Mid-day Herald, 21 April 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Article, Illustration
    273 1  - P O FRANK KITGIIIE, agon*. OTIIC*, COLLTSK QDAT, WHABTIS, New HiBIOVB. BTEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Steam for China, Japan. Pen an g, Ceylon Ad n K «n>t f Marseilles, &«We»r Through Bills of Lading issued for Persian Gnlf y Continental and American Ports, also for China Coast «nd San Francisco via
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  • 120 1 graphic Ad'iresn JjicORNK. Siit g<t pore. The mail steamers will leave Singapore on or about the undermentioned date 9 OUTWAKD. 1898. Dates K. Sitnous Ralazie X Laos I Yarra J Sydney IioiIKWAKD. 1898. Dates Oct, 30 Sydney NOT, 16 Caledonien Nov. 27 Dec. 14
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  • 295 1  -  JAMES SELLAR Manager THIS Company executes ships' repairs of all descriptions in the most efficent manner under the superintendence of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 GRAVING DOCK Length—4ls feet. Depth of Water, from 14 to feet. Width at Entrance, 42 feet. No. 2
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  • 213 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON oaftioSv THE above Dock, situated in Province Wellesley, at the entrance of the Prye Kiver, has lately been lengthened and deepened, and is now of the following dimensions: Lenajih on the bloeks 330 feet Breadth at entran<>e 50 Depth of Atl «'U at
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 227 1 WOLD JMEDAL. —:o:—. (Paris Exhibition. 1889.) The only Goid Medal ever awarded for Toilet Boap at anj International Exhibition in the World was obtained by Pears' Soap The Opinion also of more than 1W Anuljeta and Soapmaker. the chief Expert, of the World,' represented by 30 HIQHIST awards A FRANKEL,
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    • 516 1 SOLD BT ALL LICKSEDSPIRITDEALBBS. SAME AS SUPPLIED TO THE HOUSES OF LORDS AND COMMONS AND TO ALL GOOD LONDON CLUBS. Sole Importers X.&TS 3ROS., McALISTER Co. SOLE AGENTS FOR u tg|lggito MANUFACTURED BY Messrs. R. J. Dick, Glasgow. The best Belting in the Market. mt i w vmrijrTTi None genuine
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    • 276 1 Messrs. C&ldbeck Macgregor Co., AGENTS FOR THE AQUARIUS COMPANY. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. pHAMPAGNES, PORTS, CLARETS, Whisker, Brandy and Beer, Gins, Lqnenrs, and Bitters. Californian Red and White Wines. English and German bottled Ales and Stouts. J. DASHWOOD SAUNDERS, I AGEKT, Singapore. JAPANESE CURIOS Wholesale Retail Merchants all kindiQfLJaitfuieee Curios.
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    • 327 1 Old False Teeth. —:o: Many L*die« and Gentlemen bv them Old or I>i?uaed False Tc« ffc. which mir'it as well bo turned into money. Messrs. R. D A J. 1! Fraacr, of Friuccss-Street, Ip.-wich (et-Ub liahed eince 1833). buy Old False Teeth. If yo< eend yonr teeth *o them they
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  • 469 2 Another batch of habitual crim. inals have teen packed off to China by the steamer Kittson#,*™* of course, so to say, this is only a good riddance of bad rubbish. Since the order for deporting habitual criminals was passed, quite a number of
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  • 473 2 The decrease in the number of bills of sale registered during the year is no doubt the result of the decisions of the Supreme Court, which set aside a number of bills of sale on the ground that ■uui wuc iiut
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  • 456 2 St Petersburg, March 18.— The Official Messenger publishes a communique stating that the Russian Government has instructed its representative at Soul to inform the Emperor of Korea and his Ministers that if, iu their opinion, Korea no longer requires anv foreign help and is ftjuiahlfl of nrcser?insr
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  • 123 2 Thvi* lay, 2Ht High Water. —IOJMfa., 10.40 p. New Moon. S.lt" a m Sale «jf Crown Land, Powell Co., IX UIHVK>U IM»« V/lUQ t* RACTI^c 3pm Victoria Pareee Co., 9 p ua Friday, 22nd; High Water —11.28 a.. 117 p. PiO mail homewards closes, 6 s m P
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  • 580 2 A CARTER'S REMARK\BLK CLAIS. From information which the Belfast News-Letter has gleaned from various sources, it appoars that a claim, or, rather, a series of claims, is being made by a man at present following the occupation of a carter, which, if proved to be
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 410 2 DEWAR'S CELEBRATED WHISKY. The Lnncot. "This is a good, pnreand whole-some spirit." •The Scotsman.—" Singularly mellow, thoroughly matured, and of the moat delicate fltvour." The Morning Advertiser.—" Thoroughly matured, fragrant to the nose, and delicious to the palate." Iho freemans 8 Journal.— Is excellent in quality and very to the
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    • 196 2 THE DISPENSARY A LAEGE AND VARIED STOCK OF Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Photographic Requisites, Toilet Appurtenances, ALL OF PIESf CLABB QUAiITT, ins Is the best medicine in the world for coughs' cold 9, croup and whooping cough. When troubled with a cough or cold give this remedy a trial, you will
      196 words
    • 238 2 irald. e office of pnblof this paper is at No. 19, MalaccX, The hoar of pubiiLg a i 2 p. m. daily and at I p. m oadays. The rate of subscript )l a month for local and $1.25 fetation subscriber*. Single copiaifcuts each. Communications on ess matters should be
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    • 0 2 }%"\%^)**`!@\^<!(!(*_;>*|->,/]_
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  • 815 3 i BoW <» presided last month for* lh C "M J d e tPed in D «Win, be°f IrP,""d- ~r MaifUire, on Surpr.se in War f r0 m a Military and National Point of View The lecturer said the object of »L i arrange h,s a marches
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  • 791 3 te^il° t iern,embePof the ,e «al fraternity 18 expected to start, business in Selangor shortly, Yesterday afternoon the Officers in command °f the Dutch ships now ,n haibour paid unofficial visit to Government House. A hydrant in Dunlop Street re quires some attention. It was 7e bear,
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  • 93 3 A Trip to Fairy Land was very well played last night by the Parsee mpany, and it was played to a jory large audience. *lt was the rsti. time that the theatre-going public of Singapore had witnessed such a good representation of it, and we
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  • 128 3 THK INQUEST. Yesterday afternoon an inquest was held upon the body of one Gi Ab Chong, who was killed ou the ltith 'nst. at. Tanjong Pagar bv a strong shock of the electric current. The inquest was held at the General Hospital before Dr. T. C.
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  • 432 3 time than ever this year, and as «n Assistant Superintendent is required to attend during the whole of the Assize* in Singapore, the call ou our weak staff has been greater than usual. I regret very much that it has beeu deemed
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  • 68 3 4 London. j Bank 4 1/10| <d l/io* Private c# m/s l/U-1/16 n docu* 3 ui/s 1/H4 n cred 6 1/11-3/16 India. Bank demt l^ Hongkong. Bank demt 0/0 dis. Yokohama. Bank demt 7 0/0 prem. On Java. Bank dema. 1124 Private 30, SovKßEioN(to buy) $ll Bank of £nnd
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  • 50 3 D* D. Shibfcawa, Dentist of Tokio Dental (ollege, owing to thy liberal patrfiage bestowed upoe him since hislrrival, has determinen to stay in aigapore, and may bd consulted dak a t his Office, No. 5e North Bridge'load. Charges ver4 moderate. kccllent testimonials from patients ready treated. CONSUITATION FREE.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 416 3 The Victtfa Parsee ThcatricalCo. The Jane-alaii-Anjuraanara Splendid Sceiiy and a side-splitting Farce. TO-\IO*ROW NIGHT. Alibabaand the Forty Jliieves! Dagger dance? Drill and drolleries. To be concluded with a farce. PRICES FCP ADMISSION. $2,—$1.50.4—51 and oO cents. Children ten, half price to all classesDoors open ai g p. m. commence at
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    • 303 3 Katz Bros LimitedHave just received a New stock of Handsome Frame Mirrors in the following sizes. Gold Frames size of glass Black and Gold Frames do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Brown and Gold Frames do do do do do do 78x38
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    • 433 3 Moona Pakir Mustan Co. 45/46 North Bridge Road Shopkeepers. Dealers in Liidies' Geiitlcmen's goods. HAVE j"st greatly extended their business and premise*, and are < showing a new stock of goods frc-fb from the beet English Continental Mouses. Ladies Cycilist's Corsets and Elastic Children's Cort ts. Ladies do do Walking
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 534 4 Powell Co, Singapore. FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS. The following notices are taken roni the Press.:— The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. A li ami some carved teak screen, nearly MO feet long and six feet high, with castiron bearing the monogram of the Han* in gilt letters, marks off the Cashier s department,
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    • 211 4 HUTTENBACHROBS. CO. Chubb's IRON SAFES AND LOCK, The best in the world. Apollinaris Water, The queen of table waters, a most healthy and refreshing drink in tropical I countries. $17.00 per case of 100 plass bottles. sB.s<> hf. 50 stone M Perrier Jouet Co.'s CHAMPAGNE, A high class wiue of
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    • 388 4 mm MILLLWRIGHTS, i. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS CONTEiORS. OPPOSITE GENERAL POST OFFICE. Specialities. i' j y i v Lyons Patent Liberian Coffee Pulper, Lyon's Patent Dry Cherry Huller, Lyons Self Acting Tapioca Machinery, Hice Mills Working Machinery > Cattle Powers Oil Mill' Plant, Pine Apple Preserving Plant. On Hand For Sale. Overshot
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    • 67 4 M. A. Gu«oor. Sole Agent for Straits Settlements and B'kok The Mechanical Improved BltcUcoct UnipTbe bet top in U» ««U u (m 3 ft fr~ O So •e k j§ S .5^5 fl >» c? g.*3 li 0 O* a II MARK IL ROBERT BROWN m HOPE HoiM ST. CLAS
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    • 415 4 Limited. CHEMISTS DRLGGISTS. Hare the largest and most complete stock of Infant's Foods. Neave's Mellin's Benger's Rulge's bavory Moore's Nesue's Allen Hanbury's Robinson's Patent barley. Invalid's Requirements. Brand's Essence of Chicken Brand's Essence of Beef Bovril Liebig's Meat, Extract Valentine's Meat Extract Savory Moore's Peptonized Cocoa and Milk Savory Moore's
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