Mid-day Herald, 5 November 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Article, Illustration
    268 1  - P O FRANK RITCIIIR, Agent. OrtlCK, COLLTE* QVAT, WHABV", NIW HAKBOUR. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY S:oim for China. Japan. Penang. Ceylon. Indi* Australia. Aden. Egypt. Marvel Gibraltar. Malta, Brindi3i, Venice, Plymouth, and Loadon Through Hills of Lading issued lor Versian Gulf, Continental and Awrimn art*, also for China Coast a.id San
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  • 150 1 Tletjruj'hic Address LiCOiiNE. S in yap we. Tho mail steamers will leave Singapore on or ath>ut tlie undermentioned dates. OCTWAKD. HOMEWARD. 1*97. 1897. I>'tes Dates >. Simons Oct. 30 Sydney NOT, 2 •'-alazie Nov, 16 j Caled-nien Nov, 1G s *!<i ftlivn Nov 27
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  • 227 1 1 HK F \ST KOUTE BETWEENCHINA, WAS, KDR<iPK VIA OAkAUA A.NU THE UMTtD STATUS iiOUl'E VIA SHANGHAI. NAGASAKI, YOKOHAMA, VIL'TO UL/ AS J VANCOUVER, 11. V. 1 Screw Steamships—G,ooo Tons 10,000 Horsc-l'owef—Speed 19 knots. i'nopoHin Sailings FROM HONIKONO. ss "t Jnpan, Wednesday,
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  • 320 1  -  JAMES SELLAR, Manager THIS Compmv executes ships' repairs of all descriptions in th» inont efficeut manner under the Kuperinte*'deiiefti of European Shipwright* and Engi o^rs. No. 1 O RAVING DOCK Length—4ls feet. Depth of Water, from 14 to 15£ foet Willth at Entrance, 42
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  • 213 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON Thk above Dock, situated in Province Wellesley, at th«» entrance of tho Frye River, lias la>elv been lengthened and deopennd, and is now of the following dimensions: Imneth on the blocks 330 feet Breadth at entrance 50 Depth of water on Hill at
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 37 1 FOE DURABILITY, OESICrf, AND EAST RUNNING, fhfcßE IS NO bICfCLE TO BEAT THE HALEI&H." —:o: It is the favorite with racing men—:o:— TO BE A.T> ONLY FROM E. M. LYOM fit COSTRAITS CYCLE AGENCY, 15, BATTERY ROAO.
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    • 157 1 Robinson Co. —.-o: The Premier HELICAL I'UBE CYCLES hare the largest sale. 33,000 of these machines were SQld in 1896. ROBINSON CO., Agents for Straits Settlements. Raleigh Cycles ARE THE BEST. E.M..CYb7**Co. Straits Cyclt 'Agency* i imm i Jtyolograjtfctts, BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT TO HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF SIAM AND
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    • 242 1 Under the moat distinguished Fatrocege of H. R H. the Duke of Oonnsoght' —:o: B. P Dk SILVA, MANUFACTURING JEWELLER, and DEALER IN PRECIOUS STONES. —:0: 62, HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. Gaggino Co. Ship Chandlers Provisi on Merchants. Sailmakers and Anctionee rs, Navy Contractors. —:o: W1 MfS &IWM3 in smg, Assorted
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  • 118 2 IN connection with the matter of Mr. Marriott's uncalled for action, in his treatment of our representative, we may mention that we have instructed our reporter not to enter the 3rd Magistrate's Court for the purpose of reporting the cases that are heard there, thereby obviating all
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  • 155 2 Recently we have hid instances in the Police Courts, and outside of them, where prosecutors'set the criminal law in mo. tion, and afterwards, try to stop it. In a case which recently came before Mr. Deumin, a London. Magistrate, the prosecutors stated they had no desire to press
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  • 245 2 IN quashing the conviction of the two men, Abdul and Pera, who were sent to prison for, as was alleged, stealing a bag of chaff, from Mr. A brain*, the' Acting Chief Justice took octCasion to remark upon the necessity of care being taken in "recording
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  • 94 2 IN improving the Peopled Perk, and making it a more suitable recreation ground for the public, Mr. our Municipal Deputy President, has taken one more step in the direction. The laying out of open t paces and public psrks is always money, well spent, and the which
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  • 77 2 —:0: Friday, stb, liigii Water, —7.3$ a., 7.57 p. Cricket. —.Profession v. heat. 4>p. m. Daibousie K. A. C., 50©, i>.oo p. m. Saturd: r. 6th, Wat.r.- 8.24 a.. J>.2 p. Cricket. —I'rt-ieesion v. Host. 2 p. m. fcj. c. C. XI.) V. hergts K. B. Star of
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  • 1625 2 There*was a of the Mun> cipal C«»mmissi<»ners yesterday atternoon, when th*re t we.e present Air. Kgertos (the Depu y President), Mr. (the Aiumcip'l Secretary), Mr. Tomb -son (the Municipal Kngm- j eer), Mr. Sitliit, Mr. Meyer. .Mi. Nanson, Mr. Giang lye, aud Mr. Ciienjj Tuau. THE HEALTH OFFICEK
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 382 2 jflcAlister &Co Harness and Accessories, American Buggies, A l> Sulkies, Swift Victoria Cycles, Planting, Mining. Engineering Carpenter's Tools, &c-, kc[Vpain Pipes, Fire Bricks Fire Clay, Cement, &c. FOR PARTICULARS AND PRICES APPLY TO McALISTEII Co. TB. DEVIL BRAND. Thf undersigned have now received shipment of the above well-known Dynamite. which
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    • 478 2 ROBINSON CO., TAILORS, DRESSMAKERS, GENERAL OUTFITTERS. Table Cutlery, Electrb-Plated Ware, and Glassware. 4 A full stork always kept of th.-se gooda Very good value. The following at* worth notice Improvement in Table Knife Handles THE "HOLDFAST" SHOULDER) Xyolonite Handles.—Deshert size Table size ;s. —Dessert size $B.OO per dozen Table size
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    • 89 2 DOWD'S SELF EXERCISER, Complete with illustrated book of 800 pages and chart, price: $l5. Crawfurd's, Cobbbet's, Gray's, and .Warsop's Cricket Bats. Cricket Balls as Supplied to the Melbourne Cricket dub, the Singapore Cricket Club, tbe Perak Cricket Club, Ac. A very lirge range of Tennis Bats including The Bi-addell "The
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    • 258 2 DE WAR'S CELEBRATED WHISKY. The "Lancet.—"This is a good, pnreand 'whole-some spirit." The Senium HI. M Sinrml !I»LV yellow, thoionglily mnturod, and of the most delicate fl vonr."' The Morning Adverser.—Th ronjrhly matured, fragrant to the nose, and delicions to the palate.'' The|Freeinans's Journal.—" IB exoellent in quality and verj
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    • 85 2 &18S PHOTOGRAPHERS, (Corner of Hill Street and Stamford Road) Singapore •Views and types from Singapore, Mam, Sumatra and Native Slates. Studio open from 7 a. ni. to 5 p. m Regular Consignments of drug* and patent inoiicinet dice. frum their L ntdui agent enable th Siii£.ip«re Limited, to oti'er all.£<x>«U>
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    • 24 2 Patent medicine*. Proprietary goods, TeiJet requisites, Spondee, (Hooey oo...b and Turkey) Tooth, Nail, Hair and Bath Brushes alwiys on hand at the Singapore [*©YT]
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    • 15 2 All tlr:»sp« unl CUo mi-tl- 1 i are of iUe very best quality. I'"' J
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  • 127 3 WE H*ve received the followlM_, letter from a correspondent tfiio signs himself 4t Pax The statements made in yestrninv's issue of your paper re.'anliiu; ihe treatment of your in the 3rd Court, Hr a matter of serious import,nce to every member of the fourth estate.
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  • 163 3 And vet, in the absence of any reison for the action taken, this gentleman lay 9 himself open to nri«h adverse comment. Of course as-s have been heard of where .1 representative of the press has Urn roughly handled in a court of
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  • 125 3 the press reporters have a special p\ace assigned them, hut. it not in the body of the court, nor is \t among the rabble. That the repiesentative of your useful and well-informed j'Hiroal has b« en elected for iigfial humiliation and indig--lit v, is evident
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  • 172 3 lr lead? your readers to think under all this, there is a I'ng of displeasure which Hvks to be satisfied in this man"T It is a matter to be reto have to write in this J lp, in of an administrator of the 1
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  • 114 3 In axplaining his policy M ft candidate for,the General, Medical Council, Sir Walter Foster naid he had never known the profession of medicine so overcrowded and the competition so severe as at present. He wanted to find some means of lessening the unfair competition, with which they
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  • 206 3 The Biblical utory of the Fall has often been quoted, to the discredit of Eve's sex. But there is a great deal in the art of putting thiugs. The He v. Mark Ouy Pearce has just been expounding the incident in a fashion which
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  • 354 3 A crowded bouse, if we may so designate the mammoth tent under which the Harmstoa's Circus Company nightly display their wonders, assembled strain last night, to wit- j the performance of this very talcnre 1 Company and their thorough ap »reciation of the items selected for their entertainment
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  • 699 3 THB outward P. O. Packet Qnnge* left Colombo at 3 p. m. on the 1st instant. THB Director of G it-dent report* that two brass tops bare been taken off the lamps at the garden g.ttes. ALTOORTHEK, 17 men and women are under arrest for being iu
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  • 324 3 Nov. STH, 1897. (Before tK* Hon. the Aeiing Chief Justice.) run DisruT* BETWEES EICE MEECHAETS. The further hearing of the suit of M»ver Bros. vs. \l. M. Noordin was continued to-day, when an in'erest*»g p«»ii t cropped up at to the admissibility of a newspaper as evidence. Mr.
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  • 74 3 On London. Bank 4 m/s 1/10% demand 1/1 Of Private credits 3 m/« )/lOf documents 3 m/s 1/10-13/16 credits 6 m/ 5... 1/10* 0*» India. demand 142 On Hongkong. Bank demand 1 o/o prem. On Yokohama. Bank demand 5 o/o prem. On Java. Bank demmd 11l Private 30 d/s
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  • 262 3 Nor, tadBrit itr. Hnbo, In later, from Deli. W. Mm. field MM! co. nr. Solntn, Choperd, from B*,'U Alaafoff :uid co. n atr Chow, Pbya. ielliooe, from Kla- g t Dot air. Reynat, Grooth, from Cotie. unaadeh and co. MM. Mr. Sydney, Bemea, from Saigon, M Maritimoa, -wd
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 24 3 t I M fumery alwsra in stock i' u Knffles I|t P* ,r »iios inn 11 the h' St and »<*"•»« u 0 r l
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    • 22 3 INFANT*' FVKKU in great variety iucludI ing Mcllins, Nestles, Ridges and i others. oui always be had at the Singapore Disfanry. [ASVT]
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    • 40 3 Phraioian prescriptions arcnmtelr prepured. with pure drags and checked, im ler direct ••perviaioii at the Stuff** pore Di»p3 »-»ry, W Riffles Pt ice (next doirtoMlent Little Co) A Urge and varied *t»vtk «»f new re>nedic« are alwjja «ia U-»ud Uiert.
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    • 0 3 +@(]=>._{^^$|/=..[_+[>,[\_,=-`.
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    • 323 3 MAILS WILL CLOSE. TO-MORROW Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan, Caikn, 9 a. m, Sonrabaya, Bali and Mica—r, Ban Poh Guan, 11 a. tn. Deli. Qujmedc, ll a m. Tringgana. Farfalla, Noon. Bepang and Jogra, Bin tang Timor, Ip.m. Pmanf, Rangoon and Calcutta, 2 p. m. PeiiMng and Deli Calypso, 2 p.
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    • 250 3 £*i 12 0 r ra C T O lb The purest and therefore the cheapest JSratcd Water* la Singapore. Factory, 76, Braaa Bassa Road. IiUOI F. PAUL CO. FRENCH HAIR DRESSING SALOON. Just received per If. M. Steamer LATBST PARI3IAI? FA3HIOHS nr wilting of a grmt variety of LADIBS' TBIMfBD
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    • 245 3 United Sarrtee Hotel. 1(5, Worth B'idg# Road, (next d>or te High hu been completely rt* novated. Charge# rery moderate. Good table kept •J»kO Ti7« «6, HIGH STREET, HAS jut unpacked a laiu* as. sortment of: Ivory works, Chri«tmn cards, Umbroll®#. L.cqaered wares, Tea *eta far_l, t,*..<! 12 per*,.,, Coffee cop.,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 788 4 Powell &Co., Singapore* FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS. Tho following notices are token r»rjj the Singapore Press. Ths Hong'kong and Shanghai Bank. A handsome carved teak wrwn, neirly *0 feet l*»ng an 1 six feet high, with castiron grills bearing the monogram of the Banc in gilt letters, msrks off the Cashier B
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    • 261 4 HUTTENBAOH BROS. CO. .-v Qr* Chubb's IRON SAFES AMD Loctf,. The beet in the world. Apollinaris Water, j* The qneen of table W*terf. a most healthy and refreshing driuk in tropical countries. v $l7 00 per caee of 100 crlass bustles. $8.50 hf. 50 stone Perrier Jouet Co.'s CHAMPAGNE, 4
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    • 246 4 THE DISPENSARY imf iiiiii A LARGE AITS VARIED STOCK OF Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Photographic Requisites, Toilet Appurtenances, ALL OFFmST CLASS QtJALITT, Vide issue of the 4 9 MIB-bay SSS&SB OF THE 4TH AUGUST, 1897, and following days, for detailed particulars Note Address THS BISFSHSA&Y No. 43, BATTERY ROAD. A. MACKAY,
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    • 140 4 J Katz Bros, Limited. Are now showing in their exU'nsi\ e show-rooms a large assorted stock steads and Furnishing requirements. Pillow® Bolsters Sheets Sizes of Bedsteads. 64 x 6 x 2 64 ft. x 6 x 14 ft. x 6 x 1 64 ft. x 5 x 1 64 ft.
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    • 449 4 RACE HOUSES. CARRIAGE) HORSES AKD PONIES. A shipment of sixty hp a l, T HUUDEA, just landed, in first r.tte condition, and most of tlieui for immediate u*>e. Amongst the are several very handsome pairs; also, several very stylish Cobs a n ,l Ponies. Every facility of ven This is
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