Mid-day Herald, 16 April 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Article, Illustration
    280 1  - P O FKAAK. nrnjiurc. Agent. OFFIC*, COUTH QVAY, WHAKTKS, Sl* HASSOCK. NAVIGATION COMPANY •team for China, Japan. Penang, Cejloo MM, Australia. JLdan. *gypt, MarsdiUa, Gibraltar, Malta, Brtndlil. Venice, Plymouth, and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for Perttian Chilf, Continental and American I ort ft, also for China Coast mud
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  • 130 1 Telegraphic Athlrei W LICOUNE. Singapore. The mail steamer* will leave Singapore on or a Unit the undermentioned dates.-; OCTWAKD. HOMEWARD. l«i)8. 181*8. Dates Dates K YIMOUS Oct, 30 Sydney NOT, 2 £*Wie NOT, jr. Caled.mien Nov, 10 t»«u;h*!ien Nov. 27 Or uin;n Nov, SO
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  • 307 1  -  JAMES SELLAR Manager Tins Company executes ships' repairs of all descriptions in the most efficent manner under the superintendence of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 GRAVING DOCK— Length—4ls feet. Depth of Water, from I t to feet. Width at Entrance, 42 feet. No.
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  • 212 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON uaj{ja3« THE above Dock, situated in Province Wollesl»*y, at th« entrance of the Prve Kiver, has lately been lengthened and deepened, and is now of the following dimensions: Length on the blooks 330 feet Breadth at entrant 50 Depth of water on sill
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 233 1 GOLD MEDAL. —:0: (Pari* Exhibition. 1889.) The only Gold Medal ever awarded for Tovlot fcjoap at any International Exhibition in the World waa obtained by Pears' Soap Tho Opinion also of more than An WysU and Soapmakero, the chief Experts o£ the World, represented by 20 HIGHEST AWARDS A FRANKEL,
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    • 289 1 Messrs- Caldbeck Macgregor Co., AGENTS FOR THE AQUARIUS COMPANY. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS pHAMP \GNEB, PORTS, CLARETS, Whiskev, Braudy and Beer, Gins, Lq neuni, and Bitters. Californian Rod and White Wines. English and German bottled Ales and btouts. J. DASHWOOD SAUNDERS, AGENT, Singapore. JAPANESE CURIOS Wholesale Retail Merchants of all
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    • 348 1 OTd Falne Teeth. —tOtMany Tjrdicn and Gentlemen hare by tin-Hi Old or Di»u«<-d F&lw Tt-eth which n iL'ht as well b*», turned iatp Di'tnry. Meivrn. ft. 1). J. It Frnwr, of l'rincoA».6tre«'t l Ip** iih (e«tab lixhed eince ls38). bay Old Fal*« Teeth. If you atnd your teeth to them
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  • 1395 2 a The Spanish Government i placed in a most awkward posi* tion with regard to Cuba. The insurants have declined to accept the armistice given them, and Uncle Sam is demanding the withdrawal of the Spanish troops from Cuba. Whether Spain will be
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  • 113 2 Saturday, 16th April High Water.—s.s2 a., 7.30 p. Cricket, —S C C v Garrison S C C(2nd XI; v Next XVI Star of East, G. T. 7.39 p. m. TeaupcnutM Club. Victoria Parse** Co., 9pm Sunday. 17th High Water.—7-21 a., 8.27 p. Ijow Sunday French Mall Outwards. Monday,
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  • 215 2 Trie announcement by the British Foreign Office that the waterways ot China, are to he opened iu June to foreign s; earners is much attention in ci.xirt c r<*l s Xew York. Tne auuo ineeui n cknowledired on ad side* t• m t ..i* step iu
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  • 304 2 Ciptain William C. Oldrieve, of B »ston. makes announceme ot a >fr murk ib e intention. H.» says h- *>H across the Atlantic Oc-*n 'i**tt summer. He will l>eg n his j uirnev on July 1, mill will be aco unpiioei by Captain William
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  • 52 2 T)R. D. Shibak iwa, Dentist of Tct'O Deutal College, owint! to thy liber.il patronage bosrowed th*m» him since his arrival, has determine** to stay in Sing.i|K>r»% and may M consulted daily at his Office, No. p North Bridge Road. Charges ver4 m«»derate. Excellent testiirn-uuto from patients already treated.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 426 2 DE WAR'S CELEBRATED WHISKY. The Lancet. —"This is a good, pure and whole-some spirit." The Scotsman.— M Singularly mellow, thoroughly matured, and of the moat delicate flavour." Tho Morning Adv» Wiser. Thorotiyhly matured, fracraut to the nose, and •ielicio us to the palate. The Frcemans's Journal. Is excellent in quality
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    • 85 2 Winchester Repeating Rifle. Saloon Rifle. corns EWPOCKCI* Colts KevolverColts Xew Army Revolver open. Cartridges Loaded on the shortest Notice, COLT'S DERI NGER. Implement* of every description kept iu Stock. Colts Pistol. KkTZ EifcOS., XJHITKB, SINGAPORE. THB MSB-BAT HBRAI» Cheap Prepaid Charges for Advertisements Houses to let, Employment wanted, For Sale,
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    • 116 2 E. J. Woosensah and Go. Cloth Merchants. No. 032-5, North Bridge Boad. T>EGS to announce t« the Ladies and Gentlemen of Singnpore th«t they have just received new goo*is for the Season and that they are »bic to sap* ply all kinds of cloth, including Satins, Muslins, Zephyrs, Shoes, Hats,
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    • 0 2
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  • 1370 3 The steamer Libelle, from Labuan, arrived here yesterlay, bringing with her ai passengers Messrs. Stoffers, Keys, Dumas aud Lamaar, and 73 deck. The import of bullocks into Singapore j* by no means regular at prernjr.t, ami this accounts for the fluctu ,tio>< in the price of beef
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  • 641 3 APRIL 15. Rudolph Carl Wilhelm Alexander Sieveits, of 2 f», Hamburg, German Emnire, Manufacturer, has granted the exclusive privilege of making, .selling, and using an Invention frtr Treatment of Rattan, Bamboo and other plants burin? a silicioun outer coating f> r the bleaching and dyeiug In accordance with
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  • 291 3 SOMS PABTICULAES BEQAKDIVO VHBM So much has bee" heard of the Mniikdin Khel, the 6est section of the Afridis who complied with the Government terms, th*t some details regarding them may be ot interest. They are described in official accounts as the "Khan" Khel or head tribe
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  • 75 3 On London. Bank 4 m/s v 1/10-11/16 dem&ud 1/10-9/16 Private credits 3 in/»........ 1/10-15/16 documents 3 tn/s 1/11 credits 6 m/s ..1/11-1/16 On India. Bank demand 1401 On Hongkong. Bank demand f o/o dis. On Yokohama. Bank demand 7 o/o pretn. On Java. Bank demand 11'?4 Private 30 d/s
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  • 125 3 RENDERS will be received at the Colonial Secretary'* Office, up to noon of the 15th April, 131*8, fur the followintr works 1. C»' Btruction of Hurried AttendanV Quarters, Lunatic Asylum. 2. Extension of Beach Road iieclamation. PLms and Specifications may be seen, and printed forms «>f ten.ier with
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  • 82 3  -  F. J. BENJAFIELD Actin? Municipal Secretary, Municipal Officd*, Robinson Road, Singapore, l»t April, 1898. rpHR Municipal Commissioners, of the Town of Singapore require the services temporarily of a building Overseer. Applicants must have a practical knowledge of building materials and building construction and thoroughly understand plans drawn te
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 463 3 MAILS WILL CLOSE. TO-DAY. Penan#, Bou, 2 p. m. Deli. Ganjaed. 2 p.m. Moar, Farfall, 3 p. m, Bagan Sri Tanjong Pinang 3 p.m. Hongkong and Amoj PaimuruU, 3 p. m. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal* The public are informed thai the address of the Society's Inspector
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    • 325 3 Return of the Favourites I EXTRAORDINARY SIGHT! ELECTRIC LIGHT! The Victoria Parsee Theatrical Co. To-Night. The grand domestic play Niguhe-Gaflat or Hoodmam Blind* Performed by Mr. Wilson Bar.«et, at the Prinoess Theatre London, in 1886rhe True exhibition of the River Nile in Mjoa-light, A marvellous scene never shewn by any
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    • 186 3 THE DISPENSARY A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Photograph!® Requisites, Toilet Appurtenances, Alt. OF FIRST CLASS QtJAtITT, ®SAKBSBMIH'g COHS. Alf© Is everywhere acknowledged to be the most successful medicine in nse for bowel complaints. It always cures and cures quickly. It can be depended upon even in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 552 4 Powell Co, Singapore* FUKNITUKE MANUFACTURERS. The following notices are taken rum the Singapore Press. The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. A handsome carved teak screen, nearly feet lohg and six feet high, with castiron grills Winfc* the monogram of the Han* in gilt letters, marks off the Cashier s department, an
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    • 203 4 HUTTENBACHROBS. CO. Chubb's IRON SAFES AND LOCK, The best; in the world. Apollinaris Water, The queen of table waters, a most healthy and refreshing drink in tropical countries. $l7 00 per case of 100 bottles. $8.50 hf. 50 stoue Perrier Jouet Oo.'s CHAMPAGNE, A high class wine of excellent repnta>
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    • 393 4 3YM, &TOS C©„ J 1 <f MILLLWRIGHTS, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS. OPPOSITE GENERAL POST OFFICE. Specialities. Lyon's Patent Liberian Coffee Pulper, Lvon's Patent Dry Cherry Huller. Lyon's Acting Tapioca Machinery, Kice Mills Wood Work ins: Machinery, Cattle Vowers Oil Mill Plant, Pine Apple Preserving Plant. l On Hand For Sale. Overshot-
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    • 92 4 M. A. Guffoor. Sole Agent for Straits Settlements and B'tok The Mechanical Improved Hitchcock Lamp. The very best lamp in the world for burning kerosine. Pi 2 r- 6 at p fc be Bo b J? TT o *S "g ®E z* S «-8 Si, W 03 83 s .a
      92 words
    • 421 4 Limited. CHEMISTS DRUGGISTS. Hare the largest and most complete stock of Infaint's Foods. Neave's Melliu'g Benger'a Rhine's 6«tvury Moore's Allen Han*>uiy's Robinson's Patent Barley. Invalid's Requirements. Brand's Essence of Chicken Brand's Essence of B*;ef Bovril Liebig's Meat Extract Valentine's Meat Extract Savory Moore's Peptonic Cocoa and Milk Savory Moore's Pan
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