Mid-day Herald, 26 October 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • 267 1  - P O ritANK KITCIIIE, Agent. OKR ICE, Cm.L YER QVAT, WHAKVDS, NEW HAKIJOUB. STEAM €OM!*ANT Steam lor ChJni Japan, Penpng, Ceylcn. Au: .ralifi. Aden. Ef J:arseilLe3, Gibraltar. Malta, Eiirdusi, Venice, Plymouth, and London. Ilirouijh I>j lls of Lading issued for Pcryi/j/i (i uJf, Con finer. taf and A,< <■,-lota /'orfx,
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  • 119 1 1* legraj Jiic Address LICORXE. Singapore. l no mm*} steamers will leave Singapore on or :>lx>ut the undermentioned dates.— Outward. Homeward. 1*97. 1897. lilted Dates '■l-rilmitroo Oct, in Laoa Oct, 5 i Si<n<wa Oct, Yarra Oct, 19 Sjlu/ie Nov, 111 Sydney Nov, 2 f'aled.rtiien
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  • 62 1  -  ST. V. 13. DOWN. Hon, Secretary. The public are informed that the ad-'*"--s of the Society's Inspector M«. I'aglak, is at Oi l Gaol site, Brass I'-tssa Koiul. An persons wishing to report any cases 4 cruelty which may come under their
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  • 246 1 THE FA ST ROUTE B JAPAJC-ft-fctmoP] AND THE UNITED STATES jmi.A if. kii.t t ROUTE VIA SHANGHAI, NAGASAKI, KOBE, YOKOHAMA. VICTOR!/ AND VANCOUVER, B. C. Tw.n Screw Steamships —G,ooo Tons —lO,OOO Horse-Power —Speed 19 knots. PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM HON3KONG. Empress of Japan,
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  • 304 1  -  JAMES SELLAR Manager THIS Company executes ships' repairs of all descriptions in the most efiicent manner under the superintendence! of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 GRAVING DOCK— Length—4l 5 feet. Depth of Water, from 14 to feet. Width at Entrance, 42 feet. No.
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  • 208 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON Manager THB above Dock, situated in Province Wellesley, at the entrance of the Pryo liiver, has lately been lengthened and deepened, and is now of the following dimensions:— Length on the b10ck5......330 feet Breadth at entrance oO Depth of water orfSiill at ordinary
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 86 1 FOR DURABILITY, DESIGN, AND EASY RUNNING, THERE IS NO EICRCLE TO BEAT THE -KALEIGH." —;o: It is the favorite with racing men —:o: TO EE NAD OSTLY PTTOM E. M. LYON CO., STRAITS CYCLE AGENCY, 15, BATTERY ROAD. Good Articles. >?, a» if »> o W-£-isiu Si, V*3 >•'•>. 41,
      86 words
    • 234 1 sr. ss. &T'©sr MILLLWRIGHTS, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS, CONTRACTORS. OPPOSITE GENERAL POST OFFICE. Specialities. t Lyon's Patent Liberian Coffee Pulper, Lyon's Patent Dry Cherry Huller, Lyon's 8< k lf Acting Tapioca Machinery, llice Mills Wood Working Macliinery, Cattle Powers Oil Mill Plant, Pine Apple Preserving Plant. Oa Hand For Sale. Overshot Water
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    • 265 1 TBS fljifc-img fsralb," 'ravels to Europe, Australia, British India, China, the Federated Malay Statea. Siam. Java, etc. It contains full and extended reports of all local occurrences, and ail tne general news of the day. It has a large and increasing k<?cal circulation, i 3 read by every class of
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  • 37 2 To-day, at the residence of Mr. W: D. Reutens, No. 5, Queen Street, JOSEPH WALTER, the beloved and only son of H. and M. E. Angus. Deeply Funeral at 7 o'clock to-morrow morning, the 27th instant.
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  • 774 2 IT mast be confessed that it is somewhat surprising that in a place like Singapore, where there is a large Eurasian population, no attempt has been made to resuscitate the Old Volunteer Corps, which was disbanded some years ago through lack of interest. So far back
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  • 443 2 PENANO'S GRIEVANCE, SIR, —The reply of H. E. the Governor to Mr. Vermont's speech in Council on Friday last, regarding the proposed withdrawal of the European military from Penang, has thrown much light upon a subject which was not widely known. In the face of His
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  • 2149 2 LONDON, OCT. IST, The P&O. s s. E m t i 3 the kte st addition to the fleet. A new cruiser for the German navy has been launched at Kiel. The postal rates for parcels from London to Siain hare been revise]. Italy has launched,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 316 2 McAlister&Co FOB 0 Harness and Accessories, American Baggies, AND Sulkies, Swift Victoria Cycles, Planting, Mining, Engineering Carpenter's Tools, &c &c. Drain Pipes, Fire Bricks Fire Clay, Cement, &c. FOR PARTICULARS AND PRICES APPLY TO McALISTER Co CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE. LIMITED. Capital Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount paid ap 500,000 Reserve Fu nd
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    • 294 2 1. IUI Hi 3i„ JtyoiograpfcM*, BT SPECIAL APPOINTMENT TO HIS MAJESTY THE KINO OF SIAM AVD HIS HIGHNESS the SULTAN OF JOHORE, SINGAPORE. Gresham House, Battery Ed„ AND 186, Orchard Eoad. Spqtialiltj: Enlargements in all sizes. Business Hours: BATTERY ROAD STUOO Week days from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Suudays
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    • 114 2 Gaggino Co. Ship Chandlers Provision Merchants, Sailmakers and Auctioneers, Navy Contractors. —:o: 11 &&F3 l&WJklB lH Assorted 9izs marble slabs, French Clarets id casks, Italian Maccaroui, Vermicelli, Italian Tomatoes in tins, o Special Fine Green Peas in tins, Italian Mineral Waters,' highly recommended as being tasteless and digestive, Preserved Pine
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    • 75 2 The Mid-day Herald is the earliest issued newspaper in the Straits Settlements and largely circulated. It is the first paper that reaches the Government, the Mercantile community, Chinese traders, Principal Hotels, Storekeepers, Clerks, #*c. w a&o the cheapest paper, Me Subscription being $1 a month for local $1.25 for outstation
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  • 132 3 The following copies of telegrams between His Excellency the Governor and the Home Government, were laid upon the table of the Legislative Council yesterday:— (1) To the Secretary of State, London. Meeting Penang inhabitants protest against removal of Troops. Resolutions go to you by next mail. They
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  • 77 3 On London. Bank 4 m/s 1/IOJ demand 1/W| Private credits 3 m/s 1/IIJ documents 3 m/s .....I/I 1-3/16 credits 6 m/ 5... 1/1 li O/i India. Bank demand 145$ On Honglcong. Bank demand J o/oprem. On Yokohama. Bank demand 3 o/o prem. On Java. Bank demand 112 Private 30
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  • 279 3 Oct. 24. Brit str. Sam Tor, Taylor, from" Bagan, Khoo Teong Fan. itr. Ban Hin Gnan, D'Cruze, from Klang, Wee Bin and co. Dnt. itr. Be ran dan, Giflfcn, from P. Bran dan, T C. Bogaardt, Brit str. Pakan, -"cott, from Mnar, Wee Bin and 00. Dot. str.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 370 3 MAILS WILL CLOSE. TOMORROW. K. Pahang, Pekan, Koantan, Kemaman, Tringgann, etc. Ho Deong, 9 a. m. Djambie, Kian. Ann, 10 a. m. Penang, and Deli, Hebe, 2. m. Sarwak, Yorwaerts, 2 p. m. Penang, and Calcutta, Kut Sang, 3 p. m. Bangkok, Gorgon, 3 p. m, Malacca, and Klang. Neera,
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    • 427 3 HARMSTOK'S CIRCUS. —:o: To-night! To-night! To-night! To-night! A MONSTER PROGRAMME A MONSTER PROGRAMME! On the old site, River Valley Road, to commence at 9 p. m. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, OCT. 30, Grand Family MatineeChildren admitted at half price to all parts of the house. Doors open at 8, commence at 4
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    • 282 3 0. TOMXt 26, HIGH STBEET, HAS just unpacked a large assortment of:— Ivory works, Christmas cards, Umbrellas, Lacquered wares, Tea sets for 2, 6, aud 12 persons, Coffee cups, Best Tama toys shirgt* Cloisonne, tortoisesheil wares, Screens, window blinds and. curtains, Brushes Hats and Caps, Carrying bags Jftd purses, Ac.,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 285 4 Riley Hargreaves Go. SOLE AGENTS FOE Royal Psycho Cycles FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN BY STARLET BROTHIKH, COVENTRY. By Special Royal Warrant of Appointment. MAE:ERS TO HER MAJEBTY THE QUEEN. A Large Consignment of "High Grade Cycles Boadsters, Light Roadster*, Itacers and Ladies 1897 Patterns. HAVE JUST BEEN UNPACKED WHICH FOE
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    • 492 4 THE DISPENSARY* A LAEGE Am) VARIED STOCK OF Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Photographic Requisites, Toilet .Appurtenances, ALZ O T PIUSY CLASS QUALITY* Vide issue of the T3D>j.g"jf 1 OF THE 4TH AUGUST, 1897, and following days, foV detailed particulars Dote Address: IHB &ISPSHSA&T Fo. 43, BATTERY ROAD. A. MACKAY, Manager. The
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    • 190 4 Katz Bros., Limited. Are now showing in their extensive show-rooms a large assorted stock r>easteadsjmd Furnishing requirements. Sizes of Bedsteads. 6J x 6 x 2 6} ft. x 6 z 1 i 6J ffc. x 6 x 1 6£ ft. x 5 x 1 ftr x 4 x 2 6£
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    • 351 4 FOR SALE. rPWO Billiard Tables complex v <*«**> Wright. t particulars and terms.' Apply BAFFLES TIFFIN ROOMS Singapore, 15th Sept., 1897. --Board and lodging r famil y near f owa by English Gentleman, of quiet domestical habtts. Terms must be accordance with requirements. "CIRE," c/o 14 Mid-day Herald." NltfA MAHOMED
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