Mid-day Herald, 18 August 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Article, Illustration
    295 1  - P O FRANK KITCIIIK. Agent. Ornc*, C OLI.TKK Qi AT, WHARVES, NIL* HABBOUR. STEAM NAVIGATION OWIM** Steam for China, Japan. Penang. Ceylon India. Australia Aden, Egypt. Mareeldes, Gibraltar. Malta. Brindisi, Venioe, Plymouth, ard London. Through Hills of Lading issued h.r Vertiav Culf y Continental and .1 m>riciui I ortn t
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  • 139 1 Ti'lt'ifru fit i<" A (til reus IjiOOKXK. SiH'/n ['Oft. HH» mail st-anurs will leave Singapore .1 or iil><»ut the undermentioned dates. M'TWAKh. HO3IEIVAKI». lsl»8. 1898. Dates Dates h 0, t. no Sydney N->v, 2 y N<«v. 1•» I.lii«-n Nov. lf» < il'li kii**» N<»v.
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  • 312 1  -  JAMES SELLAR M a anger THIS Pominnv executes ships' repairs of all deseription* in the most efficent manner under the superintendence of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 GRAYING DOCK Length—il J> feet. Depth of Water, from 14 to l.">i feet. Width at Kntranee.
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  • 226 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON Manager 4 THE above Dock, situated in Province Welles ley, at the entrance of the Prye 1 River, hits lately been lengthened and deepened, and is now of the following dimensions: Length on the blocks 330 feet Breadth at entrui-e 50 Depth of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 238 1 UOLI) MKDAL. —:0: Paris Exhibition. 1889.) Tlic only Gold Medal ever itwarileii lor Toilet feoitp ut any Inte l national Exhibition in tlfe urld n\ af obtained by Pears' Soap '1 he Opinion ulso of more than 10" Analysts and Sottprnaken*, Mio t-liief Experts of the World, 11 pt cspiitcd
      238 words
    • 575 1 BUCHANAN WHISKY V* .«C N><—> I RI V '-> V SoI.L» nv AM. TJICKVSRI) SPIRIT DEALKB*. SAME AS SCTPIIED TO TIIE HOUSES OK Lours AXO COMMONS AND TO AM, GOOD LONDON CLI'RS. Sole Importers KATZ BftOS„ LIMITSO, 0. Otomune J Co. I I I i I < oitiiim! roinin?! voiniiiir!
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    • 174 1 AGENTS FOR THE AQUARIUS COMPANY WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS/iHAMP GNES, PORTS,CLARETS, Wliiskev, Brandy and Beer, Gins, l'<]Meur<t, all Bittern. Calif nnian Red and White Wines. English and German bottled Ales Mild Stouts. J. DASHWOOD SAUNDERS, AGENT, Singapore. Raleigh Cycles ARE THE BEST. EM LYON<&Co. Straits Cycle Agency* y(fotograjj^rs r BY
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    • 372 1 Old Fftl*c Teeth. ~:o:—Many Jbftdira and Gentlemen hare lIT them Old "T IHwiaed FuW Tffth which mitrht an well be tiiT*** i tiionrr. Miwrt R. D. A J. li Kraser, of lfinccjs«fiHßH, I paw it-h (»Uh lulied MBoe lftt3), bny Old Fnlm Teeth. If yon feyd yotir teeth to them
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  • 78 2 T«. Lend $lB,OOO o»i h«mxl Seeurit TO BK LI T, Bim«:»l<»w at Kurow LODGING l r n fmiiilv <>i two person? at ''Rofw-tta Confederate hstate. FOR SALE. it. AiroW'HMtt, VPT <• ,«m*. p«T HO'/rll bottles rjus«ra'»teetl best niM'ity# A (\k otniiit plantation in full ..r, situate at IVlnk Kurow
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  • 22 2 Needlework. Depot removal to t Irrii i<«> It. .ul. .No. 1 C. across t'rciich BiK' iy. See signboard. fcin -na i
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  • 751 2 Part I. The Sh*»nariiui correspondent of Tue I lines I »i\v«rcls tiio tnilour* mg interestC Miimanication Amongst the most interesting features of the C liua of to-d iv is tiie development of native journalism, a dcveiOjim *ut wliieii already exerci es a marked slTeot, both tor good and
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  • 367 2 There were serious disturbances on Stindty, i7tli July, at St. Thomas's* Liverjiool, a church of which the Gladstone family are patrons, and where, tluee or four years ago, M.r. Gladstone read the lessens. The service was allow«*«i to proced- till its close iii Comp »rative
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  • 198 2 An audacious robbery fro n counter of the bank of KmrLnit took place on 16t.1i nit. It appears that a clerk in the employ of Coutis's Bank went to ih«Bank of England with an or<h r for £3,000 which he was instructed to bring away with liiiu
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  • 144 2 .Tiurgday. 18th.— HishWarer—M.47 a. lOIM p. tWt!i Bir:!id.iv ..f th* Eui->oror and K >n»r of Austria-Hungary Fridar. High Wh ter 11 .43 a 11 -23 p Cricket Tonrna:ii»;nt. —S C O v. LIWVITI and .S V A v. Army aa I Xw vl S V A Squad and
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  • 329 2 British Resi dents at Manila. Mr. As«*roft (Oldham) !iske>l thf Under-S« e e'arv for Foreign Vllnrs whether it- wis d«»ty of a Urn «i Co ih-iI statio <e hi a f iVi,; i omui y iu case of d nigir to the lives of >• 1 subj-cts uider his juris
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 353 2 f ociety for the Prevention of Cruelty j to AnimalsTin public art- infoiiiicd that the .1 »1» SOCIETY'S IMH I". K PA..LAK, is ai OIJ Ciat'l Mte, bras* I 'ii SSI l»Oad. \!1 I*TMHIS wishing to report «ry C.-ises cnJitv rhich i>mv con.e under then t i< arc .r M
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    • 179 2 THC DISPENSARY onumi. A LABGE AND VARIED STOCK OP Dmgs, Chemicals, Perfwmery, fhotograohie Requisite**, Toilet Appurtenances, &LX. OF FIRST CLASS QtJAtITT, imoare« ®S©OBA ASS SSAS3SSSM SSffiSll. Is everywhere acknowledged to be the most successful medicine iij use for bowel complaints. It always cures and cures quickly. It can be depended
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    • 302 2 POSADA WISE COMPANY. Singapore and Peiiang. SOLK AGENTS FOK The Finest of Whiskies. SI 2 A < use. Sit o« A I ase. POSADA WINE COMPANY. T L GOSLING k to. BATTKI:Y UOAU* smim SKI X... HIGH STICKKT, Xl'ff UOvXI.S. Wii-s' S:til T I! »ts. fliildtvn Straw Mtiiv CliiMicu Sun
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    • 111 2 NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COY., LTD. Manufae imrs of: Dynamite, tielignite, Gelatine I>3 liuinite, Blasliiis: Gelatine, Detonators, ALL KINDS OF Safety Fuses, AMD Electric Blasting Apparatus. The a hove Explosive*, being all man afar lured, in Great Britain, are ■marie to )>a r* the high standard of xd/i'ttf and purity test* .imposed
      111 words

  • 101 3 The Los s of the China. i 11*1 It Mr. Panlton asked the Pre- lit of the IVkit'l of TrHilc whether had M-rivctl ilie repoit of the in:11 V ilt lil at A,l< *•1 concerning the 1 »ss tlir steim-hip Ciiiita and whether further in vestigat i.u nronM be ;nl»*
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  • 100 3 Hit* change of programme Blue a; I is attracting a g«»od house vf-rv night which show* that the >b lc appreciate th show. There > w> »n<le! ful inifpnuitv in the workg «»f these puppets whicii resemble urti-te*. This Then fHe alt.ouirh so small in siz° has the
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  • 236 3 exe-tioiis wliioli the For**ii»n «-1. c> edited with !.s»v»i»ir <!. :t;tk»-u iii oidei to extend the I.- r. rate of (.Inmany over Ionian ,tj ir missions in the Far K -st. '<• i-uvL* met with a certain mrai f *iio.es.». Fr«mi Koine it i* te- t'.;»t the
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  • 401 3 \lr. D.vi't (Mayo S )aske«l the So•tii V ot St >te for the 0«.l-»nies whe•r ie had made the pr«v-*is d i--:r >m into tiit* reasons whicii induced if >vt rnne'nt i f tie colony of Ho"p .j; t-« issue ;>u order ot banishment Sun Yat Se
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  • 444 3 At 8 o'clock this morning, a Dutch steamer (K P.M.) passed through from West to East. The Mail despatched from Singapore to London, via Marseilles, on I the 22nd July was delivered on the It>th instant. A Id• ck of tin Valued at was stolon fnm the
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  • 134 3 have been accustomed by our German to the idea of e*tiiu£ raw herring hn* that fish as eaten not only uncooked but actually alive is n»'Ws rne hardlv expects to hear tron: any Mvae ut modern civilisation. Yet this is what we sire told by th* Hon.
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  • 154 3 Lord C. Ben sford, on behalf of M Bowles, asked ihe First L<»rd d the Ad mil ally if he et>uld at ate whether several seamen "tinner* were induced, by the offer of wages of §soo ji.-r u> >i i i», to
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  • 114 3 The steamer Preussen arrived at Borneo wharf yesterday from Europe with general cargo. The steamer Telcinachns was taken out of dock, yesterday and the steamer Van d»*r Ijvn filleil the vacancy. Tiie steamer Ktiivsbertf is due from Labuan to-dav and will remain 0 in the roads. The
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  • 299 3 the kwvno bisixo, Mr. Rowland tfulkeru writes to the Daily Mail:— fou suggest that England should assist the Government of i China to put flown »he rebel lions in th.it country. 1 feel un<ler these circumstances it. is my Hu'y to point out on behaif of
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  • 77 3 Ui* London. iiauk 4 u»/» 1/11 j demand Ili Private eredit> .J :n/s 1/11-9 1(» docutueau 3 in/d credit* 6 rn/s. l/11-11/l(j On India. Jaak deai.md 115$ Ort Ilunykung. Bank dem.iud o o uia. On Yokohama. Bank demand 5 o/o par. On Jura. Bank demand 116 Private d/< i
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 154 3 Kelly Walsh, Ltd. New Books Jast ReceivedTHE SEVENTY-FIVE YEA US' MO HA M Eli A N-ENGLISH < ALENDAR fjoiu 17th Nov.. 1-04 to 23rd Anjr.. 1022. by G. X. Symons Malay Interpreter#Supreme l'out t, Singapore B.ou NAVAI. (iI'NN£KY, by Captain. 11. Garbett. K. N„ a dfweription and history ol' th#
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    • 462 3 BIJOU THEATRE- j (FOOT OF FORT CANNING. ENTRANCE FACING ICK WORKS.) I Crowded houses nightly testify io the I immense fM>j)ularity of I D*arc's Jiarioxkttrs. To-night Vrir*(fay 18 th Augn*L o*ll th IVrfnt ui.muu of k lHuc lleiird Sattfnl'iy, iVth August, at -MO p. in. third (InnJ Family Matinee. Chili!pen
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    • 971 3 Katz Bros, Limited. Have just unpacked a largo stock of Bedsteads, in various sizes. SIZES. Pillar 6$ ft. x 5 x l|' G* ft, x x l" 6i ft, x 4| x 1" 6k ft. x 4 x 2" 6} ft. x 4 x 6h ft. x 4 x I"
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 477 4 Powell Co, Singapore. IT KN ITL'IfE MANUF A CTUKERS Tl.i* folio* ii»j4 noting are taken .u. »].t dui|;<i|'Oie i*« k >. V.. Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. A i.;»u i-iojue «arv»*«l trt'L -vr«-« 11. n tr!y j t >. u<_; ;i 1141 mx fret with n l>eariug the monogram <1 imiik
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    • 182 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. CO* Chubb's IROX SAFES AND LOCK, The be>t in the world. Apollinaris Water, Tin* queen <»f table Waters, a most healthy ana drink in tropical euuiitiu'd. Ut» per ease of llK> bottles, lit. i»0 stoue Perriex* Jouet Co.'s CHAMPAGNE, A hijrh clsiss wiue of excellent reputation at «t
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    • 401 4 j y, m,x/ros? e©„ j MILLLWRIGHTS, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTOttS. OPfOSITE GKKEKAL POST OFFICE Specialities. L\ on's Liberian Coffee Pnlper, livon's Patent Dry Cherry Huller, Lyon's Self Acting Tapioca Machinery, Jlice Mills Sc Wood Working itiachinery. Cattle Powers Oil Mill Plait, Pine Apple Preserving Plant. Ou Hand For Sale. Overshot Water
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    • 119 4 Sole Agent for Straits Settlements and B'kok The Medianical Improved Hitchcock Lamp. yiie very best lamp in tlie woilil tor burning kerosine. at C z* Cm V .ti w c C 3 U fcr I Jo 1 J~ H C> c tJD C 3 a> c 15 M-I Ji CJ
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    • 490 4 aiwr -a i Limited. chemists I)iu;<;(;ints Have the largest ami most complete block ot 1 niaill's Foods. Keavt-'s Mellut s a httVury ct Moore's Nestie's Allen 6L Haliluiv's i'iitfiit Uarlev. Invalid's Require hulK I»r• •11• j s Essence of Chicken Brand's Essence of Beef Bovnl \l«at Extract Valentine's Meat Extract
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