Mid-day Herald, 8 August 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Article, Illustration
    301 1  - P O FRANK RITCHIE. A-est. I <!i H< CotLIFB QVAT, VutAKvrs, I!arsocß. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY gream for Chief* flfc* CsfMli India. Australia. Aden. E t typt. Marsei les, Gibraltar. Malta Brindisi. Venice. Plymouth, and London. 'i liroii'jli Hills tit' Lmliujr issued r 1/> •>' ''ft ia* .1 t"t j 'lll
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  • 129 1 7 .J.»' !s. Ijcovnf. •<. 1 i;•:ii 1 >t'-amer- Will have Singapore ;it the iiiiUernien';<>!;eil date.-. 11: i). 1 i<i aui>. 1 -< >s I .O. Hates Dates i >. ....mi. 0«-». Sydney Nov. 2 N-v, It. C:-.le«i->nim N'«v. 1"» ~t y. IV 27
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  • 345 1  -  JAMES SELLAR J hrnrt'iei Tins f.tuvnnv exec if»*s ships' repairs of ail deserii• t th- most ♦dfieent innnti.-r under the superintendence of K ir >p<-an Shipwrights ami Engineers. No 1 OKA VIM". DOCK— Len gt 1 I —41"» fcet. Depth of 'W a tor.
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  • 216 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON Manage T al»ove Dock, situated in Province Wi i'esley, at the <-n trance of the Prye Kiver, has latelv been lengthened and deepened, and is now of the following dimensions Length on the l»lo<*ks 330 foet Breadth at entrance 50 Depth of water
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 51 1 (■OLD MEDAL. —:o: fPiris Exhibition. ISBD.J The only (loUi Airda' wtr •i.arded for Toilet bony at any 1 *-ti rnalional inhibition in the orlii was obtained by lYars' Soap r h ;il.so of more than Analysts ami Sonpmnkers. i.« chief Experts of the World, ise: te l bv :0 HIGHEST
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    • 334 1 Messrs. Caldbeck Macgregor Co., AGENTS FOR THE AQUARIUS COMPANY WINE AND SPIIUT MERCHANTSpIIAMP* GN2S, POUTS,CLARETS, Wuiskev, Ii randy and Beer, Gins, Liqueurs, ;i:i l Hitters. Calif >: ni:in lied and White Wines. English aad German bottlel Ales and Stouts. J. DASHWOOD SAUNDERS, AGENT, Singapore. Raleigh Cycles ARE THE BEST. EM
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    • 335 1 Old False Teeth. —:o: Mnnv i»ihl fimllwon hnvr l.y tlii-TM 1 >!«J or I'<ii>uied alpc Terth vltirh miirlit a* w«!' l»o timeil n.« Meters. R. D. I'» cf lYi nee*. Street, lp»«ub (e«t«b lirLed *inro IMS), hny Old FnUe Teeth. If yea w d ymr teeth to them they will
      335 words

  • 84 2 To Lend $lB,OOO on uood Sccurit TO BE LET, Furnished Bungalow at Teluk Kurow BOARD LODGING for a family «»r two poi sons at "Itosetta Cottage," Confederate Estate. FOR SALE. B*»st Si A r<;«v-i«Hif, per bottl i,O cents. <h>zcn bottles guaranteed best, quality. A Gocouuut plantation in full bearing,
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  • 1017 2 The Spanish-American war may now be Consider*;*! as being practically over, of course Spain having to iiitUe overtures lor peace. It is a step which she offered to take from the very commencement, knowing full well that she was not at all prepared for a battle. America,
    1,017 words
  • 447 2 The Siam Free Fress" and its Recent Editor. The Li 11 ie cast* is at last in the British H«>use of Commons, and Curzon, the Admirable, has a preliminary roasting. He will probably more by and by for he* lias shown ihxt has not £ot a le«» to stand on.
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  • 95 2 Mun lay, Bth. High Water. —loti a., ±ll p. PiUiiiaruiuaiv Uuuir, «V.»j A O V* l' tJiiurch H.ou a;. 7,o>> Tuesday. Hth.— High Water au» piu Atuou quarter, l.<v* Ijoli Ciuo.— i >uxvs. Association Cap Uouipeuium, r'laai Wednesday. loth.— VVatci' %k+J a.- >i JS p. Thursday, 11th.— High
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  • 502 2 "THE STSiNtiK CA>'K nF Ml: M 1.!.!." Sir Charl-s Dilke, sppakiu:; in t!... H"USe ot C"Ui!iioiis on June a»ked tl«e Tinier Sc.-retarv f.r 1- 1 eign Affairs wheili.r the Siam,..., Government Intvlv ♦•xM'lt.'i Liilie, a l>rirish sn 'jeer, i;v* n. rmissimi of her Majesty's (imminent;, whether there
    502 words
  • 143 2 Queen Viotoia and tbe i •<'» 1,1 Holl iml have, it is rep »r ed tf" Berlin,acc**p'ed the Eusj»ror Nil ta x invitation t-<» send repred v«tiv> I consecration of tli*- Church ««f »h* deeuier at Jerusalem, it Wiu ti in of the German protest an* S »\vr.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 495 2 DE WAR'S CELEBRATED i WHISKY j '1! U'lun-t.—'"This is n good. pure and «I- I n spirit.** I.e Srot*uv»n u Siivnbrlv mellow, r 11 uflily matured. and of the most iVli- *TI it >v«>tli M«.ini:'«r Advrri'^r-r. Thor- l. iiM'urn 1 frn<*r*»n* f<» tlio nose. and > i lis tin- pnlatOTl.
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    • 179 2 THE DISREHSARY, 333ta?&SS. A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OP Drills. Chemicals, Perfumery, l>hotogvav>lno l^eqnisiToilet _A.ppnrtoliß.nces, &ZZ OF TIKSTQ:.&&ss QtI&kXTY, CSAffiSSMASS'S GOISS. SSO&EIA AIS MABBI9SA BSKSIiY. Is everywhere acknowledged to be the most successful medicine in use for bowel complaints. It always cures and cures quickly. It can be depended upon
      179 words
    • 200 2 ro A WTi-m tOM-FAKT. Sir ga pore and Penang. S« I.E A GEM S FOU I i. Si SccifßcwierrM qs/U ComAaxt/ CZIIL Tie Finest of V> liiskies. w W t J k 7 V "< >. £l2 A < use. For Fxporl Si? :A\ A ase. VSADA WINK COMPANY, T
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    • 8 2 Bfjs "©iMag MOXDAf, AU JUiT 8, 1 X)i.
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  • 196 3 Ij'Al'C'S M'»KI<>NETTK3. r» wis >u« h a large bolide at the :t!.»:»tre at loth of the perform* on Saturday last that there »»*as ii\ an inch «.f i« oia left to acC"in- te the public and u.any had to s\ i in the doorways to set a glance
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  • 154 3 e U'.rwnrd M. XI «iea»»ior Indus o L te o;« Saturdav and ver:n«; her mails and Car«>o nt«»«- nig'it t'«r Saigon st.-.iu.er Wo dwieh after com- i j her di*eharg.- of about 4()i)«) ip»ii c als tor O. S. S. Co. on w",t iitii< d''ck for Mimirv
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  • 59 3 t t*.h round of the ab ve tie was v-'d vesterdav l>'t\ve»m the Ist. and i :»-a n of the Mohamedan Cricket 'j l rhe l>t won tiie ijaine by t to nil. Tlie sth i<>ntid wili be -d 1 ».'t\veen tiie Mohamedai\ Siar- Crieket Club
    59 words
  • 231 3 i *I..4I'«HT k. i,(\inton correspondent of the I !i_rwoi >* Telegraph,' w i T in_r on J ti in>t., the de-pa'ch of :\v rein to?"einents to the revolted -Mi rs in that ptovinee. This is in •I- M»|.»!»ce ot tne defeat of tiie I:u- il tr<»'»p»
    231 words
  • 107 3 Archbishop ot I'aiit'** bisre, on oth uit at th*- Aiaua.'U i dinner to the Archbishop and .5 ret. rre 1 to the controversy i u <, th»- alle«reii lawlessness in e Ciurch. li- admitted the exis- He >r certain irreg'da< ities which ui s "hi ,j f»
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  • 898 3 For acquiring a price land for public purposes, the demolition of a tempi* iu Victoria street has beeu i ordered. i I The Blenheim, cruiser, Captain F M. hisher, has left Gibraltar on her way to Hongkong. An old offender named Tan Chea Ek was charged in
    898 words
  • 80 3 On London. Bank 4 in s 1/1 U dernaud I-U Private credits 3 in/<* I /11.5/) fi documents i mis.. .l/ii* cnd.;» 111> l/11-;/16 U:i Li,lt I. 3:mk demand 1 45 (Jit Lhjlljnonj. Bmk denimd J 0/0 pr-m On Yokoh'inui. Bank demand 5 o/o prem 0» ,T n'n. Ba»»k
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  • 45 3 pROM the Ut Jsm uaiy. IKifO. th« Police ih partnifs t wdl cease to 1 urebate, for sde to tlie iiahii.-. Standard Wei'jhrs and asuie>, and the pr<<v!*ioii ot these com modi ties will be lett t«» p ivare eii:«-rpr.M». loth June, Ibi-'S.
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  • 23 3 A K T, Needlework Depot removed to Orchards Road, No. 10, across French Bakery. i j See Signboard. Singapore, 2nd August, 1898.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 217 3 JAPANESE CURIOS Wholesale Retnil Merchant* of all kinds of Japanese Curios. New Goods coming l>v every O mail. Crape Shirt White Yamatoya Crape Shirts at $1..">0. Coloured Koya Crape Shirtswith tie, at $1.75. Packing of purchases for ship merit is attended to by expats Y. SHI BUY A, No. 40,
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    • 319 3 Katz Bros., Limited. Have just unpacked a large stock of Bedsteads, in various sizes. Sc?iaFc------9 tss feu: vx *V v > .•> > v V* fV t~v P »1 liu»3e dsteuds. Children Cuts size 5 ft. X IL Swing Cots. Cotton Mattruss. Cushion Spring Mattress. Mosquito Curtain Pillows. Bolsters. Sheets.
      319 words
    • 359 3 PO«T FREE. 11 'or vvor.se d for the best and valuable work on Be PM> V.'.MCOO sl-C t>» M D.. Cb M with »p«.-eial chapters on the St-icj> M Vital S« cret», au< .ht certalc CL'HC OF P>-c>«t ration. DEBILITY *::o DCC XV. This w«rk is t\o ?tir»it (raid- ia
      359 words
    • 171 3 A Care for Piles and Fistula "\fH. LEE SOON LIM, hop "Seng Watt," of No. 17, SclpL'io Road, bejjs to inform the public that hf* is in possession of R strictly reliable and effective curt* for Files and Fistnla of any lensrth of duration. Many have been cured after a
      171 words
    • 527 3 BIJOU THEATRE (FOOT OF FORT ('ASFFIXO. ENTRANCE FACING ICK WORKS.) Second Week! Second Wc<»k!! AND UNABATED SUCCESS OK D'A!iC*S JIAKIOXKTTES. An event unparalleled in the annaU «f Singapore Entertainment*. liundivds tut ne<i uwuy ou Saturday afUirnoou cud night tor want of room, Luhi Nights! Last X i^lits!! of UOBINBON CRUSOE
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 405 4 Powell Co Sin^aport NilYKr. MANUKA* Tt'UKKS ill- i.ilow uij. m>tlees are taken ~i i! i > T I »J .v "1 Shangha: Bank. rx. .1 t. a! .-v r. millj ~a .<•! mx f» i *ith < *t- j_ 1 .i: n- tl..- u:«»!v.'_'ram th«' I K _|J i. Ti»;.iks
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    • 208 4 H'JTTENBACH BIOS. t* CO. Chubb's. IRON SATES AND LOCK, The t>e>t in the world. Apollinaris Water, T! o tjueen <»i table waters, a most hcrihhv una retrenching think in tropical i ountnis. i 7 0" per case <>f 100 class bottles, lit'. o'J stone Ferrer Jouet Co's CHAMPAGNE, A lii"li
      208 words
    • 408 4 M, IjTSS MILLLWRIGHTS, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS. OPPOSITE GENERAL POST OFFICE. Specialities. Lyon's Patent Liberian Coffee Pulper, Lyon's latent Dry Cherry Huller. Lyon's Self Acting Tapioca Machinery, *llice Mills Wood Working Machinery, Cattle Powers Sz Oil Mill Plant, Pine Appie Preserving Plant. On Hand For Sale. Overshot Water Wheel 18 feet
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    • 69 4 U/UJJru Sole Agent for Straits Settlements and lTkok Tlie Median leal Improved Hltclicock Lamp. The very best lamp in the world for burning kerosine. 20, Raffles Place v r "> MI A A f". < <-F > v o V\ x'i v7^f r i'Wf \w itS, S %B# M I!
      69 words
    • 442 4 T> A ;jSf ;i»» u Limited. A CHEMISTS k DIJICiUIsTs lave the largest and most complete stock ot Infant's Foods Neave's Melim lieligCT 6 Savory Moore's Nesi.e'.s A lien Hanbuiy's RoUiisou's l'atci.t liar icy. Invalid's Requirements. Brand's Essence of Chicken Br »nd' s Essence ot" Beef Bovril Liebig's Merit Extract
      442 words