Mid-day Herald, 18 February 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Article, Illustration
    291 1  - P O FRANK HITCH IK, Ayent. OFFLC*, COLLTFK QUAT, -••WHARVES, NKW UARBOLB. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Steam for China, Japan. Penang. Ceylon, iudia. Aattrafia, Allan, Egypt, Mfililw, Gibraltar Venice: 1 Plymouth, and London. Through Bills of Liming issued tor Vaxiati Ui'lf, Continental ami .Amrricait I frits, aho fur China Coast u/i'(
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  • 130 1 Ttft'irafhir Athlrets LicokNK. Sinjajtoie. The mail steamers will leave Singapore on or alMiut the undermentioned dates. OUTWARD. HOMEWARD. lsi>7. 181*7. D;»tes Dates K Siinoiid <>ct. :fc» j Sydney NOT, 2 Salazie Nov, 1»> Caled.>iiien Nov. 16 Nov. U7 (Kfiuiicii Nov, .10 ~4 Dec. I
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  • 252 1 Til r FAST ROt'TE BET WE I- riIXA, JAI'AX. A KCROPB. VIA C .ADA A.N L) THE USITED S'l'A'i'K.° Rol" I K VIA SHANGHAI. NAGASAKI, koUI YOKOHAMA. VICTORIA ANL» VANCOUVER, U. C. Twm Screw Steamships—(» t OOO Tens 10,( K>o II orsr-
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  • 310 1  -  JAMES SELLAR Manager Tuts Pnmp-wv excites ships' repairs of nil descriptions in the most efficent manner under the superintendence of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 Graving Dock Length—4ls feet. Depth of Water. from 14 to 15| feet. Width at Knt ranee, 4*2 feet.
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  • 211 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON Manager Thk above Dofk. situated in Province Wellesley, at the entrance of the Prye Hirer, haa lately been lengthened and deepened, and is now of the following dimensions: Length on the'block*. 330 feet Breadth at entrance..... 50 Denth of water on sill at
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 734 1 BUCHA ""feiilMfik*** IS THE BEST SOLD BY ALL LICENSED SPIRIT DEALERS. rt'SAME AS SUPPLIED TO THE HOUSES OF LORDS AND COKXOXS AND TO ALL GOOD LONDON CLUBS. Sole Importers CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE. LIMITED. Capital Subscribed $2,0<30,00<> Amount paid up S* i>OO,UUU Reserve Fund S SUU,UUU Head Office, Honirkong. General Agents.
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    • 204 1 Robinson &Co. —:o: The Premier HELICAL TUBE CYCLES have the largest sale. 33,000 of these machines were sold in 1896. r ROBINSON CO., Agents for Straits Settlements. Raleigh Cycles ARE THE BEST. E MLYONACo. Straits Cycle Agency* CARBOLATED. CREOSITE. 1 I Non-poisonous, Antiseptic D^dujectant. DESTROYS ALL MICROBES. A few drops
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    • 292 1 Under the most dtetir r riahed Patrotage of H. R. H. the Euke of Ccncaught M —:o: B. P DKMLYA, MANUFACTURING JEWELLER, DEALER IN PRECICL'S STONES. —:o: 62, HICH STREET, SINCAFOF.E. (iaggiiio Co. :o: Ship Chandlers Provision Merchants, Sailmakers and Auctioneers, Navy Contractors. mmcs, Assorted size marblp slabs, French Clarets
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  • 1350 2 We would call the attention of the powers that be, to the space between the main building and the fish market at Clyde Terrace, which is utilised for selling vegetables. Over this space, an apology for a roof, composed ef old and worn-out
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  • 985 2 Serious news is repor.. d f r m Uganda, wltere heavy fighting dPI been talcing place. It is stated t|, at Lieutenant Maedonald, an.i the lie V. G L. Pilkington, of the Ourch Missionary Society, have b. en killed Further news <if the conflict will anxiously awaited
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 337 2 McALISTER Co. FOR Harness and Accessories, American Buggies, AND Sulkies, Swift k Victoria Cycles, Planting, Mining, Engineering Carpenter's Tools, &c., &c. Drain Pipes, Fire Tricks Fire Clay, Cement* &c. FOR PARTICULARS AND PRICES APPLY TO McALISTER Co. E. J. Woosensalt and Co. Cloth Merchants. No. 632-5, North Bridge Road. "|>EGS
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    • 137 2 ROBINSON CO., MEW MILLINBRT, ft HBW SBItSH&BBS, KBW F&HS. crv r Ji HBW MILLIKBRY, HBW 8BHSH&&S8, asw F&HS" Ro"binson Co. M. A. Guffoor. Sole Ap ent 'or Straits Settlements and B'kok The x ech vnlcal Improved Hitchcock Lanip. The very No odour best lamp in. the world for burning kerosine.
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    • 436 2 DB WAR'S CELEBRATED WHISKY. The Lancet.—"This is a good, pare and whole-some spirit." The Seotam>in.—" mellow, thoroughly matured, and of the mostdelioate flavour." The Morning Advertiser. 44 Thoroughly matured, fraerant to the nose, and delicious to the palate." The Frceraans's Journal.— 44 Is excellent in quality and very pleasant to
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    • 0 2 ?~(@$^;\>^`$}%*->,$]>)&\~%=[<{}
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  • 651 3 THURSDAY, FKBRCAHY 17TH, 1898. A meeting of the Legislative Council wa* held yesterday afternoon, at li.-io p. in., H. E. the Governor (Sir Charles Mitchell) presiding, at which there were PRESENT H. E. the Governor, (Sir Charles Bull- n Hugh Mitchell, O.C.M O.) The lion'ble the Acting Colonial
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  • 75 3 A Malay named was charged before Mr. Howard yesterday afternoon, wiih the theft of a sarong and one baju,iu Outram Koad, on the I6ih instant. The prisoner in his defence, stated that the articles were given to him by a gunny ba_r seller, and being questioned
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  • 92 3 k JACK TAR WOUNDED. Y"ESTtKD\ Y evening, Petty Officer Roberts and others, belonging to H. M. S. Whiting went iuto an eating house, situated at No. 177 South Bridge Koad. After eating, until they were well filled, a dispute arose as to paying the piper,
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  • 97 3 BHTEKDAY, one Chan Ah Pew, was sentenced to one mouths' rigorous imprisonment tor bciug iu possession of a bottle of brandy, at the Ta'ijoug Pagar Dock. Another, for a siuidar offence, in respect of f. ur puces of board, was sent to uaol for tnree weeks.
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  • 123 3 Ok Sunday inornintr last, as five bullocks whieh l>ad arrived from Malacca were being 1 indud, oueof them managed to r et away from the others >ind bolted ui» Honz Li in Quay, scattering everything right and left that came in its way, and meeting :in old
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  • 119 3 COMMITTED TO THK ASSIZE*. The first and second officers .>f th* German s. s. Dante were :ig;«in brought up on r»*mand at noon to-dav in connection with the shooting aff iir la>t month, as already fully reported in these columus at the Mr. H. O. Newland
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  • 164 3 Tnrough reckless driving a private carriage came into collision with a ricksha at the CavenAgh Bridge just before sp. tu., last evening. A lamp of the ricksha got smashed up by coining into violent com act with one of the carriage shafts, and b n
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  • 370 3 The outward M. M. Pucket "Melbourne left Colombo at Bp. in. on the 14th instant. FOR introducing tobacco and matches into the Police Court lock-up one Aug Ho was fiued $0 this morning. THE Magistrates of Lambeth Policecourt have sent a donation of ten guineas in aid
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  • 84 3 One Yap Chve, wis fined $5O this momi lie, for being in possession of illicit chandn, valued at s.">, in the Sine?ipore river yesterdur. Two others, named Pak Kong, and Woon Chap Tim were ar rested in Kalang Puding yesterday, with *25 worth of the diug in their
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  • 115 3 :o: Friday, 18th Feb. Hiffh Water, —7-I*B a. m., 2.32 j> m Field Pirine. Change Road. 7.30 to 11 a m French Mail Homewards. Crieket. Lawyers T. Rest. I adie* Lawn Tennis Tournament. Methodist E. Church. Annual Tea Meeting St. Matthew's Church, Choir Practice 8.30 p m. Tanglin
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  • 76 3 On London. Bank 4 m/s 1/1 Of demand 1/10$ Private credits 3 m/s l/10l documents 3 m/s 1/10-15/16 credits 6 m/ 5.. .1/10 On India. Bank demand 140$ On Hongkong. Bank demand o/o dis. On Yokohama. Bank demand 6 o/o prern. On Jara. Bank demand 112 Private 30 d/a
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  • 72 3 Feb 6th. Brit. atr. Hecuba, tteese, from riaodakan, W. muu co. atr. Sappku, Wabi. trow Jj. £>'«nni Coy Ltd air OlenUlUx.li, Peter*, from Amoy, Wee lim aud CO. Feb 17'b. atr. Sultan, Chopard, from Bagan, xnd Co. n atr. Pfuung Kjtwlingaon. from Saiuarang, T K Tutu o<> ltd
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  • 233 3  -  ALEX. GENTLE President, Mnnicipul OmmisMoners Mmiicipiil OfEee. Knttinson R ..id, Siugnporb, 14th February, lb9s. i is hereby given that in terns of Sections 33 and of the Municipal Ordinance No. XV of 1896. an election of one Commissioner for the Tanjong Pagar(No.l) Ward of the Town of Singapore.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 446 3 ISMAIL &RAHEEM. Diamond Merchants, Manufacturing Jewellers, Dealers in Precious Stones, &c.. Have now on view at No. 82-1 and 82-2, Brass Bassa Road A CHOICE STOCK OF rw m rwrv4 vV BRACELETS. i £8 Ai\ 1 BUOOCHES. RING. RING. Pendants, Necklaces, Scarf Pins, Earrings, fee. Sot with diamonds, rubies, pearls,
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    • 219 3 Mrs. Joseph* North. Phrenologist A, Scientific Palmist Under Distinguished Patronage. Late of London, New York, Syduey i Calcutta, M RS o. NORTH has just arrived in Singapore, after a very successful tour through India and Burma she is now prepared to see visitors for consultations at Raffles Hotel, Koomn No.
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    • 143 3 ROBINSON CO., SINGAPORE. I A m V 22 •J m y. V Are now booking orders for new Premier Cycle Coy's, Helical Tube Cycles. 1898 Pattern. As shown at the Stanley Cycle Show Model Z. Gents Roadster O. Racer R« it Racer S. Roadster Popular Roadster The above are fitted
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  • 49 4  -  LOW AH CHENG No. 872, Victoria Street Singapore, 7th December. lbl#7. rilllE undersigned begs to inform the public that he will not Ik- r«*p<inKihle tnr any debt or debts contracted hj his Ht"p-sun, QLAT HOLY I'KNO, UNLET* hid signature, with the ehep Kim Hean Prcs*, is appended thereto.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 718 4 Powell Co., Singapore. FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS The following notices arc takeu rom tho Singapore Press. The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank A lnniUiine carved teak screen, nesi r\ 7 MO ie«*t long and six feet high, with c.a«tirun grill* hearing the monogram of the Kmc in letters, marks off the Cashier's department,
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    • 275 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. CO. Chubb'a IRON SAFES AND LOCK, Tho best in the world. Apollinaris Water, The queen of table waters, a most healthy and refreshing drink in tropical countries. $l7 00 per case of 100 jrlass bottles. $8.50 hf. 50 stone Perrier Jouet Co-'s CHAMPAGNE, A high class wine of
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    • 270 4 3f. JBT CO MILLLWRIGHTS, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS. OPPOSITE GENERAL POST OFFICE. Specialities. Lyon's Patent Liberian Coffee Pulper, Lyon's Patent Dry Cherry Huller, Lyon's delf Acting Tapioca Machinery, Kice Mills Wood Working Machinery, Cattle Powers Oil Mill Plant, Pine Apple Preserving Plant. On Hand For Sale. Overshot Water Wheel 18 feet
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    • 86 4 THE DISPENSARY, A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Photographic Requisites, Toilet Appurtenances, ALL OF FSB.ST CLASS QUALITY, Vide issue of the BSD-DA? BDSAID OF. THE 4TH AUGUST, 1897. and following days, for detailed particulars Bote Address: THE D ISP BUS ART No. 43, BATTERY SO AO. MARK
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    • 547 4 Lan Fong Co. No. 19, High Street. Tailon and General Outfitter*. Give a European cut, and the moat approved style of clothing for gentlemen Compare our prices. Under th<- ratronsge of their Excellencies Bir C C. Smith, g.CJI.o bir F. A. Weid, «.C.m.u., Bir W. C. F. Robinson, 8.C.M.U., Ule
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