Mid-day Herald, 22 October 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • 271 1  - P O FRANK RITCHIE, Agent. Orricr, COLLTBR QUAT, WHARVES, NEW HAKBOUR. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Steam for China, Japan. Penang, Ceylon, iadia. Australia. Aden, Egypt, Marseilles, Gibraltar. Malta. Brindisi, Venice, Plymouth, and London. Through Dills of Lading issued or Pernion Gulf, Continental and Kwerie.au wtx, aho for China Coast pnd >Sau
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  • 118 1 Telegraphic Address LICORNE. Singapore. Tho mail steamers will leave Singapore •n or about the undermentioned dates.— OUTWARD. HOMEWARD. IW. 1897. Dates Dates Melbourne Oot, 19 La<>3 Oct, 5 K. Si inous Oct, 30 J Yarra Oct, 19 Halazio Nor, 1C j Sydney Nov, 2
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  • 60 1  -  ST. V. B. DOWN. ilon, Secretary. The public are iuformed that the address of the Society s inspector Ma. PAGLAR, is at Old Gaol site, Brass l»ass;t Koad. Ail [Kjrsons wishing to report any cases cruelty which may come under their 1
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  • 242 1 JAPAN. k EUROPE. VIA CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES 9 ROUTE VIA BHANGHAI, NAGASAKI, KOBE, YOKOHAMA, VICTORU AND VANCOUVER, B. C. Twin Screw Steamships—£,ooo Tons —lO,OOO Horse-Power—Speed 19 knots. PBOPOSRD SAILINGS PROM Hoxaxoxo. Empress of Japan, Empress of China, Empress of India,
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  • 304 1  -  JAMES SELLAR Manager THIS Comptffy executes ships' repairs of all descriptions in the moat efficent manner under the superintendence! of Europeaa Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 GRAYING DOCK Length—4ls feet. Depth of Water, from 14 to 15| feet. Width at Entrance, 42 feet. No.
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  • 210 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON Micnger THE above Dock, witaated in Province Welleslfty, at the entrance of tlio Pry© Kiver, has lately been lengthened anJ deeDen»d, and is now of the following dimensions Length on the blocks 330 feet Breadth at entrance 50 Depth of wnter on sill
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 81 1 FOR DURABILITY, DESIGN, AND EASY RUNNING, THERE IS NO BICYCLE TO BEAT THE JEIGJH." It is the favorite with racing men. —:o: TO BE HAD OJTLY FROM E. M. LYON CO., STRAITS CYCLE AGENCY, 15, BATTERY ROAD. Good Articles. si&as S3 n No. 4% HIGH STREET, I[ U j"*t re<y*ive«l
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    • 224 1 n i»*ii'Tni.«wr*iif»- v ->* i* pi' iif MILLLWRIGHTS, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS, CONTRACTORS. OPPOSITE GENERAL POST OFFICE. Specialities. Lyon's Patent Liherian Coffee Pulper, Lyon's Patent Dry Cherry Huller, Lyon's Self Acting Tapioca Machinery, Rice Mills Wood Working Machinery, Cattle Powers Oil Mill Plant, Pine Apple Preserving Plant. On Hand For Sale. Overshot
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    • 215 1 It VvU MUUB H"* of all local occurrences, ana general news of the day. cffi, S«w92S raw i.aat. It ia therefore a good medium for Advertising. Editor, F. ERSKINE-PITTAR. Reporter, CHARLES VIOAR, Parliamentary andOongreaaional bhorthand writer. Manager, JOHN MURRAY FROIS. HUTTENBACH BROS. CO. Chtibbw* IRON SAFES AND LOCK, The best
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  • 320 2 THE CASE OP THOMAS ESSON. IN reporting the attempted suicide, by Thomas Esson, the chief engineer of the s.s. Hong Leong on Tuesday last, we said some little time had elapsed before he was admitted into the General Hospital, in consequence of some wretched formalities not
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  • 290 2 WAS IT PLAOUE Says the Calcutta Englishman It will be news to most people to hear, that events have proved the high mortality at Singapore, in the winter of 1895-tf, to have been re illy due to plague, although not recognised as such. It would
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  • 1497 2 THUUSDAY, OCT. 21ST, 1897. PRESENT. His Excellency the Governor (Sir Charles B. H. Mitchell, ac.u.o.) The Hon. the Officer Commanding the Troops and Acting j Colonial Engineer (Colonel J. du T. Bogle). the Acting Colonial Sec- i retary (C. W. S. Kynnersley.) the Acting Resident Councillor of Malacca
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 322 2 McAlister&Co FOB Harness and Accessories, American Baggies, AND Sulkies, Swift Victoria Cycles, Planting, Mining, Engineering Carpenter's Tools, &c-f,&c. 0 Drain Pipes, Fire Bricks Fire Clay, Cement, &c. FOE PARTICULARS AND PRICES APPLY T$ McALISTER Co. CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE. LIMITED. Capital Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount pai l up 500,000 Reserve Fund 500,000
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    • 300 2 h%i yijalogrßplj«ts, BT SPECIAL APPOINTMENT TO HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF SIAM HIS HIGHNESS the SULTAN OF JOHORE, SINGAPORE. Gresham House, Battery Ed., AND 186, Orchard Road. £pqtialiti}: Enlargements in all sizes. Business Hours: BATTERY ROAD STUDIO We 'k days fr<un 3 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays Closed. ORCHARD ROAD
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    • 115 2 Gaggino Co §hip Chandlers Provision Merchants, Sailmakers and Auctioneers, Navy Contractors. —:o: wa tm umat S3 3T®SS» Assorted size marble slabs, French Clarets ia casks, Italian Maccaroni, Vermicelli, Italian Tomatoes in tins, Special Fine Green Peas in tins, Italian Mineral Waters, highly recommended as being tasteless and digestive, Preserved Pine
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    • 68 2 The Mid-day Her is liest issued newspaper in the Straits Settlements and largely circulated It is the Jirst paper that reaches the Government, the Mercantile immunity Chinese traders, Principal Hotels, Storekeepers, Clerks, is a&o //<£ cheapest paper, Me Subscription being $1 month for local 1.25 /or outstation Subscribers. The advertising
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  • 1534 3  -  (By Cai>c Canem.) This is the 80n<r of the future candidate fop the Pilot's service. All are reserved, snd candidates a»i>t oi ly sing it when their teachers are away, either l-elow setting their or enjoying a teU-a-teU with I the Captain:— Who tan rht m* h> w
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  • 238 3 (Before the Hon. Mr Justice Leach,) THK FOWIFS or THE ACTIHG OFFICIAL ASSIGNED. IK the matter of the adjudication of An Kem Cheng, Mr. Brydges rasel the quest ion y ester, lay *s to whether the Acting Official Assignee had the legal estate of the bankrupt vested in
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  • 115 3 Friday, 22nd,— High Water,—7.42 a.. 7.33 D. Property Sale, Hons Tecs Chye, 2,30 p m Tsnglin Club "At Home" 9pm Saturday, 23rd, High Water,—B.27 a., 8.33 p. Exchange Banks Close noon Third Day Races. St Andrew's Social Society, Musical Evening and Dance, RaWes Institution 8,30 p m Sunday,
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  • 79 3 On London. Bank 4 m/s 1/11-7/16 demand 1/1 1-5/16 Private credits 3 m/« J/11-11/16 documents 3 m/s 1/11} n credits 6 m/ 5... 1/IM3/16 On India. Bauk demand 148| On Hongkong. Bank demand f o/o par. On Yokohama. Bank demand 5 o/o prem. On Java. Bank demand 114 Private
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  • 131 3 Oct 21. Ital etr. Litimbro, BeUito, frost, Bombay, B*-kn Meyer and co. f r J Z übm J tro W. Manvfield and co. Dot atr. rtri Bandjar, flak, from Penang, Woo Bin and 00. Brit, str Rnby Brace, from Flaembang, Lim Lan and co. n atr. Fan tee,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 218 3 MAILS WILL CLOSE. TOMOBBOW Bankok, Cerberus, 9 a. m. Bangkok and Deli, Calypso, 2 p. m. Penan*. Sri Bandjar, 3 p.m. Penang, Rio, 3 p, m. Labnan Kudafc, Sandakan, Darrel, Bar, Hecuba. 3 p. m. Malacca, Port, Dickaon, and, Klang, Sap. pho, 4 p. m, Malacca, and, Eugenie, 4 p.
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    • 438 3 BOYAL MENAGERIE. This talented Company will r*-appear in Singapore for a abort season only. GRAND OPENING NIGHT, KONDAY, OCTOBER 25th. Prices of Admission. Boxes (6 chairs) Single Seats (back) Dreaa Circle Stalls Gallery (natives only) ftOOO 2.< X» 1.50 0.50 0.8«J Box plan st Messrs. Kelly 6 Walsh's. ROBERT LOVE.—Manager.
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    • 269 3 For Sale; A large«sised brief Remington typewriter, in thorough working order. No reasonable offer refused. Apply to Typist, c/o this office. Messrs- Oaldbeck Uacgregor Co., AG C NTS FOR THK AQUARIUS COMPANY. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT^ pHAMP 4 GNES, PORTS, CLARETS, Whisker, Brandy and Beer, Gins, Liqnenrs, and Bitters. Califomian
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 291 4 Co. SOLE AGENTS FOE Koyal Psycho Cycles FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN BY STARLEY ]SROTHERB, COVENTRY. Special Royal "Warrant of Appointment.. MAKERS TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. A Largo Con- ignmcnt of High Grade Cycles Roadsters, Light Roadsters, Racers and Ladies 18y7 Patterns. HATE JUST BEEN UNPACKED WHICH FOR Design Strength
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    • 503 4 THE DISPENSARY A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Photographic Requisites, Toilet Appurtenances, OF FtUST Vide issue of the OF THE 4TH AUGUST, 1897, and following days, for detailed particulars Note Address: No. 43, BATTERY ROAD. A. MACKAY, Manager. 1 *9 j?Jts *:> IPyJI i£§*ii W, f;m BF.H
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    • 182 4 Katz Bros., Limited. Are now showing in their extensive show-rooms a large assorted stoc steads and Furnishing requirements. Sizes of Bedsteads, i 6 x 2 ft. x 6 i 1 i 4 6J ft. x 6 x 1 ft. x 5 x 1 64 ft. x 4 x 2 6£
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    • 393 4 FOR SALE. rpWO Billiard Tables eomplct* George Wright. London. t particulars and terms. Apply RAFFLES TIFFIN ROOMS. Singapore, loth Sept., 1897. TyANTED —Board and lodgino i D quiet family near town by English Gentlemau, of quiet habits. Terms must be moderate t accordance with requirements. "CIRE," c/o 4t Mid-day Hera!
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