Mid-day Herald, 4 August 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Article, Illustration
    316 1  - P O FRANK KirCIIIR, Agent. Omcx COLLTFB QVAY, WHARVES, NEW HABBOUB. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Steam for China. Japan. Penang. Ceylon India. Australia. Aden. Egypt, Marseilles. Gibraltar. Malta. Brindisi. Venice, Plymouth, and London. Through Kills of Lading issued t« r l'ersian Gnlf y Coniiiiftilal and Ait" riant tori*, ahtt ftir L'hniu
    316 words
  • 142 1 T '■*'ff'•!' Licoknk. Si n-'• i j'Ore. The mail st.-a.ner> wII !•.■•»v.- Singapore r.n or about t'.e andtnut-' Coia-d J..res. OI'TWAKD. lll'Ml VAkll. ]);;tes l>at»s J- Siit: Ti.s O.t. "<i Sydney Nov. '2 Nov, 1'- t'aied .lia-n Nov. Id Si-, ilioti Nov '2l (Vt
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  • 332 1  -  JAMES SELLAR Manager Tins Commnv executes shins'repairs of all descriptions in the moat efficent maniier under the superintendence of European Shipwrights and Engineers. Xo. 1 GRAVING DOCK Length—J.]", feet. iVnt'n of Water, from 11 to 15i feet. at Entrance. 42 feet. No. 2 GICAVIVG
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  • 212 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON Mauagor THE above Dock, situated in Province Wcllesley, at the entrance of the Prye Kiver, has lately been lengthened and deepened, and is now of the following dimensions: Length on the blocks 330 feet Breadth at entnnee 50 Deoth of water on sill
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 53 1 (lOLD MEDAL. —:o: (Paris Exhibition. 1889.) —:o: The only Gold Modal ever awarded for Toilet boap at any International Exhibition in the orid was obtained by Pears' Soap 1 li' Opinion also of more tlian 1' Analysts and Soapmakers, the chief Experts of the World, i s j»:« sciiU-d bv
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    • 329 1 Messrs- Caldbeck Macgregor Co., AGENTS FOR THE AQUARIUS COMPaNT WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS QUAMP ONES, POUTS,CLARETS, Whisker, Brandy and Beer, Gins, Lqnenrs, a«nl liitAors. California*! Hod and White Wines. English and German bottiel Ales and Stouts. J. DASHWOOD SAUNDERS, AGENT, Singapore. Raleigh Cycles ARE THE BEST. EM LYON<6Co. Straits Cycle
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    • 329 1 Old Fnlsc Teeth. tOtMany Lndics tnd Gentlemen hare by them Old or Diwiri F»W Teeth which mi*rht as well he turned money. Men m. E. D. &J. 11. Fraser, of Str «t, Ipswich ('stab liitLed since 1533), l>uy OM Falne Teeth. If you MLJ your teeth to them th»>y will
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  • 89 2  -  H. D. CHOPARD, La t ate Aye/it. No. 2, Raffles Place ;rapor*», 7ii Jui\, lSi'B. To Lend $lB,OOO on good Secant TO BE LET, a Furuislied Bungalow at Teluk Knrow BOARD LODGING for a family or two persons at "Rosetta Cottage," Confederate Estate. FOR SALE. Best Singapore A row-root,
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  • 449 2 B'shop Hartz *ll, the \frican Prelate of ihe Methodist Episcopal Church, lias recently called attention in the '*New York Independent" to the imminent dauber of the interesting little Kepu>»lic beiiifj speedily >wall«»wed through the omnivorous advance of the French on tlie one side
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  • 1074 2 The New American WorldPower. A great controversy of momentous import has been opened by the w ir between the United States and Spain. Tue point cf it is—Will the American people, with ail their command of energy and of uvalth, enter upon a new career as one of the world's
    1,074 words
  • 90 2 :o: Thursday. 4th.— Water ;—11.5.« am 11.441 ptn Penang itaeeH, Second Day. Warraut Tugs of War, Fort (Jaimmr. 5 p in Friday, sth. Hitrh Water— 0,31 N<x>n. Cricket.—S CCv. R A and R K 4..W pin btfilltj .ii'tiiioillt'UtS AbSuCUtioil, isix. .h.t.; 4.3J |i ui Club "Jit Horn**" t>
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 522 2 DB WAR'S CELEBRATED WHISKY I 4l This isapood, pure and wliult'-Mioic spirit. Th« SeotMiian. Sin£nh»rly mellow. i >ron«_»lilv matured, and oi the most delii «te tl <voar.'* II Advertiser. 4i Tl-.or- ii at »r«d. frni rant to the nose, and 'eliriors tothe f»al?ite. Tie 1 remains s«h uranl I s
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    • 177 2 THI DISPENSARY, 8355&f553. A LAEGE AND VARIED STOCK OP Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Photograohic Requisites, Toilet Appurtenances, EMIISimm BO3LIC, ©©2EOM AID jiassnssA BSIBIT. Is everywhere acknowledged to be the most successful medicine in use for bowel complaints. It always cur. and cures quickly. It can be (blonde! s:' ven in the
      177 words
    • 359 2 POST FREE. 11l If you wish fyr K- Vifor, seod for tbc best aad most valual 'e work oo ATRCPKV *nd *,.f;"sCtf CJ.K bv M.D.. Ch M.. with i peciai chapter* on the Scxpiau ..ion of Vi»Al tts, and the certai CURE OF Pros'-<tion, DEBILITY and OEC '.Y. litis w-k
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    • 0 2 ~/(^\;``))}-+%"!~~\=@~\)>)-`[,@
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  • 800 3 The ordinary fortnightly meeting 4-1 tliH Municipal Commissioners was L<-!<1 yesterday at 2.00 p.ui. Pit-sent A. Gentle Ksq. President, Messrs. Bei«jafield (Secietary) 8. .Mulinsou (Municipal Engineer) S,.hi»t, Moses, Napier Meyer, Fort, vianp Tyo and Cheng Tuau. Ab*eutCol: Pennefather and Mr. vans. Standing order No. 6 was appended and
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  • 75 3 Tom Cooper, the American chana"n, lists a challenge to ri«le > tran in America a s«*ri *s of three -mile races, with th§ extraordi"ti v hr U e limit of two minutes tor ;i iuile, the contest to b** no race •1 i time limit is exceed
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  • 753 3 The fastest flowing river in the world is the SutJej, in British India, Its descent is 12,000 ft. in 180 miles. The names of 105 battles are emblazoned on the standards of the various regiments which forms the British army. The Hospital kindly calculates that a Londoner
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  • 244 3 The Chartered steamer Knight Templar is said to have left Hongkong on the 30th July aud may be due here about the 7th instant with general cargo. The A pear steamer Catherine Apcar is reported to hare left Calcutta on the Ist and may therefore be due
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  • 211 3 At the invitation of the International Industrial Syndicate, Limited, the proprietors of the Buffington Acetylene Gas Patents. a private view and demonstration of the company's lamps and generators was given lately at the Imperial Institute. The new Buffini»ton light is made from carbide of calcium, and
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  • 78 3 On London. Bank 4 m/s 1/11-5/16 demand l/11-:tylt> Private credits 3 m/s 1/! 1-7/16 documents 3 m/s l/i 1 i credits in/s l/11-9/ld On India, 3ank demand 1451 On Hongkong. Bank demand I o/o prem On Yokohama. Bank demand 5 o/o prem. On Java. Bank demand 115$ Private 30
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  • 38 3 the Ist January, 1809, the Police Department will cease to purchase, for sale to the public, .Standard Weights and Measures, and the provision of these coimnoditie* will be left to private eno-rpnse. Singapere, 15th June, 1898.
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  • 20 3 ART Needlework Depot removed to Orch rds Koad, No. IC, acroM French Bakery. See Signboard. Singapore, 2nd August, 1898.
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  • 96 3 is hereby given that the Annuui General Meeting of tho Association will be held at the Singapore Exchange Rooms, on Friday, the sth August, at 4.00 p. m. BUSINESS To consider the Committee's Report and BMI ince Sheet fur the year eudin<* 30th June, 1898.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 27 3 Lan Fong Co. No. 19, High Street. Tnitor» and General Outfitters Give a European cut, «nd the moat approved s'yle of clothing for geutleueu Compare our prices.
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    • 226 3 Katz Bros., Limited Hare just unpacked a large stock of Bedsteads, in various sized. Pillar ■v Of, v* Foldingßedsteads. Children Cots size 5 ft. x 3. Swing Cots. Cotton Mattress. Cushion Spring Mattress. Mosquito Curtain Pillows. Bolsters. Sheets. Pillow Cases. Bolster Cases. Blankets. Bath Towels. Bath Qowns." Marble Top Washstands,
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    • 266 3 A Cure for Piles and Fistula \TR. LEE SOON LIM, -hop -Seng Watt." of No. 17. Selegie Road, begs to inform the public that ho is in 1 po>»esMou of a strictly relinble and ef- feetivecure for Piles and Fistula of any length of duration. Mntty h«ve Iteen cured after
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    • 241 3 Bensdorp Co.'s ROYAL DUTCH COCOA. entirely pnre and unadulterated, is the qest value in the market Sole Agents, BKINKMANN A CO. Betail, JOHN LITTLE Co., LTD JAPANESE CURIOS Wholesale Retail Merchant* of all kinds of Japanese Curios. New Goods coming by every mail. Grape Shirts. White Yamatoya Crape Shirts at
      241 words
    • 404 3 Wanted. VOUNG Girls for Dressmaking Worlcroom. Apply to ROBINSON 4 CO. Singapore, 2nd August, 1898. Wanted A Compounder to take charge of a dispensary. Apply with testimonial* &c. to 4, Waterloo Street. Singapore, 28th J ul^, 1898. "yy ANTED, employment by a Japanese woman as nurse IU a family. Willing
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 657 4 Powell Co, Singapore. KIRNITURE MANUFACTURERS Tin* following notices are taken n n> tin Press. Tie and Shanghai Bunk. A k»mi.-o'Hi> carrel t<:V s<reen, n.;-.rly v leet 1. nj; and six feet with easti,oil grills Ih'siilulj the in«>n> grain of ihe I. ins in ';ilt htiers. marks o!T the l'aslr..-r"a pa
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    • 233 4 HUTTENBACH BROS, CO. Chubb's IRON SAKES» AND LOOK, The bosk in the world. Apollinaris Water, The queen of tablo waters, a most healthy ami refreshing drink in tropical countries. $17.00 per ease of 100 plass liottles. $8.50 hf. 50 stone Perrier Jouet Co.'s CHAMPAGNE, A high class wine of excellent
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    • 395 4 3T, M MILLLWRIGHTS, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS. OPPOSITE GENERAL POST OFFICE. Specialities. Lvon's Liberian CofFee Pulper, Lyon's Patent Dry Cherry Huller, Lyon's Self Acting Tapioca Machinery, liice Mills Wood Working Machinery, Cattle Powers Oil A!ill Plant, Pine Apple Preserving Plant. On Hand For Sale. Overshot Water Wheel 18 feet dia, Overshot
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    • 115 4 IC. O _i o tJD W sT :S a s <4-1 e/j O 3© c 3 S <u Ci?Tcl7ltlTt VV'ftai sa;*£Hcot€jS^ .<4«* v I <" «U I; J >sci:or/.s -.4 f r ss- 7- r- i K -i/ i i<~/ 'V[ I tT W s V. > •V.\ «U U**
      115 words
    • 387 4 Lj i mi tod. CHKMISTS DItUGGISTs. Have the largest and most complete Mock vl liifii ill's Foods. Neave 8 Mellin's bei.ger'e Knife's buvuiy <L Moore's Acbuv'e Alien <ic ilanltury's Robinson's P.itei.t ttarlev Invalid's Requirements. Brand's Essence of Chicken Brand's Essence of Eeef Bovril Lit-big's Meat Extract a .cut Meat Extract
      387 words