Mid-day Herald, 12 April 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Article, Illustration
    282 1  - P O FRANK HITCH IK, Agent. Orric*, COLL TEE QUAY, WHABTM, NEW HABBOUB. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Steam for Chinm, Japan. Penang Ceylon India. Australia. Aden, Egypt, MarseiJea, Gibraltar. Malta. Brindißi. Venice. Plymouth, and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for Pertian Gulf, Continental and American I nrts, alto for China
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  • 136 1 T' lfjr't{'hie Athlre** LICOKNE. Sirtt/n/'ore. The mail steamers will leave Singapore on or nU.ut tin* undermentioned dates.—(JL'TW 1C 1». LLO.M KWAKD. 1 H!»8. 1 Dates Dates K. Sitm.ua Oct, 30 j Sydney NOT, 2 SaU/ie N<>T, It; t':iled<»nien Nov. LRT N»»R. 27 Onutiien NOT,
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  • 309 1  -  JAMES SELLAR Manager Tnn Comp»nv executes ships' repairs of all descriptions in the moat efficent manner under the superintendence of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 GRAVTXO DOCK Length—4l 5 feet. Depth of Wafer, from 1 1 ti feet. Width at Kntrance, 12 feet.
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  • 214 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON UnJ^JO^TJ THE above D»ck, situated in Province Welhuley, af the enrr:»r.e« of the Prve Hiver, hits lately been lengthened and deepened, and is now of the following dimensions: Length on the bloeks 330 f.*et Breadth at entrance 50 v Deuth of w-«te«" on
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 236 1 GOLD MKDAL. (Paris Exhibition. 1889.) The only Gold Medal ever awarded for Toilet Soap at any International Exhibition in the World was obtained by Pears' Soap Tlih Opinion also of more than IU'J Analysts and Soapmakers, the chief Experts of the World, represented by 20 HIGHEST AWARDS A FRANKEL, Furmture
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    • 277 1 JAPANESE CURIOS Wholesale Retail Merchants of all kinds of Japanese Curios. New Goods coming by every mail. Crape Shirts. White Yamatoya Crape Shirts at $1.50. Coloured Koya Crape Shirtswith tie, at 5i.75: Packing of purchases for ship ment is attended to by experts Y. SHIBUYA, No. 40, Street. Raleigh Cycles
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    • 349 1 Old False Teeth. torMany Lidio* and GentVmon hare by tlii-m Old or Disused FTIIS" Te«<h, which niiifht as w»ll be Mim«d iuto uioner. R. D. .1 Fijwr, of Primim Streut, Ipswu.ii (^stablie bed sine* IS-iS), buy Old False Teeth. If you send yonr teeih to them th«'j will remit you
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  • 1104 2 Mr. Balfour's statement in the House of Commons on the sth instant, fully shows that during all these months of agitation and great unrest in the minds of* everybody as to the state of affairs in the Far East, the Government at home
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  • 165 2 Ifc is one of the prerogatives of the baby tribe to kick up a shindy, and force themselves on the public notice. The artful way they have of insinuating themselves into one's confidence are positively sickening, and then they're such dreadful egotists: they're
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  • 177 2 weighed into the world fit pounds avoirdupois' or say jol pounds Troy. Hi* weight, th< tore, would be equal to 2?,<HJU £o hank notes, which would amount in value to But \h» wee Marquis is worth £10,000.000. In other wor.ls he is just worth ab »ut 770
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  • 79 2 Tuesday, 12th Aj>ril High Water—l.2 a- ni. 2 21 p tu HiuJu New Year coiuiueuces. Lodire Zetland, Regular. S.-»p m Victoria Parsee Co., Hp m Wednesday. 13th April High Water,—l.49 a in,3 io p m Moon last Quarter, £.23 p in Singapore Land Co.. Mittiu» noon Victoria Porsee
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  • 150 2 The Quarterly Meeting of th' F censing Justices to k p!ae-» at t office of the Insp< ctor-< J <•! i' lice on Thursday afternoon, C•!••.«Penm father presiding. X. iriv thwhole of the afternoon was taken u;» in discussing the question of th r newal of
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  • 190 2 DEATH "F ONE OF THE VICTIMS A Oi.unman named Tin Kfiu Y>"», residing in K R a], pjvs n f hiinselt on riiurS'liiv bet 1 sp-ctor M.iwwil, ut the Police St ition, witli a bl-»od-> a cli"pj.er in his baud, and stat-1 t!i t ho
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  • 538 2 ST. AMIRKW'S CATIIRDIMU The drew's Cathedral cointnenci'd wi' l i on Saturday (Easter Kv<' at 8.15 p. in., which was well att»'ii'led. On Ka-tcr Day, the Hr»t celrbration of the Holy Eucharist took JIMCC «t 6 a. in the Re? D. Holland Mil*-'* being the ct-lebra
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 417 2 DEWAR'S CELEBRATED WHISKY. The T/ineet.—"This is agoo<l, pure and whole-souie spirit." The Scotsman.—" Singularly mellow, thoroughly matured, and of the most delicate flavour." Thy .Morning Advertiser. 41 Thoroughly maturwl. fragrant to the nose, and delicious to the palate." The Freeinans's Journal.—" Is excellent in quality aud very pleasant to tho
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    • 104 2 J r% v< >-• f» *5 RM T»Si ><* Double Barrel Fowling Piece. Winchester Repeating Rifle. j Air dun. IP? 3 Saloon Rifle. wees tew POCKET .82 CALIQFIFT Colts RevolverColts New Army Revolver oi>eu. Cartridges Loaded on the shortest Notice. COLT'S DERI NGER. Implements of every description kept in Stock.
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    • 118 2 E. J. Woosensah.and Co. Cloth Merchants. No. <>.*2-5, North Bridge Road. r> EOS to announce tm the Ladies anil Gentlemen of Singapore thut they have just received new goo Is for the Season and that they are able to supply all kinds of cloth, including Satins, Muslins, Zephyrs, Shoes, Hats,
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    • 0 2 /$!?>}+'@?>}\:='_&)$_,{:;(*^/)!
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  • 1773 3 Tli»« A.-tinjr Colonial Secretary Mrs Kviiiicrsley have spent the Kihtcr lio idavs at M Jacca. The Hon'ble T. C. Bojraanlt aud Mrs. leave bv the s. s. Melt'oante ou FnJ-»y tor Mai >.»3i• <_ian»b'ing is repoi ted to he Very rit»• in tlie vicinity of Clyde Terrace
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  • 449 3 (Fut'n liumbay Papers L*»n ion, March 23rd.—A sharp »n- taken p'ac- between au Egyptian Cavalry patrol and the I) rvish horsement about eleven miles up the Atbai-a Rivtr. Th fighting was hand t<» hand, aud the Dervishes, who wore armed with spears, were repulsed. Tne Horse Artillery, who
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  • 80 3 On London. B.mk 4 m/s 1/10| Ut'ui.tud i/i 1 4 Private credits 3 m/s l/i-j uocumeuu ai/s 1 10-15/16 credits i »i m/s ..1/11 On lu li-i. Bauk demand HI4 Oii ILmykjiig. Bank demand J o/o dis. On Yokohama. Bank demand 7 o/o prem. On Jura. Bank dem«nJ 112$
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  • 132 3 fjEMDERS will be received at the Colonial Secretary'* Oifioe, up to n»>oii of the 15th April, 13j8, f»r the following win ks 1. of M irried Atten lan V Quarter*, L iua ic Asylum. 2. Extension of Bjico Koud Reclamation. PI ma and Specifications may be seen, a*id
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  • 86 3  -  F. J. BENJAFIELD Actintr Municipal Secretary. Municipal Ollice, Robinson Koad, Singapore, Ist April, 1898. Municipal Commissioner*. of the Town of Singapore require the ncrvic«'S temporarily of a bnil Ovt rsoer. AppL.mtH laustt haw a practical knowledge r. building m itcri.-.U and building construction and thoroughly nn !erstand plans
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 187 3 MAILS WILL CLOSE. TO-MORROW. Sarawak, Vorwaera yam. Djainbie. Kiau Ann. X<x>n Batu Pakat Aim; Hiu 2 p m. Mutr. Fiiiiilla, 3 p.m. Yokohama, i Kob?. Be'lona, 3 p.m. Soumbaya Bili an i Macassar. Ban Poh G'Jan 3 p in. Mabwca l'ort DicWdon K l ine aal T.Auaon Malac.-a 4 p.
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    • 284 3 Return of the Favourites! EXTRAORDIN ARY SIC.HT! ELECTRIC LIGHT! The Victoria Pardee Theatrical Co. To-Ni^ht Th« popular Fairy Open Benazir and Badremoonir or Love and Passion. And an amnsing farce-TO-MORROW NIGHT. Fasanai-Ajaib Jane-a lam and anjn-man-ara. And a farce. PRICES OP ADMISSION. $2. —91.50.—51 a»id 50cent». ChiMren under ten, half
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    • 188 3 THE DISPENSARY ssas&juss. A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF Drugs. Chemicals, Perfumery, Photographic Requisites, Toilet -Appurtenances, ALL OF FIRST CLASS QUALtTT, CMTOsmMipg CSHQ2L33IA AS® Is everywhere acknowledged to be the most successful medicine in use for bowel complaints. It always cures and cures quickly. It can be depended upon even
      188 words

  • 49 4 D. Shilakawa. Dentist of T-.kio Dental College, owin<j to tin* libera! patronage bestowed no,*, him since his arrival, has determim-n to stay in Singapore, and n»av M consulted daily at Lis Office No North Bridge Road. Charts yeri moderate. Excellent testimonial, from patients already treated. CONSULTATION FREE.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 520 4 Powell Co, Singapore. FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS The following notices are taken rom the Singapore Press. The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. A handsome carved teak screen, nearly w, feet Ion"' and six feet high, with iron grills bearing the monogram of the Hun* in gilt letters, marks off the Cashier s department,
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    • 193 4 HUTTENBACHROB3 CO. Chubb's IRON SAFES AND LOCK, The best in the world. Apollinaris Water, The queen of table waters, a most healthy and refreshing drink in tropical countries. $l7 00 per case of 100 glass bottles. $8.50 hf. 50 stone Perrier Jouet Co.'s CHAMPAGNE, A high class wine of excellent
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    • 353 4 r* m* was GO« MILLLWRIGHTS, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS. OPPOSITE GENERAL'POST OFFICE. Specialities. Lyon's Patent Liberian Coffee Pulper, Eyon's Patent Dry Cherry Huller, Lyon's Self Acting Tapioca Machinery, Rice Mills Wood Working Machinery, Cattle Powers Oil Mill Plant, Pine Apple Preserving Plant. On Hand For Sale. Overshot Water Wheel 18 feet
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    • 123 4 M. A. Guffoor. Sole Agent for Straits Settlements and B'kok The Mechanical Improved Hitchcock Lamp. Tbe very best lamp in the world for burning kerosine. i QC a o Cn •W4 cS fc* to 6 P be o o cr. E a> 13 O •s E? 5 S a c«~
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    • 490 4 The Royal Hair Iressing Saloon, 35, RAFFLES PLACE. rpnis well-known establishment, n central part of the Square, is ben altered with a view of affording e v« T v facility to cu&touiors ol l*»th M.-XV S '|L doorway is being constuicted so that Indies. by to the left, may aV(lld
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