Mid-day Herald, 13 August 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Article, Illustration
    277 1  - P O PRANK RITCHIE, Agent. Orru K, COLLTFR QVAT, WHABTCS, NEW IIABBOVB. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Steam for China, Japan. Penan g, Ceylon India. Australia. Aden. Ejtypt, Marseille#, Gibraltar. Malta. Brindisi. Venice, Plymouth, and London. Through Bills of Lading issued tor l'vrsiat i ('HIf, Continental and American torts, aho for China
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  • 138 1 Ti'lt'tfrofthtc LICORXF. Snitfifore. The mail steamers will leave Singapore ii •>1 }»!><> it the undermentioned dates. Oi'twakd. Homeward. lSi'S. 1898. I):ites Dates I' Unions o.'t, 1 Sydney Nov, 2 N<»v. l»l (!;»le«l>men Nov. 16 > -halion N »v 27 j 0»-« an «*n Nov,
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  • 306 1  -  JAMES SELLAR, Manager Tins Oompiny executes ships'repairs of all descriptions in the most efficent manner under the superintendence of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 GRAYING DOCK— Length—tls feet. Depth of Water, from 14 to 15| feet. Width at Entrance, 42 feet. No. 2
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  • 216 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON Manager THE above Dock, sitnated in Province Wellesley, at the entrance of the Prye River, has lately been lengthened and deepened, and is now of the following dimensions "Length on the blocks 330 feet Breadth At entrance 50 Depth of water on sill
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 249 1 GOLD MEDAL. —:o: I Paris Exhibition. 1889.) —:o: T1 w only Gold Medal ever awarded for 'l'oilet Soup at any International Exhibition in the urlii was obtained by Pears' Soap Ihe Opinion also of moro than 1"" Analysts and Sonpmakcrs, the < hii f Experts of the World, n-pusentcd by
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    • 321 1 Messrs- Caldbeck Macgregor Co;, AQENT3 FOR THE AQUARIUS COMPANY WINE AND BPIRIT MERCHANTS. pHAMPvGNES, PORTS,CLARETS, Whiakev, Brandy and Boer, Gins, Lqueura, a:id Hitters. Californian Red and White Wines, English and German bottled Ales and Stouts. J. DASHWOOD SAUNDERS, AGENT, Singapore. Raleigh Cycles ARE THE BEST. EM LYON<&Co. Straits Cycle Agency*
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    • 328 1 Old False Teeth. —:0: Many Lodioo and Gentlemen h»w by them Old or Diauaed False Teeth which might as well be turned money. Measra. K. D. J It Praner, of Ptinoosa-Street, Ipswich (estab littbed since 1833), bay Old False Teeth. If you send jour teeth to them they will remit
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  • 85 2  -  H.D. CHOPARD, Estate Agent* No. 2, Raffles Piaec Singapore, 7tn July, 1898. To Lend $l8,0v)O on good Seourit TO BE LET, Furnished Bungalow at Teluk Kurow BOARD LODGING for a family or tivo persons at "Rosetta Cottu»e, w Confederate Estate. FOR SALS. Bt'si Siiig.ipore A row-mot, p«r bottl 50
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  • 560 2 PARTICCURS (;F T'lS AOT2:'TOKBWe a ir/ief account last montn of t!:e escape :»f five Bj uic.ie convicts Vrotu the Andauaiia in an open boat. Interesting :iU are now to band. It scjms tii ii/ at an out-htation, soiiie ten miles from lae ptial settlement roper
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  • 612 2 The New Yo»*k correspondent of the Westminister Gazette/ writing on June 2.st, says:—• M One romance of this 'var with Spain has come to a happy ending. Evangrrii ia Cisneros, the lovely Cubin girl who was rescued fri :n the UecogLes Prison, in Havana, last
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  • 224 2 Since Mr. Gladsto ,c'j desth. Mrs. Gladstone ana lie family j have received many thousaudi i of »,-legrams, letter, and resoiu. tions expressing sorrow and sympathy. »»f t.'iese a large proportion are from public representai rive Dd fs. It is proposed lo classify and ludei the najority of
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  • 83 2 Saturday, 13th High Wa ic.—8.16 a m., 7.9 p tn SOU Cricket I O G T Temperance Club. 7..J0 B<>u*tead Institute i;on«vrt. i SCO Cricket iou '°tia>ueut tntrios duie. Sunday, 14th HitrlrWater—9.«s a. 8.12 p. I 10ul» Sunday after Ti iuity. P O outward mall due. Monday. 15th.—
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  • 393 2 His honour the Officer Ad nVistreing the Govei ntnent has Keen pleased to appoint fr. li. J. ilkin<•oll to be Acting inspector of Schools Btraits Settlements. Mr. Wilkinson assumed d ities o i the 6th instant. His Ho* our the Officer Administering the (/ivfrcment has been
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 482 2 DEWAR'S CELEBRATFD WHISKY The Lancet.—"'!' b good, pure and whole-some Bj»i;*".t.' The Scotsman Siognh.vly mellow, tho»on«rhly mrinrcd. aud of themostdeli«ate tl*vou». The ?i««. vn«r Advevii»>er.—" Thoroughly m.m.ed. >if .'iil to the no6c. and •'flicioM tal' cw'tifc Tl;e FiremniWH journal.—" Is excelIriititi qrnilit,?orn 1 ples'sant tot I <te. Spo-1— 41 '1
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    • 180 2 THE DISPENSARY, .lIIUMII. A LARGE AKD VARIED STOCK OF Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Photographic Requisites, Toilet Appurtenances, ALL OF FIRST CLASS QUALII T, C2SCUSBA AX3 Is everywhere acknowledged to be most successful medicine in use lor bowel complaints, it always cures and cm'es quickly. It can be depended upon even in
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    • 215 2 PaifASA WlH£ SOMPAHT. Singapore and Peuang. Sole Agbvts for n y m tc vThe Finest of Whiskies. FL $l2 A rase. M 19 50 A Cane. POSADA WINS COMIA> ,V T. L GOSLING <o. BAITERT ROADTanjmz I'asar Hock Co. Ltd William Edward Mouls«Me has th»s day taken up th»* Gaiirr
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    • 106 2 Bensdorp Co.'s ROYAL DUTCH COCOA, entirely pnt-e and unadulterated, is the qeet value in l!n market Sole Agents, RUIN KM ANN h CO. lictai!, JOHN LITTLE Co.. LTD T OBAZ&SHI Professional Tattooer from •Tanan. No. 82, Bras a Rua<l, Singapore. Is now prepn.»»d to execute tattooing in new'*' nvent»*d colours
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  • 411 3 THE OKDEB OP ST. JOHN' JERUSALEM. The Prince of W (irwd Print of t', of rl.e 1 i ••s[»; tal «.f St. John J»i nsaieuj in En«jlari'% •i FriVy. in the sa>oOM at MarJboi null If *use medals and certificates honour to t'-o anV»*n»eutioiied pe>--v wii had 'lurii.g
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  • 162 3 Ihe steamer Su tan \an Langkat i tier t £c'.aig»i*g about 500 tons «»f J.ipan coal at Tanjong Paga* left for Sim-tin* Wr'ks at Pulo Btani to complete Ler d icbsirge yesterday. '1 he Optrm stunner Catheilne Ap. i.."* w iL. gert «tl cargo I't'iji Calcutta a
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  • 300 3 Tan See Man a Tewchew living at j 19-1 Rling street reported to the police that his bit! collector had absconded with $292. H. M. S. Powerful is expected in Data via very shoi tly to take oa-t iu the Coronation festivities of Her Ma* jeaty the
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  • 301 3 w!U he a grand concert under Ir.e o rlne.o' bi|i of Mr. Ba!zjia..ki t< a* tbe above p.aoe commen- <Nng ;»t 9 p.m. shrrp. The genera) public will he admitted free. £o cow e oil- and all into this li pj the bi tLday festivities
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  • 323 3 Th?s evening at 430 and to-night at C w»il be the last of "P. Vinson a»id those wh ve r» t y f t see .bis g»and panto < short i -t this opportune-. Mo'dr.y c< Blue Ben r*i M w'll b. peiio.-med and there pioJticed «r**ftlU.Jt scenic
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  • 83 3 O j London* Bank 4 m/s 1/11-7/16 c'rniand 1/1 l-.j >, Private credits m/s 1/1 uocri'ient* 3 m/s 1/1 i 1,16 c. 6 ia/s. l/l u 'M 11 >1 in, Jank Uoiu uni 16 O.i J'o >;f >mj. Bank demand par On <>' *'i na. B: nk demand 5
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  • 38 3 the Ist January, 1599, the Police Departmeut will cea."«e to purchase, for s»»le to the public, Standard Weights and Measures, and the provision of these commodities will be left tu private enu-rprise. Siugapere, 15th Juue, 1898.
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  • 20 3 ART Needlework Depot removed to Orchards Ito ad. No. IC, across French Bakery. See Signboard. Singapore, 2nd August, 1898.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 182 3 :=(%`/&<>=`=*$&?@^)\/;/]&.!<\/% Lost. Lo§t a black ard white P«»x T***r er ***** pnp. Monicipa'No, 398. A. y- one returning it to O. npfdeu No. 2 Orange Grore R:»..d will be rewarded. j Kelly Walsh, Ltd. New Books Just ReceivedTHE SEVENTY-Fi VE 'EARS' I MOHAMEDA W.KNGLISR 'ALENDAR fiom 17th Not., l&i to
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    • 437 3 BIJOU THEATRE (Foor op Poet Cannum- J3ntra.*ci> Pacimo leu Works.) D'AEC'B MARIONETTES. T!<is Sat. 'la 3ik Avgv*t. Pot tivelv Last Two Pe,>of Robinson < ;iiHoe," Afternoon it 4.80 Shnrp* KH»t *t 9 Sb*. p. Don't fofnel > bvi'ig the little on jfl. C'lildrea hi»lr-p »e >o a 1 paHa .e
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    • 351 3 Katz Bros, Limited. H:ive just unpacked r. large stcck of Bedsteads, in various sizes. 5 SIZES. MUr 64 ft. x 6 x 2" 64 ft x 6 x 1* M 6i ft. x 6 x 1" 6* ft. x 5 x2 M 6i ft. x 5 x I}" 64 ft.
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    • 605 3 POST FREE. MANLY VIGOR If yon wish tar Manly Viftw, send far tIM bdl aad most rakublt *gik M ATRCPHV and VARICOCELE, by M.D.. Ch M„ «kk ipedil chapters mm the k explanation of Vital Secrets, and the certain OUM OP Prostration, OKMUTY a DC DECAY. This work is the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 472 4 Powell Co, Singapore. FIRNITURE MANUFACTURERS The following notices are taken ion; the FltbS.: The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. A hand; oiue carved teak screen, nearly HO fvt l«>nj» and six feet high, with castiron grills faring the monogram of the Pan' in gilt letters, marks off the Cashier's •'•-pa men!.
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    • 176 4 HUTTENBACH BHOS. CO. Chubb's IRON SAFES D LOCK, The beat in the world. Apollinaris Water, The queen of table waters, a most healthy and refreshing drink iu tropical countries. $l7 Ou per case of 100 glass bottles, hf.,, 50 stone Pejrrier Jouet Co.'s CHAMPAGNE, A high class wine of excellent
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    • 394 4 MILLLWRIGHTS, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS CONTEACTORS. OPPOSITE GENERAL POST OFFICE. Specialities. Lyon's Patent Liberian Coffee Pulper, Lyon's Patent Dry Cherry Huller, Lyon's Self Acting 'Tapioca Machinery, Kice Mills Wood Working Machinery, Cattle Powers Oil Mill Plant, Pine Apple Preserving Plant. On Hand For Sale. Overshot Water Wheel 18 feet dia, Overshot Water
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    • 17 4 mm O 00 G J F?L| W .T3&vTils] I 7J FOUR CRflMffiMHB BRINKMANN &CS s«!< TOT SINGAPORE.
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    • 431 4 -Limited. CHEMISTS DIiIGGISTs Have the largest and most complete stocL of Infant's Foods. 8 jVleilm s Jfeugur'a Ki.iuc's Savory Moore's fccstie's Allen Hani-ury's lioblUson's Fhtriit iiuiley Invalid's Requirements. Braii i l s Essence of Chicken Brand's Essence of Beef Bovi il Liebig's Meat Extract Valentine's Ment Extract Savory AWL'O Peptonized
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