Mid-day Herald, 16 October 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • 261 1  - P O FiiANK iirrcuiK, A-'eat. Omcx, COLLIER QUAR, FFHITTFU, NEW HARBOUR. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Steam frr ch.na, Japan. Penang, Ceylon, India Australia. Aden, Fgypt, Marseilles, Gibraltar, Malta. BrindLsi, Venice, flyrnuti, and London. Tljioii'/h Hills of Lading issued ii r l erftifin (ivlf y Cowtivpvtal and A,fi»ricnn orf*, oho for China
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  • 116 1 Tde.jrtphic. A I Irez* IjICORNB. Shi'inpore. h 1 w"ll loive Sinsfnnoro or ahtiut t lie under mentioned dates.— «)»rTW\lil>. HOMK\rAItD. iw. 1897. Dittos Mijoiipne Oct, 19 I Oct, 5 :v>im Oct, 30 Yarra Oct, 19 no Nov, to Sydney N »v, 2 Caled -nieii
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  • 62 1  -  ST. V B DOWN, Hon, Secretary. Thk pnhlio are informed fhnt the ad-t-n of ihfl JSocit*tr s Inspact'ir iM»:. a. P..oj.\k, ig at OM tTaol site, Brass •via t'o-ui. All i»e *«mi wishing to report any c <=e* crucLy wSiieh moy come
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  • 256 1 THE FAST ROTTTE BETWEEN CHINA, JAPAN" EUROPE. VIA CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES ROU TE VIK SHANGHAI. NAGASAKI, KOBE, YOKOHAMA. VICTOUI/ AND VANCOUVER, B. C. Twin ficrew Steamships—o,ooo Tons —lO,OOO Horse-Power—Speed 19 knots. PRopnarn S*IL»NOS FROM Hongkong. W**dnesday, Wednesday, Wedneeday, 2°th Sept,
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  • 318 1  -  JAMES SELLAR Manager Turs nmmnv execute* ships' renairs of all descriptions in thr» most effieent ninniier nnder the superintendence! of Enropean Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 GRAVING DOCK Length—4ls feet. Denfch of Water, from 14 to 15| feofc. Width at Entrance, 42 feet. No.
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  • 214 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON Thb above D<»ck, witnated in Provinoo Wellesley, at th« entrance of the Pryo Hiver, has lately been lengthened ani deenea.'d, and is not* of the following dimensions on the b!*ks 331 fwet Breath at entrwe .30 Dentil of water on sill at orJinary
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 76 1 FOX DURABILITY, BfSICiJ. and cast ruining, InfcrfE IS ti<J BICrCLE TO BEAT THE -KALEIGH." :o: It ii th 3 fjwrita with menTO BE n \T> ONI.T FTtOM E. M. LYON CO., OT.IAITSCfCLE AGENCY, 15, OATTERY ROAD. n.'lirl <u Oi ma sd„ N U, UltiH STREET, j received New Flnw rs.
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    • 193 1 RIILLLWRIGHTS, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS, CONTRACTORS, OPPOSITE GENERAL POST OifFICB. Specialities. Lyon's Patent Liberian Coffee Pulper, Lyon's Patent Dry Cherry Huller* Lyon's Self Acting Tapiosa Machinery, ltice Mills Wood Working Machinery, Cattle Powers Oil Mill Plant, Pine Apple Preserving Plant. On Hani For Sale. Overshot Water Wheel 18 feet dia, Overshot Water
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    • 251 1 ®ih-bag Wcffl'iassjir States sum. J»**> It oontains fnjl a«d fnWhe of ft'l local occurrences, *nd ail uie general news of tne day. It has a large and incr*adng circulation, is real hy every <na3S of tne community, and is consideredoneoi tne best conducted journal lirthe.far fcan It ia therefore a
      251 words

  • 293 2 THE Singapore pilots have! now gtarted to air what, appearsj to he a really reasonable griev- ance, and they seein to have right on- their side, and just grounds for their demands for enhanced rates. The rates, at present rulmg, do not appear to be adequate
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  • 621 2 About Chinese d >m stic servants, I have 1 itely had many conversations, with mrms and tuan& and all of those I hire spoken to, so far, are of one mind in their preference for the Vial tys, and would have no
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  • 360 2 OCT. 15TH, \b97. (Before the Hon. the Acting Chief Justice, an I Justices bono and Htfn<U man-Jones*) THE SARXWAK AND SINGAPORE STEAMSHIP COMPANY. A SHARK DISPUTE. Their Lordships were encased yesterday aft-ruo >n i t h*armgan a »peal against a judgment of Mr. Jus i<*e Leach,
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  • 2033 2 LUCID DOWN OX SIAN 1 Sir DEAR TRINCULO 0 e of the rariti**» our a*e f is a woman who is happy." This iasli d<i laration VLS male to me the other »i «y by a p<*>r creature, who ma t undouhtedlv hate b-'cn
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 321 2 McAlister&Co FOE Harness and Accessories, American Buggies, AND SolMes, t Swift Victoria Oc'es, Planting, Mining. Engineering Tools,. be, 4 Drain Fire Bricks Fire Clay, Cement, &c. FOR PARTICULARS AND PRICES > APPfcTTO-" McALISTER Co. CANTON IXSIJRxNCg 'OPKIi E. LIMITED. Capital SubscrilKjd $2,000,000 Amount paiil :ip 5UU,000 Reserve Fund 6uU,UUt> He;«d
      321 words
    • 307 2 i, unn? i tiq BT SPECIAL APPOINTMENT TO MIS MAJESTY THE KINO OF SIAM AND HIS HIGHNESS the SULTAN OF JOHORE, SING FORE. Gresham House, Battery Bd.. AND 186, Orchard Boad. Btolai'gemente ia 'all sizes. i art* .t. tymnet* .ItflUK*: BATTEar BOAD STUDIO We k »iays fr"in 8 a.nu to
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    • 115 2 Gaggino &Co. :oj Ship Chandlera Pra/isioa Merchants, > Sailm%k9Ts and Auctioneers, Kavy Contractors. —:o: ws 14?5 awaia IS 35©$$, Assorted marble slabs, French Clarets in casks, Italian Maccaroui, Vermicelli, Italian Tomatoes in tins. Special Fine Green Peas in tins, Italian Mineral Waters, highly recommended as being taste- less and digestive,
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    • 75 2 The Mid-day Herald the cart licit issued newspaper in (he Straits Settlements and largely circulated. It is the first paper that reaches the Government, the Mercantile community, Chinese traders > Principal Hotels, Storekeepers, Clerks, Bfc. It is al*o the cheave.it paper, the Subscription being $1 a month for local, and
      75 words

  • 317 3 Tlrere was cb*isid tnblc ex*irem«n*i \m& evenring in- Q.i-'en Str»et ail tlie R>c'i«»re Rial, over th 3 escip-ide •►f a larg3-sia -1 o.*ansf i>a ai. wii'cV tftina ed t i es>i|fce froai its «ap at Stieef. fr. wu ab -u-* o
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  • 62 3 Saturday, 16th.— High Water.—l.32 a., 1.2 p. Jelebu Mining and Trading 00., noon. Star of East, <*. T., p. m Ternperance Chib. Singapore CI ib. 8.30 p m. Cricket,—S. 00. v. Rifle Britrade. 8. O- C (2nd XI.) v. C. CO, BR. B« Sunday. 17th.— Fish Water. —2.11
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  • 266 3 Ucr I »TH. His Eli'e'lemrv the GiV.Timr has been ple.isel to a 'point the l>*puty Ala-tert At'en »an«, .Sinjipore, to li.* an t f|vr,U cler se 'ii -H H of The Passenger .Snips 0r« li mi nee 1890." Mr. E. C. C. Howard reported hii arrival
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  • 76 3 Oil Loa ion. B iak 4- m/» 1/' demand i/l -7/Itf Private credits r document* iii/j» 1/11 itf/1 >P credit* <>• m/*... 1,1. J Oil Lilit* Bank dennad 149 O.* liongkonp. Ba.uk demand J o/o dig* On Yokohama. Bank demand 5 o/o prcm. On Java. Bank demand 110 Private
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  • 273 3 Oct. 14. Daend -la and c+ Brit «'jt L HnJimi. HardoiUtle, from MairiS, B ilea l and 01). tier Btr I'icoioU, tfus from Calbatta, T. B>>gaanlr.. f Oer Air Set in. Z ulhariae, fron, Guinea, Behn Mr jar air) co. Biita'r. Patmclax, Dt'l ns, from Yokohama, W. Man-field
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 435 3 MAILS WILL CLOSE. TO.DAT. PeOang and Deli, Oiljpao, 2 p- m* Penan*. Sri Ban ijar, 2 p.m. Malacca. Port Dickaon and Klang, Sappho, 4 p.m. Deli, Baroatra, 4 p. m, Pontianak, Sri Pontianak. 4 p, m, Soarabaja and Mncamr, Prins, Alexander, 4 p. m, Mantok and Ruby, 4 p. m,
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    • 565 3 Abadie's Menagerie This wet I known troape of performing animals has now returned to Sin-i*pore, and performances are given at the foot of Fori Canning IHI I, EVERY DAY FROM 8 A. M. TO 10 P. M.. SUNDAYS ALSO. A fall Cambodia Tiger, four Leopards, a Baby Elephint living on
      565 words
    • 277 3 TO LET A Suite of rootts at the Mmwo* Cfaa be let ai"gly. Bent moderate. Apply to MBTEK BROS. Messrs- Caldbeck Maogrago I a Co., AQENTS FOR THE AQUARIUS COMPANY. WIVE AND SPIRIT MERCIIAXT3W AMP' PORTS, CLARETS, v Whidte and B >er, Oias, Liq »e'ir< Fitter*. Calif'tunff R>l fin I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 303 4 Riley Har greaves Ca. SOLE AGENT 3 FOR Royal Psycho Cycles FOE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN BY STARLKY HROTHBRS, COVENTRY. By Special Roynl Warrant o! Appointment. MAKERS TO HER MAJKSTY THE QUEEN. n» 9 A Lir«fft of Eisrh 'rf >deOvcles RoadvW*. Li-'ht 11-misters. Racer* and I »Hi 1 R-*7 Pntt'-r H
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    • 497 4 THE DISPENSARY A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Photographic Requisites, Toilet .Appurtenances, Al>X> Of FIRST CLASS QTJAMTT, a Vide issue of the FffIPRF OP THE 4TH AUGUST, 1897, and following days, for detailed particulars Rote Address: THB BIS^BHSAET Ho. 43, BATTERY ROAD. A. MACKAY, S W Manager.
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    • 200 4 Katz Bros Limited. .t. Are now showing in their extensive show-rooms a large assorted stock i>e steads and Furnishing requirements. Sizes of Bedsteads. CJ x 6 i 2 61ft. x6zl{ 6J ft. x 6 x 1 61 ft. x 5 x 1 61 ft. x 4 x 2 61 ft.
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    • 399 4 nrUVO Billiard Tabl<« complete, r George Wnjjht London, f* particular* and terms. Apply RAFFLES TIFFIN ROOMS Singapore, loth Sept., 1897, "yCTA.NTKD—Hoard and lodmn* i fc J! quiet family near town by English Geutleman,*of quiet domesticate habits. Terms m.ist be moderate i accordance with requirements. "CI RE/* c/o «MiLd vy Herald."
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