Mid-day Herald, 1 November 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • 265 1  - P O FRANK RITCriIB, A 0 f ont. Orrica, CotLrrw QVAT, WHAB*M, il*a»os*. NAVIGATION COMPANY for ft.- T '-,tu Penary Ceylon. AS^5 R OT" LH,WE-1 Thronirh IJills of Lading' issued fi»r I'ersittn Continental nud Am■ lir tn ort* f aho far China Ccant nrid Sun ]'run risen cia Hongkong. MAIL
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  • 137 1 T !ejni/>hie A l<lre*a LICOKXE. 1 lie mail steamers will leave Singapore tin or nlmut tlie undermentioned dates.— OITWAKD. HOXKWAUD. IW. 1897. I)»tea Dates F Sim.ma Oct, 30 Sydney Nor, 2 N«»v, It; Culc.i .niea Nov. Id alien Nor. 27 (Hvanien Nov, 30 I)»T.
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  • 228 1 FAST ROUTE BBTWEENCHINA, AN, A EUH>It'K. VJA CANADA AND TUB UN IT KD STATUS K"ITK VIA SHANGHAI. NAGASAKI, KUIJK, YOKOHAMA, VhJTOiUi ,ANl> VANCOUVER, li. C. Twin Screw Steamships—o,ooo Tons J 1 >,OO'J llorHC-Povror—t>pee<l J i) knots. Proposed SMUNOS FROM TIon'JKONO. J«ipap, Wednesday,
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  • 302 1  -  JAMES SELLAR Manager 0 Tun Comituiy executes ships'repairs of ;ill «W»*(-i'i;>tiotis in the most efficent manner under the superintendence! of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 GRAVING DOCK Lenirth—4>o feet. DeotlwM Waiter, from 14 to 15| feet at Entrance, 42 feet. No. 2 Git\vf\tt
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  • 216 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON MHUA£ or VitK above Dock, situated in Province Welleslev, at th« entrance of the Prye Hi ver, has lately been lengthened and deepened, and is now of the following dimensions;— Length on tho bloeks 330 feet Breadth at entraneo 50 Dent.h of water
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 32 1 mikßsm MS.aV AND KASY RUNNING, infctt* '*> hO-diCYCuK TO btA T JHE ••'>••— 4 ft i» thaViVopie with racing men to n \n onlt mo* M. LYON CO.. STRAITS CYCLE AGENCY, 15. BATTERY ROAD.
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    • 718 1 BUCHANA !S THF. SOLD BY ALT. LICENSED SPIRIT ITI T.FIT*. SAME AS SUPPLIED TO THE HOUSES OF LORDS AND COMMONS AND TO ML GOOD LONDON CUBS. Sole Importers.. SAT? B&98., LIMITBB. CANTON INSURANCE OFFICELIMITED. Capital Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount paid np 500,tH)0 Reserve Fund 5(A),000 Head Office, Hongkong. General Agents. Messrs.
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    • 157 1 Robinson Co. The Premier 4 HELICAL TUBE CYCLES have the largest sale. 33,000 of these machines were sold in 1896. ROBINSON CO., Agents for Straits Settlements. Raleigh Cycles ARE THE BEST. E. M. LYON <& Co. Straits Cycle Agency* h imm si, BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT TO HIS MAJESTY THE KING
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    • 194 1 'erchants, Sailmakers and Auctioneers, Navy Contractors. —:o: V Assorted size marble slab*, French Clarets in casks, Italian Maccaroui, Vermicelli, Italian Tomatoes in tins, Special Fine Green Peas in tins, Italian Mineral Waters, recommended as being tasteless and digestive, Preserved Pine Apples, Olive Oil of the finest quality *iot engines, <fec7,~&c.
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  • 1088 2 IN presenting to our readers to-day, a new and en larged edition of our paper, we have to tender them, and the general public, our sincerest thanks for the generous manner iu which they have uot been backw ird in coming forward to extend to us
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  • 1106 2 (B if ore the Hon. Mr. Justice Coll yer.) j TIIK SHIPOWNER ASD Hl* CAPTAIN. On Friday afiernoon, the s.iit of Captain Andrew Busk vs. Lan I<> Toai wis mentioned by Counsel. It. j has been instituted by the plaintiff to recover $3iH. U«, balauw alleged to be
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  • 1483 2 (LONDON, OCT. 10.) GENERAL.—Nothing of any transcendeut interest has occurr»-d duri the week, which has been modmte v quier. Political or torv is making itself rather more conspicuous, and will bec« ine more active as the holidays get more behind us, soys tin? Loudon and China
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 305 2 i-'OK PAHTICI'LARS AND PRICES APPLY TO McALISTEK Co. DEVIL BRAND. THE uiulersigne.l hare now received «liipm>-iit i»f the above, well-known Dyn unite, which is guaranteed equ«l in evei v to any other braud •tferinj: in the market. The "DEVIL B I AND" of Dynamite is used at the principal Miue*
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    • 452 2 Tlie "SlmriKT*' Razor, similar to illustration, superior qualitv. !i<»Now "round, black handle > inch blade. marked 11 More sharp than your sword." *2 each or s'» j»er pair in leather e »vored case. i Singer's Sewing Machines The total Sales now amount to m«>re than TWELVE MILLION MACIUNKR. Evervone will
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    • 56 2 llcrnld is the ea HI per in the Strait* Zd largely circulated, paper that reaches the the Mercantile com mutracier8, Principal ore keeper Clerk*, s'c. the cheape*t paper, the ion being $1 a month for out station SnbThe advertising rates eme/y moderate and defy mho > Rarefy see thq ()tUr
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    • 31 2 ttsitt urn PHOTOGRAPHERS, (Corner of HiU Street and Stamford Road) Singapore Views and types from Singapore, >iaip, Sumatra and Satire Sia'tW Studio open from 7 a. m. to 5 p. m.
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    • 14 2 nrP r ®*®riptions accurately prepared, purs drugs, and chocked, unde?'direct supervision at the Bn*a--3
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    • 19 2 AII<W« «nd "J 1 Singapore Dispensary at4«> R r rl ars of the very beat quality. L u J
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  • 1751 3 TH* n. Benfedic ame into port on Sntunlay, with Mrs. Jellico aud Mr. McKerrow ou board. TH« brother of MR. Jansz, th« local cricketer, who is alao au all-round pood player, is comiug to the Colony shortly. Tne Municipal estimates for thp yenr 1«1)8 show a rcv-pue
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  • 285 3 YKSTSRDAT morning the inquest on the holy of Private Oualcraft, of the Rifl* B igide, wis held by the Coroner in the barra<*ki. The deo«'ased, it will be reinemb>*red. was missed on Thursday evening hy S 'ine of his coni'-a les, aud a (sea eh was
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  • 481 3 QUITE a record audience assembled at the tent in Uiver Valley Road, where 1 his most popular Circus Company, nightly exhibits its wonders and daring feats, on Saturday night. The space allotted for seat* was crowded long before the hour adveit sed for the commencement of the show,
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  • 166 3 Oct. 30. Brit. atr. Bt-nledi, Faquhar from London, P, >inioUtt iuid co sir. I euiaur, Cnnnatyne, fro in Bankok, W. aud co. str. Penuu;. kawlingsoa, fromS auinrai g, T K. Tutu sod sous. Dot. atr- <Stiie, B<>ineo, Tuckey, from Cotie. An r Lim Thay. Hi it. str. Kougsce,
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  • 80 3 Oh London. B.ink 4 m/s 1/l^i demand 1/ 1 Of Private credits 3 in/s )/11-3/16 documents 3 m/ 5.,... 1/11$ i credits 6 in/5... 1/IJ-5/1G On India. Bank demand 146} On Hongkong. Bank demand 1 o/o prem. On Yokohama. Bank demand 5 o/o prem. On Java. Bank demand 113
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 35 3 i j "'iri-pil w.torn. »«nd tJIP henf. 1 f uaiheH n)iO'ild |rtfroni«e. o 1>(| >n lhsjj«?Bß»ry lii»r»:tod who r li>t on .-ipptirnrion -.4,., l r ?rK> 1 stoat of H >:no. I "C3 [ai»¥i j
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    • 20 3 Infant*' F»*>«in in great variety including Mt-lliiia, Nestles. KitLptf and others, r.'Hi always be l»»«J ut the ftinjjapori' l>u»jKMw«ry [AUVT]
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    • 56 3 Regular Consignments of drn«rs »nd p i'ent mo lieines from th-ur Lmdon a«,*ent entble th Limited, to nlfer all fools fHfih, and at moderate price's, co aistent with first inslity onlv. Mess.'tigers ire despitched to all |»arts of th« town aud safan<>«, every warning and afternoon mediome* th»U are n-gently
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    • 26 3 Ship Captains can h*ve their modioine chests refilled «w get ucw ones comjdete with drugs of ths first q.i*My from the Singapore Dispensary, 40 place, [ADVT]
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    • 118 3 MAILS WILL CLOSE. TO-MORROW Salmon, Charon. 11a.m. Cberibon, and Sainarang, Penang, 11 a, m, Pal.; IIJ bang, Carolina, Nmm Billiton, and Pontianak, Ban, Whatt, Hin, 1 p. ra. Bandjermassin, Pulau, Laut, Cotie, etc, Kienhuijs. 2 p. m. Penang. Negaputam, Karical. Madras, etc. Secnndra. 2 p. in. Malacca, port, Dickson, and
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    • 184 3 5 k t'li: > t 2 t ®3& TO-NIGHT t TO-NIGHT! Our first fall and com pie tq ch%pge of programme. Eveiy act new Every act new The Sisters Warren I The Sisters Warren I! In their great return aeritl act. The Rio Troupe of Udr Acrobats, In their Greoo-Roman
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    • 189 3 FOB S ALE,; A "mill Siam pooy, well trailed .ijf* harntHK, and a •m \i} e.>mMet Priec moderate. App \y br letter M i Abadie's Menagerie k This woll%noirn troone offerfar mktr' animal* has now retur n*>\ tp tfirrrap oh», alld performances are given at the Joot tanning Hill, iftjuRY
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 745 4 Powell Co., Singapore* VIRNITURE MANUFACTURERS. flie fallowing notices are taken r.'iii the Jsin>;apore Press. The Hongkong and .Shanghai Bank. I A (hhi'l*)Ui« cartel t<**k screen, nearly Ho rc-'t long *"d fwt hufb, with castgrid* lH*aring I In; monogram of the iiau< iu -.jilt Icttem. mark* off the Cashier's <U-pctrtment, an
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    • 286 4 HUTTENBACH BSOS. COChabb's I BOX SAFE? AND LOCK, The best in the wrorld. Apollinaris Water, The queen of table TTitera. a most healthy and refreshing driuk in tropical countries. $l7 00 per ease of 100 trio** Ixjttle-'. sS.s<* hf. 50 stone t Parrier Jouet Co-' s CHAMPAGNE, A hi<rh clas*
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    • 242 4 THE DISPENSARY, Btnt&rtfti. A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF Drugs, Chemicals, [Perfumery, Photographic [Requisites, Tdilet Appurtenances, O T FIRST CUSS QUALITY, Vide issue of the 818-BA7 BSBM3) or THE 4TH AUGUST. 1897, and following days, for detailed particulars Note Address ?HB BSSFSHS&fCY No. 43, BATTERY ROAD. A. MACKAY, M. t/W©W£
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    • 148 4 Katz Bros, Limited. Arc now showing in their extensive show-rooms a large assorted stoc liec steads and Furnishing requirement^Sizes of Bedsteads. 6| x 6 x 2 64 ft. x 6 x 14 6$ ft. x C x 1 6* ft. x 5 x 1 64 ft. x 4 x 2
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    • 471 4 ILSMHS'3 sssi3§ RACE HORBEB. CARRIAGE HORSES, AMD PONIES. A shipment of sixty h-al. NUDDEA jnst landed, in first rati? condition, and ntost of them iva.lj for iinmedi ite use. Am«ngst them are seveiul very handsome pairs; also, several very stylish Cobs and Ponies. Every facility of tri..l gi» en> This
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