Mid-day Herald, 26 April 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Article, Illustration
    284 1  - P O FRANK RITCHIE, Agent. OFFICE, COLLIER QVAY, WHARVES, NEW LIAKBOI K. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Steam for China, Japan. Penang, Ceylon India. Australia. Aden, Egypt, Marseilles, Gibraltar, Malta, Brindiai, Venioe, Plymouth, and Londen. Through Bills of Lading issued for Persian Gnlf, Continental and American lorts, aho for China Coast and
    284 words
  • 131 1 f,h ifftij'li o~ Al'lf' LICOIiNE. Shi JO J, ore. The mail steamers will leave Singapore on or about the undermentioned dates. JUIWAKI*. HOMEWARD. 181 IS. Dates Dates K Simons Oct. 30 Sydney Nov, 2 Nov, 10 Caledouieu Nov. 10 Nov. Oreanien Nov, .30 La.
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  • 307 1  -  JAMES SELLAR Manager TIITS FOMPINR executes ships' repairs of all descriptions in the most efficent maniier nn«ler the superintendence of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 GRAVING DOCK— Length—4-15 feet. Depth of Water, from 14 to 15| feet. Width at Entrance, 42 feet. No.
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  • 217 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON u *K i9 v THE above >»fi.;ted in Province Wcllesley, :it tif of tin; Prye Kiver, has lately L» i i aliened and dequeued, arid is BJVV >.HE following dimensions; Tjenzrh ou the 330 feet Breadth :»t entrance 50 Depth of water on
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 231 1 GOLD MEDAL. —:o:— (Paris Exhibition. 1889.) —to: The only Gold Medal ever awarded for Toilet Soap at any International Exhibition in the World was obtained by Pears" Soap The Opinion also of more than 10' 1 A niilysts and Soapmakers, tho thief Exports of the World, represented by 20 HIGHEST
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    • 283 1 Messrs. Caldbeck Macgregor > Co., AGENTS FOR THE AQUARIUS COMPANY. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. /CHAMPAGNES, PORTS, CLARETS, v Whiskey, Brandy and Beer, Gins, Lqueurs, and Bitters. Californian Red and White Wines, English and German bottled Ales and Stouts. J. DASHWOOD SAUNDERS, AGENT, Singapore. JAPANESE CURIOS 1 Wholesale Retail Merchants of
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    • 359 1 Old False Teeth. —:o: Many Ladies #od OtotVmA bare by thorn Old or Disused Film Teeth which niipht as well be turned into money. Messrs. B. D. A J B Frailer, of Princess-Street, Iprwich (e-tab lished since 1833), luy Old False Teeth. If you send your t>«th to them they
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  • 731 2 A rather amusing discussion has taken place a? to the meaniug of the word usufruct" which appears in ttia official communique from St. Petersburg relating to Port Arthur and Ta-lien-vvan The question puzzled legislators in the House of Commons. Sir William Harcourt put
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  • 178 2 The adjourned case with regard to this matter was continued yesterday afternoon before the Second Slagistrate. On the case being resumed, Mr. Joaquim, in addressing the Court, submitted that no prima facie case had been made out against his clients. Witnesses for the prosecution
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  • 75 2 Tuesday. 26th.— High Water:—o.3s a.. 1.47 p. Victoria Parsee Cu. !*pm Wednesday, 27th;— High Water.—l.9 a.. 2.C1 p. Municipal Commission, 2.30 p m Victona Parbee Co., 9 p JI Thursday. 28th High Water—lo-50 a., 10.40 p. X i)L Mail Outwards. V ietoria Parsee Co., 9pm Friday, 29th April
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  • 1333 2 In the House of Commons on 23th March, Mr. Davitt asked the UnderSecretary for Foreign Affairs whether any papers relating to events in China were to be presented to Parliament this Sessiou and, if so, when whether any communication
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 427 2 DE WAR'S CELEBRATED WHISKY. The Lancet.—"This is a pood, pure ami whole-some spirit.' The SeotMiian. Sin?ulnrlv mellow, tkoton','hly matured, and of the most delicate flavour.'* Tim Mominsr Advertiser. Tlioroiichiy matured. fragrant to llie nose, and lelinous to the palate.'* The Freemans s Journal.— 11 Is excellent in 'jualiiy and very
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    • 197 2 THE DISPENSARY A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF Drugs. Chemicals, Perfumery, [Photographic Requisites, Toilet Appurtenances, &X»L OF FmsT C&&SS QUALITY. JSFABDBBIBIASSPg JQ-EiiUiliAa Is famous for its ciires of rheumatism; one application relieves the pain and its continued use for a short time, insures a cure. Pain Balm is a general
      197 words
    • 294 2 '"ft!" Mid-day Herald. The Ice of publication of this paper is at Ncl9 t Malacca Street, The iur of publication is at 2 p. m. daily ankt 1 p, m on Saturdays. The rd of subscription is I a month for local id 1.25 for outstation subscribers. tingle copies 10
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    • 0 2 $|'$}]$(]%@*^>^@}.$_!=})!+>%-}-
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  • 136 3 The number of auctioneers at Taiping will shortly reach six. Kuala Kubn and Raub are about to be connected by motor car. Coffee planters are to meet and confer this year at Arabang in Java. About $750 have been collected in Selangor for the Steve Harper Memorial.
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  • 690 3 itica of the demand for rubier seed in Ceylon may be obtained Tr< 'in the high price at which the i).hiio see-Is of Para variety realized 41. a public sar* namely, from K. 25 to K. lb per IOUO. Miss Scott, the y»• ull g lady whom \s>i»tant
    690 words
  • 94 3 Tho latest news we have been able to obtain co>'cerning the conflict between America and Spain is that the U. S. warships and storeships at Hongkong have left there and gone out of Romjkong Harbour limits, as Hongkong h is declared strict neutrality. The blockade of
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  • 140 3 Wf pnblish to-day. says the Hongkong Telegraph, a letter from the Colonial Surgeon of Macao to the Colonial Surgeon of Hongkong, protesting against the aspersion cast on the Macao Sanitary Bo;ird. We have read it carefully, in the hope (to speak candidly) of finding some
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  • 376 3 TO THE EDITOR MID-DAT HEHALD." SIB, —Having occasion to walk lately, I have that the footpaths (so-c tiled) along each side of the streets are continually blocked by the natives, i. e. Chinese, Malays, Khugs, Ac, Now taUe, for instance, the c ise of a
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  • 596 3 A Government Gazette Extraordinary was issued yesterday evening, under instructions received from Her Majesty's Secretary of State for the Colonies, notifying that Her Majesty the Queen Empress being fully determined to observe the duties of neutrality during the existing state of war between the United States of
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  • 77 3 On London. Bank 4 m/s 1/1) demand \J Private credits 3 m/ 5....... l/i documents 3 in/• 1/1 3/16 credits 6 m/ 5... 1/1. On India. Bank demand On Hongkong. j Bank demand If 0 /iis. On Yokohama. j Bank demand 7 o/oUm. On Java. Bank demand n Private
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  • 118 3 will be Received at the Colonial Secretary's Office, up to noon of the 2nd May, *****, for the following work:— Extension of Beacb Road Reclamation. Plans and Specifications may be seen, and printed t'oruisot teuder with all particulars obtained at the Public Works Department otheiany day between the
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  • 52 3 T)R. D. Shibaku wa, Deutist of Tokio Dental College, owing to thy liberal patronage bestowed upoe him since his arrival, has determinen to ntav in Singapore, and inay bd consulted daily at his Office, No. 5e North Bridge feoad. Charges ver4 ni«»derate. Excellent testimonials from pntients already treated.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 409 3 The Victoria Parsee Theatrical Co. I To-NigH| The Popular Opera f Indar sabhn And an amusing fam. TO-MORROW NI^IT. Talib's comic play:— I Diler Dilshor. Adapted from Reynolds Robert Macaire." REDUCED Puicas. $2, 1.00.—$0.75 aid 30 cents. Zenana 75 and 30 6nts. Children under ten, hafj price to all class
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    • 267 3 Katz Bros, Limited Have just received a New stock of Handsome Frame Mirrors in the following sizes. Gold Frames size of glass Black and Gold Frames do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Brown and Gold Frames do do do do do do
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    • 426 3 Moona Pakir Mustan Co. 45/46 North Bridge Road Shopkeepers. Dealers in Ladies 9 Gentlemen's goods. TTAYE just greatly extended their business and premises. and are showing a new stock of goods fresh from the best English Continental Houses. Ladies Cycilist's Corsets and Elastic Child tea's Corsets. Ladies Riding do do
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 550 4 Powell Co, Singapore* FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS The following notices are taken rom the Singapore Press.: The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. A handsome carved teak serpen, nearly So fV<*t b'Hg and six feet high, with castiron grills tearing the monogram of the Hanfc iu letters, marks off the Cashier's department, an inlet
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    • 196 4 HUTTENBACHROBS, CO. Chubb's IRON SAFES AND LOCK, The best in the world. Apollinaris Water, The queen of table waters, a most healthy and refreshing drink in tropical countries. $17.00 per case of 100 glass bottles. $8.50 hf. tf 50 stone Perrier Jouet Co.'s CHAMPAGNE, A high class wiue of excellent
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    • 388 4 m 3« MILLLWRIGHT INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS JONTRACTORS. OPPOSITE GENERAL POSTDFFICE. I Specialities. Lyon's Patent Liberian Coffee Pulper, Lyon's Patent Dry Cherry Huller, Lyon's Belf Acting Tapioca Machinery, Rice Mills Wood Working Machin Cattle Powers Oil Mill Plant, Pine Apple Preserving Plant. On Hand For Sale. Overshot Water Wheel 18 feet dia,
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    • 67 4 c C *5 Mi > O .5 #■l f--* V 4+ I n B'kok v> g te 6 o .2 S *T3 O tt g B JQ 20, Raffles Place. u r£ \i >» <* A OJf. ft i if >if I>. 1- 1 251 EGBERT BR HOPE ST 4
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    • 421 4 UM» M Limited. CHEMISTS DRUGGISTS. Hare the largest and most complete stock of Infant's Foods. Neave'g Mellin's Benger's Ridge's Savory Moore's Mestie's Allen Hanbury's Robinson's Patent Barley. Invalid's Requirements. Brand's Essence of Chicken Brand's Essence of Beef Bovril Liebig's Meat Extract Valentine's Meat Extract Savory Moore's Peptonized Cocoa and Milk
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