Mid-day Herald, 28 February 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Article, Illustration
    301 1  - P O FRANK HITCH IK. A .re nt. OrrlCE, COLI.TEk yi'AT, WRAKVES, NT» UARBOIB. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Steam for China. Japan. Penang. Ceylon. India Australia Aden. Egypt, Mane...e«. Gibraltar Malta. Brindiai. Venice. Plymouth, and London. Through Bills of Ladinj? issued tor Persian (i»H\ Continental and Ani' ricmt torts, <i/*o t"f
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  • 136 1 j\ •iji'iij !>>>' LICOKN K. •B in i>ij-ort. he mail steamer- will have Singapore dU ~t aUMit the undermentioned dates.— UirWAKD. IIoMKUAICD. I>9S. 1898. Dates Dates K Sim >ii4 Oct, 3<» Sydney Nov, 2 S'•• N"V. I*> Cafcd «IM N<»v. 1»» -...alien Su*. SJ
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  • 267 1 THF FAST ROI'TE P.ETWEEXCHINA. JAPAN. EI"R«>PE. VIA CANADA AND THE I'NITKD STATES Ri»r I K VIA SHANGHAI. NAGASAKI. K.OHK, YOKOHAMA. Ylt'TollU AN J VANCOUVER, B. C. Twin Soitw Steamships—o,ooo Tons —1 < >,OOO 11 < msi'- P< >\ver —6 peed ID kuots.
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  • 330 1  -  JAMES SELLAR Muua<jer Tuts executes ships' repairs of all deseriptions in the most effieent manner under the superintendence of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 GRAVING DOCK Length—4lo feet. Depth of Water, from 14 to 15§ feet. Width at Entrance, t-2 feet. No. GRAVING
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  • 213 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON jiuuagtr THE above J><»'-k. situated in Province Wellesley, ar the entrance of the Prve Kiver, has lately been lengthened and deepened, arid is now of the following dimensions: on the blo-ks. 330 feet Breadth lit entrance oO Denth of water oji sill at
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 729 1 BUCHANAN ITFT !S SOLD BT ALL LICENSED SHRIT DEALERS. SAME AS SUPPLIED TO THE HOUSES OF LOBES ASD COMMONS AND TO ALL GOOD LONDON CLUBS. Sole Importers LIMITED. CANTON INSURANCE OFFICELIMITED. Capital Subscribed .§2,500,U0U Amount paid up S 500,iMX» He-nervy Fund sut),vou Head Office, Hongkong. General Agents. Messrs. Jardine Matheson
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    • 205 1 Robinson &Co. The Premier HELICAL TUBE CYCLES have the largest sale. 33,000 of these machines were sold in 1806. ROBINSOX CO., Agonts for Straits Settlements. Raleigh Cycles ARE THE BEST. E M LYON Co. Straits Cycle Agency* OACTSETS CARBOLATED CREOSITE. Non-poisonous, Antiseptic Di.-intectant. DESTROYS ALL MICROBES. A few drops in
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    • 291 1 Cnaer the Trcst distir lifted P&'ronaf.o 01 H- R. H the £uke of Cctr-aught —:o: 15-P I>> SII.VA, VANUFACTTRINC JEWELLER. and DEALER IN PRECIOUS STONES. 62, HICH STRIET. SIf.C AFCRE. Gaggino Co Ship Chandlers Provision Merchants, Sailmakers and Auctioneers, Navy Contractors. lu msr, Assorted size marble slabs, French Clarets in
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  • 50 2 IJU. 1). Shibakawa, Dentist of Tokio Dental College, owing to the iilx-ml patronage bestowed upon !uui since his arrival, has,determined t»» stay in Singapore, and may be •'ONsi;lted daily at his Office, No. 54 North Bridge Itoad. Charges very moderate. Excellent testimonials i'rooi pitients already treated. CONSULTATION IKEE.
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  • 1158 2 For some weeks past, a num- ber of samsengs, or rowdys, as they may be termed, mustering between twenty or thirty, have been in the habit daily, of con- gregating in Victoria Street, nearly opposite Mr. Frankel's furniture store, and towards evening, when
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  • 1640 2 The Straits Settlements dinner was held in the Victoria Hall «»f the Hntel Cecil ou the Ist inst. unier the presidency of Mr. Wm. Adamson, tiie Chairman of tiie Str.iiu 6 ttle- ments Association. Th»»re was a larger attendoiiCv! th in it .my of the previous
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 293 2 jiR Co. 4 FOR Harness and Accessories, American Buggies, AND Sulkies, Swift Victoria Cycles, Planting, Mining, Engineering Carpenter's Tools, &c., &c. Drain Pipes, Fire Tricks Fire Clay, Cement, &c. FOR PARTICULARS AND PRICES APPLY TO McALISTER Co. E. J. Woosensali and Co. Cloth Merchants. No. 632-5, North Bridge Road. T>
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    • 136 2 ROBINSON CO., new wuissaT, BBW S^HSB&BBS, KSW PAHS. HBW MI&LXNB&Y, HOT STOSH&BBS, HBW P&2&S* Robinson Co. M. A. Guffoor. Bole Agent for Straits Settlements and B'kok, The Mechanical Improved Hitchcock Lamp. The very best lamp in the world for burning kerosine. No odour No smoke No chimney No globe. The
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    • 460 2 DBWAE'S CELEBRATED WHISKY. The Lancet.—"This is a good, pure and whole-some spirit." The Scotsman.—" Singularly mellow, thoroughly matured, and of the mostdelieate flavour." The Morning Advertiser. Thoroughly matured. fraerant to the nose, and delicious to the palate." The Freemans's Journal. Is excellent in quality and very pleasant to the taste."
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    • 0 2 %(@,[>"!{|/.+</%)@<*?;`-(?,<,]!
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    • 90 2 EMMERSON'S TIFFIN ROOMS. LEWIS lias to inform the public that he resumed charge of these rooms «»u the Ist insta it. To those seeking a Remedy for aches and pains 4 mo>t efficacious oil for the curing of all kinds of diseases has just been discovered. In canes of rheumatism,
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  • 171 3 CAKKLESB SERVANTS. Shortly after six o'clock last evening, a Kling avah in charge of three F. iropean children, in returning home down Stamford Road, allowed one of the children, a little girl aged a!>otit four years, to stray away from h'-r and the other children,
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  • 1299 3 Sir Frank A. Swettenham, tha Resident-General of the Federated Malay States, leaves London on return to his post towards the end of March, At I a.m., this morning, a Kling named Saboo, fell off his bullock cart in New Bridge R >ad, and broke his arm. The
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  • 76 3 On London. Bank 4 m/s ..1/10-9/16 demand 1/10-7/16 Private credits 3 m/s .1/10-13/10 documents 3 m/s 1/1 Of credits 6 m/ 5...1/10-15/16 On India. Bank demand 1394 On Ilowjkong. Bauk demand J o/o dis. On Yokohama. Bank demand 6 o/o prem. On Java. Bank demand 113 Private 30 d/a
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  • 88 3 Monday, 21th Feb. High Water, —2.26 a. m., 3.27 p. m. Moon, First Quarter, 6.8 p tn Prince Henry leaves Philharmonic Choir, 5-30 p m Nec Aspera Terrent Lodg, I. O. G. T. Temperance Club, 7.30 p m Emulation Lodge, 5.30 p ui Tuesday, Ist Mar. High Water,
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  • 45 3  -  LOW AH CHENG rpiiE nnder>irned bega to inform the public that he will m t be r»*sponMhle tor any debt or dents contracted by his Mep-son. Quay Hon Ityo. unless his si_'ii >ture, with the chep Kim Seek Hcun I'ress, is apt < tided thereto.
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  • 230 3  -  ALEX. GENTLE, President, Municipal Commissioners. Municipal Office, Robinson Ko;id, bingapore, Hth February, 1898. i* hereby given that in terns of Sections 33 and of the Municipal Ordinance No. XV of 1806, an election of one Commissioner for the Tanjong Pagar(No.l) Ward of the Town of Singapore, (v»ce Mr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 269 3 Moona Pakir Mustan Co. 45/46 North Bridge Road Shopkeepers. Dealers in Ladies' Gentlemen's s;o<Nls« Cash sale GREATLY REDUCED PRICES To commence from ist March. For one month only Come and pay us a visit. Under the Patronatrc «>f their Excellencies Sir C. C. Smith, <>.C.M.G >ir F. A. Weld, b.C.u.a..
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    • 420 3 Mrs, Joseplm North. "Who is she And what does she do Mrs. North is an Artist, Sculptor, Phrenologist, and scientific Palmist who has, with the Utmost success always attending her, visited, under Distinguished Patronage, London, New York, Sydiifj, Calcutta, and many other places, aud is liow staying in Singapore after
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    • 140 3 ROBINSON CO., SINGAPORE, Are now booking orders for new Premier Cycle Coy's, Helical Tube Cycles. 1898 Pattern. As shown at the Stanley Cycle Show Model Z. Gents Roadster O. Racer R, Racer S. Roadster ,i Popular Roadster The above are fitted with Duulop tyres. The Kangaroo Weldless steel tube, Warwick
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  • 51 4  -  LOW AH CHENG PTMIE nndersipied Ijojtr to i» 'nvm thr public that lie will not U- r»>j< 0!l sihle for any debt 01 debts contract* <i j, v his step-son, Qiat v Ting, ni,|,4 his fii r ii:»tnrc t with flic chcp t > lie ail fress. is appri
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 757 4 Powell Co., Singapore. Yl UNITURE MAXUFACTUREUS* The following notices arc taken roui the bingaj>ore Press.:— The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank A I: an .in.- carved teak screen. nearly n._' a:nl six tY. i hijjh. with castiron -jrills l»<*ariic.» the monogram of the iiuiK in _jilt letters, marks off the Cashier's
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    • 303 4 HUJTENEACH BSOS. COChubb's IRON' SAFES AND LOCK, The best in the world. Apollinaris Water, The queen of tabla waters, a most healthy and refreshing drink in tropical countries. p«r case of 100 glass bottles. $8.50 hf.,, 50 stone Perrier Jouet Co.'s CHAMPAGNE, A high class wine of excellent reputation at
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    • 353 4 IWW v# MILLLWRIGHTS, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS. OPPOSITE GENERAL POST OFFICE. Specialities. Lyon's Patent Liberian Coffee Pulper, Lyon's Patent Dry Clierry Huller, Lyon's Self Acting Tapioca Machinery, Kice Mills Wood Working Machinery, Cattle Powers Oil Mill Plant, Pine Apple Preserving Plant. On Hand For Sale. Overshot Water Wheel 18 feet dia,
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    • 96 4 THE DISPENSARY. Cl3€iL*&»B. A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OP 4 I3£fjLgs. Chemicals, Perfumery, Photographic Requisites, Toilet Appurtenances, &LZ Of FIRST CLASS QT3&Z 1TT S Vide issue of the OF THE 4TH AUGUST, 1897. and following days, for detailed particulars Dote Address: BtSPBHSA&T No. 43, BATTERT ROAD. A. MACKAY, Manager QarantiTt
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    • 578 4 Lan Foug Co. 6 No. 19, Ili'.'h Street. Tailors and General o>fffiffrr\. Give a European cut, ami the rn.»t approved s'yle of clothing l'or gentlemen- Compare our prices. Under the Patronape of their Excellt n< < Sir C. C. Smith, G.C.m.G ?>ir F. A. V\. t.c.M.G., Sir W. C. F.
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