Secreta, ud the certaia CUM OF Prostration, MWUTt and DECAY. This work is the purest (aid* ESSENTIAL MATTERS,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 382 4 Powell Co, Singapore. FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS The following notices are taken ion: iLc £v.i»k a l lol e A rct>B. The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. A hand «ome rai*ved tc.ak screen, nearly *♦> tt' t 1"U<; and *ix feet high. with ea.stiron grills U-ar r Q the niouoghuu of tue l'an»
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    • 178 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. G&n > > •P v" Chubbs' IKON SAFES AND LOCK, The best in the world. Apollinaris Water, The queen of table waters, a most healthy and refreshing drink in tropical countries. $l7 00 per cf»se of 1(H) glass bottle*. $8.50 hf. 50 stone Perrier Jouet Co.'s CHAMPAGNE, A
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    • 283 4 Si 2£. £TO V' ".> MILLLWRIQHTS, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS. OPPOSITE GENERAL POST OFFICII. .> -•I• 1 <* Specialities. i > t 1 V V• Lyon's Patent Liberian Coffee Pulper, Lyon's Patent Dry Cherry Huller, Acting Machjuery, Mrlis Wopd Working Machine*,* Cattle Powers Oil Mill Plant, y > Pine Apple Preserving
      283 words
    • 87 4 < An Sple Agent; for Straits Settlements and B'kok 1 !V The Mechanical Improved Hitchcock Lamp. The very 1 est lump in the world for burning keroaine. at 0 Pi o .t: .7* l. -I i* 6 r Ife U I ir. g J tf 7 1 20, Raffles Place
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    • 497 4 CHEMISTS DRUGGISTS. Have the largest aDd most complete stock of Infant's Foods. Neave's Alellin'a bei.gcc'® fcluge's kavory-& Moore's Nesting Allen liauhuiy's KoLiuson'b i'rtttMit liariey. Invalid's Requirements. BriD'i's Essence of Chicken Brand's Est>en<Je of Beef Bovril Liebig's Mea* Extract Valentine's Meat Extract Savory Miiorc's iVptonijt^ oCoh and Millc SaTorv Moote'a PancrtAin
      497 words