Mid-day Herald, 30 October 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • 262 1  - P O FRANK KITCIIIE, Ageat. k Orncm, COLL TEE QUAT, WBABVEI, NEW IIARBOL'R. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY F R CHINA *■!>■»• T»nang, Ceylon, lcdia, Auatralia. Ad«J, EGYPT, Marseilles,. QIONL tar, Malta, Brindist Venice, PLY nouth, sad London. Tliron -H Bills Of lODINE J«NED for /Vrm..n (htlf, American ort,, a'jm for China
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  • 125 1 Telegrapkie.AfaLrdXf SingaporeThe mfcil steamers will leave Singapore *n or ft boat the undermentioned dates.— Outward. Homevtakb. IM7. 1897. Dates Dates K. Simon* Oct, 30 Sydney Nor, SJaaie Njv, lf> j Caledonion Nov, 16 Nov. 27 j Oceanien Nov, 30 .J*" 9 Dec. 14 Melbourne
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  • 62 1  -  ST. V. B. DOWW. Hon, Secretary. Tin: public are informed that the mess of the Society's Inspector M«. WLAR i' s at 1 Gaol site, Brass ii.lSSit Korttl. All persons wishing to report any cases <*t cruelty wbicli may come under their
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  • 227 1 JAPAN. St EUROPE, VIA CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES ROC PE VIA SHANGHAI, NAGASAKI, KOBE, YOKOHAMA. VICTQJU/, AND VANCOUVER, ift i r»; 4—* -~M ;ijjr W Twin Screw 9team»Wp»—6J)so Tons —lO,OOO Horse-PoW—Speed 19 kJWta. i PROPOSED SAinNoa H<SS3ROKO, Empress of Japan, W«4n#sdajL
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  • 305 1  -  JAMES SELLAR, Manager Tins Company executes ships' repairs of all descriptions in the most efficent manner under the superintendencei of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 GRAVING DOCK— Length—4ls feet. Depth of Water, from 14 to 15J feet. Width at Entrance, 42 feet. No.
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  • 211 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON t Manage? THE above Dock, situated in Province Wellesley, ftt the entr&nco of tbd Pryo ttiver, has lately been lengthened and deepened, and is now of the following dimensions:—Length on the block* 330 feet Breadth at entrance 50 Depth of water on sill
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 72 1 FOR DURABILITY, DESIGN, AND EASY RUNNING, THERE IS NO BICYCLE TO BEAT THE •'KALEIGH." —;o: It is the favorite with racing- men. —:o: TO BE HAD OSLY PROM E. M. LYON CO., STRAITS CYCLE AGENCY, IS, BATTERY ROAD. fieod Articles^ suits Bio-A «®4 HIGH STREET, J.I i ,Jrtt reo 'ivejl-Xew
      72 words
    • 197 1 4* >• *<• I-i. V Vr. >3"<> MILLLWRIGHTS, V STIIIAti ENGINEERS, CONTRACTORS. iOPPOSITB GENERAL POST OFFICE. .-Lgruu s i dwnt vonee riuper,.. Lyon's Patent Dry Cherry Hulleiv Lyon's Be!f Acting Tapioca Machinery,. Kice Mills Wood Working Cattle Powers.& Oil Mill Plant, L J ine Apple Preserving Plant. On Hand For
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    • 108 1 JP t i y 'W' m i -V -> > 3 -r- M v v I w i r.iJ'S .r r* X% -*"s-«••■ .'j ASM QOODS v v r fsr .V vil -Tax tV i '> > J v >. r ."I V ■T > 4 51 AND EKADT FOR
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    • 259 1 travel* to E India, Chii i« China, the 1 States, M m i derated 1 fava, etc. It contains fall and extended reports of all local occurrences, and all the general news of the day. It has a large and increase Local circulation, is read by every class of tha
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  • 1009 2 THE perpetrator of the murderous assault on Mr. Hand, the Plague Commissioner,- committed at Poona, in India, on Jubilee day, turns out to be, as all along suspected by many, a Brahmin. The murderer—Damodher Ghaphekar by name—has had a most remarkable career, according to his confession
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  • 60 2 The acceptance of the Honorary Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians of London by His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales mast be regarded as a compliment to the whole medical profession, although, of coarse, His Royal Higlines* will not be registered or practice medicine, except
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  • 762 2 J. WBYTE, IK "ST. A.NDREw's GAZIT, (BUEKOB AY RES). (Contenuation.J Suddenly the pipe dropped fw, Armstrong's mouth. Holy Mo* e came from his lips, and the rifle w e to his shoulder at the same inst, He was not in such a hurrv to fi, JAs
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 328 2 McAlister&Co FOB Harness and Accessories, American Baggies, AKD Sulkies,. Swift Victoria Cycles, Planting, Mining, Engineering Carpenter's Tools, fee &c. Drain Pipes, Fire Bricks, Fire Clay, Cement., &c. FOR PARTICULARS AND PRICES APPLY TO McALISTER Co. CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE. LIMITED. Capital Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount paid up 500,000 Reserve Fund 500,000 Head
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    • 296 2 s um)t i yijafogrnjtfctt*, BT SPECIAL APPOIimfKVT TO HIS MAJESTY THE KINQ OF 81AM AID W 4 HIS HIQHNESS the SULTAN OP JOHORE, SINGAPORE. Gresham House, Battery Rd„ AND 186, Orchard Boad. Sjtqtialit?: Enlargements in atll sizes. Business Hours: BATTERY ROAD STUDIO Week days..:...from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays
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    • 115 2 Gaggino Co. u>: Ship Chandlers Provision Merchants, Sailmakers and Auctioneers, Navy Contractors. —:o; Assorted size marble slabs, French Clarets in casks, Italian Maccaroni, Vermicelli, Italian Tomatoes in tins, Special Fine Green Peas in tins, Italian Mineral Waters, highly recommended a 9 being tasteless and digestive, Preserved Pine Apples, Olive Oil
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    • 73 2 The Mid-day Herald is the earliest issued newspaper in the Straits Settlements and largely circulated. It is the first paper that reaches the Government, the Mercantile community, Chinese tradefp, Principal Hotels, Storekeepers, Clerks, Bfc. It is also the cheapest paper, the Subscription being $1 a month for local, and $1.25
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  • 553 3 Lik*> the doctor, who baa at timet th»> sad task of telling nil incurable patient that he has done all that ine<iic&l skill could possibly do for effecting a care, bnt that bis case is now hopeless, so bad the Governor the unpleasant duty to inform the inhabitants
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  • 655 3 The advantage* accruing to theiiMMlerti trained nurse from a £s#opili~ arity with technical medical term# are *bown by the recent remarks of a nurse in attendance upon a man sufm vesical retention. The had for s<>me days been "h!i<red to mtke several futile sttmnt, in ea;b case
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  • 119 3 At no period*in the history of the island has there been a greater demand for lad/ doctors than at present, when, with tne necessary examination of hundreds upon hundreds of native women from India, and with the more stringent measures for registration, the services of lady
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  • 55 3 A Marine Court of enquiry assembled in the office of the Master Attendant this afternoon to investigate the circumstances attending a collision between the sailing ship Qlentona and the B. I. steamer Lindula The enquiry was held today to enable the steamer to leave port
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  • 161 3 WE have to remind our readers that the matinee at the Circus is at 4 o'clock this afternoon, and all who desire that their little ones should see this colossal show had better embraoe this opportunity. To-night an altogether separate and special programme has been made out, and
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  • 72 3 THREE MEM INJURED. AN explosion, supposed to be due to spontaneous combustion, occurred on board the steamer Cheng Hock Kian this morning. It occurred in the bunkers, and injured three men. The Chief Engineer. Mr. John Sing, has beeu somewhat severely burned about the face,
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  • 197 3 DURING the forenoon of the 26th inst. people might have wondered to hear a l<»ng peal of sounding loudly from St. Joseph's Church in Victoria Street, without any appar- j ent reason. The reason for the re- joicing was that news had arrived
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  • 173 3 Aii extraordinary case was recently reported froin Vienna in which various household utensils were found, on necropsy, in the stomach of a woman. It is reported from Kansas City th«ta street perfo<mer, known as the "Humau Ostrich," who entertained his andieuces by swallowing all
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  • 76 3 Saturday, 90th, High Water, —1.10 a., 0.36 p. Cricket. —8. C. 0. v. 8. R. U„ 2 p. m, S. C. C. (2nd XI.) v. Next XI. Star of East, G, T., 7.30 p. m. Temperance Club. Singapore Chess Club, 8.30 p. u. Application for Municipal Loan Close.
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  • 79 3 On London. Bank 4 m/s 1/11 1/1 Of Private credits 3 m/s J/lli documents 3 m/s. 1 /11 f credits 6 m/5...1/ll| On India. Bauk demand 145 J On Hongkong. Bank demand 1 o/o prem. On Yokohama. Bank demand 5 o/o prem. On Java. Bank demand 119 Private 30
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  • 237 3 Oct. 28. Dut. str. 6. G. Loudon, Mouleman, from Soura. bars, Daendels and co. Brit. str. Charon, Payne, from Saigong, W. Mansfield and co. Brit. str. Fultala, Care, from Melbourne, Boostead and 00. str. Ruby, Bruce, from Palembang, Lim Lan and 00. Dut. str. Sri Pegatan, Craig, from
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 140 3 MAILS WILL CLOSE. ON MONDAY Malacca, and Linggi. Helene, 1 p. m, Klang, and Teluk, Anson. Amherst, 2p. m. Penang, Rangoon, and Calcntta, Lindula, 3 p. m. K. Pah an g, Pekan, Kuan tan, and Kemamaro. Fantee, 3 p. m, Malacca. Klang, and Teluk, Anson, Hye, Leong. 4 p. m,
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    • 416 3 HARMSTOWS CIRCUS-To-night! To-night!! To-night! To-night!* r 1 ~zr w ft TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT! A BRILLIANT PROGRAMME. Box plan st Messrs. Kelly Walsh's. THIS AFTERNOON, AT 4 P. it, Grand Family Matinee. Children admitted at half price to mil parte of the honse. Doors open at 8, commence at 4 p. m.
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    • 313 3 AUCTION 7 1 it or DAMAGED GOO/).;, (Ex S.8 Sach^cm) At our Sale Rooms MONDAT, 1ST NOV., AT 11 A M and following dayx. Miscellaneous Goods, consisting of 40 cases Pilsener Beer, Crown Brand, pints and quarts* 1 case clar»»t, 1 case i«irt*» re, 2 cases milk. 1 case yellow
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 286 4 Riley Hargreaves Co. it? SOLE AGENTS FOE Eoyal Psycho Cycles FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN BY STARLET BROTHERS, COVENTRY. By Special Royal Warrant of Appointment. MAKERS TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. A Large Consignment of High Grade Cycles Roadsters, Light Roadsters, Racers and L&dies 1807 Pattern*. HAVE JUST BEEN UNPACKED WHICH
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    • 486 4 THE DISPENSARY A LABGE AND VARIED STOCK OF Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Photographic Requisites, Toilet Appurtenances, ALL OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY* Vide issue of the OF THJS 4TH AUGUST,. 1897, and following days, for detailed particulars Dote Address: No. 43, BATTERY ROAD. A. MACKAY, Manager. The "Elephant Jlrandof Pihte/ic? Beer\ in
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    • 190 4 Katz Bros., Limited. Are now showing in their extensive show-rooms a large assorted stock .Bedsteads and Furnishing requirements. Sizes of Bedsteads. 6| x 6 x 2 64 ft. x 6 x U 64 ft. x 6 x 1 6J ft. x 5 x 1 64 ft. x 4 x 2
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    • 349 4 FOR SALE. TWO Billiard "lUles comply w George Wright. Loudon, particulars and terms. Apply BAFFLES TIFFIN ROOJJS Singapore, 15th Sept., lsox. —Board and lod s i no quiet family near town L Eng ish Gentleman, of quiet domestical"'; habits Terms m,.st be moderated accordance with requirements. <t OIRE, c/o Mid-day
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