Mid-day Herald, 17 February 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Article, Illustration
    293 1  - P O FRANK HITCH IK, Agent. o*kici, Collier Qvat, WIaRVES, New HAitroLK. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Steini for China. Japan. Penacg. Ceylon. India Australia Aden. Egypt, Marsei.les. Gibraltar. Malta. Brindisi. Venice, Plymouth, and London. Through hills of Lading issued for Perniun <inlf, Continental ami American torts, al*o for China Count am/
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  • 133 1 T> hj' ti['fur .1; LICOKNE. i Sliiif'ti/t'iC. The mail st«*:uners will h-ave Singapore ,u .»i alw»ut the- undermentioned dates. OI l WARD. HOMKWAKD. ls«>7. 1897. lfcites Dates h Siiifjiw Oct, IU» Svdii'-v Nov, 2 N• »v. It". L'ttlctloiiifU Nov, ll» f> i ;1. ilii'ii
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  • 250 1 TIIK FAST KOITK BKTWKKN'CHINA. JAPAN. A KI'IJMI'!,. VIA CANADA AND TllE I N 1 i'BD STATES? KoC I K VIA Sll WtillAl. NAGASAKI, KOiU-YOKOHAMA. YUTOuI/ .AND VANCOUVER, H. C. Twin Screw Steamships—(>,ooo Tons 10,000 llorso-l'oWer—Speed 19 knots. PKOPOHKI* SAILINGS KUOM IIOX3R<>NU. Kmiiii'ic*
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  • 316 1  -  JAMES SELLAR M a li nger THIS Coinptnv executes ships' repairs of all descriptions in the most effieeut maniier under the superintendence of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 GRAVING DOCK Lenet.h —4l"» feet. Depth of Water, from 14 to 15s feet. Width at
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  • 211 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON Mauugcr THK alx>ye Dock, situated in Province Wellesley, at the entrance of the Prye Uiver, has lately been lengthened and deepened, and is now of the following dimensions: Length on the blocks 330 feet Breadth at entrance 50 Denth of wsiter on sill
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 727 1 I«R> 4»-» IS THE! BEST. SOLD BY ALL LICENSED SPIMT DEALERS. SAME AS SUPPLIED TO THE HOUSES OF LORDS AND COMMONS AND TO ALL GOOD LONDON CLUBS. Sole Importers.. CANTON INSURANCE OFFICELIMITED. Capital Subscribed 52,500,000 Amount paid up 5 dUO.OIHJ Reserve Fund 5UU,000 Head Office, Hongkong. General Atrents. Messrs. Jardine
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    • 204 1 Robinson &Co. —:o: The Premier HELICAL TUBE CYCLES have the largest sale. 33,000 of these machines were sold in 1806. ROBINSON CO., Agents for Straits Settlements. Raleigh Cycles ARE THE BEST. E MLYON&Co. Straits Cycle Agency* O&kTBBT'S t CARBOLATED CREOSITE. ■v Non-poisonous, Antiseptic Disinfectant. DESTROYS ALL MICROBES. A few drops
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    • 284 1 DndeV the ir.oßt dißtirrrirhed Patronage of H. R. H. the Duke of Cocnaught —:o: B. P 1)K SII.VA, MANUFACTURING JEV.'£LLER, and DEALER IN PRECIOUS STONES. —:Ot—--62, HICH STREET. SINCAFCRE. Gaggino &Co. I :o: Ship Chandlers Provision Merchants, Sailmakers and Auctioneers, Navy Contractors. —:o: Assorted size marble slabs, French Clarets in
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  • 1369 2 We are not among those who are violent admirers of Mr. W. T. Stead. In fact, we think that in many directions he is utterly and hopelessly wrong, and that his pursuance of certain fads has done much to weaken his influence among
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  • 503 2 (From Burma Papers) BRITISH NAVAL REINFORCEMENT TO THKCHINA STATION. London, Feb. 2.—Her Majesty's battleship "Barfleur" is under orders for the China station. She sailed on Sunday the 6th iust. A VAIL STEAMER WRECKED. The mail steamer "Channel Queen'* has been wrecked off the Guernsey Coast. Thirty persons, mostly
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 395 2 McALISTER Co. j FOR Harness and Accessories American Buggies, AMD Sulkies, Swift Victoria Cycles, Planting, Mining, Engineering Carpenter's Tools &c«, &c. Drain Pipes, Fire Pricks Fire Clay, Cement, fee. FOR PARTICULARS AND PRICES APPLY TO McALISTER Co. To those seeking a Kemedy for aches and painsA most efficacious oil for
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    • 115 2 ROBINSON CO., 2ISW MILLIMBRT, HSW StfHSHADBS, HBW PAHS. HBW KBW 238W FANS• Rotiinson CO. M. A. Guffoor. Sole A; ent f or Straits Settlements and B'kok, The l echanical Improved Hitchcock Lamp. The very No odour best lamp in the world for burning kerosine. Explosion impossible, burns open like jfH.<
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    • 373 2 DBWAB'S CELEBRATED WHISKY. The Lancet.— 44 This is a good, pure and whole-some spirit." The Scotsman. 44 mellow, thoroughly matured, and of the most deli; eate flavour." The Morning Advertiser. 44 Thoroughly matured, fragrant to the nose, and delicious to the palate." The Freemans's Journal.— 44 Is excellent in quality
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    • 57 2 %=?(}(@>^_*[=\%+]*='_-&@`"{""}] Regular Consignments of drug* and patent medicines &c. from their London agent enable tho Singapore Dispensary, Limited, to offer all goods fresh, and at moderate prices, consistent with first quality only. Messengers ure despatched to all parts of the town and suburb", every morning and afternoon: medicines that are
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    • 28 2 Ship Captains can have their com cine chests refilled or get new ones ined plete withdrugH of the first qnahty from tha Singapore Dispensary, 40 tfles place, [ADVT]
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    • 52 2 Patent medicines, Proprietary gootl Toilet requisites, Sponges. (Honey eon»b and Turkey) Tooth, Nail, Hair ami Bath Brushes always on hand at the Singa|M>ro Dispensary, [ADVT] CHOI.KHA, typhoid, and all kindred diseases averted by the used of disinfectants Every kind of them are kept at thd Singapore Dispansary, 4 >J Ratik-o
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  • 66 3 H. E. the Governor arrived this morning by the Sea Belle, and, no doubt, Sir Charlen will preside at the Legislative Council meeting which takes place this afternoon. Shortly before 10 a.m., H. E. the actingover nor, (the Hon'ble O. W. S. Kynnernley), and
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  • 33 3 Two Chinese were fined $2 each, in default fourteen days rigorous i»n- prisonment for trespassing on board steamers in the Docic, during the •tarly hours of this morning.
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  • 48 3 Two Chinese ladies, named Leong Y.-w, and Lee Loe Pea, respectively, were charged before Mr. Howard this morning, with using criminal force to one Chong Ah Yow in Trinjannu Street, and were fined $3 each, or go into "dry dock" at Pearl's Hill for seven days.
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  • 131 3 Y«stcr-lay before Mr. Wolferstan, one Sa Soon was prosecuted by a Kling named Madersah, tor theft of a pair <»f shoes in Cross Street on tht* night of the 1 jth instant. In the course of evidence, the prosecutor gave such a cock and bull story, that
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  • 518 3 According to certain indications the fttHi'imiture and the Hermione, when iec« mi missioned, are destined for China, where they will be a welcome accession of strength. Both are cruisers of an excellent and efficient tvpe, and we may hope they are to be sent, in view
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  • 1089 3 THE mail for Europe this week, leaves to-morrow by the M. M. Co.'s s. s. Yarra instead of on Tuesday as formerly. During the week ending the sth inst. British Dollars were transferred from the Bombay mint to the Customs House for export, to the value of
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  • 163 3 In a letter received in London, and dated from the Hotel Metropolc, Hankow, on Nov. 28, Mr. J. F. F<aser, writing to a friend in London, reports his arrival at that distant Chinese city, after having successfully traversed, with or on his bicycle, the whole
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  • 120 3 Thursday, 17th Feb, High Water.—ti.l3 a ut 8.46 p m Legislative Council, 2.90 p. m Philharmonic Orchestra S 3U p. m. Friday, 18th Feb. Tlitrh Water, —7.18 a. m., 2.32 p m Field Firing, Changie Road, 7.30 to 11 a m French Mail Homewards. Cricket. lawyers v. Rest.
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  • 75 3 OH Londvu. Bntik 4 m/» 1/MJ demand 1/11*4 Private credits 3 m/s l/lOi documents 3 m/s 1/10-15/16 credit# 6 m/ 5...1/10 On India. Bauk demand 140$ On Hongkong. Bauk demand 4 o/o dis. Ott Yolioliama. Bank demand t> o/o prem. On Java, Bank »lenv»ud 112 Private 30 d/s 117
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  • 232 3  -  ALEX. GENTLE President, Municipal O rmiMMoneth Municipil Oilioe, Robinson KMC!, Singapore, I Itli February, lBV>b. in hereby given that in terns of Sections 33 and 34 of the Municipal Ordinance No. XV of 1896. an election of one Commissioner for the Tanjong Pagar (No.l) Ward of the Town
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  • 51 3 D. Shihak iwa. Dentist of Tokio Dental College, owing to the liberal patronage brstowed upon him since bis arrival, has determined to stay in Singapore, and may be consulted daily at his Office, No. 54 North Bridge Road. Charges very nnslerate. Excellent testimonials from patients already treated CONSULTATION
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 387 3 ISMAIL RAHEEM. Diamond Merchants. Manufacturing Jewellers, Dealers in Precious Stones, &c.. Have now on yiew at No. 82-1 and 82-2, Brass Bassa Road A CHOICE STOCK OP t3 4 i* •...ri > ,r BRACELETS. RING. RING. BROOCHES. RING. RING, Pendants, Necklaces, Scarf Pins, Earrings, fcc. Sot with diamonds, rubies, pearls,
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    • 194 3 Mrs. Josephn North. Phrenologist Scientific Palmist Under Distinguished Patronage, Late of London, New York, Sydney 4r Calcutta, TfRS- NORTH has just arrived in Singapore, after a very successful tour through India and Burma she is now prepared to see visitors for consultations at Raffles Hotel, Rooms No. 81, ln-tween the
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    • 133 3 ROBINSON CO., SINGAPORE, m m k m m Va n m ss X sc j*a a&iiSi Are now booking orders for new Premier Cycle Coy's, Helical Tube Cycles. 1898 Pattern. As shown at the Stanley Cycle Show Model Z. Gente Roadster O. Racer R, Racer S. Roadster Popular Roadster The
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  • 45 4  -  LOW AH CHENG fTMIE undersigned begs to inform the public that he w ill rot i*- n*sp on nible for any debt or debts contracted bv his step-son, QUAY iiotY TKNG, UNLET* •hia signature, with the rbcp Kirn Secfc Hcan Press, is appended thereto.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 712 4 Powell Co., Singapore. FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS The following notices are taken roni the Singapore Press.:— The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank A handsome carved teak screen, n»?arly HI) feet long and six feet high, with cantiron grills l»earing the monogram of thft Ban* in gilt letters, marks off the Cashier's department, an
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    • 277 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. CO. Chubb's IRON SAFES AND LOCK, The best in the world. Apollinaris Water, The queen of table waters, a most healthy and refreshing drink in tropical countries. $l7 00 per case of 100 glass bottles. $8.50 hf. 50 stone Perrier Jouet Co.'s CHAMPAGNE, A high class wiue of
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    • 284 4 (fcT 3^9 >rv iWi MILLLWRIGHTS, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS. OPPOSITE GENERAL POST OFFICE. Specialities. Lyon's Patent Liberian Coffee Pnlper, Lyon's Patent Dry Cherry Huller, Lyon's Belf Acting Tapioca Machinery, Kice Mills Wood Working Machinery, Cattle Powers Oil Mill Plant, Pine Apple Preserving Plant. On Hand For Sale. Overshot Water Wheel 18
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    • 72 4 THE DISPENSARY A LARGE AND VABIED STOCK OF Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Photographic Requisites, Toilet Appurtenances, ALL OTFIRST CLASS QUALITY, Vide issue of the yjLf i D»./: f:f !?il A i OF. THE 4TH AUGUST, 1597. and following days, for detailed particulars Note Address: Ho. 43, BATTEBY BO AD. A. MACKAY,
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    • 557 4 La ii Fong Co. No. 19, Hijih Street. Tailors and General 0* {fitters. Give a European cut, and the uunt approved style of clothing for gentlemen Compare our prices. Under the Patronage of their Excellencies Bir C. C. Smith, u.C.u.e Sir F. A. Weld, G.C.M.G., Sir W. C. F. Robinson,
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