Mid-day Herald, 17 August 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Article, Illustration
    290 1  - P O FRANK RITCHIE, Agent. OFFICE, COLLTKB QUAT, WHARVES, Vtm HARBOUR. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY EtMa Ibr China. Japan. Pananj, fflha j India. Ane trails. Adas, BfJiil, MIIIM Gibraltar. Malta, Brlndial, Yanloa. Plymouth, and London. Through lJills of Lading issned S>r Petsian (ii'lf, Continental ami Antrrirnv I or/*, oCo for China
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  • 134 1 Telegraphic Address Liookne. Sin <j a pore. The mail steamers will leave Singapore on or aliout the undermentioned dates. OI'TWAKD. Homewa kd. 1898. 1898. Dates Dates F.. Simons Oct. 30 Sydney NOT, 2 S*,l*zie N«»T. 16 Caledonien NOT, 16 Saghalien NOT. 27 Oceanien NOT,
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  • 320 1  -  JAMES SELLAR Manager Tin? OnmpinT executed ships' repairs I of all descriptions in the moat efficent manner under the superintendence of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 GBATINO DOCK— Length —415 feet. Depth of Water, from 14 to Isj feet. Width T-,t Entrance, 42
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  • 215 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON Mttuagor THE above Dock, situated in Province Wellesley, at the entrance of the Prye Kiver, has lately been lengthened and deepened, and is now of the following dimensions: Length on the blocks 330 feet Breadth at entrance 50 Depth of water on sill
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 230 1 OOLD MKUAL. —:o: 'Paris Exhibition. 1889.) —:o: Th» only Gold Mcaal ever awarded tor Toilet boap at any international Exhibition in the World watt obtained by Pears' Soap The Opinion also of more iban Analysts and Soapmakers, the chief Experts of the World, represented by 20 HICHEST AWAROS A FRANKEL,
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    • 190 1 Messrs. Galdbeck Macgregor Co., AGENTS FOR THE AQUARIUS COMPANY WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. pHAMP ONES, PORTS, CLARETS, Whiskev, Brandy and Beer, Gius, Lqttenrs, and Bitters. Califoi uian Red and White Wines. and German bottled Ales j ami Stouts. J. DASHWOOD SAUNDERS,; AGENT, Singapore. Raleigh Cycles ARE THE BEST. EM LYON
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    • 384 1 Old FBIHO Teeth. —:o: Mary Ladies *nd Ceptlemen hare by them Old or Disused False Teeth which miirlit as well be tun**! money. Mewrn. H. D. ft J. 11. Fraser. of Prinoesa-Street, Ipswich fee tab li*bed since 18SS), boy Old False Teeth. If you «end yonr teeth to them they
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  • 91 2 To Lend 5118,000 on wood feet writ T; BE LET, Fnrnisb* d Bungalow at Teluk Kuruw BOAKD LODGING lor a fsnnilv or two persontat "Row'tta Cutt«iConfederate Estate. FOR SALE. Sirp»pore AIIOW -root, |>er bottl ."•0 o ins. |>»*r bottles £3.e guaranteed best qun ity. A Oxoniiut plantation in fall
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  • 19 2 ART Needlework Depot removed to Oreii rJs itoad, No. IC, across French l>.iki*rv. See Signboard. iMii.apjie, 2ua i&Jd.
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  • 397 2 It is satisfactory to note that Messrs. John Little Co., propose to open a branch house in l Perak* Being tbe head-quarters of the Federated Native Slates, Perak offers a splendid field for such an enterprise, and there can j he uo douht whatever that
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  • 295 2 The death look placa at Ches- < ter on tile 20th ult., of Adini«-al i Thomas Leeke Mussie, who was !>orn In 1802, and was therefore iin his uiuety-sixth year. tie 1 was the father of the Navy« At i sixteen years ot' age Admiral
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  • 243 2 Under the tit le of East and West* 9 the Canadian Pacific Rrilway Company has published a capital handbook, which should be useful to all travellers in China, Japan, and the Straits Settlements. It is very artistically got up, and has a large number of illustrations, photographs,
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  • 449 2 London China Express.') Japan has gone through so many changes during the last thirty years, many of which have not yet had time to develop, that old residents here look with alarm at the positive bewilderment which seeins to prevail everywhere, says a correspondent of
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  • 85 2 Wednesday, 17th. High Water.—-10.47 10,20 p, New Mom. i» in Property Sale, Powell A Co 2.30 p m Municipal Commission. 2.30 p m N DL Mail Outwards. General Meeting, Swimming Club, Bpm Thursday, 18th.— Hisrh-Water—lo.47 a. 10.20 p. 68th Birthday of the Emperor and King of Austria-Hungary* Friday,
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  • 751 2 The Prince <»f Wales met with a u accident on 18th July while o?» a. visit to Baron F«*><linand de Rotl»schil l, M. P., at Waddes'ou Manor, Bucks. He was to leave in the f«»re IIOOU for L<>udon, but while descending a staircase lie slipped,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 343 2 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to AnimalsTHK public are informed that the ad_ iJit-ss of the Societys inspector MK h. F. PA»;LAR, is at OKI Gaol site, Brass 4»iS3U J'oxil. Ail perse ns wishing to report any cases l cruelty which may come under their notice are requested to
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    • 194 2 THE DISPENSARY, A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK Of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery* Photografcliie Requisites, Toilet .Appurtenances, &LZ X>T FIRSTQb&SS QUALITY, CHOHIM AH® w&&!Miiavwm W&3V&JU a Is everywhere acknowledged to be the most successful medicine in use for bowel complaints, I t always cures and Sures quickly. It can be depended upon
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    • 283 2 The Finest of Whiskies. $l2 A «'«se. For Export i!> 50 A (ase. POSADA WINE COMPANY. T- L GOSLING «o. BATftUY HnADUMit SHI N». 43, HIGH STREET, New Goods. Lndies' Sail >r H» ts. Children Straw Hats. Children Sun H»N and Bonnet* Children Embroidered Cifhtnere Children Embroidered Hoods. White kid
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    • 111 2 NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COY., LTD. Manufacturer** of 3 Dynamite. OoliiniiUs Uelatiiic Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, ALL KINDS OV Safety Fuses, Electric Blasting Apparatus. The above being all manufactured in Great Britain,, are made to /tats the high standard of safety and purity tests imposed by thr British and are, ther*fure guaranteed
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  • 349 3 The que Al>ercarne with a < of lice from Bangkok m lived hfic on the 15th. In•!<»- ?i»iua steamer •rived from Hongkong yesterday 1 ICM, k a cargo berth at Tai jong '.i r. I'lie extra P and O. boat Bombay v..tli a c:ir£-» of cotton from
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  • 1027 3 A Malay was sentenced to 2 months rigorous 1 mprisontnAnt for stealing 17 luangosteens. He had been in jail before for 3 weeks. Mr. Maude, a relation of Lord Sudeley, has arrived in Perak frtiua j Joliore and taken over charg* of j the Yam Beng estate
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  • 80 3 On London. Bank 4 m/s 1/11 f demand 1/11$ Private credits 3 rn/s 1/11-9 01 documents 3 m/s.. ..1/11$ w credits 6 in/s 1/11-11/lc On India. 3ank demand 143$ On Hongkong. Bank demand par On Yokohama. Bank demand 5 o/o par. On Java. Bank demand 116 i Private 30
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 0 3 !%@"^=\^~*_]<]{/:>(@!+,;+>`=+,-
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    • 460 3 For Sale. A Phaeton, Horse (age 4 years) and j harness complete. Apply to M- PAUL Co. Wanted. A vonng lady to look after tbc Depn tiiH-nt.. Must understand a little book keeping. Apulv to The Mi-'- lay Herald Office. BIJOU THEA.TRE(FOOT OF FOKT ('ANNIWG. ENTRANCE FACING ICK WORKS.) D'Anc'S
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    • 334 3 Katz Bros, Limited. Have just unpacked a large stock of Bedsteads, in various sizes. PiUar ft, x 4* X 1" 6* ft, 4 x 2" 6$ ft. x 4 x 1*" 61 ft* x 4 x 1" 64 ft. x3| x U" 6* ft x 34 x 1" Fold i
      334 words
    • 597 3 POST FREE:. MANLY VIGOR If yon with for Manly Vigor, sand for the best ui most valuable work oa At ROPMY and VARICOCELE, by M.D.. Ch M.. with special chapters on tho j, explanation of VUal Secrets, and the certain CUM OP Prostration, DIMUTY and DECAY. This work is tho
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 649 4 HUTTENBA2H 8103. &i CO* 4 Chubb's IKON SAFES AND LOCK, The IhM in the world. Apollinaris Water, The qneen of table waters, n most bealthv apd refreshing drink in tropical Cl)UliUiC!>. $l7 Uv» per case of 100 jrlass bottles, lit. 00 stone Perriar Jouet Co 's CHAMPAGNE, A hi>_rh flass
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    • 407 4 y, M. jwsroa <& MILLLWRIGHTS, INDU*TXtfAL ESGI3EE&S CONTRAOTOItS. OPPOSITE GENERAL POST Ofiiuii. Specialities. i Lyon's "atent Liherian Coffee Pulper, Lyon's Patent Dry Cherry Hnller. Lyon's Self Acting Tapioja Machinery, ilice Mills Wood Working Machinery; Catile Powers Oil Mill Plant, Pine Apple Preserving Plant. On Hand For Sale. Overshot Water Wheel
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    • 178 4 \i 4 Sole Agent for Straits Settlements and li'kok The Mechanical Improved Hitclscock Lamj). The verv best lamp in the world for burning kerosin^ Pm .5 d p M fee en S til e H g v. 20, Ra,files Place f w/.vX v 2 V 7 \v? K a o
      178 words
    • 501 4 ?> r* r Limit***!, Din <(.lsis \t<- »e the largest and nn.si com jjiete .Stot k ul liiinnt/s tcnl* s M. !|i Us b*t yoi-'ft huvorv ui Moo«e\» >.< s r ;e\» Alien <Sc llur:: i: ltoluuson's i\ it 111 i>uri Inviilid's I'luii i's Essence of <'i i« UCII Brand's
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