Mid-day Herald, 10 August 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • 236 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON Manager. Til' a'oove l>oek, situated in Province W.-il.-.1-v. at the cniMiiee of the Prve Kivrr. iias la'elv Wen lengthened ;ind 11 'i• j•• 11■i, and is now of tlie following (iitnetisi ns li-'Tv.'t'i on the bloeks feet Bnadth :it entranee *»0 ]>»•!»»h <>f
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 277 1 Gljf 'QJiiJ-biiij l)eral&," jSittgajiorr Tirf office of publication of thw paper i> at x\o, li>, Malacca- ;>**, > Th<- hour of publication is at 1 p, in, daily ami at noon on Saturdays. Tie .te of snb-eripfion is SI n manth f. lo«al juifl 2a for outstation subset Single copies
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    • 267 1 ESTABLISHED 1825. Singapore Dis TELEPHONE No. 66 :i n 11 (LTMITED WHOLESALE RETAIL CHBLIIBTS fe DRUGGISTS, jina!r-b fjjnnijiaqtnrcqs, 6^., 40, RAFFLES PLACE, (Next Door to John Little Co.) Yft| '5 W -W fcj aw H BM| Physicians' Prescriptions accuratelyprepared trith pure Drugs, and checkedunder direct supervision. A!/ Drugs and Chemicals
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    • 149 1 Ml ii i m WE WILL ENDEAVOUR TO SELL At Most Modern fe Prices, and to jo ire every possible satisfaction to all our customers Loth IK PRICE AKB QMLITY. We are able to do this because all our articles come direct from the principal and best manu/acj taring towns
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    • 398 1 Kupper's Beer, CHOP. PAYONG the only beer which received any award at the Chicago Exhibition. Chubb's IRON SAFES AND LOCK, The best in the world. Apollinaris Water, The queen of table waters, a most healthy and refreshing drink in tropical conntries. $l5 00 pej.case of 100 gla«s bottles. 7.60 hf.
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  • 610 2 AFTKR dealing with the subject of the desirahilitv of a Fourth Magistrate, we think it quite opportune to touch upon the equally pressing necessity of having sufficient compet* nt interpreters in our Judic al Courts. The notice, given by the Hon'ble J. I\ Joaquim in the Legislative Council
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  • 202 2 IS IT HEALTHY TO WORK HARD IT is very unhealthy to work hard,'' says a medical man, unless you are capable of keeping a strong hand on your appetite. To be healthy, a hard-working man should eat in moderation. Excessive eating," he says, u is an abuse that tends to
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  • 267 2 Tuesday, 10th,— High Water,—9.32 a., 8.27 p. Entertainment Town Hall. Wednesday, 11th, High Water, —10.19 a., 9.28 p. Thursday, 12th, High Water.—lo.s7 a., 10.19 p. Full Moon, 9.17 p. m. Municipal Commission, 2.30 p. m. Flower of East, G. T., 7.30 p. in., Tein« perance Club. Lodge Zetland
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  • 263 2 Now that the Jubilee is over, it is interesting to note age and leru'th of reign of other European monarchs, Only three are older than Queen Victoria. The oldest is the Grand Duke of little Luxemburg, who is eighty. Denmark's King is seventy- nine, the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 478 2 CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. Capital Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount paid up 8 500,000 Reserve Fund 500,000 Head Office, Hongkong. General Agents. Messrs. Jardine Matheson Co. The undersigned having been appointed Agents for the abovo Company are prepared to accept mariue risks at current rates. A Bonus is annually paid to all
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    • 206 2 Good Articles. No. 43, HIGH STREET, HAVE now opened, and are selling at cheap rates. Ladies' and Children s Straw Hats, French twill flannel, Nun's veiling. Hosiery and ribbons, &c, <fcc. Give us a visit and see for yourself. 4 PAINLESS DENTISTRYDR. STEPHENS, DENTIST, T IVES in Office, at 6,
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    • 190 2 NO. 5, BATTERY RD. JjST ~ZT~ PIANOS BOUGHT OR C R« EXCHANGED O Stored, Packed and Removed. I O p PIANOS ORGANS N Toned by skilled and expe- >- I rienced Tuners. Q N BRASS, WOOD, AND STRINGED s INSTRL'IIKNTS. So STRINGS, FITTINGS AND P m N SUNDRIES. Q •o
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  • 351 3 —1 liavc been asked to give publicity t<» the idea, prevailing vniongst a number of Terpsichorean bachelors, of holding a Fancy Dress JJiil 1, either towards the end of this month, or early in September, and to inv.te opinion upon this proposal, in »rder to gather what
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  • 234 3 D::\R V :R, —■<'an jaothing be done to put a >t"p to the fur oils a d carelr>> driviuj that in i) be witnessed u rnost eve y evening ill the northern a; .ache-.iothe Esplanade, especially I tnat part of Stamford lwa t»om about tie* oid gaol to
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  • 240 3 Sir, *s a to the Fund nod ;is a of the Darul AdaV i Assoeiution t '?tlar» Hrsar, I be<* u> 1 draw your aneutio ih>' ft<> 4 thit j the mciiitxTS of tl'i i v'lu i vea»* j a.:*' applied to r>ir (Von
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  • 1560 3 THIS AHTICLK WILL OPKM YOUB ETKS. -NINK oat of ten people believe," said a surgeon to the writer, "that the eye can bo takeu out for repairs, just like the works of a watch, and again replaced in the socket precisely as it was before. A moment
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  • 74 3 On London. But 4 m/s 1/10-11/16 demand 1/10-9/16 Private credits 3 m/s 1/10J documents 3 m/ 5... 1/10-15/16 fl„ credits 6 m/ 5....1/11 On India. Bank demand 146 On Hongkong. Bank demand o/o prem. On Yokohama. Bank demand 4 o/o prem. On, Java. Bank demind ..112 Private 30 d/s
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  • 252 3 AUGUST 8. British etr. Malacca, Daly, from T. Anson, 8. S'ship c«y. British str. Aaatralind, Mills, from Fremantle, Bonstead and co. British str. Glenfarg Selby, from London Bo in toad and c j. British str Hebe, Inkstor, from Deli, Mansfield Spanish transport Isla de Mindanao, Eoldos, from Barcelona
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 219 3 Chinese apprentices required in an Engineer's Office. Applj personally at No. <5, D'Almeida Street, Singapore. STOLEN OR STRAYED. From the Wavurley Hotel, a small brown-haired Mo u key, quite young. Any ono returning the same to th» Ho* c*l will confer a favour. Any on* retaining same after this notice
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  • 300 4  -  JAMES SELLAR Manager THIS Company executes ships' repairs of all descriptions in the most efficent manner nnder the superintendencei of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 GRAVING DOCK— Length—4ls feet. Depth of Water, from 14 to 15| feet. Width at Entrance, 42 feet. No. 2
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 222 4 THE DISPENSARY SlBs£ksslt3> A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Photographic Requisites, Toilet .Appurtenances, ALL Vide issue of the OF THE 4TH AUGUST, 1897, and following days, for datailed particulars Note Address: No. 43, BATTERY EOAD. A. MACKAY, Manager. naiz iiros., Limned. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND
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    • 190 4 MILLLWRIGHTS, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS, CONTRACTORS. OPPOSITE GENERAL POST OFFICE. —:o: Specialities. Lyon's Patent Liberian Coffee Pulper, Lyon's Patent Dry Cherry Huller, Lyon's Self Acting Tapioca Machinery, Kice Mills Wood Working Machinery, Cattle Powers Oil Mill Plant, Pine Apple Preserving Plant. On Hand For Sale. Overshot Water Wheel 18 feet dia, Overshot
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    • 284 4 JOSEPH BAKER, JJFXJS to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Singapore that he ha. opened a Confectionery and Vienna Bakery at No. G, Victoria Str.-et, next to the Convent. Cakes and jvtdding akt at moderate charges, and all other different kinds of cakes of the '*> st quality supplied. Ice
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