Mid-day Herald, 25 April 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Article, Illustration
    285 1  - P O FRANK RITCHIE, Agent. OTNCK, Count QUAY, WHABTM, NEW HAABOUR. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Steam for China, Japan. Pananfl. Cayloo India. Australia. Adan, Egypt, Maraalilaa, O ltoraiur, Malta, Briad*. T«iWa, f Plymouth, and Uadoa. Through Bills of Lading lwued for Pertian Qulf, Continental and American I orts, alto for China
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  • 126 1 Telegraphic Addre** Licorne. J Singapfyre. The mail steamers will leave Singapore on or altont the nnderroentioned dates. Outwakd. Homeward. 1893. Dates Dates K Simou. Oct, 30 Sydney Nov, 2 Nov, 16 j Caledonien NOT, 16 N0,!27 i Oc«ni.a No,. 30 l. Dec. 14 Melbourne
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  • 302 1  -  JAMES SELLAR Manager THIS Company execute® ships* repairs of all descriptions in the most efficent manner under the superintendence of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 GRAVING DOCI— Length—4ls feet. Depth of Water, from 14 to 15| feet. Width at Entrance, VI feet No.
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  • 211 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON Onp£4o£v THE above Dock, ntuted in Province Wellesley, at the entrance of the Prye Hirer, has lately been lengthened and deepened, and Ha now of the following dimensions Length on the blocks 330 feet Breadth at entrance 50 Deoth of water on sill
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 235 1 GOLD MEDAL. —:o: (Pari* Exhibition. }889.) —:o: The only Gold Medal ever awarded for Toilet ftoap at any International Exhibition in the World was obtained by Pears 9 Soap The Opinion also of more than 100 Analysts and Soapmakers, 1 lie chief Experts of the World, represented by 20 HIQHCST
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    • 272 1 Messrs- Oridheck Macgrcgor ft Co., AOINTS FOR THf AQUARIUS COMPANY. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. /CHAMPAGNES, PORTS,CLARETB, Whiskey, Braodj and Beer, Gins, Lqnenrs, and Bitters. Californian Red and White Wines. English and German bottled Ales and Stoats. J. DASHWOOD SAUNDERS, AGENT, Singapore. JAPANESE CURIOS of all kinds of Japanese Curios. New
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    • 303 1 Old Film Teeth—:o:— Many L*dies and Geetlonm bare br them Old or Diinwd Mn Teeth which niifrht m well be turned into" money. Mean*. ID iJ B. Fraeer, of PriaoeM-Street, Ipewich (ertab linked since 18U), bey Old Teeth. •If yoo tend jou teeth to them they will remit yoe by
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  • 264 2 The terrible scandal in the Saxe-Ooburg family is causing much Hroubli in the English Koyal circle. Prince Philip of Ooburg has pat up with his wife's whims and vagaries for several years past, but now that she has flaunted her infidelities in the
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  • 334 2 THE WAR. Hostilities having now been declared between the two nations, the following extract will be of interest. It shows that although Spain was negociatiug for peace, she did not lose time in making every possible preparations in case no peaceful settlement of the Cuban affair could
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  • 130 2 There is<* strong demand for rice, says the ftangoo* Timr*, as for so jmany other things in the Far Bast at present, and freights were probably never before so high in Bangkok as they have been for the last month. The freight for rice is now
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  • 246 2 The Kuala Lumpor Dog-In-spector Fined. Mr. White, who is temporarily performing the duties of Dog-Inspector here, says the Malay Mail, was fined iu Court fur having exceeded his powers—a mistake by the way which oversealous public servants not infrequently make* The facts of the case are briefly these :—On the
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  • 515 2 During the past few weeks several hundred Japanese blue-jackets have been seeing the signts of London preparatory to going on to Newcastle which they did on the 30th nit., in a chartered steamer of the Nippon Yusen K-iisha, there to take over the new projected cruiser
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  • 107 2 Monday, 25th High Water,—o.4 noon 1J) p Philharmonic Choir. &.30 p m M Nec Aspera Terrent," lOQT 7.30 p m Church Hoase, Tanglin Emulation Lodge, 8.30 p m Victoria Parsee Co, 9pm Tuesday, 26th.— High Watero.3s a., 1.47 p. Victoria Parsee Co, 9pm Wednesday, 27th; High Water.—l.9 a,
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  • 304 2 In the House of Commons on the 29«h M irrh. Sir W. Harcourt: I understand th#» Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, in answeriug the member for Sheffield, to say that he had received a communication from the Russian Ambassador stating than the usufruct had been granted
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  • 513 2 FRIDAY, 22ND APRIL. H. E. Bou<lewyn t Saui'ay Inspector, deposed High Street, where No. 16 was situated was in his district. He knew No. 16. He inspected the place twice in January, on the Bth and 21st. On his second visit he noticed th»
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 412 2 DE WAR'S CELEBRATED WHISKY. The Lancet.— t*' This is a pood, pure and whol»--so»ue spirit." The Scot.*ninn. 44 Singularly mellow, thoroughly matured, ant! of the most delionte flavour." The Morning Advertiser. Thoroughly matured. fragrant to the nose, and •lelieions to the palate." The Freemans's Journal. Is excellent in quality and
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    • 201 2 THE DISPENSARY A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OP •i Drags, Chemicals, !Perf\imery, -Photographic f* > < [Requisites, Toilet .Appurtenances, ALL QT FIRST CLASS QUALITT, t w ijJI 0 ia W JUi W m 15 •I Xi) Is famous for its cures of rheumatism; one application relieves the pain and its
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    • 289 2 "The Mid-day Herald. II The office of publication of this paper it at No. 19, Malacca Street, The hoar of publication is at 2 p. m. daily and at 1 p. m on Saturdays. The rate of subscription is $1 a month for local and $1.25 for outstation subscribers. Single
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    • 0 2
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  • 907 3 Ihe case of mischief bv fire in !i "_rh Street was dismissal this af;eri <•'»»». further particulars to-mor- ow. One of the Nippon l'ushen Japanese steam-Ts arrived from Japan *iii> morning. Harvesting jr>( been concluded h'rian, and the erop is said to be i '»t a Vt-•
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  • 820 3 The Victoria Parsi Theatrical Company, who are at present attracting large houses every night for some time past to their Theat re at Queen street, evidently know the wisdom of the old poetical advice, Go forth in haste, with bills and paste, proclaim to all
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  • 73 3 On London. B»nk 4 111/s 1/10-1 deuiaud 1/10-4 Private credits 3 m/s 1/11 documents 3 m/s 1/11-1/16 credits 6 ui/5..1/lli On India. f)ank demand 139^ On Hongkong. Bank demand 1| o/«> dis. On Yokohama. Bank demand 7 o/o prern. On Java. Bank deiUHnd 112 Private 30 d/a 118| SOVKRKIONS,
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  • 119 3 npENDERS will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office, up to noon of the 2nd May, 1898, for the following worksExtension of Beach Road Reclamation. Plans and Specifications may be seen, and printed forms of tender with all particulars obtained at the Public Works Department office any day
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  • 52 3 T)R. D. Shibaknwa, Dentist of Tokio Dental College, owing to thy liberal patronage bestowed npoe him since his arrival, has deterininen to stay in Singapore, and may bd consulted daily at his Office, No. 5e North Bridge Road. Charges ver4 m< (derate. Excellent testimonials from patient* already treats],
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 83 3 The Boyal Hair Dressing Saloon, 85, RAFFLES PLACE. rpHIS well-known establishment, in the ceutral part of the Square, is being j altered with a view of affording every facility to customers of both sexes. The j doorway is being constructed so that Ladies, by passing to the left, may avoid
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    • 518 3 The Victoria Parsee Theatrical Co. To-Night The charmine Comedy Opera Zulme-azlain. Thunder, Lightning and Shipwreck To be concluded with a farce. REDUCED PRICES. $2, —Si.oo. —$0.75 and 80cents. Zenana 75 and 80 cents. Children ander ten, half price to all classes. Doors open at sp. m. commence at 9 p.
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    • 190 3 Katz Bros, Limitedi Have just received a New stock of Hand* some Frame Mirrors in the following sizes. Gold Frames size of glass 78x38 inches. Also Sheepskin Carriage MatsYellow Size 30x18 inches Maroon do do Brown do do Blue do do Electric Blue Brick Colour Blue Size 38x27 inches Grey
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    • 424 3 Moona Pakir Mustan Co. 45/46 North Bridge Road Shopkeepers. Dealers in Ladies' Gentlemen's goods. TTAVE just greatly extended their busiuess and premises. And Are showing a new stock of goods fresh from the best English Continental Houses. Ladies Cycilist's Corsets and Elasti o Children's Corsets. Ladies Biding do do Walking
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 591 4 Powell Co, Singapore. Ft' UN ITU RE MAN U FA CTURERS. The following notices are taken 3". in tin* Press.: The Hons "song and Shanghai Bank. A hai»*V >.me earved teak screen, nearly <of; il i six feet hi«h, with castm .:r:ag the monogram of the t'.ii; i u -il:
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    • 227 4 HUTTENBACHROBS, CO. Chubb's IRON SAFES AND LOCK, The b«6t in the world. Apollinaris Watefr, Tlie queen of table waters, a most healthy and refreshing drink in tropical countries. $l7 Oo per rase of 100 glass bottles. sb.st* hf. 50 stone Perrier Jouet Oo.'s CHAMPAGNE, A high class wiue of exoellemt
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    • 377 4 I l\/l 1 f) wLP @g> v r« MILLLWRIGHTS, i I'.. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS. OPPOSITE GENERAL POST OFFICE. 1 I Specialities. V. .iI < Lyon's Patent Liberian Coffee Pulper, Lyon's Patent Dry Cherry Huller, Lyon's Self-Acting Tapioca Machinery, KicoJliUfl Woodworking Machinery, Cattle Powete Oil Mill Plant, 5 4 Pine Apple
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    • 83 4 M. A. Gulfoor. y f 1: Sole Agent for Straits Settlements and B'kok The Mechanical Improved Hitchcock Lamp. The very best lamp in the world for burning kerosine. !i i; M if f t. t: K> .V S I *g 'w 13 <2 -j! JS i sac. amnrooa 20, Raffles
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    • 411 4 Limited. CHEMISTS DRUGGISTS. Hare the largest and roost complete stock of Infant'* Foods. Neave's Mellin's Bender's Knife's £>*vory Moore's Pestle's Allen A HanUury's Robinsou's Patent Barley. Invalid's Requirements. Brand's Essence of Chicken Brand's Essence of Beef Bovril Liebi<j*s Mest Extract Valentine's Meat Extract Savory Moore's Peptonize<l Cocoa and Milk Savory
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