Mid-day Herald, 16 August 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Article, Illustration
    279 1  - P O FRANK RITCHIE, Agent. OrMCB, CotTTEB Q VAI, STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Steam for China, Japan. Penang, Cayto® Indian Australia. Aden. Egypt, Marseilles, Gibraltar. Malta. Brindisi, Venice, Plymouth, and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for Persian Gulf, Continental and American I orts, atfi> for China Coast and San Francisco
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  • 127 1 Ttlfjrfif'hic LICORNE. Situjaj'Ore. The mail steamers will leave Singapore t 011 or altoiit the undermentioned dates. Octwakd. Homeward. I*9B. 1698. Dates Dates K. Simons Oct. 30 Sydney Nov, 2 h l ,zie Nov. 1»> C;tled.>ll ien Nov. If? s.urrmlien Nov. 27 i Oeeanlen Nov,
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  • 303 1  -  JAMES SELLAR, Manager THIS R?ompanv executes ships' repairs of all descriptions in the most eflicent manner under the superintendence of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 GRAVING DOCK— Length—4ls feet. Depth of Water, from 14 to 15s feet. Width at Entrance, 42 feet. No.
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  • 215 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON Manager THE above Dock, situated in Province Wcllesley, at the entrance of the Prye Kiver, has lately been lengthened and deepened, and is now of the following dimensions: Length on the blocks 330 feet Breadth at entrance 50 Depth of water on sill
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 50 1 Gold Medal. —:o: (Paris Exhibition. 1889.) —:o: Tho only Gold Medal ever awarded for Toilet boap at any International Exhibition in the Ifeut'lu was obtained by Pears' Soap 1 lie Opinion also of more than 10" Analysts and Soapmakers, tho chief Experts of the World, represented by 20 HIGHEST AWARDS
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    • 187 1 Messrs- Caldbeck Macgregor Co., AGENTS FOR THE AQUARIUS COMPANY WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. pHAMP GNES, PORTS, CLARETS, Whiskev, Brandy Mid Beer, Gius, Lquenrs, a*id B'trern. Calif oruian and White Wines. English aud German bottled Ales and JStouts. J. DASHWOOD SAUNDERS, AGENT, Singapore. Raleigh Cycles ARE Th/li BEST. j EM LYON<&Co.
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    • 374 1 Old False Teeth. —to;— Maay Ladies and Gentlemen bars by them Old or Pisnaed False Teeth which might as well be turned money. Messrs. R. D. J. H. Fraser, of I'rinoeas-Street, Ipswich (estab lished since 1833), bay Old False Teeth. If yon send yonr teeth to them they will remit
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  • 90 2  -  H. D. CHOPARD, Estate Ayeni. No. 2, Raffles Place Singapore, 7th July, 1898. To Lend §lB,OOO on jiood bccurit 1 TO BE LET, Funiifrlu J Bungalow at Teluk Kurow BOARD LODGING for a family or two persons at "Rosetta j Cotta-e," Confederate Estate. FOR SAT E. Sir pore Auow-rcot,
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  • 21 2 A BT Needlework Depot removed to Orcli ru» Road, No. iC, across French Bakery. See Signboard. Singapore, 2na August, I
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  • 339 2 Mr. II en niker-Heaton is a proud man to-day. For years past lie lias been hammering away at his pet theory of imperial penny postage, aud if the truth must be told he was looked on at first as a bit of a crank. However, time
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  • 178 2 The remarkable will suit on which the testamentary disposition of some £90,000 was called in question, is chiefly remarkable for the suggestions made as to the possibility of the improper use of a hypnotic power—a power which Dr. Kingsbury, who benefited largely under the will, was said to
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  • 97 2 The Rev, H. H. Henson is very gloomy as to the outlook before the Church of England. He dislikes the Bishop of Hereford's action, and ho thinks that as the High Church clergy have disavowed promptly and frankly the excesses of ritualism, the general body of Churchmen should
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  • 97 2 Is Cricket Degenerating Mr. H. F. Abel declares that it is, and degenerating very badly. Tiie rip plied lion of the boundary syst-m is, he thinks, together with the abuse of the practice net system, and the wasting ot thru-, tending to invest the game with a drawingroom character, while
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  • 455 2 PASSENGER CLAIMS. Mr. F. F. Crossley, who is secretary to the Rajah of Padukota, and who was ou the P« O. vessel China, when she grounded, is attempting to get a combination of passengers together to endeavour to recover losses from the company. Mr. Crossley
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  • 112 2 Tues<lay. lfith.— High Water —10.24 a m 9.45 p m Legislative Council, 2.30 Singapore Golf Club. M ixed Foursomes. Association Cup Competition, Fina~. Wednesday, 17th.— High Water.—lo.47 a., 10,20 p, iiew Moon. 5,29 p m Property Sale, Powell t Co 2.30 p m Municipal Commission, 2.30p m N
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  • 254 2 AN ACCIDENT TO MR. FRASER. There is no confirmation in tho recent letters from the cyclists of the Seattle love yarn of which Mr- Fra«er wis the hero. What one of them does contain in reference to Mr. Fraser personally is an account of an accident which
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  • 776 2 It is always interesting to go from home to leain h>me things. and tin* British public will be somewhat entertained, if not exactly editic<l, by inform ition in the New fork World 011 May 2*2, as to the origin or genesi« of Mr. Chinbe. lain's
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 340 2 Society for the Prevention of Crnelty to AnimalsTHE public are informed that the ad_ die** of the Society 9 Inspector MB E 1 PAGLAK, is at UKi Gaol site, Brass liitssa Road. All persons wishing to report any cases i t cruelty which may come under their notice art- icqucMtd
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    • 176 2 THE DISPENSARY, A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OP Drugs, Chemicals,# Perfumery, IPhotograoliic Requisites, Toilet Appurtenances, ALL OF TIMZt GLASS QtTALITT, GIOKSM AH® Is everywhere acknowledged to be the most successful medicine in use for bowel complaints. It always cures and cures quickly. It can be depended upon even in the
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    • 306 2 PCBADA WISE COB FART. Singapore and Penang. SOLE AGEVTS FOR m 1 2Y, €A v Tic Finest of Whiskies. $l2 A rase. i M 50 A rase. v -"-J S&K-»r-'£fr POSADA WINE COMPANY. T L GOSLING < 0. BATTERY ROAD--3I&BS SIH Nh. 43, HIGH STREET, New Goods. Ladies' Sailor Children
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    • 92 2 NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COY., LTD. Manufacturer* of: Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, ALL KINDS OF Safety Fuses, AND Electric Blasting Apparatus. The above Exploitive*, being all manufartured in Great Britain, are made to pans the high standard of safety and purity tests imposed by the British Government end are,
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  • 239 3 The steamer Falloden Hull with a i nir.o of Sugar for Porr Said arrived from Java yesterday and coaled at Taiijong Pagar. '1 he Norwegian steamer Fortuna, whi 'li arrived from China on the I:sth remained iu the roads for car go will probably proceed to the
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  • 767 3 The death is reported of Captain Smith of the s. s. Borneo. In the 2nd Conrttwo Chinese were sent to jail for oue month for theft In the first Conrt several persons were fined for keepiuz unlicensed cattle shed. Mr. A. J. Balfour has been elected a
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  • 285 3 Aa advertised the grand and gorgeous pantocaine Blue Beard" was performed at the Bijou Theatre last night, and attracted very crowded house. Blue Beard is a very thrilling piece, especially when Fatima discloses the contents of the Blue Chamber. The performance was well rendered throughout, and as usual
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  • 75 3 On London, Batik 4 m/s 1/111 demand 1/114 Private credits 3 m/s 1/11-6/61 documents 3 m/s 1/11$ credits 6 m/s .1/11-11/16 On India. 3ank demand 145$ On Hongkong. Bank demand par On Yokohama. Bank demand 5 o/o par. On Java. Bank demand 116 Private 30 d/s 122 Sovereigns, (to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 200 3 To those seeking a Kemedy for aches and pains4 most efficacious oil for the cnrini; of all kinds of diseases has just been discovered. In case* of rheumatism. swellings in the legs lumbaco. sprain, as well as ladies' ailments, the use of this oil externally has had a Marvellous effect..
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    • 450 3 BIJOU THEATRE(FOOT OP POST CANNING. EHTRAKCZ FACING ICK WORKS.) D* ARC'S MARIONETTES. Instant Success of Blae Beard." and Every Evening at 9 sharp* Tho Demon's Cave. The Dragons' Entree. Shacabac's Comicalities. The Elephant ChariotThe Gruesome Skeletons. And a host of other startling Novelties. Plan at Kelly It Walsft Ltd. Look
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    • 303 3 Hatz Bros, Limited. flare just unpacked a large st*& of Bedsteads, ID various sizes. Pillar ir j V Foldingßedsteids Children Cots sise 5 ft. x 3. Swing Cots. Cotton Mattrsss. Cushion Spring Mattress. Mosquito Curtain Pillows. Bolsters. Sheets. Pillow Cases. Bolster Cases. Blankets. Bath Towel*. Bath Gowns. W'4 *>,' Marble
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    • 319 3 MANLY VIGOR If yon wish far Manly Vigor, send far the best and most fthuUt work m ATftOPMY and VARICOCELE, by M.D.. Ch.M.. with special chapten on the k explanation of Vital Socrota, and the ccrtaia OURS OP Prostration, MBIUTV and DECAY. This work Is tbo purest guide in EMENTIAt.
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    • 282 3 The 44 Mid-day Herald." T he office of pablicatiou of thin paper is at No. 19, Malacca Street, ThoX boar of publication is at 2 p. m daily a ad at i p. iu on Saturdavs. The rate of subscription u|l a month r local and $1.25 for outstatiou nabribers.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 472 4 IVwe!! Co, Singapore. Fl RNITUPE A2\ Ui- ACTURLRS The following notices are token |I»E t!.» I icit. Txio Ilcugkoag ind Shanghai Bank. A hand>«>me carved tcuk screen, n«-arly M» feet long and six feet hi eh. with eastuon grills bearing the monogram of the Ban »n gilt letters, marks off
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    • 177 4 HUTTEMOAOH BROS. 4k CO* < 4 Chubb's IRON SAFES AND LOCK, The best in the world. Apollinaris Water, The queen of table waters, a most healthy and refreshing drink in tropical countries. 31 7 case of 100 gi tss botilcs. §S.5i» hf.,, 60 stone m Perrier Jouet Co.'s CHAMPAGNE, A
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    • 397 4 21. k? p MILLLjWRIGHTSu INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS. OPPOSITE GENERAL POST OFFICE. Specialities. Lyon's Patent Liberian Coffee Pulper, Lyon's Patent J)rv Cherry Huller,, Lyon's Self Acting Taprocai Machinery, itice Mills &r Wood Wonkins: Machinery, Cattle Powers Oil Mill Plant, Pine Apple Preserving Plant. On Hand For Sale, i Overshot Water Wheel
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    • 52 4 I *4 1 s? -S S </> a 2 I -g 0> J3 ifiig it ft ■jir QaTdatlTt^^ SOLE AGENTS IN SINGAPORE iw yvtfd VkO J c# /n HOPE fr& HOLM sr. GLAS CO W.SeonAHO. SAME AS supplied TO H.RJi. jut PRINCE or WALES m m i Kr*f—--3RINKMANN &CS S«'e
      52 words
    • 487 4 Limited. 1-HEMiSTS DRUGGISTS. Have the largest and most complete stock of Infant's Foods. Neave's Mellin's bei.gcr's Knige's feavoi y Moore's fcestie's A lieu Hanbuty's Robinsou's Pateiit Barley. Invalid's Requirements. Brand's Essence of Chicken Brand's Essence of Beef Bovril Liebig's Meat Extract Valentine's Meat Exlract Savory Moore's Peptonized Cocoa and Milk
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