Mid-day Herald, 3 November 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Article, Illustration
    260 1  - P O FRANK RITCHIE, A^ent. Or net, COLLTK* QUAY, WUABVRS, >*» HARBOU*. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Si.am for China, Japan. Penapg To**. A«*tn*2'r A dan. Manwuea, Gibraltar. Malta. Brlndlal. Venice, Plymouth, and London. l'lironifli Bills of Lading issued for l'ersian Unify Continental and \meri''nn ort aUn for China Count and San
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  • 132 1 TtU'jruj hic Addrestt LICOKNE. Snnj<ijtor6. Tito mail steamers will leave Singapore on or a I nut t lie undermentioned dates. OCTWAI:I>. HOMEWARD. I*l*7. 1897. Dates Dates B Simoiui Oct, 30 Sydney NOT, 2 NDVI* Nov, LRT j L'ak'<lonien NOT, 16 Nov. 27 I Ocranieii
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  • 247 1 T,fK Fast ItOUTE BETWEEN CHINA, J AI-A.\. A. hUROPE. VIA CANADA AND THE UNITED STATkfcL k "l I K VIA BHASOHAI. NAGASAKI, YOKOHAMA. VICTOHI/ AND VANCOUVER, U. U. r.\:u Screw Steamships— G,ooo Tons I>< )U JI orsc-Power—Speed knots. J'koPoslCf* S\ll.isr,s FROM Honikono.
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  • 306 1  -  JAMES SELLAR Manager THIS Comninv executes ships'repairs of all descriptions in the most effluent manner under the superintendence! of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 GRAYING DOCK— Length—4ls feet. Depth of Water, from 14 to 15| feet Width at Entrance, 42 feet. No. 2
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  • 212 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON Mautgur THK above Dock, situated in Province Wellesl<*y, at the entrance of the Prye Kiver, has la'ely been lengthened and and is now of the following dimensions Length on the blocks. 330 feet Breadth at entrance 50 Depth of water on aill at
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 38 1 Fja DURABILITY, DESIGN, and easy running, Irttrtfc IS NO tiICYCLfc TO dcA r TnC -UALKIQH." —;o: It is thB favorite with racing menTO BK II M> ONI.T FROM E. M. LYON CO., STRAITS CYCLE AGENCY, 15. 3ATTERT ROAD.
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    • 154 1 Robinson Co. —:o: The Premier HELICAL TUBE CYCLES have the largest sale. 33,000 of these machines were sold in 1896. ROBINSON CO., Agents for Straits Settlements. Raleigh Cycles ARE THE BEST. E. M. LYON Co. Straits Cycle Agency* mm? 53,, 7ffQ!agrapfft(s, BT SPECIAL APPOINTMENT TO HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF
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    • 238 1 Under the most distinguished Patronage of H. R H. tho Duke of Cop naught —:o: B. p i>s silva, MANUFACTURING JEWELLER, and DEALER IN PRECIOUS STONES. —:0: 62, HIGH STREET, SINCAPORE. Gaggino Co. :o: Ship Chandler a Provision Merchants, Sail makers and Auctioneers, Navy Contractors. —:q:— 4T W2 SUV3 A1V173
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  • 1171 2 IF ever there was a gentleman who combined the nuacitcr in modo with the fur/ifer in re, it is Mr. E. H. Bell, the Superintendent of the W'.al police, and to take him awav from the town, whese he has done such useful work, nn ans
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  • 103 2 Thursday, 4tb, Higb Water, —6.40 a., 6.32 p. Aiuuicipai Coaiuiiboiuu, iio p. xn. W arrcu Football Shield, 39 Co., R. A. v. JS. C. 0. Friday, sth, High Water. —7.38 a., 7.57 p. Cricket. —Profession v. Kern, 4 p. m. Dalhousie R. C., No, 50b, ti 'Jo p.
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  • 1100 2 PROPOSED NOW-EUROPE AN VOLUNTEER CORPS FOR MNGAPORE. SIR,— In ancient times, during the preatnesa of the Roman empire, it wrB both an honour ami a privilege to be entitled to l>e called a citizen of Rome," Now-a-days, the same distinction is accorded to the British subject.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 321 2 slcAlister&Co Harness and Accessories, American Buggies, AD Sulkies, Swift Victoria Cycles, Planting, Mining. Engineering Carpenter's Tools, &c-, &c. E>.-ain Pipes, Fire Bricks Fire Clay, Cetnent, &c. FOH PAKTICULARS AND PRICES APPLY TO McALISTER Co. :DTHAHITS. DEVIL BRAND. Thh undersigned have now received shipment of the above well-known Dynamite, which is
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    • 540 2 ROBINSON CO., TAILORS, DRESSMAKERS, GENERAL OUTFITTERS. Table Cutlery, Electro-Plated Ware, and Glassware. A full stork always kept of th.'se goods Very good ralue. The following ar worth notice Improvement in Table Knife HandlesTHE HOLDFAST (PATENT SHOULDER Xyolouite Handles. —Dissert size $B.OO per dozeu Table size 9.50 Carver and Steel to
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    • 280 2 DE WAR'S CELEBRATED WHISKY. The Lancet.—"This a good, pare and whole-some spirit." The ScoUram.— u Sin \rnl*«rly mellow, thoroughly matured, nnd of the luoatdelicate fl «vonr." The Morning Adv<rti*er. —"Thoroughly matured, fraeraul to the nose, stud delicious to the palate." The Freemaus's Journal.—" Is excellent in quality and very pleasant
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    • 55 2 PHOTOGRAPHERS, (Corner of Hill Street and Stamford Road) Singapore Views and types from Singapore, Mam, Sumatra and Natiye Slates. Studio open from 7 a. m. to 5 p. m. Patent medicines. Proprietary goods, Toilet requisites, Swinges. (Honey oomb Mid Turkey) Tooth, Nail, Hair uud Bath ■Brash* always oo hand at
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    • 25 2 Fhip Captain* ca* have their medicine cheats refilled or get new onea complete with drugM of the first quality from the Singapore Dispensary, 40 Knfflsa
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    • 12 2 All driK* Clienuc 1 »po Dii|Hfita*r/ »t %c* of th* very b*»*
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  • 367 3 K?tOPEAM SAILOR kAISES quits A STIR. \T a little before one o'clock this afternoon a European sailor ,-.,ased quite a little commotion m K allies Place, and gathered round him a number of Chinese ar.u Malays who looked on with considerable amusement at what was
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  • 72 3 Tin Court of Enqutlry, assembled to investigate the circumstances attending the collision K tvreen the four-masted barque (H»ncoH(i, and the British India steamer Limlula met again today, when additional evidence wus tendered. The Court "were some time considering their finding, and in the result they ordered the
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  • 90 3 A correspondent suggests that d signal staff erected on Terah P">nt would he a great advant,v to those having chirge of v «*ssels moving in and out of the '•arbour. At present it is only possible to know what ships are fining in, but
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  • 106 3 A small fire br>>ke out this morning s p<>t aij ieent to a new building w, en Messrs. Barlow and Ca.'s t* and those of the Straits Insur- 0 on C llyer Quay. The 'ot it i s „t present unknown, but ppe«rs to have been
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  • 201 3 The outward P. A O. Packet Ganges left Colombo at 3p. m. on the Ist iustant. a Four teamen are wanted for deflating the ship Olencona aud a similar number the police are in quest of who belong to the ship Becleugh. Wi are informed that the
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  • 1079 3  -  (By Cave Canem.) What can he done to prevent the spread of disorderly houses through our main public thoroughfares Y\ hat ste»'S can he taken to suppress thein? These a>e questions which one hears at every turn. The answer is, mike the law ns stringent here as it
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  • 606 3 GRA.VK CaARGEi AoAfNST THS PBOPKIKT>>B AND ABSI9TANT. THIS information WIS laid before the Magiatrate yesterday, and a w arrant issued f>r the arrest ut' the parties therein u;inied. Fre lerick Drie3s, of the A I*l phi Ho el, Chemist, says:—About tne end of November 1896 I wt*
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  • 296 3 NOT. 3BD, 1897. (Be fort the Hon. Mr. Justice Collyr) TIMBER MBBCHAMTB 1H CO CRT. His Lordship bad before him this morning the suit of On? S>tn Le >ug Co. vs. Tue Straits Development Company. Mr. Braddell appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Ellis represented the defendant. From
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  • 163 3 Nov. Ist. atr. Kian, Ana, MOM, from D'lobi* Wee Bin nod co. «tr. Kian, Y*ng, Kanath, from MM* Khoo Teong P*n. Itnl atr. F&rfalla, Gaggiao, from Tringgana, Gaggino and CJ, Brit. »tr. Sam, Tor, Taylor, from Bagaa, Apt, Kh >o Teong Pan. atr. Beng Kalis, Hendry, from Knar,
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  • 74 3 On London. Bank 4 m/• 1/lOf demand 1/104 Private credits 3 in/a i /10^ documents 3 m/s 1/10-11/16 credit* 6 in/r..1/ll On India. Bank demand 143 On Hongkong. Bank demand 1 o/oprem. On Yokohama. Bank demand 5 o/o prem. On Java. Bank demand 11l Private 30 d/s 118 SOVRRKIOMS,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 33 3 waters. *nd the be*t Ti... s VT tor familn* should patrouixe* Dj*l>«;usary Limited, who P"* at l 'w ,r I*'' o h»t on Mpplicntiou l*t.u r,*l' K stock of Homo- Bi#d *M*s [aim]
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    • 21 3 Infant*' Food* in great variety including M tiling, NHUm, BidiJW and others, can alwayr be had at the Singpoore Diaoraaarr. !"ADvt1
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    • 25 3 High eiass perfumery alw *ys in stock at the Sing tpore Dispensary, 10 Riffles PUee. All pjrfumes from the bat and widest known makers, [aarvj.
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    • 72 3 MAILS WILL CLOSE. TO-MORROW Penang, Olehleh, and Packing, Tambora, 3 p. m. Malacca, and Klang, Chow. Phja, 3 p.m. Malacca, and Klang. Neera, 4 p. m. Bangkok, Borneo, 4 p.m. Port, Darwin, Darwin, 4 p. m. Physician's prescriptions accurately prepared. with pure drags and checked, under direct *npervinim» at the
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    • 226 3 Keep your T on this spot. MAYSON Co. Dubashes, Shipchandl era, < ontractors, Naval Suppliers 21, Robinbon Road. Singapore, (opposite the New Mar Lot.) Purveyors to the Shire, Shell. Glen, Chiua, Mutual, Mogul. Saint. Ben, W. Milbitrn Union. Anchor, Gil/, Gibb and other Lines of Steamer*, Men-of-war, Brit* ish, Turkish.
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    • 235 3 XSAISOH F. PAUL CO. —:o: FBENCH HAIR DRESSING SALOON. —:0: Joit received per M. K. Steamer CAL EDONIEN, LATEST PAHISI AH FASHIOH3 eonaiating of a great variety of LADIES' TRIMMED HATS, BILK SUNSHADES, 4 UMBRELLAS of all ooloan. 1&11S9* twm of all deacriptiona. Alao, a aew atoek of fancy WALKING
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    • 294 3 Unite! Service Hrtet. 16, North B idge Rovi, (next d »or to High .Street) has bem CJ npletily renovated. Charges very moderate. Go od table kept. Ab&die's Menagerie This well known trouoe of animals has now returned to Sin rap?re, and performances are given at the foot of Fort Canning
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 814 4 Powell &€o., Singapore. Fl RXITURE MAN CFA CTURER3. f|,e f/lotrin.' notices are takcu ruin the Singapore Pres.*.: TM Hongkong acd Shanghai Bunk. A him 1 curved bcrcin, nearly K<) feet long and sit f-' rt iii'-rl*. with castiron grill* bearing the monogram of the Ban* in tjilt letteis, marks off
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    • 310 4 HUTTENBACH BHOS. CO* Chubb'3 IRON* SAFES AND LOOK, The best in the world. Apollinaris Watar, Tlie queen of t ibla vr iters, a tn >«t healthy aal refreshing drink in tropical countries. <c 1 7 <»o j»r»r ease of 100 irlas* bottlus. hf. „oO Htoae Perrier Jouet Co-'s N CHAMPAGNE,
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    • 237 4 THE DISPENSARY 83asa?&a«. A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF Drugs. Cliomioals, Perfumery, Photographic Requisites, Toilet Appurtenances, &L& OFC&ASS Vide issue of the OF THE 4TH AUGUST, 1897, and following days, for detailed particulars Bote Address ti!S X>TSFBBS&ftY No. 43, BATTERY BOAD. A. MACKAY, Manager ZTO MILLLWRIGHTS, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS. CONTBACTOBS. OPPOSITE
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    • 158 4 Katz Bros, Limited. Arc now showing in their extensive show-rooms a large assorted stock Bedsteads and Furnishing requirements. Sizes of Bc'istc&'ls. t>4 x G x 2 Cotton Mattress C)\ ft. x 6 x 1 4 64 ft. x C x 1 64 ft. x 5 x 1 64 ft. x
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    • 470 4 Race nousts. CABRIAQK HOHSl^s AND POiMKs. A shipment of x ty NUDDBA just landed. infti,t r -t* condition, ami uu st of ILem r m tor immediate use. Am tj.,., ave several very ha-dsoiu- j,. r also, several Very srvlmri <«.ib* ~t l Ponies. Every facility of tri d/. This
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