Mid-day Herald, 10 August 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Article, Illustration
    272 1  - P O FRANK RITCHIE, Ageut. OrriCE, COLLIEE QDAT, WHAHYIS, NEW HABBOVE. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Btearo for China, Japan. Penang, Ceylon India Australia Aden. Egypt, Marseilles, Gibraltar. Malta Brindisi. Venice, Plymouth, and London. Through bills of Lading issued for Version Gvlf, Continental and A merican arts, also for China Coast and
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  • 132 1 Telearaphic Address LICORNE. Singapore. Hie mail steamers w>U leave Singapore ju or about the undermentioned dates. OOTWAUD. HOUEWAKD. 1»93. 1398. Dates Dates r. Simon* Oot. SO Sydney Nbv, 2 Nov, 16 I Caledonien Nov, 16 Vay Kalian Nov. 27 1 Oceanian Nov, 30 I
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  • 306 1  -  JAMES SELLA R Manager THT9 Company executes ships* repairs of all descriptions in the most efficent manner under the superintendence of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 GBAVIXO DOCK— Length—4ls feet. Depth of Water, from 14 to 15| feet. Width at Entrance, 42 feet.
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  • 212 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON Manager THE above Dock, situated in Province Wellesley, at the entrance of the Prye Kiver, has lately been lengthened and deepened, and is now of the following dimensions Letitnb on the blocks 330 feet Breadth at entrance 50 Depth of water on sill
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 227 1 GOLD MEDAL. (Paris Exhibition. 1889.) —:o: The only Gold Medal ever awarded for Toilet boap at any International Exhibition in thu World was obtained by Pears 9 Soap Tho Opinion also of more than 10<> Analysts and Soupmakere, the chief Experts of the World, represented by 20 HIGHEST AWARDS A
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    • 319 1 i. Caldbeck Hacgregor, Co., AQENTS FOR THE AQUARIUS COMPANY WINE AND BPIRIT MERCHANTSfHAMPvGNES, PORTS, CLARETS, Whiskey, Brandy and Boer, Giiis, Lqueurs, and Bittern. Californian Rod and White Wines. English and German bottled Ales and Stouts. J. DASHWOOD SAUNDERS, AGENT, Singapore. f Raleigh Cycles ARE THE BEST. EM LYON Co. Straits
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    • 325 1 Old Falflc Teeth. —:o: Many ludiei and Gentlemen hare by them Old or Dirand False Teeth which miirht as w»l' be turned money. Messrs. R. D. J. B. Frasar, of PrinoeM-Street, Ipswich (estab linhed since lH33f), bny Old Falsa Teeth. If you Mod your teeth to them they will remit
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  • 86 2  -  H. D. CHOPARD. Estate Agent. No. 2, Raffles Plaec Singapore, 7th July, 1898. To Lend 918,000 on good Securit TO BE LET, Furnished Bungalow at Teluk Kuruw BOARD LODGING for a family or two persons at "Rosetta •Cottage," Confederate Estate. FOR SALE. Best Singapore Ai row-root, per bottl iO
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  • 268 2 Oar corresponcenfc X. Y. Z. i woul.l have completed his notes on Alonday had lie included in them one more suij«*ct. we refer to tile Singapore Kranji railway Tuis sn is by no means an unimportant one, and as it has received the
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  • 317 2 The message of Admiral Dewey AguinaMo, that the insurgent leader has become defiant, shows as we have anticipated, that the end of. H spano American war will be but the beginning of troubles in the Phillipines. The insurgent leader pow sees that his hopes of self government are
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  • 312 2 There took place on the 14th inst. Paris the unveiling of the statue erected by public subscription to the memory of Lieutenant Garnier, of the French navy. The ceremony was presided over by the .Minister of the Colonies, whose speech was folio ved by an address
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  • 276 2 Ia the Hou*e of Lords, before Lord Herschell, Lord Macnaghlen, Lord Morris, and Lord Shand aod Nautical Assessors, the appeal case of tlie owners of the steainshi p Glengyle u.Neptune Salvage Company and others was determined. Mr. Justice Barnes gave judgment on Dec* 6, 1897, and the
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  • 175 2 Mr. Scbreiner has issued a manifesto calling upon the people of Cape Colony at the coming elections to endorse the verdict of the House of Assembly. The situation, he says, demands that there shall be no repetition of the blunder of IS9O by reinstating Mr. Rhodes in power-
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  • 55 2 Wednesday, 10th.— High"Water—3.4o a- 3.38 p. hursiay, 11th.— High Water.—s.3 a., 4,42 p, Warren Tugs-of-War, Friday, 12th.— High Water 6.46 a 5 56 p. Annirersary of the Settlem-nt of Cricket, —S CO?. Oifi:er» of Garrison, 4 30 p m Annual Meeting 8 V A 5.15 p m Lodge
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  • 282 2 GOING "TO COKQCKK EVERYTHING IN SIGHT." Concord, N. H., June 18.—Senator Chandler, in a signed editorial in this evening'* Monitor takes a strong position iu favour of a policy of conquest in the war with >pain, advocating also even the capture of the Queen Regent and King Alfonso,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 486 2 DEWAR'S CELEBRATED WHISKY The Lancet. —"This is a good, pure and vliolf-Miint spirit. The Scotsman.—" Singularly mellow, t vronirhly matured, and ot the most deli«Hte iUvonr.'* The Vouiing Advertiser.—Thor- eghiy maturrd. fta: rant t«» »he nose, and «Ylicii»natothe palate. The Fin—" Is excclin quality ».i.d very phasant to the Sp.rt
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    • 176 2 THE DISPENSARY* A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF Drags, Chemicals, Perfumery, PhotograDliic Requisites, Toilet Appurtenances, &Zl> OF FIRST 0&&SS QUALITY, in CT©S,3IA ASH a/asiaS!a Mas simunadj a. Is everywhere acknowledged to be the most successful medicine in use for bowel complaints. It Always cures and cures quickly. It can be
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    • 217 2 POSADA ITIIE COMPAHY. Singapore and Penan g. SOLE AGENTS FOR m 7/< r, 9, y/T, 57 K? €A v The Finest 9f Whiskies* $l2 A rase. OTr~y<4v/ t??§l For Export $9 50 A Case. POSADA WINE COMPANY. T L. GOSLING o. BATTERY ROAD. Tanjons Y'a&tr Dock CO- Ltd \TR- William
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    • 0 2 "%&&~[}[}&"<=>./%_+|](<_,-*?!.~
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  • 126 3 The Bj >u Theatre h-?d a full house 1 st ni'jhf, anil succeeded in euiertiiinin» its audience to a verv pleasant i veiling. IL is a irre.it, piiy, this ilie:itn» d es uof admit <>f more acc<unmo*it j.»ti room, we must warn our re id. «r-N to !»«»*»k
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  • 114 3 rue new Japauese cruiser K.isagi u .in nad iier tr».»l tup with Japanese > pr-*ei»iatives aboard. The trial •as vei" tue forty-knots course, and tt, .in speed of 23 knots an hour r amed. fhe Ka-agi wis built at ',ani|i'> yard at Pknulelpnia fhe lilenheiin, cruiser, Capt. F.
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  • 180 3 111 l>uteh si earner Snlra i van i. _-v;i h iv fi.i.a .doji «>u in 11.> v. a c.t li m ej.»ls -•l.'sai 1 I» Sl»ti t«i u»e Wuiiit )>?jU'rjuy to disyc. lh.' extra HI. M. strainer Dor- h'ft on the 9rh a»d i«. b due hfie
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  • 248 3 Aii ii»« r irtunate occurrence t«>ok t! it Pao-ting-fn o n rhef>th July, i Vviiicli a native preacher and a C.ir* n li iuisvionarv ncarlx io>t their lives. At eout ->ix oVloi-k on the evening i ti.at day two «»t?i -er* with S'Vera' ers fp-iii tli»'
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  • 687 3 Between 7 and 8.30 last night some valuable art.ic <;s consisting of a gold watch and ciiain, a gold snake ring, ijold studs &c.. were stolen from the residence of Mr. Evans while he was at dinner, Two Javanese have been arrested on suspicion. At 2 p.
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  • 305 3 "Rear-Adminl Dewey dp*rribes the Irene incident i»» the fallowing dispatch to tli" Secretary of the Navy informed ine th »t his troops had t;iken all Subic B»y except Isla Grande, whie'i they were prevented from taking hv the German man-of-war Irene. On Juiv 7
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  • 78 3 On Lirndon. Bank 4 m/s 1/11$ demand i/m Private credits 3 m/s 1/11 -9/16 documents 6 m/ 8.. ..]/i i credit ti in/.-. l/l 1-11/16 On India. ~3ank demnnd 14*1 On Hunykorty. Bank demand par On Yokohama. Bank demand 5 c/o par. On Java. Bank demand 115 Priv.itn »>0
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  • 23 3 i A R T, Needlework removed to Orch rds Road. No. IC, across j rrench B:tkery. See Signboard. Singapore, -2nd August, ls9d.
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  • 39 3 the Ist January, 1#99. the Police Department wi'l erase to purchase, tor s le to the public, Stancard Weights and Measures, and the provision of these commodities will be left t-> private eiit. rprtse. loth June, 1898.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 297 3 The Royal Hair Pressing Saloon. 35, RAFFLES LACE. 'JMIIS well-known establishment. in the central part of the S.piarj, is ben;* altered with a view of affording ev» rv* facility to customers of liotli *exes. The doorway is bein<; constructed so that Ladies, by passing to the left, inur avoid the
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    • 352 3 T. OBAZASHI Professional Tattooer from Japan. No. 82, Brass Basaa Road, Singapore. Is now prepared to execute tattooing in newly invented colours viz. green yellow purple Sec. G nil. ineu desiring to be tattooed in their own residences send order which will i>e promptly attended to. BIJOU THEATRE. (FOOT or
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    • 405 3 liatz Bros Limited. Have just unpacked a large stock of Bedsteads, in various sizes. jj A C /4V. v &Mi v. v :y >' •v[T* v 6| ft x 34 x l 1 4.^. Foldingßeds tc*ds Children Cots size 5 ft. x 3. Swing Cots. Cotton Mattress. Cushion Spring Mattress.
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    • 376 3 fi I If TO-, wish for Manly Vis or, send for the best and most valuable work on A i rOPHV ai;<J VARICOCkLE. by M.D. t Ch M., with spt-ciai chapters oa the explanation o: Vital Secrets, ami the certain CUKE OR Prostra;ion. DEBILITY Jk an.i DECAY. This woik is
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    • 304 3 The 44 Mid-dtiy Heralfl.** The oifi<*e of public ttin. of ini* papet is at So. IH, M iUc -a Street, The hour of publication is at, 2 p. ni daily and at I p, m on Saturdays. The rate of subscription is $1 a month or local and 41.2-j for
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 527 4 Foivcll Co, Singapore. I I KMTUKK MANUFACTURERS 'IIk- following notices arc taken i, in the > iig.:j-oie I nss. T -> ,T and Shanghai Bank. A .m! .*;:rvi.•« t»- k prre« n, n» .irly u it lit i six tVvi iiich. with <-astm n the monogram «>f the a> i'
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    • 220 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. CO* Chubb 1 s IRON SAFES ANI) LOCK, The best iif the worlds Apollinaris Water, The queen of table waters, a most healthy and refreshing drink in tropical countries. ou per case of 100 glass bottles. iif.,, 50 stoue Perner Jouet Co.'s CllAMi ..GNE, hi<-h i bins witw
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    • 395 4 ar. lis 2»tqst 'gq« MILLLWRIGHTS, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS. OPPOSITE GENEIIAL POST OFFICE. Specialities. Lyon's Patent Liberian CoflVe Pulnrr, Lvon's Patent Dry Cherry Huller, Lyon's Self Acting Tapioca Machinery, Bice Mills Wood Working Machinery,. Cattle Powers Oil Mill Planfy Pine Apple Preserving Plant'. On Hand For Sale. Oversliot. Water Wheel 18
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    • 95 4 .j. n r Sole Agent for Straits Settlements and B'kok The Mechanical Improved Hitchcock Lamp. The very best lamp in the world for burning kerosine. l c >. fcf 55 o TO •2 *^3 M 56 g 0) 20, Raffles Place f if n.ui' M^]2&Kcpt^n «"scs.*> UjMkJS**-" V") > >**"?
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    • 439 4 Limited. CHEMISTS DKIGGISTS. Have the largest and most complete stock of Infant's Foods. Neuve's Aleiiin's lieiiger'e Ki«ij»e» bavury Moore's N.st.e's Allen lianhuiy'g RoblUSOu's Putelit liaiiey. Invalid's Requirements. Brand's Essence of Chicken It mud's Essence of Beef Bo vi il Liebig's Meat Extract Valentine's Meat Extract Savory Peptonized Cocoa and Milk
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