Mid-day Herald, 19 February 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Article, Illustration
    302 1  - P O FRANK HITCH IE, Agout. Or PICK, CoLLTF.K tyt'AT, WHAKVCS, NIW HARBOUK. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Steam for China, Japan. Penang. Ceylon. India Australia Aden. Fgypt, Marsei.les, Gibraltar, Malta. Brindisi. Venice, Plymouth, and London. Through liills of Lading issued U>r (it'lfy Cwilintntal (mil A mtriain I oils, also for China
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  • 137 1 Tfleyruj'hic AtlJre** LICORNE. Singapore. Tho mail steamers will leave Singapore uu or aUnit the undermentioned dates. OUTWAKU. HOMKWAKD. IM>7. 181»7. I)atos Dates K. Simons Oct, 30 Sydney Nov, 2 Sultizi" Nor, lt> C'alctionieu Nov, 1(5 Nor. 'l~ Omtiiien Nov, :$0 |.j Dw It iJec,
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  • 261 1 Til K FAST K< TE HETWEENCHINA. JAIWN. A KCKOl'ti. VIA CANADA AN l> THK UNITED STATICS iror I K VIA 811 \NGHAI. NAGASAKI, kOUK, YOKOHAMA. VIOTOIU/ AND VANCOUVER, B. C. Twin Scn w Steamships—(J,(>oo Toils 1 0,000 11 orse- Power —Speed ]i)
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  • 319 1  -  JAMES SELLAR Manager THIS \»mp inv executes ships' repairs of all descriptions in the most efficent manner under tl 10 superintendence of i European Shipwrights and Engineers. No 1 GRAVIVO DOCK— Length—4ls feet. Depth of Water, from 14 to feet. Width at Kiitrunes. 42
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  • 210 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON Manager THK above Dock, situated in Province Wellcsley, at the entrance of the Prye liiver, iias lately been l£)£thened and deei>ened, and now of ttie following dimensions: Length on the blocks 330 feet Breadth at entrance 50 Denth of water on sill at
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 745 1 BUCHANAN WHISKY is SOLD BY ALL LICENSED SPIRIT DEALERS. SAME AS SUPPLIED TO THE HOUSES OF LORDS AND COMMONS AND TO ALL GOOD LONDON CLUBS. Sole Importers CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE. LIMITED. i Capital Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount paid up oUU,OOU > Reserve Fund SUO,UOU Head Office,* Hongkong. General Agents. Messrs. Jardine
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    • 209 1 Robinson Co. The Premier HELICAL TUBE CYCLES have the largest sale. 33,000 of these machines were sold in 1896. ROBINSON CO., Agonts for Straits Settlements. Raleigh Cycles ARE THE BEST. -V E M LYON <& Co. Straits Cycle Agency* CA&TBRTS CARBOLATED CREOSITE. Non-pcibonous, Antiseptic Disinfectant. DESTROYS ALL MICROBES. A few
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    • 288 1 Under the most distir r'sbed Patronage of H R. H. the tonnaugtt —:o:-5 B.P IHMI/VA, MANUFACTURING JEWELLER. pud DEALER IN PRECIOUS STONES. —:0: 62, HICH STREET, SIKCAPORE. Gaggino Co :o: Ship Chandlers Provision Merchants, Sailmakers and Auctioneers, Navy Contractors. —:0: WS IMS m ami Assorted size marble slabs, French Clarets
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  • 51 2 IX Shibakawa, Dentist of Tokio Dental College, owin# to the lUMTIII putmnage BESTOWED upon 1 u» >*in»-c> Lis arrival, has determined I'* Ktav in Singapore, anil IHHV be 01.suited daily ut hi* Office, No. 51 jxorih Bridge UIKU], Charges very )>«.iterate. Kxeellent testimonials from patients already treated. CONSULTATION
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  • 1362 2 THE reply oflCardinal Vaughan and hi* colleagues to the letter on Anglicau orders latelyput forth by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York has recently been published, and has already attracted a considerable amount of attention at home, and is likely to attract more
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  • 741 2 A correspondent relates the following stoiy of pluck and s«df-possession —On ihe 2Hh nit. as the passenger train which runs through Tirupatur at about 2-15 p. ni., nearer the .Station, a native servant of M r> Sullivan, District Superintendent of Police, fainted and fell from the plat,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 280 2 McALISTER Co. FOR Harness and Accessories American Buggies, AND Sulkies, Swift Victoria Cycles, Planting, Mining, Engineering Carpenter's Tools, &C-, &c. Drain Pipes, Fire Tricks Fire Clay, Cement, &c. FOR PARTICULARS AND PRICES APPLY TO McALISTER Co. E. J. Woosonsah and Co. Cloth Merchants. No. 632-5, North Bridge Road I>EGS to
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    • 134 2 ROBINSON CO., HSW MI&MHS&Y, MBW SBMSHABBS, KBW FANS. HBW MI&&1HBHY, KB'W STOSH&BBS, ItSW FAKS Robinson Co. M. A. Guffoor. Sole Agent for Straits Settlements and B'kok. The Mccli anical Improved Hitchcock Lamp. The very No odour No smoke No chimney best lamp in the world for burning kerosine. No globe.
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    • 432 2 DEWAR'S CELEBRATED WHISKY. The Lancet.— 44 This is a good, pure and whole-some spirit." The ScotMm-m.— 44 Singularly mellow, thoroughly matured, and of the mostdelieate flavour." The Morning Advertiser. 44 Thoroughly matured, fragrant to the nose, and delicious to the palate." The Freeman s's Journal.— 44 Is excellent in Quality
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    • 0 2 "/:*-->%);*'[<+@,$`%<'`<~^'!-}?
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    • 92 2 EMMKRSOX'S TIFFIN ROOMS. LKWIS lias to inform the public that lie returned ch&rjje ut these rooms on the 1st iusta it. To those seeking: a Kemedy for aches and painsmo«t (itlicitcions oil for the ctirinir of all kinda of disoasea has just heen discover**!. In OH«<*8 c»f rheuiim- tism, swellings
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  • 1136 3 "A chid'a amntvi ye takin' notet." I am pleased to not** that something has been done at last, for the stra u tic I SWtDISH SAILOB n-rm-d T T:nfe:is"ii. wno was "Jumped" on the h ac'i he som« two y»*ars a.go, lr .n in Aiii.-ricm ship,
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  • 53 3 APPKAT THIS MOBNLNO. Considerable fighting to«»k place this morning, between Cantonese and Hokie,, coolies employed on the works at the Stamford Road Canal. When the Police appeared upon the I scene, brinks and otiier things were flying ab'-ut iu all directions. Five arresis were effected, the remainder
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  • 29 3 ONE Ong Sentr, was fined S5 this morning, tor introducing tobacco and matches to some of his friends iu the Pi lice Court lock- up yesterday.
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  • 68 3 A Riing woman named Amanev, w»s charged before Mr. Howard this morning, with thef' of some wood belonging to Messrs. Howarth Eiskme aud Co., Limited, in Mirabar Roal yesterday morning, and was fined $5, or fourteen days' rigorous imprisonment. A M.ilav named Madjet, was slso charge 1 wiih iheft
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  • 406 3 In connection with the gunpowder theft case. as reported in our column* a dav or two the body of the man who it whs said, went overboard, h»s been recovered. »i !at the inquest held yesterday, iu tiie course of evidence giveu by the other man, who
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  • 583 3 113 deaths were registered in Singapore last week giving a ritio of 27. 99 per 1,000, which ia, indeed, a TCTA satisfactory record. FOUR Cbin*»«e were caught in the act last night in stealing a quantify of of sug.tr from a twakew at Hcng Lim Quay TH*
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  • 75 3 On London. litnk 4 m/s 1/10$ demand 1/I'* i Private credits 3 ra/s 1/10-13/16 m documents 3 m/s ..1/10$ credits (3 in/*..1/11 On India. Bank demand 140$ On Hongkong. Bank demand J o/o dis. Oii Yokohama. Bank demand t> o/o pr«»ra. On Java. Bank demand 11*? Private 3<> d/s
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  • 74 3 Saturday, 19th Feb. High Water, —a. m.. 1" 1.1 u. ui. Ladies Lawn Tennis Tournament. Star of the F. tsf Lotice. I Ul> '1 Temperance Club. ?.:?»»p m Brougii Cuiuetijr Co.. Towu Hall, if p iu Sunday, 20th Feb. Water.—i* -i l a m 1u.50 p m Quinquagegima
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  • 236 3  -  ALEX. GENTLE President, M unicipal Commissioners Municipal Office, Robins* n K ud, Singapore, Hth Februuiy, 1898. OTICE is hereby given that in terns of Sections 33* and 31 of the Municipal Ordinance No. XV of 1896, an election of one Commissioner for the Tanjong Pagnr(No.l) Waid of the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 449 3 ISMAIL &RAHEEM. I Diamond Merchants, Manufacturing Jewellers, Dealer* in Precious Stones, &t\. Hare now on view at No. 82-1 and 82-2, Brass tasia Road A CHOICE STOCK OF Si -jr 2 KING. BROOCHES. RING. RING. RING. Pendants, Necklaces, Scarf Pins, Earrings, &c. Set with diamonds, rubies, pearls, emeralds, sapphires, turquoises,
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    • 222 3 Mrs. Joseph* North. Phrenologist Scientific Palmist Under bistinguislied Patronage. Late of Loudon, New Y rk, Sydney ChlcQttH, M RS o: NORTH ban just arrived in Singapore, after a very Buccet»ful tour through India and Burma she is now prepared to see visitor* for consultations nt Raffles Hotel, K rnimh No.
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    • 129 3 Kli llMatXgMiH I Cys ■K h\ rStJif, Are now booking orders for new Premier Cycle Coy's, Helical Tube Cycles. 1898 Pattern. As shown at the Stanley Cycle Show Model Z. Gents Roadster O. Racer R, Racer ii S. Roadster Popular Roadster The nbove are fitted with Dunlop tyres. Tke Kangaroo
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  • 44 4  -  LOW AH CHENG PTMfE nndersipneti tot* rn thf public that li<* will un| iji- r>-v|Ktn_ Mfole f«»r any or debts contracted b v his Afcp-son. Qr\T H• »K\ I'l \G, his siuiiaturr. with the h« -j» Kirti S*tS( Htan Press is appended thcieto.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 726 4 Powell Co., Singapore. FURNITUICE MANUFACTURERS The following notices are taken n,m the Singapore Press. The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank A h:uidso;ue carvel teak screen, nearly leet long an six feet. high, with castiron grills bearing the iinmogram of the tl iiu in gilt letters, murks off the Cashier s d-partment.
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    • 272 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. COChubb's IRON SAFES AND LOOK, The best in tho world. Apollinaris Water, Tlie queen of tablo waters, a most healthy and refreshing drink in tropical Countries. $l7 00 per ease of 100 trlass bottles. $.5.50 hf. 50 stone Perrier Jouet Co.'s CHAMPAGNE, A hicrh class wiue of excellent
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    • 262 4 jr. Iff. £Y©K GO., MIULWRIGHTS, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS. OPPOSITE GENERAL POST OFFICE. Specialities. Lyon's Patent Liberian CofTee Pulper, Lyon's Patent Dry Cherry Huller, Lyon's Self Acting Tapioca Machinery, llice Mills Wood Working Machinery, Cattle Powers Oil Mill Plant, Pine Apple Preserving Plant. On Hand For Sale. Overshot Water Wheel 18
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    • 80 4 THE DISPENSARY? 8l!IS&?8t8. A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OP Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Photographic Requisites, Toilet Appurtenances, &Ll> OF FIRST CLASS QUAt»ITT, Vide issue of the mm-w&'w sss&ss OF THE 4TH AUGUST, 1SD7. an<l following days, for detailed particulars Note Address: fHB B1SPBHSA&Y Ho. 43, BATTERY ROAD. A. MACKAY, Manager TRADE
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    • 575 4 Law Fong Co. No. 19, High Stm t, j Tailors and General Outfitter*. Give a European cut, and the most approved a'j'le of clothing lor gentlfJ men Compare our prices. I I I I Under the Fatror.ape of their Excellencies j Sir C. C. Smith, G.C.m.O Sir F. A. Welti,
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