Mid-day Herald, 15 October 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • 263 1  - P O FRANK BITCHIB, Age ufc. OrFICW, CoLLTEK '^UAT f BTEAM V.Ui ATION COMPANY Steam tbr Cfcim, Japan. Penan*. Ceylon, I&dia. AdeL, Egypt, Marsei'.iee, Gibr2JL*r, Malta. Drindisi, Venice, r'.ymoati, and London.' Through Hills of Lading issued for Persian Gulf, Continental!• and American orts, also for China Coast »,id San Francisco
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  • 123 1 Tdegraphic A Ureas Licokne. Singapore. Hip mnil steamers will leave Singapore or a uout the undermentioned dates.— Outward. Homrward. i *97. 1897. D.«tes D<i ti'S tf Dot, 19 T,ao* Oct, 5 Simons Oct, 30 I Ynrra Oct. 19 S": zi«* Nov, 16 Sydney N-v,
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  • 63 1  -  tit. V. B. DOWN. Hon, Secretary. Thk pnblic are informed tliat the adr.ess of the Society s Inspector M«. F. Paolaa, is at 01*1 Gaol site, Br;ujs "••Srta Road. VII pe -sons wishing to report any cases *ruoitv which may come under
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  • 250 1 THE FAST ROUTE BETWEEN CHIN A, JAPAN. SL EUROPE. VIA CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES ROUTE VIA SHANGHAI. NAGASAKI, KOBE, YOKOHAMA. VICTOR!/ .AND VANCOUVER, B. C. Twin Screw Steamships—6,ooo Tons —lO,OOO Horse-Power—Speed 19 knots. Proposkd Sailtnob from Hongkong. Empress w* Japan, Wednesday,
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  • 308 1  -  JAMES SELLAR Manager THIS Compinv executes ships' repairs of al! descriptions in th<* most efficent manner under the of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 GRAVING DOCK— Length—4ls feet. Depth of Water; from 14 to 15| feet. Width at Entrance, 42 feet. No. 2
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  • 216 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON MtmrurrT, THE above Dock, situatod in Province Welleal«y, at the entrance of the Prye Hiver, ha B lately been lengthened and deepen.ni, and is now of the following dimensions:— Length on the block* 330 feet Breadth at entrance SO tt Depth of water
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 66 1 FOX DURABILITY, o cslC*, AMD EASY RUNNING, TntHZ SIC/CuE iO BEAT THE "RALEIGH." —:o: It is the favorite with racing men —:o: TO BE HAD ONLY FROM E. M. LYON CO., ST3AITS CYCLE AGENCY, 15, BATTERY ROAD. Good Articles. ***** SIS No. 43, HIGH STBKKT, jJV\ K |'Hfc New K
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    • 217 1 MILLLWRIGHTS, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS, CONTRACTORS. OPPOSITE GENERAL POST OFFICE* Specialities Lyon's Patent Liherian Coffee Pulper, Lyon's Patent Dry Cherry Huller, Lyon's Self Acting Tapioca Machinery, Kice Mills Wood Working Machinery, Catt.lt* Powers Oil Mill Plant, Pine Apple Preserving Plant. On Hand For Sale. Overshot Water Wheel 18 feet dia, Overshot Water
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    • 240 1 THS States, Sum, Jata, It oontains fnll and extended Jf-P 07 of all local occurrences, end all toe general newt of the day. It has a large and inareaaing Local circulation, is read by every ol y community, and In ooosmere® oneof tti^tSSSSSBifSS^JSSSSS Advertising. Editor, F. ERSICINE-PITTAfI. Reporter, CHARLES VIGAR,
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  • 888 2 THE extremely limited power that is vested in Mr. Hooper, as Registrar of Hackney Carriages and Jinrickshas, is a matter that is greatly to be deplored, and notwithstanding the frequent expressions of public opinion on the subject, through th« medium of the local press, no steps
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  • 736 2  -  (By Cave Oanem.) The light *nd da A shades of individual life are perceptible wherever human feet have trod: the wrongs j of men, and the snfferingt of inno- cent womeu and children, are to be seen on every hand; the horrible trade in human life goes on,
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  • 941 2 PROTECTION OF GIRLS. THE LAW INEFFECTUAL. SIB, --The protection of woi n and girls has been the suV j-M-t «,f gome legislation in this Colony the C. D, Acts were repeal.-,: and it was thought rente vessels of humanity had a of being as free here
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 336 2 McAlister&Co FOR Harness and Accessories, American Baggies, AND Sulkies, Swift Victoria Cycles, Planting, Miniilg, Engineering Carpenter's Tools, &c, &c. Drain Pipes, Fire Bricks Fire Clay, Cement, &c. FOB PARTICULARS AND PRICES APPLY TO Mc A LISTER Co. CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE. LIMITED. Capital Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount paul up 600,000 Reserve Jb'uud
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    • 294 2 h !L Si Slip BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT TO HIS MAJESTY THE IttNQ OP SIAM AVD HIS HIGHNESS the SULTAN OF JOHORE, SINGAPORE. Gresham House, Battery Bd., AND 186, Orchard Boad. Spqtinlili}: Enlargements in all sizes. Sjustness Hours BATTERY ROAD STUDIO We-k days fr«»m 8 a.m. t9 5 p.m. Sunday!) Closed.
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    • 114 2 Robinson Co. The Premier HELICAL TUBE CYCLES hare the largest sale. 83,000 of these machines were sold in 1896. IIOBINSON CO., Agents for Straits Settlements. a oJ? o <o* <? Raleigh Cycles ARE THE BEST. E.M.LYON&Co. Straita Cycle Agency' The Mid-day Herald is the earliest issued newspaper in the Strait*
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  • 171 3 Sir, —It is all T-ry w-ll for y«»ur Cave C anem to try and t over th*- sins of a faulty police force by nvilm/ those who merely point uat th<ne gin-, and en«leaT-'iiriiig to i l.,the the w .wis «»f a vety high offif ial
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  • 154 3 OCT. 14TH, 1897. (before the Hon. ike Acting Chief Justice,, and Junta** Leach, Ilynd-man-Jones and JAIW.J A i'ttH.IMINASY OBJECTUir OUSTS AN AFPKAfc. On an apodal (it-elf of no public ntei est) lie ng <al!e<l «»n yestetdaj lireruoon, Mr. Forf, on heb;»lf «-f the nisei a preliminary
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  • 1772 3 I litfme Ihe Hon, Jv*Hc*x l.ow, I tack nnrt Hynrfman Jones.) ISABt.LLA IiOWAKTH DAVID FF.ROGSON vs. KDWARI) JAIIKS N ANSON, AND CHAKLKS EDWIN CRANK. iLLKOED NCOLIOKNCN >N THE PKITFUKMANO« to* A TRUST. This »ms an apj>eal against an or•W made in Chambers by the *cti tf 'li'cl J
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  • 84 3 —:o: High Water,—0.59 a., 052 p. 8. v. A. Squad and Sword drill, 5-15 p m Cricket,—S. 0. C. v. Rile Brigade. Saturday, 16th,— High Water,—1.32 a., 1.2 p. Jelebu Mining and Trading Co., noon. Btar of East, Q. T., 7.30 p. m., Ternperanee Club. Singapore Chess Club,
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  • 80 3 On London. B «nk 4 m/s l/ll I demand 1/1 i. Private credits 3 m/s 1/ 11 11/16 documents 3 m/s I /111 credits 6 m/ 5... 1/i i-13/16 On India. Bank demand 148) On Hongkong. Bank demand o/o dig. On Yokohama. Bank demand 5 o/o prem. On Java.
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  • 209 3 Oct. 18. Nor. star. Unity, Htin<*eu, from Otarn. Borneo 007. Ltd. Brit ei.r. Sapphc, Wuhl. from Klang, 8. B* ship ooy. Ltd. atr. Ban Seng Gunu, Lyous from B#».koK Ban >en^ str. Hon? Wan, Sellart. from Malacca Wee Bin and 00. Oct. 14. str. Propontas. Baccaonee, from Tamatave
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 128 3 MAILS WILL CLOSE. TO.MORROW. Batu Pahat, Boon San 1.10 a. m. Hongkong. Propontis, 11 a. m. Penang and Deli, Calypso, 2 p. m. Penan*. Sri Bandjar, 2 p. m. Malacca. Port Dickson and Klang, Sappho, 4 p. m. Deli, Sumatra, 4 p. m, Pontianak, Srt Poutiansk, 4 p, m, Sourabaya
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    • 350 3 TO LET. A Suite of rooms at the Mansion. Can be let singly. Rent moderate. Apply to MEYER BROS. :o: Ship Chandlers ft Provision Merchants, Sailmakers and Auctioneers, Navy Contractors. VI l&Vl UVUI It SMfit, Assorted size marble slabs, French Clarets in casks, Italian Macoaroni, Vermicelli# Italian Tomatoes in tins,
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    • 270 3 WANTED. /CHINESE Shipping Clerk. Good Till bo paid for a cpable energetic man* Apply with references to L. B. H. t o jo Mid-day Herald." Messrs CaldbeCk MacgregW Co., AGENTS rOR THE AQUARIUS COMPANY. WINE AND SPIRIT MBBCHANT3fiBAMV ONBB, POBTa, CLARETS, V" Whisker. Brandy and B«CT, Gin». Liqnaan, and Ktter'-
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 300 4 Riley Hargreaves Co. SOLE AGENTS FOE Royal Psycho Cycles t'OR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN BT STARLIT KBOTHEES, COVENTRY. Bv Special Royal Warrant of Appointment. MAKERS TO lIER MAJESTY THE QUEEN". A-Innre Consignment of High Grade Cycles Roadsters L'. r ht Ro.idstera, RacerH and Ladies 18'*7 Patterns. HAVE JUST BEEN UNPACKED WHICH
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    • 493 4 THE DISPENSARY 3ia«fiPt>ss. A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Photographic Requisites, Toilet Appurtenances, Ai»t» or yiasT grass qoamtt, Vide issue of the m M r m MrT OF THE 4TH AUGUST, 1897, and following days, for detailed particulars Note Address: IHB No. 43, BATTERY ROAD. A. MACKAY, Manager.
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    • 184 4 Are now showing in their eX tel show-rooms a large assorted stoc steads and Furnishing requirements. Sizes of Bedsteads. <4x6x2 6i ft. x 6 x H 6J ft. x 6 x 1 6i ft. x 5 x 1 ft. x 4 x 2 ft. i 4 i 1J 6J ft.
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    • 364 4 FOR SALE. rpwo Billiard Tables compK* George Wripht, London] v' 7 particulars and terms. -Apply BAFFLES TIFFIN POOMSingapore, loth Sep*., 1897. ANTED Board an.l lodging quiet family near tow,; English Gentlemau, of quist habits. Terms must be moderate accordance with requirements. "CIRE," c/o Mil-day Herald" NINA MAHOMED K. MARft;^\ Baffles
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