Mid-day Herald, 29 October 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • 194 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON Manager. i. I^9l. TflE .Me Dock, sit nated in Province u,i eslev, at the entrance of the K ver has lately been lengthened and it now of the follow- I "l" on the blocks 330 feet k„-dJih at entrance ou of water onsill
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  • 66 1  -  W. U. C. MIDDLE f la, Hon. Secretary. THE pnblic are informed tUit tlio *d 'dress of Ltic s Inspector MR. E. F. PAGLAK, ..e Old GaoJ *ite, Brass Basaa Koad. All persons wishing to io 4 wr; an) cases of cruelty
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  • 28 1 nR. V. A. PILLAY, L M.&S, can be consulted at any tune, day or ni*K at Baffles Dispensary, 79, North BiitUe Hoad. Singapore, 2«f«u .Aiareb, 18«J5.
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  • 61 1  -  DR. K. SUZUKI RHEUMATISM, Paralysis, Cramps, Sprains. Inejular Circulatioa of the Blood, Contracted Limbs caused by accident and various other illne** of similar nature, can be cared by the method known as the Shampoo Cure. A large number of certificates from European patients iu the Straits and Siu-»apjre. H
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  • 53 1 A Malay Version of the Improved Illustrate J Reader, First Book, has jnst been published by Sir. J. P. Kess lar, Teacher, Government Mala* School Singapore, It nnay be had from Messrs. Kelly Walsh and Messrs. Johu Little Coy., at 50 Cents per copy aod at 33 Dhoby Ghau.^
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  • 99 1  -  By order J. POLGLASE Municipal Secretary. Municipal >JF »e, Robinson Road. bin_ap«' c, ;Jr»i July, 1896. TTJUSE and Lan l Assessment Rates and Anim d and Vehicle Taxes for the half year ending December 31st 1896, and Private Water Supply Rates for the 3rd quarter 1896, are now
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  • 121 1  -  PUAH SIN KEE, TAN TOCK KEE WE the undersigned, PUAH SIN KBK and TAN TOOK KLB, hereby give notice thai we have retired from the business carried on by us in pariner-hip with TAN KIAN HBNQ KKB and (JHONQ TEK KKR, under the style <-r c«»op KIAN LKONG HIN
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 252 1 CLARKE'S PATENT Browu Leather Polish Co., Ltd. No. 43-4, Hill Street. Opposite the Armenian Church, Singapore, At the ahove address. Black and Brown Liquid Polish for crvn iiow lr obtained at $l.BO per dosen. n 5,000 GUILDERS REWARD. J-JY virtue of Netherlands-India Gov. eminent Decree of the llth J*n--arv, M,,.
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    • 383 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD SINGAPORE. THB office of publication of the "MID-DAY HERALD'* is at No. 19, Malacca Street, late the DAILY ADVERTISER PRESS." The hoar of Publication iB at 2 p. m. dally and at noon on Saturdays. The rate of subscription is $1 a month for local and $1.25
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    • 152 1 Tabaqueria Universal. 8, RAFFLES PLACE. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGRS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. BKQB to inform the public that a larere stoc'C of the choicest brands of Cigars lias been received by the last MmiU M til from the leading factories ot La Iribclar and Lu Perla
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    • 127 1 MEDICAL STORE, 31 BAFFLES PLACE. 4 I Wholesale and Retail Chemists and Druggists. WE have the honour *to inform the public that from Jan '22 nd. tfae above establish n ent will b opened as a Medical Store. Prescriptions accurately made up according to all the recjg nised Pharmacopias, &y
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    • 464 1 /"J ANTON INSURANCE OFFIOK LIMITED. CAPITAL SUBSCRIBK J «2,500,01H) AMOUNT PAID UP 9 500,000 RESERVE FUND 500.UCN HEAD OFFICII, HONGKONG. General Areata* MESSRS. JARDINE, MATHBSOV Co THE undersigned having been ap pointed Agents for Lh j abo?<: Compauy are prepared to acce;>t in trine risks at, cdrrenr, rates. A Bonus
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  • 316 2  -  JAMES SELLAR Alaaiger. THIS Company executes ships 1 re; pairs of til descriptions in the most •flicient mumer under the superinten. deuce of Eunptftn Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 GKAVING DQCK Length—4ls feet. Depth of Water from 14 feet to 15 Width at Entrance
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  • 683 2 WHEN the Armenian troubles were first brought prominently forward to the notice of Europe, it was thought that England would, unsupported, bring pressure to bear upon the Saltan, and some *people went so far as to advocate an immediate aggressive policy, but thanks to
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  • 189 2 IT would seem that there, are several gangs of hatsoatchers operatiag in differeat parts of the town and suburbs. Lately, several people driving along Serangoon Road after dusk, have been eased of their head gear. Favoured by the darkness and vtith ample room to serve as hiding places, the
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  • 907 2 Th» following it abrii.jj I c®ianiuQicatiun by c fr^,l i 0 j, P n After no»,n .tatemeo,, n .7 VB cheapness of imitation tk, B these remarks have HA a-l, t«JeoU. p4o one The reason i, not f Jr tn on. won!—quality. M rr >-•
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 269 2 COCA BITTERS. HARTWIG KANTOROWICS POSEN (VIDK 1 ANY.) ESTABLISH KD 1823. SOLE INVENTOR \ND DISTILLER OF THE COCA BITTERS. rpHE leares of the Peruvian Cocaplants represent the basis of the Coca Bitters. Besides tuis only such herbs, plants, and sp.ces are which iiav* generally o*e i acknowledged as s:i ill
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    • 311 2 BY SPECIAL WARRANT OF APPOINTMENT TO HER MAJESTY, "PSYCHO" CYCLES FOR 1896, STARLEY BROSu K m m We have now in stock a good variety of FIRST CLASS MACHINES for LADIES and GENTLEMEN, all of 1896 Pattern, with all the latest improvements. INSPECTION INVITED. Accessories for Cycles kept in stock
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    • 327 2 DORDTSCHE PETROLEUM MAATSCHAPPY, SOUR AB AY A. TIfANUFACTURIiRS of Petroleum Lubricants unequalled for Sceain Engines, Cylinders and every cla-s of Machinery. MAX STERN Co.—Agents. Singapore, 13th May, 1896. SITUATION WANTED. £JY an Eurasian who has had conl sideralde experience in clericawork. Able to correspond, trained n criininai law. and can
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  • 1117 3 We r, ;r"t to record the death of Mrs which occurred at her reiidecce, Dhoby Ghaut, this morning. Th* J oruiser Yoshino left fiiiohafln for Manila on the 12th instant. The P»*.n-* *f C-V'OQ presumes tha wa« x iuoed at B jtnbay by veto-is tradiug with Hongkong.
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  • 152 3 A statue of R »t»t?rt Burns was un veiled by Lord ttosebery at Paisley oa 26th uit. in t;he course ot a npeecii, in which he sooke ot the intlueno.* the genius ot Barm has had upon the Scotch people, L >rd Rosel/ery declared that the greatest of
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  • 460 3 Blackwood for the present month has an article on Li Hung*ohang's Visit," which sums up veiy well what most China people think about it. "The undue hopes and ill-defined expectations which were formed concerning him have all proved illusive. The visitor admired some things, sneered at
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  • 117 3  -  By order, J. POLGLASE Manicipal Secretary. Municipal Office, Robinson Road. Singapore, iSrd Sept., 1896. is hereby given the Revised Li-ts of person* duly qualified to be elected Municipal Commissionert* for the towu ot Singapore, and of pet sons .duly qoalified to vote at Municipal Elections for the several
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  • 65 3 arrangements andert*«. en ou the shortest possible nodes and on very moderate terms. Having in view the restricted circumstances of the very large majority of the community, the undersigned are prepared, where circumstances demaud it, fia allow credit for a reasonable period and to accept payment by soeii in.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 522 3 MAILS WILL CLOSE TO-MORROW. FOR Port D. Klang T Annso, Sii Hoag Ann 3 pm. MaUooa Sri Tringgana 4pm Bangkok, Medusa, 4pm JFATCST SALE OF MILLINERY, DRA. PERY, SHOP FITTINGS AND FURNHJRE, &o. The Property of Mrs. Diy, at her Premises, corner of Hill Street and (Jolemau Street, Siturdty, 31st
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    • 527 3 INDO-CHINA_S- N. CO. LTD FOR HOXGKON'G. THE Compiuy'B Str. CHELYDRA, 1,:>74 tous, Captain CASS, having left Calcutta on the 21st mat., may be expected to arrive here on or about the 30th iust, and will have prompt despatch for the above port. For freight and passage apply to BOUSTEAD A
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    • 717 3 Hit IKS, PRESENTS FOE HOME. John Little Co. Ltd. Have received fresh supplies of the following Indian aod other Cordimenta suitable for Christmas present?, and will hav« plea*u r e in *eh?ctint; and despatching— carriage paid if desired—to anv address in England or flsrwbar *uch supplies ot the following as
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  • 913 4  -  W. M. ROBERTSON I 0 Manager. THE premises of the Company are •ituated at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining the Town of Singapore. The Wharf extends to one mile and a quartei and is divided by the entrances tothe Graving Docks into three parts. The West
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 474 4 Powell &Co. SINGAPORE FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS A LARGE stock of Household 1 and Office K urnitnr*;tlAV«ys on baud. Orders cau be executed lor the best description of Furniture. Designs and Estimates supplied free of uhafge. The Chinese Workmen employed at the Orchard Road Factory include several skilled Cabinet \».kers, Carve rs»
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    • 664 4 A. FRANKEL. Furniture Dealer and Commission Agent. bas now opened his large and commodious Premies. f 375, Victoria Street. HOURS OF INSPECTION!: 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. At the above address, von can see the Largest Stock of Household and Office Fn niture in the East. Bedsteads all
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    • 513 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. jrj KUPPER3 BE ER Chop PAY ON 5," the beer which received My 3W;i M the Chicago Exhibition. C il !j 3 p. s IRON .SAPKS Locf The best in (be Wor (i APOLLINARI3 \7.VTE& The quecu of table xv a thy dad refrsUiu dri... countries. J t4
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